Free Version of Cures Act Ready BlueButtonPRO Solution for EHRs & Payers Announced by Darena Solutions
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The free offering will allow EHRs and Payers to avoid the million dollar penalty and adopt FHIR® standards to meet the Cures Act requirements in a phased manner.
By offering our solution for free, we are proud to contribute to CMS and ONC's goal to leverage the robust nature of the FHIR® standard in democratizing healthcare technology development.— DR. PAWAN JINDAL, PRESIDENT & CEO, DARENA SOLUTIONS
January 27, 2021
Darena Solutions announced today that it would offer a free version of its BlueButtonPRO solution called CuresConnect™ to EHRs and Payers. As part of the 21st Century Cures Act, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued two rules to implement interoperability and patient access provisions. Last year, BlueButtonPRO became the nation's first and is still the only solution to be fully certified by the ONC for meeting these requirements. With this new offering, Darena Solutions is taking a giant leap towards its goal of empowering patients and helping healthcare organizations achieve true interoperability and Cures Act compliance by leveraging HL7® FHIR® standards.