By cassie mcclure for lcu
Mar 6, 2021
Residents may be interested in getting back in their gardens, and composted mulch from Las Cruces Utilities (LCU) is again available, free for pickup, at the LCU Foothills Landfill Composting Facility at 555 S. Sonoma Ranch Blvd.
“The free composted mulch is part of the circular economy of yard waste that we have in Las Cruces. We process the yard waste that residents dispose of in clear bags and leave out for the Green Grappler and turn it into something they can reuse in the future,” Robin Lawrence, LCU deputy director Solid Waste, said.
As part of LCU residential Solid Waste service, the Green Grappler can pick up an amount equal to two level half ton pick-up truck loads or 4 cubic yards, which is equivalent to four 5’x3’x2’ adjacent piles. Larger loads may be scheduled for pick up for an additional charge and can be arranged by calling Customer Central at 575-541-2111.