Freddie Mac 2020 Portfolio Growth Doubles 2019's
Jan 31 2021, 12:41PM
Freddie Mac reported this week that its total mortgage portfolio increased
at an annualized rate of 22.4 percent in December compared to a 29.5 percent
gain in November. The portfolio balance at the end of the period was $2.740
trillion compared to $2.689 trillion the prior month and $2.301 trillion a year
The growth rate for 2020 was 17.6 percent, up from 6.8 percent for all
of 2019.
Purchases and Issuances totaled $129.639 billion and Sales were ($1.330)
billion. The November numbers were $155.291 billion and ($4.080) billion,
Single-family refinance loan purchase and guarantee volume was $77.6 billion
in December compared to $107.3 billion
in November, representing a 70 percent share of total single-family mortgage