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Theatre were any moment now former President Trump is expected to make his economic pitch to voters in the critical swing state. Im John Roberts in washington. Its going to be a big tuesday afternoon. Sandra here we go. Good to be with you, john. Im Sandra Smith in New York and this is america reports. The former president is expected to pitch his plan to american voters to change the tax code, which includes lowering Tax Rates for companies making good here in the u. S. Trump is also promising to Cut Americans Energy Costs in half, and hes pledging to improve Port Infrastructure to boost u. S. Exports. John the remarks, which should start in less than a minute now, come exactly six weeks before election day, with Trump And Vice president Kamala Harris Neck and neck in georgia and six of the crucial swing states. Fox Team Coverage starts now. Juan williams and Kellyanne Conway are here to weigh in on the state of the race. Sandra looking forward to this. First lets get to Alexandria Hoff live in savannah, georgia, for us. Alex, what are voters going here from trump when he starts speaking . It sounds like pretty soon. Alex, real quick. [cheers and applause] reporter [inaudible] sandra okay, alex is making her best effort to talk over that crowd. Alex, unfortunately we couldnt hear much of what you had to say, but we do know, john, this is going to be an economic pitch to voters as both candidates are trying to articulate their plans to voters, and especially how they plan to bring down Sky High costs. John one of the new things hes going to be articulate in today, as Kayleigh Mcenany was pointing out, a pitch to recruit foreign companies to set up here in the united states. It is kind of a Carrot And Stick process that the former president is looking at. Incentives for foreign companies to come here, and if they dont, then tariffs to punish them. Everybody gets it wrong. The little boy use the carrot to entice the donkey to go forward, but that is a metaphor used improperly for so many years, so we will continue to do that. Sandra the pitch on how he brings down those Energy Costs, you have to imagine its going to get the attention of voters still living through this inflation crisis. While the current White House likes to tout inflation is down, they say often, It Is not down. Inflation has slowed from where it was. It is still a full 1 higher than when trump took office, and Energy Prices over the past 3. 5 years under this current administration are up 32 . John, places like pennsylvania, there in georgia, many of the state so crucial in this upcoming election, they are saying for Example Gas prices are above the national average. John if you want to know how all of that is going to play into the election, things are getting a little bit better. As you pointed out, inflation is coming down though prices are still up. Interest rates have been cut. If you look back to 1992, when george h. W. Bush coming coming off of the Approval Rating after the first gulf war, tanked when the economy did, and it started improving the latter half of 1992, but voters had already made up their minds. So clinton, he ran on this idea that its the economy, stupid, won the election and well see what happens in the days that. Sandra and lipsynching. Looks like he is stepping up to the microphone. Here is the former president. [cheers and applause] well, thank you very much. [crowd chanting usa] thank you very much, everybody. Thank you, and hello, savannah, and hello, georgia. We love georgia. [cheers and applause] It Is great to be back in this beautiful state, with thousands of proud, hardworking american patriots. Thats what you are, american patriots. [cheers and applause] and think of this, 42 days from now we are going to win the state of georgia. We are going to defeat Conrad Kamala Harris , and we are going to make america great again. But we are here today to talk about how we are going to launch a historic buildup of american Manufacturing Muscle and might. This is not a rally, although it feels like a rally. It is really a little event with my 5,000 or 6,000 closest friends in the whole world. [cheers and applause] but Georgia And Savannah are going to be right in the center of the action. We are going to rebuild our manufacturing, and its going to happen. Its going to happen fast, and beautifully. For years, americans have watched as our country was stripped of jobs and wealth, and our companies were sold off to foreign countries. You have been watching, and its been a horror show. Ive been watching for many years, and we had it stemmed, then, then all of a sudden bad things happened. Bad things happen, but boy, ill tell you, we had it stemmed. If he would have had four more years, this would be such a different country right now. We would have had no inflation. You wouldnt have russia attacking ukraine. He wouldnt have had october 7th, with israel. The Middle East is blowing up. We could be very close to World War iii with these characters that dont have any idea what theyre doing. But what a shame. And afghanistan, what a disaster that was paid the most embarrassing day in history of our country, i believe. But g. E. Appliances were sold to the chinese, ibm, computers were again sold to china under Kamala Harris. U. S. Steel is now being sold to japan. I will stop it. Weve got to do it fast and work fast, but we are not going to let it happen. [cheers and applause] we are not going to let u. S. Steel seven years ago, the greatest company on earth, u. S. Steel. Now its going to be sold off like it was nothing. We are not going to let that happen. We will build it up, well make it strong. We are not going to let that happen. [applause] with the vision i am outlined today, not only will we stop our businesses from leaving for foreign lands, but under my leadership we are going to take other countries jobs. Did you ever hear that especially before . Have you ever heard that . We are going to take other countries jobs. Thats never been stated before. We are going to take their factories, and we had it really rocking four years ago. We are going to bring thousands and thousands of businesses and trillions of dollars in wealth back to the good old usa. Thats what we are going to do. We are going to be doing it and doing it fast. [cheers and applause] and under my plan, american workers will no longer be worried about losing your jobs to foreign nations. Instead, foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to america. [cheers and applause] we are going to bring them back, and it wont even be difficult. Your only worry will be deciding which job to take. There will be plenty of them. That will be your biggest problem. Darling, which company should i go with . We are going to bring them back and bring them back at levels not to be believed, but you believe it. In about two years from now youre going to say, wow, that happen fast. You have so many companies wanting to come in, because this is where the money is. It wont be if we keep running it like we have been for the last four years. But this is what they want. This is what they want, and you will hear the plan. I want german Car Companies to become american Car Companies. I want them to build their plants here. [applause] i want to beat China And Electronics production, and we will be able to do that easily. We have the greatest genius, the greatest minds here, and we end up building them in different places. A lot of that is really stupid tax policy. I want g. E. , ibm, and every other manufacturer that left us to be filled with regret, and come sprinting back to our shores, and they will. [applause] so, as your president , heres the deal that i will be offering to every major Company And Manufacturer on earth i will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest Energy Costs [cheers and applause] the lowest regulatory burden, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet, but only if you make your product here in america. It all goes away if you dont make your product here and hire american workers for the job. [applause] if you dont make your product here, then you will have to pay a very substantial tariff when you send your product into the united states. [applause] and, by the way, for years they knocked the word tariff. The word, properly used, is a beautiful word. One of the most beautiful words ive ever heard. It is music to my ears. A lot of bad people didnt like that word, but now theyre finding out i was right, and we will taken hundreds of billions of dollars into our treasury and use that money to benefit the american citizens, and it will not cause inflation, by the way. [applause] you know, i took in from China Hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs, and i had no inflation. We didnt have any inflation. 1. 2 . We had essentially no inflation. Now you have had, over the last four years, the highest inflation, i think in the history of our country. Some it said no, sir. Its only 58 years. Well, thats pretty bad, too. [laughter] in the history of our country, this is the policy that built america and this is the policy that is going to save america. Its going to save us, because we have gone so far down in so many different ways. Not to mention The Border, not to mention 21 Million people pouring in from places unknown, totally unvetted. But like ive always called it, because It Is a beautiful and simple term, its called america first. We are putting america first. [cheers and applause] this new American Industrialism will create millions and millions of jobs, nastily Raise Wages for american workers, and make the united states into a Manufacturing Powerhouse like it used to be many years ago. [applause] we will be able to build ships again. We will be able to build airplanes at a much higher level again. We will become the World Leader in robotics and every other field. The u. S. Auto industry, which has been decimated over many, many decades, will once again be the envy of the planet. We are not going to accept all of these cars that come in from every country, and it knocks out i was up in michigan. We are doing very well in michigan. By the way, we are doing very well in georgia. We are leading by quite a bit. [cheers and applause] but pretend you are one point down, please Come And Go and vote, okay . Just go vote. Youve got to vote. We got to enact this pretty fleet at win this election, our country is gone. I really believe it. Tto the auto workers in Michigan And Georgia and other parts of our country, i am pinpointing you for greatness. Your industry has been decimated by many decades of incompetent leadership. Both at the clinical level in your company level. Presidents of your company sold out our country. They didnt know what they were doing. They were horrible. And we had politicians that were grossly incompetent to let that happen. Your Auto Industry has been decimated, and again, with the Electric Car, its all going to be made in china. The head of the United Auto Workers ought to be ashamed of himself for what hes done. But we are going to turn it around, and we are going to turn it around fast. [applause] china is right now building major auto plants in mexico. Did you know that . They were going to start with me. I said, no, im putting a 200 tariff on every car if you do. [applause] and they decided, we will pass. And they said, wow. Now we can build. Trump, we wont have to worry about him anymore. Well, here i am. Here i am. We are leading in the polls. We are leading by a lot. [cheers and applause] we are leading by a lot. They said oh, we dont have to worry about him. Oh, no. They have to worry about me. Thats why they dont like me. They used to like obama. They like biden. You know i cannot because they got away with murder. Thats why they like biden. They love biden. Why would you like biden except that they take advantage of him . They think theyre going to sell their cars into the united states and destroy michigan and South Carolina and North Carolina and georgia. And all the places that make autos. Its not going to happen. We will put a 100 tariff on every single car coming across the mexican border. [applause] and tell them the only way they will get rid of that tariff is if they want to build a plant right here in the united states with you people operating that plant. We want american citizens and we want their plants built here, not 2 feet over The Border and selling them into our country. We are not doing that. We dont do that anymore. [applause] a friend of mine does auto plants. He builds auto plants. Thats what hes great at. The biggest in the world. I said, i want to see a plant, pretty recently ago. I want to see a plant. Where would we go . I said, would be Go To Detroit Connect Someplace in michigan, ideally. He said, you cant go there, sir. Well have to go to mexico. The big ones are being built in mexico. I said, why is that . He said, well, they have a lot of tax reasons, and china is coming in big and they think theyre going make their car and sell It In taxfree into united states. But the big ones, if you want to see a really big modern plant, come with me to mexico. I said, im not interested in going to mexico. I want those plants built here. [applause] and thatll happen. In fact, when they learned about the 100 or 200 tariff, they will probably say, yeah, lets stop construction immediately. You will see a big difference. I will bring Automobile Manufacturing back to the highest level in the history of our country. You know, it used to be we were the only place, and then it got chipped away, chipped away, mostly by china and japan. All the sudden we were down more than 55 from where we were years ago. But itll be like it was 50 years ago, and these jobs, they will come roaring back, and we are going to be making autos at a Level Youve never seen before. We will be making cars bigger, better, more beautiful, stronger, faster than ever before. Billions of people around the globe will soon be buying products proudly stamped made in the usa. [applause] or, if you prefer, if you have to do it, made in georgia. You can do that. [applause] and they will be exported through the port of savannah. We had a little bit to do with that port under my leadership really helped deep in the port, you know that. We helped deepen the port once and i understand how they want to do it again. We will get in and well get that done very quickly. We will work with your governor and get that done very quickly. [applause] this will be a major undertaking involving the Army Corps of engineers and transportation officials throughout your state. Its going to happen fast. This will happen so fast, you going to say, gee, i thought he said we were going to do it. We have a strength over environmental impact statements. Sometimes they will delay a project for 20 years, 25 years. With me, i think if it takes more than a month to get an approval my people are not doing a very good job, all right . We will get it done very quickly. [applause] a Worldclass Port and a worldclass workforce. The city will soon become one of the Premier Export hubs anywhere on earth, tripling and Quadrupling Traffic as your power will lead in american manufacturing. A lot of It Is just taxation policy, tariff policy. They are going to come roaring back. When they have to pay tariffs to come in, but they have incentive to build here, theyre going to come roaring back. It is not muscle. It is all right there. That is a muscle, too, they say. By contrast, listen to the deal. Kamala harris. Have you heard of her . I had the first debate, and after that biden was down 21 points. And they went to him and said come you going to lose. You cant win. You are out. This is a coup, by the way. This guy had 14 Million votes. Youre going to put in Somebody Else. The last person was going to be Kamala Harris, but then they decided to be politically correct and she got the job. She was the last one. There were 14 people mention. She was number 15. [laughter] and she got the job. And if you saw her with oprah the other day, or some of these interviews, there is something going on up there. We just had four years of that. We cant have another four years. Not going to happen. [applause] but she is offering to companies to entice them to keep jobs in america instead of Shipping Jobs overseas. First she wants to listen to the spreadsheets called the Tax Queen because she forces everybody out of the country. Shes demanding a Tax Hike on all domestic production. You can hate companies and all that, but they still fueled growth and jobs. They fuel everything. It utilities companies, they dont care. They just as soon will be in europe. They dont care. They want to go the best price, its called. The best deal. They are going to leave our country in droves she does that. You going to pay 33 more, and one day you will read, oh, gee, soandso just signed with china. They just signed with germany, they just signed with great britain. They are dying to have you, does give you free taxes. Next she want the largest capital Gains Tax in the history of our country. We have never had that. [booing] and then shes telling people, build your place here, but we are going to have a Brandnew Wealth Confiscation tax. So if you make money, you going to pass a lot. More importantly, It Is called an unrealized Capital Gain. You know what that is . That means youll pay a Capital Gain even if you havent realized that Community Havent sold trades a lot of people are rich they dont have cash. Now they have to get cash because, if the thing goes up in value, they have to pay a massive tax. Youre going to have deterioration, a depression. If that happens, you have a 1929style depression. This woman is grossly incompetent, grossly incompetent. [applause] think of it. If a company succeeds, you have to sell it to give her half the value. Half the value is going to be owned by the government. So if It Is successful, you have to sell it because you dont have the cash. Its a huge success, you make a lot of money in the future, we dont care about the future. Sell your company now, and bad things happen. By the way, nobody has tried it. It is a communist kind of thing. You know that . You could say It Is a marxist thing, if you like, but communist you understand better. In addition, kamala is shutting down Power Plants nationwide, causing Electricity Prices to soar more than 100 , going up 100 . They will soon be totally out of control. They already are. Businesses will flee. They will flee our country. If they cant get energy, the going to flee our country and flee fast. And yet we have more energy under our feet than any other country. I call it liquid gold. [applause] we have more than saudi arabia. We have more liquid gold than russia. And yet we are buying oil from venezuela. Why . And its not really oil, It Is tar. You have to melt it. You know where they melt it . Talk about the environment, theres only one plant in the world i can take Care Of it, because It Is really not good. Its the worst. You know where its located . Houston, texas. So in houston, texas, they clean this stuff up, and you know where the stuff goes . Right up there. So if you are a big believer in the environment, this is not good. We have the best oil on earth, and we have the most oil. Clean, beautiful stuff. And we have the most. [applause] and we are going to use it. As i say, drill, baby, drill. Thats what we are going to be doing. [cheers and applause] and very importantly, she will close down all fracking and all fossil fuel development, which will bring our country into third World Status Page shes going to close down all fossil fuels. Germany tried it, but then they replaced Angela Somebody else, and that Somebody Else is now building a Coal Plant every single week in germany. Germany was going to destroy themselves, i will say that. They were going to be out of business. They were having problems like nobody could believe. And that is how kamala treats the american manufacturers. They can all leave, whatever is left of them. Theres not that much pain they have gotten rid of so much. But if instead you Ship Production overseas, then she will give you a tax break. If you build your product, make your product overseas, she is offering a tax break. To make it overseas. Now you wonder why biden has made so much money from all these countries. I mean, personally made, and through the family. Think of that. You get an incentive to build your product outside of the united states. I mean, you dont have to be too good at business to know thats not going to work. Honestly, it will destroy our country. You know, one of the other things, whatever shes going to do, shes going to The Border very soon. She hasnt been there for four years. Im not the Border Czar. Close it for years she was the board is czar. And now because its the worst border in history shes going to the board. Its very interesting. Even her policies now, they are crazy. It will destroy the country. But why didnt they do it three and a half years ago . Now she says were going to do this, were going to do that. Whether shes right or wrong. She had three and a half years to do it. She didnt do anything. Our country has really gone back to levels the unemployment was all the Bounce Back Jobs that we created. Millions and millions bounce back right after the pandemic. Any pandemic anywhere, you have bounce back or less. Toes. Out of all the jobs created, most of those jobs went to illegal migrants prayed you know that. It didnt go to americans. And whats happening with the people pouring into our country is they are killing the jobs of the black population and the hispanic population. They are taking their jobs. [applause] so if you are black or hispanic, thank you very much, vote for trump. Hell be in good shape. [cheers and applause] those people are coming in and they are taking the jobs of the black population and the hispanic it makes sense. Why not . Did you see black unemployment rose incredibly in the last three months . Why is that . Ill tell you why, because people are coming in and taking their jobs. Thats the way It Is. It is no wonder that under Kamala Harris we lost 24,000 Manufacturing Jobs last month. 24,000. We are going to turn that around so fast. We had created 650,000 Manufacturing Jobs before we even got ready to do it. And now we are ready. We are ready to do it. And the country is ready to do it. We need it. We need a renaissance. Its going to be a renaissance. [applause] but this horrific nightmare for american workers, it ends the day i take the oval office. January 20th. [applause] [crowd chanting trump] thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Thank you very much. So listen to how good It Is. It is so easy. China has used it for years, but we have a better plan than them. But they have used it for years. They can do whatever they want. We have to go through certain hurdles, but not much. The centerpiece of my plan is for a manufacturing renaissance, which will be a 15 made in america Tax Rate. In other words, if you make your product in america [applause] so the Tax Rate was practically close to 50 . Some would say 38 , but when you add it all up, some companies are paying much more with state and local, much more than 50 . I got it down through Congress Pray can you believe we got it through congress . A lot of people say it was the greatest thing we did. I think maybe rebuilding the military was the greatest thing. Maybe the creation. [applause] the creation of space for us was the greatest. You know, we were being beaten badly in space, and i we are the leader in space. China and russia were eating our lunch and now youre eating their lunch. We did so much. We gave you before the greatest, the biggest Tax Hikes in the history of our country, and the greatest regulatory cuts in history. Think of it, we took the tremendous Tax Hikes and gave you the greatest Tax Cuts in history of our country, bigger than Ronald Reagan Tax Cuts, bigger than anybodys, and the hikes, they want to do it now. They want to hike your taxes at levels we never had before. 80 , 70 , we gave you the biggest Tax Cuts in history and now we gave you the biggest regulation cuts, and thats how we had that tremendous growth. Thats how we had the greatest Job Production and history. But this is going to blow that away. We are cutting the Business Tax now. We brought it down to 21 , so you could say it was over 50 , but you could also say it was 39 . We got it down to 21 . Some of your great congresspeople are here, and they are very instrumental in having done that. [applause] but now we are cutting the Business Tax from 21 to 15 , which makes us the most competitive tax anywhere on the planet. But only for those who make their product in the usa. See . Thats an incentive. [applause] so we already cut it to 21 , and it was the 21 , that big cut. Plus the regulatory cuts that gave us the greatest economy and our history. The greatest economy in history of our country. And now what we are doing is taking it one step further, and a bigger step, actually. We are bringing it down and now we are the most competitive in the world. At 21, we are pretty good. At 15, where the most competitive. People are going to be pouring in, companies are going to be pouring in, and we will continue with the regulatory cuts at a level you know, we already beat every level of regulatory cuts. The problem is that Biden And Harris have put many of those regulatory cuts back in the books. They didnt do anything. All they did was stop business. But we have u. S. Based manufacturers also being rewarded with expanded research and competitive tax credits. Youll be able to Write Off the cost of heavy machinery and other government in the first year. And new manufacturing investments, so you will get full expensing. You have a one year right off which gives you i did that. We had a fiveyear deal, and you had a writeoff, the business boomed, and it was coming in at levels never seen before. Had we not been interrupted, and make sure theres no cheating in this election, please. What a different world we would have had. [applause] they all helped to build the sprawling city had plans our country needs to be an industrial superpower in the modern world. We are going to have companies pouring into our country under this plan. We will cut prices in half within 12 months. We will commit. Because of the fact we are lucky. China does not have this. Can you imagine . They want to go to Electric C cars. We dont have the product for Electric Cars. The of the product for gasoline powered cars. And we want to have Electric Cars. Elon musk is great, right . He makes an excellent car, an Electric Car, and he endorsed me at a level that you wouldnt believe. Every day he said weve got to have trump, hes a great guy. He understands, his product is phenomenal, and its a great place for Electric Cars pay but you have to have gasoline powered cars and hybrids and everything. [applause] the new thing and im sure elon will get It If its any good, one problem, and explodes. Hydrogen. They say the new thing as Hydrogen Cars but its having a problem. If it explodes, you end up about seven blocks away and youre dead. [laughter] personally, i dont know about you, im going to take a pass. Maybe the figure it out, but right now i wouldnt recommend it. They will be of things happ happening, and theyre going to. But they have the electric mandate. It will be ending the electric mandate. All Electric Cars. [applause] we will be ending that immediately. More importantly we will be able to quickly double our Electric Capacity which will be needed to compete with china and other countries on artificial intelligence. You know, to do artificial intelligence, a big hot thing happening now, they say its the next big wave. I dont know, it comes with risk. But It Is the next hot thing. But it needs massive amounts of electricity. If you took all of the electricity in our country right now, which isnt enough, because in california with Governor Newsom you have blackouts and brownouts. How about him . He wants all Electric Cars but he cant give you airconditioning in the summer, right . Lets go all electric, that we have a blackout every ten seconds. Its crazy. But we are going to do Things Nobody has ever really had the courage to do. But it doesnt take courage. Its common sense. We are the party of common sense, okay . We are conservative, Who Cares . Where the party of common sense. We will build new Power Plants. But think of this, the electric. If you take all the electric we have right now in our country, you need that more than doubled to be able to compete with china. So they need more than double the electricity that we currently have to have, the artificial intelligence, which will be a massive field. China is already building plants, electric plants. We have a problem because we have things called environmental impact statements and things have to go through. I will get them approved so fast. Because china doesnt really need approval. President xi says, all right, build that plant. At The End. Theres no in my mental impact statement that i would ask him, do you go through an Environment Impact Statement . He says, i am the Environment Impact Statement. [laughter] with us you go three years and years of torture. But we are going to do it on an expedited basis, and with the lowest Energy Prices on earth. We will have the lowest Energy Prices on earth because it we got lucky. We are right on top of the best stuff in the world. [applause] and i will put anwar back into play. Ronald reagan can do it, nobody could do it. They couldnt get it done. Anwar in alaska, the biggest field probably in the world, maybe bigger than saudi arabia. I was so proud of it, i got it done. In his first week they terminated it. The biggest field anywhere in the world that would supply asia, it would make so much money, we would pay down debt so fast, and biden rejected it. When i terminated the russian pipeline, nord stream 2 tran, biden approved it, but he terminated our pipeline. [boolean] keystone, the keystone xl. He terminated our pipeline but approved nord stream 2 going all over europe, heading into germany but going all over europe. I just said, what the hell is going on . This was in the first weeks of his administration. And i said, whats going on . And then they say, think of it. I terminated the russian pipeline, and they said, Donald Trump was very friendly with russia. That was the biggest Thing Theyve ever done, and i terminated it. When he came in, one of the first things he did was approved the pipeline that i terminated, and they said that was the biggest putin told me, if you like this, i would hate like hell to see if you are bad. They say you are nice to me. You have not been nice to me with all the sanctions. We had the fake russia, prussia, russia hoax. Which, by the way, endangers our country when they do that. It turned out to be a total fake. We cant have that, from the standpoint of even business. We have to be able to get along with other nations. We have to be able to use the minerals and other things that they have. I have to make the proper deals, because with the proper deals there would be nobody on earth that can compete with us in business. [applause] we will attract energyhungry industries. There are a lot of industries that will never be able to make It In certain areas, because they dont have energy. But we have energyhungry industries that will attract them from all of the planet, meaning millions and millions of bluecollar jobs and jobs of every type. Two Slash Burdens on workers and businesses, we will cut regulations. I did that for four years, and we got it up to seven for one. Nobody has ever seen it. I cut more regulations than any president in history in four years. [applause] [crowd chanting trump] and we will set up special zones of federal land with ultra low taxes and regulations for american producers. These will be ideal spots for relocating entire industries that we have taken in from other countries. They are going to go in at levels that nobody has ever seen before. They want to be here. They want to be, but they were forced to be out, because in this country we were so unfriendly in so many different ways, but especially with our tax policy. We will seriously expedite environmental approvals and we will get everything approved quickly to unleash Mineral Production and Rare Earth. We have to go to china for Rare Earth . We dont. We have more Rare Earth than they do, but It Is protected and environmentally. We cant do anything about it. We are going to use resources to our benefit. [applause] and it will be clean and environmentally perfect, so that americans can manufacture everything that we need to. The we have right here, american soil, its got everything. Its got the Rare Earth, its on the oil, the gas. We have everything. The only thing we dont have is smart people leading our country. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] thank you very much. We are sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars under our feet, and lets use that to make America Rich again. Is that okay . We will reduce the taxes and pay the Debt And Itll be a beautiful thing. It will be a renaissance, a period. Itll be a beautiful period. Finally, to exploit these pro manufacturing policies, its going to happen very quickly. I will appoint a Manufacturing Ambassador whose sole task and it will be a Great One will be to go around the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move back to america where they want to be. [applause] for years we watched other countries steal our jobs. Now we are going to be going after their jobs and bringing them back to america where they belong and where, frankly, they want to be. [applause] if Kamala Harris gets four more years, she will deindustrialize the united states and destroy our country. We will become virtually a banana republic. We will be destroyed. Their plans are horrible, and if they wanted their plans i say it all the time. I said it during the debate, where, by the way, we absolutely destroyed her, except for the fakers on the microphone. She did very well tonight. She did very well . She couldnt put two sentences together. Take a look at her answers. It was three on one, too. Abc ought to be ashamed. It was three on one. [applause] and, actually, its also interesting, because after that horrible situation because its the fake news all over again. Fake news, youve got a lot of them back here, by the way. Its the fake news. You know what . Look at the numbers today. The numbers are higher than theyve ever been. Weve never had numbers this good. [applause] so something happened that was pretty good. But it was interesting, i couldnt believe It I thought she was so bad. I came off that stage, i said, she was so bad. They say, hes the goat of debates. I said, is that a good thing or the bad thing . Greatest of all time, and i thought that was one of my best debates. They spent better than anybody. I dont know if he did too well tonight. Wasnt she really terrific . She didnt Say Anything except lies, like bloodbath, charlottes town. She lied. You know what i would say . To us in finishing this topic. Because theyll say, he fell into a trap. 170 many said something bad about you, if you then this happens to me. If i then refute them, if i say thats not true, and just give a few seconds, and people understand it, they say he fell into a trap. If they say bad about me, ive got to do it to mike refute it. I do it quickly, refute it. Why would i let her say something bad about me and let it stand out there . If i dont refute it, people are going to think its true. [cheers and applause] these people are the worst. These people are the worst. But its been amazing, whats been happening, what we are doing policy wise, military lies, bored or wise. Maybe especially The Border. In 2016 we fixed The Border very quickly and i was very proud of it. After that nobody wanted me to talk about The Border. They said, its been fixed. I said, i want to talk about The Border. They would let me. Even though we h got 12 Million more votes. Listen, there is more enthusiasm now than there ever was for 2016 or for 2020. Because of how bad they are. [applause] because of how good a job we did and how bad they are. Under kamala there will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind, and we will be at risk of military defeat. You know that, right . A very simple factor is this. If you dont have steel, you dont have the military. And im not going to allow i said it before and ill say it again, and i got along with a great gentleman, Shinzo Abe from japan. He was assassinated. He was a great gentleman. I said, we have to change our trade deal. He said to me, i knew you were going to come with that. I said, why did you know . He sai for 25 years, no american has said that to us. They got away with murder, and we changed the deal, and the deal we now have is really good, but the deal were going to have is going to be beyond belief. Not just with japan, but with every company and, frankly, with their companies and with their nations. I am not going to allow japan to buy u. S. Steel. Im not going to let it happen. Seven years ago, again, the greatest company on earth. Vote for trump and you will see a Mass Exodus of manufacturing from china to pennsylvania, from korea to North Carolina, from germany to write here in georgia. They are going to come to georgia from germany, and lots of other places. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting usa] and no matter where i go, and i go to a lot of places, we are definitely out working the opposition. Shell go to one place in three days. I say, why cant i do that . Yesterday in pennsylvania i made five stops. Five stops, three speeches. People say, how do you do it, sir . Where my going tomorrow . Going to savannah. What time are we leaving . 8 00 in the morning. Oh, great. You get home at 11 00, 12 00, 1 00 in the morning, 2 00 in the morning. When am i going tomorrow . Savannah, georgia. I love you. [applause] i wouldnt mind leaving at 11 00 or 12 00 or 1 00. I would be just as happy. We are leaving at 9 00, 8 00. But its okay. Its worth it. But the way i look at it, we have no choice. If we dont win this election, we dont have a country anymore, so we are going to work our asses off. We will bring back the american dream bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. Its going to happen. We are pleased to be joined today by former senator david perdue, who is really working hard on the campaign. Where is david . Where is he . See . He is such a nice guy, he didnt even want to stand up. He just wants to get the job done. Thats what you do. You are a great guy, david. I appreciate it. Everyone is telling me you are working so hard. I said, where is david . Hes working. Hes working on the campaign. He wants to get it done. We have another great gentleman, a really fine guy, a fantastic political person. Lieutenant Governor Bert jones. Stand up, bert. [applause] and his incredible father is here. Good genetics in that family. Thank you very much. Great honor to have you. Representatives buddy carter. A warrior. Great guy. [applause] and a very shy, quiet person. Doesnt like mixing it up too much. But she is really highly respected in washington, and she is fantastic. Marjorie taylor greene. [cheers and applause] and of course a woman that we all love, and especially we love her in georgia, al vida king. Thank you very much for being here. [applause] i also want to thank Governor Kemp. Hes been fantastic. He really is fantastic. We are going to get this done. That i want to thank Governor Kemp for his support. Great support. Starting on day one, i will seal The Border and stop the migrant invasion of our country. After almost four years, the Border Czar Kamala Harris has decided for political reasons that its time for her to go to The Border. Finally shes going to The Border after four years. What a disgrace that is, that she waited so long, allowing millions and millions of people to enter our country from prisons and jails, mental institutions and insane asylums, criminal cells all over the world. Not just from south america, but many of them are terrorists and they are coming from africa, from the congo. Large numbers from the congo. They are coming from the Middle East, they are coming from asia, they are coming from south america. But not only south america. They are coming from all over the world. What they are doing to the fabric, to the guts of our country, It Is not even believable. And you see whats going on, they are taking over towns and cities and taking them over with weapons. They are taking them over with weapons that are military quality weapons. Where the hell are they getting the weapons . She is trying to calm the public that she did a good job at The Border paid she is saying, i did a good job at The Border. Remember, when she says were working on The Border, she still has airplanes flying and loaded up with migrants over The Border. She thought she wouldnt get caught. It took them about two years to figure that one out. It was a little strange. Brandnew, beautiful, large boeing jets, and it took a while to figure that one out. They talk about The Border but they have planes to this day flying in loaded up, Hundreds Of Thousands of people being flown in to all parts of our country, destroying our country. And she has destroyed the very fabric of our nation, allowing 21 Million people to come in at least into our country. And think of it, totally unvetted, from places unknown. No checks, no names, no nothing. But they do, they come from prisons and mental institutions. Its a terrible thing and many terrorists. Terrorists at Levels Nobody has ever seen before. During my four years, they had one year where they had zero. This was done by border patrol. My alltime favorite chart and history. I have a chart that is my alltime favorite. I love that. Is it around . [cheers and applause] i love that chart i sleep with that chart every night. I kiss it. [laughter] i love it. That chart saved my life. If i didnt look to the right, it wouldnt be with you today, i guarantee you that. And it was amazing, because that chart is seldom used, because i dont like to brag. It is seldom used. But when It Is, its always on my left. Its always on my left and its always at The End of the speech. I do a lot of things without a teleprompter. Isnt it nice, by the way, to have a president who doesnt need a teleprompter . [applause] isnt it nice . I dont often use until prompted. If you use a Teleprompter It gets very boring. If i read every single word, you would be in and out of here in 35 minutes. He would say, that was pretty boring, wasnt it . Even with the good numbers. This chart is the greatest thing ever. I said, let me see the chart bring it down maybe not lucky, maybe right there. [applause] my two sons are great shooters and they said, dad, from 130 yards, a bad Shooter Couldnt miss with that gun. Ar15. And we lost, as you know, a great fireman and two of the people we thought we lost, but the doctors were phenomenal. The local doctors, they were sort of country doctors. They are phenomenal. They saved him. They are okay. A friend of mine came up to me and said, the firefighter, corey, great guy. Beautiful family, beautiful wife and daughters. He jumped on top of his daughters and he Got Hit right in the head. [applause] i dont know if i have said this publicly, but a friend of mine came. A member of maralago came up to me and said, i would like to give the family and this is a family with a good life and a safe community. There is no crime, no muggings, no pushing people into subways, no anything. Its a nice community. The friend of mine came up and said, i would love to give the family of the Fireman A Check for something. I said, good. I think it would be great. How much . He said, i dont know. And he handed me a check. 1 million. I said, wow. [applause] and when it was presented to this incredible wife of cory, really incredible, devastated by what happened he was a big fan. He was a big trump guy. He had everything. They all work, all three. The crowd, they said 55,000 people, as far as the eye could see. When the bullets went off, like if it happens in a soccer game, they call it a stampede, like cattle. He put her. Many people are killed. These bullets went off, but not one. There were a lot of them. Eight, nine. They went off, a secret Service Shooter was unbelievable. The local police actually did a great job in terms of the shooting. He may have also hit this lunatic. But think of it. We gave her the check, shes never seen anything like it. They look very nice life, but no money, and now she has A Million dollars. I said, thats only the beginning. We did a gofundme and they raised about 6 million. [applause] the other two men that Got Hit were really hit hard. They were not going to make it. The first question i ask, how many people were killed . With so many people, no matter where a bullet goes, its going to hit somebody. They said three are probably dead. They were taken immediately to the hospital, the doctors were great. I was taken to a hospital, the doctor and the whole hospital were fantastic. Just so professional and so good. He looked at me and said, youre the luckiest man. I said, maybe It Is something else. But he couldnt believe it. [applause] the doctor said, sir, this would be a good day for you to go to the lottery and buy a nice ticket. Because what happen here, ive never seen anything like that. Some very good things happen. The nicest thing, when people say it was god, and god came down and saved you, because he wants you to bring america back. [cheers and applause] so many people say that. [crowd chanting. [trump ] so many people say that. I hope thats true. I hope thats true. [crowd chanting usa] and q thank you. And then i had a little more of gods help about two months later. You saw that. A brilliant Secret Service agent, thats all you can say. A lot of people, beautiful flowers, very sick shrubs, everything beautiful. He wasnt looking at the sky. He was no games, he was walking down the middle of that stairway, looking over. And what does he see . He sees a rifle, just a small part of a very big weapon. He sees a small part of a rifle, the barrel, coming out of very heavy shrubbery. Whos going to see that . Not a lot of people. He didnt say, who is over there, please . Maybe talk talk cannot close a. [laughter] he took his gun and started shooting. And the guy dropped think of it. [applause] nothing is in the category where i have to turn, about an eighth of a second way you safe. But im telling you, god was watching they are, too. Because you needed some but he really sharp. I give Secret Service a hell of a lot of credit. They have been hit hard because of butler, because the building should have been taken Care Of, and they understand that. But when i went down, i had four, five, six people and there were a lot of bullets flying right over our head. They were not sitting back and taking a pass. They were not saying, oh, gee, im not going to go over there. Thats dangerous. They were on top of me in seconds and you have to give them a lot of credit. Here you have to give them credit, too. I would have been in that location in 10 minutes. And right next to the guy, tactically. This Guy Spotted and shot. How about this . There is a fence in between, he then ran across the street and down the block to get his car paid only a woman could do this, because men arent smart enough. [women cheering] and a woman, pretty busy, but she didnt like the way he looked. I see people running all the time, and like the way they looked. [laughter] but i dont follow them. She didnt like the way he looked. He looks very suspicious. He was running like wild because he had to get away from the Secret Service. And his car was about a block away. She followed him, stopped right behind his car, and started taking pictures of his License Plate. Who would do that . [applause] and i asked our Great Sheriffs in palm beach, if this happened A Thousand times, how many times would somebody follow somebody and take pictures of the License Plate . He said, maybe none. Thats right. Thats luck, too. And or something. But this woman is incredible. And once they had the License Plate, they had him in a highspeed chase down the highway. But once they had the License Plate, it was over. If they didnt have the License Plate, he would still be out there. I wouldnt be very comfortable. I would say, i wonder if hes in this audience. I would say, where is this lunatic . But this woman, what she did was amazing. So i have had a very interesting experience for the last couple of months. My profession is a very dangerous one. If you think of it, It I

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