AnD well, welcome to hannity. After a seconD Assassination Attempt oN PresiDent ssassina. The Secret Service finally gave an upDate on the Failureet Servl at the Butler Rally back in july, the site of the firstt Assassination Attempt. Well have more on that Coming Up later. Moominbut first, our country ist a Tipping Point this, is an Inflection Point for the usa. We are now only 46 Days away from the most consequential action in our lifetime mail in voting. It is alreaDy unDerway. In, cout several states across the country. AnD toDay, early inpersonry. Oma voting began in the commonwealth of virginia, where a branD new pollia where, by th, releaseD this morning. It shows the race is a statisticashows thl tie. Look at that. AnD at this moment, at least now,. Moment trump is Polling FaD of where he was at this point in the 2020 election across several key battlegrounDn,r exal states. Lets Take A Look in pennsylvania, for example, which coulD be the statet that DeciDes the election. AnD early voting is happening no earlyw. Trump is polling three points aheaD of where he Wa Puls at Ths Point in 2020. He DiD not lose the state by a E Lot in wisconsin. PresiD PresiDent Trump is currentlyen five anD a half points aheaD of where he was on this Day in 2020. In michigan, he is polling overn five points aheaD of wherets he was in 2020. So why are his Poll Numbers be betterrs this time arounD now . O maybe because millionsarounD of voter ts arounD the country to them, while Kamala Harris has positions, are still a mystery. Ste, Remeure KnowleDgeabl you know they are raDical. They are extreme anD frankly, Dangerous for the counTry Economically anD Dangerousok a on the national security front. Look at her position on the borDer. Look at her Positiontion O on on anD some of these other countries. Her recorD is so iso leftwing g that she has to hiDe her Reals O Positions from all of you. It anD so far, with the help of a corrupt State Run meDia mob. Shes been successful. But make no mistake, Harris Iset the most raDical canDiDate o this country has ever haD atr the top of a major party tickept. AnD all of you, this Country Ouserves answers as to what are a growing list of questions. We have been putting these positions forwarD now for two months. ForwarD W Foher positions on ney single solitary, important issue of our time has changeD without explanatioe thoutn. Does She Still support the raDical Climate Alarmists religious cult, their 93 Trillion green new Deal . Why DiDnt she cosponsor that in the u. S. Senate with Bernie SanDers . Why DiD she cosponsor her government, Health Care for all anD the elimination of private . Health insurance . Does She Still think it she is courageous no st to use the term illegal alien or raDical islamic terrorism . Why. AnD if she believes it, why Does She Still want to ban frackingt offshore Drilling . What about the raDical Positiono Lookonon illegal immigration . Look at the Position Harris anD biDen have put this country in. You know, think about this. She wants to Decriminalizeout to illegal immigration. She wants a path to amnesty. E wantright. Earn path to citizenship. She wants to offer free housinzg ,care, eDucation, Sex Change Sex operations, anD we have alloweD into this country unvetteD illegal immigrants from 180180 countries, incluDing our top Geopolitical Foecoous anD counts with terror ties. They have been committing Dozenses of murDers anD , evenyh of young chilDren anD other violent crimes. Absolu anD there have been absolutelyte no consequences at all whatsoever for the Decisions that they have maDe. They have alloweD this to happen. S getting hurt. Cost never minD the cost. Never minD the feD. No, never minD. Neyou know, the harD Drugso this that are crossing into this country. Dow anD by The Way, She Sat Down for an interview last Mont H with cnn Fake News Dana bash,fa chD She SaiD, Quotke Newe her vs have not changeD. She DiD a whoppingan 60 minutenute 29 seconD interview. So why is she claiming anD her policy positions have changeD anD shes not Evepn Making the claim . She has Campaign AiDesg th saying it foclr her. Last night, she haD a chance to clear up some of all of this. Of allshe haD the softball of Ai Softball interviews with oprah. Ewbut as usual, she offereD nothing more than a bunch of awkwarD Worhan D salaDs. AnD even oprah coulDnt save her from herself. Ot saveerTake A Look at some oe lowlights. Lets come together with the character that we are so prouD w of about who we are, whichptim is we are an optimistiistic peo. We are an optimistic people, americans by character are peoplere who have Dreams anD ambitions anD aspirations. AnD we believe in what iswe possible. We believe anD believe in what. It really woulD love to know what your plan is to help the Lowep Lor the cost of livin. Yeah, i first of all, thankyour you both for being here anD yours is Ais Story i hear i arounD the country as i travel. Its verounDy that we all speako to our frienDs anD our a neighbornDs about misinformation anD help them now see Hom W it occurs, where it is occurring. AnD so this is a Momen T Whereghting we stanD, knowinG What we are fighting for. Were not fighting f not fight e its what were fighting for. Thank you. Wk you, maDam Vice PresiDent. Now, what she has saiD is She Supports the largest she has Tax Increase in american anD worlD history. AnD 93 Trillion new green Deal, which woulD enD capitalism as we know it. Tha that woulD be marxism. If you want to looD k at abe a anD economic philosophy behinD it. Economhilosophthere was one momt in particular that maDees heaDlines when the two were Discussing gun control. Youre not going to believe what 2ncontro kamala s. Take a listen. That gun owner, tim, i know that is in my house there getting shot. Yes. Ye are gethos i hear that. Bablyh i hear that probably. Wil but i will Deal with that later. Wh the giggling is not funny. Where Does She StanD on the seconD AmenDment AnD Gun ownership . Because for many years she has aDvocateD for the most restrictive gun laws supporting a manDatory Gun Buyback. NDatory anD by The Way, what She SaiD in clip sounDs an awfult lE Lot like stanD your grounD. D, the same stanD your GrounD LawsD that she anD Democrats have spent years Demonizing. In case you forgoting. lets te a look at her past raDical stances on Gun Ownershiplook at you DeciDe assault Weapons Nhat are alreaDy in circulatio. Do you Do about those . Well, there are approximately 5 Million to your point. Correct . 5 n. We have to have a Buyback Program anD i support a manDatory Buyback Program. M anour as your Gun Buyback proa is manDatorym . SeconD amenDment. SeconD amenDment. Listen, we have to wereo questi going to have to Do it the right way. Theres no question about that. Bubut we Dont have we have to pot these guns off the Stree Gt anD just because you canss legally possess a gun in the Sanctity Theof of your lockeD he Doesnt mean that were not going to walk Intot Goin that he anD check to see if youre being responsible anD safe in The Way you conDucDt your affair. ManDatory Gun Buyback,nfisca that woulD be calleD confiscation. AnD we can enter your home anD we can checktieur on your gs any time we want. You Deserve answere answers. But kamala, her hanDlers, they are Doing everything possiblehanDlers. HiDe her from the press. That was not a real interview Last Night aw. But finally, after nearly two months, she is now getting mo on the strategy, even some on the left. You know, anD by The Way, Takerm A Look at what former Obama ADviser DaviD axelroD haD to saviDD haD toy. Listen. I saiD years ago that presiDent ial races weres fo for the soul anD whoever you are, you know, people wantut Theyll Theyll finD out anD theyll want to know. So one way you reveal that is i through interviews anD IsD Unsc anD Town Halls anD unscripteD interactions. AnD i think she neeDris Do i think she neeDs to Do more of that between now anD thege election to get people comfortable . I well, the problem is she cant Do it anD her team knows she Cant DoanD Hew sh it. Te anD its not like a Debate where shes going to memorize her linees goine Hers AnD Justt recite them. Meanwhile, accorDinge a new political report, Democrats are privately worriert DemocD Te Teamster Teamsters Unionnt shocking announcement this week that they woulD not enDorse her. K thatthis is the first time this union has not enDorseDt a Democratn for presiDent since 1996. For coulD be a major Warning Sign for her campaign. Now, remember, a Polmpaignl RelD by The Union shows 60 of Rank AnD File members, they want DonalD Trump, only 34 want Kamala Harris. AnD by The Way, the leaDership of the teamsters shoulD have gone alonG With the Ran Ers Shouk anD file. E well, they maDe it halfway. But first, Kamala Wait Halt coms in georgia toDay, so we sent our own Sara Carter to aske the people in the great state of georgia, the peach state. Of E Abouabout kamalas raDical f position. Sarah, what DiD you finD outinD well, shawn, whileamal Kamala Harris was actually at the cobbrris performing Arts Cer here in georgia, i was roughly nine miles Down the roaD in Downtown marietta. I was really wn close anD i wasnt speaking to resiDents. How about how they felt over the lasts four years of the BiDen PresiDency anD thenD the Kamala Vice presiDency anD what she DiD at the borDer . I talkeD presiDe to them about a such as transgenDer surgery for, you know, illegal immigrant inmates or into tension in prison. AnD, you know, the resiDents in georgia, they were noty afraiD to speak their minDwe. Ka take a listen to this. Vice presiDent Kamala Harris actually put in charge of the borDer anD DiD nothing. SheD say a bunc ofrDer. H thinge what she can Do. I just i Dont unDerstanDt un what she hasnt been Doing about being a Vice PresiDent on the healthDeeen Doin siDe. She has been very public in the past about, you know, meDicare for all anD getting riD of private Health Care insurance. Is she now says that she wonter Do that . Do you believe her . I Dont believe think She Says back to her Districtattorn attorney for San Francisco anD then california, then in the senateyoe. Lly anD she is a puppet. Pp a lot of talk Originallyorts G r you know, She Supports green you know, green energy. Tt right. AnD but that woulD mean like in some states, like cutting stat, you know,m shutting Down the gas pipelines. Does that concern at all or not . I mean, is it kinD of Down because we Dont really know how true is that . t think you Dont think that she might . Yeah, i Dont think shes zip. I wont go for it. I mean, she probably just say just to buy voteyss one of the policies that Kamala Harris has been criticizeD for. Or the pwahat she has talkeD in the past. Its actually not a policy, but its something that she has saiD she has agreesaiDth WasD W. Was transgenDer surgeries for Illegal Aliens in prison. Am that was something that came up out of a 2019 questionnaire that she haD filleD out. Well, how Do you feel about that . Yes, its like got just nuts. Move on. The next question. Its astonishing to Usmala Har that people will support Kamala Harris in any way. Any georgia is a crucial Swing State anD The Way. Folks were Discussing the issues toDay. They they seem very wellinforme D. AnD i can tell you this, all eyes will be on georgia. All eyes will on georgia like the rest of the country. Sean, back to you. Listen sta, states like georg, north carolina, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona anD nevaDa, all critical. Nevery one. Them all critical. Right, sir. Thank you. We appreciate it. You. It. Here with more reaction, Fox News Contributor , the hostfetz of Tomi Lahren is fearless. I cant imaginlesse a fearful t, but anyway. LeD also outkick FounDer Clay Travis is with us. Tommy, lets start with you. Art withthe more that people len about her or if, for example, s she gets the support of taylor swift, we get ylora Poll Outs that shows that DonalD Trump is way more popular than taylor swift, which i founD interesting. The more shes hanging out with oprah, the more she gets celebrity enDorsements, the more the Ben Stillerge is. That julia roberts, chris rock. So the worlDs of that shes hang out with, that kinD of proves to me what ive been saying true is that the Democratic party has become the party of coastalise elites. E hollywooD, D. C. new york, anD that republicans, rt conservatives now are the party of working men anD women. N anD woanD i think the teamsteD of shows that my wrong in my analysis. No, youre exactly right. DonalD trump recognizeD the forgotten american in 2016. AnD thats whylD Trump Forgott D that election. AnD thats why youre seeinG Whs, thinkin the teamster because theyre not just thinking about their union anD what the Democrats coulD potentially Doint th D what for their unione pa as they have in the past, the thinking about their families. Bu about about their communities, theyre thinking about their country. AnD thats why you saw that anD File Support for DonalD Trump. But, shawn, that interview that Town Hall with oprah Last Night, it was so baD, i woulD not be surpriseD if Opra Washbe secretly votes for DonalD Trump. Thats how baD Sf Oph It was. Tl anD i think we all can tell l that kamala is is so awkwarD when shes askeD a question. But if you look at her Pas Asket interviews anD you stuDy them, as we all have from 2019, 2020 or even back to 27, She S is much more comfortable anD in Commanhe D of the issues whenalking shes talking about her raDical iDeaout hes anD values. Thats where she feels comfortable. She Doesnt Do the awkwarD she DoesnDoesn laughs. Lk she Doesnt talk in a worD, belaD, because thats what shewD actually believes. Everything shes Doing right now is an act, incluDingl. Her talking about owning a gun. AnD She ShoweD an intruDer in her Hom T Owni anDe that was a coacheD line to make her seem so relatable. AnD ite faileD. You know, jason, i think. Tom is on to i think it gets very awkwarD for her when shes trying to remember what her aDvisers tolD her tremo say about any given topic. Now, how Do you back Offe Cospon that the fact that you cosponsoreD the green new Dea le the that you woulD eliminate the filibuster to pass it . How Do you bacfio k off . You cosponsoreD government Health Care for all anD the elimination of private health insurance. How Do you back off . You wanteDk of free housing, heh care, EDucation AnD Sex changexn operations anD to Decriminalize anD offer amnestgeions anDy to D a half million plus illegal immigrants. She alloweD the country. How Do you back away from those positions . Except you just Dont answer s The Question as shes Doing. Shes a Deep fake CanDiDate L anD. We shoulD believe her that her principles havent changeD prD we shoulD believe Bernie H sanDers, who saiD, well, shes just Doing the pragmatic thing, a. K. A jusin. Just trying to buy votes with these practice lines. She me is exactly right. She is terribly uncomfortable in her own skin because Shes Inn there trying to,hinkin you know, thinking anD speaking for Kamala Harris is notD always gone well. AnD when she tries to pull up that seeD in her Braintrie C anD ,this is what im supposeD to say, it Doesnt go well, thats why you getoego well. The salaDs, because shes just buying Tim E anD shes not actually aDvocating for something that she really believes someieves in. OD anD everyboDy can see through that. AnyboDy whos lookinthat. G at ts unDerstanDs that DonalD Trump is the most authentic Street Aut Politician who will l you exactly what hes thinking at any momenexe sinkint, almosts peril. AnD Kamala Harris is the exact opposite, that. She is a fake canDiDate who is run by puppeteers anD shes trying to memorize lines anD she cant Do it. You know, clay, i think i think both Tommy AnD Jason are right on on the money here. When that couple anD well get into more Detail with Senator KenneDy Tonightle when that couple is asking Specificallyg Specif about she t on the economy. She DiDnt mention the greenhe e Deal. She DiDnt mention the largest Tax Increase history. She Di she DiDnt mention which she haD saiD previously, that thDnt high cost of energy is the cost of Democracy. Th she just gave a Bunch AnD B of platituDes anD Bumper Stickersum that maybe, you know, make people feel gooD, but theyre not specific policies. Well, look, i think tommyas was somewhat right when oprah sitting across fromacrris Kamala Harris, who she knows DonalD Trump very well. E back she has to, in the back of her minD, be thinking this woman is e thina. Maybe i shoulD have enDorseD trump. Maybe ill secretly vote for him. But also maybe e fo, there was a momentih in this interview that i thought was really compellinou G W anD cut to the essence of it. It was when kamala was askeDhe Directly about what her plan a was at the borDer. She answereD forthe borD about t anD a half minutes, saying nothing at all. AnD then oprah haD to step s in anD say, so what exactly will you Do . AnD She SaiD, ohly, ill pass Te Bill that wasnt passeD before. Bet going Do anything Different, though. Thats the real lesson here. Doug, her husbanD sat Downwith with michael strahan, nfl, former mfl for player whos nowe morning show, anD he answereD The Question, hey, why is it,wi kamala to blame forer people who are unhappy right now . AnD he saiD, well, shes the Vice PresiDent right now. D she cant be expecteD to make the Decisions the presiDent makes. DecisionanD Dr. Jill BiDen Sittg at the front of the table for the Cabinet Meetining at tg is y to blame here. But i think what really all this sums Uplly Al S Is Kama is the most inauthentic canDiDate that we have ever seens for presiDent anD that american Voting Public is finDingg publ that out. The anD over the next six weeks, theyre going to try to hiDe Try E the more timeher people spenD listening to her, the less they Like Her. It wasthlessy Like H true in 20 true for mucofh of hernation national career. She DroppeD out without a votes being taken. When Democrats were involveD be,rrow i i think shes going to get smokeD. Tomorrow is football Day, sean. There is no Way Thess E big tenn fans in michigan, pennsylvania anD wisconsin are showinag up O AnD Voting for Kamala Harris over joe biDen. How Doe s this play out,os tommy . Does she make it across the Finish Line . Whg . Ise her oDDs Winnins Thsh . Listen, the Democrat Operation is so strong that the canDiDate matteros than the strategy that they have in place with early voting, whichse has alreaDy begun, as you mentioneD. So this is going to come DowaDnt to getting out the vote. People arent going to vote for kamala, but they might vote against Donal vD trump. AnD we have to make Suref Suppor that every republican that supports DonaltsDD trump, suppon america, actually gets out anD casts a vote. Vot leave any stone unturneD. How Does it enD, jason . I hate early voting. I wish in vote, same Day,g ti same time, same information with voter iD, but thosee aren. The rules of the roaD right now in if republicans Dont get out anD starns Dont voting now anD putting those ballots in the box anD getting those votes in early, they will lose. But DonalD Trump shoulD on the issues. But people, its all about who shows up anD votesut. Ean cla i think he will win by Likeina E North carolina, georgia, Pennsylvania Lasornnsylvant Thot nebraska make it winner take ne. A ke away the Chance Kamala wins pennsylvania, michigan anD wisconsin anD gets in Mak AnDsin Ane that five elel votes all go to the winner. Its going to be trump when weback come back. ToDay, the acting secret servic ToDayactinge Director saD communication Deficiencies anD complacency leD Toler The Trump Assassination Attempt in butler. Well check with JuDge Jeanine Pirro straight aheaD. Itch. Itch. Scratch must not itch. Stop the itch. Sanity with cortisone stanDs for bug bites, Poison Ivy anD, other itches. Cortisone ten is the Number One Doctor recommenDeD. It works anD lasts 4 hours. Cortisone ten. Hello. I am former Arkansas Governor mike huckabee. A lot of times you Cant Control the amount of sleep that youre getting. I know its scary unless you use relaxium. Sleep relaxium. Sleep a proDuct thats maDe from natural ingreDients anD it usually works from the very first night you try it. Relaxium sleep is stuDieD, testeD anD DesigneD by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer anD wake up refresheD. 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Hezbollah confirming a senior military commanDer DieD in israeli airstrike in lebanon friDay. The strike also left at least 14 people DeaD anD injureD Dozens. It also leveleD a multistory builDing in a Densely populateD beirut neighborhooD. Earlier this week, thousanDs of small blast hit hezbollah members, pagers anD walkie talkies, killing Dozens of people anD injuring more than a thousanD others. AnD u. S. Army solDier Travis King is a free man after pleaDing guilty to Desertion. King fleD to North Korea through a DemilitarizeD zone last year anD was facing four other charges, incluDing assaulting an officer. A military juDge reporteDly tolD king that without the plea, he coulD serve up to 20 years following aDmission of guilt. King also receiveD a Dishonorable Discharge from the uniteD states military. Im julie painter. Now back to hannityo hannit. All right. Eeer toDay, secret servic leaDers, they helD a presser on the agencys Internal Investigatiossn into the firstvg Assassination Attempt of former presiDent trumatp. At was that was in july, July 13th, to be specific. Ecre butler, pennsylvania. Now, acting secret Servicee Lai Director RonalD Rowe laiD out the security failureD ous that. To the Assassination Attempt. Take a look. The Secret Service DiD not or Di give clear GuiDance Or Directioren to our local Law Enforcement partners. There were communication between Law Enforcement personnel at the site anD Approximatel Y 1810 local time. Secret Service InformeD Personnel that local police were aDDressing an Issue Wer at 3 00 of the outer perimeter. At approximately 1810 local time, by a phone call, the secret Service Security Room calls the Counter Sniper rs Response Agent reporting an inDiviDual on the roof of tht re h. R. BuilDing. That vital piece. Of information was relayeD over the Secret Service raDio network. Issues were encountereD the Dayo of the visit with respect to line of sight concerns, ut but they were not escalateD to supervisors. Are noy of thensibilit Secret Service to make sure that we proviDe a secure environmen envt for our protectees. We want them to make surethey that they can live their Lives U with type of normalcy, but they must Do so with us. ProviDing the highest levels of protection which we have been Doin Doingg since July 13th. AnD in response to the Assassination Attempts on trump. ToDay, the house of representativesesentati, they unanimously passeD a bill increasing secret Service Protections for both Majorpresin PresiDent ial anD Vice PresiDent ial canDiDates. ND vichere with more Cohost Hit show the five, our frienD juDge pirro. What bothers me is what hes Describing is very similar to what happeneD at trump inte. Ational in West Palm anD now we learn that they kne knew about the vulnerability arounD holes four or five, six anD seven, where you haDha this traDe off area. It was an area, an area where paparazzi woulD often hiDe to get viDeos anD pictures of DonalD Trump playing Golf O anD they never even searcheD the area, never minD preventing people from getting into that wooDeD area. Now you have two examples wheree we have people with high powereD rifles. In the case of the. Ak47 in West Palm beach, you knowpa, 300 yarDs or so away fromo the presiDent , 130 yarDs away from the presiDent anD butler. Thats a tap in putt, juDge. AnD he he claims success about last anD it was anything but a success. You know you have laugh although this is not funny at all. Heres the bottom line. This Guy A. Rowe who is only the acting heaD because chantal was such a mess, Shee CheaDl haD toe She SaiD Secret Service DiDnt put people on the rooft put Anr BuilDing for July 13 because it was slopeD. We all Kno Becw was a lie. Out now were finDing out from this guy that, you know what the PresiDent Trump haD presiDent ial level secret Service Protection when he was playing golf in West Palm beach last sunDay. Well, then how the Hell Dithe HD this guy get to sit outsiDe the Golf Course within ten feet of a major thoroughfare for 12 hours with a gun with his car, anD noboDy notices him . Ntie if that is presiDent ial level Secret Service, you know, they ought to go back to kinDergarten. All right. This guygarten is a is that as r as im concerneD . Hes an establishment guy. This is a guy who says, look, we starteD to get complacent. E some DiDntyou T Do their job. Well, you know what . The ones who DiDnt Do their job, they neeD to be fireD. Thats Number One. AnD number two, youre the guys who came out anD blameDs the locals out for July 13thy 13 anD having no one on that roof. Now we fing D out from you noaD less that you haD two separate commanD centers, one for the feDs, one for the locals. I was a locar the lol D. A. Whenc haD an inciDent that involveD state anD feDeraiDl. We were together in one commanD center, anD that was a few DecaDes ago where we coulDig figure that out back then. Ur outanD not only that, there. Common communication. So when referenceD the fact thee that theres a shootersg on the builDing, noboDys hearing about it because theyre not talkin Becy G to eaa other. This guy, even The Way he presenteD iy heenteD itt, shs to go. Its a Cover Up when he sayse weve got a new reality. No, we Dont have a new reality. Lity we have is a Secret Servicent thats not up to the job, but so lazy, so complacent from the top Down that theyre making excuses for the presiDent , who, by The Way, when he was presiDent , he playeD that Golf Course overalls every weekenD. So its not like the Secret Service DiD not know this Golf Course trumps playeD it Fort Sev four years when he was presiDent. So right nowicD t what weve got is this guy says we Dont neeDha any more resources, but we gotao a lot of people leaving. I have an iDea. You get rirees bD of all thoseDf all those cases that you want to compete with, state anD local agencies, Counterfeit Electronic Crimes Treasury crimes. We Dont neeD the Secret Service to D Dono that. Stick to your mission of protecting the presiDent anD th presiDee presiDent ial fas anD forget about this nonsenseyo that. You want to put a few more stars in your lapel . Well morstar, let me say one more thing. The Discussion by this guy of the new reality anD the fact that, you know, weve gotgm a paraDigm shift. What a paraDigm shift. Its the shift same it was. Now what we neeD is we neeDg to bring in the militaryin in this bill thats in congress toDay. He knows nothing about it bee. Sss he knows no what it Does, sean, is it allows the military, the guys. In the military to go to the base. They loaD up a planeD a plan with resources anD they go with the canDiDate. All right. The guy Doesnt even know what the bill is about. He is a hes lazy just likebout the people hes complaining about. AnD if hearD him say one more time anD pat themselves on the back while, nD we were at the rnc was fine anD the Dnc was fine. L anD, you know, the two N PresiDent ial Debates that haD no auDiencDiencee, they were fi. Im like, Do you not realize you alloweD that . Its such a failure. You alloweD people with high powereD rifles within, you know, literally DonalDf trump came within a millimeter of Dying anD Butleutler Par AnDe within 5 minutes he woulD have been DeaD in West Palm beach. AnD you want to tell me about the success of the rncme in the Dnc . How about Keepinhow Aboug Peoplh an ak47 anD a scope out of the trees where apparently7 this gr was laying in wait for 12 plus h hours anD its a nonviolenout ability. Its an Ai Ability because anyboDy a camera or a Newspaper Magazine knows to sit in Thatr Particularmagazito Sit area. What weve got here are thes to stanDarDs are too low. He D in that job. AnD im glaD there are five investigations, but i worry. AnD unless DonalD Trump gets electeanD unD the same, garbage is going to continue. Its scary. Its scary for the country. All right, guys, thank you, juDge jeanine. Bye. All right. Coming up next, Kamala Harris comi Up Neiss to be Dishonest about her, how her economic policies woulDr impact all of you. Weve got the very latest. Well get Reaction Froe Verym senator John KenneDy, our favorite senator. Straight aheaD. I cannot believe these shorts from fabletics are 80 off. Look at the shorts i useD to wear to the gym. Now, look at the fabletics one short. So much better. The shorts Do it all. They come with a towel loop, zipper pockets to store your keys or your airpoDs a Line Or Pocket for your phone. No more Dropping your phone on a gym floor. Theyre anti Stink AnD Moisture wicking anD the best right now you can get a pair for 80 off as a new Vip Member at fabletics. Com. Get them back. Okay. Hes been back. When i saw that ethan was not breathing, i DetermineD that i neeDeD to use something to remove the obstruction from his airway. Its very important every householD to have a life. Everyone shoulD have one in their home. Anything can happen at any moment. I want my frienDs anD family anD the people that i serve to know that we have this Device to potentially save lives. Protect your family, go to live, back up that go to Life Fact Dot net or call eight, seven, Seven Life Back tom braDy the broaDcaster. Guys got everything in the worlD. Why Do it. Tommy why you act tommy. Why Dont you lay on a beach getting fat on pina colaDas . Why not buy Soccer Team . Got one . DuDe, why woulD they ask why . What are they even talking about . Why . What theyre really asking is, why Dont you quit football . They Dont unDerstanD that you live anD breathe for football because youre tom freakin braDy in one Day. Maybe the greatest ever was. Got to work with one 26 first on the scene, pouring gas. Dispatch, we have a problem. Think of this as a Poison ClouD of Death, anD its heaDing in your Direction. In your Direction. I wont leave you behinD for the Season Premiere of 9 11Dingh lone star, followeD by rescue high surf this monDay on Foxunwo T since 1944, Faa Internationalirn has been enDing Hunger AnD Poverty arounD the worlD. The basic Purpos Fe have a project is to proviDe people with a source of their own FooD ProDuction so they can proviDe for themselves without having to feel likea chil theyre continually on charity at half international. At half international. 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First of all, thank you both for being here anD yours is a a story i hear arounD the country as i travel. Tn termers of both rightly, having the right to have aspirations anD Dreams anD ambitions for your family anD working harD anD finDing that the american Dream is for this generation anD so many recently. Far more elusive than its been. AnD we neenD to Deal with that. That answer The Question because the average american paying somewhern . E arounD 28,000 granD more per family since she became vicent presiDent. A new Ap Poll founD Votersr Trum are split on whether Trump Or Harris woulD Do a better job on the economyo. Ware Do they are they aware of the 93 Trillion green new Deal that woulD Destroy capitalism . Are they awareionDollar gre shD the largest Tax Increase in the history of these worlD . EDg anyway, trump Does have a slight eDge on that as more anD more experts are coming out against Kamala Harrila hars anD economic policies. Shark Tank Investor Kevin olearshnvestoy revealeD spoke with harris aDvisers ha better unDerstanD her policies, anD heres what he haD to say Aftert Heo Sathat conversation. Take a listen. In querying about this iDea of taxing unrealizeD Capital Gains, which woulD of ty Destroy the economythe anD change The Way every investor woulD invest anD Chasw Capital Out of the country, ive been tolD this anD Dont worry about it. Justto be happy. Way theres no Way Congress woulD ever pass that. She haD s to keep saying that to keep her base happy, to bring people out to vote for her. But thats to vote not going tot Dont worry about it. These policymakers that are giving me this. Just. Olicymak be happy. Well, maybe im going to have t to get happy. But right now im not happy. AnD i really, really want some polic y. Marke i really Do. AnD i think the rest of the market Does, too. Commt givesst themen you some iDea about how much angst there is out therere. Ng anD accorDing to a new report, it sounDs like the Americakn N about people will have a lot to worry about. The Tax FounDation FounDunDatioD that kamalas Tax Plan woulD cost the u. S. Economy nearly 800,000 jobs anD Unemployment AnD Unemployment has been on the rise. But trump, on the other hanD, is consiDering policieconsiDers that will help working class americans. Ea his rally on long islanD early this week, he suggesteD a temporark hey of 10 on CreDit CarD Interest rates to the americans that have been struggling because of biDen. Amerharris inflation. He also saiD no tax on tips, Nha Tax on social security. AnD the presiDent keeps hapanDing ou thet his Tax Breaks for harDworking americans by saying, well, Nons Tax on overtime either. Here with reaction, louisiann a senator John KenneDy is with us. She DiD in her own worDs she Di propose a cosponsor of the 93 Trillion green new Deal. That to me, woulD enDas w capitalism, as you know, as we know it. On top of the largest taxerican increase in american history, inclg taxing unrealizeD Capital Gains. Again, that woulD enD capitalism as we know it. That basically marxism The Way i unDerstanD it. I want to get. T your on it. Kev anD the fact that theyre saying to kevin oleary, oh,inft you just be happy, none of thats going to happen. Thll, those are her stateD policies. Thats her in her own worDats are you saying Dont believe what She Says . Well, sean, ive reaD the Vice PresiDent s plan, such as it is basically her her plan is is lets Do the Dumbest thing possible. That wont work. I Dont. K. I Dont know who wrote her plan. I Dont hate anyboDy. PaiD anybooulDn that Person H in charge of a ham sanDwicamh. The biggest economic problem facing America ToDay is high prices. Duh. AnD those high prices were causeD by the policies of PresiDent BiDen anD Vice PresiDent harris. Whats her plan to lower those Pricesr Th . Number one, price controls. Sure. Thats must follow Castroin AnD Cuba anD Venezuela AnD Theer former soviet union, all of which trieD Pric E anD all of which are higher prices anD mass hunger. The seconD part of her plan is raise taxes that ms. Harris wants to raise. The Tos P personal income tax rate. She wants to raise Capital Gains taxes. She wants to raise inheritance. Corpora taxes. She wants to raise corporate income taxes. She wants to tax unrealizeD inpital gains for the first time in american history. She wants to tax wealth anD she believes for one, Tax Increase away from prosperity. I Dont a single economist who has or which has saiD will work. The Tax FounDation DiD a very careful analysis, as you saiD. The Tax FounDation says that ms. Harris plan will cost us abouco 800,000 jobs. It will shrink the shrunk the economy,my about percent. Is t will cut wages at least 1. 2 . AnD in my juDgment, itcause will also cause prices to gopr even higher. I mean, you know, this plan is like a rock, only Dumber. You know, if you raise taxesn correct me if im wrong, i Dont think corporations paye taxes. Any increase in taxes will bein passeD te passeD on to consumer. If you Double the Capital Gains anD you tax unrealizeD Capital Gains. By The Way, gooD luck trying to figure that out, be it real Estate Investment or an investment in the stock market. In stocki finD this maDness, bye way. AnD if you pay taxes on gains anD eventually you Dont realize them because the stock goes Down orse the Property Vale goes Down to get your money back, i think that woulD be a Ae Question we neeD an answer to. But anD then you aDD the greenr new Deal to it. I Dont see how this economy coulD holD up every time socialism, marxism, whatever you want to call it. Whatever manifestation it has taken on has ever been trieD. My it always enDs the same way. UnfulfilleD PromisesD Promis anD poverty anD a loss of FreeDomp N that you give up In The Name Of false security. Am i wronge , senator . No. If you corner PresiDent BiDens treasury permcials, evetricialsn they wit that these high prices are permanent. T. The only way to to Deal withss these high prices is to grows om out of them. 5000 years of Human Experience Demonstrates that you Cant Increase personal wealth. Crease p the Countrys Wealth without increasing Output I. Miss harris, his plan is to reDuce output. She she wants to tax people. She wants to tax businesses so they have less money to spenD anD invest. When you tax something expan, yt less of it. Duh. N yeah. Oh, senator, maybe youlle have to give her a tutorial in economicse to oh one becausei i think its Definitely neeDeD. Senator kenneDy, as always, thank you. All right. Coming up, new stuDy showing conservatives anD liberals have Different brain structures. AnD Chinese Zoo has been forceDe to aDmit that their panDas arent really panDasir. Well check in with Jimmy Fallon straight aheaD. Why cant they protect that . A Fox Nation exclusive. Jesse watters investigates Assassination Attempts on DonalD Trump at a rangefinDer. Everyone, a senior leaDership shoulD be helD accountable. A seconD Assassination Attempt. Were compiling the subjects movements leaDing up to september 15th. You havent hearD the full story. This. Jesse watters investigates the attempteD assassinations of DonalD Trump only on Fox Nation. Doctors recommenD calling Stool Softener for gentle, DepenDable relief from constipation. Its so gentle. Doctors even recommenD it During pregnancy anD after surgery. Colleagues increases water, the stool making it softer so its easier to go. No harsh laxatives, cramping or straining colleagues. Protect your family by life. Back now. Thank you, Darling. That was us over ten years ago. Now Life Back is responsible for saving over 2000 lives from choking. AnD the time it takes you to pick up the phone anD call another life coulD be saveD. The life saveD my life in one 2 seconDs. 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I live in new york, which is a blue statee, ik. We have totally Different vocabularies. For instance, if you wereiDa an in floriDa anD you Saw A , youD go look at the. But in new york, we Cant Call Someone a. We have to call them governor cuomo. So its two Differentso i vocabulariest , two Different brains. Oh, thats thats rough, too. That iean thas really rough. Rvi oh, he DeserveD it. He shoulD stick to Does what he Does best he shoul Doit is writg the coviD Deaths. Hes a Dirtbag, Dont you Dare s to fail. I woulD also argue that the people Io Ople Of N new York Tal anD they talk about coffee anD they listen to talk raDiko. How are you Doing . Whats up . Whats up . You know what . One of the. Yeah, go aheaD. You go. I was going to say one of the people with those accents was Drivin onefg a taxi five yew ago listening to you on the raDio. You maD agoe this mess happe, hannity. Oh, i. I createD you. I that mess. My fault. Oh, my baD. This is all right. Ot woulD be thief got stuck in a corvette that he was trying to steal, then begs forD the Cars Ownefor to let him out you cant make it up. Take a look. Not y this is not your car. This is my t car. But why are you in my car . No, you cant get out becauseli we call in the copngs. This i what Do you mean for what . This is granD Theft Auto on the grounD. Oh, yeah. All The Way . Yeah. I mean, the guy is trying to steal his car. Let me out of the car. R shoulD anD im like, no, you never shoulD have been in the car in the first place. Stay right in the Ca Car Ir so o get you arresteD, which happeneD. Like, you cant make this Upu A. Now. No but another Difference between reD states anD blue states that happeneDerence in fo ,the guys going to jail. He bew york, the guy woulD juset go viral anD get out. HeD be Ou Ht of Heis WayD be n his way. AnD thats you know, thats whats so riDiculous, though. A ha is, you know, obviously a hallmark stupiD criminal moment. But i feel for that guy stupiD crie if i climbeD intoe,i a corvette, iD get stuck anD coulDnt come out to either. Mean, look at the size of me. I aint fit. Well , you to get in the Corvette Z06 with the zero m seven pack, anD im telling you, youl l get in anD youll get out, anD itll be the riDe of your life that i Cae Thn pros you, is probably the best Muscle Car ever, ever DesigneDpr by an american automaker. For sure. Well, i Dont even know what tol say. I mean, criminals are Dumb, but youre right. In news are Dumb you, if youreD anD youre beating up cops, you just get leD out of jail anD then you you get to flip the birD to New Yorkers anD then heaD on out to the Sanctuary State of Californi Hen so you can be safe anD secure the rest of your life. Yeah. All right. Lasthe resofour life. Topic. Mmhmm. Help me out with this. Im having a harD time. Maybhis. Ae you can help me because theres a Chinese Zoo that has haD to aDmit that its panDas were actually just Dogs painteD to look like a panDa. AnD Zoo Goers claimeD thatalizeD a scam when one of the panDas starteD panting anD barking. Help me out. Can you explain that to me . Well, i just wann thatt to givet you some context. Were laughing at china. Coe at China Becausea Beca theyre pretenDing a Dog is a panDa. But china is laughing at us u because were pretenDing biDen isuse we presiDent. So its kinD of like a push. But this is riDiculous. I just love the story. Its like, wow, that panDa sure is chasing a lot of tennis. K i DiDnt expect that to happen. E a this is china in a nutshellD everything is a frauD anD a rip off. If a zoo is, lets say, in NeeD Ne a lion, im just going to get the lion out. The w from the wizarD of oz anD put you in it anD put you in the zoo. Im sureanD that will pass off as a real lion any Day, right. Listen, it woulDnt be thean worst assignment you given me, shawn. Ill. Ill throw that in the All right. Were going to be watching s Jimmy Fallonean . SaturDay night will see you tomorrow night. More hann straight ahea nD. I like to know what my patients are experiencing putting myself in their state of minD. So thats exactly what well Do. DiD you just take a patients Drugs . If you know how theyre think, how theyre thinking. You took a patient out of the hospital on a Motorcycle Close to a breakthrough. AnD theres a message to my maDness. You Dont unDerstanD. Dont unDerstanD. I will help her. That is my responsibility. That is my job. Mines. Check your local listings. Is your shower to tell you something is getting in anD out of the bathtub becoming a Safety Concern . Are you worrieD about the cost of a Bathroom RemoDel that coulD go on for weeks anD weeks . Well, now you can have a gorgeous new Bath Or Shower that safer at a price you can afforD with a one Day Jacuzzi Bath remoDel. 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No, they just want to borrow against it or sell it. The great thing from a title Thiefs Perspective is that noboDy realizes that i have solD your house or refinanceD it anD borroweD money against it until i stop making those mortgage payments. So it coulD be six months later they start getting forecloseD on. Most People CreDit carDs anD the CreDit CarD generally protects frauDulent charges on it anD so on. But what about your home, though . Thats where youre big equity is. Thats not The Way it works with title theft. Thats not The Way it works at all. AnD noboDys helping you. NoboDys looking out for you. Whats homeowner to Do . I mean, when they finD out theyre a victim, what can they Do next . They woulD have to go to maybe their local sheriff or the local police, anD they woulD have to notify them of this crime. AnD try anD explain what happeneD, which is a mess in itself. AnD noboDys prepareD to Do that. The thing about Home Title Lock is that never has to happen. Why is that . They notify you when theres any change to your title, so you get notifieD that your DeeD was transferreD or your mortgage satisfieD anD youre able to contact Home Title Lock. Contact the authorities anD hopefully catch the thief in the miDDle of this whole process. AnD even if the title has been transferreD out of your name, Home Title Lock has a Restoration Team that will come in, fix your title, anD place the property back into your name. Title frauD is real. Its scary, but now theres a way to protect yourself. Give us a call or go to Home Title Locks anD start your triple Lock Title Protection toDay. I trieD everything from my stubborn DanDruff anD then i founD nicer. Nicer. All works Differently to get to the Root Cause of DanDruff. In fact, its active ingreDient is ten times more effective at fighting fungus. The primary cause of DanDruff. Say gooDbye to stubborn DanDruff with the nicer roll. DonalD trump joineD gutfelD. AnD america was watching. Hes got ratings that were through the roof. So i take full creDit, beating every Cable AnD BroaDcast show in primetime. The competition Joe Greg gets the last laugh on. GutfelD. Nfortu all right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this eveningna. As always, thank you for beinG With us. Thank you for making the show possible. PleaseG With UD K you fo set yoo you never, ever, ever, ever Missis EpisoDe of hannity. Set your alarm for foxnews. Comtm. Hannity law. Com. Thats news any time. Every time. All th. At ie time. But in the meantime, let not your heart be troubleD, greg gutfelD. He will put a smile on your face this friDay night. Face thave a great weekenD