Primetime tonight. This is likely Whereect Park the suspect parked his car. This is the actual area whered, the suspect entered the exact spot where the Suspect Spo Bag s found. The trump assassin. There is mucd. H more to this story by a violent radical left mobster. But, you know, he can afford a boat. Youre not hurting so bad, right . Listen, nobody gave me. G th i earned everything that ive got. Why . Goa is ashamed of the american dream. Harrye medi, get your fat out of the couch. Youre going to vote form. Trump today, harry. Hey, white dudes. So i think were all pretty sick of hearing how much we every time you go online. Its the prame story. Where the problem . Thursday is back. Plus, i would take a bullet for Donald Trump. Better. Fox news alert. We finally got our hands on the Mug Shot of Donald Trumps second assassin. Ryan, Ruth Sporting A Sickening Smirk just hours after he dropped his Rifle F and scampered away from Secret Service gunfire. Las Servicet Night on Long Island,e Donald Trump seemed genuinely humbled, as you know,ow three days ago, there was yet another Assassination Attempgot on My Life. I didnt know i was going to stay. D on it was the second one int eight weeks by a violent , l le radical left mobster. This evil would be assassin. Got within a few hundred yards of where i stood. But thankfully, our outstanding Secret Service,h agent and they are outstanding. Spotted the barrel of his rifle in the bushes. Can you believe that . God has now spared My Life. Itiss go must have been god. Thank you. Not once, but twice. God was watching because new photos from inside Beca Nest showed just how close of a call this was. If trump had made it to the sixth green. This would have been Ruths Line of sight. Thats an even easier Shotd N than what Thomas Crooks had in butler. Heres exactly what Ryan Ruth did. Watch this. This is likely where the suspect parked his car and he went into the bushes right there. Im approaching where the suspect went into the bushes. Actual this is the actual Site Right here. This is the actual Area Wherht hee the suspect entered the bushes. This is the area exact spot where the Suspect Bag was found with the rifle. New right on to the Golf Course. Theres a flag right there. The Secret Service knew about this gaping hole. Did nothing. Whistleblowersg Hodid Noth say s should normally have been there. There are known vulnerabilities at that course. Co that is areas where you canvr get a clear line of sight from off the course of People playing the course. That makesPeople t sense. Proto so its been secret Service Protocol to Station Agentsco at these known sites before trump would play the course. That apparently didnt happen. It sounds as if they didnt even sweep the perimeter. You know, this this is really strange. The wholtrangee thing is strang. And the more we look into this assassins history, the stranger it gets. Ryan. Ruth doesnt have the typicaln. Resume of an assassin. His father was a chemist from a good college who had a long career at sherwinwilliams. The family was at church every sunday. Routes to siblings went on toe be a banker and a lawyer. Rutbankerh was described as a super citizen in the local paper. The a local Police Organization named him the citizen of the year after he saved a woman from a. He told the paper in town,e quote, he punched me. He was a pretty strong fella, h. Kind of short, but strong. When he hit me, i grabbed hold of him. Hiedhe shook free from me and tr off running. Unnitrump secession has gotten unusual amount of publicity. Abouis entirse life. Local papers were even writing about Ruths Miracle and Dream Home renovations. Withoday, Local Say Ruth was living with debris everywhere and doors were nearly fallins Eo Ne I cant believe anyone cou have lived in thatin house. One local realtor said. His neighbor said his house was a zoo. Only thing i seen they had a horse In The House. I mean, i owned a horse and that was split. They were. Oh, i mean, kind of weird, you know. But, you know, they didnt bothert me. I didnt bother him. Like to see. How do you mean . A horse in there . I always hold that horse in thei house, in the outfield, In The House where the living room whert. The daughter sarah, with hay all in here. And big old life horse. So how the citizen of the year with a nice house and a good Family Turn into an assassin living in a Barn Withan more felonies than money in his Bank Account . Ruth couldnt even affordsup. Child support. Primetime looked into it and it d into was always behind on payments to his ex. Always. She even agreed to terminate the Support Due to his financial situatiodue to fn. Ruth sold his house in North Carolina for 174,000, and then was also living in an 800,0000o bungalow in hawaiill. How does a man with no money for Child Support suddenly start living in a pricey house in hawaii and afford flights to taiwan, turkey, poland, ukraine . His neighbors say sometimesis they wouldnt see him for three yeart ses. He was only like three years before then and theyll get to call him the next year. And then, you know, its all coming out again. Yeah, well, it was. Go with me. Yeah, he bought me like a get my wife, you know, when it came and all. Thank you for watching the house and give me a hug for you. You know what youre doing in My Life . What . Hes buying the girlfriend posting something about a Victorias Secre at Person Supervisor or a manager or somethinsomething. And thats why they were traveling. He had been in Europe Or Something over here, too. Thats what he did. Mm. The house in Hawaii Ryan was living with is connected to his fiancee, kathleen schafer. Kathleen worked at Victorias Secretorias s. Shes engaged to this guy who All Of A Sudden Flieo Se with to ukraine for months, asd shes fine with that. As we reported last night, ruth spent eight months sleeping in Ukrainian Military Barracks and he was rubbing elbows with Cold Blooded killers. Some of the People he claimed to be interacting with were, you know, some high ranking military figures, various People in the whatan i recall would be bestd as u described as like ukrainian mafia. Some oiaf the People that had connections with local government to trwithy to get ths done or to help him, you know, further what seemed to me to be scams and cons. Y woul why would you leave your fiancee who just lost her Jou Leavur Fiancb at victort to fly to ukraine to recruit muslim militants, to fight russia . And if you have 68 in your Bank Account, how are you spending thousands on airfare . How are you even feeding yourself . And ukrain . E . And everywhere he goes, he gets press from the local prese New York Times to newsweek. And every time hes arrested, he gets a pas to. S. Hes been charged with 100 different counts, and hes Neved R served a day in jail. Hows that possible . And after spending Monthsnd Sca with ukrainian mobsters and scaring the Bejesurisy Co at everybody connected with them, he was flagged to the fbid with, the State Department and Homeland Security. But they all dropped the investigation and he shows up to the president s Golf Course sho and a car with stolen plates and a loaded rifle with a scratched offNo Ones serial number. And No Ones curious if Ryan Ruth was sent curio here oa mission to kill and No Ones located his fiancee. Its not that hard to find somebody in hawaii. And the Biden Harris Administration stonewalling. They wont even let florida Crime Investigators into the crime scene. We were rebuffed. Our investigators wereng t rebuffed. Just going to the Fence Line outside of Trump Internationalal Golf Club in west palm beach. And so i think Theyve Takenin E the position, you know, they dont want the state of florida to be involved in thiof fo be s. What are they hiding . How do we not knowho Theresw Dw more Ryan Russo or Thomas Crooks out there . How do we not know today . An Alaska Man was charged for threatening six Supreme Court justicesd. He donated heavilyea to democrats. Guess whicvily to h six justices targeting . He then told them we need mass assassinations. If youre corrupt, assare corru. This comes on the heelsn of another democrat who traveled Acrosthe S The Couf and showed up outside of Kavanaughs House with a Gun And Zighs houp ties. Gun remember him . He was arrested. And weve never heard anothes. Hr word about him. And instead of investigating whats behind these Assassination Attempts, whats fueling them, how theyre being put togethers feeli . Blami the media is blaming trump for People wanting to kill hiople tm. The left think trumps more of a threat than Arme D assassins. K its do you think its time for democrats to stop Callin G to trump a threat to democracy . No. I think we should be clear that he is a threat to democracy. The fact of the Matter T is that he is a threat to democracy. Do you think its time for Democrat E s to stop calling trump a threat to democracy . Listen, thesa three are the fac. He is a threat. Period. Point blank. Democrats have never endorsed political violence, but he will go to a rally and he will endorse it. This is the equivalent of playing with a Loaded Guneque and then it backfiring on you. Democrats are saying trumps playing Russian Roulette at 45 ab on a Suicide Mission and No One really can do anything about it. We just found out who the real threat is. S. Ca Trump Transition Team member and former president ial Candidate Tulsi Gabbard joins us nowndidate a g how do you understand Geis Guy going to ukraine and getting flagged to all of these federal agencies who just look the othe Allf Thr . And he shows up to the Golf Club with an armed with a rifle loaded with a scope. How does that mak, E Senshoe it doesnt. It doesnt, jesse. T. There are so many questions. I mean, you just laid outai a very clear picture of how many questions there are and how this was allowed to occur. This guys history, theres a whole slew of questions wass around the assassin in butler, pennsylvania. Ervice i think it is is a huge disservice to our democracy and to the american People that still we havent gotten a clear account of exactly what happened and what went down that led to to the shooterd almost taking president trumps life in butler, pennsylvania. Enand as youve pointed out, it looks like theyre they are slow rolling and trying to to hide the truth fromom the american People on this one. You know, president trumps Resilience And Focus in the face of this unprecedented two attempts on his life where Un Ohe has narrowly escaped boto of them, i think, gives him grea tt credit. And quite frankly, it points to the kind of unflappable President Ane D Commander In Chief we should all want. I just remember in the war tr on terror, when you have a guy go tu hao yemen, go to some terr hotbed, and then fly back intot. The country and to this country, hed be on a Watch List. Ged. Hed be flagged. You know, you dont just go tot these placesju and then come back and, you know, all of a sudden like, okay, this guy has been in Ukraine Hangingthisg with mobsters in the ukrainian military has, gunrunners, Recruiting Muslims to fight. This guy doesnt show up on anybodys radar. Oh, actually, he did, but Nous One said anything. How suspicious is that, jesse . They put me on a secretn domestic terror Watch List. How is this guy no t on a Secret Domestic Terror Watch List . You know, i serve in oura military. I was a member of congress for eight years. I wamember fors a candidate runr president. And yet the Harris Biden Administration decided to put me on a secret domestic Terror Watch Lison t. While this guy is able to apparently travel freely without federal Air Marshalseile being assigned to surveil him and his every move. And thats really what cuts to the seriousness of what we are facing. I hope we get answers to all of these questions. E ge obut the reality is that fe my former party and the mainstream media have spent Years Demonizing for president trump. I met with him for the first time in 2016. Ti of Congress T on the Foreign Affairs and armed services committees. Two weeks after he was i elected, he hadnt even been sworn in. I was invited to speak to hiwas about a new direction of foreign policy, trying to block the Neoconsa Nen of Whe Jockeying for position at that time. Jesse as sooweren as i walked o of Trump Tower in new york city, my Phone Blei Walkedw Up O With Outrage and being excoriated by fellow democrats at that time. And here was their foremost complaint. Th How Dare You Meetm . With Donald Trump and humanize they they have been dehumanizing him for years, Turning Dehuman him o this evil, hitler like caricature. So we should not be surprised to see their supporters take that seriously. And take it upon themselvesemse to try to take him outlves. Thats how serious this is. Tulsi on a Watch List. It but this guy with Weapons Of Mass Destruction charges Hanging Ouweapont with eastern European Gun dealers not on a Watch List, that all makes, no total sense in the bidenharris administration. Tulsi, thanktration. S, as alwayg joining us. Jonny goes to the Trump Ralloey Kamala Harris says, you guys leave these rallies early out of boredom. What time are you leaving tonight . Im staying until the very end. If theres an after party, ill be there wh to. When it comes to Amgens Life changing medical breakthroughs, every second counts. Citis Sconnecte Bankbut Wite breakthroughs are often passed cities. 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Theyre taking on the hot topics with powerful perspective and smarqualy made in America Flag Today thats show Allegiance Scott if you want to be the President O of the united states, you have to connect with People. They said, bill Clinton Couldy make you feel like he were the only one in the room. If the only oneerehe room. In the room, hed make you feel something else. But all President Mething s usually have the It Factor is common. Have it well, let you be the judge. Here she is leaving the stage at thes le black Journalists Event where she just spent an hour with her basee e ju. Thats to look at three People who spent an hour with kamala and realized she doesnt have it. Now, compare that to the Podp Trump got last night on gutfeld. He loves Diet Coke but hate the woke. Choosing this insanity over sean hannity. We deal with the 45th donald j. Trump. Energ theres an energy to donald donap that even Cnn Cant deny. Donald trump, he plays golf with bryson dechambeau. hehe goes on theo von. He talks about zenz and, you know, democrats, im sorry, like they havent had a normal. Guy, that candidate in a while. And like, with all due respect to Tim Walz, like Tim Walz appeals to a lot of men. He also appeals to that guy. O E Bruce just is wearing a future as female shirt. T. Yeah, like that guy in madison, wisconsin, thats already goi going to vote democrat. Im sorry, i thought of your reach. The young man. Yeah. Bryson wants to be around Donald Trump. Democrat. He wanth doesnt want to be ard kamala. She has to because kamala needs help. People like oprah want to help kamala. P her. They need to help her. S but trump wants to help you because you Needp Yo it. Livising tide lifts all boats and cnn assumes if youre living the american dream, you only Caredream Yo about yourself. You know, if you can afford a boat, youre not hurting so bd bad, right . Because a Boat Cost a lot of money and its a lot of upkeep. Nobody gave me i earned everything that ive got. Im retired military retired power plant, and i am successful and retired with boats, Jet Skis becauses be i did it right. And everybody has that chance, e whether they choose or not. Thats up to them. I want my money to gr or, o further. Tion i want inflation to go down. I want Interest Rates to gon wack down. I want all that. But that covers everybody in the economy, not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich. And it covers everybode,y. Cnn just admitted they dont care about the inflation that bidennflation, Harris Causd because its not affecting them personally. If cnnsonally. Hosts have to, y, Pony Up 20 more, they cant th afford it. They dont carey e that you cant afford it. Theyre saying they dont care about th. G the rest of the coun. They feel the same wayl about trump. Even about if hes better for the whole country. His policies. If trump makes them annoyed by the things he says, ific theyre willing to sacrifice the whole country just to spart. Their own feelings. Most mature adults dont pla may that. Whats your most important issue . The economy. Getting the Interest Rates down. Getting it where we can afford to live in america i can. Right now, its getting too expensive. You know, if you can afford a boat, youre not hurting so bad, right . Because a Boat Cost a lot of moneyd be and its a lot of upkeep. Nobody gave me. P. I earned everything that ive got. Im retired military retired power plant. And i am successful and retired and with boats, Je Boatst skisit because i did it right. And everybody has that chancodyr whether they choose or not. Thats up to them because i want my money to go furthe,p i want inflation to go down. I wt i want Interest Rates to go back down. Ati want all that. But that that covers everybody in the economy. Rsnot just me, not just the poo, not just the rich. And it covers everybodcovey. Excuse us. We didnt mean to play that Sound Bite twice, but i enjoyed it because i loved watching that man. Kamalas Campaign Theme is joytn ,but joy, it doesnt make a you able to afford your dream house. You cant put 20 down of joy and just move in. Kamala cant compete if she doesnt talk polic. Y. Black Journalists Today at the nabj pressed Vice President Kamala Today Harris On Policies from guns to the war in gaza. Specifics. F her answers lacked every single Policy Question she got at the debate, she totally ignored and never to answer it. Why is it that why is it that she believes she does not have to answers sh to journalisp who are asking pretty basic question . Js . But Hillary Clinton has a different strategy. No policy, no problem. Sometimes im asked, where is a policy . Well, go to the website. Thats where the policy is. You know, i had more policy than anybody. It was i gave speeches about it. It was on our website. I ro with Tim Kaine about it. We have lots of policy. At The End of the daeye ofy, thd not what caused People to vote for me or againstto me. And i think the the. Harris campaign knows that. More excuses from hillary. Has no whyshe still idea why she lost. She still thinks the russians stole the and thinks americassm sexist. Hereseric hillary saying Kamala Shouldnt even put out policy. The only Reaso Shouln People was to know what she wants to do with the country is because shes a woman. She does not have to do it. Kara. Im going to just cut to the chase in fact, shes put out policies on her campaign website. S anybody who is truly interested can go and read about them. Its a double standard gread a s a double standard. That is partly because they are still getting to know her, but also because theyre still grappling with the idea like, oh, am i really going to eye to bepresiden president and a Commander In Chief . American Majorityd Founderan and author of American Leviathan Ned Ryan ryan. Lary lets get to hillary in a second, because i know seg at the bit. Tell me about the american dream. That woman wanted to know what you can afford. A boat. E th why do you care that prices are up in america . Jesse, Thank You so much for that. Great question. Ki you know, i was raised as a middle class kid. I have neighbors that Love N their lawns. And, you know, i have dreamse and hopes and aspirations. Yeah, i know. Its a little fuzzy on Thosee Da detailils, right . Its like the details still matter. And if you ask for details, youre just sexiste they becaush you wouldnt ask those details from a man. But. From Abut Fact of the matter is, there are no details, and thats for a reason. Ailsfirst of all, kamala lacks the substance. She lacks the ability to communicatesh them. A she communicates on the level of a elementary school kida. And im not talking sixth grader, probably lik care third grade, with apologies to all the third graders out there. But jessethere. if she didnt have her words, salads about space and about Yel Yellow Buses and about being unburdened, do you reall y want her out there if youre a democrat, explaining in fine Detailcrat Exp policies on the T Style Price controls that she wants . No. So control, they dont want herr there talking about that. They want to keep her under wraps. And i think this is a strategy they need to keep her kind of in the backgroundound o a little bit on these policy ideas. Let the corporate propagandists essentially run the campaign. Keep that Joy Blitzkrieg going. Gaslight the Americas Yon People that somehow kamala is aa new fresh face instead of the incumbent vp whose administration has been destroying this country economically on immigration on virtually every fronttr the last four years. Thats the play the next 47 days. Dithdays. D you see any Joy Ine an the faces of those Black Journalists that spent an hour her . She left. No one clapped. He jusshe t it it looked like a scene from Parks And Recreation and like bee they felt like they had been played. The looks that they exchanged with each other. Ed, the look they i felt like you shouldould have played the Parks And Recreation music. Well slip that in next time in post. Ned ryan, Thank You so much. Thanks, jesse. So whats going on nowh. Sse. In springfield, ohio . A live report next. Why cant they protect that guy . A Fox Nation exclusive Jesse Watters investigates both Assassination Attempts on Donald Trump at a rangefinder. Every one of the senior leadership should be held accountable. A second assassin, nation of terror. Were compiling the subjects movements leading up to september 15. You havent heard the full story like this. Ore of . Jesse watters investigates the attempted assassinations of Donald Trump only on Fox Nation. What do People wan t more of . More . Oh, yeah. More laughs, more hangouts. More so good. Yeah. 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Hi true low for Gmg And Picture your life in motion. Springfield, ohio is being overwhelmed by a haitian a and its bringing the town to its knees. The tidal Wave Vasion a of migrantsey are are struggling to assimilate, leading to deaths displacedrgin residents and surging insurance rates. Theyre also divinge rates. Em headfirst into the welfare system. Half of springfields haitians have already enrolled in medicaid. Eld nsthe only person who seemsa to care about The Americans in springfielmend is Donald Trump. This is a Little Beautifulauu town. No crime, no problem. P roblem32,000 illegal immigrantsw into the town 32. So they almost doubled Rheir Population , ushered in a period of a few weeks. Can you believe it . Youand you know what . Theyve got to get much tougher. Theyve goe in theer next two weeks. You may never see me again, but thats okay. Got to do what i got to do. Whatever happened to trump . Well, he never got out of springfield. Were getting him out of our country. Neve springfthey came in illegay theyre destroying our country. Were getting them out. Theyre going to be brought back to the country from which they came. Now, while trumps tackling the Issue Head on, Democrats Interes in the Media Arent interested in the towns suffering. Sufftheyre just interested in winning the election. The left continues Blamingver Trump for Bomb Threats. But ohio governor Mike Dewine says the threats have been hoaxes from overseas. And ifoaxe thats the case, why are the feds letting foreigners interfere in our electionsre . Foreign actors calling in Bomb Threats against american infrastructur n actorse. And we find this out frompres Mike Dewine. Press conferences. Somethings not adding up. Residentp. S have been complainig about the 15,000 haitians well before it caught trumps attention. But the media didnt care until they could turn it into the towns plight, into a political attack. They have pledged to carry out the largest deportation, a Masslargest Deportation in an history. Ul imagine what that would lookw like and what that would be. E. Well, thats exactly what americans want. J Thatse Country Wantsy mass deportations of illegals. And thats especially true spriythere eld, Vivek Ramaswamtr hosted a Town Hall there today. We have City Officialwn Hals that live right here in springfield and have not set up a meeting like this. There simply are too manye in mass migrants here in this town and theyre too richly o subsidized. Its pushing People out of their homes. Its Pushingf Home People out of jobs. They have not assimilated. They do not know the culture. Hey Dow Ththey do not know the. What is happening to our kidtos is not fair. Former president ial candidate Vic Ramaswamy joins me now. Hey, vivek. And hi to everybody there in springfield, ohio. We love you. And. What have you been hearing from the People of this great Town Today . Well, the first thing i saw, are Hungry Fore Open Conversation here. We had this event. It was initially supposeded it. Be small. We expanded. It turns out we need a Venue Capacityt Yo of a few hundred People. It was about 2000 rsvp. People were just hungry to haver their voices heard. Theyve been told to basically voe been tp, sit down, do as yot told for too long. And i think People were just were heard. Eoog an were there some moments of tension . Yes, there were. Dir moments . D everybody agree with 100 of what i had to say . No, they didnt. D . But i do think this is how were going to get our country back, which is were going to have to be Abl Oure to talk to i other as citizens. And the ultimate blame lies at the Feeti Andt of kamalais ad harris and Joe Biden, who created these border and immigratiooe Bidenthesn Pola that are causing places like springfield, a place where i spent a lot of timcallede asd to now suffer. Thats sad, but it doesnt aty. E stay that wa and i think the Residents Tonight actually had a lot of good pragmatic ideas. Ifoo People are just willing to actually listen to them. And i think we tried to do that tonight. What Wer E some of the pragmatic ideas that they want, deportations. Do they want more Government Assistance . What exactly is theth Directioe Diren . I mean, some of them things are very pragmatic in terms of Eve Ay N the Drivers License and whether or not you get a Drivers License, if youre above the age you are ofe you dont have to actually go through a field test. Well, that would solve a lot of thef 18 o go traffic problems. Ffic but you want to think about the ultimate answer. People who came to this country under one guise, whether it was illegally or through temporaryss protected status, we have to enforce those actual norms, revive the rule of law,s on big emphasis on empowering local Police Officerse so to enforce the law as well. So those are some of the practical things that camef th Oute Area of tonight. One area where we found consensus where trump, which i thought was pretty wherefounct ,jesse, is i also met with ap of group of haitians in town beforehandow. Hand and i met with City Officials beforehand and even with the group of haitian community grs. Said y i posed the question to them and said, you know what . If somebody is going to be relianouatbet on the Welfare Sth the Entitlement State or Government Assistance as an immigrane ort, then i dont think we should let them in. And the thing that surprised me is notthat only did the Peopler at the Town Hall agree with that, but even many haitian migrantsmigrants who wed with that question, thought that was a fair criteria, too. Th and i think thats one North Star we can use in our Immigration Policy going forward. Thing w if youre going to bt of the Welfare State or a customer of the u. S. Entitlement stat youe, youre nt going to be able to come to this country legally. And thats how we solve coy anm. I have thats a really fair assessment. Im really i have a lot of respect for you to talk oresc to both sides. Its so important. Vivek ramaswamy Thank You so much. And Donald Trump may be visiting the town of springfield very soon. Yeah, great talking to you. All happy dea thursday. wh all happy dea thursday. wh to me, harlem is homdoe, but ho. Is also your body. Last one, everyone. I asked myself, why doesnt Polarities Exist in harlem . Polarities exist in harlem . So i started my own studio here. In a Brick And Mortar in new york is not easy. An studiod one to studio three. When you start small, you need some big help. More and i think, was that for me . Ofearn up to 5 cash back on Business Essentials but the Chase Ink Business Cash Card Chase for business make more of whats yours. 126 first on the scene. Chlorine gas especially. You have a problem. 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Hollywoodeople. S in trouble. Im not talking about actors and actresses. Im talking about the music industry. Any time the feds are coming, your way, theyre not coming just for you. Think about the People. Hes done Businessst For Y Th with. Think about the money involved. You dont dot th all it is to go after somebody in their coworkers. You do this because theres a bigger fish to fry and you suspect that hes the oneer thats gonna live for you. Were finding out. A third major Music Executive resigned this week. Execut were not saying its connected, but the timing strangiveke. Agen and now a Homeland Security agent who raided diddys miamit. Mansion says this, in myy opinion, is as bad as jeffreopyr epstein. These women are young, either barely legal or barely illegal. In Diddys Freak Oforf dungeh. You were being watched and taped. No andw the government has the tapes and they know everybody involved in the freakg offs. Are they going to lock Upp Th the other high profile ot or let them get away with it . Like epsteins associates . Brad cohen is an attorney who has represented rappers kodak, black, lil wayne. Brad, youre seeing some executives resign,incide coincidentally. Do you think this hants anything to do with these new charges against diddtoy . I think when you see something like this happen in an individual who Getsg Li arrested, thats at the level of diddy, i think youllken Sea Lot of People kind of Running Scared and abandoning not only him, but maybe also abandoning a postm. H they were close to him because its bad optics for wherever they work. Im objects so i dont know if dir its directly connected to just whatever actions they may or may not have taken. It could be also just because of their relationshihap that itl not a good look for the record label, that that individual was soab close to. Sean combs. Not a good look. Thats an understatement. Whatwhat about these partiess, spread . Was this an Open Secre it in the industry . And were People aware that they were being taped . So i dont. Just reading the theat indictment, i dont believe anybody was aware that it was being taped. The the it was kind of a known N Thing in the industry. I would imaginnge that he has parties, that he had these elaborate parties. I dont know about the other part to it, but certainly was known for white parties. Pa for big parties at his star island house. He was known for big parties in la. So that wasnt a secret. The secret have been the other part to those parties, but Itt O could have been one of those secrets that No One ever talked about, that it was kind of like an underlying thin bill i mean, this man has hung out with billionaires, big names i in the democratic party, big names in the music industry. The , bimeso what his knowledge, what he knows is going to be very important if he decides th not go to trial and to flipni those individuals or maybe give up some information that he knows and hes facinosg 15 to life. S s flipfacing i doe and sing, hes not going too ge get that much shaved off with these kind of chargesuc. Brad, thanks so much forh fo joining Jesse Watters primetim. Well have you back. Thanks so much. Well be doing this on a weekly basis. This is something we must have happy diy thursday. The triumphant return of Prime Time favorite day of the Weef K in honor of al sharpton. Were bringing you the best ytories about diversity, equit ,inclusion. First up, the New York Times Tech Team is threatening an election day strike. Here are thion. E. No sce no scented products and break rooms. Unlimited break time mandates. S three trigger warnings before discussing politics meet. Ffingsssing po higher pay for nonwhite staff. Not sure thats legal. And if your pet passes away, paid time off. Eyre theyre calling it pet bereavement. And in the Eventca Pet of Layof Conn want migrants fired last. Im next. The navy unveiling a Newth Addition a to their fleet,bmarin the first ever gender neutral submarine. But its a major loss for women because ships used to bea. Female. Were not really sure if the sub will be a they or them,r but its a ship for the first ever fully gender integrated War Fighting F force. Im sure chinas freaking out. Who knows . At least theyre following the science. Next up, white dudes for harris just launched a 10 Million Ad Campaign Tellinpaigg white dudes, they. Hey, white dudes. So i think were all pretty sick of hearing how much we every time sic you go online. S its the same story. Were the problem. And yet some white Dudesthe Pr are trump and all his Maga Buddiep s are out there making t worse, shouting nonsense in their stupid red hats lik and acting like they speak for us when they dont. Then i speakt me. Isn this isnt about picking teams. So ive been doing my own researchso and decided to check out Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. And before You Jummala Harp Dowl my throat, theyre actually talking to Guys Likekio us doig my own research. 10 Million spent on white dudes could have been put towards reparationllios. Tions. And no. Thursday is complete without a victory. O the family of the chief who inspired the iconic Redskins Logo wants to reclaim its rightful place. E the team made the change in 2020 after complaints it was racist. The franchis i after coe then becamebecame the football team. Remember that . Then rebranded to the nootrandeds. And now they want redskins back. Cant Keep Trackw skins back. Happy thursday. Wi with flonase, allergies dont have to be scary. Spraying Flonase Daily gives you long lasting nondrowsy relief. Flonase all good. I tried everything for my stubborn dandruff. And then i found nasal nasal works differently to get to the Root Cause of dandruff. 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The two Night Premiere begins sunday after football. Fox to be is proud to be free for all the responders who risked their lives to keep us safe. The teachers illuminating the minds of our children and the volunteers who build our communities to be is also free for women who take day naps with way too many candles burning. Couples who steal Copper Pipe out of the walls at open houses and kids who skip class to throw rocks at windows because tubi is free for everyone. And we mean everyone. This is our last chance to help save thousandstoday. Of holocaut survivors who are suffering in the former soviet Union Today because of all the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. Have you eaten this morning an . Yea, yea. Yea. Daone carr of it yesterday and i had it today for breakfast. And this is what she ate in two days. One carrot. Nistry t these Sugar Bits of paper these Sugar Bits of paper asked of you, please. For me, the international fellowship of christiansnow to and jews began this ministry to help elderly Jews H Livingllf in affordable poverty around the world. We urgently nee d your gifteii of 25 now to helpet provide one Survival Food Box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for inte one month, even beforern. S giv i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. This trusted ministry is giving christians like me so People who live in extreme me. Will fin but i believe in god. But i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. Perhaps you could tell. My story and i will findger agai a match. Se don sot i understand you do a bettr. I face hunger again. Please dont delay, call, Scann Or Go online. W to help rush one Survival Food Box to a Holocaust Survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. This is wha hear got God Wanm us. Just feed the hungry. Eyll kn if you hear gods voice, im asking you to act now. Do it when its on your heart. Final months that theyre not alonmee. T inve when it comes to amgens lifste when it comes to amgens lifste changingbr breakthroughs, Everys Second Hand counts. Second hand counts. But investment. Those breakthroughs are often passed. Ncial so, connected Bankig Markets and services businesses deliver, Global Financial Solutions so our client can keep investing innovations for patients around the world without past. For the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress, Israel Move closer to the potential of a second front in this war. The details are horrendous. I mean, I Cant even imagine what these women went through. Peres has still not held a traditional news conference. Fox news reports Donald Trump held a rally on Long Island last Night And Johnny Wat Mp hels attendance. H this watch this. Someone told me your favorite president was Joe Biden . No. What . Oh, no, no, no. So then who is your favoriteesi . President . Donald trump. Trum god, whats Donald Trump doing on Long Island . Hes going to get People up. Were getting fired up. Fired. Im mad as and im not going to take this anymore. Mos what issue is the most important to you this election . Inflation, safe neighborhoods. Safe communities to become a homeowner. I obviously cant buy anything with interes. T now. We need to seal the border, op the illegal migrants from coming here, taking our jobs. I take it youve seen i yt. Donald trumps life has been in danger twice this election. Do you feel safe being in the same room as him . Yeels, i do. E extremely safe. I would take a Bullet Foret Donald Trump. Better. What would stop you from coming to a Trump Rally . Hat woulnothing. Nothing. Nothing. Why are they trying to kill donald. Trump . All the corruption in the government. Hes going to take care of that evil. Always wants to stop. Ca good. Because they are liars. Nobody can bec back. Se prote what . Donald trump. Because protects Donald Trump. Donan god. Ve bee thank the tune. S Donald Trump is going to be taking the stage. Be t are you looking the forward to him telling tonight Whening Toni he says you had the a half years to do something . I take a bulletd , zoom in, you know, bullet holes, screws, freaking by his ear. My the Snake Story is very, very funny. You think later on, should i do the snake or not . People love the snake. Camilla says you guys leave these Rallie Kamala s early. What time are you leaving . When trump leaves the stage, when they kick ms earle out, il be the last one. So i dont get trampled on because its so many People. O this piece about being bored. Theres no boredom here. If the im staying until the very end. If theres an after party, ill be there too. How darer part there they. How does Kamala Harris act likes the is our head, you know, thats her. Ha ha ha. Yo y tha we did it, joe. I worked at mcdonalds. I from a land where People cared about their land while walking dog. I used a leash while i was using the leash, walking the dog. It was. It was a nice day. Thats com y. E all the words out. Dont ever for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever. Why is Kamala Harris dangerous . He is because shes a communist. Because shes such a liberal. Shes letting all these illegals in here. My social security, your social security, your culture. Its going. Its depleted because were paying for them. There are a lot of People say are saying the rhetoric, this election is too much, so lets tamper i s tot a bit. Nice what nice things can you saya about Kamala Harris . Well, im going to pass up. Maybe you. O good thing sums it up. Sums it up. Youre a man of few words. I like that. Hair she has nice hair. She looks very nice when she gets when she gets dressed. She looks nice when she gets dressed. Want to do that again . She shes a great actress, so wes should give her the academy award. I give her the oscar because shes the Best Actress of Thr Te E year. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Jesse watters, big Long Island guy. T you what do you want to tellwa . P it keep it off. Show your show is the best. Thatss the be my world. Little piece of. Acquire the target because if you cant see the target and you dont know what youre aiming forth, youre Goinge Text to miss. Lets do some text. Paul from middletown, connecticut did Johnny Go the after party . Wherever Johnny Goes, its the aftethe afte johnnr party. Anthony from florida. Want to sleep better drink a Heavsleey Metal Detox Smoothie And Celery juice through a straw. I think ill stay up all night. H tim from henderson, nevada. Trendersy the seven eight methor better sleep. It freathe in for 4 secondetter hold it for seven. Cant do that. Then for it. D that ive used that and i like that. I just forgoike thatt. Mark from carmel, indiana. Di thursdays are back. All is right in the world again. Were making Di Thursdays great agaii n. Good to have us Bac Challenge next and always remember im waters and this is m