Hi, there. Thank you, Dear. T back great that we have all another trump Assassination Attempt. Is this Guy Part of a conspiracy . He reporteDly spent months in ukraine trying to Joint Ag The Fight against russia. We neeD everyboDy from the globe to stopar what theyre Doing anD come here now anD support the ukrainians er. The trump assassins overseas ties. What Doe trums that tell us . This is the most important thing going on in the worlD toDaimportan y. I noticeD that when you haDha Kamala Harris in tim walz, walz you gave them multiple choice answers to the questions that you askeD. But if m mulechoic youre goingour to interrupt me every single time that i open my mouth, then why aminterrup i evg this . The Democrats anD the meDia losing control . Of all of the noise that you hear afterwarDs. DiD the moDerators win or lose . Thats just noise. S plus, if anyboDy calls it much ,a real get the guarDian, Fox News alert, nothing will slow me Down. I will never surrenDer. Thats how trump reacteD sunDaynDay after an armeD assassin was chaseD off the sixth hole of his West Palm Beach golf club. Tonighth golf, the country is wonDering how DiD this happen again . The last time a presiDent Wast A nearly assassinateD was four DecaDes ago, anD trump was almost taken out twice in one summer. Even the officer who arresteD the assassi mer. N is asking questions. But were finDing that hes not from this area. He b which, of course, raises the bigger question is how Does a guy from not here get all get the way to mar to trump international realizeD that the presiDent former presiDent uniteD states is golfinheg anD is able to get a rifle in that vicinity. Get i think thats the question. The Fbi, the secret Service Orsu Laser focuseD on toDay, is this Guy Part of a conspiracy . Piracyis he a lone gunman if hea lone gunman . PresiDent trump, is that much safer because we have him. But if Hes Part of a conspiracy, then this wholife thing really takes on a veryinou ominous tones to. Gam trumps Golf Game was a lastt Decision'>Minute Decision. E Deciso how DiD a ranDom out on or Know Trump was at that course that afternoompn . Answ theres only three possible answers. The former Director'>Assistantsays Director at the Fbi says he guesseD anD got very lucky. T hehe conDucteD Surveillance On Trump anD followeD him to the Golf Coursep an or he haD insiDe information about trumps scheDule. D i the last answer is scary anD has implications. Then another person was involveD. The secret D-Fbi'>Service AnD Fbi are actively investigating whether ruth was part of the conspiracy. Areinvestigating is there ac to suggest that the suspect knew that DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump was going to be one togestt that goe at that time . BaseD on what i know now, anD its an active investigation. Aat time . Whai i Dont have ann on that on that. DiD he act alone . He hav DiD he have some kinDe of help at this point . Werthis poie still exploring t investigating that. Our Investigatore Stils will Determine that we Do not have information that hes been actingt have with Anyone Else Ar at present. The Fbiesent. Says 58yearoD Ryan Roof is a rooferr wh who maintains resiDences in North Carolina anD hawaii. Mainncies in this inDiviDual D-out'>WaD Out by the Fence Line of the Golf Course fo r over 12 hours,g to waiting to take his shot. He haD a scopeot. D ascs rifle with a shaveD off Serial Number. To backpacks anD two cameras. The guy was reaDy for actioneaD but where Do you get the gun from . Ruths caught more than 100 criminal charges just in North Carolint Moa alone, incluDing charges of possession posseapons of mass Destruction. Possession of a fully automatic Machine Gun Hit anD Drug'>Runsg Drug charges, baD checks, stolen car checks,s. Years back. There was even a three hour armeD Doff-betweenD'>StanDoff BetweenD la D-law'>Ruth AnD Law enforcement. The Fbi haD rutenh on its raDar. It was the subject of a previously closeD 2019 tip to the Fbi, where It Washa allegeD he was a felon in possession of a firearm w. So the gun was probably stolen since a D-check'>BackgrounD Check woulD have flaggeDen the sale anD the Serial Number was scratcheD off anD th E Car heplates was pulleD over in haD stolen plates. How is a roofer from out of state with 300 in his Checking Account anD no assetstn to his name . Operating Like a seasoneD D-p'>NoD P . When Secret Service agents swept the perimeter of the coursee agen, they noticeD Ruths Sniper Nest anD open fire. Ruth wasnt hit anD fleD the scene anD hoppeD in his nissan, heaDing north on 95. But thankfully, a wiDe eyeD 9 loca5. L Snap Photos of his car,n a bulletin went out anD sheriff Deputies pulleD him over. 45 Minutes North of west palm Driver. Thank you. Takes to your right. Take two steps to your right. My names back. Driver james. He brock. I keep on walking by. when ruth was taken intoe custoDy, he was calm. For. Kehe knew when he was being pulleD over for. He took the fifth. AskeD fohe took asker a lawyer. D he was percheD on the sixth Hole Trump was putting for birDie on five. He was just 300 yarDs away from the former presiDent. How was a man with a DeDao-rifle'>LoaDeDao Rifle alloweD to getaD that clol to 45 . Especially after what happeneD in butleosr at Ths Level that he is at right now. Hes not the city presiDent. If he was, we woulD have haD to fly our Golf Course arounD. S well, because hes not the security is limiteD to the Areae Urit s that the Secret Service Deems possible. Luckily, Agents Sawf Th the barrel of Ruths Rifle peeking through the Foliage Thron Link fencee before trump got to six. But the Secret Service DiDnt even sweep the course before trump teeD off. E they haD a team one hole aheaD of him anD another agent sweeping the Perimeter H During the rounD. The secret Director'>Service Director patteD During-thf'>HimselDuring Thf on the back. YesterDay was an off the D-movemen-n'>RecorD Movemen N t. Off the recorD. AnD the Dent-wasnt'>PresiDent Wasnt even really supposeD to go there. It was not on his officialfici scheDule. AnD so we put together a securityalule. Plan, anD that Security Plan workeD. It workeD because trumps still Alivan Worke wore, but itD because it was too close for comfort. Too its just saD that this s a last Decision'>Minute Decision to play golf. AnD the Decisr'>Assassin Waute Decisr at the course since 2 a. M. E sinc anD then an agent fireD rounDs at him anD he escapes into a Different county. AnD heonly captureD because a Sp Citizen happeneD to nab picks of his platenabbeD. The se this is the seconD time in two months where trump almost DieD because of an unsecureD perimeter. The biDenharris aDministration. Theyre in charge of protecting that perimeter, anD theyve faileD twice. Does biDen still Doesnt seem angry about it anD Hasn Seet fireD a soul. Do you have any insight . I think they thank goD the presiDent is okay. I think we got a full report s t far Down there tonight. But one thing i want to makemakc clear,le the thirD appeal paiD for help. AnD i think the congress shoulD responD to their neeDs to pay back the more 30. So i feel were going to be talking about. BiDen Secret Service almost got trump killeD twice, but the man mps blaming congress. Since when Does Den-noten'>BiDen Noten Doe have enough money . S he spenDs trillions of Dollars Like its nothing anD spenDs it on nonsensLike ite. NteD anD when they neeD more money, they just print it. Is the secret Service Penny pinching to protect trumps life. They seem to be able bi to protect biDen fine when hes passeD out on a public beach for 4 hours. Kamala harris is riDing for arounD in Rural Georgia in a bus painteD kamala for presiDent. Painshes protecteD secret serve protecteD. Barack obama for eight years. AnD then eight years after he golfeD, almost evereighy weekenD. No one took a Shot At Barrack at his rallies eithea shotr. He was swimming in the pacific. Secret service an haD no problems. Bush was riDing his Bike R all over texas. No attempts on his life. Bill clinton joggeD through washington through in the Derr-capital'>MurDerr Capital of the worlD. Nothing ever happene D. Secret service can protect presiDent s. They jusce can prot cant proten this presiDent. AnD y . Question is wht. BiDen Doesnt neeD congress. He can give trump more agents with the stroke of his pen. He alreaDy DiD it after butler. Do it again. Just Double it. BiDens not even campaigning. Hes been on vacation. Theyre even saying its going to be harD to charge ruth with much now becauses so the former presiDent was so far away, 300 to 500 yarDs awayk on Different whole. I think its going to be tough to charge him with a crime against trump, much easier to charge him with a crime mut his Secret Service agent who apparently saw the rifle pointeD at him who. T thats a key witness here. T anD that woulD be perhaps the most seriouserhaps charge. Ak these guys make up chargesge to file against Trump Chargetos weve never hearD of charges that have never been fileD in american legal histor beey. H but now theyre Like, i Dont really know if we have much on this gu, i Dony. Thishis is a Democrat-Donor'>Democrat Donor who just voteD in the Democrat primary anD has a Denharris-hemper-sticker'>BiDenharris Hemper Sticker on his car. Hes all over social Dia-o'>MeDia O saying trumps a threat to Democracy anD he spent time in Democrg-forn'>Ukraine RecruitinDemocrg Forn fighters. More on that later. DonalD trump lays this squarelyf at the feet of the Democrats. He believes the rhetoricf of Den-anD-harris'>BiDen AnD Harris anD he acteD on it. Beantheir rhetoric is causing me to be shot at when i am the one whos going to save the country anD they are the ones who are Destroying the Country Bothe Coun from the insiDe anD out. Y from brian, D-matthew'>Ruth AnD Matthew wneoks were raDicalizeD anD no every other wannabe assassin all over the worlD sees how easy r the this is anD how closeget. You can get. DonalD trump, if he loses. B faces life behinD bars. If he winsehinD ns, he facesfori more killers gunning for his life. S the only choice he can make nw is to fight, fight, fight. Inin joining me now, floriDa Governor Ron Desantimes. So this happeneD here in your state. What are you going to Do about it, governor . Well, the state of floriDa is going to Do our own investigatioa isn. Clearly, there were multiple violations of floriDa law. We also, i think, have an interest in vinDicating the truth about where this guy came from, what his motivationfu ths were the people of our state, Deserve that. I Dont think its in the best i interests of this country to say that agency is Like the Fbi anD Doj, which are trying to prosecute S Trump in south floriDa. Theyre on appeal at the 11th circuit, trying to reinstate D-inDictment'>Hate AnD InDictment that haD been DismisseD, that theyre the best People Tot ha turn D'>Aron GivenD one, give us the truth about this, this DefenDant, but also to prosecute the case where they Dont have as strong of jurisDictional claims. AnD so we are going to be Doingr our investigation. Im going to have more to say on Tha Havt very shortly about y precisely were going to Do. But i woulD know, jesse, you know, ive playeD golf with the presiDent when he was t when he was in office at that course. Its a great Golf Courset. That part of the property, the fifth green, fifth the six e anD then the seventh tee that is right ther thae up agai. The Fence Line. The he Fence Line is covereD with with shrubbery. So if you were just walking by,c you coulDnt reallannoy see ins. But that is clearly the biggest Point Vul of vulnerability on that course, because if youre burroweD into those in those shrubs, you have she of Sightar Lin on a number of golf holes. AnD so when i hearD that thisnD haD happeneD, there were kinD of conflicting reports. Er maybe two people were shooting at each other. They saiD, no, this was meant for for Dent-trump'>PresiDent Trump. I imme i immeDiately knew exactly what part of the coursDie It G woulD have been in. So how DiD this guy get in there . How was he able to burroe . S hewe anD yet were thankful that the Secret Service agent, when he saw the Muzzlservice Sae of n fireD anD causeD the cause that if that it to Leaveo Leavre but that guy was burroweD in there it seems Like for for thert. T of the nigh how DiD that happen . Right. Thank goD for that agent. Thanank D'>Gofor K GoD for that ag. But that Dve'>Course ShoulDve been swept before cours anD that vulnerability shoulD have been neutralizeD. When you hear the Democratstalk-talk'>Democratstalk Talk about this, i Dont personally Feeabout Thl that Muh Sorrow or that much sympathy or even regre that it that this happeneD twice. Governor, how Do you unDerstanDf that . I think a lot of what i saw i saw a lot of Democratscking tr attacking Day'>Trump ToDay really DiDnt even give this much of a thoughreally Dt. Theyre just all out with the rhetoric all over again. AnD look, well Sethic Ae Who Wt This Guy consumeD. It seems Like he was a consumeti of a lot of these corporate meDia narratives that the Democrats propagate. Wella tDemocrat, see, i think ts what the investigation can show. But i will say this. Bus a lot of people in our society who may have a screw loose. AnD if youre constantly telling them that american Democrac-y'>Democrac Y is going to enD if this guy gets electeD presiDent , well, someboDy is going to feel that theyre justifieD for Doing this. AnD so i Do think i the apocalyptic rhetoric has D'>Increaseo ThD the threats to Don trump, no question about it. Yeah, because everyboDy wants to be a hero about i jef you teareD up Like that. Well, governor, thank goD youre investigatinggovern. AnD please share whatever you learn from your States Investigatioce N. To thats really important. We get to the truth. Thank you. Than. K you. Lets bring in former Fbi special agent stuart kaplan. What Do you think happeneD wh . , stuart well, jesse, let me take you back. If you recall, after july 13th, i tolD you that the aDministrationuly, the currt aDministration, gave the Secret Service Dminie-Deniabit'>PlausiblaDminie Deniabit almost Like a stanD Down orDer to give DonalD j. Trump minimal coverage. EveryboDy saiD that walD Dy'>Mins C EveryboDy saiD our government is not that corrupt. I saiD governm at the top, theye corrupt. The men anD women on the grounD. Top thatcorrupt,theyre gooD pe. They risk their lives. If you recall the then Director-cheeto'>Director Cheeto came before congress, gave every nonsensical excuse he haD all the assets. He haD all the tools. We were wellalts prepareD. Its just an unfortunate scenario toDay, jesse. The curtain came Down with the acting Director row. What DiD he say . The assets, as DirecteDiDent by presiDent biDen were in place. Bin were iyesterDay, too. Da i unDerstanD that theDo i Dent-of-the-uniteD-states'>PresiDent Of The UniteD States is Dictating what is necessary for our Secretr Service to keep our former Dent-safevice-t'>PresiDent Safevice T anD sounD. I thought the Secret Service operates unDer homelanD security. , where wheres the secretary of homelanD security, jesse . Etarthe curtain is Down. Liti politics infectecsD as a in infecteD the Fbi. T in it has now infecteD the the Secret Service. Thats so brilliant that you pickeD up on that. Because i DiDnt pick up on that. AnD were going to go look at that again anD rewatch that,. Because if thats true, r he shoulD have Newo Fingerprintr on that level of Detail anD resource. The Christopher Testingrease as DirecteasD the increaseD assets as DirecteD by presiDent biDen were in place yesterDay, p quote unquote. Wow. All righntt. K yo stuart kaplan, thank you as always. We really appreciate i be appt. How DiD a faileD Der-com'>BuilDer Com come this close to assassinating the former presiDent . TassassinRyan Roof has a Rap Se long over the last few DecaDes, he was chargeD with stolen vehicles, Drug charges, possession was , Destruction'>Weapons Of Mass Destruction. His olD neighbors in North Carolina Say Ruth was strappeDc. AnD people were scareD, perhaps even to guns, myself anD all that. But yeah, they haD a lot of Gun A Los Ovs Over There anD stuffDf anD all. Like i saiD, a lot of people were afraiD of him. Ruth DiDn se het really have a, even steaDy job. Eventually moving to hawaii in his Fiftiestu Mov , anD when war broke out in ukraine, he flew there to join the fight. Initia fi my initial Goal Wasl to come fight. Y arou i think, you know, everyboDy arounD the globe shoulD be motivateD to come here anD D-t-t'>SuppornD T T the ukrainiansinia anD support the army no matterns what genDer, age i , anything. EveryboDy shoulD be here supporting the army. EveryboDbut im 26, so initially they were Like, well, i have no military experience. The so theyre Like, youre not an iDeal canDiDate. Sote they saiD, not right this minute. Plan Ds to come herepr to give anD promote getting more people here. You know, we neeD thousanDs anD thousanDs anD thousanDs of people here fighting with the ukrainian. Here he is in front of the Us Capitol here, watch another 100 solDiers every Day. AnD pretty much everyboDy, Dy'>Cona EveryboDy in my contacts in ukraine or out of it, thats pretty muccth yelleD at me every time. AnD i suggesteD that we bring an Afgha Sugt Wen People o the grounD in ukraine, Say Ruth was not fighting material. He was a rabble rouser. He spent months luring ht months the afghan mercenaries lurin. Ine by Way Of Ira but the fighters woulD get stranDeD in iran over he wrworn irank. He was even on the New York Times raDar. Theewhe was very Driven to help ukraine, even though some ofh se his iDeas were completely nonsensical. I mean, he kinD of spoke with the selfassuref DeaD'>His IDeaD was going to get from a to D-nothing'>B AnD Nothing was going to get in the even though e his plans were alreaDy running tohis two major obstacles. Ruth even wrote a book about his time in ukraina e. In it, he says he regretteD voting for trump in 2016calleD anD calleD on iran to kill them botho kill. Ar quote, you were freesassin to assassinate trump as well as mat we for that error in juDgment anD the Dismantling of the Deal. Ment t hes talking about then Deal. Ruth praiseD John Kerryr Praise Den'>Joe BiDen anD Kamala Harris anD reciteD the same n an Democrat-sloganssame'>Democrat Sloganssame about trump being a threat to Democracy anD neeDing to be stoppetumpingD. D. So a convicteD felon with no money flying from hawaii in thea ukraine, Talking To Ngos anD the ukrainian Defensintalkie-ministry'>Defensintalkie Ministry is in Touch Mat with afghan solDiers for Hirh Cf anD the u. S. Government DiDnton-flagt-Di'>DiDnton Flagt Di that. An american citizens recruiting foreign fighters to fight in a War Zone to fight the russians. AnD the New York Timeso is running profiles on himnD. An Intelligence Officer in ukraine flaggeD, ruth, to the. State Department saying he was freelancing anD out of controlte. So now we kno. W the Fbi cia the us Department'>State Department anD Likely the cia was aware of Ruth American intelligence knows exactly which americans come in anD out of Ukraineactly Wh i anD which o to the ukrainian Defense-ministry'>Defense Ministry anD the Defn the conviD felon with Destruction'>Weapons Of Mass Destruction charges Flie S back from ukraine to our capitol anD lobbies. Washingtoe n. Congressman Mike Walz joins me now. N Mike Wwhat Do you make About S Travel To Ukraine . Well, clearly, jesse,y that the guy was completely unhingeD. AnD ifuy was you layer on top of that, this constant narrative from the left that trump wants to sell ukraine out to the Dictator putin, he wants to become a Dictator himself, anD that no matter what by any means necessary, trump has to be b stoppeD. Not only was he Dicalizee-stoD'>RaDicalizee StoD anD, you know, essentially esggeD iran to assassinate trump anD both of them, but he also, in that same Book B saiD noboDy has the to Do it. Well, clearly, he took it uponta himself. AnD if you aDD that to crux, you know, my my point is, why is the Fbi being so quiet about the motives . The Secret Service, to their creDit, messeD a lot of things up in butlera lo, but theyve bn forthcoming anD theyve trieD to correct some things. Clearly. They correcteD some of it with with this successful stilDown. But the Fbi is still giving us the Dont ask questions investigation. AnD we know so littlquestioneofe about both of these men. What we Dose-wha-know'>Dose Wha Know is that i the service has to change its Del'>Threat MoDel anD how itho protects people. It has to be baseD on the threat. Ityes, Dent-trump'>PresiDent Trump is aye former presiDent , but sop is jimmy carter. Very Different situations. Exactly. Theyve got to Do it baseD on the threat, not these antiquateD kinD of buDget moDels. AnD the threathret is right here. I mean, this is about as Big A threat as you can get right Thhereas Thrw on the eve of then after one now two Assassination Attempts. So this guy is overseas. Guy hes in a War Zone. Is hes speaking foreign militaryto officers. You know, hes brusheD by foreign intelligencfficers, i officers. Hes Dealing with afghans, possibly iranians anD nowooks hes back. AnD No One looks at this guy, a convicteD felon. Thats crazy. Thats crazy. AnD its supposeD suspicious. Its nuts. Real quick. It absolutely. T anD then also, ive been talking to veterans anD Day'>Others ToDay that were on that weren on chat rooms. They kickeD them off r anD reporteD him to the Fbi as hes trying to recruit mercenarieths anD others to gose to ukraine. So the Alarm Bells were ringing f The Hook here. Yeah, no, its crazy anD its really suspicious. Thank you so much, congressman walzD suspic. Well, the Democrats say trump haD it coming. Trump haD it coming. Meet the jennifers, Gen X anD D-gen'>Y AnD Gen z, each plannins go their future through their future through the changeD mobile app, gen ws. Is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jpmorgan Wealth Plan thats gotn whiskers. Gen y is working with a banker to buDget for banker to buDget for her birthDayt. She only turneD 30 once anD Gen Z her creDits golDen. Hello new apartment three gen getting aheaD with cheap getting aheaD with cheap solution one bank for now for later for Life Chase make more of whats yours Work Play Blink relief Work Play Blink release the only three in one extenDeD Release Formula for Dry eyes blinshinglesk a perfect Day for a Family Outing shingles50 years Doesnt care, but shingrix protects only shingrix has over 90 effective shingrix is a vaccine useD to prevent shingles in aDultsts ingreprevis anD olDer. Shingrix Does not protect everyone. It is not for those with severe allergicafter getting Sh Reactis ingreDients or to a previous Dose anD increaseD Dose'>Risk Dose anD increaseD risk of guillainbarre observeD after getting Shingrix Fainting can also happen. The most common siDese effects are pain, Dness-anD-swelling'>ReDness AnD Swelling at the Injection Site. Muscle pain, tireDness, heaDache, shiverin g, fever anD upset stomach. Ask your Doctor-or-pharmacist'>Doctor Or Pharmacist about shingrix toDay. Hi, Mike Huckabee here. AnD this election is going to have many of us up at night me incluDeD. The very balance of our country is hanging by a threaD. Thats why im going to make sure i vote. AnD until then, im going to make sure i get a gooD Nights Sleep with Relaxium Sleep Americas number one trusteD sleep. Im Dr. Eric Der'>Ciliberti FounDer of relaxium, americas most trusteD D'>Sleep AiD. Just Like youre seeing me on television now, i saw a commercial for Relaxium Sleep. Back then i calleD anD the rest is history. When i take away some sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. I wake up feeling Like ive haD the best Nights Sleep as a clinical neurologist, i know how essential sleep is for builDing anD nourishing both your mental anD physical health. Relaxing anD sleep is maDe in the usa, has no risk of DepenDency anD is Drug free. Its also the only D'>Sleep AiD with valiD rest as part of its triple action formula, i DevelopeD relaxium to help my patients fall asleep faster ,stay asleep longer anD wake up refresheD. Relaxium sleep workeD from the very first night i took. Youve got to try Relaxium Sleep for yourself because once you Do, youll be a customer for life just Like me. AnD right now you can try it for free. For nearly two DecaDes now, Relaxium Sleep has been changing millions of lives. Take Relaxium Sleep. I promise you itll work if youre experiencing sleepless nights, tossing anD turning, you neeD to try Relaxium Sleep now. I trust Relaxium Sleep. AnD so shoulD you get the best night of sleep guaranteeD. Dont wait another minute. Call now. Mike huckabee is so confiDent that Relaxium Sleep will work for you. Hes askeD us to give away another 1000 bottles. Hit your free bottle of Relaxium Sleep now these men of means wear their silver spoons. What woulD become of them when they Discover D'>Robin HooD . They Discover D'>Robin HooD . GolD allow their very liberal rates on iDle cash, they woulD DescenD into chaos. MisseD life, liberty anD levin. Now you can catch every episoD alreaDy askeD for a Dget-reminDer'>BuDget ReminDer a better Smart One by morning. Got it. Got it. Boss otter, you got this for the last eight years, Democrats have been calling trump an existential threat to Thight E feel country. Right now i feel Like maga in general, they are a threat to us Domestically anD we see it timt Doe anD time again. E Domestic terrorism is a real thing anD he is thDomestice guy that stokes it. Lets not pretenD that DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump Isnt Exactle Like mussolini, exactly Like hitler. He is that guy, DonalDump-ca-trump'>DonalDump Ca Trump cannot be presiDent again. Hes thenn presiD existential threat to Democracy. He is Destructive to ourhe hs Democracy. AnD he has to be to he has to e eliminateD. This Maga Threat is the Threatliminatega Threa to the br of our Democratic institutions. The former presiDent ist a threat to our most funDamental freeDoms. A thr he has openly saiD he i be a Dictator on Day one. Joe anD kamala have repeateDly saiD Democracy is on the ballot. AnD when kamala talks, was ryan Ruth Listening . YearweeteD that exact phrase earlier this year. But the meDia says joe anD the Kamala Bear no responsibility for his actions. Theres Absolutelnkamalay Ago Basis in fact that they were behinD this at all. We Dont know much about this guy yet at all, other than he was someboDy who was trying to finheD a way at in his miDy n to late fifties go anD anD serve on the front lines of ukraine. AnD he obviously haD some antitrump posts. But thats has nothing to Do with. With Kamala Harris anD joeDen. BiDen, she can barely makey the case. S ar now you see joe anD kamala, his hanDs are clean. Trumps the baD guy. Once again. Ha republicans are pouncing. The Trump Campaign is seizing o this apparent Assassination Attempt as a way to rile up his base. Ump got DiD the left forget trump almost got killeD . Hes the victim. . AnD a former Fbi-agent'>Fbi Agent maDe sure to Tell Cnn that. Listen. AnD saDly, the finger pointing at trump has leD to, you know,iu you know, the line about theblo blooD bath, talking about the Dustry'>Auto InDustry anD that saDlylk, has leD to, i think, these attempts on trumps life. S oni woulD think were going to finD that this guy is extremely politically motivateD anD thatpb he probably was spurreD on by much of the political Diatribes that are going on these Days. Talking about trump equating higoinhesem to D-thinge'>Hitler AnD Thinge that. So i Dont think this is the last well see of D-thse'>CrazieanD Thse there trying to Do this. So Democrat talking Points N Trump almostle twice, but hes the one who neeDs to tone Down language. But Do you expect to hear pnything from the Trum Campaign about toning Down the rhetoric, toning Dowt-tonin'>Dowt Tonin the violence, or woulD that be a typical of the former presiDent . ToDays apparent Assassination Attempt comes amiD increasingly T Assa Rhetoric on the Campai Trail itself. Mr. Trump, his running Matcampa J. D. Vance, continue to make baseless claims about haitiaD. N. Immigrants in ohio. This weekenD, there were new bomb threatskenD the in tha. Well, the Bomb Threats Cames from overseathe s. So the so there that is, the meDia is alreaDy trying to turn the Dia'>Pageret IsDia is. Y trump got shot anD theyre worrieD about the haitians in springfielD, not the americanieD abous in spring, just the haitians in their eyesr. Cat memes are worse than real life assassinations. MeDimeDiheation. A is blaming the victim, plain anD simple. They want trump to stop Talkin G about immigration, stop Doing outDoor rallies. AnD you know what h immige sD never golf again. Will DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump, if encourageD by the Secret Service, to stop golfing or somehange Golf Courses or Do something, you know, thats far more protecteDs fa . That . Will he abiDe by that . I think in these remaining weeks, i woulD take the aDvice of security professionals,t the Washington Post says this is actually trumps fault. The Secret Service knew about tually. The gap in the Brush Line near the sixth hole for yes years, they say trump insisteD on golfing anyway. Thay they knew it was a problem, why DiDnt they have an agent posteD there or DemanD the course . Fix it. They woulD posteD have just builD the taxpayer. No problem. T some even maDe light of thea Assassination Attempt. The wife of former impeachment t ,ms. VinDman, posteD this. No ears were harmeD. Carry on with your Day-afternoon'>SunDay Afternoon anD the Cincinnati Enquirer publisheD this. N po there is no place in politics for violence. That saiviolenD, the former presiDent DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump brings a lot of this stuff on himself bring. He brings the crazies out. AnD one of those crazies trieDse to shoot him. FloriDa congressman anD former u. S. Armyit Corey Mills joins us now. Congressman, theres a lotot of propaganDa in play right nowe. Its very Defensive. What Does that tele,t Isl You . Well, i was a Counter Sniper with the Department'>State Department just to make a quick correction. But i am a u. S. Army Combat Veteran as well. Am athe prouD 82nD. N, but look, the Bottom Line is,se jesse, why Dont wconDee biDe back to what Den'>Joe BiDen saiD where he saiD we neeD to put trump back in the bullseye whapu. T why Dont we go to h Kamala Harris, who is actually part of the minnesota bail funD,arriss who is encoure the incitement of continual violations of Criminalitmeof Co minnesota. Ill just have is Barbara Walters from. So im going to go aheaDpens anD call it for what it is. We shoulD have haD a bigger bubble anD bigger perimeteD havr by the Secret Service. Y this is two failures where the perimeter in the bubble was thl anD too reDuceD. Youve got a rifle which can shoot out well beyonD 500 yarDs. AnD the presiDent was withinha that 500 yarD barrier. You haD 150 yarDs from Thomas Crooks on jul0yarD by 1, the butler. While i applauD the Secret Service for getting involveD t anD trying to mitigate this threat, Like Mike Wallace was just saying, the threat shoulD basically amount to the resources anD Assets Availablelc ,the title you carry. There is arguably No One more threateneD than Dent-trump'>PresiDent Trump, whos now haD two Assassination Attemptstn against him. So why is the Secret Servicey is Denying the Resources Assetswhaw when we know that they have billions anD billions of Dollars tha hav that we apprp through congress anD theyre Doing nothing with it . I encourage the presiDenropriact to get private security, who is Special Operations Guys out of the unit, out of sealprivatpl six anD out of other Sof Units to be able to Do this on the internal ring anD tell ssecret the Secret Service can actually get answers anD Do the job. But the rhetoric getwers thatsf from the left anD theyre the ones that neeD to tone it Down. Dt anD theyo you believe thes accountable for this for the last two . I mean, both Democra-r-tht'>Democra R Tht Donors, both Dem both raDicalizeD, one guy was overseas, one guy was using encrypteD communications. What Do you think . Well, jesse, if if they can claim on the left that Dent-trump'>PresiDent Trump go home peacefully was enough to incite january 6, anD why is Theras Ene Rhetoric not enough to incite j 13 or even what just happeneD on the Golf Courseot enouge . AnD the iDea that he shoulD just stop golfing . Well, how DiD the People Knot Hg when he was going to be golfing to begin with . Thats the question. How from the Fbi, from the Secret Service. How DiD they know he was on the Golf Course at thatt time, on that Day . Who is actually leaking , n anD if so, we neeDlity. To basically get that accountability. But heres the thing. Heres the t you, jesse, anD it wasnt for others who were actually covering this, they woulDnt have eves,y n even toucheD this on the mainstream meDia. TheyD alreaDy forgotteneDia. About j 13 anD haD moveD on tooD the cats anD Dogs meme. We have to get answers anD this is going to continue to happen. AnD thats the Problem Hernue T well, were glaD that the santos people are in on it anD theyre not going to Whitewas H it. Hopefully we get some answers. The governor is Doing a great job. All right. Corey mills, thanks as alway a t Jes Seank congressman mills anD i are actually both featureDhe W O in Fox Nations newest special, the attempteD Assassinationsou A of DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump. Its available tomorrow. Dont miss if Donat. Coming up, johnny, with italians. Nancy pelosi says shes everyboDys italian granDmother. I know those meatballs are better than nancys glassesr. Pelosi whatever. When it whatever. When it comes to Amgens Life changing meDical breakthroughs. Every seconD counts. But without investment, those breakthroughs are often passeD cities. Seamlessly connecteD Banking Markets anD services businesses Deliver global financial solution arounDs so our client. Keep investing in innovations keep investing in innovations for patients aroun without pause. For the love of moving our clients forwarD, for the love of progress america. With Mortgage Rates going Down anD listings alreaDy up 36 on realtor. Com, the time to buy anD sell is now. Do not wait. These ty be reaDy before the biDDingg wars start. Ay cle go where the pros go. An realtor. Com. Realtor. Com. Using these type of cleansers coulD be Damaging anD stripping your skin. Your skin. Cleansing melts every Day. Cleansing melts every Day. Just soak, activat ean. 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Our patenteD technology offers total Protectione Call to youri anD comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. Transferable warranty. The procesct, give us a call to scheDule your free gutter inspection. If DeciDe to move forwarD the project you put nothing Down at all. 833 Leaf Filter or visit Leaf Filter aecom toDay. A heart attack. Do they have Life Insurance . No, but we have Life Insurance. John, im trying to finD something we can afforD. Fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote founD John A 500,000 policy for only 29 a month. AnD his wife anD a 500,000 policy for only 21 a month. Go to select cocom now anD get the insurance your family neeDs at a price you can afforD. Selectquote we shop, you save. Tom braDy, the broaDcaster thats got everything in the worlD. Why Do it . Tommy . Why you act . Tommy, why Dont you play on a beach getting fat on pina colaDas . Why not buy a Soccer Team . Got one. Why woulD they ask . Why . What are they even talking about . What theyre really asking is, why Dont you quit football . They Dont unDerstanD that you live anD breathe for football because youre tom freakin braDy in one Day. Maybe the greatest ever was. Got to work with. But if you close your eyes to those feeling Like nothings changeD anD in front of the stage is that theyre going everywhere. What the heck is that . I was wonDerful. You guys are all missing the biggest clue. Im stumpeD right now. Hmm. Nature. You always know the right time to call. When life plays Dirty, water wipes, water wipes, pure, clean, healthy skin to the is prouD to be free for the teachers. Illuminate the minDs of our chilDren, but its also free for who skip class to throw rocks at winDows because to be is free for everyone. AnD we mean everyone. These bills are crazy. She has no iDea. Shes sitting on a golD mine. Sh or all ore Doesnt know the owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Re even a term policy. Even a term policy, even afterl she finD out if youre sitting on a golD mine, Call Coventry Direct toDay at 800 496 9200 or Visit Coventry Direct comm. Kamala is a mess when she Doesnt have a Teleprompter Or O weeks of preparation anD she proveD that on Day-nigh-tD'>FriDay Nigh TD botching a layup an interview she DiD with a local inn. E tiop an not only werE Carmelas answers a train wreck, they were copheyn anD pasteD from her Debate prep. Listen, i grew up a miDDle D'>Class KiD. I was raiseD as a miDDle D'>Class KiD focusings kiD. On, ag, the aspirations anD the Dreams. I believ ae in the ambitions,. The aspirations, the Dreams of the believe american people. I was a Career Prosecutor for most of my career. D my career as a prosecutor, creating an Opportunity Economy whereh abou its about investing in areas that really neeD a lot of work. I intenD to create anopport Opportunity Economy. Well, im obviously not joe biDeeconomy. N. Clearly i am not Den'>Joe BiDen. If c friDays mangleD interviw proveD anything, its it the Debateg'>Abcs Debateg is was never t really meant to challenge Kamala Harris. The Deratorss-cater'>MoDeratorss Cater to her over rehearseD performance, which is why Abc News DaviD the muir is taking a victory lap, claiming his performance was tak fair anD balanceD. I believe it was our Duty to ask the issues that that americans care about, you know, the economy. Are we bette r off than we were four years ago . All of the noise that you hear afterwarD about, you know,wo which canDiDate won the Debate, the moDerators, win or lose, thats just nois e. E most you all know that. Ng the most important thing to remember is that you alol the power, everyboDy at home has the powet her. DaviD can spin all he wants. The Damage is Done. N alamerican see, abc anD the rm of the meDia is the Democrats cleanueDp crew. Compare how the meDia treateD kamala to how it treateD j. D. Vancemala har. But i want to start with something he saiD, which i think is frankly Disgusting anD is more appropriate for Democratic Da-test'>PropaganDa Test than it is for an american journalist. There is nothing that for ani have saiD that has leD to threats against these hospitalsk. Youve been talking about these problems, but what have you Done to Heling Abou Whaph hi Dewine'>Governor Dewine with his request for feDeral help . Mos well, the most important thing that we can Do to assist governor Dewing De anD the Whoh State of ohio anD frankly, the whole country, margaret, is to Stopis T Kamala Harris open Der-anD-fox'>BorDer AnD Fox News Contributor Charlie herD joins us now. Yeah, they Dont really Like j. D. Vance. They Like to say whatever she wants but hate j. D. Yeah, no, kamal its well,. Because its so embarrassing t how baDlyshows jus they Do their jobs. AnD, you know, i mean, you iftht you went to that Debate or any of these interviews afterwarDs D'>Y YoD you take any issue that americans actually care about, that actually iss them in their lives anD matcheD up te the answers that Kamala Harris gives versus the answers that j. D. Vance anD DonalD the trump give, they give an answer to everything they have it you may not Liken an t the answ, but they give answers to those who wish they woulDnt say so much. Yeah, exactls hey. But she Does not give a single answer to anything she Does. Anshes not even pretenDing. AnD if it werent for these people in the Dia-filling'>MeDia Filling in Fore Protecting Forer her anD covering for her anD going afte coverr trumpD vance, they woulD have nothing. You know, if you haD a real fair press, you D have the vice the presiDent just last week saiD Dictato-r'>Dictato R on Day one, blooDbath anD fine people in front of 67 Million people, anD then someone takes a sho it almost at 45. Again, a real meDia woulD say, Do you feel anhe Shoy Responsibi for this . At the very least . AnD, you know, notli to put too much meaning to all of this, but if you have a campaignt is that is completely meaningless, it has there are no Issues Platr in the harris campaign. They have no platform. They Dont pretenD to have a platformretenD. The only issue that they have is that they hate DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump. If that is the Sum Total of your campaign , you cant be surpriseD then when really, really baD, ugly things happen to your opponent. This is i mean, its we call it Derangement-synDrome'>Trump Derangement SynDrome for a reason. Rangemen anD these people promulgate it. They promote it. They Do everythingmi can to make it. AnD they are succeeDing at making people crazy. Tru anD they blame trump anD then for crazy people. Yeah. All right, charlie. Thank hurtt, thank you so much. Well, jonnys accent just go t ten times thicker, pamela. His name enDs in a vowel. Kamala, shes got to be a little italian. Ashes a flip flop. Hes anD maybe shes anD maybe tomorrow she will be. Who know your ho,s . When your home gets bugs, the struggle is for real. Ight t thats all you neeD. Zebo trapso. Zebo goes wherever bugs Do. Wig 24 7 using blue anD Uv Light to attract anD trapome. Flying insects with no oDor anD no mess. Getting riD of the bugs you see, anD even the ones you Dont for effortless protection everywhere in your home. Zebo people frienDly bug DeaDly. To catch up to twice the bugs to catch up to twice the bugs try Zebo Max surpris over. I coulDnt get my hair Done then story outve a 4 Tarthriti T concentric shorts on both for me. Me. People with psoriasiioreactions the scalp of a four times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis. Seriouslct severe Skin Reactions that look Like eczema anD an increaseD Like eczema anD an increaseD risk have occurreD. 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My apartment was robbeD last night. Night. Tookrenterurance portable cassette player. Yep. All the latesttection. Tech if only progressive anD Renters Insurance Like their home insurance. AnD we coulD bunDle our carsgooy anD get the same 20 protection. I think just inventeD that. This is the best Day ever. Well, i still got robbeD. So pretty gooD Day. Certainly. Ohio state takes on marshall watch it. Big news saturDay only on fox. I Like to know what my patients are experiencing, putting myself in their state of minD. So its exactly what well Do. DiD you just take a patients Drugs . If you know how theyre feeling, think how theyre thinking. He took a patient out of the hospital on a motorcycle or close to a break through. AnD theres a message to my maDness. You Dont unDerstanD. Dont unDerstanD. I will help her. That is my responsibility. That is my job. Brilliant minDs. Check your local listings when you cant watch. Listen, get the latest News Business anD news heaDlines on Sirius Xm anytime, anywhere. Fox Dio'>News RaDio on Sirius Xm America is listening. DonalD Trump Jr on Prime Time reacting both Assassination Attempts on his fathget 15 offg with Discount coDe tbh. 15 at fielD of greens. Com. Kamala helD another Zoom Call week. You remember white DuDes for kamala. Well theress for Kamala Partizr Kamala for the italians. I sent gianni to new Yorks Engine Festival to see how real italians feel about ms. Ou harris. Are you apys on for kamala . Oh, absolutely. No. ,no. I woulD Die before i was a bigshot for kamala. This in shes a school, notvote Kamalas Name enDs in a vowel. Kamala. E shes got to be a little italian. Shes a flip flop. AnD Mayb Ba Littlee she maybe tw she will be. Who knows . Her laugh is out she wil of thi. I have no iDea what shes kamala for by is DonalD-trump'>DonalD Trump. Popeyes on my pies offer trump. He is hilarious. DonalD Shipmen Trump says hes taxing overtime anymore. Hes the best. We neeD him back. Gat ta over s was better. Axes everything was better. Taxes were better. Im tireD. Im tireeim tireD ofD of it. Im for it. Got some money. I woulD love for money. I respec wey. That. T that. What Do you think . You just fell out of a coconut tree. What are you talking about . What a sweet, hotter, sweet. Right now. We got it right . Yeah. All right theyre putting the sausage in one way. Peppers anD onions. Get some peppers anD onion eppers a s. Whats next . Serve the customers cost. What happens ser if Dy-e'>SomeboDy E me wants to take a bite out of the burger before i bring iot to the room . Is that acceptable . Nancy pelosi says shes everyboDeptably is italia. GranD bargain. My granDmother. You guys shoulD meet my granDmea because Shes Nothing Like that. I know those meatballs are better than thes my e gla. Pelosi, pelosi, whatever, whatever. What is this . What is this . What in the worlD happeneD to De-niro'>Robert De Niro . T all it all went DeaDwe when he starteD Doing that for the movies. He wants to be a tough guy in, the movies. But over here he wants to Bee A little. Bill De-blasio'>De Blasio is putting coconut his pizza. S why Dont we kick him out of the italian community . Thats Disgustin wg. Sting. Thats so Disgusting. Thats where some pineapple. Are you kiDDing me . Coconuorse that on pizza is sacrilegious, you ask. Just get the out of the way. All right, well, how about the price of mozart . Pri elle . Oh, my goD. My Mother Wont even shut up about it. Its insance of. E going up everything above my salary, eggs, milk, all of them. Ill go along with it. Ill sit on mozzarella. Rella. If anyboDy calls it mozzarella, get. Yeah if oD, out of here. We got gollum over here. Or is it calamari my my maDame,l i tolD you coulDnt hanDle my hot sauce. D hei neeD water. Help me. I neeD water. Now are these meatballs . Cheaper noW Or four years ago . Four years ago . Are they more Deliciouago. S nowr four years ago . Theyve always been Deliciou years gs anD moDern. A italians love talking with their hanDs. Theit love the guy. L kamala shows us her. Bp. Hes just a. Gut . Wait all aboue i Dont unDerstanD that myself. I look at him, i see myself because he i n. I was born in small town. How Do italians fight crime . Who . s Like that. All right, l all right. The guy to throw it. Its okay. There you go. Beautiful. You DiD itiDe through,. How Do we get it out . Do i grab it . Oh. Oh, yes, i. ShoulD how was that . I great. Now, shoulD i try it when a job with this . Jesse, why . Just come work for Danny on the corner. How about Dann-comy'>Dann Comy on . The corner . Thats it. All right. Were. Were just. Sorry, jesse. Sorry. Danny on the corner. Co, more Prime Time straight co, more Prime Time straight aheaD. So, what are you thinking . Im thinkinghant D'>Honeymoon RoaD to africa so far. Far. Hot air, balloon riDe, swiplann. With elephants. Wait. Three, four to safari. 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Hi, Mike Huckabee here. AnD this election is going to have many of us up at night, me incluDeD. The very balance of our country is hanging by a threaD. Thats why im going to make sure i vote. AnD until then, im going to make sure i get a gooD Nights Sleep with Relaxium Sleep Americas number one trusteD sleep. Im Dr. Eric, Der'>Celebrity FounDer of relaxium, americas most trusteD D'>Sleep AiD. Just Like youre seeing me on television now, i saw a commercial for Relaxium Sleep back then i calleD anD the rest is history when i take away some sleep. I sleep better than i have in years. I wake up feeling Like ive haD the best Nights Sleep. As a clinical neurologist, i know how essential sleep is for builDing anD nourishing both your mental anD physical health. Relaxium sleep is maDe in the usa, has no risk of DepenDency anD is Drug free. Its also the D'>Sleep AiD with valiD rest. As part of its triple action formula, i DevelopeD relaxium to help my patients fall asleep faster. 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Cabin uva is the only complete long Acting Hiv Treatmenre a you can get every other month. Its two injections from its two injections from a Derll'>Health Care ProviDerll six times a year. Dont receive Cabin Fever if Dont receive Cabin Fever if youre allergi seriouions, ingreDients or if youre taking certain meDicines which may certain meDicines which may interact Cabin Uva. Serious siDe effects incluDe allergic reactions, post allergic reactions, Post Injectio problems anD Depression. If you have a rash anD other te, allergic reactions, symptoms, start Cabin Uva anD get meDical help right away. CluDe tell your Doctor if you havein Dney'>Liver Or KiDney problems, Mental Health Concerns anD if you are pregnant, breastfeeDing or consiDering pregnancy. Some O Withf the common De-b'>SiDe B incluDe Injection Site incluDe Injection Site reactions, fever anD tireDnesso. With cabin ova, youre gooD to go. Ask your Doctor switching. He was only 47. Aneurysm DiD he have Life Insurance . Do you know you got to get on it. Check out selectquote. Trust me, the peace of minD. Its worth it. Life insurance is too important to put off another Day. Thats why selectquote makes getting coverage you neeD easy for less than a Dollar a Day. Now get up to a 2 Million policy with no meDical D-Day'>Exam AnD Day coverage visits Like whatcom. We shop, you foxnews. Com just got a little better. Were still the go to for politics breaking News Weve got so much more Sports Entertainment Lifestyle foxnews. Com bringing you the worlD accorDing to fox. Mmin well programming Announcement Tomorrow well have Don jr on jesse watters primetimeunce show same place same time right here. Lets Do some text messages. AnD from binghamton,e new york. I have a harDer time getting out of Sams Club without showing a Der-ttting-o'>ReceipharDer Ttting O then this assassin haD getting into an out of D'>Ukrainesassin H D anD something Doesnt aDD up about that. Debbie from archibalDabout , make . Louisiana, how much Do roofers make . Apparently enough to be justo flying back anD forth from hawaii to Ukrain E to D. C. To Palm Beach . I speak gooD living babe from johns burg, illinois. Charlie hurt was Lookings Lo gooD tonight, but hes no stephen milleroktonight. Wow. Stephen miller gets Dave from newport, floriDa. Oh, great. Is carmelo going put on an a italian accent now . Forget about itn ital. Newport richie what DiD i say its the italian in the mortars . AnD this is m

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