And were going to. Hannity and tonight, it is no secret that candidate, yes, Marsana.coM/news/sece-vice-president'>Sece Vice President Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris, is planning to Marsana.coM/news/raiset-th'>Raiset Th on all of you. But just MoMents ago, Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp unveiled a newyo plans fo to cut taxes for the Marsana.coM/news/hardesthard-worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kinesg'>Hardesthard WorMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kinesg aMericans. Who dont you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, dont dont clocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K out at 5 00. Pretty aMazing. I havent worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked Mad an eight h. Day in Most of My life. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a lootaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke aMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. K. IM also announcing that as part of our additional tax ie will end all taxes on overtiMe. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know what that Means . They do that. ThinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K of. Well have Much More on president econoMic vision. Thats Marsana.coM/news/coMing-up'>CoMing Up tonight. But first, wonighte are only 545 away froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The 2024 election. Pennsylvania, new voting that begins in just a MereMere 5 five days. In alabaMa, the first ballots are officially in the Marsana.coM/news/Mail-dayst'>Mail Dayst More than a dozen states, including Marsana.coM/news/swing-swing'>Swing Swing states liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke wisconsin stn, llot are scheduled to send out ballots later this Month. We are in hoMestretch of a race that will iMpact the course of our country for decadesades to coMe. It is an Marsana.coM/news/inflection-point'>Inflection Point for this country to. And as Most of you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, donald Marsana.coM/news/truMp-isnt'>TruMp Isnt just facing off Marsana.coM/news/againsow-donalt'>Againsow Donalt Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris. He is running against what is our vicious powerful institutions and a Marsana.coM/news/political-Machine'>Political Machine that spans the deMocratic party. Spantre running agains the Marsana.coM/news/state-run'>State Run corrupt pravda Media Mob, Marsana.coM/news/a-powerful-deep-state'>A Powerful Deep State Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With bureaucrats in every departMent of your federal Marsana.coM/news/dee-a-weaponized'>Dee A Weaponized departMent of justice. Oh, and to add Marsana.coM/news/insultg-agai'>Insultg Agai to injury, hes running against big tech, too. Theyre all Marsana.coM/news/puttin-g'>Puttin G blocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks an elec on the scale of an election. Now, the saMe Marsana.coM/news/political-Machine'>Political Machine booted Marsana.coM/news/joe-biden'>Joe Biden froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The ballot after he won Millions of votes. WellMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The ballot , that saMe Marsana.coM/news/political-Machine'>Political Machine has been trying to destroy donald forth the better part of an entire decade. And yet oft the polls tonighttoi are close. Donald truMp is holdinght are co a 60 edge in todays forecast froM statistician nate silver. De the latest Marsana.coM/news/insider-advantage-poll'>Insider Advantage Poll postdebate has Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp up by one in Michigan Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With a Marsana.coM/news/boost-froMost-fr'>Boost FroMost Fr african aMerican voters in pennsylvania. The race is Marsana.coM/news/veryoM-aMerica'>VeryoM AMerica very close tied. One poll had truMp up by two. King tidrecently, Meanwhile, the Marsana.coM/news/lawfare-against'>Lawfare Against Marsana.coM/news/president-truMident-trp'>President TruMident Trp that co after all those years. Ye arone after another, is liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Keg. DoMinoes falling. They all fall apart. Ifthey a deMocrats and bidens j had their way. BtruMp would be in jail not right now, but theyre not getting their way. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, thanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kfully gettingheie have checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks and balances in our court systeM. But today, two More criMinal counts against Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp. This i truMpn the Marsana.coM/news/fulton-countye'>Fulton Countye in georgia, were disMissed by a Marsana.coM/news/fulton-county'>Fulton County judge. Far so far, five of the Marsana.coM/news/originale-og'>Originale Og 13 charges by Marsana.coM/news/fani-willis'>Fani Willis have been disMissed before disMl as the entire case in jeopardy. In fact, every Marsana.coM/news/case-againsin-fat'>Case Againsin Fat truMp is falling apart. And as political points out, well, deMocrats underestiMate truMp at their own peril. Runnopponent, Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris, is running the Most dishonest, least authentic caMpaign in huMan history. During the debate, she and lied repeatedly, dozens of tiMes about a national Marsana.coM/news/sales-tax'>Sales Tax thaMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMp has never supportedtn ,doesnt support about it. Hell sign a nationwide Marsana.coM/news/n-abortionationw-ban'>N Abortionationw Ban that donald a truMp has never supported. Ldwell never support a ban on ivf. What he actually been in favor of ivf and that nobody by the way wants, end quote. Donald truMps project 2025 thaMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMp had absolutely Marsana.coM/news/nothin-projeg'>Nothin Projeg to do Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With. , has it read, by the way, for f Marsana.coM/news/the-record'>The Record . Nor have i. Shor recore also lied and brouge you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, brought out the hits. Lets bring up Marsana.coM/news/charlottesville-l.'>Charlottesville L. Lied abouMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMps role in january six, lied about fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kingjanuar, lied abou, lied about her support for the Minnesota balafo andn, tr abouMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMps blood bath, coMMents on the econoMy, lied abouMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMps position on nato, lied about zero troops serving truMnatot zones, lied the abouMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMps role in the Marsana.coM/news/bidenharris-adMinistratiobidenn'>Bidenharris AdMinistratiobidenn and their disastrous Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Withdrawal froM afghanistan. Lieistrous wdaMe donal truMp for that . Lied about Marsana.coM/news/gun-confiscation'>Gun Confiscation . She said i confisct repeatedly d about her support for defunding the police her. She said that, too. She even lied about beingbein a Marsana.coM/news/Middle-class'>Middle Class Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kid. He in reality, she grew up one of the Most prestigious jewishbouro neighborhoods in Montreal to two very affluentod parents. She lied about violent criMeMe along Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With her two supporters at the debate that were Masquerade as journalists. Now they are liberal, Marsana.coM/news/radical-left-deMocratic'>Radical Left DeMocratic Marsana.coM/news/talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-show'>TalMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Show host. And they said that violent criMe was. No, its not. By the way, abc, disney, Marsana.coM/news/bob-iger'>Bob Iger taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke. No. Locause your your your networMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K run by disney got it wrong. LooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at the data froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The doj. Violent criMe is up 37 under the harris biden adMinistration. The harris up 42 . Robbery is up 63 . Assault is up a whopping 34 . And Marsana.coM/news/stranger-violence'>Stranger Violence up 61 . Violent criMstrangere Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With, a wn thats up 63 . Motor Marsana.coM/news/vehicle-theft-upt'>Vehicle Theft Upt a whopping 2 . And the list goes on. But the lies dont stop there. Y Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala lied today, claiMing that Marsana.coM/news/donaldonaldd-truMp'>Donaldonaldd TruMp wants tt Medicare. A. Mplete Marsana.coM/news/lie-and-falsehood'>Lie And Falsehood but Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMalas Most egregious lies, franMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kly, are about herself. Her we have her in her own words on record. E fi by the way, its alla on the Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala files at hannity icon. And we have the walz files, too. If youre interested in her vp selectio n. A radical Marsana.coM/news/bernie-sanders'>Bernie Sanders governor. Anyway, Marsana.coM/news/fol-bernier'>Fol Bernier decades shes to the left of Marsana.coM/news/bernie-sanders'>Bernie Sanders eagerly supportingo. She was a cosponsor of the Marxist led, slashing the 93enw trillion Marsana.coM/news/green-new-deal'>Green New Deal, which would eliMinate capitalisM. The greatest Marsana.coM/news/source-source-wealth'>Source Source Wealth creation ever designed by Man. If ever Marsana.coM/news/iMpleMente-eved'>IMpleMente Eved and she cosponsored Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With bernie you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know Marsana.coM/news/governMent-care'>GovernMent Care for all and by the way free for illegal iMMigrants w. Migrants she proMoted open borders, taxpayer funded housing, Marsana.coM/news/health-care'>Health Careoted o, education. And even now, slow down on this fer illegal iMMigrants and for convicted felons. Do you really want your Money to g. Nto to change operations for people that dont respect our laws, our sovereignty, our borders, or people convicted of criMes peops because Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris has supported it . And this was when she wasthis i running for president. She wanted she to defund the police, disMantle, reiMagine, defund ice, reiMagine ice, put violent criMinals bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K on the Marsana.coM/news/street-wit'>Street Wit Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With zero bail, supported that Marsana.coM/news/Minnesota-bail-fund'>Minnesota Bail Fund four days after burning down the Marsana.coM/news/Minneapolis-police'>Minneapolis Police precinctn and releasing rioters and insurrectionists. In case youre paying attention in washington tonight, in Marsana.coM/news/the0-n-suMMer'>The0 N SuMMer of 2020. And, of course, she was a big Marsana.coM/news/ws-supporter'>Ws Supporter of federal gun coMposting big and Mandatory. I thats what it is. But the very MoMent she wasatedt elevated to a candidate. Her positions all changed overoa night, or at least thats what she wants you to believe. How about you decide . TiM walz and i are both gun owners. Were not taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King anybodys guns away. So stop Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the continuous lyin not taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kinung about, this so us i support buybacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks at hoMe. Mandatory as your Marsana.coM/news/gun-y-buybacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Gun Y BuybacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K prograM is Mandatory. I willou ban fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. I wi i have not banned fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King as Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President. I Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States. Vice and in fact, i was the tied Marsana.coM/news/opeaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King-vote'>OpeaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King Vote on the inflation act, which opened new leases for fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. U coMM will you coMMit to iMpleMenting a federal ban on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kino iMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M Theg your first t in office . Adding the Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States the Marsana.coM/news/list-day'>List Day of countries who have banned this devastating practice . Theres no question iM in favore this d of banning fra. I absolutely support it. Over the last four years as Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President. Private Marsana.coM/news/health-care'>Health Care options. Aryou support the Medicare for all bill. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K initially cosponsored by senator sanders. Liev youre also a cosponsor of it. I believe it will totally eliMinate privatil e. So for people out there who liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke their insurance, well, they dont get to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Keep it. Well, listen, the ideal care is that everyone gets access to Medical care and you dont have to go through the process of going through an Marsana.coM/news/insurance-coMpany'>Insurance CoMpany, having theM give youtha approval, going through the paperworMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, all of the delay that May requirepeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, who us hast had that situation where youve got to wait for Marsana.coM/news/approval-and-thyoo'>Approval And Thyoo Marsana.coM/news/waite-doctor'>Waite Doctor says, we, i dont Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know if your Marsana.coM/news/insurance-coMpany'>Insurance CoMpany is going to cover this. That Marsana.coM/news/cover-ts-eliMinate-allf'>Cover Ts EliMinate Allf that. Lets Move on. The Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States congress, ung soMe of the Moste conservative MeMbers of the Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States senate, caMe up Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With a Marsana.coM/news/bordeof-u-senatr'>Bordeof U Senatr securit, which i supported and. That bill would have put 1500ut More Marsana.coM/news/border-agentsthos'>Border Agentsthos on the border to help those folMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks who are worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King there right now. OvertiMerMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kinthere ar trying to o their job. So i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K theres no question that weve got therestioy reexaMine Marsana.coM/news/ice-andnee'>Ice Andnee its role and the way that it a is being adMinistered and the worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K it is doing. And we need to probably thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K about starting froM scratc h. All right. MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke no MistaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke. CoMe on. It didnt suddenly Marsana.coM/news/chang-MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-Mie'>Chang MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Mie all of our views and her entire political philosophy overnight. Shes lying. Why . To get elected. Get power and then she will revert to forM. No doubt about it. At the debate, Marsana.coM/news/she-couldn'>She Couldn nobody ot give a single straight answer. DucMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King and dodging and weaving every question Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the help of two very corrupt, biased Marsana.coM/news/abc-disney'>Abc Disney Moderators. So woMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke and deMocratic supporting disney is clearly c More concerned in electing Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala then conservatives attending their theMe parMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks or buying any of their products. T n is it any Marsana.coM/news/wonder-disney-stocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Wonder Disney StocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K its in the tanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K if you havent been looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. I Mean, its lost a lot of value. According to the l. A. TiMes. David Muir, linseyrding to anged hours of truMp rallies in order to rebut hiMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M TruMp in Marsana.coM/news/real-tiMeh-davis'>Real TiMeh Davis telling the tiMes, quote, the atteMpt to correct the candidates was in response to the Marsana.coM/news/june-27'>June 27 Marsana.coM/news/cnn-debate'>Cnn Debate between Marsana.coM/news/truMp-and-president'>TruMp And President bidetruMp ann, Marsana.coM/news/whose-s'>Whose S perforMance led to his exit froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The race. T the racthey let that happen. Well, thats nice adMission, but it does say a lot because they never once correcteotdup Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-and-weve'>KaMala And Weve added up over 25 lies that she told as didstsn the fabulous too Many other fact checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers. Othe woMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kall of this assistance froM abc, disney, the woMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke networMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, the Marsana.coM/news/talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-networMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>TalMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K NetworMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K of Marsana.coM/news/liberal-radical-leftist-deMocratic'>Liberal Radical Leftist DeMocratic Marsana.coM/news/talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-show'>TalMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Show hosts, aMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K even faMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke jaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke, our old friend over a faMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke news cnn. He was even less than iMpressed Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With cuoMos perforMance. KaMa. Ngthis despite the econoMyMber 1 being the nuMber i one Marsana.coM/news/issueg-ve'>Issueg Ve facing the country, the sitting Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President generally reverted to talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King points about a few of her policy proposals. Evenfher policy pro Marsana.coM/news/harris-alliy'>Harris Alliy are saying that she needs to talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K More Marsana.coM/news/aboutds-t'>Aboutds T what she will do for aMericans if elected on the bordeaMericr. Now, another vulnerable issue for harris. She also dodge sd. Would you have done anything differently froM Marsana.coM/news/president-nuMbers'>President NuMbers . So iMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The only person on this stage who has Marsana.coM/news/prosecutedosecuted-transnational'>Prosecutedosecuted Transnational Marsana.coM/news/criMinal-organizations'>CriMinal Organizations for iMinals, drugsg of gun and huMan beings. OMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kay. That wasnt the question. Faj i May have to stop calling theM faMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. I Mean, she was liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a robot. A. I dont care what you asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. Ill go right to My rehearsed lines. Keep in Mindill go righ. Th Marsana.coM/news/tuesdays-debate'>Tuesdays Debate was only the second tiMe in the entire caMpaign that Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala said More than two or three sentences Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Without a teleproMpter. Tthere has been just one joint interview. W,a whopping 60 Minutes and 29 seconds of speaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King and. She br she did bring her eMotional support. Prnning Mateotional and, no pre, no town halls, zero solo interviews, even even photographers in the press are reportedly coMplaining about a, quote, Marsana.coM/news/unprecedented-reductioportedlyutn'>Unprecedented Reductioportedlyutn in access ta Media. One top deMocrat is hoping its o stays that way, urging harris to stay away. Whatever you do, Marsana.coM/news/stawhatevy-awaM'>Stawhatevy AwaM her adoring fans and the Marsana.coM/news/state-run'>State Run Media Mob. A MoM. Maybe not bad advice if you dont care about the aMerican people and then being inforMeddont. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K that just to say Marsana.coM/news/one-on'>One On one discussions Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With people in the Media will not necessarily connect it Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the voters. I want to see her connecting Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With voters, responding to their dreaMs or their aspirations. Because, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, if you go on these Marsana.coM/news/one-on'>One On one, soMetiMes you drill down into a question until theres a word thats uttered that can be used in a negative way. In other words, advice. Hide Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala hide. Bernie sanders. He sai advicd the quiet part out loud. Shes not changing our positions. Shes only sh being pragMatic to win an election. Hes not lying here. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Keon. Lying. A looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. You have described Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris as pre if Marsana.coM/news/she-hasvice'>She Hasvice previously supported Medicare for all. Now she does not. Shes previously supported a ban on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. Nonot. W she does not. These, senator, are ideas that you caMpaigned on. CaMpo you thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K that she is abandoning her progressive Marsana.coM/news/idealsssive-id'>Idealsssive Id . T no, i dont thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kis shes abandoning her ideals. I thin Marsana.coM/news/k-'>K shes to be pragMatic in doing what she thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks is right in order to win the election. Ill say what i need to say. Justelecti to win the election. Herenot if it Means lying. Sure. Here Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/reactionh-fox-news'>Reactionh Fox News contributor Marsana.coM/news/joe-conscious'>Joe Conscious Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With us alone g Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With foxcohost and Marsana.coM/news/friends-weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kend-cohost'>Friends WeeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kend Cohost Marsana.coM/news/pete-hegseth'>Pete Hegseth as well as piece. Lets get your taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke. Stay out of the caMpaign. Does the ducMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K and dodge weve and hide and weave and avoid the Marsana.coM/news/Media-strategy'>Media Strategy . I does it worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K in Marsana.coM/news/the-end'>The End . No. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp is in a good position. I donMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K donaldt that naively. Atw i dont say that wistfully. I say that becauseistf shes got to test the bounds of how far she cae boundsn go Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With a Marsana.coM/news/c-press'>C Press to say nothing. Thing. She had a three on one de. Everyone Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knows what they thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kns of Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp. Everyones got an iMpression of hiM. Youve got a lot of people out f hiM. To there looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King for an excuse hiMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M To vote for hiM because they Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know their four years under truMp were so Much better financially or secur national security wise. Just the state of Marsana.coM/news/aMerica-criMe'>AMerica CriMe and the iMMigratioitn. M an they want to vote for hiM. And then they looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala. They watched the Marsana.coM/news/debaten-thet-e'>Debaten Thet E she spent two or three weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks preparing for it liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a college freshMan. N. She could give us soMe rehearsed lines. But if youre watchingshe can gs is the Marsana.coM/news/response-weve'>Response Weve seen acnd the polls will show it. You learhe board andn. Id a she said a bunch of stuff that was well rehearsed, whichps contradicts previous positions, isnt well explained. You point out, turns out to be a lie. People dont trust that oralivee that. So they call for a new debate. We want to debate again as truMp pointba. Ds out. They h thats what anyone who thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks they have More to to to provdoee does. And as a result, i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K a shes going to be forcednd to answer More questions. Sean, i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, jaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke tapper didnt suddenly find religion, hes not a courageous guy. He wants access. OMania hes an egoManiac who wants to be relevant. And so as a result, hes goingro to claMor for pressersesse and questions anMarsana.coM/news/d-interview'>D Interviewsrs and theyre not going to give theM. And i dont thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K people are going to respect Marsana.coM/news/soMeonei-don'>SoMeonei Don is running for president and doesnt respect theM enough to actuallrespecy answer questie give what their position is. David Muir didnt have courage a to follow up and say, but you said this and you say this now, but you said this and you say this now. At soMe point shes going to havint shee to. Thats going to hurt her. Donald truMp has been. Consistent bee and clear Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With te aMerican people. Thats going to pay off. Thatt so does the facter that she still has not answered that her cosponsorshipthe 93 Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With bernie of the Marsana.coM/news/93-trillion'>93 Trillion Marsana.coM/news/green-new-deal'>Green New Deal and eliMinating the filibusterster, terrorisM and Marsana.coM/news/health-care'>Health Care for all and the eliMination of private health insurance, no restrictions on abortion, Mandatory gun buybacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. DecriMinalizing illegal iMMigrants. Free, Mandator Marsana.coM/news/health-care'>Health Care. Education. Drivers licenses. Housare, Marsana.coM/news/edue-sex-change'>Edue Sex Change operats and aMnesty. Dont say radical islaMic terrorisM. Illegal alien. The disaster of afghanistan. Joe conscious. She hasnt answered any of this. Mic let her go through 90 Minutes and not address her own words. How does that end . Ill ill answer your basic question, sean, in answering. Your question. If the Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris teaM is so y Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the way Marsana.coM/news/things-wentt-de'>Things Wentt De at that debate on tuesday night, why have goneMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to hiding their candidates . Donald truMp did an Marsana.coM/news/intervie-w'>Intervie W Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With you about 5 Minutes after that debate was over. Yetutes after Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris,n again wont Marsana.coM/news/sit-down'>Sit Down Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With anybody. A that and this is a Media that Mostly supports her. This Marsana.coM/news/pointsuppor-cannot'>Pointsuppor Cannot be eMphd enough. KaMala harris nor Marsana.coM/news/tiM-walz'>TiM Walz have yet eMphasizedarris no to Marsana.coM/news/d-interview'>D Interview since becoMing the deMocraticsolo. One would thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K after the debate they would Marsana.coM/news/buildy-thn'>Buildy Thn on the MoMentuMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M That they thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K they have. You would thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K that Marsana.coM/news/harris-braintrust'>Harris Braintrust would put theM both out there, but they havent. And if they do, Marsana.coM/news/heresM-walz'>HeresM Walz what Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know. KaMala harris and Marsana.coM/news/tiM-walz'>TiM Walz will not be allowed to sit wileM in any Marsana.coM/news/Media-environMent'>Media EnvironMent that isnt coMpletely controlledletely c as it was ont on tuesday night. And yes, they will not sit Marsana.coM/news/dow-nes'>Dow Nes Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With anybody Who Does not either give the questions in advance or receives either gs the questions in advance. We Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know this because it already happened Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the Marsana.coM/news/loca-l-radio'>Loca L Radio station in philadelphia that adMitted that it happened. And reMeMber that debate not only did those disgraceful Moderators, no nott once fact cMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris when they had2 to dozen 25 opportunities to your account to do so. Rtunitiebut they also did not follow up Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With any questions whatsoever of Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala follo harr. Donald truMp, Meanwhile, had 11 fact checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks and follow ups,cMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K and the fact checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks werent even right. So Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris, to quote Marsana.coM/news/dean-worMerwere'>Dean WorMerwere even, got 0. 0 fact co and follow up questions. So the harriswalz seinfeldons. CaMpaign will continue a caMpaign about nothingeinfel a festival of grievances abouMarsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMp, despite Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris being the incuMbent who owns everything voters hate about the state of this country right noeverythu sean. She owns this, not donalds truMp. Noi thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K if i ever go to a theM parMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, iM going to Marsana.coM/news/heae-d'>Heae D to six flags or soMe other place. ThanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K you, but not disney. All righ t. Nope. Joining us now is south daMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kota governor Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kristi noeM. Governor, your taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke on all of this . Rnor. Well, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, sean, ifte there was ever a candidate that needed to be vetted, its Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris. She didnt get a single vote. Not a single person in this countrs. Not y voted for her. D to so we need to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know what she believes. She doesnt do interview shes. T she doesnt talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to the press. And then in this debate, Marsana.coM/news/she-neve-debr'>She Neve Debr what she actually has fora policy positions. Theres nothing on her Marsana.coM/news/caMpaign-website'>CaMpaign Website that says what her policies are. So if anybody needed say be veth ,its her. And i adMire Marsana.coM/news/president-truMp'>President TruMp for not debating her again. He is recognizing the Marsana.coM/news/fact-goat'>Fact Goat i recogt is a waste of tiM, that she is not going to say what she truly believes. Shes no what going to be truth Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the aMerican people and hes going to taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke his arguMent directly to faMilies and to people that live in this country that are iMpacted by her policies pl. He wil hes going to spend his tiMe Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With real aMericans that are struggling under this econoMys tiMe wit. Now, what do you thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K the best way to get outMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K her radical stateMents and record is . I Mean, i put it up on My website. Hannity. CoM people. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, its a Marsana.coM/news/public-service'>Public Service. You can share it Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With friends, faMily, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, coworMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KersrMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ker and social Mediaan. It seeMs to be it seeMs to now be pennetta trading into the consciousness of aMericans. Do you believe thats the casedd . People are understanding how extreMe she is, radical. Sh e is. I thi i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K they are. And whats powerful is watchinng own lips say the words of what w she truly doesords believe. JiM clyburn was right. I Mean, shes she believes sht. Ging differen and if we let her talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Marsana.coM/news/toooMe-o.'>ToooMe O. Long, she the truth will coMe out. They have coached into Marsana.coM/news/thesecy-t-policy'>Thesecy T Policy positions to get her elected. But if she Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Keeps talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kingget , shes going to forget and shes going to say what she truly does believe. So wha is powerful when you seea a video of her saying what her Marsana.coM/news/forMerer-sayin'>ForMerer Sayin positions wer what they are today. Those clips that you just playedtodahose, i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K are incd powerful. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K everybody in this country should see thoseibly po well, were going to try and get it. If people want to download and sharnt te it Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With their Marsana.coM/news/fris-and-faMily'>Fris And FaMily as a Marsana.coM/news/public-service'>Public Service is on hannity. CoM. Reciat governor, no. We appreciate you being Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With us. By the waybeins. , Maybe well dn investigation. How Much does it cost a Marsana.coM/news/faMily-coso'>FaMily Coso to disney these days . And why is Marsana.coM/news/disney-stocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Disney StocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K down in that sewer . Just a thought. Anyway, Marsana.coM/news/coMing-up'>CoMing Up, donald Marsana.coM/news/t-truMp'>T TruMp just announced his plan to stop taxing overtiMe pay. Weve got the detail taxins. F and Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris Marsana.coM/news/flipping-and-flopping'>Flipping And Flopping and Marsana.coM/news/flailing-and-lyind'>Flailing And Lyind flg on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. That w that will haunt her in pennsylvania. And it should. Ilt hethose are high paying carr jobs. Straight ahead. Get. What a dreaM coMe true. And youre Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With a bang. This Might be your big MoMent. It is Main event. TiMe for the weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kly action war. This is chaos. All in one place. There can only be one zone. Now the u. S. Gains raw and sMacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kdown on. New. I see how pro Massaging boMb easy to Marsana.coM/news/grip-and-Massage'>Grip And Massage and the Marsana.coM/news/power-of-two'>Power Of Two Marsana.coM/news/Max-strength-pain'>Max Strength Pain Marsana.coM/news/relievers-ice'>Relievers Ice worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks fast heat MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kes it less new. I see hot pro boMb. I can taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the deed to your house and i can transfer that deed into My naMe. The criMe of title theft. What is that . What . That Means is that a criMinal . Theyre able to steal the title to your hoMe, typically by transferring it to another person. And then selling or borrowing Money against the house. So they dont really want the physical property . No, they just want to borrow against or sell it. The great thing froM a title Marsana.coM/news/thieves-perspective'>Thieves Perspective is that nobody realizes that i have sold your house or refinanced it and borrowed Money against until i stop MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King those Mortgage payMents. So it could be six Months later they start getting foreclosed on. Most Marsana.coM/news/people-credit'>People Credit cards and the Marsana.coM/news/credit-card'>Credit Card generally protects fraudulent charges on it and so on. But what about your hoMe, though . Thats where your Marsana.coM/news/big-equity'>Big Equity is. Thats not the way it worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With title theft. Thats not the way it worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks all. And nobodys helping you. Nobodys looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King out for you. Whats a hoMeowner to do . I Mean, when they find out theyre a victiM, what can they next . They would have to go to Maybe their local sheriff or the local police, and they would have to notify theM of this criMe. And try and explain what happened, which is a Mess in itself. Well, and nobodys to do that. The thing about Marsana.coM/news/hoMe-title-locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>HoMe Title LocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K is that never has to. Why is that . They notify you when theres any change to title, so you get notified that your deed was transferred or your Mortgage was satisfied and youre able to contact Marsana.coM/news/hoMe-title-locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>HoMe Title LocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. Contact the authorities and. Hopefully catch the thief in the Middle of this whole process. And even the title has been transferred out of your naMe. HoMe Marsana.coM/news/title-locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Title LocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K has a Marsana.coM/news/restoration-teaM'>Restoration TeaM that will coMe in fix your Marsana.coM/news/title-and-place'>Title And Place the property bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K into your naMe. Title fraud is real. Its scary, but now theres a way to protect yourself. Give us a call or go to Marsana.coM/news/hoMe-title-locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>HoMe Title LocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K icon and start your triple locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K title protection. Want the effects of faster . Meet rose sparMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks. They contain sildenafil and tadalafil, but dissolve under the tongue dissolvable worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K faster than old school pills. See if sparMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks are right for you at roccos sparMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks. These bills are crazy. Polico she has no idea shes sitting on a goldMine. She doesnt Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know that if she owns a Marsana.coM/news/life-insurance-policylicv'>Life Insurance Policylicv of, 100,000 or More, she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a terM policy, even a terM policy, even under policy. Find out if youre sitting on a gold Mine. Call coventry direct today at Marsana.coM/news/800-496-9200'>800 496 9200 or Marsana.coM/news/visit-coventry'>Visit Coventry direct ecoM. Why should every Man try ageless Male because it has Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KsM 66 ashwagandha shown to help Marsana.coM/news/increase-testosterone'>Increase Testosterone iMprove at the gyM, reduce the Marsana.coM/news/dad-body'>Dad Body and fight the effects of stress and it has Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knox perforMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The boost Marsana.coM/news/nitric-oxide'>Nitric Oxide production. And that can be handy in the gyM and in the bedrooM. No wonder its a best selling testosterone booster. Get to walMart to try ageless Male Max and be the Man you to be a Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp exclusive. Hes sounding off on Migrant criMe, his bat and how Much you can save their options going to right now. So what are you waiting for . All right. The econoMy is of the tops issues for the aMerican people. For all of you, the forMerresidt president , Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp, trav aed to the very Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Key Marsana.coM/news/swing-state-today'>Swing State Today of arizona to speaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K about his plan for ab. S Marsana.coM/news/taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Keprosperityo-spea'>TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Keprosperityo Spea lets Marsana.coM/news/taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-ae'>TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Ae a looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. IM also announcing that as part of our additional iM a e will end all taxes on overtiMe, no taxes on overtiMe. E the people worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K overtiMe are aMong the hardest worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King citizens in our country. O and for too long, no Marsana.coM/news/one-in1'>One In1 in washington has been looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King out for Marsana.coM/news/theMington-h.'>TheMington H. Those are the people they really were. Theyre police officerrMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks, cers nurses, factory worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers, construction worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers, trucMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K drivernurses, s, Machine operat. Its tiMe for the worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King Marsana.coM/news/cat-and-woMan'>Cat And WoMan to finally catch a breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. And thats what were doing Marsana.coM/news/becausch-breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke'>Becausch BreaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke this is a good. All right. Donald truMp, no taxes on tips, no taxes on chelseas Marsana.coM/news/social-security'>Social Security, no taxes on overtiMe. Now lets have a gaMe. How Many drinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks can you haveu ha before Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-copies'>KaMala Copies . TruMp agaiveorn . I can MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke it a drinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King gaMe. Now, as Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke i, harris has, of course, presided over three and a half years of crippling Marsana.coM/news/inflatioesidedn-hig'>Inflatioesidedn Hig high interest rates, record high gas prices, econoMich intere stagnation. LooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at this new analysis. The average householnalysis. D, y Marsana.coM/news/swing-state'>Swing State. That would be georgia. That would be nort e,h pennsylvania, wisconsin, Michigan, arizona, nevadaa an and every other state. Theyre paying 12,000 More a year to buy bare Marsana.coM/news/b-essentialsr'>B Essentialsr than they were in 2021 when they tooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K office. KaMala harris ha tooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K s. No plan to MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke anything better. During the debate, harris that Marsana.coM/news/t-goldMan'>T GoldMan sachs had basically endorsed her econoMic plan c. That was another lie. GoldMan ceo throw a lot of coldt on that right away. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K whaMarsana.coM/news/t-goldMan'>T GoldMangh sacht aways has said is that dod truMps plan would MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the Marsana.coM/news/econoM-y'>EconoM Y worse. Mine would strengthen the econoMy. That report, which was Marsana.coM/news/d-night'>D Night in the debate, caMe froM an independent analyst. And its its scott. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K a lot More has been Made of this than should be. What the report did is it looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked at a Marsana.coM/news/handful-policy'>Handful Policy issues that have been put out by both sides. And it tried to Model their iMpact on gdp growth. Say the reason i say a bigger deal has been Made of it is what it showed is ther Marsana.coM/news/e-betw-difference'>E Betw Difference between the sets of policies that they put forward. Nse of Marsana.coM/news/pies-theyit'>Pies Theyit was about 2 e percent. If this guy had halfn do a brain, does he not realize taxing unrealized Marsana.coM/news/capital-gains'>Capital Gains is the death of capitalisM orde the new green deals the death of Marsana.coM/news/capitalisM-orM'>CapitalisM OrM . Hav do you really have to be the the head of Marsana.coM/news/goldMan-sachs'>GoldMan Sachs to Marsana.coM/news/understane-d'>Understane D that . No. At Multiple Marsana.coM/news/rallies-today'>Rallies Today in north carolina, harris also continued her long Marsana.coM/news/running-lie'>Running Lie that Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp wants to cut your Marsana.coM/news/social-security'>Social Security and Medicare. But the officialr Marsana.coM/news/al-republican-party'>Al Republican Party platforM and Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp in his own Marsana.coM/news/andd-truMr'>Andd TruMr again say oppos just the opposite. As you can see on your screeitn a coMplete and total lie froM Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris. Here Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With reaction, Marsana.coM/news/fox-business-host'>Fox Business Host Marsana.coM/news/david-asMan'>David AsMan and econoMist even More. Moore. Stephen, start Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With you. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, ive Mentionedoe this Many tiMes on this show, on My radio show. I started adult life. I was living paychecMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to paychecMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. Not exactl y the Most fun tiMee al of My life, although i was pretty happy Marsana.coM/news/actioth-wasn'>Actioth Wasn bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to be honest. Money not having Money didnt Me Miserable. And i always loved worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. I donMaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke Marsana.coM/news/M-t'>M T even Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know what an eight Marsana.coM/news/hour-worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-day'>Hour WorMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Day looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke. I didnt Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know it then. I dont Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know. Then. What now. Ta i have no idea what that woulde looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke for anybody. But thesanybode are innovative. If w. E get the Marsana.coM/news/green-new-deal'>Green New Deal of of the 12,000 aMericans in every Marsana.coM/news/swing-state'>Swing State are payingstat More for essentials thanng they were paying in 2021, i what does that do to the econoMy . What is unrealized that gains do to Marsana.coM/news/job-creation'>Job Creation . Le first of all, let Me say soMething about that new plan that Marsana.coM/news/wasabout-th'>Wasabout Th just announcedf i May go on, because i too, My first job was worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King in the suburbs of Marsana.coM/news/chicago-and-ine'>Chicago And Ine for a warehouse for four bucMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks an hour. Fonand, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, i had to worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K overtiMe to MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a good paychecMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K s o that 6 an Marsana.coM/news/hour-waswa'>Hour Waswa a was a big bonus because you got tiMe and a hala bif. And this is so typical of truMp because ever iy tiMe ive talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Key to Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp about Marsana.coM/news/tax-policy'>Tax Policy, its been eight years now. Ive been worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin truMpg Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With thM on this. Every tiMe we talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked to My dear, he asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked three things froM, nuMber one, how will this policy affect worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KingnuMber aMericans . NuMber two, wed asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked, will this help sMall. Businesses . And nuMber three, he would say, is this going to expand the Marsana.coM/news/econoM-ll'>EconoM Ll they . It going to MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the econoMy better . So i wasnt i had not heard about this polic i oy. But i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K its Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kind of a neat policy. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K people are going to really liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke it if you worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ki thi extra hours, youre going to get a little bonus froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M TruMp. And its just liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Keext not taxine of tips for the service worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers who worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K hard. G th now, conversely, you asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked Me the question about the the Marsana.coM/news/tax-policy'>Tax Policy that cuoMo has put out there. Its this is according to the new yorMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K tiMes, a 5 trillioni tax increase. Its one of the biggest Marsana.coM/news/tax-increasellta1'>Tax Increasellta1 ofs, the history e world. It will this iM here to tell you, sMall will not be ableto to raise capital to start their businesses. Now, Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris would Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knoware that she won because shes never heard of business. I dont thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K shes never even worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked for a business. Youre going to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kill the stocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ko MarMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ket. And Most of the people listen to this show. The shhow about for one Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>K-plan'>K Plan . How is it going to looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K when you looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at your for it one Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>K-plan'>K Plan and the value of your plan goes down by 30. So i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K its a dagger to the Marsana.coM/news/hearr-tot'>Hearr Tot of econoMy. And and when it coMes to Marsana.coM/news/tax-policy'>Tax Policy, truMp is exactlyn it ri. Lets tax lets cut our taxes, not try to tax our way prosper to prosperity, which never worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks. Well, i Meahn, when Marsana.coM/news/reagane-cut'>Reagane Cut taxes, he doubled revenues. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, to the federal governMent, draMatically created Marsana.coM/news/21-Million'>21 Million new jobs. David asMan it was the longestpc period of peacetiMe econoMic growth in the history of the Marsana.coM/news/country-prioe-c'>Country Prioe C grnr to covid. S Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp said Marsana.coM/news/record-lowow'>Record Lowow after record low nuMbers on uneMployMent for africanaMericans, hispanichispn aMericans, asianaMericans, woMen in the worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kplace, youticcr uneMployMent. The price of gas was was belowia to 50 on average a gallon, never reach 3 an average Marsana.coM/news/nationallyn-h'>Nationallyn H per gallon. And you were paying 12,000 less in these Marsana.coM/news/swing-state'>Swing States for bare essentials that people now are putting on their Marsana.coM/news/credit-card'>Credit Cards around the countrty. Right. Well, the other thing is those geniuses aMarsana.coM/news/t-goldMan'>T GoldMan sach the i s congr and the deMocrats in congress all said that we were going tohh lose Money. And you still hear that rhetoric froM Marsana.coM/news/froetM-first-biden'>FroetM First Biden and now Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris saying that the tax Marsana.coM/news/cuts-costht'>Cuts Costht 2 trillion. In fact, they Made 1. 5 trillion. The revenue that the governMent froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M The increased econoMic activity as a result of the tacn led to an enorMous increase in revenue. Sose we actually got 1. 5 i trillion More for in Marsana.coM/news/governMent-revenue'>GovernMent Revenue after the Marsana.coM/news/truMp-tax'>TruMp Tax cuts than we had before. So everything about what they say concerning the taxwron cuts is wrong. But aMericans and bottoM linbuee is aMericans Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know theyre worse off. I Mean, steve can rattle off the nuMbers for you. Ive sort of looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked at the nuMbers and coMe up Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/ai-d-ae'>Ai D Ae 14,000 figure after you taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kea away the Marsana.coM/news/wage-increasescans'>Wage Increasescans that aMericans have had sinc Marsana.coM/news/hei-january'>Hei January 2021, even if you count those in, we still lost 14,000 for the average aMerican since Marsana.coM/news/january-2021'>January 2021 when biden caMe in. So the bidenharri in. S Marsana.coM/news/econoMid-policy'>EconoMid Policy is a disaster and everything. I would bet its going be arris weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K before Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris picMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks up on this Marsana.coM/news/truMp-plan'>TruMp Plan not to tax overtiMe pay. In fact, its everything that she has is either stolenr fostolenr truMp, left over froM biden or very far to the left. E when you looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at the wealth tax, which you Mentioned, Mention has never worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked Marsana.coM/news/world-anywhere-in-the'>World Anywhere In The world, and its a socialist idea of taxings wealth. The the idea of price controls, which ha s never again worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked i anywhere in the world, including once when it was tried Marsana.coM/news/hereng-o'>Hereng O , it was a terrible disaster. So shes either copying froMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M Teh truMp left over Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With failed Marsana.coM/news/biden-policies'>Biden Policies oe Marsana.coM/news/bidenr-going-e'>Bidenr Going E further to the left, and even biden is gone. So her econoMic policies are noe Mystery. We Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know what they are. Shse governs. Shes going to govern far to t the left of what Marsana.coM/news/biden-and-Muchh'>Biden And Muchh further to the left than what she is saying now. If you cant believe her proMise on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King when she if cano, iM going to ban fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King, and now she says the opposite. Ifg you Marsana.coM/news/cant-trust'>Cant Trust that pledge that she Made to stop fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kingat ,why should we trust anyMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kes now . Pledge that she MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kes now . All right. David asMan, thanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K you. DMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. Now pehan we appreciate you being Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With us. Now, perhaps the single biggest Marsana.coM/news/lirh-biggee'>Lirh Biggee that harris told he, the debate on tuesday, a little bit under the radar. It caMe toward Marsana.coM/news/the-end'>The End of the night when she said, quote, i Made very clear My position on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. Well, thats M false. N harris has been anything but clear, and she now claiMsMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kio to love fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. Out of nowhere. Wautnowhere. S. He but when she was running for president bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K in 2019, she agreed that a total Marsana.coM/news/fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King-ban'>FracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King Ban was necessary her iner her own words, soMething that Marsana.coM/news/abc-disney'>Abc Disney could lear n. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. K. Lets talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K about fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King, because were here a. Nnsylvani i Made that very clear in 2020. I will not ban fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. I have not banned fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King as Marsana.coM/news/vice-president'>Vice President of Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States. Prt, i was the Marsana.coM/news/tie-vote'>Tie Vote breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King vote on the Marsana.coM/news/inflation-reductioonduction-n'>Inflation Reductioonduction N which opened new leases for fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. Will you coMMit toiMpl iMpleMenting a federal ban on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King . EM ban on your first day in oe adding the Marsana.coM/news/united-states'>United States to the list of Marsana.coM/news/countrie-unis'>Countrie Unis who have banned this devastating practice . Theres no question iM in favor of banning fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King no so, yeah, at the debate, harris tried to claiM credit for the biden Marsana.coM/news/adMinistrations-increase'>AdMinistrations Increase of Marsana.coM/news/fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kincredit-bidg-lease'>FracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kincredit Bidg Lease and. We only have one itsy bitsy, teeny weeny probleMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M That never happened. Just liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke she neve r said in 2020. Oh, i changed My positionn on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. Even faMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke news. Cnn fact checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked her on that. FaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke Marsana.coM/news/newthe-bidenharris-adMinin'>Newthe Bidenharris AdMinin has fought a war on aMerican Marsana.coM/news/energy-productiobidenhan-sincey'>Energy Productiobidenhan Sincey one. And of course, she has her Mandat1e, though. You want a tv Mandate, no plastic straws or reduction in Marsana.coM/news/consuMption-Man'>ConsuMption Man of Meat. This is the party that claiMs that the party of freedoofM and they want to provide everything for you and taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke everything you have. Or you tthats called MarxisM at how hows that going to Marsana.coM/news/playo-pl'>Playo Pl in the verayy Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Key Marsana.coM/news/swing-state'>Swing State of pennsylvania, where fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King is a huge part of the local econoMy . Sena, lets asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Marsana.coM/news/pennsylvania-gop-senate-candidate'>Pennsylvania Gop Senate Candidate Marsana.coM/news/dave-MccorMicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Dave MccorMicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K is Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With us. Dave, iveicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. In your youre ah great Marsana.coM/news/coMMonwealth-now-n'>CoMMonwealth Now N two weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks in a row. I did have Mroy oh, we did have My cheesesteaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K when i was there both tiMes and enjoy itll a lot, especially y Marsana.coM/news/the-one'>The One in philly that i got froM genos. All right. Lets talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kt about fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. What does that Mean to your state . Well, sean, this is the single Most iMportant industry. We have 600,000 jobs600,00 in pennsylvania froM fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King. But thats just the beginninbsge what it could be if we had Marsana.coM/news/energy-doMinance'>Energy DoMinance and unlocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K the Marsana.coM/news/potential-and-harris'>Potential And Harris has ove said Many tiMes over that she wanted to ban fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KingworMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers. And Marsana.coM/news/transition-energy'>Transition Energy worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers. My opponent, Marsana.coM/news/bob-casey'>Bob Casey, haonents said that he wants to Marsana.coM/news/transition-energy'>Transition Energy worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers hf and hes voted 99 of the tiMe Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With bidenharris. This would be a Marsana.coM/news/disasterh-bide'>Disasterh Bide r pennsylvania, and pennsylvanians do Marsana.coM/news/noa-disatr'>Noa Disatr believe Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris will not wis. After Marsana.coM/news/fossil-fuel'>Fossil Fuel as you said, the Marsana.coM/news/epa-Mandate'>Epa Mandate Mandates that by 2032, 70 of all new light vehicles are ev, 70s. This would be a disaster for Manufacturing. Pennsylvania. The ban on fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King, a disaster. Pennsylvanians cannot trust Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris or Marsana.coM/news/bob-casey'>Bob Casey for on the Most critical industry for their future. Its the lifeblood of the worlds econoMy. It just is. And iM not againsds econt the electric vehicles, but iM against forcing a coMpany liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke ford to invest in electric vehicles because the is pushing theMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M To do it and losing four and a half billion dollars when you have other great for coMpanies liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke tesla, for exaMple, and the people that want electric electric vehicles can have theM. What are these jobs Mean . M. Do i if you have a Marsana.coM/news/job-in'>Job In in pennsylvania in the fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kinge industry, what Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kind of Money are you MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King annually . Well, listen, these Marsana.coM/news/entry-level'>Entry Level jobs, these are people that get technical degrees as Marsana.coM/news/Mechanics-odegreer'>Mechanics Odegreer or welder. They start 65, 70,000 a year 6, plus overtiMe. These are great paying job 70s that can go on for Marsana.coM/news/decades-ped'>Decades Ped create great opportunity. The aMerican dreaM for pennsylvania worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers. Theres Mechanics. Therenns theres bars, theres. TrucMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K drivers. Its a huge industry. Strybut its not just the preset jobs. Its the. Uture Marsana.coM/news/jobs-pennsylvania'>Jobs Pennsylvania has got the fourth largest Natural Gas reserves in the world. I want to see More about this. You go to My website, Marsana.coM/news/dave-MccorMicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Dave MccorMicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, paycoM. But this is Marsana.coM/news/the-one'>The One thing wee could do that would change pennsylvanias future. We reall cy taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ken advantage of t yet. Under Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris and Marsana.coM/news/bob-casey'>Bob Casey, its a disastrous future for fracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King and our Marsana.coM/news/energy-sector'>Energy Sector in pennsylvania. And Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMps proposal today, looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, i Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knows in a lot of guys in the Marsana.coM/news/energy-sector'>Energy Sector that worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K in the oil or gas. And, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King 80 hour weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks, soMetiMes even More. Can Moren iMagine after 40 hour, you get tiMe and a half and non tax on that tiMe and a half Money. Thats called wealth creation. Thats the opportunity of a lifetiMe. And thats what Marsana.coM/news/donalda-truMp'>Donalda TruMp will be a big no no tax on tips. Thatll be a big hit. Its going to be huge. Yeah. And do. Port that . You support, . You support that, right . I do. And as and you said it well, yo has Marsana.coM/news/beens-inflation'>Beens Inflation at 22 or greater Marsana.coM/news/tax-faMil'>Tax FaMil on worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King faMilies, on people, on fixed incoMe. Its been devastating. And peop this is one way to offset that by giving Marsana.coM/news/tax-benefitsy'>Tax Benefitsy on iefitt tiMe. No tax on tips. No tax this is great things for worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King faMilies in pennsylvania and no tax on Marsana.coM/news/social-security'>Social Security. Lets see how coMe all the lies about that toMorrow. Anyway, we appreciate hoe it. Dave MccorMicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, thanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K you. When we coMe bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, how Much does celebrity endorseMent. Doif they actually Matter, if at all, when it coMes to an election . Itn it coMand well checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K in Marsana.coM/news/wie-pollster-lee'>Wie Pollster Lee carter, Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Katie pavliMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, as we continuers continue. Wi Moderate to severe eczeMa,to show off their clear sMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin. And noticeably less sr sMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With dupixent because children. Six Months and older Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With eczeMa have plenty Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With eczeMa have plenty of reason to sho their sMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin. Their sMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin. With dupixent,heczeMa. One prescribed biologic by derMatologists by derMatologists and allergists ahead of their eczeMa. Ahead of their eczeMa. It helps blocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KdroM Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Key so. Of inflaMMation inside the body that can cause eczeMa. Tell y to help heal your Marsana.coM/news/childs-sMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin'>Childs SMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kin froM Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Within eye pro, serios allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or tell your doctor about new or worsening eye probleMs suc as Marsana.coM/news/pain-or-vision'>Pain Or Vision changes, including blurred vision, joint to yous and pain or a Marsana.coM/news/pc-infection'>Pc Infection dont change or stopft asthMao th Medicines Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Without infection dont change or stopft talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King to your doctor. So off to the world. AsMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K your Marsana.coM/news/childs-eczeMa'>Childs EczeMa about dupixent. The Marsana.coM/news/draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings-sportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings SportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K is coMpletely changing the way fans enjoy sports because. It has the power to MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the regular season feel liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a gaMe seven. Every touchdown, a Marsana.coM/news/gaMe-winner'>GaMe Winner and every a heavyweight chaMpionship. And signing up and adding Money. DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings has never been easier. So to get started, download the Marsana.coM/news/draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings-sportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings SportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K app to get in on the action Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With this great offer Marsana.coM/news/draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings-sportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings SportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K has all the sports you love and all the ways to Bet On theM froM Money lines and spreads to parlays and props. Whatever you want to Bet On, you can bet its on draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings. ThinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know which teaM will bring hoMe the Marsana.coM/news/w-place'>W Place on Moneyline bet. And if they win, cha ching. You do too. And if you feel liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke theyre going to set the scoreboard on fire, that the over and over under is a Bet On the total points scored in a gaMe. Got a hunch that your favorite player is about to go off. You can Bet On their individual stats Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Prop Bets froM how Many birdies or threes to tacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kles and runs. These bets can taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke your gaMes to the next level. And Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With parlays you can coMbine Multiple bets for an even bigger payout. If you want to get locMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked into a single gaMe, you can play the saMe Marsana.coM/news/gaMe-parlay'>GaMe Parlay where you coMbine bets all in the saMe event. Dont forget that if you download the app and sign up today, you get this great offer. And now Marsana.coM/news/draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings-sportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings SportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K get you closer to the action of the gaMes you love than ever before Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With live betting. Thats right. Bet in real tiMe on the next Marsana.coM/news/pitch-play-point'>Pitch Play Point or basMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ket the MoMent before it goes down and Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Withdrawing your Money Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings has never been easier. DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Withdrawal-tracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ker'>Withdrawal TracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ker shows you where your Money is every step of the way as it speeds to you so get in on the action. With this liMited tiMe offer froM Marsana.coM/news/draftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings-sportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>DraftMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kings SportsbooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. When you download the app and sign up today. The crown is yours. Get the Most epic contracts hes been. When i saw that ethan was not breathing, i deterMined that i needed to use soMething to reMove the obstruction froM his airway. Its very iMportant for every household to have a life. Everyone should have one in their hoMe. Anything can happen at any MoMent. I want My friends and faMily and the people that i serve to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know that we have this device to potentially save lives. Protect your faMily. Go to My Marsana.coM/news/bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KpacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-Mat'>BacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KpacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Mat to Marsana.coM/news/lifehacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ker-dot-net'>LifehacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ker Dot Net or call eight, seven, seven. Life bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. DereMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K carr leads the saves against Marsana.coM/news/death-cd'>Death Cd and the Marsana.coM/news/cowboys-touchdown'>Cowboys Touchdown for the raMs taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke on the cardinals. Wow. SoMeday on Marsana.coM/news/fox-checMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Fox ChecMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K for the gaMe in your area. This is the Most dangerous stretch of beach in the world Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With those people. But we save people to not breathe, breathe, breathe, baby, breathe. Rescue services is preMieres sunday, Marsana.coM/news/septeMber-22nd'>SepteMber 22nd on fox. EMily harris and Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kelly are taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King on the hot topics Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With powerful perspectivM. Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Money. TerMs and conditions apply right after Marsana.coM/news/tuesdays-debate'>Tuesdays Debate, Marsana.coM/news/et-pop-star'>Et Pop Star Marsana.coM/news/taylor-swift'>Taylor Swift announced her endorseMent of Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris. Ylor s announcbut the celebritys even Matter. After the announceMent, ofvid portnority eseMenty, Who D hiMself the Marsana.coM/news/k-'>King of swift, said hes going tosaid be voting the other way. And people and people can vote for whoeverople canwhoeve. Hes right. And after his wife appeared Marsana.coM/news/sod-appeat-forpor'>Sod Appeat Forpor truMp on social Media, patricMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K MahoMes said he would noricMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kt be using his platforMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M To MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke an endorseMent ahead of noveMber. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>KedorseMent a looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. ForMer Marsana.coM/news/president-truMp'>President TruMp rocMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked the Marsana.coM/news/student-faMily'>Student FaMily again today on Marsana.coM/news/foxM-griffi-news'>FoxM Griffi News in ren to his caMpaign. I just wonder what your reaction is to seeing that. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K ive always said i dont want i dont wantM My and My platforMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M To be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever each. Either way, i thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K in My place is to inforM people to get registered vote. E its to inforM people to do Deeir Own Research and then MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke their best Marsana.coM/news/decision-ford'>Decision Ford theM in their faMily. When you were at the u. S. Open this past you ar weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kend and you guys were there Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With taylor and travis, i Mean, is thar t iMportant iMage to to show that, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, people who May have Differentt Philosophies . Whenever iM hanging out Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With whoever iM not iM not thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King es . Never ical view about political views or anything liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke that. IMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M ThinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King about the people and how they how theyiMarsana.coM/news/M-t'>M Treat other people. And i was Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With a lot a of great people this weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kend. It was reaction. Pollster leigh carter, Marsana.coM/news/fox-news-contributoere'>Fox News Contributoere Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Withr pavliMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. I actually have no probleM. We in a free country Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Katie. F she can vote for whoever she wants. Wanti actually wish that they wd leave her and Marsana.coM/news/travis-Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Kelce'>Travis Kelce alone. R and tri thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K they deserve a little bit of privacy in their own personal lifer ow. I do wonder, i did thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K that she Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know that Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harri-harris'>KaMala Harri Harris called 18 to 24yearold stupid. 18i wonder if she Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knows that the that Marsana.coM/news/tiM-walz'>TiM Walz, who she also praised, wants feMininefeMi products in boys bathrooMs, in schoolss and walls, supports genderaffirMing care Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Without parental consent. Because i would iMagine Might disagree Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With that. And thats called taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King away rights and freedoM. Re iM not sure if she Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knowss about those issues. Its also called chattel i Mutilationts al rather than genderaffirMing care. Endebut to your point about, you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, these differences in aMerica, looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K, we live in a greaitt people can be friendspee and have different political opinions. FranMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ki Marsana.coM/news/andMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K-sinatra'>AndMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Sinatra endorsed Ronald Reagan in 1979. Rush liMbaugh had a wonderful friendship Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With elton john. And did not Agreeelton Jo on p. I thinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K for patricMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K MahoMes, he probably just wants to talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kse how to win another superbowl instead of talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King about who is endorsingnd who and whyvant and these things that are irrelevant to his craft. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, people do have asearch responsibility to do their own research before they vote theyes you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, considering the top issue in this election is the econoMy, iM not so sure swift that the Marsana.coM/news/taylor-swift'>Taylor Swift endorseMent is really going to Dois Reall Given that superstar and celebrities Might have a big following, but thevey dont pay the grocery bill. All right. Dut Me play finlay you did dials during the during the debate. You dialed truMps closing stateMent and it shows independents tracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King stateMg Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With republicans on this. The republicans have read the inhis. The independents in yellow. TaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke a looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K. So he just started saying, shes going to do this. Shes going to do that. Shes going to do all these Wonderfu L things. Why hasnt she done it . Shes been there for three ands. A half years. Theyve had three and a half thal the border. Theyve had three and a half wears to create and all the things we talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked about. Why hasnt she done it . She should leave right now. Go down to that beautiful white house, go to the capitol, get everyone together and do the Marsana.coM/news/thingsit-eve'>Thingsit Eve you want to doo but you havent done it and you wont do it because you believe it is that the aMerican people dont believe in. Wow. Its alMost identical. Let Me also show another anothetherr of independencel of tracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the republicans. While Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala said truMp had noe econoMic plan before discussing a row. Listen. Ussing her own. So Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp r you. And when you looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at his econoMic plan, its Marsana.coM/news/al-andl'>Al Andl about breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks for the richest people. I aM offering what ile. Describe as an opportunity econoMy. And the best econoMists in ourhd country, if not the world, have reviewed our relative plans for the future of aMerica. WhaMarsana.coM/news/t-goldMan'>T GoldMan sachs said is that Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMps plan would MaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the econoMy worse. E Mine would strengthen the econoMy. What the Marsana.coM/news/wharton-schoowhat'>Wharton Schoowhat thels Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMps plan would actually explode the deficit. Ive seen details long tiMe. Ive never seen details liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke that. Lee, can you explainplain it . Ia so i had a really hard tiMe understanding what was going. S i did three different Marsana.coM/news/focus-group'>Focus Groups. And dighe Marsana.coM/news/survey-tryin'>Survey Tryin to understand what this is all about. And i didnt expect to see independentst exactly liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke thi. With republicans, we saw soMething siMilar in 2016. Independents did tracMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With republicans. Then in , but not quite as extreMe. And heres the bottoM line. Whens th i talMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K to voters and iMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K theM what this was all about, they said they were looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kingrris to hear froM Marsana.coM/news/Marsana.coM/news/k-'>KaMala-harris'>KaMala Harris, why she was differen diffet, joe bi, how her econoMic plans were different than where we are Marsana.coM/news/toda-pla-y.'>Toda Pla Y. Today, things feel bad, things dont feel good and they dont buy that. Anything shes saying and platitudes are general that shes going to do anything different. They want to hear soMething different. SoMethintes parate she separates herself froM hiM. And Most people reMeMber Mo Much better tru under Marsana.coM/news/donald-truMp'>Donald TruMp. So undecided or independent Marsana.coM/news/votersr-inde'>Votersr Inde are saying liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke, l, i want to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know whats going to happen here. And they didnt hearin it froM d her. And thats the bottoM line. And thats the real difference ther where ww the. Rs reuters saw the saMe thing. The new yorMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K tiMes saw s the sa thing. Media outlets, they also endalso dependance. They went Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With truMp after, focu you Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, Marsana.coM/news/focus-group'>Focus Group after Marsana.coM/news/focus-group'>Focus Group. ThanMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K you both. Or. Hannity straight aheadoup. FeMale athletes are not the biggest victiMs in this story. Its the children whove had their bodies. Theres no way to replace the Body Parts i lost. I call it the biggest Medical fraud of our tiMe. There are soMe people who are doing this worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K who are not qualified. LiMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke all scandals, this one has Many guilty parties. She looMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ked into My eyes and said, youre a boy. Er tog transfixed Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With riley gains. Transfixed Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With riley gains. StreaMing now on foxet theres soMe things that worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K better together, liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke your worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kplace benefits and retireMent savings for you helps you choose the right aMounts Marsana.coM/news/with-'>Without over or under investing so you can feel confident in your financial choices. You wellplanned, well invested, well protected. This is our last chance to Helpv Saveie Thousands of Holocaust Th survivors who are sufferinneg in the forMer soviet Marsana.coM/news/union-today'>Union Today because support the needs that these forgotten jews have are soMething beyond anything you can iMagine. Have you eaten this Morning . Yeah. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday and i had it today for breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kfast. And this is what she ate in two days. One carrot, the sugar, salt, people to be pleased. Ound the sorry for Me. The International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews began this Ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. Of 25 now to helpfo provide one Marsana.coM/news/survival-food-box'>Survival Food Box Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With all of the foods they critically da. Need for their diet for one Month before. St loved it breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks My heart to Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know that there are Marsana.coM/news/holocaust-survivors'>Holocaust Survivors who suffer to this th very day. Its not only the painfur day, l of lost Loved Ones, but now soMe day, they live in soMe of the Mee. But i believe in god. But i soMetiMes feel Maybe he forgot Me. Perhaps you could tell My story and i would find a Match. Soi Marsana.coM/news/face-h'>Face H i would understand y. The brother. The brother. I Marsana.coM/news/face-h'>Face Hunger again. Please dont delay call, scan or go online now to help rush one Marsana.coM/news/survival-food-box'>Survival Food Box to a Marsana.coM/news/holocaust-survivor'>Holocaust Survivor who is Marsana.coM/news/sufferin-f-eed'>Sufferin F Eed g and in desperate need. This is what god wants froM us. Feed the hungry. Feed the hungry. If you hear god its ons voice, iM asMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King you to act now. Do it when its on your heart. I pray that theyll Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know in their final Months that theyre not alone. If or a loved one struggles Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With Marsana.coM/news/alcohol-or-drug'>Alcohol Or Drug addiction, please listen to this iMportant Message, because the help you truly need is just one Marsana.coM/news/phone-call'>Phone Call away. Alcohol and Marsana.coM/news/drug-addiction'>Drug Addiction iMpacts Millions of faMilies every year, and it can be devastating. What starts as sMall and Manageable can quicMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kly grow into Marsana.coM/news/drug-or-alcohol'>Drug Or Alcohol dependency and severe health probleMs. Addiction is a serious disease that can be life threatening. Dont wait. You can achieve freedoM froM addiction and taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke bacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K control of your life. Haven health. Private detox prograMs have already helped thousands of patients overcoMe addiction, and they can help you. Call 890 947027 right now to taMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke the first step in your recovery Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With evidence based Marsana.coM/news/treatMent-and-custoM'>TreatMent And CustoM care plans at Marsana.coM/news/haven-health'>Haven Health treatMent facilities, the Majority of insurances are accepted, which Means you can get the care you need for little to no cost to you. It is torture. Just Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Knowing that i had to drinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K when i wanted stop. I wanted to stop so bad, but i couldnt do it. I couldnt do it by Myself. When My faMily and My friends found out, i was liMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke, this is My this is My chance. You Marsana.coM/news/k-'>Know, ive got help through recovery. Ive rediscovered Myself i dont want to drinMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K at all anyMore. It rarely crosses My Mind that iM able to be the person that i that i was born to be. My outlooMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K on life is exponential just iMprove. Dont wait for Marsana.coM/news/alcohol-or-drug'>Alcohol Or Drug addiction to ruin life. Call Marsana.coM/news/haven-health'>Haven Health now at 800 9947027 and get an individualized approach to Marsana.coM/news/addiction-treatMent'>Addiction TreatMent therapies to identify, heal and overcoMe the underlying causes of addiction. Haven health also worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks closely Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With faMilies and Loved Ones to foster a strong Marsana.coM/news/support-networMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K'>Support NetworMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K that proMotes long terM recovery. So dont wait. Haven healths private detox prograMs have already helped thousands of patients overcoMe alcohol and Marsana.coM/news/drug-addiction'>Drug Addiction, and they can help you call 800 9947027. You dont have to face addiction alone. Call 800 9947027. Thats 800 9947027 800 9947027. Foxnews. CoM. Just got a little better. Were still the go to for politics breaMarsana.coM/news/k-'>King news. Weve got so Much More Marsana.coM/news/sports-entertainMent-lifestyle'>Sports EntertainMent Lifestyle foxnews. CoM bringing you the world according to fox when you cant watch listen. Get the latest Marsana.coM/news/news-business'>News Business and News Headlines on Marsana.coM/news/sirius-neM-chanley'>Sirius NeM Chanley painter. Another Major setbacMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K for boeing. 33,000 worMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Kers scheduled to walMarsana.coM/news/k-'>K off the job this very Minute. Now, the striMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ke was authorized following an overwhelMing vote overnight to reject a four Marsana.coM/news/year-contract'>Year Contract Marsana.coM/news/with-'>With the troubled aircraft Manufacturer. It coMes just weeMarsana.coM/news/k-'>Ks after a new ceo was brought on to restore faith in the coMpany,

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