On the state of the ofe race. Im hearing quIte a lot Of Nervousness from some democrats. Ken harris handled the heat 24 hours until the debate and It will take almost i focus to deal wIth Donald Trump. I dont think shes abandoning Her ideals. I think shes trying to beo be a pragmatic and doinndg what she thinks is right in order to win the election. Bernie sanders does It again. Hold It. I have. M man, they cannot speak english in my Front Yard , screaming aty me, throwing mattresses in my Front Yard. Is america becoming a haItian us nation . It is so unsafafe ine in my neighborhood. Plus, Jesse Watters , F De Its the last night of Debate Camp Forcamp F Kamala and the C Counselors are leaking. Im picking up quIte a log. T, Of Nervousness, by The Way, on the state of the race. I dont know what youre hearing, anthonyetting, but imn getting democrats kind of texting me. I had a long Call Yesterday wIth a strategist. I caon that t ,n fill you in ont more. But Im Hearing quIte a lot Of Nervousness from some democrats. The Debate Camp must not be going well because now theyre Setting Expectations really low. Esidenti shes never been in a Deb President ial debate for sure. In a Vice President ial debatates but never a president ial debate. So i do think she is going to probably be a lIttle bIt more nervous. I think she has more riding on It. Whatever happened to mrs. Say It to my face. Shes been in Debate Camp for a week, Rehearsing Zingers we. Watching old Game Tape she has closely studied the former president s past six Debate Performance since shes also been sort of entrencheesd in these briefim papers going over the former president s pastmentwell as co as well as The Ways that he has insulted Her spareo she can be prepared to respond to that. Shes engaged in Theseresident Mock Debates wIth a stand in for the former president , and shes had conversationnverss wIth Hillary Clinton and president biden, who both extensively have Knowledgee Fo oF Debating the formerrm all president. Karmel is so nervous, shes watched all of trumps Debates Memorize D his insults,s insu and is now calling hillary for help. But the Ghostltd Call of Joe Biden still haunts Her behind the scenes. Bidharris says she feelsffed handcuffed by the debate rules that biden set t. They wanted to create a moment when trump interrupted Her, but now theyre rewrIting their playbook. Theyve even turned Her Hotel Room into a movi,e set wIth Tv Lighting and method actors. A Hillary Loyalis Tt that is not just playing Donald Trump, Int InhabIting Him wearing a boxy suIt and a long tie. Kamel is even practicings on the handshake if tHere even is one. Insiders say dont expect substance out oF Kamala Tomorrow Night. Nir plan is to tap Dance Aroundembrac the biden record, embrace gosgood stuff, and distance Herself from the bad. Good luck. Her campaign knows shes walking into a trap, so shes going to ignore Policy And Insteaind focus on honing in on how to Needle Trump and ad rattle them. Theyre workshopping poll tested Attack Lines that their Medies Thaa allies will make go viral, wHere harris could turn to the camera and say, Fornald T those who cant hear It, Donald Trump is trying to yell Overru N me. How many of you have been in a meeting wHere you get talked Overing WHered . Her entire strategy is dependent on trump losing his cools dependtrum, but trumps his cool when you call him a bad golfer or a bad businessmafen. G advi hes been telling advisers, im not going to let Her dsoinod to me what you did to mike pence. Kamala is a cold calculator and has landed some nasty shots in past debates. Asty. Fter they played the Willie Brown card, she said, well, you got popped at a massag Te Parlor and youre a Deadbeat Dad who doesnt pay child support. Boom, ha. Harris became d. A. We saw Her Grill Kavanaugh on jeff sessions. And well never forget what you did to biden, called him a racist to to his face. But shes also had blow ups. Tulsi gabbard annihilatedgabo Her and lester holt. WhetHer he meant to or notr, left Her stammering and cackling. Democrats are worryingg an truml going to make harris look small. N fot will take almost superhuman Focus And Discipline to deal wIth Donald Discipd Trun a debate. Its no ordinary proposItion, not becaust because donald trums a master of explaining Policy Ideas and hobetterw theyre goig to make people better off. Its because hes a master of taking an Y Form or formaT That is on television and turning It Int Io A Show the that is all about him. Trumps playing the expectatiopectatio. N game, l no boxes or artificial lifts will be allowed to stand on during my upcoming debate wIth comrade Kamala Harris. Hai we had this out previously deba former nyc Mayor Michael Bloomberg when he was in alowed debate and he was not allowedli a liftft,. It would be a form of cheating and the democrats cheat enoughse. You are who you are. at It was determined overn the weekend at a rallyursu in wisconsin, trump previewing what hell be zeroining hell bp listen. Were run by Stupid People,id Stupid P and Stupid People. And we found that out at the debate wIth joe. How dijoowd that work out . And were going to find that out again on tuesday night. Is anybody going to be Watchinis Anybgu know . You know, shes a threate to democracy. THere was a Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Im not a threat. Odemocrim the opposIte. Keepin im going to be im keeping democracy. What they are. Of shes a defender of police. Since kamala came outic of nowHere, The American people believe shes a progressive or they dont really esse know much about Hert he at all. Look for trump Tomorrow Night to definr Atoke Kamala on his t. Shes defunded or supported ters defunding the police, bailing out rioters, reparatioing Thn C abolishing ice, Decriminalizing Illegal Aliens and drug possession, and just breaking Kamala Harris, according to cnn, supports taxpayer funded Sex Change operations for Illegal Aliens. One can become one, nItanarc and you pay for It. Xplain the former president will force Her to explain. If you didnt change your values, why did you change all your posItions . Bernie sanders gave trump a hand. What she has previously supported medicare for all. Nowd she does not. Ly suppo she has previously supported a ban on fracking. No w she does not. These, senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think that she is abandoning Her progressiveiv ideals . Als. No, i dont think shes abandoning Her ideals. I thinek shes trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinksright in is right not to n the election. So bernie admIts kamala is a Progressiv Wi shes just lying to get elected wIth friends like bernie. I dont knowe bernie,. K even cnn says Kamalass PosItion is that she doesntr rl want to have a posItion because if she admItted what a real was,. On was, shed lose right. Their problem was that you didnt necessarilydidnt they fo hold Her down in some of Her more nebulous policy posItions. What would you say to that . T hii think you just said i triedo i mean, you Cant Forcmeebo Somebody to answer a question. And i asked i asked a follow up. I trie, d to get more into the NItty GrItty and get the answer. And sometimes that in my experience, in doing interviews, is that once fine, you ask once, fine, twice, fine, three times, if you dont get It as a clear answer, Thats Kind of your answer. Trump shouldnt call kama, s change of posItions flip flops. He should just call them lies. Shes a secretive ladyes dependent on Her handlers to survive. And the same people who Ran Biden will run Her, but this time Itll be even more liberal. Liberal. Shes a california soci, Out Of Step wIth the rest off th the country and if trump keeps Her on defense, he wins. Marc thiessen wrItes that Kamala Hasnt been able t to answer the most simple and obvious question. Ifswer you were elected, what wd you do on Day One . How can someone run for Rea President of the unIted states and not have It ready . Answer to that question. She had nothing to offer but a cringe inducing word salad. A moment like that on the Debate Stage wIth Tens Of Millions watching could be fatal. The risk for trump is getting in the mud or appearing angry. Peggy noonan wrItes that trump needs to present himself as cal m, reasonable,re laidback, even friendly. He shoulgiond walk across b the stage, give america a break, and shake his opponents hand. T he should let the game come to him. If donal D Trump Runsam on the return of The American Dream and ties kamala to biden, Hell Walknt right back into the whIto the house. His advisers are urging him to come out tomorrow. Is happy. S p,trump not bully trump. Says, but like Mike Tyson says, everybody has a plan till you get punched in the fac te. Tulsi gabbard is part of the Trump TransItion Team and she is Here. So, tulsi, when you dissected, we should say that Kamala Harris back in The Good Old Days of the democrat primary. How did you perceive Her . Her and what about Her told you thaT That was The Way to get Her to go down . As you remember, Jesse, she was treated like wIth Kid Gloves by the mainstream Propaganda Media. She was treated wIth Kid Glove s even by every otHer candidate that was on that Debate Stage. Debate No One questioned Her,d he challenged Her or called Herroud out for the record as prosecutor that she claimed to be prouf. D of. T, she she talked every Day O about how shed be a prosecutor president. Ne Questd Hebut no One Questionn whaT That record was. And how that would translate ifi she were president. And outi pointed out the hypocrisy. I pointed out the Hypocris Ye of how she would do one thing. And when the standard was held e did the exact. OpposIte. We are seeing that OpportunIty Weyn in this debate coming Upe E Tomorrow Night for President Trump to do the very s same thing. What Kamala Harris is saying, the lies that she is selling to The American people now is the exact opposIte of the record had that she has hadn frankly, as the incumbent in this race. Shes been in the WhItwhose House for the last three and a half years, almost four years. Nor, not dp, andt president tru and our country is in a disastrous posItion. As a result, botresulth On Domec and foreign policy. So shes not to bege underestimated because she is talented on a Debate Stagereh tHeres no question abouT That. But shes going to have a tough time trying to defenhg D Fra this record that, quIte frankly, on the from the view this indefrican people is indefensible. When you observed Her on the Debate Stageble. what was It about Her that created this aura wHere people were afraid to go after Her . And what did you noticwhate . Her strengths and weaknesses i re . You know, Its a good question. I saw and experienced a Lod Exth when i ran for president , t but really that between the leaders of Thehe Dnc and the leaders of the the mainstream Propaganda Media, the Fix Wasd H in. They picked the few who they wanted voters to hear frome few and for the rest of us, they tried to destroy us. But this us. Is one of the frustrating things about being on that Debate Stage that still Continuegs Abouts now is the Maa Propaganda media createsinstre this polItical theater, and they take very lightly the serious choice very Th Thate have as voters. And so they have created this false premise that Whoeve O wins this debate, tHerefore, is the candidate that deserves to be president. Being a great debater does not qualify a person to be president. But this is kamalas goal, Jesse, and this is why shes locked, jessd Herself in a Hotel Room, taking extreme acting lessonsg lesson. Shes got hollywood advisers, the stage, the Hollywood Lights in the hopes that Her friends at abc in the Propaganda Media will declare Her the Winner And Thatl that may be enoughck to trick voters into actually voting for Her. th i dont think The American people are going to fall for It. So the strategy was just G Go Undercover for three weeks thter the convention, pu all the chips in one basket in the debate, and then rely on the media to manufacture a win by a few jazzy Sound BItes and zingers and then say no more debates, and then justth ride out early voting until november. Do you think she could pull that off . I know thaT Thats exactly what she is tryingoff, to pull r Her friends at abc and the othe R Mainstream Propagandahelp media. They are doing their very best to help Her. Weve seen Her, tha that over t several weeks. The thing is thaT That Peoplee U in this country are struggling and theyre strugglinggg wIth their cost of living, higHer cost of groceries, Ga S Crime in their streets, millions of illegal immigrants, Tens Of Millions issurossing our borders. THere are very real issues and challenges that are happenin as G Today directly because oF Kamala harris and Her record. H and thats the seriousness wIth which they are treating are this debate to actually learn the truth about Kamala Harris. President trump knows Her record. He obviously has a recorrecord, of success that he can stand on. And hes going to challengone wo Kamala Harris on exactly that and keep reminding voters who she Really Reay is, not the actor that she will present tomoelf to be Tomorrow Night. When youre tHere Tomorrow Night, youre advising trump wIth Debate Prep or theyre calling It policy discussiongs. Is what do you tell them . What do you say . This is what gets under Her skin. This is wHer undere i would go. What do you say . You know, hes not focusedhe on trying to get under Her skin. He really is focusedr skin. On the issues that matter most to The American people. President trump is in great spirIts. He is looking forward to this debate. You can imagine Its frustrating for any of us to watching for and see the lis that are being sold about Kamala Harris and how muchld about shes getting a fr. And Its coming at a cost to the voters and the, american people. So thats who trump is focused on sm,m, eaking to the telling them the truth about Kamala Harris so abtngthey can make the bes informed decision about who the strong leader is. We need for our Country Nowpe Fr and obviously, i believe Donald Trump is is the best hope for us to have a better Future Ua B all right, tulsi, thanks so much. ThanksJesse. Jesse. Who he bob barnetts a lawyer who helped ten campaigns wIth Debate Prep. And full disclosure, hes mylawy lawyerer. So if you have a problem wIth Jesse Watters, you call bob. But we have to tell viewers the truth. I do have an Exemptionan Fromcls that Lawyer Client Privilege fi bring claims against you by your motHer. Okay. Okay. I did not see the Fine Print tHere. Ewso were going to have to J Review that contract. Footnote three Yoesseu Prepaa hillary for debating Donald Trump. How did you prepareu Her and how should kamala prepare for Debating Trump . Anho well, i think what kamala has to do is, firstntinue and foremost, continue the process of introducing Herself to Thee Proces Americanp in the new poll, 25 of the befr american people dont feel they know enough about Her. Thats both a challengaboute ann opportunIty. She needs to take in an opportunIty. She neednsecond, i think she ha, to avoid taking the BaIt T because tHere is going to be a lot of baIt and you dont want to take any of It. You want to do what she did. D in the dana bashin interview. same old playbook or next question or who does that . Or however you want to kiss It off or pivott of It. I think shes got to do that. So shes kind of casually and organically dismiss trump and and say, this is what youre going to get. This is the same old guy whos never going to change only one when he does the craziness and the attacks and that callingenes the Her dumb an you know, bringing up willie. But you know that stuff. Okaypolicy. No, no. On serious policy discussions. She should answeer when he goes after. If i were coaching. Okay. Ife o he goes after Her on the border, i would say three things. First, remember those kids go cages and Family Separation . Remember how we love that . Second, were going to build a wall and mexic Build Amexico G to pay for It. What happened to that . And thir andd, your most conservative colleagues in the senate came up wIth a bipartisan solution. You told them not to vote fo von It because you wanted the issue, not the solution and of sense. Oh. D oftence. what about donal . What does he need to do to win . Yeah, noa fair, thats a faird question. I think hes got to do and im not sure he ca n, but you askeda fa me a fair question. Ill give you a fair answer. He needs to trhey to appear president ial. We said that before being our girl. We said It before. It never happens. Most recentlntly afty, after the e. Jean carroll appeal, whenl he spent 45 minutes attacking the women and attacking his lawyer, well, he was prettsy president ial when he debated Joe Biden. And look what happened to Joe Biden. Wellated Joe Biden, a, if you look at the def wIth Joe Biden and we know what happenee biden,d, i mean, t going to go into that and defend that. While i wontnd have to b i wont put you through that, bob, but what he did was and Itd was wise, he had about ten answers to the ten topics that you knew would come up. Ate and no matter what the question was he gavquestione that answero topic, not to thatn, question. Which brings up, by The Way, the role of the moderators. And i knowrator, a you and i die on, is abc going to give Donald Op a fair Shake T out of Castle Castle . Theyre being watched by you guystheyrwatched. Se we and the next day, next week,m we wont let them get away wIth It. WItbut Its my view that the moderators, i think they should not be a third candidate excepT That. But i also think that they should fact check. Lets assume they wrong on that. They should at leastlo follow up their journalists if AvtHer Side Harris or trump avoids. I think they have a duty as a journalist to followa duty up. Well, if they do that ande trump just hammers the media, The American the people love watching the media get punched in the face. No, only thinto thee people. Are trumps base. Thats true. Remember, carville used to say the wisdomand th of carville. He used to say 20,000 people in each of six states will decide this election. Thats the audience for this debate, not the people who love to pound the media. All right. Well, carvillea. Esse says he may dodo Jesse Watters primetime tonight, Tomorrow Night for debate preview. Well see if hes a man of his word. I hope he does well, and so do i. Hope he does. All right, bob, thank you so much. Again, my lawyer, ifaproblem,a v problem, you have a problem. Its his problem. Thank you. H. You very mucer johnny hIts the streets. Tell me about Kamala Harris. Whos that . I dont know. That is Kamala Harris. Oh, that is. I never expected to find anyone alive. Just clara is the girl. Just a girl . You learned at an early age how to not feel badly about Her and things. We think that all murderers are like. And they look like a murderer. When, in fact, most look nothing of the sort. They found these amazon reviews that he had posted, foreshadowing the actual murders he was commItting. It was a way for him to be able ho puttinldg It out tHere. The Amazon Review Killer the Amazon Review Killer only on Fox Nation pulled It. Pull It. Dont think i can hold It lIterally. LIterally. You dont pay yourself a lIttle. Is It even a workout . Always discreet. Always discreet. 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Tires look great. Julie Here can help you wIth the Dating Apps. Heres why you should swItch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes wIth a builtn engine, like google, but Its r and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but It blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and otHer companies. And tHeres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Notes. Ask you for Action Items in the Channel Marketing and ask for a Budget Reminder and a better smart by morning. Got It. Got It, boss otter. You got this. Carmel is lead in the polls has disappeared and democrats are having second thoughts about clipping biden t o. New polls have the race tied nationally. But even mostse news for the harris campaign. One of the most respected polls in the countryed p, A National N by a republican or even a tie. Tietranslates into an electoral college landslide. Democratland Numbers Guru Nate silver out wIth a brand sow forecast giving trump a 64 chance of winning the election. So whats happened in tHer last three weeks . Kamala went into hidinheg after Her Convention And Trump was able to define Her as a radical. Rad when she refused to define Herself, Donald Trump is now considered c the more centrist candidate. Voters believe carmel is too progressivthey have, or they Hao Idea what she believes. 70 of the Country P believe were on the wrong track. They believe and donald the ecoo is poor and Donald Trumps the candidate to deliver changae. Voters believe Kamala Thuoonents the Status Qu and is too tied to biden. The former president winning On The Issues and is now more popular Today Tha N he was in 2016 and 2020. Sheo on the eve of the first president ial debate between anump and harris, 4545 i, is the odds on favorIte to win. He survived an assassination attempssassinat. E jobs his legal cases have been calendar. The Jobs Numbers are fadin Num G a mideast Cease Fire before the election looks unlikely. And the Lateste Befor Hoax evap. So what will they try next . Anne Kellyanne Conway is a former counselor to the president and she joins us now. This has the democrats panicking. Kellyanne, what does i democratl you . Tells me an awful lot. The New York Times, Siena Poll was a huge indictment of how Tomala Harris has frIttered away any chance she had to recast Herself as this fresh face fre, new blood, transformid the tradItional candidate basically just by hidingin. Ve and the men around Her have hidden this woman. Theyre afraid to have Her spea to the phek to the press. Afr theyre afraid to leave Her alone wIth the public. Theyre afraid to have hav Her e even a 60 Minute Interview wIthout Her Comfort Pad inte Her side. And, Jesse, all this is now pouring into the polling. What does the polling tell us . 61 you mentioned change 61 of thei people that the New York Times berveyeds over the weekend said they want the next president to be a change from biden. Then they were asked the seminal question, who represents change more as trump 53. Harris, 28. T hes seen as the Insurgenthe WIt wIth an Incumbents Record that people miss. They feel like they were mores. They were more safe. Life was more fair. THere were more opportunItieres at the time and less Chaos And Crisis around the world. She is seen as an incumbent whos running away from , and sohencumbent Her better strategy would have been to hook Her into the Bidenharrisr Intoarri Legay to make the case that Its she had had Her hand on the tiller. So she needs four more years to finish t what started. Herse but instead, shes trying to distance Herself fromlf biden and No Ones buying It. I thought the biggest thing in the poll really was what sei see as the new Gender Gap in american polItics. For decades, Its been said that the republicans have a hard time attracting women. Donald Trump Cant wins It women voters. Will he beat the Queen Bee . Hillary clinton and a MajorIty Electorate T th as we have beenajorIt since 1964, wHere female the Gender Gap is now Kamala Harris has problem in attracting male voters. E Vo Trump is beating Her by 17 points among men overallal in that New York Times cnn poll, and shess only beatingy 0 him by ten points among women. Thats a disastrous Point Red shes getting typical. Shes i think this is New York Times pollin g. Jesse doesnt make any sense. It doesnt make sense. It doesnt make sense becaus, es Its kamal yes. A harris. Yes. Right. Correct. Thats the whole thing Here. Shes Nonot Gettat a t even getting what a typical democrat would get. She doesnt have what they would get among africanamericans, particularly males, hispanics, particularly males, even young voters and especially women now. So shes supposed to be a typical for all the good reasons. And people are looking at Her and theyre no looking at sayine and Her gender are inhibItingt their theyre saying Its eyesight and hearing. Theyve been listening and paying attention and , watching and seeing and watching and listening. And theyre not getting much from muc Her. I just want to say the New York Times in 2016 at ten a im sorry, in november 8th, 2016, at 10 20 p. M. they said that donald, whats Her name . Ar Hillary Clinton had a 85 chance of winning. They they said that we were losing Michiga Losingn by seven. Sconsi trump won It. We were losing wisconsin by six. He won. We were losingn,ts Th Pennsylva by five. Its the same pollsters, Jesse Tellin G us that trumps in the lead. This is remarkable data. Well, then, that were going to E Finishemarkabl in november, if thats the case. Kellyanne conway, youll see hekelly anne Cr Tomorrow NIt previewing and reacting to the debate. And i might join Her. Andghwell see how that shakes. Kellyanne, Jesse, she let Her outkick. Com Host Tomi i lahren is Here and i owe 100 and im going to have to have Johnny Venmo you because you were right. Joe biden was the nominee and i was wrong. And im a man of my word. Man o so im just going to have to say youre much smarter than i am. So im going to givef my you thes de floor. Do you think this debatebate if woing to have the impacT That everybody says It will . I think It certainly will. And i think that the Kamala Campaign made a big mistake by not putting Her out, doing more interview, and mos and mor, conferences. Yeah, tHere was a chance that she was going to do horribly, but in tof the voidack to of any new clips, we justclip have to go back to the old clips and the old clips of Herdy being an extreme california radical. And they really for speak foj themselves. And the Trump Campaign has done an excellent job of getting kama in Her ownfouro words. If we have nothing new. Well just go back to four years ago. S ago. But ill tell you what, jy the entire Kamala Candidacy and campaign remindss me o me ot fyre festival, if youll recall, the whole thing was a debaclut thee, but they had ae of celebrIty endorsements. They had money, they Hay D gimmicks. But then when you go ahead and get tHere, you dont have Food Or Water and yourooy in a third world country. Kind of reminds me of what the Kamala Campaigaign in is gii us. They just want us to treat this election like a Scratch Off Lottery Ticket Atch and Justd Roll The Dice and hope Its not as bad as we think Its going to be. Pe Its well, Its probably goio be a whole lot worse. And the Kamala Campaign hope Tomorrow Night, they better hope that she practiced wIth Her trump stand in in Her Hollywooshe Practhd D lighte if she has a Joe Biden kind of night, i dont think they can swap Her out at this point. So theyre kind of stuck. No, Its too late. P Her ou Its tHere. they theyre definItely stuck wIth Her. And Weve Seenre definItely, some developments, tommy, that i have never wItnessed in mtommy, iy many, many Years G the news. Weve had very nice thingshad v, said about Donald Trump by celebrIties. RocHeres for one, The Rock. Listen to this. A couple of years ago, when you recall, all the democratic values were going down. It eye was great. For the first time, i was tha the Ira Guy wIth a Band Brilwatch or the band . Yeah. Yeah. Thats what the government has worried about all the time ght good, supporting them. And if that wasnt enough, Elto Manas Alwayn John got in om the action. Listen, i thoughT That was brilliant. I just thought good on you, donald. Im the Rocket Man. Yeah, ive beeow always beenardn of mine, and hes been to my H Concertsis many, many times. T. So, i mean, ive always been, friendly towards him, and IthaT Thank him for his support. Yeah. When he did that, i just thought It was hilarious. I was. It made me laugh. He liked the lIttle Rocket Man nickname. This is represents a change. I mean a couple, couple of years ago, you were a celebrIty. Said something nice about donaldsaid som trump. Trum, you were exiled. Whats happening ye exil . Well, thats what happens when youre Elton John or The Rock and you have so much Money C that you cant be canceled and you dont really care anymore. Care any isnt new, though. Before Donald Trump ran as a republican and came down that escalatord, all Thee Esca celebrIties loved him. They wanted to be around him. They found all over hilaItiem. Oprah, i mean, you name It, every celebrIty wanted to be wIth Donald Trump. Number one Name Mentioneday in rap songs. Maybe thats making a comeback. And be thai cant waIt. T all right. Well, 100 is coming your way. You dont charge Jesse Interet to you just for Inflation Due to buy anotHer book, maybe a lIttle bIt more than 100. Thank you, tommy. Breaking news on Illegal Aliens and voter fraudbideno. I Th Meerot the jennifers gen X And Y and Gen Z. And Y And Gen z. 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I serve a series premieres sunday, September 22nd on fox to the is proud to be free for all the first responders who risked their to keep us safe. The teacHers illuminating the minds of our children and the volunteers who build our communIties to be is also free for women who take day naps wIth way too many candles burning couples who steal Copper Pipe out of the walls at open houses, and kids who skipped class to throw at windows because to be is free for everyone. And we mean everyone. Thursday, Its Baseball Night in america on fox, and Its the games biggest rivalry. Aaron jones looks to continue his own record breaking season as he leaves the yankees fight for the Al East agains devers and the Red Sox and slam for the rays take on Jose Ramirez and the guardian. It is gone. Its Baseball Night in America Thursday at 630 eastern on fox. A heart attack. Do they have Life Insurance . No, but we have Life Insurance. John, im trying to find something we can afford. Fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found John A 500,000 policy for only 29 a month. And his wife and a 500,000 policy for only 21 a month. Go to select qualcomm now and get the insurance. Your Family Needs at a price you can afford. Selectquote we shop, jsave. The biden administration is charging an Illegalnd Guatemalan wIth stealing a u. S. CItizens i. D w. And voting in ta last two president ial elections. How Thast Twot happened, i Tt Illegals arent allowed to vote national correspondent Jim Illusion has the story. Bill. Welll, Jesse, NoncItizen Votinga has really become a polarizing topic. Democrats sariziy Its extremely rare. Republicans say Its got to be eliminated entirel rarey. An i and now, as you just mentioned, an illegal immigrant is being prosecutedigrant federally for. And angelia maria francisco, an illegal immigrant who had been living in alabama, just reached a Plea Deal wIth doj to pleadto guilty to charges related to stealing a u. S. CItizens identIty to vote in Multipleltie Elections anD Fraudulentlye hade obtain an american passport. Now, Shed Beeg Ninen facing nine counts of federal charges and agreed to plead guilty to ally to all of those counts. What shes accused of doing is assuminofg the identIty of a us cItizen around 2011, then using that identIty to get a passport, which she then useda to travel to and from guatemala in then following years, then using that same false identIty. Prosecutorthats say she registed to vote in alabama back in 2016, then she voted in the 2016 and 2020 primarY And General elections. Again, she pleaded T Guiltyof to all of that. In the meantime, House Speaker Mike Johnson Speake and otHer conservatives are now pushing for the Save Act to be attachedh to a Spending Bill Extension in order to avoid a government shutdown attache. L and johnson has this message and. Nybody who might oppose that move. Lets see if they have the guts to tell The American people they want see i illegalsg to vote in these elections. Since Joe Biden and the border Czaral Harris opened that bordei we believe the actual numberhe is about 16 Million illegals that controls the border. If just a small Percentage V of them register to vote, which, you know, many of them have alreadyy , they can throw the election. This is serious business. N n and Jesse, Speaker Johnson says tHeres no fallback plan this. He basically says Its pretty much attached to Save Act or bust. Well send It back to you. All right. Well see what happens. Bao , bill. Thre you know, three years ago,pal Kamala Harris looked you in the eye and lied about Bordewhiv Patrol whipping haItian migrants. Ive been very clear Y Clearw the images that you and i, both of those Law Enforcemented Officials on horses. I was outraged by It. Rible, It was horrible and deeply troubling. And as we all know, It also evoked images of some of the worst moments, ee our history wHere that kind of behavior has been Usedf Ou against the indigenous people of our country, has beena used against africanamericans during times of slavery. And the Whip Hoax was born. Hi but It wasnt just a hoax. It was communist Trojan Horse manufactured justify importing C Hundreds of thousands of haItians into the countrytota wIth lIttle vetting. That is why. Also, starting wIth our administration, we gave Tpsou Temporary Protected Status to haItian migrants 55,000. And then more recently, we extended temporary protected status to over 100,000that t patients, migrants for that very reason that they need support. They need protection. Fast forward three years and more than 300,000 haItians thany. Out . Here legall thanks to harris biden. Hows that working out . Lets go to springfield, ohio,wp the new epicenter oF Kamalasrat Middle America migrant crisis. In 2020, springfield had a population of 60,000. Over the next four years, 20,000 newcomers showed up. Now a quarter of the townset haItian and the people of Springfield Arent happy. Ving im angry that my friends and family are packing up and moving. Ources im angry that foreigners are using up the resources that were set up for The Americans that reside Here. Im angry thaty that anotHer Countrys Flag was being flown in our cIty. Angry when i see our businesses and recreational areas lIttered wIth Garbage Ourl left by people that do not know or understand our lawsd t them and culture and are making no attempt to learn about them. Pee and let me be clear this is not about race. This is Abou Givent People Bein given the privilege of coming Here from anotHer country and having no respect for our people, our Land Orl Unpr our lifes work. Americans feel unprotected and unsafe. I have men that cannot speak english in my Front Yard screaming at me, Throwing Mattressesyard in my Front Yard. Ig look at me. I weigh 95. I couldnth 95 defend myself if i had to. My husband is elderly. I dont understandusband i what. Expect of us as cItizens. I meanderstand, i understand theyre Here under temporary protected status. And youre protecting them. Verwe and i understand that our cItylm services are overwhelmed and understaffed. But whos protecting our support . Protecting thes me . M . Whos protecting me . I want out of this town. I am tow sorry. Please give me a reason to stayd. People in springfield say driving around towns now get dangerous. I really challenge you guys to get oututd do Here and do something. These haItians are running into trash cans. Ngtheyre running into building. Theyre running into. T know they flipping cars in the middle of the street. And i dont know how like,. Yall can be comfortable wIth this. Like,i dont kn i dont known whos getting paid from Here . I feel like i honestl y feeln. Like someones getting paid from It in the background. Last year, a HaItia Yean Mige in springfield drove a minivan down the wrong side of the highwag side oy. O a School Bus swerved out of the Way And Crashedway an, kg an 11yearold Student on boarde. Not only is bidenharris made this country more dangerous, theyve made i is counttot off more. When i got off the phone wIth the Insurance Company T phc and was told that my insurance went up because of the cost of Doing Business in my area, me and my wife have goodno driving records. Uh, no accidents and over. I mean, shes never had anflux accident. So i live in springfield, ohio, wHer of e the influx of haItians are, and we have had a enormous amount of Car Accidents becauseh they dont know how to drive. Weve got to do something about It. Intonethirof Ourone Third of on is now haItian undocumented i people. Springfield, ohio isnt a sanctuary cIty. Nobody, republican or democrat, voted fo, so hr this. Ds so how did happen and how many more springfields are we wg to tolerate . Well, johnny goes back to school. What do you studying . Medicare and medicaid, types of insurance. You know, we finally beat medicare, finally beat incoming dishes. Multiple Gosh Drough 99 of grease and grime. In half the time It absorbs grease. Dawn pow sh. Replaces multiple cleaning products. N o suds got game gone power wash, the better grease getter. Aaron judge leads the yankees fight wIth the division games after the game against rafael devers and the right the Red Sox or rays. [ Musil Night in america thursDay On fox. If. Cool Leg Warmers thanks tHere just for the Bus Ride tHere just for the Bus Ride to work theyre not part of the official uniform no Tunes Today . No. My apartment wast tech. Robbed n night. Took my cable ready tv, vcr, took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassettsurance. Yep. All the latest tech if only progressive had renters only progressive had renters insuranci think w. Insurance. And we could bundle our cars and get the same 24 7 protectiontty good. 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Tomorrow, an angry, mangled Trump And Cuomo face off for the first time ever. The first time ever. What t behind every Splenda Product is a mission. Helping millions of people reduce sugar from their diets. Now try a sweetener grown by u. S. Farmers. Introducing zerocalorie Splenda Stevia. At Splenda Stevia farms, our plants are sweetened by sunshine. Experience how great Splenda Stevia can be. Grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. show allegiance. Com to order your high qualIty made america flaG Today thats show allegiance. Scott. College students are back hos at school. What are they studying . What are their hopesa and dreams . Well, johnny went undercover as a College Student to find in out. I back to school. Didnt hear you excIted . U not really. What are you studying . The lost cIty. How to make movies. Studying Busineslobal Pus at std global public health. How abouT That pandemic . Its done no w. So everythingsorma back to normal. U taki will class soon be taking . A german class right now . Ge]. Lets hear a lIttle german. All he gets to try to Sketcho Sk people and draw faces. Can you draw me like one of e of your french girls . I could try. Medicare. Medicaid. D, typestypes of insurance. You know, we finally beat med medicare. Finally, we see if we finally beat medicare. Im a songwrIting major. I sing me a song. When i get to whom i get to, you might get in at The End of the letter that i guess im going to use. Y and how are your Professors U . Oh, rough. WIt hes from Italy. How does he greet your day . A lIttle Kisss S on the cheek. E Its different. Many people in the classroom do that to everybody. That didnt stop that DIto Mome a lot of them are foreign, so Its niceso nic to have, Likn A Change of accent. You better thank our Union Member for vacations. How are the dorms . Oh. Oh tHere w, tHere was a roach in r door. My sink is like this big, and It doesnt even move. An so i cant. I cant even watch this. Nobodys clean. Aron Trubarron Trump attending. I had class wIth him Anlass Hour ago. What did Barron Say in class . They asked us what our last movie we watched was. Ago. What was last movie . Barron watched bloodsport. how much is tuItion . 90,000. I wont li liee. Expensive. 100,000 per year. Do you have any Student Loans . No. My parentso my par pay, their p i dont know how to answer that. What do they do . My dad works w ho at an oil company. Drill, baby, drill. Yeahat. What do you want to be whenl you grow up . Company. Rich an independent wom. I want to be a Tattoo Artist. Fou, four years of college to become a Tattoo Artist . That seems like a good decision. It. S li is just my credo. No no regrets. You have no regrets, dad . Do y. I mean, not even a single letter on campus. Now, is this wHere youre looking fors this Wg Boy . Yeah. Eres a lot of cuties Here sleeping over tHere for, like, now that. Now theyre over tHere on. E l so hes homeless . No, no, no, no, nosleep, l. Look, look, look. He fell asleep. Lets go. Y . T Tha wIth me, oka try my best. T youre drinking all day . No, but, like, isnT That whateo youre supposed to do in college . Cant say anything about It. Yes lets just get through the next 64 days. W who tell me about Kamala Harris. Whos that . I dont know what i do. You kidding me . I honestly dont know too much. Im not fond of Her. Shes a great speaker, and in like Her. Why . De option in the democratic party. Shes the only option. Yeah. You have to be a beyond me. Oh, my god. Y god. Oh, my god. Youre. Oh, tHere was a mosquIto. I dont want mosquItoes around me. O listen i dont like mosquItoes. All right, so listen, Fox News. Channel, Jesse Watters, cronkIte, youre going to be on It. What do you want to tell them . Who tell i got to look after yo, macarena, you finish the lyricsm. So i dont remember. Hey, im not getting It. En Jesse wattera. S, man. Oh, that was good. More prime time. Ed. Ivel h ea looking for a smarter way to mop. 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Thats why im going to make sure i vote. Until then, im going to make sure i get a good Nights Sleep wIth Relaxium Sleep. Americas Number One trusted sleep. Im dr. Eric, celebrIty, founder of relaxium, americas most trusted aid. Just like youre seeing me on television now, i saw a commercial for Relaxium Sleep. Back then. I called and the rest is history. When i take away some sleep, i sleep than i have in years. I wake up feeling like ive had the best Nights Sleep. As a clinical neurologist, i know how essential sleep is for building and nourishing both your mental and physical health. Relaxium sleep is made in the usa, has no risk oF Dependency and is drug free. Its also the only Sleep Aid wIth valid rest as part of Its triple action formula. Develop relaxium to help my patients fall asleep faster ,stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. Relaxium sleep worked from the very first night i took. Youve got to try relaxium. Sleep for yourself because once you do, youll be a customer for life just like me. And right now you can try It for free. For nearly two decades now, Relaxium Sleep has been changing millions of lives. Take Relaxium Sleep. I promise Itll work if youre experiencing sleepless nights or tossing and turning, you need to try Relaxium Sleep now. I trust Relaxium Sleep. And so should you get best night of Sleep Guaranteed. Dont waIt anotHer minute. Call now. Mike huckabee is so confidenT That Relaxium Sleep will work for you. Hes asked us to give away anotHer 1000 bottles. HIt your free bottle of Relaxium Sleep now. Hi, grandma. I played baseball today. Oh, thats great. What posItion did you play . First base. Thats a bIt. Grandpa to play when our Hearing Wouldnt allow us to use a regular phone, It made us feel isolated. It became difficult to communicate wIth our friends and family. Clear captions was an easy solution. 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VisIts like whatcom, we shop, you save half A Million people taking to the streets of aviv demanding a hostage deal. The latest polling shows just how important this debate will be. We have a State Of Emergency Here in san bernardino county. Fox news reports. Tomo Rr Programming Note Tomorrowis you will see this show at 8 00 will bring in some more people. Well do a lIttle predebate coverage Here. Then youl. O a lil see the debax on Fox News channel at 9 00. And i think i might stick around to tell you how i felt about the debate after. After. So watch fox tomorrow. Lets do texas now fox. Paula from winthrop, massachusetts is Jesse, wyer. You need to fire your lawyer. Oghter]h bobs kept me in gog standing for quIte some time. Hes not going anywHere. Patty from bethany beach, delaware. Did your Momgoing Bethany B Yor Bob Barnett or do you owe him money . None , but did say he was going Toar Bill me for appearing on my show. Kevin from fort mojave, arizona, what if she snubs Handa Trump on the handshake . Thatd be cool. Nick from seattle, washington iF Kamala tries saying, mr. Um trump, im speaking, he should respond. Yeah. Finally, you are, r] who you hope trumps watching. Thomas from austin. Why is It taking you so long to pay tommy that hundred dollars . Im good for It. She just hasnt been in studio. Diana from spokane,roington, washington. No, mcdonalds gave up that they ate. Idence still no evidence. Thats all for tonight. Dvr the show, dv. Sean hannIty is up nex and always remember, im orders. And this is mywatters world wod

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