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11:00 pm in the east, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news @ night. Breaking tonight, president trump back in the nation's capital this evening speaking at the annual moms for liberty sub it, standing up for parental rights in their children's schools. It's a group that his opponents campaign calls antieducation extremists. Here's the former president. I'm for parental rights all the way. I don't even understand the concept of not being. The parents truly love the kids, okay. Some of the people on the boards, i think they don't like the kids very much, what they are doing. You have to give the rights back to the parents. Kevin: looking pretty relaxed there. Earlier today the former president putting kamala harris on blast in the battleground state of pennsylvania, telling prospective voters there that her first televised interview of the campaign made her look week. Look, people will see who she is. All you have to do is watch yesterday. The that's not a president. That's not a president. And we can't let that person destroy our country. Kevin: plus mister trump making 2 major campaign announcements related to reproductive rights, saying if elected he will make sure that the government helps to pay for ivf treatments and that he will personally vote against florida's sixweek abortion ban come november saying that is simply not enough time. Dr houman hemmati will react to that and more in a few moments but first to correspondent lucas tomlinson keeping an eye at the action for the moms for liberty event and joins us from dc. Reporter: good evening, kevin. President biden excuse me, former president donald trump found a receptive audience at the moms for liberty summit. They call it the joyful warriors summit after flying in from pennsylvania, kamala harris is first interview came up since becoming the democratic nominee. Former president trump said he does not expect her to make anymore. She's not good at it i guess, and they knew that. They knew something that we did not know. I think she would have been better off if she did interviews, even if they weren't great. Now we see she's a defective person and we don't need another defective person as president of the united states. Reporter: trump spoke to moms for liberty, a group dedicated to what they say is returning more rights to parents and protecting against government overreach. The group, the justice department has labeled domantas terry took domestic terrorists. One of the reasons trump came to address them is to boost his numbers among suburban women were he's down in the sun belt states. The cofounder of moms for liberty said they want to stop changes to title ix and keep boys out of girls sports and their locker rooms. We are trying to sound the alarm that the harris walls mac ticket is the most radical antiparent ticket. My message to american moms is this, you need to fight like a mother. We rose up in 2020, we took back our schools and we need to rise up in 2024 and take back our country. Reporter: donald trump brought up his visit to arlington national cemetery on the three year anniversary of the abbey gave bombing. He did not address the controversy about the allegation that one of the members of his team shoved a member of arlington national cemetery because he was not supposed to be taking photos of former president trump who said he took photos with victims families at their graves at the request of the families. Kevin: lucas tomlinson, thank you. Meantime earlier today mister trump was campaigning in pennsylvania where he attacked kamala harris for her joint interview with a running make to malls and her election year policy reversal on fracking, a major issue in the keystone state. Correspondent chanley painter life at that side of the story. Reporter: hello my friend. Former president donald trump wasted no time sharing what he thought about his campaign rivals joint interview last night, telling a crowd in pennsylvania that in his opinion it made kamala harris look week. Did you see her? did you see her last night? did you see her last night? i don't know. You think she will be able to handle president? i don't know, i don't think so. China, north korea, russia, i don't know. Reporter: trump also did not miss the opportunity to bring up fracking, an issue very important to pennsylvania voters and what many believe is a major policy flipflop for harris since she took her first run at the white house. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. You still want to ban fracking? no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that i would not ban fracking as vice president i did not ban fracking, as president i will not ban fracking. Reporter: trump said pennsylvania voters won't be fooled. The people of pennsylvania are smart, they are not going to fall for her. She will destroy if you don't have fracking, you don't have a commonwealth. Reporter: now pennsylvania employs some 100,000 people in the fracking industry while fox polls show the race tied in that key battleground state. A recent poll shows harris with a slight edge over trump, finding in a hypothetical two way race, harris receiving 50% support and trump receiving 47% support. In her cnn interview harris said while her values have not changed since she last ran for president, her positions on issues like fracking may have changed her campaign telling fox news her evolution stems from three years governing at biden's side. Kevin: all right, presto chango. Thank you. For some instant analysis of trump's busy day we want to bring in vivek ramaswamy's former director tricia mclaughlin along with rnc surrogate an attorney mehek cooke. I'm going to read a little bit of this excerpt from the piece in the new york times, a brilliant writer is talking about harris making careful use of joe biden on the campaign trail. This is interesting because we talk about possible flipflopping. Maybe she will be tied to his record as well. He writes in part, miss harris and the people running her campaign plan to use the president, but carefully and in a targeted way. The president and vise president will campaign together some but not too much and mister biden will travel mostly to the important swing states of pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan where he still appeals tote white workingclass voters and union members. Campaign advisors to miss harris and mister biden's aids in the white house who are carefully coordinating their decisionmaking have decided there is no real advantage for the vice president and making it clear a clear public break with the president or his policies. I mention that because joe biden was never against fracking, kamala harris was certainly against it back in 2019 and now looks like they are sort of trying to blend their policies together. What say you? i agree, this is the biden harris administration and make no mistake, this shows you the hypocrisy of the democrat party. They have the audacity to come to the swing states and ask for your boat but when voters are asking biden to show up and be the commanderinchief, he refuses. We are paying him $400,000 a year and he's been sitting on a beach while world war iii may break out, while we have an economic crisis, housing crisis, there are so many issues they should be addressing to the american people. They are in office right now and they refused to do that. The fact that biden will come and put his hand out and ask for a boat, americans are smarter today than ever before, we know what's in our bank accounts, we know how much we are paying for the housing crisis and we know we can't afford tomorrow or the american dream. Kevin: very good point, especially about the idea that listen, i remember speaker johnson said after joe biden decided he wasn't going to run for reelection that if he's not fit to do that he's not fit to be on the job. We've barely seen him, except for the convention, and i'm just wondering if now they are going to roll him out there a little bit more, may be idea that hey listen, kamala and i are one. Is that even smart in your opinion? i don't think so. If i were advising kamala harris i would say stay as far away from joe biden as possible, create as much daylight as possible. He was a historically unpopular president. She was a historically unpopular vice president, but she has to wear his policies and her policies around her neck now. Major inflation, double what they came into office with. Twenty% higher prices. She's floating price controls just to get the prices under control. Foreign policy, we are facing two major wars, one in the middle east and one in ukraine. Not to mention the immigration crisis which under her watch, ten to 15 million people were allowed to illegally enter the country. There has to be culpability somewhere and people recognize that kamala harris by all intents and purposes is the incumbent, she's not going to bring change, it will be four more years of biden harris radicalism. Kevin: it's interesting you mentioned illegal immigration. Kamala harris lately has decided that yes she's for a border wall of course before she was certainly against funding for that and now she's a latterday convert of pro fracking. That hasn't gone unnoticed, not just by the media but by her opponent, president trump. Listen to what he had to say about that tonight. Throughout history people have gone into one or two areas where there's a difference. You like something and then all of a sudden it's but almost every single thing, in fact we are seriously thinking about sending her tomorrow a maga hat because she loves everything we are doing. So we are going to center a nice bright red make america great again hat. Kevin: i don't care who you are, that's funny. In 15 seconds, your thoughts on may be sending the vp a maga hat i mean we should but she's not going to drill, baby, drill. She said it herself, her values have been changed. That means she does not stand for what she says, her policies aren't going to change, she's not going to drill and i warn every person in pennsylvania, if you want your jobs, if you want the economy, if you want to survive and build the american dream, over president trump. Kevin: trisha, you can wrap us up. I think it will be mighty difficult to explain how she separates herself from the president and yet at the same time she wants to distance herself from some of the things that did not go so well over the last three and a half, four years. She squandered that interview opportunity yesterday. It could have been a gift for her. With kid gloves. For her to answer the question, why did she flipflop and why did her positions evolved. She really just double down and made it clear as mud. Kevin: that is always key. You can say you've changed your position but you should explain why or at least when you decided you were going to have a presto change out change of heart. Thank you for joining us tonight, we appreciate your time. Meantime we are taking a closer look tonight at how the mainstream media and the harris campaign have been reacting over the last 24 hours to the candidates big cnn interview. With that we welcome national correspondent griff jenkins with more. Reporter: good evening. Homerun, crushed it, earth shattering. Not ways anyone in the mainstream media is describing harasses interview performance last night. It seems the only thing remarkable about it is that after five weeks she finally sat down for an interview. This was some of the media reaction last night on cnn. There was sort of a collective exhale, including from harris, advisors, biden advisors, because they know that some of her worst moments have come when she does not give a confident interview. She was very connected, she seemed strong and competent. She seems like someone who could be president. Reporter: in the reviews did not get much better today. I think the headline today is that there is no headline. We got more of what we already knew kamala harris was. A vapid tosser of word salad. I think she did well and did not do any harm. I think we saw why it took her 35 days to do the interview. She was weak and it was artificial. I think she did more than just get through it. Reporter: in print the new york times wrote kamala harris showed her tendency towards winding answers in the cnn interview but said nothing likely to cause her serious political trouble. In the guardian, they said harris was doing enough to clear the bar and doing herself no harm. Turned an interview into a soon to be forgotten pit stop along the campaign trail. And as for what her opponent thought about it, trump gave it a oneword review, writing boring in all caps on social media. The two faceoff and a debate for the first time ever in less than two weeks and that they not be so soon forgotten. Kevin: boring, oneword, very pithy. Thank you. We want to continue to have the conversation with the spectators washington editor amber duke and townhall. Com columnist spencer brown. I try not to laugh but it is funny. It's quips like that that people relate to. As you saw there from former president trump. But i want to get everyone else's reaction before i get you to way in. Here's another clip of some of the reaction by the media to the big interview. She did no harm. She's asking the american people to vote for her on the merits, on her experience, on her positions. I thought she did very well in that interview. They should be feeling good about it in part because there were no mistakes. I don't think she move the ball much but she certainly did not fall back. So how many more times? i don't know how much that matters and i do get a little nervous, in the media we are preoccupied with how much access they get nervous and the media, how much axis. You are running for the presidency, help me out here, don't you want more access? you absolutely do and i would like to applaud you for bringing me on so amber does not have to do this interview alone. [ laughter ] a critical step. But i mean the analysis, generally vapid and ridiculous. I disagree that she did not do any harm. She basically admitted that her policies have not changed and that takes us back to 2019 when she had a policy page on her website and those policies are far to the left of where joe biden was and why she did not have a shot in that primary and why i think donald trump is doing a very good job of pointing out that she's a radical san francisco progressive. Because those are her policies and she said that she has not change them. Kevin: what's interesting to me, amber, is this idea that you can say you have changed your mind but you can look at someone. People are smart, they can sense if you are selling them a line for political expedience versus you really are a true believer and what you are saying. I don't think she came across as genuine in her interview as some people are suggesting. I don't think she did. She was deliberate leave egg. The only answer she was pinned down on was the fracking answer, and she lied. During her 2020 vise presidential debate, she did not say what her policy was on fracking, she said but joe biden's policy on fracking ones. Let's reset the conversation a bit. All of these mainstream media figures are talking about this, that she did not do any harm. This is the exact same way they were talking about joe biden prior to his debate with donald trump. That should not be where the bar is set, that's the bear minimum. Kevin: that is so shocking to me. I want to share something though. I found this really interesting. The wall street journal, the editorial board there, basically seem to suggest tonight that this is working, why change it. Listen to this, the harris campaigns that is that vice president can soar to victory on a cloud of general promises, platitudes and joy. The campaign is betting the press won't care and they are betting that mister trump won't do the homework and does not have the discipline to focus to expose any of this in debate or consistently on the stops. So far it's a winning wager. That is a surprise at least to me. Do they have it right? i don't think so. Donald trump as we saw in the clips, even if he does not have the facts and numbers and specific metrics, he comes across better than she does in an interview. Everything with the harris walz interview, even the set was bad, you just did not work. It did not seem presidential or inspiring. Trump leaning back in his chair, that comes across way better and's messaging cells better. I think it's interesting they think she can soar through without having to answer the questions. The press showed that they can hold the biden harris administration accountable when they pushed joe biden out but now they don't seem to care. Kevin: we will talk about that more later, the idea that the press is sort of catching on. I'm not so sure the journal has this right. I agree. I think it's by design that kamala harris is giving all of these vague answers. Or policy changes have not come from the horses mouth, they've come from either anonymous or some lowerlevel named campaign staffers and she still does not have the policy platform on her website. She's setting up a scenario where she has plausible deniability once she gets into office, to revert back to those radical policies of the 2019 campaign. Kevin: let me followup, i'm trying to understand why the american people aren't more angry about this. We are talking 68 days between now and an election of the leader of the free world, and you don't have a lot in the way of answers, you don't have a lot in the way of information. How are these polls, the way they are suggesting she's winning, and voters don't know much about what she stands for? i don't buy it and that's what's frustrating about the media pundits talking about this as if it's a political strategy. To an extent, yes, you are running a campaign, but at the same time, from a basic democratic perspective, the american people have the right to know and deserve to know where you stand on the issues. Kevin: spencer, 30 seconds. I agree. The american people will be making a very consequential decision and if they are going off of vibes, that's not a good enough reason to pull the lever in the ballot box. I think she owes it to the american people if she's asking for their trust in vote, she should be answering these questions one way or another and at this point it's just kind of a retread of the basement campaign we saw in 2020. Kevin: it worked for them then. But i think more americans are on top of it. You get more information from more sources, people are relying on just the mainstream media. I think they can smell a rat when there's one out there. Great to see you. Amber and spencer, thank you. Coming up, an update on the death of actor matthew perry and the doctor who has been charged in his death. Later in the nightcap, in a rare break from the usual, even the new york times is taking aim at kamala harris following her muchhyped cnn interview last night, calling her answers, wait for it, vague and vacuous. That criticism comes on the heels of an earlier piece in the economist which said she lacked charisma and time. Out we are asking you tonight, you think the media is finally turning on kamala harris already? and if so, why do you think it's happening? let us no one x and instagram, @foxnewsnight, and we will read some of your responses and i expect they will be plenty. Don't go away, we continue our coverage here on fox news @ night, 20 minutes after the hour, we will be back after a very quick timeout. Enjoy your riskfree trial. ♪ hello, can you hear me? i sure can! ♪ everybody hear me? i sure can! ♪ do you hear me? i sure can! ♪ so, can you hear well? i sure can! hear well, feel well, from your first appointment. Try our new nearly invisible solution riskfree. Call 18002347090 now. [ music playing ] hey, flo. Cool leg warmers. Thanks. They are just for the bus ride to work. They are not part of the official uniform. No tunes today? no. My apartment was robbed last night. Took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. Yup. All the latest tech. If only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. Then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. I think we just invented that. Huh. This is the best day ever. Well i still got robbed. Well still pretty good day. Before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. 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Authorities say the defendants played a role in overdose death by falsely prescribing, selling or injecting the ketamine that caused perry to die last october. Chavez did not go on camera today. 's attorney spoke on his behalf. He's incredibly remorseful about what happened, not just because it happened to matthew perry but because it happened to a patient. He was trying to do everything in his power to right the wrong that happened. Reporter: chavez's plea agreement, he admitted to diverting ketamine from his former clinic and submitting a fraudulent prescription in the name of the former patient without their consent or knowledge. Prosecutors say the other doctor in this case sent a text to chavez while discussing how much to charge perry for the ketamine, stating i wonder how much this moron will pay. Authorities described the physicians as unscrupulous doctors who took advantage of amber duke drove perry struggles with addiction. The judge told chavez he could remain free on bond if he abides by several restrictions including no longer practicing medicine. 's attorney was asked if chavez has a message for perry's family and here is his response. Sorry that someone lost their life. I know he was incredibly universally loved by all. It's a shame, what happened here he's incredibly remorseful. Reporter: so sad. Chavez's attorney says they will work to schedule a hearing so their client can enter his guilty plea. Kevin: christina coleman in la, thank you. Let's get some expert insight into the latest developments in the case from boardcertified medical doctor houman hemmati. Great to have you with us. I think i speak for most americans, this entire case is just sickening and it's disheartening because here's a man who clearly had tried his level best to recover from his demons and unfortunately there are people out there who will not only take advantage and abuse people, but in this case they killed a man. Allegedly. Good to see you, kevin. I agree with you, this is very tragic and this should not have happened and it was absolutely preventable. We would not be hearing about the story had this been any regular person who was not a major toptier celebrity, so why aren't we hearing about everyone else? there are thousands of other people who are dying of prescription medications, narcotics or other anesthetic drugs like ketamine that are inappropriately prescribed by physicians because they are pressure to or because the doctors like making money off of it, there are ketamine clinics all over the place and they are not regulated properly. Lots of people die and we only hear about it because it's him. I hope the one thing that comes out of this story is that there's public attention on this and that the government, the people who are supposed to be watching over this, to their jobs. Kevin: i'm so glad to hear you say that. Let me share this from the ap news, the headline obviously, doctor charged in connection with matthew perry's death appears in court. It says, it's interesting, seeking more ketamine than his doctor would give him about a month before his death, perry found who in turn asked chavez to obtain the drug for him i wonder how much this moron will pay. Texted chavez after selling the drugs for $4500. Asked chavez if he could keep supplying them so they could become perry's go to. Again, christina coleman made note of this, it speaks to the callous nature of this crime and again it underscores this idea that it's not just about the sickness, it's about the greed of the people involved in this awful crime. Absolutely. The dea actually issues narcotics licenses. I have one. They are issued by a diversion control department. The reason it's called that is they exist to prevent doctors from doing exactly this, taking drugs meant for another patient and diverting it to someone else in order to double or triple up or more what they are allowed to get for medical purposes. It looks like these guys were doing that knowingly and it's one of the worst imaginable crimes. I think there are a lot of people who will need to be held accountable for this, not just this one position. Kevin: it makes me so angry. I'm a big fan of matthew perry's, i'm sorry he's gone and i hope justice is served in this case and i'm sure i'm not alone in feeling that way. Meantime i want to shift gears and talk about ivf. If you know someone who has struggled to have a baby or just wants to be prepared just in case, this is a hot button issue and i understand there are a lot of voters out there who don't think it's good because of the discarding of the potential embryos. I want to share president trump's comments about this today. It's interesting doctor because i think he finally drills down on something that a lot of people did not think he would talk about. Here's what he had to say. I've been looking at it and what we are going to do is, for people that are using ivf, which is fertilization, the government is going to pay for it or we are going to mandate your insurance company to pay for it, which is going to be great. His own party has come out strongly against ivf. He's basically going around the country now trying to play cleanup for a mess that he created. Kevin: notice how they assign blame on the president when he has his own opinion for what others in his party might think. They don't do that on the democrats, generally speaking, in the media, but this is a hot button issue and there are a lot of republicans who might support trump. Dr , the idea that insurance companies can help pay, some people would be very much for that. Your thoughts? this is a major issue and i think it requires an hour to do it justice but ivf is a miracle. For those couples who are desperate, eager to have the blessing of a child, the blessing of creating a family, ivf maybe their only solution. The u. S. Has the highest ivf success rates on earth. Why? because we do a lot of things, including making multiple embryos when needed to help women who are otherwise unable to conceive, and they put in one at a time usually and hopefully one of those will actually turn into an actual child. Has been a lot of misinformation out there. A lot of people believe incorrectly that embryos are just tossed out all the time left and right. That's not necessarily the case. Was actually happening is first the doctors try to limit the number of embryos produced in most cases and most women need a lot of those embryos, they are infertile to begin with. The embryos, even though they are created, they aren't viable. They may have to go through many before one of them are two of them turn into a baby. That's part one. Two is that these embryos don't always have to be discarded. They are tiny, it doesn't take a lot to keep them frozen in perpetuity and most fertility labs keep them frozen. Finally the people who don't want to have any possibility of having extra embryos around can actually ask their doctor for religious reasons, personal reasons, just do the bear minimum and if we have to do more ivf later on, we will do it but i don't want any chance of having extra embryos. Some others could choose to donate their embryos to others who are very desperate and have no other option. Kevin: you've been so helpful, doctor and i would love to have you back so we can do more on it but time is short tonight. We appreciate it and will see you later in the show. Coming up, analysing the faith vote in the presidential election and why exactly did former president trump say he which win california if jesus was the vote counter? we ask robert jeffress to answer that one. He joins us live next. [♪♪] thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine, or plan to. Nothing on my skin means everything! ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sandals jamaica sale is now on, visit sandals. Com or call 1800sandals clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. Until now. Call 833leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. I've had terrible flooding problems on my porch. Now i understand why. 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Dr, before i get to that, i would be remiss if i did not ask you how things are going, i understand there was a big fire at your church. How are things looking? it was five weeks ago but things are looking good, they are clearing up the debris and we are getting ready to rebuild our historic sanctuary. We just appreciate so much the prayers that people all across america and around the world sent to our church. Kevin: i know a lot of our viewers care very much about that and we certainly appreciate the update. Speaking of giving an update, if former president trump had his way, the ultimate voting update would come in the up form of jesus counting votes in california. Listen to how he said it and i will get your reaction on the other side. I look at california, i had a crowd so big i said there's no way i could lose california, but automatically they market down if you are a republican as a loss, you lose by 5 million votes. I said 5 million votes? i guarantee, if jesus came down and was the vote counter, i which when california. [ laughter ] kevin: you have to love it. It's a provocative thing to say. Dr , your thoughts, if only jesus was the vote counter? he's done a lot of things in history, i don't remember reading that in the bible. He's coming back again to earth one day but it's not to count votes in sacramento. He's got bigger things to deal with. But it doesn't mean god is an interested in elections and i think that's the bigger point president trump was making. You know, we've talked about this, the president and i, many times over the last nine years. God is the one who establishes rulers and removes rulers. Romans 13 says there's no government that god has not established. I think about benjamin franklin who wasn't really a religious person but even he said the longer i live, the more i'm convinced that god governs the affairs of man. If a sparrow can't fall to the ground without god's notice, how can an empire rise without his aid? so god is involved in elections. Kevin: that is so good to hear. Carolyn, let me get your take on this. I just want this is from the tennessean, a great newspaper, talking about why evangelicals are upset on statements about leaving abortion to the state. Conservative you lunch a local voters continue to wrestle with the shifting republican stance towards abortion but former president donald trump and his running mate jd vance further agitating that confusion. It goes on to say, evangelical supporters of trump called out the gop presidential nominee for taking a less hardline stance against abortion, going as far as to say trump is no less prochoice then democratic nominee vise presidential candidate kamala harris. Presidential candidate. I think a lot of people might see their point. What say you? i have to say of course as a christian i'm 100% prolife. I wish the president trump and jd vance were 100% prolife but unfortunately we live in a fallen world. We won't have any perfect candidate. But what is our alternative option? one hundred% prochoice, abortion up to nine months, evil as christians, you know, i've heard christians say i don't want to vote for trump because he's prochoice to a certain extent. What is our alternative? that's my question, what is our alternative because kamala harris' policies are straight upheaval. Kevin: you know,, that's a strong point. Ultimately voters will have to decide, and we've talked about this in the past, are you a one issue voter, a two issue voter or are you picking from sort of the entire smorgasbord of policies and reasons? this is one for some evangelical christians that is going to be a tough one. I make this point, this is going to be a close election decided by maybe 40,000 votes in three swing states. I think president trump is exactly right, not to sacrifice boats for the sake of opining on some theoretical national abortion ban that will never see the light of day. You have to have 60 senators to agree to bring it to the oval office. It won't happen. Unless people wring their hands. Don't forget that overturning roe v wade was the holy grail for evangelicals and catholics for 50 years. One person made it happen. His name is donald trump. Just remember this, and i think it was alluded to, we have a contest between two people, only one of the candidates for president believes in any restrictions on abortion. Kamala harris is abortion policy is abortion any time, anyway, any time for any reason. Kevin: and let me help erupt this up posing a question in this way. Ultimately it is a very personal decision, it is not necessarily something, as the doctor pointed out, that will be a national policy. This boils down to what people think in their own personal lives and something that may not impact the overwhelming majority of voters. Absolutely. I mean the biggest thing that i would like to say and that i would like to push to your viewers and to any christians out there is it's not only just important to get out and vote, especially for president trump, but to pray that he takes a stand for life because if we vote for kamala we are voting against life. Kevin: this has been a fascinating conversation. Caroline joyous, always great to have you, we follow each other on social media. Good to see you. And doctor robert jeffress, thank you. Appreciate it very much. Thank you, heaven. Kevin: we have an important update to a story were brought you last night. The san diego county sheriff's office is clarifying tonight that the migrants who approached two different school busses with students inside did not enter or even get close to entering a bus there for the sheriff's office has concluded that there was no crime. So we have a question for you tonight, is the media starting to turn on kamala harris already? following that big cnn interview. We want to know what you think and we want you to let us know on x and instagram @foxnewsnight. We are going to read your responses in the nightcap, and that is coming right up. [♪♪] our biggest challenge? uncertainty. Hidden fees, surcharges. . . Who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. Keep it simple. . . With clear, upfront pricing. With usps ground advantage®. ♪ subject 1: who's coming in the driveway? subject 2: dad! dad, we missed you! daddy, hi! subject 3: i missed you. My daughter is being treated for leukemia. Subject 2: mom, mom, mom, mom. 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Tonight's topic, the honeymoon over already? in a rare break from the usual, even the new york times is taking aim at kamala harris following the muchhyped interview on cnn calling her answers vague and vacuous. And that criticism comes on the heels of an earlier piece from the economist which said she lacked charisma and time so we are asking tonight, do you think the media is turning on her already and if so why? to christina coleman. Yeah, i think they are. I think more and more journalists are going to get tired of her vague and generic answers. Kevin: chanley painter. I think she did enough to maintain the momentum for now. I think the true test will be when she hits the debate stage september 10th and we will see the reaction then. Kevin: tricia mclaughlin. Not a shot. Eightynine% of stories about kamala harris are positive and 84 are negative about donald trump so they are still on the kamala coaster. Kevin: dr houman hemmati. The media is not turning against her, they are doing their jobs. After all the trust they lost after many years of a coordinated effort to hide, conceal all of joe biden's mental deficiencies, now they are trying to clawback some of that trust and the least they can do is be honest a little bit kevin: griff jenkins. I say not yet. She still riding that wave of joy and coasting on platitudes and promises. While that drought ended five weeks later on the interview, we haven't yet had a press conference. Maybe we will see something once a press conference happens and they push her on policy. Kevin: spencer. They can only run this so long. At this point there's a bit of negativity, may be giving themselves and out if she implodes on the debate stage, but they are running against her. Kevin: we wanted to know what you folks thought. Is the media turning against kamala harris? on x, 62% say no. Instagram, 56% say yes. Let's get some responses. Marty, no, i do not think they are turning on her. Most of them are protecting her. Cameron says yes, legacy media does not want to completely destroy itself by continuing to prop up dumb. Stephen, i don't think the media are turning on the joyful ticket but i think the media are finding it harder to paper over the fact that harris walz appear to be hiding. Debbie says they are doing it all over again, sheltering the candidate until november 5th. Mickey, i wish they would be honest and show evidence of her past policies, but no, they will not. And scott says, not a full aboutface but expressing doubt by questioning her statements. Good stuff everybody, thank you to the crew and thank you for watching fox news @ night, i'm kevin corke in washington. Trace will be back on monday. In the meantime i hope you have a great weekend with those you love and i will see you again monday night. [♪♪] [♪♪] everywhere but the seat. The seat is leather. Alan, we get it. You love your bike. 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, The 5 , Role , 5 , Ketamine , S Attorney , Prescribing , Camera Today , Behalf , Chavez , In The Name Of , Patient , Wrong , Clinic , Power , Moron , Knowledge , Consent , Text , Physicians , Family , Restrictions , Judge , Practicing Medicine , Duke , Addiction , Bond , Life , Response , Shame , Aren T We Hearing , Attorney , Client , Expert Insight , Plea , Developments , La , Board Certified , Man , Demons , Abuse , Drugs , Narcotics , Prescription Medications , Thousands , Celebrity , Pressure , Place , Lots , Ketamine Clinics , Attention , Ap , Court , Drug , Christina Coleman Made Note , Perry S Go To , 500 , 4500 , Crime , Nature , Sickness , Greed , Licenses , Diversion Control Department , Dea , Guys , Crimes , Order , Ivf , Justice , Fan , Gears , Matthew Perry S , Embryos , Hot Button Issue , Comments , Discarding , Party , Company , Fertilization , Mess , Blame , Cleanup , Dr , Republicans , Insurance Companies , Support Trump , Pay , Couples , Child , Blessing , It 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Feeling , Kid , 6 , 7 , Jude T Shirt , Debit , Credit Card , Spanish , Subject 9 , Little Girl , Hope , Fun , Let S Cure Childhood Cancer , 10 , Sleep , Memory Foam Doesn T , Mattress , Raw Egg Test , Gel Flex Grid , Purple , Body , Spine , Fiber , Labor Day Sale , Store , Need Fiber , Prebiotic , Gummies , Visit Purple Com , Health , 000 , 1000 , Amount , Broccoli , Welcome Back , Jeanine , Nightcap Crew , Topic , Honeymoon , Chanley Painter , Journalists , Stories , Nine , Test , Momentum , Debate Stage September 10th , Eighty , Eighty Nine , September 10th , Negative , Kamala Coaster , 84 , Least , Deficiencies , Effort , Press Conference , Drought , We Haven T , Coasting , Wave , Negativity , Folks , Media Turning , Most , Marty , Say Yes , 62 , 56 , Legacy Media , Stephen , Cameron , Debbie , Paper , Hiding , Evidence , Mickey , November 5th , Trace , Crew , Doubt , Stuff , In Washington , Scott , Weekend , Seat , Bike , Motorcycle Insurer , Everywhere , Leather , Alan , 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Administration , Democrat Party , World War , Speaker Johnson , Migration Crisis , Biden Harris Radicalism , Harris Radicalism , Latterday Convert , Maga Hat , Make America , Kevin Trisha , Interview Opportunity Yesterday , Opportunity Yesterday , Look Tonight , Harris Campaign , Cnn Interview , Ways Anyone , Interview Performance , Media Reaction , Headline Today , Oneword Review , Kevin Boring , Washington Editor , Amber Duke , Duke And Townhall , Com Columnist , Columnist Spencer Brown , Bear Minum , Street Journal , Editorial Board , Press Wont Care , Wont Care , Mister Trump Wont , Trump Wont , Harris Walz Interview , Walz Interview , Kevin Spencer , Basement Campaign , Actor Matthew Perry , One X , X And Instagram , Riskfree Trial , Solution Riskfree , Bus Ride , Tunes Today , Cassette Player , Renters Insurance , Itch Relief , New Neoplasias , Builtn Engine , Youa And Other Companies , Devices Today , Splenda Product , U. S. Farmers , S. Farmers , Zerocalorie Splenda Stevia , Splenda Stevia , Friend Star Matthew , Star Matthew Perry , Court Today , Chavezs Plea Agreement , Consent Or Knowledge , Perrys Family , Chavezs Attorney , Kevin Christina Coleman , Doctor Houman Hemmati , Advantage And Abuse , Toptier Celebrity , Ap News , Perrys Death , Control Department , Button Issue , Insurance Company , Justice But Ivf , U. S. , Ivf Success , Thats Part , Kevin Youve , Jamaica Sale , 833leaffilter Today , Filter Today , Today Or Visit , Visit Leaffilter , Doctor Phil , Assassins Bullet , Doctor Robert Jeffress , Commentator Caroline , Point President Trump , Sparrow Cant Fall , Cant Fall , Gods Notice , Mate Jd Vance , Jd Vance , Gop President , Trump And Jd , Harris Policies , Issue Voter , Roe V , Abortion Policy , Sheriffs Office , Turn Shipping , Usps Ground Advantage , Dad Dad , Mom And Daddy , St. Jude , Childhood Cancer Awareness , Cancer Awareness Month , Awareness Month , Jude Childrens , Childrens Research Hospital , Research Hospital , Youll Help , Research And Treatment , Debit Or Credit , Jude Tshirt , Yeah Subject , Yay Subject , Cure Childhood Cancer , Egg Test , Memory Foam , Day Sale , Thing Metamucil , Judge Jeanine Kevin , Jeanine Kevin Welcome , Kevin Welcome , Tonights Topic , Kevin Chanley Painter , Kevin Tricia Mclaughlin , Kevin Dr Houman Hemmati , Kevin Dr Houman , Bit Kevin , Stuff Everybody , Monday Night , Americas Numberone Motorcycle , Numberone Motorcycle Insurer , Queen Sleep Number , Sleep Number C2 , Number C2 , Sleep Number Store , Number Store , Allisons Plaque Psoriasis , Tract Infection , Infection And Headache ,

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