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Tonight we begin with a warning for americans on the left and the right. And in the middle, Kamala Harris cannot be trusted. Her only Core Value is her only personal, political gain and ambition. For decades she has done and said pretty much anything to advance her political career, now that includes padding her stats as a prosecutor, and she sought, you know she sought these cheap convictions. Didnt care about Guilt Or Innocence or the law. Rapper Jammal Tru Love sentenced to 50 years of prison. He says that Kamala Harris laughed in his face when the verdict was read. He earned a large settlement after his conviction was overturned. An elderly man, george that was convicted of sexual assault, but judges found that Kamalas Office withheld important evidence that might prove his innocence. But a new trial was never granted due to a technicality. She fought to keep him behind bars. Why would you fight for someone with evidence to be kept behind bars. She didnt care whether or not he was guilty or innocent. But wanted to keep the Conviction Record in tact. Once she started to rise through the ranks of california politics, she lost her appetite for throwing people in jail all together. And developed a Soft On Crime Politics Perspective that she has today. Now with the country radical left and that far left base she called on the criminal Justice System to be fundamentally transformed, ending cash bail, legalizing drugs, expunging The Records of thousands of felons, allowing convicts including those on Death Row, and the boston bombers to vote from prison. She vilified Law Enforcement calling on public safety, lets reimagine public safety. Fewer police, and demanding that Resource Officers be removed from schools. Why would you do that . She even compared policing to modern day lynchings and Jim Crowe. I dont make this up. Here she is. When we say that america has a history of systemic racism, we mean from slavery, Jim Crowe laws, lynching and policing. Our institutions have done violence to Black Americans. And it has caused Black Americans to be treated as less than human. Sean we know how this worked in san francisco. Crime is rampant, stores are closing, open air drug use, Public Defication and urination. She doesnt care, this helped her political career in The Deep Blue radical state of california. And in 2020 when she wanted to capitalize on the summer of love, what did she do, she encouraged deadly riots, they are not going to stop. They shouldnt stop. We are not going to stop. An insurrection, maybe. And she even had a Bail Fund to get the violent criminals out of jail. An insane Jail Fund she supported. They didnt have a lot of money, they raised 40 Million after her tweet went out. Kamala doesnt seem to care, she is only worried about advancing her own political ambition and career. Thats why she accepted the job of joes running mate. He didnt want he didnt want the integration of schools. He thought public schools would be racial jungles, and she said, i was that person. Thats why she pretended that biden was strong and vigorous when in a steep cognitive decline until the very moment that democrats sent him packing in a coup and cornuated her as the partys new nominee. If she believed he was the best man for the job, why did she run to take his spot so quickly. Again she doesnt care about truth. Just personal advancement. Again she is going to say and do anything to win an election. Think about this. Four years, she has enthusiastically promoted far left policies, only popular in Deep Blue states. She cosponsored the 93 Trillion end of capitalism green new deal in the u. S. Senate with Bernie Sanders. She cosponsored with Bernie Sanders, medicare for all, universal Health Care, the elimination of private health insurance. You cant have a party of freedom says you cant have your own private Health Care. She called for illegal immigration to be decriminalized. She wants free housing and Health Care and education, and am nisy for illegal immigrant. And many we now know have terror ties, many come from countries with terror ties, many come from top geopolitical foes. She called the wall a mid evil Vanity Project. She applauded the plan to raise Income Taxes 70 to 80 . Says there is no question of Banning Fracking and drilling. A disaster for our economy. It is the Life Blood of the economy of the world, that is called energy. But take a look at your screen. Because suddenly, the very moment kamala was elevated as the presumptive democratic nominee for president , she supposedly had an epiphany. And she has abanded all of the long held, radical, dangerous left wing views. She went full maga on the Border Wall this week, thats what the campaign is saying. She refuses to tell us where she stands on anything. If fake News Cnn wants to pretend to be credible and be a news organization, Dayna Bash will be Playing Kamala in her own words and asking her about all her prior positions and all of her alleged flip Flops Tomorrow in that interview. Dont hold your breath. The american people deserve to know whether kamala wants to turn the american Health Care system into what, the postal service, how is that working out for you. Isnt social Security And Isnt medicare heading towards insolvency. What happened to the Lock Box they always talked about . The american people deserve to know if kamala wants to dissolve our border, decriminalize illegal immigration. You deserve to know how much you will pay in taxes under a harris biden administration. She was talking about the great success known as bidenomics, so proud of it. One of the stated policy positions. She is planning some of the largest Tax Increases in the history of the world, including a dowbleg of the corporate minimum ubling of the corporate minimum tax. That would put us on par with every other country, and no company would come here to create jobs for high paying jobs for american citizens. And if your stocks if your property goes up in estimated value, kamala wants you to write a cheque to the federal government, and she wants you to write it today, and by the way, if you sell it and you didnt make money on it, will you get your money back . Cnbc was mocking the proposal, humiliating an economic adviser in the process. Take a listen. Taxing unrealized gains doesnt seem fair in any sense of the world. All you are doing forward is pulling forward the taxes that would be paid later when someone sells the stock. I think that the reaction to unrealized gains is funny. I bet the majority of people watching right now are paying a tax on unrealized gains. It is called property tax. That is a use tax. Because you are paying for schools. You are paying for higher taxes even if you dont sell your home. Not the same. Thats always the go to answer. You are arguing this is a foreign concept that is completely unknown. It is probably unconstitutional. And it was never in anyones intent to it is not income. It is not an income tax. It is never going to happen, probably. Sean now maybe Kamalas Tax on unrealized gains maybe that is an election ploy. But it would be an unmitigated disaster. Nobody nobody, nobody would invest in any business in this country. All investment would stop, a sloppy attempt to Class Warfare to win votes. After years as one of the most liberal people in washington d. C. , even to the left of Bernie Sanders which most americans apparently dont know, we have to assume the worst. Because especially when Kamala Harris is doing Everything Under The Sun to hide her true policies and beliefs. In sharp contrast, we know everything about Donald Trump. We know what he believes. We know what he will do in office every day. He is doing interview after interview, Press Conference after Press Conference. Rally after rally. He is all over Social Media. He says what he believes. The media criticizes him every day. As the president he followed through with his promises. So if you live in a battle ground state, if you live in georgia. Governor kemp is going to host a rally for trump. Thank god he is. You can vote for someone that wants to make america more safe and prosperous, and keep a system that is the greatest wealth creating system in the world in tact, it is called capitalism. Or you can have a Marksist Socialist Green New Deal candidate. If she wanted to improve your quality of life, she would have done it. She is like on Day One i am going to work on inflation, on the border. Well Day One was January 20th of 2021. While biden is checked out on the beach, what is she doing now. Dont be fooled by lofty promises. With reactions, charlie hurt, tammy bruce, and the host of outkicks, tommy larec. Tammy, starting with you. Reaction to all of it. Mail in ballots go out in a few days. Early voting starts in pennsylvania. We know from polls most americans, an overwhelming majority, 70 to 80 dont know about these radical positions. It would be the job of a real journalist like, if Dayna Bash was one to play her recent comments and ask her why the change . And just play the next comment. I did all the prep for her, it is on hannity. Com. Exactly. What is even scarier. All of the Flip Flopping is bad enough. She has not said it herself. She is a ghost. She is running, sean as a ghost. Like Joe Biden has not been running the country and some anonymous gang has been Making Decisions that face no accountability, it is the same situation. If you have noticed, every Flip Flop was delivered by an anonymous staffer. We have no idea once again, we have no idea who these people are. But this is happening. And this is a confession that she knows and they know. That their plans are not something that the american people they dont want, but it will harm americans just as the last four years have harmed americans. They know that if you dont like the last four years that you will not be voting for Kamala Harris. Because and she has not said it herself, because then there is what is known as Plausible Denialability she can say, we were so jammed, i didnt say that. And there is no video of her saying this. But there is one thing she is on video saying, this big event about price controls. This thing that she was ripped apart for by both sides, as being strange and chaotic and not normal and it would destroy the entire market system. It would be a disaster and yet someone, the same people making these announcements who are running Kamala Harris thought that would be a good idea. But it is, of course, a classic, central Control Price Control dynamic that removes all power from the american people. It certainly it is not only not capitalism, it is not a representative republic. This is dangerous. And they think they are going to slide through. But it is in the hands of Dayna Bash. And if she maybe she thinks she is going to trip over into some real journalism, now is the time to show she is serious and that the american people can trust the answers here. Because that debate you know this is like with an emotional support governor, she cant even answer those questions, and if she did, it would be the end of her campaign. Sean well said. Tommy, your take on this. I think after observing kamala for as long as we have. I think she doesnt fundamentally understand, not only her policies, but policies in general. She actually reminds me of Somebody Running for Student Counsel in Middle School or elementary school. She makes these big radical promises of three things because she doesnt understand the ramifications or what it would take to deliver the promises she says and espouses. So she is nervous to be in a formal Interview Setting or a Debate Stage without notes. Because she fundamentally doesnt understand how the government or the economy works. But if you need to figure out what she will do, just look at california. Look at plot 47, which she was a architect of, look at the homeless crisis, it is a sanctuary state. Look at the unaffordability. And the electric vehicle mandates, and the green new deal in the state of california. If you want to see what a Harris Presidency would look like, look no further for the failed state of california as your answer. Jesse charlie, your Take Sean charlie your take as well. I Cant Think of a more important election and the american people knowing less about any one candidate in history. Yeah. No, and you know, regardless of how the election turns out, the really troubling thing here is that roughly half the country is actually according to polls willing to consider voting for this person, when we have never seen a more contemptious campaign of the country, of voters. She doesnt think she has to answer any questions. She doesnt think she has to go to the american people and say what she stands for. She doesnt have to ask for their vote, and of course, this comes after four years of her participating in this whole scam in the whitehouse, where they pretended that Joe Biden was in charge, when he has not been in charge. This is you talk about a threat to democracy, this is this is a sort of a nation crushing kind of stuff we are talking about here. And obviously Kamala Harris, she doesnt who knows what she believes in. She said some whacky things. She has tried to pursue some whacky policies, but at the end of the day, she would say whatever she needs to say to get power. And all she really believes in is government and your Tax Dollars and her being in charge of spending your Tax Dollars and having control over your lives. Thats all she believes in. And thats why she doesnt think she has to answer any questions. Sean will she be able this is a question for all of you and i start with you, tammy. Will they be able to bank enough votes before this penetrates and gets into the cultural Blood Stream and the consciousness of the american people about how crazy extreme, radical and dangerous these policies are . Well, you know, we are going to get a hint of that tomorrow night. Because this is really about the media. They are all in in Gas Lighting and duping the american people. So it is going to depend if people get nervous about the nature of what they are facilitating. But it also depends on the Ground Game for the republicans. This is about communication, the ads, of the president , and i should say former President Trump and Jd Vance, they are out there, they are doing a very good job. But this is about the Ground Game. And the republicans have got to really be lit On Fire here. Because it is you know, of course it is unfair. But my goodness, we, of course should be able to beat Kamala Harris. She she cant even face questions from a friendly reporter. What about China And Iran . And hamas . And russia . My goodness, this is clear. Only trump can get us back on our feet and that has to be a message hammered home. Unless you want four more years on steroids what we are facing right now. Sean tommy, same question. I know it sounds elementary, but Donald Trump and his campaign have to remind people to get out and vote. And they should make a plan to vote early. Because a lot of people on election day, they are busy. They have things to do. They are working. They have families. Make sure if you Cant Vote on election day, you are early voting and maybe just early vote instead so you know your vote is banked. It is important to the Trump Campaign to get out and vote as if they are the underdog. Thats what won it for him in 2016. Believing that their campaign was an underdog and a long shot to win. Great point. We need that mentality and never lose it. Sean charlie, the last word. Yeah, thats of course what happened in 2020. Thats why the democrats loved this early Voting And Tommy is exactly right. Donald trump has to play that game and win. Sean yeah. They dont want proof of citizenship, no voter id, no signature verification. No chain of custody controls. No updated polls the vote counting all night, and the next day. They dont want any of those measures. Why no integrity measures. All right, tough amazing times we are living in. Thank you all. When we come back, tulsie is coming back to talk about the Transition Team for Donald Trump, and we will get hure thoughts on the upcoming Trump And Harris debate as we continue. Icy hot. Ice works fast. Heat makes it last. Feel the power of contrast therapy. So you can rise from pain. Icy hot. behind every Splenda Product is a mission. Helping millions of people reduce sugar from their diets. Now try a sweetener grown by u. S. Farmers. Introducing zerocalorie Splenda Stevia. At Splenda Stevia farms, our plants are sweetened by sunshine. Experience how great Splenda Stevia can be. Grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. the u. S. Supreme court declining to reinstate the biden administrations latest plan to cancel Student Debt for millions of borrowers. The justices turning down a request from the doj to lift a sweeping Appeals Court Order that blocked the program known as the save plan. You may recall last year, they struck down another Biden Plan that would have gore given half a trillion dollars in Student Loans. The hottest weather of the season is spreading across the eastern half of the u. S. Heat advisories in effect from st. Louis to new York City today. The Nations Capital hitting 100 degrees today, shattering the citys daily record. I felt it it was hot. Relief for the Northeast Tomorrow but excessive temperatures are expected to linger in the Ohio And Tennessee valleys. Now back to hannity. [ ] sean all right. Donald trump has reached a Cross Partsan lines, adding Rfk Jr. , and tulsie to his Transition Team. Tulsie talked about the Debate Rules. And during the 2020 campaign, she completely humiliated kamala on the Debate Stage shortly before she suspended her campaign. This is a great moment. You may remember it. Senator harris says she is proud of her record as a prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor president. But i am deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite, but there are over 1500 people in jail for Marijuana Violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freeed an innocent man from Death Row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labour for the state of california, and fought to keep the Tax Bail System in base that impacts poor people in the worse kind of way. Sean ouch check mate. Anyway, democratic strategist said that americans are hoping this debate is a train wreck, just like The One in june. It is going to get an enormous rating. There is nothing more than america likes than a train wreck. They saw one on june 27th. So they are gg to tune in in hopes to see another train wreck. People love train wrecks. They will line up and the last one they saw was one. Maybe the biggest ever. And they will be watching in anticipation come september 10th. Sean here with reaction, 2020 president ial candidate, tulsie gabard. Another shocking story, as well. I hope that is all resolved. Unfortunately, sean, i wish i could say the same. But it has not been resolved. I have been informed that the Targeting Package that the tsa created for me when they put me on a secret domestic Terror List is still operational. Sean that is insane. And we will stay on that case as well. That was a verbal beatdown. And you came in. You were armed with facts. Also reports that you were part of Donald Trumps debate prep team. What do you tell him, without Giving Away you know private conversations you may have about debating Kamala Harris, because she did go in with, you know memorized lines to go after Joe Biden, and they were effective to some level. Yeah, they were. First of all, as you know, President Trump is not a politician, at all. He doesnt do traditional political debate prep. He is prepared to debate Kamala Harris any time, anywhere. The only place where i may be possibly be of help is conveying the experience i had on the Debate Stage with her. Sharing the kinds of games she will play to try to hide her real record from the american people. It is clear that now that she is the Candidate Running for president on the democratic ticket she is saying one thing while her record and her actions over the last three and a half years prove the exact opposite to be true. She is lying through her teeth every single day which is incredibly insulting to the american people and voters because she thinks that we are so stupid that we are going to just forget what she has done over the last three and a half years, and all Of A Sudden buy this new lie that she is selling us. And you know, there are too many examples to cite. But you brought up me being on the secret domestic terrorist watch list, she says she is the defender of freedom, but she and the Harris Administration is trying to censor free speech. And their foremost target is donald j trump. As we have seen with the new indictments they have rolled out. What she says and this is what i am encouraging people to pay attention to in this debate and this campaign, dont listen to what she says. Whenever she opens her mouth, she is selling a lie. Focus on her record, and thats what President Trump will do. Expose the truth about who Kamala Harris really is. Sean this shows how corrupt the media in the country is. Because you have yes. Sean you have a wealth of radical statements. If Donald Trump was making them, they would have played them A Thousand times a day. And they have yet to play kamala in her own words. So i put it on my website so it is available for everyone. You can share it on Social Media with friends, family, coworkers. Jason miller said we had this issue of last minute changes. Now kamala and her team had already agreed to abc and the same Debate Rules that Joe Biden had with Donald Trump. And then all Of A Sudden last minute, oh, no, we want the mics on the whole time. No, we would like to have the candidates sitting rather than standing. Can we bring in sheets and notes into the debate . Jason miller is quoted as saying that. And i am like, is that true . Did that happen . Is that evidence of fear on her part . Well, you know the interesting thing here is, not even Joe Biden asked to be seated during that debate. Not even Joe Biden asked to bring in notes and Cheat Sheets with him. It is another Proof Point and evidence of how unfit Kamala Harris is to be our President And Commander and chief and how she is unable to deliver a message that has not been scripted for her by her pollsters and the people behind the curtains who are not only controlling and Making Decisions for her and what she says and what she supposedly stands for. But these are the same people that have been doing this with Joe Biden as the Figure Head in the last three and a half years. Thats a dangerous thing for the democratic republic, voters need to know that they can vote people accountable. How can you hold accountable nameless faceless people making the decisions and calling the shots . Sean yeah. I think it is great that you are apart of it. And you know, i have gotten to know you a lot over the last few years, and i will tell, it is clear you want the best interests of the country. To watch Rfk Jr. And yourself get smeared by people who were your friends is unbelievable. This is one of the reasons i left the democratic party, the people in charge of the Democrat Party of today, they only care about power. And this includes Kamala Harris, obviously, at the forefront now of the democratic party. She and her people will choose power, their own power over the best interests of the people in this country every single day. Donald trump stands for peace, freedom and prosperity. Kamala harris stands for more tirny, taking away our freedom and more war. Pushing us to the brink of nuclear war. Sean i think thats a scary proposition. But a very true one. It is. Sean people need to know who they really are and what they have said, and it is the most radical, extreme ticket ever in the history of the country. And most americans dont know yet. They need to know. Tulsi, thank you. When we come back, Kamala Harris will finally do an interview, but not without, well, her i guess, you know, Comfort Zone Help and assist with Tim Walz by her side. A move that she is being widely criticized for. The judge is straight ahead. [ ] partisan my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. License givesic. Sean a miracle. Kamala harris, Tim Walz lit for their first interview of the entire campaign. Tomorrow night, where fake news, cnn, of course. The interview is strange because it is so late in the campaign, but also because, what does Kamala Harris need like, i dont know, a Security Blanket . Do they have to sit down together. Harris not willing to face the press alone without somebody to bail her out if she goes into Word Salad Territory . You know it is a move some are saying she doesnt have confidence to do it all alone. Here with reaction, cohost of the hit show, the five. Judge jeanine is with us. You have interviewed Donald Trump, i have interviewed Donald Trump, i have a hard time doing a one Hour Interview with him. laughter . Sean because he talks for two hours for you know you are laughing because all good humour is rooted in truth. It is true sean it becomes a two Hour Interview and a third night overlap. Jeanine yep. Sean and it is going to be 30 minutes and they are done. Jeanine you know, i have to tell you, sean, this is a woman trying to break the ultimate glass ceiling, and she needs to drag walz with her . Even the Wall Street Journal says she needs a crutch, she needs to bring walz with her. And you know, the Wall Street Journal was really very clear when they said, this is a deliberate attempt to limit her potential exposure risks for the Vice President , and to limit the time she has to answer questions and it will be harder to do follow ups. This is absurd. The woman has been in this race for 38 days. She should be able to do a solo Press Interview that is not edited. Sean it is going to be pretaped. Why . So they can edit is under pressure. Republicans want everything live because we are willing to admit what we are saying and how we are saying it. But not her. This is a woman who has spent the last three and a half years being the Laughing Stock of not just this country but the world. And she cant do anything more than cackle and do these word salads and all Of A Sudden, because she can read a teleprompter, she has to run for president. As if Reading A Teleprompter is a basis and all the qualification you need from the democrats to run for president. So now they are saying, she is going to do the press with some of the Democrat Party saying why does she have to do the press . She is tetered to Joe Biden. She is doing a 180 on everything. I mean now build the wall. Do you think that Dayna Bash with cnn is going to say, why all Of A Sudden do you want to build a wall, when you said that was a midevil Vanity Project of Donald Trump. Why are you dealing with Price Gouging . She has no confidence. She has no confidence for good reason. Sean but judge, im sorry. Jeanine what. Sean you have to play her in her own words, she wants universal Health Care, medicare for all, no private health insurance. You have to play her saying she wants to decriminalize illegal immigration, free housing, education, you have to play her, they are not going to stop, we are not going to stop, they shouldnt stop. The insurectionists that she supported. You have to play the fro fracking, eliminate ice. How do you do an interview and not play that and say, these are your words, can you explain why your campaign is saying you no longer support your prior positions . Because that is i have never seen a transformation that only occurred when she became the presumptive nominee like this, ever. Jeanine she became the presumptive Nominee And Everything has changed. The way she speaks changed, which is fine, but all of her policies changed. Do you think that Dayna Bash, The One that said to the Vice President , to Jd Vance she said to him, kamala was not the border czar. She was charged with finding out what the root causes of immigration are. And this is Dayna Bash, the same that is questioning kamala. Saying who is it going to be, they landed on her and cnn for a reason. The reason is because the woman is not qualified. You mean to tell me, sean, this woman is going to see ping, and drag the coach with her. And now she is saying, you dont need an ev car. What are you talking about, your whole administration is about ev. You passed a tie breaking vote. Will they ask questions, absolutely not. Because the mainstream media is in on getting this woman elected. And i hope americans dont fall for it. I hope that americans are not as did you mean as the democratic party as they are. As a woman, i have fought long and hard to get to where i am in politics and in life. And the idea of a woman being able to attain the highest position in this office, in this land and not having the ability to go Toe To toe with anyone is so disappointing to me. And my daughter and all of the young women out there. You cant hide this woman the way you hid Joe Biden. She is not entitled to the job. Just like Hilary Clinton was not entitled. Did she drag Tim Cane along, no. She could go Toe To toe with you. I cant wait to see the edit cuts next week, sean. Sean judge, thank you, we appreciate you as always. Jeanine thats it. Sean the democrats are preparing for more law fair if she wins in november. And reaction, House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan straight ahead as we continue. [ ] elmer i am elmer heinrich, president of the company that sells Immuno 150, the most complete nutritional product on the market. Weve been in business since 1983. Immuno 150 contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 70 minerals, coq10, turmeric, Flax Seed and a lot more. The 70 minerals are the key. Immuno 150 has what your body needs, especially the 70 minerals because you have probably never consumed more than 20 minerals in your life. My wife and i have taken Immuno 150 for many years. I am 90 years old and she is 81. We are both in perfect health. No aches, no pains, nothing. Place your order for Immuno 150 and include a supply for your children and grandchildren because they need 70 minerals as badly as you do. Our website, Phone Number and the cost of a Months Supply of Immuno 150 is listed on the screen so dont hesitate, order now. Like thousands of others, you wont believe the results. Introducing a revolution in Pain Relief. Absorbine junior pro, the strongest numbing Pain Relief available. Its the only solution with two Max Strength anesthetics for fast penetrating Relief Absorbine junior pro. Nothing numbs pain more. Sean all right. It is now more clear than ever how the left wants lawfare to never stop. According to a report from politico, democrats are looking to replace the Attorney General if Kamala Harris wins in november. Some democrats reportedly disappointed in Garlands Inability to put Donald Trump behind bars and they are looking for a sucessor that will weaponize the doj even more. Who is to say they wont run another Censorship Campaign ahead of november. We were talking about this with the judiciary committee. Mark zuckerberg came clean about the biden Harris Administration pressuring him to censor information on facebook. He vows never to do it again, but the american people, how are we supposed believe powerful institutions like the fbi, the Big Tech, a Media Mob in the tank for harris and biden. And Jim Jordan issued a subpoena for information on the political work done by lauren, the daughter of judge wan mershant. And the ceo called him out for ignoring his prior requests, and this demands that he hand over any documents related to work for Biden And Harris, along with work related to Trumps Prosecution or indictment. Before we get to that issue, lets go to the Mark Zuckerberg letter. The timeline is critical here. Because he very plainly stated to you in that letter that, in fact, they were the fbi was meeting with Big Tech prior to the big election. Warning Big Tech companies, again, weekly that they may be victims of a russian Disinformation Campaign that may be about hunter, about joe, and about barisma. The Fbi Meeting with Big Tech, they had verified the authenticity of Hunters Laptop in March Of 2020 before the meetings took place. Okay. When the new York Post story broke, and meta, at the time, facebook, and x, now then twitter, they asked, is this disinformation that you have been telling us about, or is it true . They knew it was true, and they didnt tell them the truth, and they allowed them to censor hip, and 51 former intel officials come in behind that, know nothing about the laptop, and this has the Ear Markings of a russian Disinformation Campaign. Now, you tell me, is that the deep state is that our intelligence community, our fbi, our doj putting Cinder Blocks on the scales of a president ial election . Did they flip the election to Joe Bidens favour . Right, sean, thats why the timing of the letter from Mark Zuckerberg to us is so important. We dont know what they have lined up for this october. What is it going to be this time. We want to make sure it is not censoring information that the american people have a right to see and know when they are making the most important decision we make, who is the Commander And Chief of our country. So understand what Mark Zuckerberg put in the letter. He said that the Biden Harris regime Pressured Facebook to censor material. Second, they in fact did censor material, largely conservative, and third, they talked about how they throttled back the thing that you were talking about, hunter biden, they did done the prebunking. Our government met with Big Tech, facebook, twitter and prepared them for this, and fourth and just as importantly, he says he will not be doing the zuker bucks this time around. Thank goodness for that. But the timing is so important. We dont know what they have in store this election. What are they going to try in october. Lets make sure they are not censoring information that the american people need to know. Sean and then we have this other Supreme Court decision. One was an issue of you know student loan forgiveness. Okay, the Supreme Court was very clear. They stopped it. They came back today, and stopped it again. This is the second time they have had to stop it. They didnt care what the Supreme Court said beforehand. They wanted to give out money, i hope you vote for us, pay off your Student Loans and we will take Tax Dollars to do it. We have 34 convictions in the judges case, but we know in that case, that evidence was introduced in that trial, from Donald Trumps presidency, which would be covered by another Supreme Court decision, thats the Immunity Decision that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden hate so much which would compel Judge Merchant to vacate the guilty verdicts. And they would start anew but they Cant Use Evidence that the Supreme Court says they cant use. But they are going to sentence this guy later in september . They are allowing evidence they shouldnt have. They would thot not allow Brad Smith to testify. Her company made what we can tell just from Public Records it looks like 9 million. So we have sent a subpoena saying we want to know the communications that may have taken place between authentic campaigns, and the current Biden And Harris campaigns. What has happened in the last year since this case, this Lawfare Case was brought against trump. And hopefully we will get the information asap. Because we know that the case is ridiculous from the get go, all the things we talked about. But the Conflict Of Interest is significant. All the experts say, he should have recused himself, but he didnt. So we want to know about information before 2023. Sean Jim Jordan, thank you sir. Okay, quick break. More hannity, straight ahead. [ ] its good medicine. Hisamitsu unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening as always thank you for making commercial possible. Please see you never missed an episode of hannity and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. Greg is standing by to put a smile on your face. Have a great night. [cheering and applause

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