maria: good sunday morning evan thank you so much for joining us as this morning welcome to "suny morning futures" i am maria bartiromo. today, clinging to power are the walls are closing in on joe biden or will the president and the first lady, jill, keep fighting the calls to step down as democrats scramble for plan b after the president's weak performance at last week's debate. coming up rnc cochair lara trump the money and pulls it followed president trump after the debate then the senate leadership, wyoming senator john barrasso the plans are being made for a new day in washington. this after years of abusing power a new bombshell reports of these spies who lied to cover up under biden's laptop work with the cia to interfere in a presidential election. from intent former intelligence committee chairman and trump ceo devin nunes director of national intelligence john ratcliffe on a weaponize intelligence community by the national security impact of playing politics and law enforcement. it is a joe biden compromised by communist china? a fair question. peter schweizer the government accountability institute author of blood money by the powerful turned a blind eye while china kills americans. it's all right here right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪. maria: we begin this sunday morning with new questions over president biden's reelection campaign. after his disastrous debate performance on thursday against former president trump. with the calls getting a ladder for many democrats for the president to be replaced on the ballot with another candidate. during the 90 minute debate thursday night biden appeared confused. at times incoherent, losing his train of thought on multiple topics as the world looked on. >> making sure we are able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid excuse me, dealing with everything that we have to do with -- we finally beat medicare clicks he did beat medicaid, beat it to death is destroying medicare pickers going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what were going to do wit with more bordel and more asylum officers. do not what he said at the end of that sentence i don't think you know what he said either. >> he wants to get away with the ability of medicare to the ability for us to be able to negotiate drug prices at big pharma companies guess what we have got it down to 15 excuse me $35 for insulin and se instead . maria: to me that they'll need debate reaction was fierce with colonists from the "new york times," the atlantic, the daily beast among others. calling for the president to step down as a democrat nominee over his performance on the debate stage. not over his record as the commander-in-chief let's take a look at biden's record. under present biden's leadership overall inflation is up nearly 20% while real wages are down two-point to percent. when inflation is factored u.s. national debt is approaching $35 trillion but largely due to the trillions of dollars in new spending on joe biden's watch meanwhile more than 10 million migrants have illegally entered america. 2 million of them got a ways we have no idea what their intentions are we have no idea where they are. hundreds of others have been apprehended on the terrorist watch list at the southern border. while china has been ramping up its aggression against the united states as it looks to replace america as a global superpower. joining me in out senate morning futures exclusives chairman of the senate republican conference wyoming senator john barrasso prince senator thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you, maria great to be with you for. >> showed but joe biden step down? >> first, and the history of presidential debates the contrast is never been more clear. joe biden was terrible the democrats are terrified he mumbled and bumbled people do not know what he was talking about. the contrast with president trump was remarkable people could see why president trump should be back in the white house. he was strong, he was clear he was hammering on the issue i hear about in wyoming every day, the white open board at the high cost of everything and also the disaster of joe biden internationally. my concern right now is not just all the americans who watch this debate, it is what born leaders our enemies saw in that debate in china, russia, iran, north korea. right now are they thinking this is our moment of opportunity we need to get donal donald trump e white house to bu about his groa place of the democrat ticket? democrats will have to make that decision they are discussing it from two different ways. one is your place him on the ticket your place him as president? who actually would be worse than joe biden it's hard to tell what they are going to do to remove them from the presidency means the 25th amendment of the constitution that involves the president's own cabinet pulling the plug there. these are the people who have been complicit in covering up what we all saw on the debate stage on thursday night. but senators in the democratic side of the ticket have been for years and months sank this guy is doing great he is one 100% fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tech he is not. the american people in the world saw that the other night. the democrats are going to have to make their own decisions how to handle this terrible situation they have put our country and. maria: you are so spot on. it's really rich to me too look at all of these comments from the democrats who are now asking for joe biden to step down when in fact just a few weeks ago they were saying joe biden is a fine he is energetic, jill biden telling us out vigorous and energetic joe biden is and suddenly after they see them on the debate stage they see the contrast to donald trump and they are saying step down. talk to us about the 25th amendment this is all about the cabinet, they have to make the decision. how does the process work? i know congress has been talking about this and i want to get your take on it. tells how the process works. >> is going to have to be the cabinet they are going to have to be a vote of the cabinet to actually try to take the president out. sure, congress is involved that has to be originated and the constitutional scholars i'm sure looking over this right now and the intricacies to it but if the white house adopts this siege mentality they're not going to get rid of us there is a cabin has been complicit in the protection of president biden, they are not going to institute it. ultimately what had happened in the past historically is this going to be wise members of the party people respected by joe biden who go to him quietly and say mr. president it is time we need to change this. what i am saying also is a republican is we want to get the country back on track that meets donald trump back in the white house. a strong republican majority in the senate and in the house but want to fix this broken border basically secure the border, get prices down and unleashed american it's not just enough to remove joe biden is to put donald trump in the white house and strong majorities of the republicans of the house and senate to really get the job done and get america back on track. maria: we've got five months until election day. we are looking at a commander-in-chief being called a week from all corners of the planet. what are you expecting in these next couple of months? you say you are worried about our adversaries watching the debate performance. what could happen in the next couple of months? what specifically are you worried about? >> i am worried about china, iran, north korea, russia, all of them. we have seen they are much more aggressive under joe biden in the white house after the debacle in afghanistan. let me point out joe biden said he did not lose any soldiers in his watch as a young man riley joined the marines of the age of 18 from jackson hole, wyoming he was our state wrestling champion lost his life that day in afghanistan along with 13 u.s. soldiers. i do not know how joe biden could forget those marines, those folks who give their life for our country. their bodies were brought back i was at the funeral 1300 people from wyoming turned out for that funeral for that young man the state wrestling champ we are never going to forget that. to think joe biden forgot it, that tells the world how much she has forgotten why he is not prepared to lead. maria: you say how much she has forgotten, what do you mean he's got memory issues do you think has dementia question what you are doctor, right? >> i am a doctor i hav i've not examine them personally. i think with the world saw the other night was with the reported talks about elderly m man, poor memory that is with the world has seen. that is what the democrats have been covering up for an extended period of time because that report was for months and months ago that is what we have now in the white house and no matter how much they try to defend against it what we need to do moving forward as a country is make sure donald trump gets elected, gets back into the white house of a strong republican in the house and senate to make sure the country is on stable footing. the world fears donald trump back in the white house are going to talk about polling with lara trump coming up the poll numbers is that if there is a real crisis if our nation is at risk who do you want in the oval office? even before the debate people wanted trump in the oval office much more than biden. that number has to be much, much higher now after with the world saw last thursday night. maria: what about the senate? when are you expecting more clarity on who will replace mitch mcconnell and the leadership in the senate? secondly would you support term limits? >> first of all that's going to be an interesting debate but that is not until after the election in november. what we know it was every senate republican and i've been working with all of them are traveling the country aggressively out there working to make sure we have more republican senators. we are in battleground states have been in pennsylvania, ohio, arizona i'll be going to all the other states as will many of our senators to help make sure we elect a very strong group of republican senators who won't be there to confirm donald trump's cabinet, his judges and to make sure we can do the things we need to do to secure the border, get prices down unleashed american energy and restore our strength on the international stage. maria: i would like to see some kind of conversation about term limits for the staffers you cannot just have term limits for elected officials because as we have learned the staffers in the quote unquote deep state have created much of this chaos, •-middle-dot we will come back to that question another time i so appreciate your time this morning, sir. >> thank you. thank you maria. maria: senator john barrasso joining us and then a quick break and collusion between the biden campaign in ca to cover up the hundred biden laptop just weeks before the 2020 election. >> we have known all along the fbi and cia knew the laptop was real that the laptop was not russian disinformation. but what i have had to deal with over the past year end a half and investigating the biden family corruption is the fact the deep state comes in they manufacture stories the mainstream medium takes and hits copy and print and publishes them and then joe biden goes along and uses us talking points. ask former house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes former directo director of natil intelligence john ratcliffe will join me on the new congressional report bombshell just released first arfor survivafirst erotice cochair lara trump is here how much money fell the big debate president trump's next move to gain support from key biden voters it is all coming right here next. stay with us. ♪("baby" by summer walker)♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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"new york post" reports he denies he was a contractor with the cia at that time saying he cannot explain why the agency would have enlisted as a contractor when he claims he wasn't. at the same time john ratcliff was the most senior and sitting intelligence official. director of national intelligence at the time. they did not ask them to sign the letter presumably because he said the complete opposite telling me directly before the election the laptop was in fact a real and was not russian disinformation at all. watch. >> let me be clear the intelligence community does not believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that. we've shared no intelligence with chairmanship or any other member of congress hunter biden's laptop with some russian disinformation campaign. it is simply not true. maria: joe math reaction is the man himself former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe long former house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes. gentlemen it's great to have you both here this weekend thank you so much for joining me. >> right to be with you. >> jon how to kick things off with you. give us your take on this intelligence community 51 reports have the cia contractors collude with the biting campaign to mislead american voters right before the 2020 election this course was released this week by congress in jim jordan. because you said we all knew hunter biden's laptop was real in fact joe biden's own department of justice had to admit into evidence reluctantly. we also knew before 51 so-called former intelligence officials engaged in a scheme as you said mislead the american people just two weeks before the presidential election. what is new about reporting out of the house is, as you correctly point out this in notion some of these suppose it former intelligence the shows were not former at all were under contract and had relationships with the fbi i mean with the cia. the reason that is significant as the cia is supposed to be a political and is charged by law under the hatch act and other restrictions from engaging in political activity. what made this letter okay from one perspective early on were all of the assertions these were former officials acting in their private capacity. and the cia has admitted and there is testimony that at least some of these individuals were under contract with the cia which means hatch act violations perhaps more serious criminal violations under title 18 for election interference the houses and some good work here this requires a deeper investigation. when the biden administration will not undertake by what has to happen is when president trump was sworn into office a new ca cia director inspector general and attorney general for a trump administration needs deeper investigation potential criminal referrals here. the other thing i would say is regardless of hell all of this plays out those former officials and current officials that were involved in orchestrating this should be irrevocably and permanently stripped of any security clearances or affiliation with the intelligence community. you have a debarment list we put companies and individuals that defraud the government on a list and say you are a bad actor you could not be affiliated or do business with the government anymore. that needs to take place with these officials so this political interference cannot occur anymore. this whole sordid affair really lays open the political rot that still takes place within our institutions like the cia just as in devon and i experience with the fbi and the department of justice with the first interference in 2060 with the russia collusion hoax the same thing happened with the intelligence community here in 2028 with the hunter biden laptop light. maria: that's what what is a talk with both of you i lived it along with you guys you were both incredible truth tellers during the russia collusion lie there is no accountability for that. all of those people who lied and made up stories about trump so of course they did it again but they did again right before the 2020 election lying about the hundred biden laptop that media takes the direction from these people i want to show political headline tha this a political headline is right after when the letter came out political headline says is a ready for this, hunter biden story is russian disinformation dozens of former intel officials say. they say it may beat russian disinformation the media gets hit and run to the hundred biden story is russian disinformation weeks before the election that's election interference devon how do you see it? >> what is clear is that disinformation was in fact the political headlines which is exactly what blinken the secretary of state wanted. i think there is more here this goes back we were of the russia hoax because we are deeply involved in it. but don't forget this goes back to the irs scandal goes back to benghazi and why do i bring up ben ghazi? benghazi? the two characters that supposedly were contractors for the cia at the time this letter went out both of buckley and morel were deeply involved in a what? the benghazi scandal. it is scandal after scandal that the american people keep asking the question is the political nature of what is happening to the intelligence agencies is it ever going to end? think johjohn ratcliffe makes ad point it is the department of justice here that has control over the fbi the cia is not supposed to be involved in domestic politics. the only way this is solved is that there has to be a special counsel, a real investigation by a trump department of justice that goes into the fbi asks the tough questions and get to the cia for that's the only way this will ultimately be fixed. maria: i'm one of you two gentlemen will be those two who actually make those decisions? you devin nunes during the cia and you john ratcliffe be the attorney general but want it your take how to fix things? and this report, it john ratcliffe it says a cia alerted the office of the director of national intelligence about the draft of the hunter biden's statement that you are the director of the national intelligence office. so tell us what happened did they call your office and say we are releasing this letter? couldn't you have shut it down right then and said no you cannot go public with this letter because it's absolutely not true. >> as you know our interview took place on national tv the day before this letter came out. or i said this is clearly not russian disinformation. and again this was a letter that did not come from the cia came from former officials outside acting in their private capacity so we were told. now we are finding out as it went through pre-publication review board at the cia they were individuals within the cia that apparently knew this was taking place would have known and been privy to the same information i had which was that the laptop was the subject of an fbi investigation 200 biden for tax fraud import agent registration act violations of. anyone at the cia that had this acknowledged and participated be the subject of that investigation both devon and i referenced obviously if i had the authority ability or knowledge to stop this i would have done that. this cia is not run by the dni and the cia is run by the cia director that is why all be important for president trump and i can just tell you, you talk about moving forward. president trump very much want the cia to return to its proper role to be eight political to be collecting and analyzing intelligence in the way the silent cold warriors helped us win the cold war he is intent on doing that. i mean think about it, maria. the two biggest interference campaigns and our country took place in 2016 and 2022 stop donald trump it was not by china. it is not bite russia, it was not by iran it was by political actors on the left within our own institutions like the cia within the intelligence community within the fbi, within the department of justice and i can just tell you that a submission number one for donald trump when he takes office in january of 2025. maria: what about that, devin nunes? you are both students of the intelligence community for years. how do you clean this up? can they ever return what they're doing is john just said they were doing exactly what they are supposed to be protecting, the rest of the world from doing they were doing it, interfering in the election. >> the department of justice that is about the obama era they have to be cleaned out top to bottom the new fbi building that's being built right now in the washington d.c. area is going to be stopped the last thing we need are more people aninthe fbi working in washingtn d.c. that can be stopped by the new president trump administration and lastly as it relates to the cia there been too many people at the suit cia too many contractors former ci eight people way too many people in washington the cia is best is at the point of this beer what does that mean? out abroad during the job they're hired to do which is to gather intelligence to keep us safe in the united states and to make sure we are helping our allies gather intelligence on jon's role in my old role in congress the policymakers or the executive branch can make good decisions. those are simple things that need to be down there kind of no-brainers and easily things donald trump will do. maria: what you both want to say about the debate? how frightened should we be we have an incoherent commander-in-chief right now which was basically in everybody's face, the world watching on that debate stage on thursday. >> i would say this. everyone around the world knows this they have known it for a long time. i have long speculated biden was not going to be the nominee. the problem is the obama people have tried to stop biden from running for the last year are running out of options and here's the problem that everything orchestrated correctly but that all the right people at the d.o.j. all throughout the government. why did they get wrong? they cannot control biden himself right now is a bunch of theatrics going on it is hard for us to know exactly what is going on there meetings at camp david stories leaking out they are trying to biden out of the race i don't know maybe biden's negotiating history and of the obama people just do not know. maria: john com, final word question. >> i look at everything through national security lands is awash on thursday nights did president biden as commander-in-chief or project strength? did russia, china, around the adversaries think they saw commander-in-chief it would if necessary act decisively with american hard power to protect american interests the answer is very clearly no. but the contrast was also there you heard donald trump who looked into the camera and said vladimir putin did not take an inch of land from anyone when i was president and he won't when i'm president again. that's a peace through strength personified that came through clearly in a message to our allies and adversaries last three and half years of united states getting pushed around all over the globe those days are coming to an end. the other thing is usually in these debates both sides claim victory this is the first time in my life there is an undisputed clear knockout winner where everyone said there was a winner and a loser in the winter was donald trump and right now america needs a winner. maria: gentlemen thank you very important discussion about what we are all witnessing in real-timrealtime former house ie committee chairman devin nunes. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe thank you for your service gentlemen, we so appreciate you. stay with us we have got lara trump on the other side of this break. back in a moment. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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man folks, i don't walk as easy as i used to i don't speak as smoothly as i used to i do not debate as well as i used to. but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. maria: joined me on sunday morning future cochair the republican national committee lara trump. thank you for joining me a welcome back. >> thank you always great to be with you. maria: how is a president trump, your father not doing after that debate? what is the latest you can share with us? lexi is doing great. obviously i think it was unanimous when for him i actually, it's kind of a shame you do not hear as much about what a great performance he himself had in that debate but look, i think is the best debate f is a political career and for anybody who wondered how would donald trump be? how would he do how was he preparing? he obviously one that handed down and not just because a joe biden was so far gone in so embarrassing really to watch on the stage. he knew and understood what has to happen to bring this country back into give it back to what we, the people but he is feeling great after that debate he is a little nervous about the country heard when he was in virginia at that campaign rally, and him say to anyone out there was considering doing anything before i become president again do not even try it the fact you have donald trump leading the country right now when he is not officially yet back in the white house speaks volumes to the american people and i think to the rest of the world. he is the leader we need right now he is leading despite the fact joe biden is technically the president. i think everybody can see what is going on here i think you are going to see a huge huge win for donald trump, november 5. maria: what are the odds of president trump is competing against harris in november? there's obviously a conversation underway right now whether or not the cabot will in fact push forward the 25th amendment to remove joe biden even if that is not the case, most people would say if you vote for joe biden you're actually voting for harris because there is a a low likelihood joe biden gets through all four years. >> it is a bad situation all the way around for the democrats in order for them to put someone else and to run, they have to get joe biden to either quit or have to remove him noted the 25th amendment. joe biden said he's not going anywhere. his campaign came out right after that debate and said not only is he not quitting, they have committed to do the debate in september as well which is shocking to hear. but kamala harris pulls just about as bad if not worse in a lot of cases than joe biden. so they have a huge problem on their hands. if they remove joe biden from the ticket somehow and they do not have kamala harris as their nominee and they try to plug someone else in, maria is going against our democratic process here in this country. millions of americans came out and those of primaries and voted for joe biden to be their nominee on the democrat side. let they decide in the 11th hour to plug somebody else in and it is not kamala harris i cannot think of a bigger assault to our democratic process than doing just that. but let's see what they do. regardless if it is joe biden, kamala harris, donald trump some polls show us right now the american people are behind him our fundraising shows the american people are behind and post debate were racing in small dollars over a million dollars a day these are donations under $40 and online donations. it shows you that debate solidified for anyone any independent out there wondering how should i vote this november? they understand now donald trump is the only leader who was on that stage donald trump is the only way we get this country back and i believe it does not matter if it is joe biden, kamala harris or anyone else they put in their we had four years of donald trump we know how secure our borders work we know how much more many people had in their pockets how much cheaper it was to go by gas how much safer we felt on the world stage when donald trump was there and people wan him back in office. maria: what about the super delegates in all of the delegates that have been secured? does president obama run not? how do you get super delegates to agree to make a change? >> it is a huge question. we have neve never seen ourselves in a place like this in america these are uncharted waters i'm sure they are scrambling on the democrat side we are about two weeks away from our convention on the republican side and i hope everybody is ready for an exciting convention or you hear about how you're going to treat life back back from donald trump you compare these two men in their policies forget the fact joe biden clearly does not have the cognition and the ability to run the country. his policies is driven this country into the ground been very detrimental. i do not know if they are doing over there i'm sure they are scrambling. i'm sure they're having a late night sessions trying to figure how to salvage this they are in very, very deep and no matter how they try to spin it, no matter what they tried to do i think it is going to be a resounding win again for donald trump on november 5. maria: a lot of people are worried that illegals were actually but you have 10 million illegals in the country for the last time you spoke you set a fair election which are top priority. so where are you on that? give us an update there. >> we have started election integrity trainings all across the country per the chairman michael whatley and i start and miss you been in pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, nevada, this coming week and i think it is imperative every single american when you go cast a ballot no matter if you're voting for a republican, a democrat or a third-party candidate which by the way the democrats are trying to keep those off the ballot this november, wonder why? you should feel confident in your vote you should feel confident your vote counts, your boat manners that is over during his training people all across this country to work and polling locations will have legal experts on the ground and we want to send a message loud and clear to anyone is going to cheat in an election if you are a non- citizen who illegally votes in our elections we will come after you. go prosecute to the full extent of the law if you're noncitizen that means you are leaving this country we need to continue to echo that sentiment. >> will be watching all the work we so appreciate you joining me this morning thank you. >> thank you. maria: are and see cochair lara trump. we are look at national security issues run all the politicking what china and russia took out of that debate was back with acclaimed author peter schweizer here, next no one should have to choose between good vision and great value, especially with the price of everything on the rise. that's why america's best is slashing their prices, with the help of yours truly. during the wise 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president biden over alleged influence peddling, money laundering and bribery according to the house oversight committee. and evidence uncovered by house oversight committee james a comber president biden received a personal check in 2017 for james and sarah biden for $40000 which they claimed wasn't repayment of a loan from the president for that $40000 with 10% of a $40000 payment from china. during his congressional testimony james biden confirmed the $40000 came from funds he received from ces he china energy which wasn't backed by the ccp pretournament output is peter schweizer president of the government accountability into the author of the new book a blood money by the powerful turn a blind eye will china kills americans available right now. peter, thank you very much for being here. give us your reaction to joe biden's commentary on china during the debate. >> it is pretty remarkable part look, the bottom line is a joe biden and his family have received collectively tens of millions of dollars from chinese and businessmen beginning really when he became vice president of the united states and that is deeply affected and shaped his approach to china. all you have to do is look at his record look at the wild inconsistencies that have occurred since that money began to flow. in the 1990s for example joe biden led the charge on capitol hill i and calling out the chine government for their involvement in the international heroin trade he talked vocally about it that money started to flow when he was vice president, look at t the antonelli chinese of the senior partners of the mexican drug cartels of the junior partners in this poison killing wonder to thousand americans a year. joe biden will talk about it he was a vocal about it with heroin in the '90s he is now quiet about it i think money was a key factor but look at the issue of financial regulation. joe biden, throughout his career has been in favor of a regulation of financial markets he led the charge on dodd frank what was he doing at the same time when this money was flowing to his family from china? he was negotiating a deal with the chinese to lessen their transparency and regulation in the united states as it related to accounting standards for them issuing stock on that u.s. stock exchanges. the point is you look at the fact that money flows, they are engaging in behaviors that are wildly inconsistent with their record each and every time those actions favor the government of china. to meet the evidence is crystal clear. maria: you mention something i did a whole fox nation special on that is those accounting standards we just of the special called underwriting the enemy it's available right now on fox nation. what we talked about were the thousands of chinese companies that trade on u.s. exchanges the new york stock exchange and the nasdaq and they do not file the same accounting rules every other public company has to follow according to securities and exchange commission. and these are companies and many are tied to the chinese military. isn't that something you believe joe biden was paid for? was he paid by the chinese to allow these thousands of companies to trade on our exchanges and uphold the rules? >> when you say pay obviously the implication is quid pro quo quote i think it's more of a retainer agreement i do not think there is a specific trade up it's equally corrupt in my mind. he led the negotiations on that issue with china and pushed aggressively for it. these are not victimless crimes the biden family getting money and joe biden doing some things he chinese kind of like this action is real implications. these chinese companies ripped off american investors because they did not have to abide by the same accounting standards any other company does in the world that's listed on our stock exchanges. look at the issue of fentanyl china controls every step of the fentanyl production phase in the united states. from that precursors to the pill presses to the money laundering. it is a chinese operation with a drug cartels as a junior partner want her tone 30,000 people die. joe biden will not talk about it. he will not listed china as a country involved in the drug trade his own secretary of state laster told cbs news the precursors might some be arriving in mexico by accident. i mean it is absurd. the bottom line is these actions they faxed the biden's got paid and he's taking these positions deeply cost the american people. maria: amazing, peter thank you so much for your incredible work. create is author of the new book, bl this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and 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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. arthel: well, the future of president biden's re-election campaign is reportedly up for di