pete: the 7:00 hour of "fox and friends" weekend. trump celebrating after thursday's debate at a massive fundraising hall. rachel: congressman bowman suffering brutal loss. now cory bush. will: the new epic western horizon is out right now i got a preview with the man himself. the second hour of "fox and friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ good morning and welcome to "fox and friends". a little sinking. did you see that. in north carolina -- i like them a lot. a great guy who has been on fox. rachel: you have an interview with kevin costner. do you remember the mexican actor film star came on the show and i called you, i was off that day and i said how did that happen and you get dreamy movie star interview. what is up? you get all of the -- pete: there's no one bigger in the hollywood world than kevin costner. rachel: he's part of that by gone era of hollywood stars, now everybody, even the rock is a nice guy but he somebody who interacts with social media and makes you feel like you know him and there's a certain aloofness about old-school hollywood and it keeps that mystery around kevin costner that i think is the key to his sexiness. pete: with you with you with you. will: the nature of stardom has changed. kevin costner came of age and became a movie star in a time when we thought of movie stars differently. they lived in the clouds, now they are accessible, they have social media to your point. it cultivates a different style of personality and interaction with fans. the fact you find mystery sexy is your contribution to this conversation. he is in his 60s. rachel: can you tell if he it looks good in person? stop pretending you can't tell. does he look good in person? some people look good on screen but not in person. he looked great in the clip i saw. he doesn't need that. kevin costner, gavin newsom. 's pete: speaking of celebrity's, donald trump, more people would know who donald trump is. pete: he took to the stage, we all watched, we all saw how well he did, and the epic failure of president biden, they both took to campaign rallies, donald trump did so in virginia and talked about that debate. here's how he described it. >> thank you very much, thank you. hello virginia. did anybody last night watch the debate? that was a big one. but as you saw on television last night we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. he is the worst, he's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country. we have to take it back. remember the biggest problem for our country is not president biden's personal decline, it is his policies are causing america's decline at a level we've never seen before. that's why this november the people of virginia and the people of america are going to tell crooked joe biden, you're fired. pete: we are going to talk about how the debate is shaped. i went to bed that night, this was a huge night. it shook the ground that night. rachel: it was one for the history books. pete: i to gunner you saw something happened once in a generation. this is an earthquake traditionally speaking, this is nixon/kennedy. should change the trajectory of the race. we will see if it does but that is what it felt like. rachel: it feels that way and it was that way because of the television medium. if you were listening to the debate on radio you didn't capture. donald trump speaking directly to the camera giving his point of view in president biden staring into space and it brought me back, these facial expressions are crazy, the silence, the silent moments were more devastating get than the stuttering. rachel: we talked about the panic in the media, they got to change him out. i was fascinated by the place where they looked to grab a toehold, a victory. the talking point went out being repeated like you can't help yourself, all saying donald trump lied. that's their thing. i have been supercurious about it and did it on the will kane show, what are they talking about? fact checkers gave them 30 lies which i'm trying to collect them, things like best economy ever. that's a lie, a little bit of a subjective point he's making. legal scholars student agree on roe versus wade. there were some holdouts, donald trump does say things and says them in the most -- rachel: bombastic -- >> president biden ran out the very fine people hoax a week after it was debunked by snopes. you said and he got mad when trump is like that was just debunked, i didn't say that and he doubled and tripled down on it. that's a blatant hoax. rachel: the real consequential lies where there were no terrorists coming across the border. >> women needs to have abortions because they are being raped by their sisters. >> they say that the donald trump lie where he said abortions are happening, trump said abortions happen late after the ninth month and they are saying that ally and that he said several times, i am quoting the former governor of virginia. you can see the video. northrob describes it. >> day one was freak out, if you watch the split screen the next day was freak out is over for the most part, we are talking about trump, how do you debate someone who lies, that's what they have to do because they are stuck and find a new perfect. rachel: i did a debate night analysis with charlie hurt and some wonderful people that i met in georgia at the georgia republican party, i did that the next morning, went to a diner in georgia and got a feel for people there, i will tell you my take aways from the whole morning talking to you people in this county. you are a veteran. i can tell from what you are wearing, it's all over, what did you think about president biden saying nobody died? >> a tragedy leaving $85 billion of equipment behind in news pakistan, the 13 service people, giving priority to those afghan civilians on large transport planes that weren't vetted before they came here and who knows what they are doing here. rachel: what was the most astonishing moment for you in the debate? >> seeing how joe biden was paraded out there and i just want to reiterate shame on jill biden. basically i said she's got to be some kind of evil to do that. i wouldn't do that to my ex-husband. i can't even imagine doing that. >> reporter: if they replace ms. that your gusto? >> michelle or palma or someone you don't know. obama came out of nowhere. rachel: what your take away from the debate? >> the side-by-side is a stark comparison, trump on the left who is with it, on it and sharp and biden on the right who stumbles every time he has a cognitive issue, closes his eyes and has to reset and comes back again. the side-by-side is devastating for biden. rachel: without a doubt my biggest take away with all the women were angry at jill biden, they had an instinctual sort of caring, nurturing get thing that women have. i wouldn't even do that to my ex-husband who i hate. will: seven minutes into the debate he froze up. she was angry. she was sad for biden. she was mad at everybody who put him in this position. people are pointing out you are abusing him. you are using him. rachel: the diner was half men half women, pretty divided crowd that way. all the women the number one thing, how cruel and the reason why there's all these enablers, the media, barack obama, all the puppeteers jason chaffetz was talking about but in the end your wife is your person. when you're in politics, that's the only person that should have no agenda and only cares about you and your well-being and your family and it is shocking the level of cruelty of this woman, the level of ambition she has is jarring to other women and upsetting get. will: she's running things already and she loves it clearly. rachel: after the debate at the waffle house, joe, you did it, you answered all the questions, like me telling valentina you ate your cheerios, good girl. it was crazy. brian: pete: in 2022 he looked spry. these things happen quickly as it happens with anybody. speaking of 2022, there was a clip on social media, don't know if he was an influencer but he didn't interesting experiment, try this on amazon, he ordered a 45 items in 2022 the cost $100. i will reorder those items, same items two years later. here's what he found, two years, 45 items. >> i feel i'm going to be sick. i went through my walmart history and found this walmart order from two years ago, 45 items cost $126. a whole month of groceries but i did notice the reorder button and wanted to see how much it would cost to now. now this order of 45 items for one month would have cost $414. that is four times more, how, what? rachel: is that man is telling the truth. if you are the person, doubt your the person who goes to the grocery store, talked about lies being told in the debate, this is another reason president biden can lie like this and the rich people around him can lie like this because they don't go to the grocery store. what that man said every person, every head of the family who goes to the grocery store knows that is true and when the administration says things are up 15% they are lying. pete: look at the cost of morning breakfast orders. we are going to do that and bring you 20 one, 22 order compared to today. i feel it when i order anything, order a sandwich, $22, that would have been $9.02 or 3 years ago. rachel: you used to get roasted chickens at the grocery tour, everybody knows this is true and it infuriates americans to have politicians tell them that what they are seeing in their grocery bills or shopping carts is not happening, they know because they know what things cost. will: they tell us false realities on everything. brian: pete: a few additional headline starting with this. fox wildfire alert in arizona, dozens of families flee their homes and farms as a wildfire spreads in north scottsdale. firefighters on the ground clearing the brush, and airdropped to protect people's property. the fire has grown to 3700 acres and is 0% contained. a new mexico judge rejects alec baldwin's bid to get his involuntary manslaughter case dropped. the decision comes two weeks before jury selection is set to begin. baldwin is accused of shooting and killing cinematographer halnya hutchins. they were unable to examine the gun because the fbi damaged it during testing. tractor supply company taking action after listening to customer feedback that had gone woke. the retailer saying we will continue to listen to customers and team members. trust and confidence is of the utmost importance and we don't take that lightly. will no longer send information to the human rights campaign a limited another dei goals, stop sponsoring pride festivals and withdraw carbon emission goals and those are your headlines. feels like a win. tractor supplies is a great company with feet and stuff like that. customers -- will: it took customer outrage, how did this get put in place in the first place? rachel: giving to human rights -- brian: pete: to have the courage to say we are going to stop doing this, we have to take the winds where companies backtrack because they are going to get in coming from human rights campaign, and they are saying we support 4 h and veterans, do your sweet spot. pete: congressman bowman suffering a brutal l'anse. cory busch faces her own primary challenge. rachel: what does it mean for progressive politics? we will ask stacy washington. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. claudia: following the defeat of jamaal bowman, focus has shifted to cory busch. and her upcoming race, she faces a pro-israel moderate of her own. he will go up against leslie fal in august as she blue a 17 point lead while under federal investigation. joining us now, st. louis resident, stacy washington. thank you for joining us this morning. a lot has been said about the bowman race, that aipac got involved in raised money against him, the jewish israel pack. bowman was a bad politician who didn't do anything, had that weird moment he pulled the fire alarm and lied about it. is that he's a bad politician or were his progressive politics on the line? >> it highlighted is ineptitude. he didn't represent his constituents well. he was a member of the squad. they are not supposed to be the main character. you don't go to washington dc to get famous or enrich yourself or find a place where you can be part of a group that is drawing attention away from the issues americans are facing. we have double-digit inflation. a lot of americans are hurting and that includes people in congressional district one where cory busch is, she has a lot of personal things going on and investigations, her staffers and basically she has a lot of problems and is similar to jamaal bowman. these are people who had a terrible time october 7th watching israelis under attack, horrible rapes and murders and had to deal with anti-semitism on college campuses and finished out with overall sense in the democrat party they have constituencies in michigan and wisconsin they are interested in more than the jewish vote which has been solid for them for decades. trying to make change. rachel: bowman's constituency was at odds with his voters. let's go to the cory busch race. what does her constituency look like? are her views on the line, being tested or is it for corruption and bad press? >> st. louis, missouri, has one of the largest jewish populations, vibrant community, lots of americans in the st. louis are of jewish heritage and consider themselves solid democrats. to represent congressional district 1 and have any hint of anti-semitism, feeling like she's one of the people who supports hamas is not acceptable. voters are looking for them to do something for them. cory busch is running against the buzz saw of the reality of americans. 80% of americans support israel post october 7, '80% support their prosecution of the war against hamas because hamas is a terrorist group. it's the language they are using coupled with scandals, it makes her unsuitable. she's not someone regular americans want representing them because her obsession is her own personal issues. anti-semitism is not an american view. rachel: if she loses that's two down for the squad. how that impacts that group and their policies and the way they present themselves to the public into the future has big consequences, definitely bowman was a big loss for them and we will see what happens. appreciate you joining us. by the way, i love your background. nicely done. >> my hobby is interior design. rachel: will kane talking about kevin costner's new movie in the future of our country. >> take care of the veterans. and four years something about this doesn't seem to happen. americans are frustrated. my grandfather's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now. 99 years old and he'd come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice, that's a swell lid for you, baby! finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather. i've never seen this before. look at it - where has this come from? all the stories that's he's been able to hand me throughout the years, for me to hand him that information.. you don't get that moment every day. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah the itch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema —fast. some taking rinvoq felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days— and some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. many saw clear or almost-clear skin. plus, many had clearer skin and less itch, even at 3 years. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your dermatologist about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. pete: horizon:an american saga chapter one is out in theaters. members of the military got to see it first. will: i talked to him about the future of the country. look at this conversation with kevin costner. marines, sailors about to watch horizon. why was it important to do it here at camp pendleton? >> our military is part of the fabric of our country, the idea of coming to a military base seems logical to me. will: it is about america. a project you've been working on since 1988. >> we are standing guard among the great open spaces. will: you kept coming back to it again and again. what was it about the story? >> the scenes had a ring of authenticity that it must've been like that in some form. it's not a true story but it happened a million times. will: i love exploration. a lot of guys who did exploration were famous figures. and horizon, people in real life that pushed the frontier in america normal everyday people in for something in life. >> i'm in our of the resourcefulness it took for people to open it up, where we can look at something, bend a river to our will. there's something resilient about americans and what they can do. will: do we have the ability to bend the river into heroic things? >> the opportunity is better than ever to take our future and look at where we are as a country and understand we can be proud of what we accomplished. we can do a lot better. will: this was your friend here. a project you keep coming back to. a lot of financing yourself. what have you sacrificed for this project? >> i put a lot of money into this. i have forgone my salary. it's not more important than any other movie, field of dreams or dances with wolves. what's important is i kept faith with how i want to tell stories. they are about my country and i want to look at it in an entertaining way where you see yourself and are drawn into it and understand the sacrifice, how hard it was. will: anyone even from a distance can observe your career and there's something quintessentially american, the old west. >> i will make a picture about apple pie, watch. will: it's a thematic element of not just america but the west. it's risk tolerance. >> think how long they have been at it. will: still have that frontier in america. >> we've gone from sea to shining sea and what is in between. it wouldn't hurt if this country continued to look at itself and be honest and understand what is important, not someone's career, public service is about us. are we getting the best attention? going after problems in a logical way? are we looking at things that have been broken for so long? will: the answer is what type of leadership. >> we are in desperate need of that. we are not in need of extension of careers. leadership, definition of a great leader won't be elected. is on the right thing. make people uncomfortable. will: who to you is emblematic of a great leader? >> a lot of times are judged so much later on. think about lincoln, if i could have dinner with a few people he might be one of them. he had a great presidency. i am thinking we don't know what the last moment was but the night before probably feeling like he had a failed presidency, everybody attacking him and years later we think of him as one of our greatest presidents. that kind of leader, i yearn for that big thinking. will: you told a story on fox, yellowstone won 50. >> i remember when i got my first goods of the mountains. will: to do some more stories, what stories? >> they want to continue with the national parks themes. you realize a single individual went against the grain, the reason we had our first national park. will: have fun with horizon. first of all, he wanted to talk about leadership. that was him directing our portion of the conversation to what he feels is needed when it comes to leadership. i don't know what the specifics are today, i know where he has been in the past and a lot of people change their opinions when it comes to leadership but and i share a lot of the same loves like the west, the stories he chooses to focus on our american, baseball, politics and the west. he's earnestine everything he believes. i like a lot of his movies and his characters. i like john done, i like roy mcavoy, the kevin costner characters. rachel: it is sort of like dances with wolves. pete: i can't count the number of teams i saw it, field of dreams i tear up every time i see it. will: we did a draft, it wasn't the first baseball movie. i love bull durham. pete: i prefer field of dreams. rachel: that was a big debt. pete: like the interview with donald trump. will: a full 20 minute interview, he spoke with 20 minutes and edited. rachel: biden says he's not quitting the campaign, what is next for the party? will: we will talk to robert wolf. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) beaches rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-beaches. rachel: the median panic mode after president biden's disastrous bait dust despite calls for up to drop out including from the new york times editorial board the biden camp insists he is staying in the race and determined to defeat trump again in september. a former economic adviser to president obama has done the bait prep for the obama and clinton campaigns. we text a little bit about this and we disagree on a lot of things, you supported president biden for a long time. the donor class here, what's your take away 48 hours from this, not a good debate. >> you had me following kevin costner. you did that on purpose. hard to sugarcoat it. no one could be happy with president biden's performance. anyone who is saying he did a good job is delusional. i love to fact check you with donald trump's falsehoods but president biden had the chance to do that at the moment and he didn't. with respect to where we stand, as we were chatting yesterday, party elders, drinking whiskey and the brokered convention. he holds the delegates and he will decide whether he will or won't step down. for people like me who are staunch democrats, back him until we were at this point and there's a change. pete: you don't say we have to move on, you are prepared and willing based on the performance you saw to say even though he is that guy he is my guy. >> i am. the reason i say that is i am not one of those democratic bed wetters that you guys know all too well. my view is when it is his decision we can talk and have this rhetoric back and forth, it is up to him you have to see the bigger picture. the bigger picture is while he's a candidate you have to be all in, you can't curve, you have to keep punching. certainly if he was to make a decision i would support whoever the next person is. pete: what we saw was not an outlier. this is joe and it has been going in that direction. as a patriot and i know you are, aren't you concerned for the state of the nation, who is running the country? >> that is a fair assessment. he is the one that said watch me and we watched him and didn't like what we saw. let me take a step back, we have to differentiate the 3. 5 years of president biden, we can debate that. versus the 90 minutes of candidate biden and a different perspective that came out. candidate biden failed the test but president biden in the last 3 and half years has done an outstanding job. i know we disagree on that. i don't know what happened to. i've . i've been with him recently and president biden is old, there is no disagreement on that. that night was -- brian: your with the group that says i've been with him at he is sharp, you feel this way, that's not camouflage? >> he wasn't sharp of that night but if you saw him yesterday in north carolina or the state of the union, you saw a different person. i can't explain it. it's not explain up to me what happened at the debate. i was in disbelief as was every democrat who was watching. pete: is there time for democrats to change? >> there is no question there is change. the convention, he decides to give his delegates away to someone absolutely there is a change to be had but that is up to president biden. he owns the delegates today. the primary season is over. pete: that is what we are going to talk about when we go off the wall in the next hour. we disagree but i appreciate you a lot. >> i appreciate the service you've given me. pete: bringing bibles back to the classroom. oklahoma leaders saying it's necessary to understand our country. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. >> academic malpractice to not have the bible in the curriculum, to not tell young people the role the bible played in american history. kids can't understand why the founders set our rights came from god, younger people will never understand how america became exceptional without the incredible impact the bible had in our history. >> oklahoma teachers are required to teach the bible and ten commandment in their classrooms. joining us is a member of the superintendents advisory committee, stephen hamilton. what a fascinating move. unassailable position to maintain. the bible is a foundational document for the united states, it is interwoven, faith, christianity, it is interwoven into the declaration of independence, the constitution of the united states, can't educate kids pretending it doesn't exist. >> very true, thanks for having me on, great day in oklahoma, great opportunity for a renewed focus on a source document of cultural patrimony recognizing the bible's value from a historical and literary perspective. to be clear, this is not a policy about using the bible as a religious or devotional use but an academic study from a historical and literary perspective and not a devotional perspective. will: the inevitable controversy around this but what we are saying is if the idea of separation of church and state is pretend the church is not in existence and didn't play a historical role, you are not giving an accurate view of reality. you have to acknowledge the existence because it was so foundational but the controversial part is what about the separation of church and faith? the interfaith alliances this is blatant religious coercion that should have no place in public schools. to religious freedom means ensuring a religious group is allowed to impose their viewpoints on americans. they are making the argument, you blended church and state. >> that's an argument everyone expects. it's a legitimate question which i would be the first to say this is a robust debate we ought to be having. i suggest the alliance is quoting they are not approaching this policy the way it is actually written which is approaching the bible as a document of history and literature. it all about indoctrination of religion, formation, faith, devotional use and that's not what this policy is. those comments are understandable from the perspective that's not germane to it. pete: how do we ensure that line is maintained? the teacher remains the teacher and not a father or preacher? >> i want my kids in my parish to learn about god and faith, and from me and my assistant clergy, not from someone in public school. it' s a legitimate question and that policy will have to be drawn out. i can tell you the oklahoma state department answering, working on that. will: fascinating discussion, more "fox and friends" coming up. weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. .. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh... uh-huh... or mr. 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,Left ,Issue ,Doubt ,Eyes ,Caring ,Sort ,Nurturing ,Will ,Seven ,Position ,Reason ,Crowd ,Enablers ,Politics ,Jason Chaffetz ,Wife ,End ,Family ,Well Being ,Cares ,Ambition ,Agenda ,Woman ,Cruelty ,Get ,Joe ,Waffle House ,Questions ,Cheerios ,Girl ,Valentina ,Brian ,Anybody ,2022 ,Items ,Don T ,Influencer ,Experiment ,Amazon ,45 ,Cost ,100 ,Order ,Walmart ,126 ,26 ,Groceries ,Reorder Button ,414 ,Four ,14 ,Grocery Store ,Truth ,Head ,Morning Breakfast Orders ,Administration ,15 ,Anything ,A Sandwich ,2 ,9 02 ,22 ,3 , 02 ,20 ,Politicians ,Grocery Tour ,Shopping Carts ,Chickens ,Grocery Bills ,Everything ,Headline ,Realities ,Dozens ,Families ,Firefighters ,Ground Clearing ,Farms ,Homes ,Fox Wildfire Alert ,Arizona ,Wildfire Spreads ,North Scottsdale ,Alec Baldwin ,Bid ,Fire ,Judge ,Case ,Airdropped ,Brush ,Manslaughter ,Property ,New Mexico ,3700 ,0 ,Decision ,Halnya Hutchins ,Jury Selection ,Killing ,Baldwin ,Gun ,Testing ,Tractor Supply Company ,Fbi ,Information ,Customers ,Retailer ,Team Members ,Trust ,Customer Feedback ,Action ,Confidence ,Importance ,Feels ,Goals ,Carbon Emission Goals ,Headlines ,Human Rights Campaign ,Festivals ,Win ,Stop Sponsoring Pride ,Company ,Tractor Supplies ,Customer Outrage ,Stuff ,Feet ,Get Put ,Companies ,Winds ,Human Rights ,Courage ,Veterans ,Sweet Spot ,Progressive Politics ,L Anse ,Challenge ,Congressman Bowman Suffering ,Stacy Washington ,Dog People ,Pet Food ,Dog ,Approach ,Vets ,Meat ,Veggies ,Door ,Portioned ,Care ,Presents ,Dentists ,Aspen Dental ,Balloons ,Raptor Cake ,Smile ,Face ,Exams ,Labs ,X Rays ,Viv ,Everyone ,Insurance ,Patients ,Treatment Plans ,Corner ,Price Worth ,Price Lock Guarantee ,Business ,High Five ,Dave ,Comcast ,5 ,Five ,Yep ,Security ,Rate ,Gig Speed Internet ,Won T Change ,Yes ,Possibilities ,Savings ,Jamaal Bowman ,Focus ,Claudia ,Defeat ,Moderate ,Leslie Fal ,Lead ,Investigation ,St ,17 ,Louis Resident ,Politician ,Israel Pack ,Jewish ,Didn T ,Fire Alarm ,Aipac ,Line ,Ineptitude ,Member ,Squad ,Character ,Constituents ,Don T Go To Washington Dc ,Group ,Issues ,Attention ,Drawing ,Inflation ,Problems ,Investigations ,Congressional District One Where Cory Busch Is ,Staffers ,Attack ,Murders ,Rapes ,Israelis ,October 7th ,Anti Semitism ,Vote ,College Campuses ,Constituencies ,Sense ,Democrat Party ,Michigan ,Wisconsin ,Change ,Let S Go To The Cory Busch Race ,Voters ,Constituency ,Odds ,Press ,Corruption ,Community ,Populations ,Lots ,Heritage ,Missouri ,Hamas ,Hint ,District 1 ,1 ,Reality ,Buzz Saw ,Israel Post ,80 ,October 7 ,Terrorist Group ,War ,Prosecution ,Scandals ,Language ,View ,Obsession ,Consequences ,Public ,Down ,Loss ,Interior Design ,Background ,Hobby ,Movie ,Take Care ,Will Kane ,Doesn T ,My Grandfather S Run Meyer ,Color ,Shape ,Nice ,Hatter ,Swell Lid ,Baby ,Ancestry ,75 ,99 ,Stories ,Family Business ,Grandfather ,Chord ,Rodeo Drive ,Body Doubles ,Choices ,Feys ,Splurgy ,That S My Line ,Farm Stay ,Horse ,Millions ,Wild Tina ,Booking Com ,Glenn Close ,Rash ,Night And Day ,Pitch ,Eczema ,Pill ,Treatment ,Rinvoq ,Many ,Skin ,Skin Clearance ,Relief ,Plus ,Eczema Fast ,Rinvoq Felt ,Ability ,Infections ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Heart Attack ,Blood Clots ,Lymphoma ,Stroke ,Tears ,Gi ,Cancers ,Tb ,50 ,Risk ,Doctor ,Reactions ,Abbvie ,Death ,Dermatologist ,Theaters ,Horizon An American Saga Chapter One ,Military ,Members ,Sailors ,Marines ,Idea ,Military Base ,Fabric ,Camp Pendleton ,Story ,Project ,Ring ,Spaces ,Scenes ,Guard ,1988 ,Guys ,Form ,Exploration ,Authenticity ,Figures ,A Million ,Life ,Horizon ,Resourcefulness ,Frontier ,River ,Opportunity ,Friend ,Financing ,Faith ,Salary ,Field Of Dreams ,Dances With Wolves ,Sacrifice ,Anyone ,Career ,Quintessentially American ,Distance ,The Old West ,Picture ,West ,Apple Pie ,Element ,Risk Tolerance ,It Wouldn T ,Sea To Shining ,Public Service ,Leadership ,Need ,Answer ,Type ,Great Leader ,Careers ,Extension ,Definition ,Dinner ,Lincoln ,Presidency ,Presidents ,Thinking ,Leader ,Mountains ,Goods ,Story On Fox ,Yellowstone ,Themes ,Parks ,Individual ,Grain ,Fun ,National Park ,Wall ,Portion ,Opinions ,Loves ,Specifics ,Characters ,Movies ,Baseball ,Earnestine Everything ,John ,Roy Mcavoy ,Number ,Teams ,Draft ,Wasn T The First Baseball Movie ,Debt ,Bull Durham ,Party ,Campaign ,Robert Wolf ,Memory ,Brain ,Buildup ,Amyloid Plaques ,Keys ,Visit Morethannormalaging Com ,Visit Beaches Com ,Rhythm And Blues Caribbean Sale ,800 ,1 800 Beaches ,Calls ,The New York Times ,Bait Dust ,Panic Mode ,Adviser ,Bait Prep ,Editorial Board The Biden Camp ,Campaigns ,Clinton ,Class ,Donor ,Purpose ,48 ,Job ,Performance ,Chance ,Falsehoods ,Respect ,Convention ,Drinking Whiskey ,Party Elders ,Delegates ,Won T ,Step Down ,Bed Wetters ,Candidate ,Rhetoric ,Outlier ,Punching ,We Saw , Curve ,Assessment ,Patriot ,Direction ,State Of The Nation ,Aren T You ,Step Back ,Perspective ,Test ,90 ,Disagreement ,State Of The Union ,He Wasn T Sharp ,Question ,Season ,Service ,Off The Wall ,Bibles ,Classroom ,Leaders ,Oklahoma ,Shingles ,Shingles Doesn T Care ,Family Getaway ,Virus ,Friends ,Ahhh ,Nothing ,Shingles Inside Them ,Shingrix ,Vaccine ,Family Outing ,Muscle Pain ,Fainting ,Ingredients ,Headache ,Swelling ,Dose ,Tiredness ,Stomach ,Injection Site ,Shivering ,Redness ,Fever ,Side Effects , ,Pharmacist ,The Bible ,Kids ,Rights ,Role ,Curriculum ,Malpractice ,Founders ,God ,American History ,Teachers ,Commandment ,Classrooms ,Impact ,Ten ,Superintendents Advisory Committee ,Stephen Hamilton ,Document ,Move ,Christianity ,Thanks ,Constitution Of The United States ,Declaration Of Independence ,Source Document ,Patrimony ,Value ,Policy ,Use ,Study ,Church ,Existence ,Controversy ,Separation Of Church And State ,Saying ,Didn T Play A Historical Role ,Separation ,Coercion ,Viewpoints ,Alliances ,Schools ,Freedom ,Argument ,First ,Church And State ,Alliance ,Literature ,Indoctrination ,Comments ,Religion ,Formation ,Teacher ,Father ,Preacher ,Parish ,Assistant Clergy ,Public School ,Storm ,Answering ,Oklahoma State Department ,Fascinating Discussion ,Damage ,Restoration ,Thyroid Eye Disease ,Breeze ,Sleep ,Sweating ,Air Conditioning ,Tedhelp Com ,Tempur Pedic ,Mattresses ,July 4th Sale ,500 ,10 ,Hotels ,Traveler ,Brands ,Craft Cocktail Connoisseur ,Inbox ,Room Service ,Mr ,Uh ,Radisson Hotel ,Uh Huh ,Hotel Bar ,Effervescent ,Cambria ,Ohh ,Selfie ,Choicehotels Com ,Bar ,Write This Down ,Gonna ,

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