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>> steve: it is 8:00 in new york city, welcome to monday, june 24th, "fox and friends". we start with a fox news alert. just two hours, one migrant charge in the murder of the 12-year-old girl in texas is due in court. what we expect to learn. >> ainsley: victims of the october 7 terror attack in israel is suing a united states relief agency claiming it is funding hamas. charles payne has the exclusive >> and climate protesters storm the course at the travelers championship. the chaos did not stop scottie scheffler from taking home the title. final hour of "fox and friends" with charlie hurt starts now. >> ainsley: welcome. >> good to be here. >> ainsley: we start with this fox news alert. one of two migrants charged of a 12-year-old girl in texas is set to be in court this morning. >> todd: the young girl went for a walk and was found in the shallow waters of a houston creek. cause of death is strangulation. two men in early 20s were charged with capital murder. both are venezuelan nationals that entered illegally in march. both were arrest un crossing and releeszed shortly after. each man waved right to appear in court, their attorneys will be present. police believe jocelyn encountered the two at a co convenience store. it is unknown if jocelyn knew the men before. the result of a sexual exam are -- cameras will be allowed in the courtroom or not. back to you. >> steve: todd said the two suspects arrived in the country in march. we are 100 days later, they are accused of murder. >> and were held and released. >> ainsley: they were not supposed to be in this country. that 12-year-old girl was supposed to be in this country. they are accused of taking her from a family and killing her. there are reports she snuck out of the house and she was found under the bridge dead. >> we don't know the background of the two suspects. some people commit crime says from the country which they came. you don't know anything about their background. >> steve: are they coming to the united states for a better life or running? that woman we were talking about last week, the mother of five, murdered by somebody accused of murdering in el salvador. a couple migrants accused of murder came into the country and border patrol said we're going to put a gps tracker on you for a while. you would think that would be a de deterrent. one of the people, it is unclear if they were wearing tree tracker. you were right there, that is an open and shut case. >> border security pro trip. if somebody comes into the country and you have to put a monitor on them, maybe you should not be allowed in. >> ainsley: donald trump i'm sure will use this video in his ads coming up, including the guys that beat up the police officers. they were released and immediately flipped off cameras. >> steve: i'll bet donald trump uses names. joe biden, did you call the m moran family? your administration referred to her as an individual, which her mother said de-personalized her. i want joe biden to explain why letting these men into the country. >> this issue won donald trump the election in 2016. the problem had gone away in 2020 because of trump's policies. >> steve: year before where donald trump ran on migragsz -- migration was issue of kate s stein. she was shot dead. >> ainsley: and congress enacted the kate steinly law. let's talk about this hour the biden/harris campaign releasing new adattacking president trump's stance on abortion. >> steve: this new adcoming days before thursday night cnn presidential debate. david spunt is live at the white house. >> the supreme court issued the dobbs decision striking down the roe v. wade decision. the biden administration will blame trump administration for that. >> president biden: they are coming for iesvf and birth contl next. >> hoping two years later that crucial decision will resonate with voters. here is rnc co-chair lara trump with the opposite view. >> donald trump nominated three supreme court justices to the bench that sent roe v. wade out and said this is up to the state. this is about only things democrats can run on this election cycle. i think donald trump will have a great response and they'll have to come up with better things to talk about. >> the race for most cash, raising big amounts of money fast. trump campaign raised 141 million last month and biden administration hauled in 82 million. politico reports biden campaign has 212 million and trump team has not released their pooled numbers yet. president biden will keep a low profile until the cnn debate. the president is at camp david, presidential retreat in the maryland mountains to prepare for the debate on thursday. he will hold a rally on friday. donald trump will hold a rally in virginia with governor youngkin. >> steve: david, you are very good broadcasting above the sound of the mower. >> peter does it well. >> steve: somebody e-mailed me, hey, white house is trying to get everybody to drive electric cars, why not an electric mower at the white house. >> steve: thank you. go back to the fact today marks second anniversary of the dobbs decision. david played a clip of joe biden talking about how donald trump stacked the court, got it o overturned and republicans are coming for your birth control and ivf. democrats know in all elections since 2020, since it happened democrats have done very well and won on this issue. big question is whether or not come november, whether it is abortion is most important thing or immigration, economy or crime. >> ainsley: donald trump said let the state decide. last week supreme court said the abortion pill should be available to all women in the united states. i think donald trump should go after extremism and tell joe biden, are you okay with an abortion in month seven, eight, nine? do you agree with governor n nor northam, he said after the baby is born, he would consider letting you have an abortion. >> claims of extremism and whether or not people are coming aneuroed to the charges because people start to, issue has gone back to the states, it does not ban abortion, goes to the united states and allow citizens to determine what is best for them. donald trump so far hit stride on that argument and i would say if in fact this issue does get d de-armed, disarmed in this election, it will change politics forever in our country. this has been such an important plank in the democratic play book for decades. >> steve: big question is can democrats capitalize on it or will republicans come up with an answer that works? you know, nikki haley had a great answer, marco marco rubio has a great retort how it should be answered. >> ainsley: liberal countries have 12 to 15-week rule in europe. germany 12 weeks, italy 90 days, spain is 14 weeks. those are liberal european countries. >> steve: florida, six or eight weeks? quite restrictive. >> problem with roe v. wade, by courts having this edic, took debate out of realm of citizens arguing with it at regular level we are supposed to argue and getting our wings how to argue about it. it is the way democracy is supposed to work. >> steve: joe biden is in the mountains of camp david and he's with, i read somewhere, got 18 advisors telling him how to figure out good answer regarding this to keep the ball rolling for democrats. >> trump does not have 18 advisors. >> steve: he didn't need no stinking advisors, he's thought about it for a long time. i'm sure he is working on an answer that makes it crystal clear where he stands. there is no federal legislation about what should do and i'm sure joe will call them on that. >> ainsley: they are both prepping in different ways. joe biden we won't see and donald trump at faith and freedom on saturday and a rally in philadelphia, he'll be in louisiana tonight for a fundraiser. virginia on friday. >> jousting with the media to get him in the right head space. >> ainsley: we asked lara trump if he was nervous and she said no, i'm sure joe biden is. and fights breaking out at a synagogue in los angeles yesterday. it was an israeli real estate event. police tried stopping the violence. l.a. timeses one person was arrested for carrying a spiked flag. dps officers arrested a human smuggling driver. the suspect was charged with smuggling of persons and evading arrest. four illegal immigrants were refer referred. and two astronauts are stuck up in space after helium leak that nas nasa and boeing knew about prior to the launch. the two were supposed to be back on june 13th, now delayed until july 2. it is believed the astronauts have 27 days of fuel remaining. that is scary. princess ann is in the hospital after being kicked by a horse. she has a concussion and other minor injuries to her head after the incident last night. she was treated by emt and taken to the hospital. prince william and his children making swift swift's relationship with travis kelce public. kelce join his girlfriend on stage by performing in a skit during a costume change. wearing a top hat and tuxedo and swept swift off her feet and fanned her and fixed her makeup. >> steve: prince william was in a sky box and dancing to "shake it off." >> do you know that song? >> the one song. >> ainsley: i hope kate is okay. >> steve: we all do. >> ainsley: throw to carley with trending stories. >> carley: we are roughly a month out from the 2024 summer games and u.s. olympic team will bring air condition ing units t pa paris. controversy here. great britain, canada, australia and italy plan to bring their own cool air to france. average high is 79 degrees and opening ceremonies are set for july 26th. so interesting. because of climate change stuff, organizers said they would put cool pipes in the floor of where they are staying and the team is like, twe need air conditioners. >> steve: are they suggesting the athletes sleep on the floor? >> carley: i don't know, how would that make air above cool. >> ainsley: olympic games, we want to win and want our athletes comfortable. this is something athletes feel are critical for their capabilities. to make pressure points cool, put their wrist on the floor. team usa is bringing the ac. >> ainsley: 73 to 79 degrees and it will be 79 outside. >> carley: not going to happen. >> steve: first time i went to europe, i had a student pass, they served beer warm. >> ainsley: no ice and no air conditioning. >> steve: sounds dreamy. >> carley: people are like, americans like ice a lot, like it is bad. speaking of climate change, six climate protesters stormed 18th hole of the p.g.a. tour travelers championship. this is crazy. look at that guy. they spray said smoke grenades. that did not stop scottie scheffler from winning the event beating tom kim in a one-hole playoff. i worn if tom kim is thinking, if that did not happen and take my mind out of the game, could i have won? who knows. >> steve: i saw coverage about this, the protesters spilled powder on the green, they dug a new hole just before they teed off. >> carley: stonehinge and hitting connecticut during golf. they are everywhere. >> steve: they painted a jet orange. >> carley: scottie scheffler having the weirdest year, getting arrested, this happening to him, he had a baby and won the masters. he's in the news in strange ways. >> ainsley: sixth victory, most wins in one p.g.a. tour season since tiger woods had. despite be ing arrested, havinga good year. >> carley: climate change folks were the focus, his name is in the same conversation as tiger woods. the t-shirts say no golf in a dead planet. >> how many people are they winning over with this? >> no one. >> steve: what is conversation like on the 19th hole? >> that does not exist. >> steve: it does. it is the bar. >> carley: that is my favorite hole. >> steve: thank you. >> ainsley: president biden claiming choice between securing border and amnesty for illegals does not have to be made. sgls mike turner is here coming up next, there he is, live. mik next, there he is, live. mike tu next, there he is, live. sure, i'm a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now. dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> steve: growing fall out over joe biden border agenda. he claims choice between securing the border and amnesty does not have to be made. >> bill melugin pointing out legal citizenship exists and people that have done it the right way are watch ing. >> ainsley: next guest says those who pose a threat are capitalizing on the open border. con congressman mike turner joins us now. what do you think of joe biden's comments saying he claims choice does not have to be made between securing our border and amnesty for illegals. >> look at his audience. voters are against this. this is a national security risk. administration has let in individuals that have ties to isis. director wray says we're at highest level of a terrorist attack because of biden's policy. >> steve: it is a personal security threat. a number ofern ms have been murdered by these people who came in illegally. >> and biden administration, 10 million plus he's let's across, this is policy by the biden administration. trump has a true record. not like he will go to the podium and say this is my position, he will say, this is what i've done. which invalidates biden's argument. >> he has demonstrated you can do things to fix the problem, as we've seen with donald trump. one of the most eninfuriating thing is when he says congress has to do somethings. it is illegal to come into the country illegally and they are not enforcing the law. >> what was proposed by biden administration is legislation they claimed would fix it, it was codifying his policy and would have created an open border. >> ainsley: is this becoming a big issue in ohio, the state of the union you represent? >> it has always been. people are pouring across the border and parole program created for haiti and venezuela, they have gone and sought people, that is having an impact. >> steve: thank you for joining us live. thank you, chairman. 8:28 in new york city, biden campaign warning of dangers of a trump presidency. >> ainsley: next guest went viral in an atlanta chick-fil-a, she says democrats are running on fear. that is next. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support y you. i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? 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it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. >> day two of hearings in former president trump's classified documents beginning this morning in federal courtroom in florida. trump's legal team motioning to dismiss the chaos for unlawful funding of special counsel jack smith. defense arguing smith should have been appointed by president and confirmed by congress rather than by merrick garland. judge aileen cannon will hear argument about motion to modify trump's release condition. they want to legally bar trump from speaking about the 2022 raid on mar-a-lago, specifically motion refer to trump's comment about the agency use of force during the raid. they want judge to tell trump to stop talking about fbi coming to mar-a-lago locked and loaded and ready to make me out. we'll monitor that hearing out of florida. >> ainsley: biden team, the american people will see two distinct vision in atlanta president biden where all have a fair shot and trump being a dictator. our next guest went viral from chick-fil-a. >> let me give you a hug. >> please do. >> ainsley: conserve culture fou founder michaela montgomery joins us now. you are voting for trump, why? >> i think trump is the best candidate out now. i have lived through trump presidency and biden presidency and i'm ready to make america great again. >> ainsley: what did you think when people said you were not supposed to be there. >> that is number one, fact check first. i got a call the night before and we were excited to be there. we are jumping baubz here is our next president. >> ainsley: what do you expect for thursday? they are saying he wants to give tax cuts to the wealthy and that he wis going to be a dictator? >> i don't see anything wrong with closing the border, it is aff affecting the black community and all communities really. the felon issue, he can -- stop felons from being barred from good jobs and decent places to live. i have personally met president trump and had dinner with this man and looking at how he seeks a v advice let's me know d dictatorship is not on his raider. this fearmongering tactic of d dictatorship being what is going to happen is ridiculous and they have nothing else to campaign on, this is all they have god. >> what do you make of scare tactics? ladies on "the view" wondering if president trump will kick them off the air and rachel maddow saying things and aoc saying she could go to prison. they are saying president trump wants to take away ivf and birth control. >> it is very much -- i can't think of the word i'm looking for, fear tactic. you would not be able to make decisions about your own body, i think that argument is very flat and baseless, how is it you got into a situation where you needed an abortion if you did not have control of your body. >> ainsley: scare tactics from tv hosts. >> it is like catch and grab, if we put out this headline, it is unlikely they will do additional research, so if we scare them enough with this headline, we can scare them to the polls in nov november. >> ainsley: debatesy so important, can watch and hear out of the horse's mouth and learn about their issues and not rely on liberal media. thank you for coming on, michaela. >> ainsley: tune into fox for the special coverage of the cnn debate simulcast. our coverage begins thursday 8 p.m. eastern time. victims and loved ones filing a lawsuit claiming they ran a mo money laundering operation. charles payne will join us next. e pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. food isn't just fuel to live. it's fuel to grow. my family relied on public assistance to help provide meals for us. these meals fueled my involvement in theater and the arts as a child, which fostered my love for acting. the feeding america network of food banks helps millions of people put food on the table. when people are fed, futures are nourished. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit >> steve: this just in, victims of hamas october 7 attack filing suit against be united nations unra, alleging the organization ran money laundering to divert money. unra was aware of funds earmarked to support people of gaza and used the money for terrorism. charles payne, i wanted to go -- >> the nature of this a arab /* action is unra, turning un schools, warehouses and offices and using them to for terrorists to use for prepositioning facilities. the nature of the a action is hamas did not carry this out without assistance. this has gone on for a long time. i will bring in gabriel marone, put together 167-page complaint. welcome to the show, first question, what are you looking for? what are victims looking for and seeking? >> right, so victims are really suffering from intense emotional distress, every one of them. what they are seeking and always say it, they just want mothers, fathers, children not go go through what they have gone through. also to heal from being a victim to being a survivor, that means being able to push back and hold those that caused your injuries, hold them accountable and no one can be above the law, evenunra. >> steve: gabby, we had no idea that all that money, millions and millions of dollars and millions per week were going to aid palestinians through a money lau laundering system to fund hamas and the terror attacks. you have people who spilled the beans and explained how to worked? >> right, the key to all this is un unrademanded and forced israeli government to trans fer money to gaza. qatar was transferring cash, also. why did hamas need cash because it is only way to pay for smuggling of weapons. what unradid, they ended up funding weapons, explosives and war materials that came in so without that kind of support, hamas would never have been able to launch attacks they did. >> one thing that was shocking, unra, size of this and how long operation has gone on. unra, staff of 30,000 people. auntied nationings high commission has population of 30 million refugees around the world. the things most americans want to know, at u.n. what did they know and allow? >> great question, thanks for asking it. that is exactly the heart of this case. it want unra office in gaza was acting improperly or some rogue employees of unra and gaza joined in the attack, no. everything centered on new york and new york headquarters much unra, budgets were done here, audits were done. every time it became public knowledge that unra schools were housing rockets and explosives, it was covered up in new york. they did an investigation. the key is the acts were committed in new york. >> steve: got you. thank you for joining us on monday as you have filed the lawsuit today and charles, thank you for telling the story. more on his program later today on "fox and friends" business. carley joins us. >> carley: today legislature in new york will vote on measure to ban biological males from playing in women's sportses inside county owned facilities. >> it would have an impact, we don't have a huge issue at the moment, nationally, this is ongoing issue and we want to make sure our young athletes and females are protectd and can play their sport fairly and safely. >> carley: the law could face legal challenges. white house promoting new press aide tyler cadoherry who tweelt police are direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs. he said past views do not support my current views. and those are headlines, steve, back to you. >> thank you. meanwhile, housing hurdles, more americans putting homeownership dreams on hold as costs soar to all-time highs. jeff locke, next. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. lowe's knows when you need a new appliance, you want it at the right price. now you can save big on ge appliances like the ge range with easywash oven tray. with a removable tray that fits into the dishwasher. even a big mess is no sweat. shop lowe's now for great july 4th deals. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. >> after a scorcher of a weekend not too shabby on fox square. some folks really enjoying relief from the heat. not for everyone, though. some areas of the country it will be intense once again. talk about those temperatures. 78 in new york city, 73 in chicago. not too bad. we got closer to 100 degrees for feels-like temperatures. 80 in new york today. it gets hot in the middle of the country from the florida gulf coast all the way up to canada. these are areas where there are heat advisories in place. those are the weather headlines. >> ainsley: thank you. >> steve: let's talk about housing. costs are reaching all-time highs reports the inventory of unsold houses is growing. >> ainsley: the median price is $419,300. >> steve: jeff flock joins us in new jersey in front of a home that sold within four days of listing. >> this is the way they're going now, guys. three bedroom, two bathhouse. 575 is what it was listed for. you know, these days they go within just days. you know, you mentioned, steve, the fact you have some stale listings, yeah. year-over-year prices up 6%. northeast 9% followed by the midwest, west and south. sales down about 3% year-over-year making it really hard for people on the low end of the scale to get into a home. look at a harvard study that found you have to make $120,000 a year to afford the average-priced home in terms of your income. in 2021, $82 thousand. it is driving a wedge between the haves and have nots. folks like me that have the house paid off not a problem. make a cash offer on a home. if you are just starting out, tough times, folks. >> ainsley: a big change over the last three years. >> steve: thank you very much. you are right. you have to talk to the banker and say ill will give you the money at six or 7%. >> ainsley: his house is paid off. good for him. >> steve: thank you for joining us, charlie. it was a lot of fun. well, time for "america's newsroom." thank you very much for watching "fox & friends." >> ainsley: see you tomorrow. >> we're awaiting a cour

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Violence , Flag , Dps , Smuggling , Persons , Suspect , Arrest , Immigrants , Four , Launch , Space , Astronauts , Helium Leak , Nas Nasa , Boeing , Hospital , Ann , Horse , June 13th , 27 , July 2 , 13 , 2 , Emt , Injuries , Head , Incident , Concussion , Travis Kelce Public , Relationship , Children Making Swift , Prince William , Top Hat , Girlfriend , Stage , Skit , Tuxedo , Costume Change , Swift , Dancing , Makeup , Feet , Sky Box , Song , Trending Stories , Carley , Air Condition , Controversy , Summer Games , Ing Units T , Pa Paris , 2024 , Cool Air , Ceremonies , Canada , Great Britain , Australia , France , July 26th , 26 , 79 , Floor , Organizers , Air Conditioners , Need , Pipes , Climate Change Stuff , Twe , Athletes , I Don T Know , Olympic Games , Something , Pressure Points , Capabilities , Wrist , Cool , Team Usa , Mac , 73 , Lot , More Americans Putting Homeownership Dreams On Hold , Air Conditioning , Student Pass , Beer , Sounds Dreamy , Guy , Smoke Grenades , Climate Protesters Stormed 18th Hole , Pga Tour , Thinking , Playoff , Tom Kim , Beating Tom Kim , Coverage , Protesters , Game , Mind , Green , Powder , Golf , Whole , Everywhere , Connecticut , Stonehinge , Jet Orange , Masters , News , Happening , Wins , Season , Sixth Victory , King , Tiger Woods , Havinga , Conversation , Name , Focus , T Shirts , Climate Change Folks , Planet , Bar , No One , 19th Hole , 19 , Border , Amnesty , Choice , Illegals , Mike Turner , Sgls , Mik Next , Mike Tu Next , Business , Company , All Over The World , Upwork , Factor , Dover , Skills , Fortune 500 , 10000 , 30 , Price Lock Guarantee , Comcast , Dave , 5 , Call , Security , Yep , Rate , High Five , Won T Change , Gig Speed Internet , Yes , Possibilities , Savings , Border Agenda , Citizenship , Bill Melugin , Threat , Guest , Con Congressman , Comments , Audience , Attack , Individuals , Ties , Director Wray , Isis , Policy , Number , Ms , The , Record , 10 Million , Podium , Position , Somethings , Eninfuriating , Law , State Of The Union , Ohio , Program , Parole , Haiti , Venezuela , Presidency , Impact , Chairman , Dangers , 28 , Fear , Care , Chick Fil A , Atlanta , Questions , What S Next , Mr , College , Kids , 3 , Choices , Boutique Hotel , Feys , Booking Com , Body Doubles , Mountain Cabin , 30000 , Devie Duckduckgo , Blocks Cooi , Like Google , Companie , Ads , Searchs , Fo , Pi , Google , Doesn T Spy , Chrome , Millions , Privacy , Catch , Devices , Duckduckgo , Fre , Botox , Migraine , Adults , Headaches , Treatment , Spectator , Injection , Users , 91 , Effects , Survey , Difficulty , May , 91 , Don T , Side Effects , Headache , Condition , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Speaking , Breathing , Signs , Neck , Site , Fatigue , History , Botulinum Toxins , Abbvie , Conditions , Medications , Muscle , Nerve , Picture , Idea , It , Term , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Bills , Part , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Body , Toll , Joints , Inflammation Support , Turmeric , Skating , Absorption , Brand , Qunol , Tony Hawk , 45 , Hearings , Team Motioning , Documents , Jack Smith , President , Merrick Garland , Aileen Cannon , Motion , Release Condition , 2022 , Raid , Comment , Agency , Use , Force , Mar A Lago , Fbi , Locked And Loaded , Hearing , Biden Team , Vision , Dictator , Shot , Michaela Montgomery , Chick Fil A Let , Hug , Ainsley Conserve Culture Fou , Candidate , Voting , Number One , Wealthy , Tax Cuts , Felon Issue , Community , Communities , Aff , Felons , Places , Jobs , Dinner , Dictatorship , Fearmongering Tactic , Av Advice , Raider , Scare Tactics , President Trump , The View , Being , Nothing , God , Rachel Maddow , Aoc , Prison , Fear Tactic , Word , Situation , Decisions , Baseless , Headline , Control , Tv Hosts , Grab , Research , Polls , Debatesy , Issues , The Horse S Mouth , Eastern Time , Debate Simulcast , Tune Into Fox , Lawsuit , Mo Money Laundering Operation , Loved Ones , Everything , Help , Good , He , Bad , Hallow , Prayer , Stay , Peroxide , Lumineux Whitening Strips , Point , Smile , Pop , Lumineux Strip , Competency , Master S Degree , Master S , University Of Phoenix , 11 Thousand , 11k , Few Of Us Go Out , Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile , Gold , Greatness , Speeds , Gig , Line , Locations , Internet Customers , Anna Hall , Powerful Mobile Wifi Network , Food Isn T , Assistance , Meals , Fuel , Theater , Involvement , Connection , Paris , Feeding America , Parts , Child , Food , Food Banks , Table , Hunger , Futures , Movement , My Love For Acting , Fed , Visit Feedingamerica Org Actnow Steve , Unra , United Nations , Attack Filing Suit , Funds , Money Laundering , Nature , Terrorism , Office In Gaza , Arab , Action , Schools , Terrorists , Offices , Warehouses , Turning Un , Prepositioning Facilities , Out , Gabriel Marone , Welcome To The Show , Complaint , 167 , Mothers , Distress , Children , Victim , Survivor , Fathers , Evenunra , Above The Law , Dollars , Gabby , Money Lau Laundering System , Palestinians , Key , Terror Attacks , Beans , Un Unrademanded , Government , Fer Money To Gaza , Qatar , Weapons , What Unradid , Explosives , Funding Weapons , Attacks , Support , Kind , War Materials , Operation , Size , Staff , Refugees , Population , High Commission , Auntied Nationings , 30 Million , Great Question , World , Thanks , Heart , Budgets , Employees , Audits , Knowledge , Investigation , Housing Rockets , Facts , Story , Playing In Women S Sportses Inside County , Measure , Males , Legislature , Facilities , Females , Tyler Cadoherry , Challenges , Sport , Slave Patrols , Tweelt Police , Revolution , Mobs , Who , Views , Back To You , Headlines , Costs , Highs , Housing Hurdles , Jeff Locke , Purpose , Newday Usa , Loan , Service , Ones , Mortgage Company , Families , Duty , Veterans , Some , Freedoms , Lives , Opportunity , Labor Of Love , Price , Lowe S , Appliances , Orange , Appliance , Oven Tray , Easywash , Nexium , Heartburn Acid , Sweat , Mess , Tray , Heartburn Acid Prevention , Dishwasher , Fits , July 4th Deals , Shop Lowe S , Acid Prevention , Scorcher , Fox Square , Folks , Everyone , Heat , Areas , Relief , 78 , Heat Advisories , Place , Middle , Chicago , Temperatures , Florida Gulf Coast , 80 , Housing , Weather Headlines , Let S Talk , Houses , Inventory , Jeff Flock , 419300 , 419300 Steve , 19300 , Bedroom , Listing , Front , New Jersey , Bathhouse 575 , 575 , Prices , Listings , Scale , Sales , South , End , West , Midwest , 9 , 6 , Study , Terms , Wedge , Haves , Income , Nots , 20000 , 2021 , 82 Thousand , 2 Thousand , 120000 , Big Change Over , Offer , Banker , Cour , Fun , America S Newsroom ,

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