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including pennsylvania, where he is campaigning this weekend. but this is not the only advantage trump has. >> all of the anti-israel protests arrested during the columbia university takeover just got a free pass all thanks to the manhattan da alvin bragg. there is public outrage over this story and we'll bring you details. >> also we'll put a smile on your face with this kid. he looks young but he's headed to college in the fall. there's definitely a friday energy in this building. >> he's 12. he's going to college, to nyu. i can't wait to talk to him. >> we are not 12 years old, but you are watching fox and friends first. >> all of that coming up over the next hour. first we start with this. another absolutely tragic consequence of our broken immigration laws. two venezuelan nationals who crossed the border illegally are charged with murder of a 12-year-old girl in texas. >> horrific. >> the police say that 12-year-old was strangled to death by these two migrants from srepbz way that. one crossed the border illegally in april, the other in may. that one was released just weeks ago after he claimed that he feared for his life if sent back to his own country. investigators used surveillance video to track the suspectses' movements before and after the murder. her mother told fox houston, quote, hearing the gentlemen that were in these surveillance videos. they've been found, caught and taken in for questioning, it was the greatest news to hear this morning. the tragic story happening on the heels of several high profile cases tied to illegal immigrants including the man recently charged with the rape and murder of a maryland mother of five. victor martinez hernandez crossed illegally in 2023 after allegedly murdering a young woman in el salvador where he has ties to criminal gang. according to ice, the 23-year-old crossed into the u.s. three times in two months entering in january 2023 from new mexico and then texas before trying again in february 2023 but was again booted before apparently entering a fourth time undetected. finally this man, an illegal migrant from ecuador, was charged in the rape of a 13-year-old girl at a park in queens, new york, last week. he crossed illegally two years ago where, according to ice, he was encountered by border patrol june 25, 2021 near eagle pass, texas, after unlawfully entering the united states without inspection, or parole by an immigration official. on that same day usbp issued a notice to appeal and released him. according to the post that man was ordered removed by a judge following year but was never deported. >> tragic. thank you very much. let's bring in john elliott, a former trump national security aide. john, good morning. i want to stay on the border and bring up something we're just learning. the number of people from tajikistan who have crossed over the border has exploded. that's important. half of isis k recruits are from there. eight were just arrested in the united states. how do you see this ending? >> well, it's just terrible news. what's happening, you've had 1,500 migrants from tajikistan alone come over on biden's watch over the last 3 1/2 years. if you compare that to the previous 14 years, you had only 26. this is a definite push by isis k, who are predominantly half of the isis k fighters come from there. you've got 1500,500 of them in country thanks to president biden. you look at these tragic instances where this 13-year-old was sexually molested. we had other murders, like the 12-year-old you talked about. those are tragic and barbaric. can you imagine if you have an actual isis k cell here? they could just do hundreds, go to a stadium, could be 1,000 people that they kill. this is the same isis k that took out over 100 people at a theater in moscow back in march. so we know their intentions. now they've got the numbers. it's a disaster. >> you know they're sophisticated enough to pull off an attack like that. you think back to former president trump and how he banned certain countries, people from certain countries from coming to the united states. at the time it was called a muslim ban even though it was for national security reasons. it had nothing to do with religion. you look at the situation now in tajikistan and say, it wasn't such a bad idea. >> i was in the pentagon when he made that announcement. he did it in the pentagon. that was just decried by the left as something that was irresponsible, it was a muslim ban. you're absolutely right. that was targeted directly at individual countries that had a propensity or had a large number of terrorists. he did that in the first week of his term. and that was something that kept us safe. once again as soon as biden came in office he had 1,500 from tajikistan. all the way back 14 years there were only 26. this is something where the tajiks know if you take out this ban, isis k knows this is an open border. we can have terrorists plotting. just ten days ago you had a cell with eight tajiks who were actively plotting a boston style bombing, a boston marathon style bombing. they were detected by the fbi. they were arrested. so if you have only eight there that are discovered, what about the 1,500 that have come over? this is a disaster. >> it is so concerning. we want to switch to something going on between china and the philippines. i have recently talking to somebody in the national security space. they said that nobody's paying attention to this situation between the philippines and china and it could draw us into war. wouldn't you know earlier this week there was a huge scuffle between these two countries in the south china sea. bring us up to speed on this. what's going on there and what does it mean for us here in the u.s.? >> what's going on, this is something that's gone under the radar screen. the philippines, for the first time, they had a member of their coast guard, member of their military, who was injured and wounded in the attack. he lost his thumb. the chinese were going after them with knives and trying to puncture these inflatable boats that the filipinos -- or the philippines have in the south china sea there. you've got the chinese trying to push back on anybody that comes into their sphere of influence, close to their country, south china sea, other places. this is something, the key thing here, we have a commitment with the philippines that if they are attacked by china or by anyone else, we have to come to their defense. so what the president there has said is that if there's one person killed, if there's one philippine national that's killed from either their coast guard or navy, that could sent us into a hot war with china. that's something nobody's watching. >> who knew the situation was on a knife's edge. so precarious and simmering right before our very eyes. matt miller says the u.s. stands with its ally, the philippine, and condemned the irresponsible actions by china. john, thank you very much for joining us. have a good worning. >> you, too. >> former president trump leading president biden in six swing states including pennsylvania, where he will rally voters there tomorrow. >> doug luzader in washington with more. >> reporter: this is a good reminder that this is a state by state contest. we just had a new fox news poll out this week giving biden an edge over trump nationally, but that was in the margin of error. it is the critical swing states that will determine who wins in november. let's take a look at some of those numbers. this is a pretty breakdown of the politics, average of polls in six key swing states. maybe not. arizona, nevada, michigan and pennsylvania, wisconsin and georgia. there they are. you see there trump has a lead in all of them, although in some the margin is extremely tight. we're seeing a real split here in how trump and biden are preparing for next week's debate. president biden left for camp biden for debate practice while trump prefers policy briefings. >> he's out talking to real americans about the challenges that affect everybody. when i say everybody they affect everybody. the thing you talked about, whether it's the open border, the fentanyl, whether it's inflation, high interest rates. these aren't partisan issues. these are affecting everybody in america trying to work and put food on the table, gas in their car. he's talking to real americans about the issues that matter the most to them. i think that's fantastic debate prep. >> and finally the may fund-raising numbers are in. these are some eye popping figures. the biden team raised $85 million. in any other year that would be a staggering number. trump campaign pulled in $141 million. this was a critical test for trump. these are the first total fund-raising numbers we have seen since his felony convictions in new york last month. >> we have a few more months to go before the election. we'll see if they raise even more money after the debate. where are people getting this money? >> give me a little sliver of that. i got some shoes to buy. >> chump change. just walking around money. >> thank you very much. >> hey, remember meatball, the philadelphia influencer who was arrested for live streaming chaos last year? has the meatball been cooked? we got a big update. >> and people have had enough of crime and lawlessness and they are planning a major rally in her district. we're going to be talking to the democrat turned republican who's helping lead that charge coming up next. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now we're introducing ultimate speed for business, our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds at no additional cost. from the company with 99.9% network reliability and advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. >> we are back with a fox weather alert. tropical storm alberto dissipates in new mexico leaving three people dead. three were under the age of 18. that storm still threatening the texas coast with heavy rain and flooding. some areas have already received nearly a foot of rain. >> that scorching heat wave is shifting to new york and the i-95 corridor. we're bracing for 90 degree temperatures here in nyc. they could last seven days in a row. over 100 million americans across the northeast and southwest are under heat advisories this morning. we have our fox weather forecast. still hot. >> here we go, yes. little taste of what's to come maybe this summer. summer officially arrived yesterday. taking a look across the great lakes, the ohio valley and the northeast. the good news is we had a cold front move through new england so the temperatures have relaxed there, which is great. but they hang around for parts of the mid-atlantic and the northeast so the forecast heat index well into the 90s. we're talking about major to extreme heat risk for indiana and ohio, intowards the new york city area not only today but tomorrow where temperatures are going to exceed 100 degrees when you factor in the humidity. here's the heat index for today. high 90s, close to 100. tomorrow it's worse than that for washington, d.c., baltimore, up towards philadelphia and new york. when will it end? welsh it is summertime, so it is going to remain hot. but we do have a cold front that's going to push through sunday. that's going to bring some relief especially in terms of the humidity. so even though it's still going to be warm -- it is summertime after all -- we'll cut back on the humidity so we will be more along the average for this time of year. so detroit, monday 82. indianapolis 89. got a lot of 80s here. that's the good news. so little bit of relief. you touched upon the fact that we could see some heavy rain for texas as well as the southwest. that is the remnants of alberto. then we also have the potential for heavy rain moving in from the pacific for the southwest. cold front, that cold front that's gonna bring some relief for the midwest and the northern plains. that's gonna move through and bring the potential of some showers and thunderstorms. we end with the tropics. we had alberto. we've got disturbance in the same area that we saw alberto this week. we have invest 92l. that could potentially develop. we're not talking about hurricane. i don't even think we're talking about a tropical storm. it's going to move towards the southeast. so that's something we have to watch. obviously, but i don't think it will be a big deal. >> interestingly, we were thinking of naming our second invest 92l but decided not to. >> usually they're people names. this is the beginning. area of interest. >> interesting. >> we didn't know, but now we know. happy friday. the fbi raiding the home of oakland california's mayor. she also faces a recall effort over the city's raging crime. she's having a bad week. agents were seen carrying boxes from the home. the bureau has not released any details about why they were there. it's also unclear what was taken. comes after community organizers gathered more than 40,000 signatures to recall the mayor claiming she is not doing enough to fight crime. this is the first mayoral recall in oakland's history and it will be on the ballot in november. >> and residents say they've had enough of crime and lawlessness so they're going to be rallying tomorrow, demanding politicians step up and fix it. a democrat turned republican candidate who is organizing this rally joins me now. ramsey, great to see you. how bad is the quality of life in aoc's district right now? >> it's just continuing to deteriorate. we have an uptick in migrant crime. we have the issue that just happened the other day with this monster raping a 13-year-old, tying them up in the park. luckily, we had our residents here in corona that were able to subdue this man and hold him down until the police came. things need to change. it's just gone out of control. there's way too much crime, too much lawlessness in the streets. too many things happening that we have no control over. we are demanding law and order be brought back to our city. >> this prostitution, drugs happening in that district. when i went to that district, i met with you briefly when i was visiting that district a couple months ago. when we spoke to people, lot of people wouldn't speak to us. those that did say lot of people are scared but a of the ramifications. the blow back they could receive. when you see a rally like this happening tomorrow, is that changeing? are people saying, look, we've had enough. we're willing to risk whatever blow back we get to try and change this horrific neighborhood right now? >> it's time for our voices to be heard. our local politicians from aoc, to jessica ramos and all the other state assembly people that are in office are just turning a blind eye and deaf ear to us. the residents are all frustrated, we're tired of it. we want law and order. we want things to come back to normalcy. we need our streets back. we need to be able to feel safe walking in our streets. this rally is a call for every city, basically, in the tri state area or even past that. if you can come to new york tomorrow at 1 p.m. and meet us at the jackson heights post office and walk with us, let your voice be heard. let everybody know we're done with this lawlessness. we're done with the issues of crime. we're done with being a sanctuary city. we need to start bringing law and order back to new york city and making ourselves great again. >> do you think grass roots movements like yours like we're going to see tomorrow at this rally are enough to get aoc voted out of office? >> they are. everybody is fed up with everything that's going on. no one sees aoc in the district. no one sees anybody coming through to try to help the situation. we're just basically doing things on our own. boots to the ground is going to make things happen. we have a lot of good republican candidates coming into the area. we are starting to, you know, build that community where people are able to voice their opinions and be heard. there's too much of this, let's shun them and keep it quiet, they'll go away. that's it. we're out here. we're gonna keep on fighting for what's right. i'm starting a group called citizens united and we're gonna come together every single time that there's an injustice or there's an issue. there's no more staying silent. it's our turn to speak up. >> you said republicans are stepping up. you had the guy at the top of the republican ticket visit the bronx there saying he's going to turn new york city around. we'll see if donald trump gets enough votes to ultimately get into the white house to do so. ramses, thank you. good luck tomorrow. video showing someone tearing down an israeli flag right off a porch in baltimore. turns out this is the second time in two weeks that flag's owner says he's seen this and he's had enough. he's gonna join us next. >> manhattan da alvin bragg just dropped targets for almost all of the anti-israel protesters. we'll get joe's stance on that. hey, joe. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover why “life is better under a sunsetter...” it's like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story. you'll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there's no obligation. with sunsetter, you'll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save! have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? 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>> as somebody who has a girl that's turning 11 in a month or two, to hear what this man did, this monster. let's not call him a man at this point. who should have never been in this country in the first place and should have been deported a long time ago, as you said, gagging a 13-year-old girl, proceeding to rape her, all while filming the act, is something that one would think that all of us, regardless of your political ideology, would condemn times 100. but, oh no. this is joy reed, this is congressman jiapahl. therefore, we get a taste of the thoughts of the two most horrible people on the planet laughing about this or calling it fear mongering. yeah, this is just something fox news is conjuring up to make people vote for donald trump, i guess. no, this is happening on a daily basis it feels like, whether we either hear about somebody from venezuela killing a laken riley while she's out for a run, 22 years old at the university of georgia. or we hear about these rapes, these murders that keep happening over and over that could have been prevented if we simply had something resembling border security and enforcing the laws on the books. instead, this is what we have here. this is a problem. to the point that this is a number one issue going into this campaign. tissue of illegal immigration. that includes some people, they're not here to apply for a job at wal-mart and make their lives better in this country. many coming over have that thought process. we have some that are coming to do harm to americans, whether we're talking about a rapist in this case, or actual terrorists from isis k or from al qaeda, who we just saw last week. eight were arrested from isis k in philadelphia and new york and san francisco. there's many, many more. we're looking at another october 7th if we don't do something about this now. under this administration, it simply is not going to happen all while we have some in the media who think it's just fear mongering. what a joke. >> such a joke. this underscores the media and left's view of government which is to give what they view as downtrodden people another chance or equity. they don't seem to realize the only goal of government is to make you, me, our families feel safe. that's it. that's all you should be doing. everything else is fluff. they don't understand it. that's why they get ridiculous reactions like that. before we let you go, want to get your thoughts on this final topic. alvin bragg now dropping charges for nearly all the pro palestinian protesters who took over hamilton hall at columbia back in april. we knew this would happen. but, joe, what message does this send, one, to those rioters? and that's what they are. but also the students who are going to columbia just trying to get an education, do the right thing? what's the message, joe? >> what about the janitors that were literally taken hostage by these people against their will? that is a crime. doing everything they did as far as you see the fires. you see the property damage. you see the threats to jewish students. how do you just get off scott free? oh, that's right, alvin bragg is the guy who is in charge. this once again shows difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. i guess alvin bragg is too busy prosecuting former presidents over bookkeeping errors to prosecute actual criminals that deserve to be behind bars. this is why, by the way, more people are fleeing new york than any other state in the country. california's a close second. they're all going to places like florida, texas, tennessee, south carolina, georgia. the police are leaving in droves because they keep arresting people, doing their jobs, only to see them back out on the street because d.a. alvin bragg wants it that way. this is all by design. it sends the message that if you want to do this again, go right ahead, slap on the wrist, maybe at best, and you can go back on your way. i'll end this segment the same way i ended the last topic. what a joke, an absolute joke. >> absolutely no lesson learned there. joe, thank you very much for joining us. have a great weekend. >> thanks, joe. >> have a good weekend. >> caught on video ripping down an israeli flag from a medical office in baltimore. it turns out this isn't the first time. just a couple weeks ago different israeli flag stolen. the owner of the flags says this should be treated as a hate crime. dr. john parker joins me now. to be clear, you originally put up these flags in october at the outset of the violence there in israel. they were taken down. you decided to put up the camera. what are you thinking when you see this footage on your screen? >> it's absolutely hateful. it's the same fellow. it's just -- it's my business, my property. just so -- the anger in his face. you can see it. it's just awful. >> do you feel violated by this guy? >> i do. i do. i feel violated. it's just an afront to decency. it's evil. it's a hate crime. i have got my guard up, but i'm not going to be intimidated by this. it's just awful. >> to be clear, this is a flag that you put up at your medical office. you are a doctor trying to help people. one of the interesting parts about all of this, dr. parkerson, you aren't even jewish. why did you decide to fly the israeli flag in the first place? >> i have got other flags flying in front of the office for decades. after october 7th i just thought it was the rite thing to do, to support the jewish and israeli communities. i have got relatives and friends, colleagues that are jewish. my wife is a good catholic woman. she worked at a jewish hospital for years. we certainly have some sympathy to the jewish people. i didn't do it to antagonize anybody. i think i have got a right to express my opinion and not be violently attacked like this. >> you do have that right. that's what you work hard for to pay taxes for so that you can live in this country so that you have that freedom. will this guy's repeated vandalism deter you in any way, doctor? >> no, sir, not at all. we've got great support from local groups called the baltimore resign district. the new flag is up. we're gonna keep moving. we're not going to be intimidated by this criminal. >> great to hear. we thank you for sharing your story for us. hopefully, this video opens up some more eyes and maybe somebody sees that, knows that guy, helps catch him and let him know this is unacceptable in the united states of america. dr. parkerson, thank you. switching gears. 12-year-old whiz kid headed off to college in the fall. >> we have a real treat for you coming up. you're going to get to meet him when he joins us live right here after this. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. >> the new york governor signing a first in the nation bill banning social media addictive platforms for children. it blocks feeds from targeting kids and prevents notification on kids' phones between midnight and 6 a.m. unless they have parental consent. it will go into effect 180 days after the u.s. attorney general finalizes the rules against social media companies. she's busy going after trump so she needs time. meta says while they don't agree with every aspect of the bill they will, quote, continue to work with policy makers in new york and elsewhere to advance this approach. best story of the day. >> a 12-year-old genius will become the youngest student to ever graduate from a long island high school. saborno isaac barry will take home his diploma from high school next week and plans to attend nyu this fall. he took some time out of his studies to join us. congratulations. just 12 years old. how does it feel to be graduating high school, going off the college in august? >> it's absolutely insane. i can't imagine this kind of feeling. when i was 4 or 5 could never imagine i would be here today. i have been trying to advance my education to the highest standard ever possible. i have been trying to reach new heights every day. this is not where i want to stop, but it's a land mark where i want to sit down and say, i really achieved something. i'm really excited about my high school graduation and i can't wait to see what's in store for me in college. >> this isn't where you want to stop. this is just a land mark, a goal you wanted to hit. what is your ultimate goal? have you figured that out yet? >> yeah, of course. i have got everything figured out. i have got a road map in front of me. i'm just kidding, obviously. i think that even though this is a great place to stop and think about where i am right now, ultimately i have always wanted to understand the universe and help everyone understand it in a more intuitive fashion. right now there are so many people being fed up with how hard science is currently. so they turn to these fake things like the quantumness to feel better about themselves. instead i want to make understanding science, understanding the meaning behind our world intuitive to everyone. >> the lord blessed you with an amazing brain. maybe one day you will be able to figure that out and answer all of our questions about the universe. this is usually a question that we ask parents, but i'll ask it to you. when do you remember when you were little -- you mentioned when you were 4 years old. do you remember the time when you realized that you were brighter than the average 2-year-old, 4-year-old and that things just came a little easier for you? >> well, i guess i wouldn't say that i'm smarter than your 12-year-old. maybe in terms of math. really, i have just had parents that have access to lots of resources in physics. but more importantly, parents who love their children and who want them to succeed in the best way possible. >> they are standing off to the side. you must be so proud of your son. they're smiling and shaking their heads, so they are. your mom said when you were 2 you memorized the periodic table. you asked what n + n is. you are an amazing child. in math and physics, you don't even think of that as studying, right? it's something that you love and it just comes easy to you. >> yeah, of course. i'm studying for language class, history class, civics class, the things that i actually struggle with. >> how old is your brother? >> he's 21. he's studying qwantum physics. you help each other with your homework? >> sort of. i think he helps me. >> that's sweet. that's sweet. you plan to graduate college at 16 years old. is that right? >> i plan to graduate at 14 years old and get my ph.d. at 16. >> what do you like to do outside math and physics? >> so, of course, what i love doing is just relaxing like any other 12-year-old would do. playing with my brother or just playing by myself. playing board games, chess, scrabble. doesn't really matter. working on my vegetable garden. whatever i have to myself. of course, sometimes you have to get lost in the rabbit holes that are, for example, social media or games. but i find getting addicted to them only harms your positivity and your productivity. i have had myself fall into that hole once or twice. staying focused. >> you seem like a well rounded and well balanced kid with, my goodness, such a bright future. congratulations on your high school graduation. it's coming up in one week, all before 13 years old. you plan to graduate college very soon as well. suborno, thank you so much for joining us. have a great day. and you woke up early as well. lawrence, how amazing is he? >> not just amazing, i'm feeling like i'm underachieving. graduating at 12? how do you even measure to that? >> one of a kind. >> good morning. thanks. coming up this morning on fox and friends, border disorder. two venezuelan migrants accused of abducting and strangling a 12-year-old texas girl. apparently they were released into the u.s. after crossing illegally. this as president trump gives condolences to rachel morin. the migrants arrested in her murder were caught and deported three times before entering last year. rachel's sister is going to join us live. plus slipping support. biden facing the lowest approval among female voters of any democrat in decades. why is that? how his weak lead is sending warning signs to dems. and we're putting social media on notice. 13-year-olds are being exposed to explicit videos on social media. how one state is stepping up to protect our children. we're breaking it down, next. and country's breakout star is ready to hit the fox stage in fox square. alena springsteen makes her all-american debut coming up. join us at the top of the hour. we got a big show. you don't want to miss a minute of it. see y'all. but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. shop now, and bring home incredible comfort during our july 4th sale, and save $400 on select mattresses. stearns & foster®. what comfort should be. learn more at force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that's why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. >> carley: philadelphia rapper known as meatball five years. mass looting of several businesses last year. she is required to complete 150 hours of community service and pay a $10,000 fine. the d.a. says she used her massive social media following to encourage others to join the mayhem. looters targeted several stores including apple and lulu lemon also a liquor store. smashed windows and stole merchandise. the chaos began after charges were dropped in a non-related shooting. do you remember that situation? and there is the update. >> todd: never saw meat loaf doing that only meatball. >> carley: former president trump will campaign in philadelphia massive rallies in democrat strongholds. during trump's visit, our next guest wants to present him with this honorary custom championship belt. >> david feldman is the ceo of celebrating boxing and joins us now. day monday, freight to see you as always, besides good publicity and the fact that trump's name is already emblazen on the belt. why are you hoping to give this belted to trump? >> well, you know, celebrity boxing did there first ever event at taj mahal. trump gave me my first opportunity 12 years ago to do my first ever celebrity boxing event. it's perfect timing. i have been thinking how am i going to get this belt looking for speakers. i'm not going to speak saturday. i'm going to be there as a guest. i'm hoping to give him the championship belt. and the celebrate boxing ring. and the reason for trump doing this is because, you know, he is a fight guy. and, you know, we do need a change a change. hopefully this guy steps up and does it. this is a little token. i have kept this for six months. i knew i was going to get it to him at some point. and hoping saturday i'm able to get it to him saturday. free token. show our appreciation and we need him. >> carley: i remember last time you were on you had the belt. this could be your weekend to give it to him that could be a cool moment for you. you mentioned it a bit about how there needs to be a change in country. clearly your focus in terms of your career is boxing. what do you mean by that change? do you also like donald trump's policies? >> policy, also, children. we can't have another pandemic happen. you know, like that was so -- so tough and emotional, you know, as a parent on hoping our kids are able to be able to live at the right life. be able to go to school properly and just do the right thing. and it just seemed like it was so hurtful to be -- have to go through that. and i'm just hoping, you know, everything trump is saying is like anybody else. he steps up and makes this whole thing, you know, the right way now. >> todd: damon as you know boxing comes to winners and losers, somebody wins and somebody loses. this election could come down to your state of pennsylvania. whoever wins it is probably going to win the presidency. based upon what your friends, family, neighbors are telling you, will donald j. trump win the keystone state? >> well, i mean, that's what people step up. millions of followers. we need to step up and need a change. with my big fight coming up with shane mosley, and sam are a. my return to philadelphia. i will be pushing this so hopefully to push trump with everybody that's going to be part of this event has to know that trump has to run it. you know, and has to win this thanks full of knuckle film. they're behind me with touch also. we got to push donald trump in winning this, you know. >> todd: damon feldman. good luck this weekend. hopefully the secret service doesn't rough you up. if they do that's another story if they check back in with you. >> i already had to go through the secret service. >> todd: is he going to check -- david, thank you. and we leave you with this. attribute to willie mays and negro league baseball in birmingham, alabama, america's oldest ballpark. st. louis cardinals beating the san francisco giants 6-5 during the mlb historic game. reverend throwing out the first pitch. he played with mays back in 1948. >> boy, i have many memories of this place because we were the only team that played here other than the white team it was a blessing to have been a part of such an experience that we had. >> willie mays was your teammate. you were his mentor. what could you tell us about wily when he was that age? >> he was a determined young man. he had the gifts, the talent. >> todd: threw back to the 1954 world series. special legendary wily mays catch. lining the third and first baselines in special edition jerseys. this was awesome. a beautiful tribute and a beautiful tribute to willy mays. >> the fact that he remembered him as a young man is also very cool. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪

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Storm Alberto , Fox Weather Alert , 18 , Areas , Rain , Degree Temperatures , Foot , Coast , Flooding , Heat Wave , Heavy Rain , I 95 , 90 , 95 , Heat , Fox , Row , Weather Forecast , Seven , 100 Million , Front , Temperatures , Move , Taste , Summer , Northeast , Ohio Valley , Yes , Great Lakes , New England , Heat Index , Parts , Heat Risk , Mid Atlantic , The 90s , Intowards , Indiana , Area , Baltimore , Humidity , High 90s , Relief , Welsh , Lot , Terms , Indianapolis , So Detroit , 89 , 82 , Fact , Alberto , Southwest , Potential , Remnants , Pacific , Heavy Rain Moving , 80 , Gonna , Cold Front , Disturbance , Showers , Tropics , Midwest , Thunderstorms , Northern Plains , Southeast , Hurricane , Invest 92l , 92 , Deal , Second Invest 92l , Home , Oakland California S , Interest , Beginning , Names , Mayor , City , Recall , Details , Agents , Bureau , Effort , Boxes , Signatures , Ballot , Community Organizers , 40000 , Residents , Politicians , Candidate , Issue , Aoc , Quality , Uptick , Ramsey , Monster , The Park , Corona , Things , Streets , Control , Law And Order , Drugs , Prostitution , District A , Saying , Blow , Changeing , Ramifications , Neighborhood , Voices , State Assembly , Ear , Normalcy , Eye , Jessica Ramos , Call , Walking , Tri State Area , Jackson Heights , Voice , Post Office , Sanctuary City , Grass Roots , Everything , Boots , No One , Ground , Community , Candidates , Opinions , Fighting , Group , Citizens United , Guy , Turn , Staying Silent , Republicans , Injustice , Ticket , Flag , Luck , Someone , Israeli , Votes , Video Showing , Ramses , White House , Owner , Protesters , Targets , Manhattan Da , Next , Joe , Stance , Patio , Deck , Outside , Sunsetter Retractable Awning , Sun , Sunsetter , Protection , Living Space , Pricing , Uv Rays , Sun Glare , 20 , 60 , 000 , Awning , Discount Certificate , Kit , Retreat , 00 , 99 , 200 , 799 , Offer , Awning Solutions , Families , Warranty , 1 Million , 10 , Extension , Evening Enjoyment , Options , Extra , Add Led Lighting , Sunsetter Story , Price , Styles , Friends , Obligation , Dealer Info , The Ultimate Outdoor Living Space , Walk In Tub , Save , Safe Step Walk In Tub , Touch Pad Control , Tub , Warm Bath , Hydrotherapy System , Fast Fill Faucet , Seat , Fingertips , Safe Step , Water Jets , Increase Mobility , Relieve Pain , Sleep , Skin , Tubs , Microsoothe Advanced Air Therapy System Oxygenates , Safety , Comforts , Bathing , Information , Consultation , Stilts , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Hi Honey , Pay , Line , Liberty , Hot Dog Stand , Ahhh Ooh , Border Agents , Suspect , Both , Immigrant , Rachel Morin , Protections , Cable Networks , Banner , Citizens , Cnn Banner , Problem , Part , Contributor , Fear Mongering , Foxes Banner , Little Girl , 11 , Place , Point , Gagging , Ideology , Congressman Jiapahl , Joy Reed , Oh No , Planet , Run , Basis , University Of Georgia , Venezuela , Laken Riley , 22 , Books , Border Security , Rapes , Many , Lives , Immigration , Tissue , Job , Wal Mart , Harm , Isis K In Philadelphia , Rapist , Al Qaeda , Media , Joke , Administration , San Francisco , October 7th , 7 , Goal , Government , Chance , Equity , View , Fluff , Reactions , Message , Charges , Topic , Send , Columbia , Over Hamilton Hall , Palestinian , Students , Education , Rioters , Janitors , Hostage , Jewish , Will , Fires , Property Damage , Threats , Criminals , Genius , Difference , Presidents , Bookkeeping Errors , Stupidity , Limits , Estate , Bars , Second , Droves , South Carolina , Tennessee , Florida , D A , Design , Sagain , Jobs , Slap , The Street , Weekend , Best , Wrist , Segment , Lesson , Video , Flags , Isn T The First Time , Hate Crime , Dr , Outset , Violence , Camera , John Parker , Property , Footage , Screen , Fellow , Danger , Afront , Decency , Doctor , Guard Up , Parkerson , Wife , Rite Thing , Communities , Colleagues , Relatives , Catholic , Hospital , Sympathy , Right , Freedom , Opinion , Taxes , Support , Groups , Vandalism , Sir , Criminal , Whiz Kid , Treat , Boutique Hotel , Body Doubles , 30000 , Mountain Cabin , Purpose , Newday Usa , Loan , Service , Veterans , Ones , Mortgage Company , Duty , Freedoms , Opportunity , Labor Of Love , Care , Music Plays , Loved Ones , Governor , Nation Bill Banning Social Media , Platforms , Children , Kids , Effect , Consent , Targeting , Notification , Phones , U S Attorney General , 180 , 6 , Meta , Social Media Companies , Bill , Elsewhere , Rules , Policy Makers , Aspect , Isaac Barry , High School , Student , Approach , Diploma , Long Island High School , Saborno , Congratulations , Studies , Time Out , Nyu , Standard , Kind , Feeling , 4 , 5 , Isn T , Land Mark , High School Graduation , Store , Stop , Course , Road Map , Everyone , Universe , Fashion , Science , Quantumness , Questions , World , Meaning , Brain , Lord , Parents , Question , Math , Little , Physics , Side , Lots , Resources , Son , Heads , Child , Mom , N , Periodic Table , Brother , Language Class , Civics Class , History Class , 21 , Homework , Qwantum Physics , Ph D At , 16 , Whatever , Playing , Matter , Doesn T , Vegetable Garden , Scrabble , Chess , Board Games , Rabbit Holes , Games , Whole , Example , Productivity , Positivity , Bright Future , Staying , Suborno , Lawrence , One Of A Kind , Fox And Friends , Underachieving , Border Disorder , Abducting , Crossing , Condolences , Sister , Approval , Videos , Warning Signs , Dems , Star , All American , It Down , Debut , The Fox Stage In Square , Alena Springsteen , Stearns Foster That , Materials , Ultra Conforming Intellicoils , Beautiful Mattress , Big Show , Memory Foam , Comfort , Mattresses , Shop , July 4th Sale , 400 , July 4th , Beets , Blood Pressure , Force Factor , Brand , Friends And Family , Stearnsandfoster Com , Nitric Oxide , Heart Health , Rush To Walmart , Carley , Businesses , Community Service , Looting , Fine , 0000 , 10000 , 150 , Stores , Liquor Store , Looters , Apple , Merchandise , Shooting , Mayhem , Others , Lulu Lemon , Smashed Windows , During Trump , Guest , Todd , Rallies , Visit , Strongholds , Meat Loaf , Belt , Boxing , Championship Belt , Day Monday , Ceo , Name , David Feldman , Event , Celebrity Boxing Event , Celebrity Boxing , Taj Mahal , Boxing Ring , Reason , Timing , Speakers , Token , Fight Guy , Change A , Him , Appreciation , Change , Career , Focus , Bit , Pandemic , Policies , Policy , Parent , Everything Trump , Anybody Else , Losers , Somebody Loses , Somebody Wins , Winners , Presidency , Win , Neighbors , Fight , Return , Followers , Shane Mosley , Sam , Touch , Secret Service , Damon Feldman , Knuckle Film , Willie Mays , Attribute , Negro League Baseball , Birmingham , Ballpark , Pitch , Historic Game , Alabama , Louis Cardinals , Mlb , Reverend , San Francisco Giants , Team , Memories , Boy , 1948 , Teammate , Blessing , Experience , Mentor , Baselines , Talent , Gifts , Special Edition Jerseys , World Series , Special Legendary Wily Mays Catch , 1954 , Tribute , Willy Mays ,

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