Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240620

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visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. >> shots fired, shots fired! shots fired, shots fired! >> sandra: the officers shot during a crop house call in illinois catching tents standoff due in court a short time for not facing multiple charges including first-degree murder. that's where we find ourselves at the top of a new hour at 2:00 on the east coast welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york and jacqui hello and gray tabby today. >> jacqui: thank you for having me, sandor i'm jacqui heinrich in for john roberts this is "america reports." it all started when officers responded to a home after reports of a suicidal threat after several attempts to contact the suspect police entered the home and we will play this out for our audience and we want to warn you that we know mike video is graphic. >> heads up here, heads up here. wait, wait. [gunshots] >> shots fired, shots fired! shots fired! he is hit, just and i've got you, i've got you go and get him here and get them come and get them them. pull, pull! >> it's my house! >> get up, get up! he is inside? >> medic, medic, medic! >> and police find out one of their own is down. >> check your left side. okay? >> here, here, here is this okay or no? >> i don't know. >> yeah, right here. >> if you can't breed go to your side. >> i can breathe. >> stay right there for me, please. >> who is down? >> the bad guy. >> thank you. >> stay right there for me. >> i need to go on my side. >> come towards me, come towards me. the only thing i haven't checked is his -- >> were going to check on you okay? i'm taking a vest off. if you can help that's great. i've got you, jay. >> sounds like we have one in custody. >> let's go right to mike tobin in chicago, what a frightening scene right there. >> it certainly was. it's an example of what law enforcement really is up against every day and this man accused of shooting the three officers in illinois said to go before an oval county judge. any minute now his name is jonathan good narrows looking at for accounts of attempted first or a murder and three arms of aggravated discharge of a firearm and discharging of a gun without an at epic identification card. saying his mother called saying his he was holed up more than 60 calls went unanswered and the decision was then made to break open a door and storm into the house. that's when you saw shots were fired. good narrows was hit in the abdomen three officers on the emergency response team or hit, deputy jason cutter was shot in the face. he was rushed into surgery and release from the hospital with other officers applauding as he left. one task force member hit in the body armor, another was hit in the arm, they will all be okay it looks like. jacqui back to you. >> jacqui: wow is all i can say. mike, thank you. center? >> sandra: thank god. the first time since october fox polling showing president biden leading former president trump by two points in a hypothetical matchup and as of now it is a razor-thin race to the white house. as the two prepare for the upcoming cnn presidential de debate. >> there is nearly 11 weeks between this debate in the next one so whatever happens in this one is going to have an outside outsized and i think durable effect on the outcome of the race. >> sandra: let's bring in "fox & friends" cohost brian kilmeade also the host of "one nation" brian we have spent some time to together today as i joined you on your radio show and we have chatted about this but how do you see this going based on what is sort of a low bar now set for biden because of all these recent videos showing him not really energetic to say the least so how does this go? >> a couple things 90 minutes two breaks don't meet with anybody during it, don't take out any notes in real time. having said all that if trump goes out with a mind-set i have a record to defend not a program to implement heat should feel good about it because most of the american people think he did better in his four years then joe biden. joe biden it's not a matter to me i think is whether he will eat his words will heed tail off at the end or freeze up just defend your four years. in trump's mind-set he will be able to defend his four meet years. world is an upward a good 20% more the border is utterly collapsed we have a series of murders and rapes for the last couple of legal immigrant so if trump can loosen up and be the guy from 2016 and is not one who had covid by the way in his defense of the time it turns out he was positive for covid so factor that in. when he says listen when you have some time, joe can you look into the camera but instead of lying tell the truth and say that laptop was real that the 51 intel agents were put up by your secretary of state and what else are you lying about and saying you had nothing to do with the business dealings but you showed up at lunch, can you look into that camera right now and tell us the truth what else are you lying about? at the same time defending his philosophy and the economics foreign policy. look at for impulsive this week. but amir put in north korea signing a defense pact with another born nation kim jong un. compare that to president trump meeting with kim jong un in the hopes of de-escalating. so i think in terms of substance trump wins since he is able to annunciated. in the one-liner and interrupting because his microphone is going to be cut off i think it works on his best interest. >> jacqui: biden brian i want to get your thoughts on this they want to put on his heels oe fox pulling shows the future of democracy does matter to voters 68% said the top issue but the economy also matters and especially in swing states where abortion is not on the ballot like in michigan where it has been in trying the economy is consistently the top issue in the polls and even though the president had a bit of a bump he is at 32% approval right now. leave voters who view the economy rather excellent or good is 32%. that is a jump from march at 26%. i guess you could say things are improving but you are in the 20s and 30s so what can he say to counter that? >> you know the president yesterday said i am free on one it will be joe biden against me and that has to be's mind-set and if you watch the sunday shows on all channels which i do on sundays much to my family's they are not pleased by it but i watch all of them and you know it all their questions are, jacqui and sandra? january 6th and it's 2020 and the third one is will you except the result of these elections. the president has to accept it and say this is the deal it has been well litigated and things were wrong with 2020 but let me tell you what the american people care about its x, y, and z. get it back to economy get it back to growth get it back to greeting the economy and dare i say what came out this week as the infrastructure deal to mock trump then ever implement in half was because of the russian hoaxes aid to terminals being billed at $30 million cost for the millions of dollars of internet for rural communities nothing has been done. so it is great to have an infrastructure deal but you have to spend the money and actually have it put into play. >> but it serves no purpose otherwise. i pulled the sound bite, brown because it reminded me of something you and i discussed on your radio show earlier. this is chuck todd saying this version, the opposite of what you think you will say, this version of trump he says is actually reminding him of 2016. it's a warning to democrats. >> donald trump's rhetoric and even his swagger looks more like 2016. the donald trump of detroit and of the events he did was oddly loose, trying to be funny and all of this. >> saying the same thing earlier. >> i did not see the middle of the afternoon and msnbc. and to go full-circle people were talking about trump is losing it because biden is losing it too he is kicking back and talking about hannibal lector playing around and people going trump is losing it, no, he is having fun. that's what was picked up. >> sandra: one nation's going to be -- >> we are carrying some of the speech on saturday. governor huckabee gove governor sununu and you you will be there and we will broaden it out a little bit but a lot of action bringing it up on thursday. >> thank you. >> jacqui: it's a long wait to see the next debate 11 weeks later. the pentagon briefing following vladimir putin's visit this week. moscow 'leader had a agreement benefiting both to defend themselves from military adversaries both nations have escalating standoffs with the west. we will keep an eye on any news coming from that front. >> sandra: sad news donald sutherland has passed away the legendary actor famous food roles in mash, "the hunger games," and the invasion of the body snatchers. he was 88 years old, his son confirming this a short time ago he we will have a lab report in just a moment. and now this fox news alert erik and lyle menendez made famous after the gruesome murder of their parents, and from us i should say, they were sentenced to life in prison without parole but now they could walk free. i'll explain plus this. >> is this theater or does he think this is going to stand up in court? >> i don't need my young child asking me about adultery when he comes home from school. >> sandra: the ladies of the view had a lot to say about a new louisiana law requiring that the ten commandments be displayed in public schools. judge jeanine reacts to that and the challenges the state law could face. og's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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>> upset on world i will tell you, that is rich coming from the view. look, the ten commandments and moses and the ten commandments i mean it's in the supreme court and the department of justice it's the library of congress, it's all over and educational institutions all over this country. the problem here is you they are saying this is the imposition of religion and what they are missing out on here is the fact that there is a new litmus test when it comes to history and tradition in the constitution. this is not the imposition of a religion at all on the students, it is simply part of a display among other historical documents of what is the judeo-christian end as long as a benchmark on all of these religions but it's more so about history. this is where it all started. this is where it comes from. different than the law not related, do not cheat, do not steal so it's part of an educational set up or program then it is deeply rooted in history and survives the constitutional challenge. >> sandra: i reach out to the governor and asked for a renewed statement we just got one by the way he says he can't wait to be sued bring it on basically is what he is saying. he issued this new statement saying "i'm convinced we fix our country when we fix our states and we have seen across our country crime skyrocketing mental health on the decline and failing education. requiring the commandments at every public classroom is a step in the right direction to restore our morals and values. i am proud louisiana is the first state in louisiana to take this step" and i want to say this is important. >> if you have any doubt the doors to the courtroom are closed on the back of those doors is the tablet of the ten commandments in the u.s. house chamber in washington you will see the faces of noteworthy contributors to western civilization all except one placed directly above the speaker seat, moses." >> clearly this is information that is historical that leads to legal systems and that is the argument they are going to make that is not about religion it's about education, history, and the law. >> sandra: i want to ask you about the menendez brothers, convicted of plotting the execution of their parents, they are serving life or their parents a shotgun slayings. they came for a new transit freedom but can you tell us, judge? >> apparently there's a new california law which gives the district attorney the ability to resentence individuals were sentenced. so would they have life without parole for killing their mother and father? the truth is they will probably be released. i think one of the biggest issues that has come out recently as we did a fox nation special on that is the defendants were not allowed to put in evidence the fact that the father that had molested them and molested someone else the head of a record company they were in the cousins and told their cousins they did not want to sleep with their father. the last straw for them was when the youngest menendez son was told you can't go to college you have to stay home and no one was allowed in the corridor near the bedroom when the father was with the sun. all of this evidence was not allowed at the trial so based on the substance of the trial be got out now based on this new law and the liberal dav are going to get out. >> sandra: wow. >> watch the fox nation special on that. >> speaking of. speak to you are making us all so jealous with this. this is a sample of your life of luxury, your premier. >> welcome to stein erickson residences. so the whole idea here is you can literally ski to your residence. is there anything that isn't perfect here? it even smells wonderful. it's like breve in. okay, we are ready. >> sandra: you are amazing. >> stop it. the whole thing to remember robin leach the life of the rich and famous or whatever it was? we go to turks and caicos a private island, we go skiing, there we are. the plane literally goes right up to the lobby and you assign you to your room and we went to middleburg and rode horses. we have the best time. you have to watch this on fox nation. out now life of luxury. >> sandra: every time this comes up i was like i missed that assignment. >> you know what? i thought of it i said you know what, fox we need to do it and they said okay. >> sandra: but you realize it's a lot of work when you're on the ground. great to have you on all of that. by the way governor landry is going to be on this program tomorrow. so we look forward to having him here the governor of louisiana. judge, thank you. >> the constitutional challenge. >> sandra: we will cut the sound bite and play it tomorrow. we will see you on the five tonight. >> let me explain we weren't trying to hear any of it but there was nothing to explain. it was horrible. 13 innocent little girls. >> jacqui: a new york man jumped into action after spotting an illegal migrant accused of child rape the ecuadorian migrant's our rest we have coming from the border patrol council our doug quinto coming up next. >> sandra: plus donald sutherland has died at the age of 80 at his son's heartwarming tribute next. what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. on medicare? 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>> you know, jacqui, he was one of the most recognizable actors at his time. at the dirty dozen, ordinary people, even in "the hunger games" where he played that manipulative presidents know. his son, kiefer, wrote a few hours ago "with a heavy heart i tell you my father has passed away. i personally think he's one of the most important actors in the history of film." of the land had an me, two golden globes and other accolades but it doesn't capture how prolific he was. after some here in london is first major role was at age 35 as hawkeye pierce in mashed and then later this oddball tank commander in the heroes and later he had a romantic relationship with fellow antiwar activist jane fonda. after another dozen movies he appeared in oliver stone's jfk and the hit "backdrop" in 1991. he had this deep unique voice and you always recognized it paired he did a lot of commercials including four "delta and volvo. he also played roles featuring his long and straggly hair that made him look crazy. he had a great sense of humor and preparing for his acceptance speech for his oscar as well as his hollywood walk of fame star. he quoted the late comedian jack benny saying this. >> i think he hit the nail right on the head. he said "thank you. thank you. i don't deserve this, but i have arthritis and i don't deserve that either." >> married three times he is the father of kiefer sutherland who said on x that i mentioned donald was never daunted by a role good bad or ugly, he loved what he did and did what he loved and one could never ask for more then. a life well lived." age 88, jacqui but a long and memorable career, thank you. >> jacqui: such a loss to the industry when you saw his face you knew it was going to be a good movie. paired we will miss him. william la jeunesse, thank you. >> sandra: jacqui the effects of a open border when they have set up a camp encampment they are demanding rooms at a vacant hotel and dan springer is live outside of the makeshift camp for us right now so dan what are you seeing out there? >> take a look. this gap is growing to 270 people or so and they tell you exactly what they want which is full access to that empty hotel just feet away one side asking to president biden for help. asylum-seekers are from angola, congo, and venezuela. they bounced around from different encampments and had a short stint in a hotel until the county stopped paying the bill and now they are set up next to a old econo lodge hotel and threw some nonprofits are demanding the city of kent and king county open hotel is a shelter periods >> it's obvious there is no barrier to get into other than this agreement by the the county and the city to make. it will be long-term housing we can provide to asylum-seekers who are right here in front of it and desperately needed. >> but it's not that easy to hotel has been owned by the county for my focal years briefly used as a quarantine shall drink of covert and now it is so run down it would take millions of dollars to bring up the code. the county says it does not have the money. kent wants the migrant camp cleared but king county has jurisdiction that won't help enforce eight trespassed violation issued two weeks ago with no end in sight to the stalemate the worry grows. >> we have seen national reports and in influx of gangs from venezuela and other parts they infiltrate these asylum seeker camps and they run drugs and human trafficking and do all of these other things. >> the migrants are among a group of some 2,000 asylum-seekers who have come through a church in nearby washington who has declared an emergency and spent $1.4 million on a crisis that just started coming up a couple of years ago. king county has spent 5 million on the state of washington and they have earmarked $30 million for this problem but with things like this all of the place is clearly not enough, sandra? >> dan springer thank you. jacqui? >> let's bring a national border patrol council vice president. art, that's a pretty incredible scene we just saw play out to have migrants setting up camp outside of a hotel and basically demanding they be able to take it over. do you expect from your expertise we will see more of this because we talked last hour about migrants going into cities after crossing the border running two resources there and being eager to jump on a bus and go to another city where someone, a cartel or whomever, says you may have better luck out there. so should we expect to see more and more of this as cities run out of their resources? >> unfortunately you will continue to see more and more because of an administration that does not care to fix the problem. when you start looking at taxpayer money being spent to try to house these individuals or to raise money, all they have to do is turn around and use some of that money, hire more immigration judges or so officers, look at the actual case and see if they have a asylum case and those that don't have a silent you tell them you don't have a case and you send them back to the country they came from. that's how simple it is. i know it sounds horrific to some people when they hear me say it but that's what it comes down to. these people came asking for asylum. they want their day in court, give them their day in court. hurry up fast track it, realize who qualifies and who doesn't and we realize the majority will not qualify and start sending these individuals back. that alone will drop the numbers. >> i want to get your take on these twin executive actions we had. the white house turning off the spigot so to say telling people to border is closed once we are at a surge capacity and then at the same time critics say to appease the democrats and the immigration advocates who are unhappy with that plan issuing protections for spouses or undocumented spouses some half a million. plus children under the age of 21 another 50,000. texas' governor said this is going to counteract the first executive order. i want to tell you what he said. >> the cartels learn that more than half a million americans, not americans, more than half a million illegal immigrants are getting amnesty the cartels will use that to get more business and antagonize more people coming across the border. >> jacqui: do you agree with that that policy is nullifying the other? >> look, governor abbott is 100% correct. it's more than just turning off the faucet, what they did as they turned off the sprinkler system in the middle of a hurricane. though it's really not doing anything to stop the flow of the water. so happening now is the cartels know what they are doing, they know how to move people from one area to the other. both of these actions from this administration all it is going to do is enhance more illegal flow into the united states. in fact the very first action where they made or they allowed for the unaccompanied juveniles to slip through the cracks so they are able to still come through. now we will see an uptick in unaccompanied juveniles just like you did during the obama administration. you will have a lot of unaccompanied juveniles come across because they know it blocks up the system. they know it takes away agents from the field. that is what that order is going to do and you turn around and look at the new amnesty, that is nothing but political pandering because they want to show they want the votes come november. it is tragic because the real losers here are law-abiding citizens that have gone through the proper channels to get some type of immigration process and the american public. >> jacqui: we will continue to watch and again we appreciate your time, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> sandra: thank you, jacqui the san francisco giants are taking on the st. louis cardinals at america's ballpark paying homage to late hall of famer willie mays. just ahead. >> jacqui: plus showing president biden leading over former president trump a trumpet still gaining where it matters to voters. we have larry kudlow on how the race of the white house could all come down to the economy. >> he is chomping at the bit to react to that and meanwhile aft actor donald sutherland has passed away at the age of 88 years old start of "match" and "hunger games" he passed away confirmed by his son, kiefer, a short time ago we remember him today. ♪ ♪ in over 180 countries... 'samme speed to president biden is leading over former president donald trump of the first time since october in our latest fox news polling but the former president still has a five-point lead when it comes to who voters trust to handle the economy our next guest detailing how the former president is putting together a "working-class coalition" of all colors and stripes. larry kudlow joins us now on fox business great to see you. >> doing very well with that really very well with it. not identity politics but things like low taxes, deregulation, helping business, helping small business of course drill, baby, drill, getting rid of inflation and closing the border which has created this crime problem throughout the country. what you see in the polls if you dig deep i mean these are great national polls don't mean much but when you look at the issues here, he has done extremely well with working-class folks around the borders. blacks, asians, women, there is a story on "new york times" sienna paul i don't know the whole story i saw it driving down that trump is ahead among women. women if you can imagine such a thing but again the inflation problem and cost-of-living problem has been an absolute killer. >> sandra: and crime a big one for women as well. >> crime a huge one for women. i don't want to sound preachy i'm just saying this is what the numbers show, polls can be misleading i get that. they are just snapshots but he has done very well. >> and the most important issues in the fox news polling those that see it extremely important to the 2024 vote, economy is number two. 66% almost tied with the future of democracy which is the top of the list 68%. >> i don't believe that. i'm sorry with all due respect to those pollsters i don't believe that. >> this one too a fox poll do you trust to do a better job in the economy here in 46% say joe biden. donald trump takes the lead there at five points above him 51% say it is the former president they trust on the economy. so the people are feeling pessimistic. they are being told by this administration things are going great and they taught a lot of economic numbers however those that feel pessimistic about the economy that number is more than half 56%, but, larry, that has come down from 65% under this administration so less people are feeling pessimistic. >> i don't want to call him with the pole and there are a lot of polls that disagree with that and the story it's even worse but the biggest story right now today and yesterday which may or may not relate to this you will probably see it in the debates next week and so forth. the fact of the matter is we have massive amounts of deficits and debt. the cbo numbers just came out and i've never seen anything like it. they are now looking over a 10-year period. deficits six or 7% of gdp. debt is now running about 122% of gdp. it's a spending problem not a revenue problem. big government spending was the root cause of inflation to begin with. no evidence that big government spending is slowing down of anything at speeding up. adding on things like -- >> sandra: spending more mo money. >> interest rates are going to go up because of this. the federal reserve -- >> sandra: that is a huge forecast. >> you can't just keep borrowing willy-nilly, you can't keep doing this it's not sustainable and there will be a price to pay. when exactly? i don't know. how much? i don't know but there will be a price to pay for this. >> you will be back here next week and we will dig in deeper in the economy under trump and biden and let us see what they can use on the debate stage we will dig in more donald sutherland has passed away at the age of 88 years old. he is being remembered today and many will remember moments like this is acting in mash. >> that peace isn't even close. >> i know, i know it's nothing but how may times do you get to go to japan with your golf clubs? goat not enough, surely. >> sandra: just a bit of his acting over the years and a resurgence later on in his life with "the hunger games." you and i were talking about animal house how many people will sit down and watch that tonight? >> and clue he did that too and in "jfk" he was the spymaster from washington, d.c., and oliver stone's conspiracy theories about jfk. i mean i'm not a movie critic although i watch a ton of movies. i think sullivan was a first rate character actor. >> sandra: can we play out "the hunger games" let's watch this too. >> simple as that. she has become a beacon of hope for them. she has to be eliminated. what you think? >> i agree, she should die in the right way at the right time. tetanus aberdeen is a symbol. you don't have to destroy her, just her image. show she is one of us now. let them rally behind that. they are going to hate her so much they might just kill her for you. [laughs] >> sandra: he was so good. you share something in common. he studied the economy he studied business. >> i made that up. >> sandra: are you serious? >> i was kidding. you're not supposed to read everything for heaven's sake. >> sandra: so he was not back in almost but -- >> a brilliant actor. >> sandra: i believe as we look back he will be one of the greatest actors that many of us ever had the pleasure of watching. >> i don't want to disagree with that come the guy was a fabulous actor. i'm not a movie critic. i also want to plug in for my boyhood idol who i saw play at the old polo grounds and that being willie mays who i thought was the best baseball player and i think it is so wonderful they have the giants/cardinals game tonight in the great stadium where the black major leagues play. i just think after juneteenth and this baseball game from the black leagues and unfortunately willie mays passed away. my late grandfather took me to a couple of games when i was a really early kid like eight, nine, or ten years old. i got to see him play but he was the best baseball player ever, ever. okay? we should celebrate that and celebrate mr. sutherland and we should celebrate great things and accomplishments and we should stop tearing your buddy down. okay? how is that? stop tearing everybody down the way our body politics seem to do. there is greatness in this country. we are blessed to be here. >> sandra: wow. everyone will probably sit down and watch their favorite donald sutherland movie. great to have you. >> you are going to watch "animal house" fess up. >> sandra: i owe you one, larry. >> you are going to watch animal house and think it was lsu and i won't say anything more. [laughter] >> sandra: he will be missed thank you, larry. jacqui? >> jacqui: a beautiful tribute, thanks. taking a live look at new york city where we are governor kathy hochul has signed off on a historic social media restriction we will tell you how it aims to improve teen's mental health that's coming up next. w ? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. 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Legendary Actor Famous Food Roles In Mash , Son , The Hunger Games , Fox News , Lab Report , Body Snatchers , Invasion , Erik , 88 , Parents , Life In Prison Without Parole , Theater , Lyle Menendez , Commandments , Child , Court , Ladies , Louisiana Law , School , Schools , The View , Ten , Magic , Effects , Food , State Law , Dog Bark , Jeanine Chaparro , Pet Food , Dog , Farmer , Protein , Nutrition , Boost , Stuff , Helping Business , Network , T Mobile , Speed , Comcast Business , Customers , Speeds , Plans , Verizon , At T , 12 , Business , Speed Plans , Prepaid Card , Miss , 9 99 , 800 , 49 99 , London , Fence , Part , Group , Airport , Landmark , Headlines , Vandals , Jet , Soil , Stonehenge , Jets Orange , Taylor Swift , Law , Louisiana , Classrooms , Public School , Challenges , Jeff Landry , U K , Judge , Legislation , Reaction , Constitutionality , First , Sue , Five , Firing People , Classroom , Place , Banking , Sort , Reactive Very Partisan Supreme Court , Upside Down World , Department Of Justice , Moses , Supreme Court , Country , Fact , Problem , Imposition , Religion , Litmus Test , Institutions , Library Of Congress , Constitution , Tradition , Students , Documents , Display , End , Religions , Benchmark , Judeo Christian , Challenge , History , Set , Crime , Mental Health , Statement , States , Decline , Step , Education , Estate , Values , Direction , Doubt , Morals , Doors , Courtroom , Contributors , Tablet , Back , U S House Chamber In Washington , Western Civilization , Information , Argument , Systems , U S , Shotgun Slayings , Brothers , Transit Freedom , Execution , Individuals , Father , California Law , Parole , Ability , District Attorney , Someone , Issues , Evidence , Fox Nation Special On , Head , Defendants , Record Company , Cousins , College , Straw , Trial , Corridor , Bedroom , Dav , The Sun , Luxury , Sample , Premier , Fox Nation Special , Speaking Of , Anything , Isn T , Idea , Residence , Stein Erickson Residences , Stop It , Breve In , Robin Leach , Plane , Island , Room , Skiing , Lobby , Turks And Caicos , Rode Horses , On Fox Nation , Assignment , Governor , Ground , Work , Migrant , Border Patrol Council , Rest , Girls , Ecuadorian , 13 , Age , Tribute , Doug Quinto , 80 , Companies , Customer Experience , 5g Business Internet , Connectivity , Stores , 5g , Solutions , Employees , Delta Airlines , Powers Tractor Supply , 5 , 100000 , System , Diabetes , Pga Of America , On Medicare , Partners , Game Changing Innovation , 3 , Spain , Glucose , Medicare , Insulin , Peroxide , Visit Freestylelibre Us Medicare Lumineux , Whitening Strips , No Fingersticks , Point , Smile , Pop , Lumineux Strip , Innovation , Businesses , Experience , Barriers , Health Care , Pharmacy , Management , Evernorth , 35 , Plan Sponsors , Members , Medication Adherence , Best , Wonder , Evernorth Health Services , Talk , Dad , Help , Exercise Buddy , Friends , Shopper , Barber , Trouble , Looks , Plan , Kiefer Sutherland , Factor , William La Jeunesse , Actors , Los Angeles , Presidents , Heart , History Of Film , Kiefer , Hawkeye Pierce , Role , Golden Globes , Oddball Tank Commander , Doesn T , Land , Accolades , Capture , Mashed , Movies , Oliver Stone , Backdrop , Relationship , Heroes , Fellow Antiwar Activist , Jfk , Jane Fonda , 1991 , Hair , Commercials , Voice , Sense , Humor , Roles , Delta And Volvo , Jack Benny , Acceptance Speech , Star , Oscar , Nail , Hollywood Walk Of Fame , Times , Arthritis , Sex , Ugly , Loss , Movie , Career , Industry , Dan Springer , Hotel , Camp , Camp Encampment , Rooms , King County Open Hotel , Asylum Seekers , Access , Feet , Gap , Take A Look , Angola , 270 , Bill , County , Encampments , Nonprofits , Stint , Congo , Venezuela , Old Econo Lodge , City , Housing , Barrier , Shelter , Kent , Quarantine , No End In Sight , King County , Migrant Camp , Jurisdiction , Code , Eight Trespassed Violation , Eight , Asylum Seeker Camps , Parts , Influx , Stalemate , Gangs , Human Trafficking , Worry , Drugs , Migrants , Crisis , Emergency , Church In Nearby Washington , 4 Million , 2000 , 1 4 Million , State Of Washington , 5 Million , Art , Vice President , Migrants Setting Up Camp Outside , Cities , Resources , Expertise , Bus , More , Administration , Where , Cartel , Whomever , Luck , Immigration Judges , Taxpayer Money , Case , Asylum Case , Silent , Realize , Asylum , Track , Majority , Numbers , Actions , Spigot , Immigration , Spouses , Surge Capacity , Plan Issuing Protections , Critics , Children , Texas , 21 , 50000 , A Million , Amnesty , Cartels , Immigrants , Executive Order , Americans , Policy , 100 , Water , Flow , Hurricane , Doing , Sprinkler System , Faucet , Juveniles , Area , Uptick , Cracks , Obama , Votes , Order , Pandering , The Field , Type , Citizens , Immigration Process , Public , Losers , Willie Mays , San Francisco Giants , Louis Cardinals , Hall Of Famer , The St , At America S Ballpark Paying Homage , Larry Kudlow , Trumpet , Match , Countries , Samme , 180 , Lead , Colors , Stripes , Fox Business Great To See You , Guest , Working Class Coalition , Inflation , Drill , Course , Helping Small Business , Taxes , Baby , Identity Politics , Deregulation , Crime Problem , Borders , Folks , Story , Blacks , Paul I , New York Times , Asians , Inflation Problem , Big One , Killer , Number , Vote , Snapshots , 2024 , Say , Pollsters , Poll , Respect , List , 46 , 66 , 65 , 56 , Opole , Debt , Deficits , Amounts , Cbo , 10 , Government Spending , Gdp , Revenue Problem , Spending Problem , Root Cause , 122 , 7 , Six , Mo Money , Reserve , Interest Rates , Forecast , Borrowing Willy Nilly , Debate Stage , Acting , Many , Mash , Golf Clubs , Peace Isn T , Japan , Animal House , Resurgence , Goat , Movie Critic , Ton , Conspiracy Theories , Spymaster , Washington D C , Character Actor , Rate , Hope , Beacon , Sullivan , Symbol , Image , Tetanus Aberdeen , For Heaven S Sake , Pleasure , Watching , Baseball Player , Boyhood Idol , Old Polo Grounds , Stadium , Leagues , Game , Baseball Game , Giants , Juneteenth , Cardinals , Games , Grandfather , Nine , Everybody , Mr , Body Politics , Accomplishments , Buddy , Greatness , Lsu , Fess Up , Social Media , Look , Kathy Hochul , Jacqui A Beautiful Tribute , Restriction , Laughter , Thanks , Cologuard , Teen , Risk , Colon Cancer , Provider , Yup , Non Invasive , 45 , Dupixent , Asthma , What Isn T Better , Asthma Medicine , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Asthma Attacks , Doctor , Reactions , Steroids , Numbness , Breath , Chest Pain , Shortness , Limbs , Tingling , Rash , Lungs , Joint Aches , Infection , Sfx , Water Lapping , Ambient , Team , Bills , Mental Health Crisis , Reporter , Bipartisan Safer Kids Act , Surgeon General , Kathy Hogle , Warning Labels , Platforms , Bryan , Social Media Companies , Kids , Newsfeeds , Algorithms , Content , Anyone , 18 , Consent , Add , Penalties , Notifications , 5000 , Mental Health Problems , Violation , Teens , Sights , Law Makers , Minors , Barrage , Images , Collecting , Data , Selling , Warning Label , Mental Health Emergency , Social Media Platforms , Messages , Adolescents , Body Image , Symptoms , Depression , Anxiety , Pit , Algorithmically , 17 , Teeth , Toothpaste , Lumineux Toothpaste , Fluoride , Dentist , Gums , Lumineux , Target , It Simple , Advantage , Uncertainty , Surcharges , Fees , Shipping , Biggest , Ground Advantage , Usps , White House Correspondent , Congratulations , Signing , Jackie Heinrich , Newsroom , Train , Honour , Martha Maccallum ,

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