new opinions coming down in about an hour. we could get major rulings on free speech or the second amendment abortion and we're awaiting a big one, whether or not former president donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution. court starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern. we'll get rulings today. we don't know which ones will come our way. bring it to you live as it getsing here. first brazen and brutal. an illegal immigrant was arrested on rape charges of a 13-year-old girl. we'll talk to a hero who took him down and held him for police. a big return to our friend and colleague hall mate, sandra k. smith. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith and this is "america's newsroom." prosecutors revealing that suspect confirmed to filming his assault with the 13-year-old girl in a park in queens. the "new york post" this morning with this headline labeling him a monster. >> bill: this is just the latest in a string of crimes linked to illegals. republicans calling it a direct result of the crisis on our american border. >> it's a tragedy for new york and disaster about how our border is still open. this guy is an animal. this is what we see all over now. all over the city, not the rape of a 13-year-old girl but we see knife point, guns, we see more crime due to the illegal immigrants that have flooded our border. >> sandra: now the violence forcing some americans to take matters into their own hands. a group of everyday new yorkers confronted the suspect at a deli and tied him up and held him until police arrived. daniel ramos is one of the people who did exactly that. we will hear his story in a moment. first let's go to alexis mcadams with brand-new details. >> these new details coming out of court are horrific. he said he tied up the teens, gagged them with cloth according to prosecutors at first nervous but got comfortable and recorded this attack. now looking at a lifetime behind bars. here he is christian handcuffed and walking out of that precinct in new city charged with predator sexual assault, rape, kidnapping and other serious charges. investigators say last week the 35-year-old held the two teens at knife point then cut off the teen girl's undergarments and raped her at a new york city park. prosecutors say immigration authorities had a sample of his dna and used it to match dna found on a water bottle he left near the crime scene. the description from the brave teenagers. >> from what they went through, their identification, their memory of the tattoo, the braces, all was right on point, which is a remarkable thing for 213-year-olds to remember. >> he is originally from ecuador. entered the country illegally back in 2021. where did he cross? near eagle pass, texas, like so many others telling border patrol he was heading to an address in queens. neighbors are sickened by this attack and did everything they could do to help including the take down on tuesday when he showed up at a city bodega. he was held by locals until the police came. >> one of the good samaritans waited there hours hoping that he would come by to go to that bodega to buy something and he showed up. >> he will be back in court in july. back to you. >> sandra: thank you very much. >> bill: with us in studio daniel ramos, 34-year-old born here, parents from dome incall republic and you live in queens, new york. how did you know it was him? >> basically he used to come to the store a lot before any of this happened he used to come to the store and chitchat with him and buy stuff from the store. we didn't think anything of him. just a normal regular guy, tell us about his problems. family problems he has in ecuador and drug habits and all that but after we knew it was him when he first came he was there buying something and he left and that's when the picture came up and that's when we knew it was him and put two and two together and we started planning how we would catch him. >> sandra: that's when you showed up at the deli. your plan was to wait until he hopefully arrived so that you could then do what? how did you stop him from getting away? >> first of all, it was my friends that was there first of all were the ones waiting for him to come back. i was at work and they told me who it was. i wanted to get out of work early but i finished my shift at work and then went straight over there. when i got there 20 minutes after i got there he came. and that's when -- >> bill: you were there around you midnight? >> i got there exactly at 10:ten. >> bill: you apprehended him around 12:30 at night. >> when he came to the store, my friend jeffrey and anglo both came in and saw him when he went in the store and took him out of the store and tried to apprehend him in the store and we caught him outside. >> bill: daniel, how many were you? >> ten of us. >> ten of you. >> bill: did he put up a fight? >> he knew better than to put up a fight. he couldn't. he was outnumbered. i probably would have went worse if he did. better that he didn't. he was just trying to cop a plea trying to say let me explain. i can explain. first trying to say he didn't care what he did and then he tried to say let me explain. we wasn't trying to hear any of it. what he did was horrible to an innocent little girl. we don't condone that. >> sandra: so many neighbors can't believe it is happening where they live. what has it been like for you and your family? >> i got two daughters so i don't play that when it comes to kids in general especially innocent kids, you know, it's sacred for somebody to do that and he was kids of his own. i got two daughters and everybody in the community is happy that we did that. around there there is a lot of things going on. they feel safe. at first they looked at us like we were trying to say people in front of the store, troublemakers. we're not about that. we're trying to keep the community safe. >> bill: police are giving you a lot of props and d.a. from queens and this is how she was talking about what you did. >> what did you think of the response of the community playing a role in getting him apprehended? >> it was an amazing city-wide manhunt for this individual who allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl and kidnapped both a 13-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy. i would -- i am thankful the community responded. >> bill: this whole incident sends a message to the rest of the country. you took action. if you didn't, maybe he is still out on the street. >> still on the street probably committing more crime and traumatizing more kids. i'm glad we got him off the streets. if i could get more people like him off the street i would. >> bill: a sickening detail emerged. he told police he recorded it. >> i didn't know that part which is even more crazy that he even did that. i didn't know he recorded. >> sandra: could i ask a final question on the bigger picture? this growing migrant crisis and how it is a huge problem. we have had an influx here in new york city. we're running out of places for these migrants to go. they are all over. it is an example how this has stretched far beyond the southern border. how do you feel about it? and how has it impacted your life and community? >> to be honest, where i work, i work with migrants so i work in a shelter. i work with a lot of migrants. not all of them are like that. some of them want to do the right things. the ones not doing the right things out there committing crime is not right they come here to do that. they should have stayed in their country and did that over there. the ones that are here trying to do the right thing for their family, they're not bad people. but you have those that make them look bad. >> bill: good luck to you. thank you for sharing your story. who gets the money? >> i don't know. we'll all split it up if anything. i didn't do it for the money, just more for justice for her. >> sandra: thank you. >> bill: pleasure meeting you. good luck to you and your daughters. >> sandra: new fox news polls in the state of the presidential race topping the list of issues, most important for voters. the future of democracy, the economy and immigration. griff jenkins is live. he is outside the white house for us at the top of a new hour here. griff. what can you tell us? what are the top issues? >> good morning, sandra, i can tell you that president biden is off the grid now. he leaves today for camp david to continue prepping to meet trump face-to-face for first time since 2020 in the cnn presidential debate and likely in a pretty good mood because fox news poll latest one has biden taking the lead over trump. you see there two points leading nationally 50-48 still within the margin of error but the first time we have seen biden ahead since october of last year and his supporters are rallying. >> president biden next week on the debate stage is just got to lay out his vision for the country. talk about the things he accomplished and where he will take this country next. i hope we could get a substantive debate. i don't think we'll get that out of donald trump. >> bad news in the poll, too. his approval rating on top issues remain underwater. 41% on the economy. on immigration only 35%. on the israel/hamas war 32%. when it comes to mental soundness trump has a seven-point lead. byron york had this observation about the poll. >> in the new fox poll, they asked in deciding to vote, are you going to decide to vote based on the issues and who can do best or decide to vote based on the character of each candidate? it was issues 59% character, 29%. biden appears to have the wrong reading of the race but his advisors are afraid to tell him otherwise. >> of course, sandra, this race is unprecedented in so many ways. we don't have time to discuss it but that poll you started the interview with very interesting to watch and that is the future of democracy on top of the voters extremely important issues even above the economy. >> sandra: a couple more months to see how it all plays out for voters, griff, thank you. live at the white house for us. >> bill: 12 minutes past. high water and high heat and tropical storm bringing heavy flooding to texas and it is hot. scorching temps in the northeast. we have all that on the severe coming up momentarily. >> sandra: heart stopping video showing cyclists knocked off their bikes in a brazen hit and run. >> bill: a dangerous world getting more dangerous now. rogue nations teaming up. are they taking advantage of joe biden's foreign policy? we'll talk strategy and what is next with general jack keane. ♪ ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ psoriatic arthritis is tough. symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. hi grandpa. next, it's on your skin. it's painful. i couldn't move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it treats multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling, and tenderness back pain and clearer skin. and cosentyx can even help stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough, had a vaccine or plan to or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions and severe eczema-like skin reactions may occur. i feel better. check out these moves. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> sandra: israel's northern point is reaching the boiling point with hezbollah issuing a sinister warning against the jewish state and threatening to take the conflict to other areas in the region. trey yengst is live in tel aviv at this hour. trey. >> good morning. the region is bracing for the possibility of a broader war between israel and hezbollah. the leader of the iran-backed organization made new threats this week against israel and other regional countries including cyprus. he said hezbollah has new weapons they have not yet used on the battlefield and added this. >> if the war was imposed on lebanon, the resistance will fight with no regulations, no rules, and no ceilings. it knows there will be no place in safe from our missiles and drones. >> the israeli military has approved operational plans to attack lebanon if ordered by political leadership and israeli air force continues to strike hezbollah positions amid rocket and drone attacks being launched by the group. defense sources tell fox news the ability to achieve a cease-fire on the southern front with gaza will directly impact the chances of war with hezbollah. 258 days into that war between israel and hamas there is still no end in sight. palestinian civilians are paying the highest price. they remain in desperate need of aid and supplies arriving slowly due to distribution issues. negotiators are still trying to hammer out the details of a cease-fire agreement. right now those discussions are stalled. >> sandra: trey yengst with the latest from tel aviv. thank you. >> bill: retired four star general jack keane in studio. let's come back to israel and hezbollah in a moment. let's start here with what happened this week because there is an alliance we need to pay attention to. "wall street journal." how putin rebuilt russian war machine are help from u.s. adversaries. north korea and china are helping russia churn out arms for the war in ukraine. this relationship could be very dangerous for us for a very long time. how do you see it? >> very much so. four days after the state of the union our intelligence chiefs came before a scheduled meeting with the congress and they said these four countries that you identified here represent a threat to the united states we haven't seen in multiple decades. looking at this what we're really facing is collaboration and cooperation among four distinct allies, china is a competitor. russia a chronic threat. iran seeks domination of the middle east and north korea has a nuclear arsenal with ballistic missiles that can reach the united states. this is serious. i believe we haven't seen a threat like this since world war ii. we could get involved in more than one war in multiple theaters. that is really the issue that we're facing. here is the problem, bill. the intelligence chief said this is very serious, we haven't seen it in decades. we're saying we haven't seen anything like this since world war ii. where is the administration having a frank conversation with the american people about the seriousness of this threat and how it would impact american security? it is not happening. that is pretty outrageous and shameful. >> sandra: as we continue to see the escalating clashes happening in the middle east. a full report between israel and hezbollah. do you believe they are inching closer to all-out war? >> yeah, they are. israelis have made up their minds that they need to take a look at the hezbollah situation. we have a map here hopefully we can bring it up that deals with it. the reality is that 80,000 people who lived in northern israel have evacuated from northern israel. and in a sense hezbollah has redefined the boundary of northern israel. the israelis believe they have got to go in there and deal with hezbollah. they have to push them back across the -- that's not the right map but they have to push them back across a river 18 miles from the border. that is the issue. to push them back they have two choices, run an air campaign only to bomb them and force them to evacuate, or go in on the ground and also conduct an air campaign. hezbollah is formidable. hamas is nowhere near hezbollah's capability. hezbollah doesn't have the subterranean tunnel complex. 150,000 rockets and missiles can reach any town or city and swarm those towns and cities. a force of close to 100,000 not just terrorist organization but organized as military formations with artillery and fighting vehicles. when the israelis went in there in 2006 after several weeks trying to do the same thing, push the hezbollah back after several weeks, the operation had failed and they retreated out of lebanon and all three service chiefs were relieved of duty as a result of it. they know this will be a very tough fight but they believe they have to do it if they will maintain the sovereignty of israel and have the border that they want to have. >> bill: 18 years later it could be a hot summer again in northern israel. see if that's the case. to ukraine. we have a map we can show that you and i have talked about at great length. what it shows is ukrainian capacity on behalf of their military with extensive help from western nations including the united states, with the capacity to hit russian forces on the russian side of the border. this map shows you where the russian troops are and where the ukrainians are not allowed to hit. >> we have a huge problem here. the administration isn't coming clean about what is actually happening here. can we put the map back up to talk to it a little bit? you see the bright red area there across from ukraine? that is where we can fire what they call guided multiple rocket launchers into that, 75 kilometers into that. all the gray area, that's the russian sanctuary where we can't fire. all russian territory. all the air bases that russia is using to bomb ukraine are largely in that area. those little while circles there. they are ground bases and logistic bases all in that area. and the administration has told ukraine they cannot fire the weapons that we've given them, the attack missiles to fire into that territory. that makes no sense. to not be able to do that. it is really handcuffing them in their ability to protect their own people but also in their ability to bring down the military capability that russia has. it is very, very vulnerable. even russia, they've been on offense because ukraine has been on defense this year waiting six months to get the weapons. they haven't made much progress at all. they showed up with new soldiers, poorly trained, poorly equipped, they made some tactical gains but were never able to really develop operational maneuver to take significant amount of territory. they took very high casualties. all like they did back in the beginning of the invasion. ukraine we can turn the tide in their favor and the administration has to stop handicapping them. >> bill: general, thank you. see whether or not that happens. whether that day arrives. if it does we'll see what putin does at that point. thank you, general. >> sandra: great to have you here. >> great discussion. >> sandra: fox news alert to the supreme court. it is expected to release decisions at the top of the hour about half an hour from now. could the justices rule on president trump's immunity claim? and major flooding in texas as the first tropical storm of the year makes landfall. >> i woke up. there is power on. get ready for work and come out here and there is nothing but water. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪ >> s >> sandra: tropical storm on the coast of texas. we're live from padre island, texas, what are you seeing there and what's coming your way? >> you know what? the rain was coming through heavy last night. the wind you can tell is still a big concern for us out here. let me show you the surf behind me. it is a washing machine on high rinse cycle. waves are consistent since we got here on tuesday. yesterday was really rough. today we have more people out and about. i also want to point out the dark clouds off in the distance. you will notice with some of those dark clouds there are some rainshowers coming down. some of those are heavy. last night we only got about an inch of rain on padre island but it was coming down hard and fast and winds were howling as they are howling now. we have surf concerns today, rip currents, large waves. people still being asked to stay off the beaches. you can see why when you see how quick the waves are coming in. we can still see the chance for a few isolated showers, perhaps water spouts off the dark clouds off in the distance. i know you are thinking why are you wearing a rain poncho when it's not raining? off in the distance the clouds may produce heavy rainfall. the bulk of the energy has passed but watching for isolated showers and perhaps tornadoes. helping out with the water deficits. they're down four to seven inches of rain across south texas. not only from padre island but through west texas as well. water reservoirs are 20 to 30% capacity. they need the moisture. again there is some flooding in some spots, though. we'll continue to watch what is left over of the storm. sandra, it is headed to mexico there. we're hundreds of miles away and the impacts we're feeling in the united states all the way up the texas coastline today. >> sandra: that awesome poncho serves two purposes. wind and rain and cool, too. stay safe out there and keep us posted. >> bill: blowing around for two days now. a heat wave out there setting records across the east coast. check this out. philadelphia has declared a health emergency. katie burn from fox weather is there on that now. how does it feel? >> good morning, bill. it feels okay right now. getting in the sprinklers, these will be busy in just a couple of hours as the sun continues to bake us. not just us in philly. more than 2/three of the country dealing with temperatures 90 degrees or hotter today. here in philly we are going on the third day in a row of that and more of the same is expected. we know that we're expecting that heat to be extended through at least the weekend. it has already been a record breaker this week with more than 100 heat records either tied or broken all across the country. now officials are declaring those emergencies all across the region including in philly where starting this morning more resources will open up for the elderly and homeless for them to stay safe. i caught up with a lot of people heading to the office this morning saying they have a.c. in most of their buildings. most are trying to limit their time outside. >> we go home. the heat and humidity is in the house and we have the a.c. on high. my friends and family are doing the same thing. trying to stay cool. we've been keeping it at 65 because during the heat the house is hot and heat rises. we're trying to get through it. >> some people are worried about what those energy bills will look like at the end of the month. back to you guys. >> bill: thank you. stay cool as best you can in philly. thank you. >> sandra: a new fox news poll shows a razor thin race for the white house. president biden leads former president donald trump for the first time since october now. but by a slim two point margin as negative marks on the economy, immigration and foreign policy. let's bring in karl rove and ask him. welcome to you and what you make of this. >> it does point to a very tight race. the movement is relatively small and let's remember our rule. this is one poll. maybe one of the best polls around because it is the fox poll but it is one poll and so you want to look at -- we'll want to see confirmation of this in other polls. but a very small movement towards biden. it is largely because of his strength among women and seniors. that's unusual. the senior vote is traditionally republican. on the other hand trump in the poll is out performing previous republicans among blacks, hispanics and young voters. the lead for biden is largely to be found among independents where he leads by nine. both republicans and democrats are in their respective party quarters. independents are leaning toward biden. >> 2020 he lost the national vote by four points and lost the election and again it goes back to the question about the battleground states. you mentioned the movement. you showed us where the movement is and tell us why there is movement if you've been able to ascertain so far, karl. >> why? people's view of the economy has improved slightly. remember, we're talking about a couple point change here. there is not an overwhelming overnight movement to believe oh my my personal economic circumstances are good. the views of the economy are improving. also the trump advantage on both better handle economy and immigration have diminished a little. that accounts for again very small movement. this thing is not settled by any means whatsoever and the movement is in a normal instance if this was the normal race we'd say it is static. the race is so tight for so long that that's not what we can say. what's interesting to me is the double haters. we have part of the electorate. what the percentage in the poll are double hitters, people who say i don't like trump and i don't like biden and what's interesting i think it looks like it is about somewhere maybe less than one out of every five voters but biden is up by 11 on the two-way ballot among the double haters, biden versus trump and up six in the five-way ballot that has biden, trump, cornel west, jill stein and robert kennedy junior. those people who are the most volatile part of the electorate. they are giving biden an 11-point margin in a two-way race. >> sandra: a lot can change after next thursday with the debate. experts are handicapping the trump/biden debate. what is other every voter's mind as we get closer to election day. will it be a make or break moment in the race? >> i wrote about it today in the "wall street journal." the most important moment of this campaign. high stakes for both of them. never a presidential debate where it could have as volatile an impact on the election and what's interesting is it's high stakes and dangerous. it will be held on the 27th of june. typically what happens for example barack obama and george w. bush did badly in their first debates in 2004 and 2012 but had a second debate that followed closely. this next debate will be on the 10th of september which means that there is nearly 11 weeks between this debate and the next one. so whatever happens in this one will have an outsized and durable effect on the race. if somebody has a good night or bad night it could change the course of the campaign and lock it in. each party will have its own convention but the next time where the two people will be seen on the same stage and the person who did badly the first time can even it up in the second one is 11 weeks. >> bill: national vertigo. thank you, karl. three white boards in one day. good to have you on today. a wild moment caught on video as a train barrels into this truck. why that truck was on the tracks in the first place and what happened to the driver coming up in a moment. new fox polling on the economy. data shows it is getting better as karl was talking about. are voters feeling it? 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the kitchen table issue of everything is too expensive. that's really what keeps getting in the way. in the last few years real wages have gone down and inflation has gone up. we're talking about up 20% or so on joe biden's watch. things like we talk all the time bread. they spend $13 on a loaf of bread. what? things like this keep of getting in the way of americans feeling good and seeing good numbers. when you look at the job numbers they look really strong every month. we seem to have a strong jobs market. when you peel back the onion a lot of those jobs are going to non-citizens and part-time. that's the issue. even though it looks like we're in a very strong situation, when you actually look deeper into the numbers inflation is killing people and that's what they are thinking about. >> bill: that's reflected in our polling we put out yesterday on your personal financial situation those who believe they are holding steady 45% falling to 41. view the condition of the economy excellent or good, 32%. fair or poor 68% and it will come up a week from today in that debate in atlanta. >> it should come up. the leading issue for voters. the economy and immigration is what we keep seeing from the polls. so long as inflation stays elevated people won't feel a break. if you have ever paycheck going to buy the essentials being food, energy and shelter. shelter keeps going up. shelter remains an issue. >> sandra: "wall street journal" is talking about soaring u.s. debt. a spending problems. until we acknowledge that we aren't acknowledging why we have high prices. how can we fix a problem that we aren't acknowledging exists yet? >> you're right. president biden hasn't blamed the democrats and 7 trillion in bar oweing and spending. he blames the republicans. to be fair both spend too much. so much excessive spending under the biden administration, inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. >> sandra: what happened to the inflation reduction act. >> it was one of the $7 trillion in spending. the fiscal responsibility act, chips act, inflation act. these acts were poorly named because they didn't actually attack what they were supposed to. >> bill: a new special coming up on fox nation. it is called underwriting the enemy. i want to take a quick look at that now. watch here. >> this is the most important moment in the history of our country. >> the chinese communist has infiltrated the economy. >> they're deep inside our infrastructure and capital markets. >> chinese companies are trading on the new york stock exchange now. >> they have sworn and oath of secrecy. >> that means american investors unwittingly or not are funding the expansion of our number one adversary. >> bill: that drops today, is that right? >> excited about this documentary. >> hundreds of chinese companies trading on our public exchanges and that is basically allowing american investors to fund the expansion of our number one adversary and interestingly even government employees. remember the thrift fund, 401k plan for government employees. there was a huge portion of that going into chinese companies. it is amazing to me that government employees, the military would want to put their retirement money, the thrift fund into companies that may very well be producing the next drone or weapon that could be put against americans. another point to make, in 2013, there was a memorandum of understanding signed in the obama administration, a contract, they signed a contract to allow thousands of chinese companies to trade on our exchanges but not follow the standard accounting rules. that is still going on. every company has to report earnings every quarter, report certain things that are public that investors need to know about. they are exempt. the only country that has been exempt from the accounting standards in u.s. exchanges. >> sandra: why? >> bill: we're glad you are on it. awaiting the next round of supreme court decisions. some major cases yet to be decided, including presidential immunity. will we get it in ten minutes? we're waiting. a driver plowing into someone on a bicycle and what the driver is charged with after this. i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep. yeah but you need the hose, you need the air, you need the whoooooosh... inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more, and view important safety information at we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. >> bill: terrifying scene in ohio. want to show this? watch here. [train whistle] >> bill: there was a truck on the tracks. a train slammed into it have the truck driver tried to maneuver around the crossing. it pushed parts of the truck way down the tracks. the driver suffered only minor injuries, no one on board the train was hurt. in the end okay. a close one. shocking new video showing a suspected drunk driver mowing down two texas cyclists in a brazen hit and run here. both cyclists expected to fully recover but the driver faces multiple charges. what happened here, garrett? >> one of those cyclists says after watching the video himself he is amazed he is still alive. this video goes fast and hard to watch. what you will see is a white car driving up behind two cyclists, ramming into them and knocking them off the bikes and running over one of the cyclists as the car speeds away. this happened monday evening near dfl airport on a roadway popular for groups of bikers, when the driver sped off other cyclists followed him to a parking lot and called police. according to a police report obtained by a local fox station when officers arrived the 31-year-old admitted he was drinking beer before the cash and half a dozen empty cans of beer in the back of his car. he is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and the two cyclists will be all right. 69-year-old man who got run over said he suffered a concussion and fractured rib and up and walking. after this, bill, he says he is planning on riding again soon. >> bill: wow, really lucky and foolish on behalf of that driver. garrett tenney, thank you from chicago. >> sandra: louisiana has become the first state in the nation to require the ten commandments to be displayed in all public school classrooms. civil liberty groups are challenging the law. chief religion correspondent lauren green is live with more on this. what are we hearing? >> the ten commandments are a bedrock of judaism and christianity. the governor argues they have historical significance as a huge influence on america's founding documents and legal system. louisiana lawmakers drafted the bill requiring they be displayed in every public classroom, governor landry signed the bill into law yesterday along with several other educational letter. it mandates a display in large, easily readable font required in all public classrooms from kindergarten up to state funded universities. within minutes of the signing a group of civil liberty organizations said they plan to file a lawsuit as a violation of the separation of church and state. saying in a joint statement hb71 will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students who are legalry required to attend school and a captive audience for school sponsored religious messages. they believe the supreme court is on their side and now and that they expect other states to follow suit. state funds will not be used to implement the mandate. posters are paid for through donations. >> sandra: lauren green on that story. really something. thank you. >> bill: almost 10:00 here in new york city and right now happening at the u.s. supreme court the justices are about to release one or more new opinions that could dramatically shift the legal and political landscape of america. don't know what the cases are. 23 still need to be handed down before this session concludes. good morning. dana has the week off and back on monday. i'm bill hemmer live here. >> sandra: we're ready, regardless. good to be with you, bill. i'm san dray smith the justices have a few days left to clear

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,Idea ,Call Coventry ,00000 ,Number ,Screen ,Visit Coventrydirect Com ,Stop Taking Jardiance ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Pill ,2 ,A1c ,Day S Staaart ,Seeee ,Side Effects ,Ketoacidosis ,Dehydration ,Body ,Sugar ,Heart Disease ,Adults ,Death ,Kidney Function ,Twenty Four ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Infection ,Reaction ,Genital Yeast ,Perineum ,Limb Loss ,Blood Sugar ,Insulin ,Feet ,Legs ,Sulfonylurea ,S Sandra ,Coast ,Tropical Storm ,Padre Island ,Rain ,Wind ,Concern ,Surf ,Distance ,Waves ,Cycle ,Washing Machine ,Dark Clouds ,Clouds ,Winds ,Rainshowers ,Chance ,Showers ,Rip Currents ,Beaches ,Spouts ,Surf Concerns ,Energy ,Rain Poncho ,Rainfall ,Bulk ,Tornadoes ,Water Deficits ,West Texas ,Spots ,Water Reservoirs ,Moisture ,Mexico ,Cool ,Impacts ,Poncho ,Texas Coastline Today ,Purposes ,Stay Safe ,Heat Wave ,Records ,Health Emergency ,Philadelphia ,East Coast ,Katie Burn ,Fox Weather ,Couple ,Sprinklers ,Sun ,More ,Third Day ,Philly ,Same ,Temperatures ,Row ,90 ,Officials ,Record Breaker 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,Newday ,1 ,3 ,Credit Cards ,70000 ,0000 ,Company ,Upwork ,Cost ,Business ,Recruiter ,Factor ,Pr ,Project Management ,Talent ,Pain Won T ,Pro ,Passions ,Pain Relief ,Solution ,Anesthetics ,Absorbine Pro ,Mornings ,Futures ,Sunday Morning ,Say ,Maria Bartiromo ,56 ,Improvement ,Kitchen Table Issue ,Policies ,Inflation ,Bread ,Wages ,Loaf ,Numbers ,Jobs Market ,Jobs ,Keep ,Job ,Onion ,Good ,Condition ,45 ,68 ,Break ,Atlanta ,Essentials ,Paycheck ,Spending Problems ,Prices ,Debt ,Biden Hasn T ,Spending ,Bar Oweing ,7 Trillion ,Inflation Reduction Act ,Fact ,Goods ,Responsibility , Trillion ,Facts ,Special ,Enemy ,Fox Nation ,Chips Act ,Inflation Act ,Chinese Communist ,History ,Companies ,Investors ,Expansion ,Chinese ,Capital Markets ,Infrastructure ,Secrecy ,Oath ,Trading ,New York Stock Exchange ,Exchanges ,Adversary ,Hundreds ,Documentary ,Companies Trading ,Government Employees ,Portion ,Thrift Fund ,401k ,Weapon ,Drone ,Retirement Money ,2013 ,Contract ,Accounting ,Understanding 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