everyone, happy father's day to all. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. thanks so much forhaom joining e this morning. todak yoy expanding the base. president trump meeting with black voters, congressionalt republicans, businestrs leaders. all to unite around his agenda. ripping through blue states as blacks, hispanics and young people pivot to trump., while joe biden fund raises and hobnobs with hollywood thisfu weekend. wit all of this as senate republicans fight back againstae what they call biden's weaponized vowing to block any biden nominees until after the election. coming up, texas senator ted cruz holding ag merrick garland intion contempt of congress. missouri senator eric schmitt oo joe biden's doj, and its moves to take down joe's number one political enemy, donald trump. florida congresswoman annaa on paulina luna on president biden makes it to the election or will he pushed to withdraw after more gaffs on the world stage in italy at the g7 this week.covi coming up former national security advisor victoria coats on national security impact on joe's capacity. amid a awakening of voters from the united states to europe. dr. ben carson how trump is d storming through bluoce states, gaining support, along with former senior advisor to president trump, kellyanne conway, two weeks away from the big debate. it is all here right now on "sunday morning futures". ♪. maria: we begin this sunday morning with the countdown towe election 2024. now one 42 days a way, less than two weeks away from the first one-on-one showdown between presidenmt biden and presidentbe trump on june 278th. president trump back on the campaign trail this weekend after separate meetings this past week with congressional republicans on capitol hill. then major business leaders inbc washington. e 45th president seeking to unify the republican partyhi and hings agenda of lower taxesd border security, and tariffs on imports. in hisnd peteing with senate republicans trump reiterated his desire to eliminate federal taxes on tips for service workers while telling business executives he would like to lower corporate taxes and regulation to spur economicte growthll. following the meetings president trump traveled to michigan a key swing state for a roundtable discussion with voters at a detroit church. >> millions of illegal aliensvo are pouring inte and they're taking your jobs. th ille black community is being hurt more by the illegal aliens, 16, 17 million. they're taking you br jobs. you're down six,e ta 7% from whe you were just three years ago with me. maria: meanwhile back on capitol hill a group of senate republicans led by ohio senator jd vance are vowing to block the fast tracking of biden'so judicial nominees. as well as nominations for u.s. attorney overwhat they say hasni been lawfare against president trump. joining me now in theag "sunday morning futures" texas senator teds se cruz, a member both thed judiciary and foreigcrn relatios committees. senator, great to see yo gu thie morning. thanks so much foror joining us. >> good morning, maria, great to be with you. maria: how would you characterize president trump's meet las howt week? s well as alle a the campaigning in swing states? >> listen it was terrific. on thursday we sat down, had lunch with president trump. he was in excellent spirits. you would not know the degree which he is persecuted andpe targeted by the democrats you would not know he was draggedan through the mud d in a new york felony trial. none of that came through. he i of s feeling strong. he is feeling confident.e is he is feeling optimistic. it was striking in the room, th overwhelmingly sentiment was unity, that everyone is on the same page. that we've got a job to do between now and election day,be that is win in november and the urgency was really underscored because if we don't win ind, i november, the damage to thein country that has been done by n joe biden and the democrats has been enormous. the focus in that room was i winning so we can turn the country around. we spent a lot of time talking about getting the economy going loagain, cutting taxes, repealig job-killing regulationsg includinagg the administration's war oning energy, how we get gasoline prices down.d hohow we unlock american energy exploration which will benefit consumers. how we secure the border and how we restore america's standing in the world and america's strength, rather than giving in to our enemies across the globe. maria: you mentioned really president trump's leadingnt positions on som te of the moref important ways he believes he can get this economy back on track. one of those ways he is talking about is not taxing tips. you wanted to introduce pro-worker legislation to exempt the tipped wages from federal income tax. tell us about it.g >>ti well, that's exactly right. this wasamin an idea that presit trump laid out in nevada when hw was there and i think it is a terrific idea. we talked about it quite a bit at lunch on thursday. i intend this coming week to introduce legislation exempting tips from federal income tax. you look at tips, there are a ton of different industries thax tips provide vital elements of their compensation, whether t you're a waiter or a waitress, whether you're a bellhop or bartender, whether you're aer abarber, hairstylist, whether you're a taxicab driver or uber-driver, there are a lot of folks working incredibly hard on average tipped workers makera about $6,000 in gea given year from tips.abou right now they have very onerous record-keeping requirements that doesn't make a lot of sense.e on and i think the president is exactly right, that it is simpler and fairer to just exempt tips from federal incomen tax. that means youd don't have to o through the constant record keeping that is required. i got to tell you, maria, i think this is a manifestation how today's republican party has changed. the old conventional wisdom usea to be that republicans are the party of the rich and democratsr are the party of the poor and the working class.s of that has been turned on its head. today democrathas ars e the parf rich coastal elites and republicans are the party of working class american andhe p women, blue-collar workers.wh to be honest the people who are tipped workers are republicans overand over and over again. many of them are immigrants. they're young people. they're is had panics, they're african-americans, they're single moms.rant they're struggling to make ends meet. you want to sestrue power of it, look at the reaction of the t hecrowd in nevada when presidenn trump says that, they go nuts! they absolutely go nuts because they see a president that isause fighting for them, and i'll tell you, that single policy alone could very well win donald trump the state of nevada. i think it is the right thing to do. i'm going to be fighting to get it done, drafting the legislation and filing it this coming week. maria: well, look, i mean you see thatis in all of these stats that he is going, he is going to the sout ah bronx. tha he ask going to michigan. he is going to minnesota and he is getting all these big crowds. suddenly all the states that were really strongholds for democrats are turning into swine states and to your point as ar moment ago, you see joe biden in california this weekend doingn that big fund raiser. the democrats in the white house say that they raised $30 million at this it was with george clooney, julia roberts, a whole host ofho hollywood bigshots. that is who joe biden is counting on. >> yeah. and that's his base. hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires that is whoty th ie democrat party is fighting for. environmental billionaires in california that is who they care about. people who are in bed with china, that is who democrats tearba about. if you're actually talking about a steelworker, talking about taxicab briefer, wait other oran waitress, the democrat party long ago a ban dodd those workers. they're hammering steel millsl with environmental regulations, making it harder to stay in business. truck drivers, they're hammering them witmh regulations making it harder for them to survive. look at waitress and waiters, california gavin newsom, who whacked wages so high, we'recrat seeing tens of thousands ofe waiters waitresses laid off. we're on the side of thebe workers, and the best way to do it that has been laid out exempt tips, so they earn more money. the people who are working waiting tables and tipped professions whether you're a golf caddie or taxicab driver, those are often people starting to climb the economic ladder.e i think back to when my dad camc as an immigrant from cuba ino 1957.d he was 18. he couldn't speak english but he made 50 cents and hour washingur dishes. maria: oh.ashi >> from there he made 80 centsrh an hour as a cook. that was a second job. his third job was as a teaching assistant at the university of texas. then he became a computer programmer at ibm he went on toa be an entrepreneur a small business owner. now he is a pastor. elizabeth: that is. >> that is the american dream and helping people climb that ladder is important. is maria: that is very proud and who america is. really quick, the significance of holding merrick garland inhe contempt of congress, does that get you? he says he is not intimidated by the way. >> isth is most laless ande partisan attorney general, the number of people who were notse surprisecud they would not prosecute merrick garland's0 contempt citation is zero. the planet was surprised. this doj doesn't care.r under merrick garland they exist for two things, attack theemie democrats enemies and protecte the democrats friends. the degree doj is weaponized too stop voters electingulou donald trump is ridiculous. the way doj is protecting joe biden evidence of his corruption and protecting his friends is shameful. maria: wow. >> the damage merrick garland has done to doj has no precedent in historynt i. it is very sad. maria: we're talking about it w alerl morning.g, g senator, good to see you. >> thank you, maria. maria: ted cruz joining us. and now this. >> african-americans saw greater wage gains under donald trumpic than theany have seen underth joe biden. unemployment has gone up under joe biden, it went down underd donald trump. we're seeing it init wages and,n crime, in devastation but what donald trump offers is a better way forward. we were better off under trump but that's not a black agenda. this is an american agenda. maria: that is south carolina senator tim scott with me on friday. mornings with ma rhee yaw on fox business, on the support formerc president trump isot receiving from black voters right now n a new poll from marist, 45th president is making major gainsr among black voters iesn the skir state ofs pennsylvania while president biden has lost nearly a third of support since the 2020ce election.he this is propelling president trump in a two point lead over o biden in the keystone state which 19 electoral votes are at stake. joining me with reaction, former housing urban development secretary dr. ben dr. carson, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you, maria, thanks for having me. happy father's day to all the fathers out there. maria: happy father's day toit's you. so happy to have you on this wonderful father's day. you were with president trump in detroit on the black church. pre you spoke before president trump and watched the can you tell us what took place at that church. >> it was wonderful to see how many people wereiast enthusiastically receiving the president. the anticipation was just tremendous. and the interesting thing is,nt people areer wondering why blacw population is migrating towards president trump? it's not just the black population, it is everybody in america because, what hecaus represents is resilience and the fighting spirit that, can-do attitude that characterized our success and, you know, he is putting the agenda of the people on the front burner, not politics. he doesn't go around with his finger in the air saying whichrn way the wind is blowing and then adapt to that which is what we see on the other side.see it is so unusual to have someone like that in politics. i think you're going to see a tremendous difference here.l this is going to continue right up until the time of election and of course the other side will do everything they can tolo keep him out of office, because he represents an existential threat to them and to their domain. maria: you're also talking about some of the issues that are affecting everyone, not juste is blacks, not just hispanics, not just young people but we're talking about the cost of essentials which is really the main issue as people go to voten that along with this illegal immigration story.e il tell me about that, what you believe is most important to some of these swing voters. "the wall street journal" op-ed recently how black voters becomk swing voters. virginia has not back ad republican for president in two decades s that about to flip?de als l of these very deep blue areas are now questionable for the democrats? >> yeah, well, you know the polling shows that trump is tied withhows biden in virginia, whia traditionally quite a blue state and is leading in pennsylvania. i think that's going to continue to grow.nd an id again, you know, it's practical whenai you look at the fact that the real inflation rate is up about 19.3% that really hits people in the pocketbook. when people go to the gas pump, you know, they're suffering, ane you don't, when you go to the store you don't buy the things that you want, you buy then't things that you can afford.ha that's not the way that america normally works. then you look at the immigratiot issue. you know peopllooke are concernd about the fact that the ime illl immigrants are being put in lin in front of them. the affairs of the people of oue country are being, you know,re neglected by the currentby t administration, and i was on the border with the lieutenanth th governor, dan patrick of texas a few weeks ago looking at how effective eagle pass they have been. there were only three or four people a day coming through there. it was thousands before that. we were talking to the border patrol people, asked them, if they had cooperation of the federal government how long would it take to really shut the border down? t o a few weeks, that's all. >> wow. >> this is eminently fixable and so many other things are eminently fixable. the problems we're having as a society now are self-inflicted,s because e we don't have leadership. the rest of the world is watching us. we're a laughingstock. and you know, let's just prayst god willoc preserve us such time as we have real leadership in this country.s yoweu know you have somebody whs impaired with the nuclear codes, in charge ofhe the military, in charge of the safety of they people of our country, how canan this be? maria: that is what i was going to raise with you because we saw more questions about president biden's capacity when he was on the world's stage this week in italy.esid wandering off in the middle of i an important moment there where georgia maloney had to redirect him. what are your thoughts on that.u you're agh doctor. do o you believe president biden makes it to the election or will he be -- the democrats are noteo stupid, right but are they going to push to make him withdraw? >> well, i'm sure they are gathering and trying to figurehi out how they get out of thisf dilemma which they created because they knew, from the beginning that he was having some cognitive issues. in particular must have known that and yet, there is such a desire for power and prestige, that you put the welfare of the country and the people on the backburner.f and thi hope the people of amera understand that. i think the people of america are a lot smarter than many on the left give them credit fore and the people thinks they canit manipulate them so easily with these stories. and how they, they don't have anything to run on, so all they do is try to demonize donald trump. but, you know, i've been with donald trump and when theon cameras weren't around whetheral he interacted with, on the street people and he is very interested in them.'s and that's why he is connecting with those individuals becausew they know he's real.vidu there is no you don't have to sit there and wonder what he is thinking. he will tell you what he is thinking and he shows it. maria: yeah. >> he also recognizes that our economy has done very well when we let market forces determine where we go, rather than havinge government mandates determine where we go. that is the difference between g our system and the chinese and the russians. maria: speaking of the chinese, we've got what, 50,000 chinese nationals coming into thisiona country in the last year, largely from the san diego wide open border. do you s believe that's, by desn of xi xinping? >> of course it is. it is not just the chinese but whuto hates us the most? the iranians. they're coming in from over 100 countries. i don't think they're justtrie coming here to twiddle their thumbs. i mean we have really neglectedm the safetybs of the american people and i hope the american people realize that. elections have consequences and it is not just the presidential election. we have to bese thinking about e senate and the house also if we really want to make significant change and soon.ange maria: yeah. dr. carson, are you expecting to be part of a trumpex administration? >> i am expecting to work for the rest of my life to save our country. whether i do that from inside or outside of the government is ups toid god.s maria: all right. we will leave it there. thank you so much for joining me this dr. ben carson. it is always wonderful to see you, former secretary of housing and urban development. thank you, >> thank you, maria. maria: a quick break, thea fallout overqu hunter biden's conviction in his federal gun c trial ason congress continues is investigation into president biden over alleged bribery, money laundering and influence peddling. florida congressman anna paulinu luna is here with missouri senator eric schmitt with the latest.of former t trump counselor, kellyanne conway with a break down of the 2024 presidential race. that's next. ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ ♪ saying, ♪ ♪ "this is my message to you-ou-ou" ♪ ♪ singing, "don't worry ♪ ♪ about a thing" ♪ (♪) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! maria: welcome back. we've got new polls this morning. a new poll from monmouth university, show as president biden's approval rating below 40%. less than two weeks away from t in person debate between biden and president trump on june 27. new rules were released on the presidential debate. expected economy, immigration,he and impact of "bidenomics" onde regular new report from the labore ladepartment overall inflation p 20% on joe biden's watch with the cost of basic essentials, food, shelter, energy continuin, to squeeze consumers as real wages go down. joining me is trump former senior counselor, he will kellyanne conway. great to see sta you. assess the race of for us. >> it is trump's to lose.t i hope early vote, swamp the vote program they put out is very successful. i think if president trump encourages people to vote early, it will be very different than or 2022, where fetterman beat oz, on the early vote, 700,000 votes, people googling how do i change my vote? you don't. i would love to see that happen, investing in the non-sexy parts of politics. i think they're doing a great job. herethat is the iron i of this c the,e irony donald trump is expanding his map into countiess into community cast across the country. u can't say a single county or state where trumy orp is expandg his map. he is in the south bronx, wildwood, new jersey, but overis iin minnesota, in virginia, talking about new hampshire. the irony joe biden is doings slightly better, means better than poor in states that are very white, like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. trump is doing much better in the diverse states like arizonae nevada, georgia. that i trus the irony. geo trump is the unifier biden saidh he wouldat be. he is unifying the party.s cot gomeunz who said they would never support him or vote for him standings next to him. here is what trump is doing so e smart.akin not only putting up, standing up showing up. when you show up into a community you will win 15%, 20, 25% only, showing america that every vote counts. you want to be president of all americans. you're doing another thing, mariah. you're plasticking for theac tidebate. standing at podium. inprojecting humor. reviewing policy accomplishment. biden is not doing that look at contrast of this weekend,de n donald trump in detroit talkig to 8,000 people. at a plaque church of course. by the way he did that in 2016. detroit in 2016 where donald trump famously said on a saturday what have you got to lose. you've been voting this way for a while. maria: yes. >> joe biden hobnobbing withe bi hollywood, tells you all you need to know. california scene of nextca hunter biden trial. joe biden lied on the debate stage about hundred hunt.o i thinvok president trump will very welabl in that debate on friday, i was sitting right there. he sort of, sort of wastt skewering a littlein bit thet moderators, danaof bash, jake tapper, cnn people are upsetpl doing a debate on cnn. he will be fine. he is donald trump. my advice let joe biden speak, let him slur, let shim struggle, let him let hiblm stand at debate podius for 90 minutes with the lack of agility, acuity we all see.s setoe most questions aboutabou abortion and january 6th andtion covid. maria: i will ask you about thia nddebate, cnn came out with ther rules. two commercial breaks. candidate interactions allowed with the staff during commercial brakes.ct podiums aniod positions by a con flip. rfk, jr. could still qualify, interest. do now maybe the white house want a distraction of rfk, jr. or will that be a negative for k president biden? give us your most important issues in terms of prep for this upcoming debate less than two weeks away. >> so trump is the insurgent incumbent and that is the best prep he has. he iays back to the 2016 hungeru swagger,rg underdog, underestimated, outsider to the system, fighting for you, fighting for the forgotten man, forgotten women who feeld invisible under "bidenomics,"id enborder insecurity and hot spos all over the world, maria, yet he has a incumbent's record of four years. focus on the binary choice. one of the biggest applause lines is maga-nomics versuss "bidenomics." many ceos are looking atn as joe biden ultimate government insider, regulates, make us energy dependent on foreign sources and taxes them, andon doesn't understand the way jobta creators operatend versus the gy who is job creator like them. for the debate president trump will focus on binary choice america has between hisry presidency and life with him, life unjoe biden. also it is goingency to be a tef will of the energy and acuity i'm talking about, a little bit ofg to humor. i think cnn believes theirf cutting down the mic donald trump doesn't speak the whole time. great, joe biden speak. give him hal sf the time i beg f you.f if rfk is there, bad for biden.. arif minds everybody they made r huge mistake purging rfk, jr. from the party.m should have kept him in. hilary sanners beat hillary clinton in 23 caucuses and primaries. name one state rfkj would have beaten joe biden? he wouldn't joe biden isey holed up inop campaignen preparing for debate. the most popular word in the deprep is trump. tru they had name in court. donald trump is not indoor cat. look at him back on the trail, h unleashed, raisingim money as te messenger with the message. heer has momentum. donald trump i will name five groups for you where he is doine better. doing better than before among blacks, hispanics, union households, politicalen ceindependents, young people soe female groups. he doesn't need 50% of any group i said to you and he could be the next president. maria: wow. kellyanne, we'll be watching. we're getting great to talk withen you, formee trump senior counselor, kellyanne conway a quick break, and republicans aro e fighting back with senators blocking fast tracking biden nominees unless the lawfare against president trump ends. the households attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for refusal to turnr over audiotapes of specialfo counsel's interview with o joe biden.f anna paulina and eric schmitt on biden's doj next. ♪. ♪ nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. president biden: i'm extremely proud of my son hunter. he has overcome an an an addiction. he idis oncte of the most brigh, decent men i know. i am satisfied.d i'i will not do anything i said i abide by theab jury decision. i will do that and not pardon him. maria: that was president biden during the g7 summit in italy on thursday pledging not to pardon his son hunter biden after he wawas convicted of all three felony charges in the federal gun trial. the first son faces up to 25 years in prison but thee fisentencing guidelines ranges 5 to 21 months.ui nobodyde is expecting hunter too get any jail g time. on capitol hill the house voted to hold attorney generald in merrick garland in contempt of congress for his failing to comply with subpoena turning over tapes of. president biden. presidenrt ht biden said a presidential privilege blockinul the release of tapes and doj saysng they will not prosecute garland. we have anna paulina luna and senator eric schmitt. thank you soi sta much for beig here. congressman, i will start with you. the doj says they will not prosecute garland over contempt of congress charges.>> a your next move in the house? >> several months ago i introduced a resolution over inherent contempt of congress. this is something that has not been done since the 1900s. i anticipated the department of justice would not dough their job, so i had this really teed up and ready to go. i brought this to speaker johnson's attention. what that allows congress to be the punitive arm, hold garlando accountable using the sergeant-at-arms, get him asst well as the tapes. bring him tot thear well of the house and be a check and balance department of justice. that has not been done since the early 1900s. this will l be brought to the floor. if this goes to courts asas jjohnson stated this will get stuck there.oi it wilngl not do anything. the american people need more than strongly worded letters. we're all frustrated. we're hoping to bring thatwe accountability. maria: i knoted w in the actual transcript of the special. counsel interview with president biden, in the written transcript the ums and ahs were edited out. are there any other worries that you have? why must you see, hear the audiotapes that you didn't get from theorri transcript? was it, doctored in anyway? >> i believe that it's possible that it has been doctored but ie also think, maria, it willdo really shoctw the american peope whether or not biden is actually capable of making those decisions. remember we have a foreigng policy debacle right now. we have russian warships off of our coast and if he is not able to stand fit as president, id don't think he wilrul be the not nominee this november. i think that's why democrats are trying to protect him and the doj. maria: youu be don't think he i going to be thpre nominee?t >>th not if these tapes come oue maria. ,i think they have big problems. i think his cognitive inability is the number one issue for them currently. maria: senator, what do you think about all of this and walk us through your meeting withut president trum ap this week? how did i it go, you came out of the meeting, republicans, yourself, jd vance and others in e senate announced a blockade of biden nominees to protest tht lea fare against president trump, tell us more. >> we'll use every procedural tool we have in the senate tous slow things down and block these nominees. the department of justice has been fully weaponized not just against president trump and the weamerican people, so unlike thm working outside the law, we'll work within the rules but this w is aor response. there has to be response. we cannot allow our country to descend into a ba an that that republic. these two tiers of justice under thhas e biden administration, pl politicaicl opponents to jail,pu censort americans, usher anvati invasion, convert them to voters this is under the watch of the biden an administration. this is their plan. president trump offered a 70im mysticis concept. he was talking about unity, winning, saving this country. he was talking about the record, important for people to understand, for the first timels in anybody's lifetime we have the opportunity to judge twopo presidents on theirtr record. normally a president versus a challenger or open seat. now we have two records. you put president trump's record having secure border, not beingt involved iinn any wars, an econy that works for working family as opposed to high inflation, high prices, you compare that to what american resistive aring through right now, i think the choice ie pretty clear. president trumwhp was very upbeh very confident. i think he should be. i think he will take the senate, expand majority in the house and win the white house. maria: from a legal perspective senator, do you see similarities between what happened to trump tofficials and what now biden s saying. biden is i saying he is using executive privilege to hold the audiotapes back, isn't peter navarro in jail right now for using executive privilege about the subpoena on january 6th? steve bannon about to go to prison for similar reasons?y from a6, legal perspective is ts the same? p >>er look, they have clearly delineated, this is what you get with soviet style show trials wt saw inhe new york, sort of rewad friends and punish enemies you see in other places in the world that our state department, if it were happening other places d would warn ueps it i os happening here. that is why disbar garr oughtco merrick garland ought to bnte hd in contempt. with the huntee per biden, peope holding parallel, lied on on a form, buying crack, trying to buy a gun. as a former prosecutor that iss slam-dunk case. theyt tried to hide sweetheart deal to give him immunity from all prosecution in all of the cases against the united states of america. thankfully the judge askedm un questions. that is one example how their friends arexe treated differenty than their enemies.d thisdi is incredibly dangerous road to go down for this republic, maria. i didn't see that unpresident trump. all the claimsth they make, threats to democracy they're actually doing. president trump didn'tcy d, o td i think american peoplene are rejecting this. why i think he is going to win big this november. maria: congresswoman, anna, your colleague, andy biggs hase released aan timeline which he says proves that joe biden'she direct collusion with prosecutors was the reason that president trump was this is something that john ratcliffe has said on thisct program manyed times, that peopn tlike alvin bragg, letitia jam, fani willis, michael colangelo all met with white house counsel before actually indicting president trump. andy biggs says he has got the five lime. he has a graphic here going through all the meetings that he says took place in 2022. what do you know about this? >> well i can tell you that andy biggs is on it. also too, that people forget pomerantz was also numb per three at biden's department ofe justice,at sent down to new york to oversee the trial. employment say there is no possibility this is corrupt i t turn theurm around show the fac like andy biggs presented. this administration is really using the department of justice to go after their political opponents because they know trum gop will win. american people starting with e withdrawal from afghanistan, biden has no foreign policy, we're a mess right now and i frankly think why president i trump would win big, he was joking about this on thursday, every single time they indict him he goes up in the polls.sday we're looking toward a win in november. we do needan to bringrw accountability in congress, weto need to get serious not funding these weaponized institutions. o i mean it. we're hoping to bring the inherent contempt vote once we return. i hopefully that wil hl be the che and balance we need. maria: go ahead, senator. >> ima was going to make a point too. this is also important to understand to piggy back after the representative's point, in november of 2022 biden gives nocomments in a speech talking about he will use all legal means necessary to keep donald trump out of the white house. after that, you saw fannie will list, you saw jack smith, you saw letitia james, you saw alvin bragg, she is zombie cases weref resurrected to keep trump off the ballot, to sort of get thumb. this clearly goes back to b joe biden. thain e american people will ret this. this is not in our dna they're sot obsessed with power ande' control willing to do anything to keep. >> maybe but at the end of the a day whndo counts the votes. right? what are your thoughts on a fair and free election.tion rnc launching massive effort to monitor voting. enough. doing >> i believe so. we have two -- maria: go ahead, sir. maria: no please, go ahead. >> i was going to say that, i was going to say we have overhaul at rnc. president trumpwell made a poina tot talk about this up visitin with us in washington.ti weng have to have accountabilit. we have to have massive ballot harvesting operations and toe insuring there are people there to monitor as well as attorneys on the ground that are prepared to bring lawsuit in the event we see people acting shady. i feel very confident.ctin maria: okay. >> aady s someone who is very mh so akin to that, we're in good shape for this november. maria: senator, final word. >> absolutely. the republicans have gotten the memo now.r. we need to make sure people votw on election dae y and if they c, if they can vote before then we want to encourage that to make sure all those votes are banked there is so much on the line fou this country and we got to win. maria: early voting starts mid-sent. thank you both, anna paulina luna , eric schmitt.ou great to have yoghu both. staymore with us -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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>> thank you, maria. great to be with you. what happened in europe was seismic. our friends in france, germany, rejecting progressive policies, rejecting extreme environmentalist agenda, squeezing families with theirly energy costs but farmers. i think you're going to see some real again, seismic elections coming u sp in the future inhe individual countries like france. macron had to call a snap election. he will lose control of his parliament and basically be handcuffed for his last twoal years so this is really quitela dramatic. maria: how is the primtwe minise of the uk doing? >> unfortunately not terribly well and i think conservatives in the uk are rightly deeply concerned about their election coming up next month but this ie not an election that will be fo labor.ll it b is because british i conservatives feel that the tories have not delivered on what they promised. theyel have not delivered on thh economic potential oeyf brexit. they have nod ont delivered on conservative principles. boris johnson, for example, was far too green, far too extreme in the environmental agenda.trem maria: right. >> this is repudiation of the tories and real encouragement to get back to the thatcherrite principles of british conservatives. maria: suddenly you're hearing the idea of frexit? will france want to move out of eu. a short break, get your take on joe biden own the world stage i italy. what inew,s taking place in rusi stay with us, we're talking with tavictoria coates. we'll be right back. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. ♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. i'm back with former deputy national security advisor victoria codes. victoria, we've got russia's fleet of warships in cuba. they have been there and the white house is telling us that this is just routine naval visits. they're not worried. your reaction? >> no,, i mean their message is nothing to see here, move along but there is some unprecedented things going on here, maria. this is the first time in four years russia has moved this kind of flotilla around cuba and the missile drills they have engaged in are unprecedented. nothing like this has happened before and ire think whacet you, putin, who should be tied up ino ukraine,ot really flexing his muscle in our own backyard. you could call this flotilla diplomacy, if you will. it is deeply dangerous. i think if president trump were in office he would direct us ton put a massive show of u.s.they presence in the caribbean because it is our backyard. maria: well i mean, we're just not visible. then you see joe biden in italy with more gaffs. what was your assessment of the president at thenot g7? m>> yeah, that's another very dangerous thing. t you seehat's wha putin pushing back on. he sees the endings dream weakness of president biden looking foolish and lost both at normandy 10 days ago, and now here in italy. i thought the prime minister of i italy really looked like the leader of europe. she looked like the leader of th le free world. much stronger than biden. maria: maloney did well, that's for sure. thank you fo r coming back. we appreciate your time. former national security advisor victoria coats, i see you nextal thweek on "mornings with maria supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. 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,Release ,Doj Saysng ,Congress ,Contempt ,Congressman ,Move ,Beig ,Soi Sta ,Resolution ,1900 ,Accountable ,Attention ,Him ,Hold Garlando ,Sergeant At Arms ,Arm ,Tot Thear ,Speaker Johnson ,Check ,It Wilngl ,Floor ,Asas Jjohnson ,Theorri ,Counsel ,Special ,Letters ,Thatwe Accountability ,I Knoted W ,Ahs ,Written Transcript The Ums ,Worries ,Warships ,Policy Debacle ,Id Don T ,Decisions ,Coast ,Fit ,It Willdo ,Foreigng ,Peope Whether ,Nominee ,Oue Maria ,Youu Be Don T ,Inability ,Thpre ,Trum ,Jd ,Others ,Withut ,Ap ,Blockade ,Tool ,Tous ,Aor Response ,Few ,Response ,Thm Working Outside The Law ,Nba ,Justice ,Invasion ,Thhas E Biden ,Plan ,Administration ,Republic ,Pu Censort Americans ,Watch ,Pl Politicaicl ,Tiers ,Usher Anvati ,Presidents ,Timels ,Lifetime ,Opportunity ,Winning ,Anybody ,70im Mysticis Concept ,Twopo ,70 ,Family ,Econy ,Record ,Records ,Inflation ,Open Seat ,Wars ,Prices ,Challenger ,Versus ,Iinn ,Trumwhp ,Perspective ,Majority ,Similarities ,Resistive Aring ,Back ,Executive Privilege ,Isn T ,Peter Navarro ,P Er Look ,Subpoena ,Prison ,Reasons ,A6 ,Steve Bannon ,Places ,State Department ,Style ,Ueps About Ng ,Rewad Friends ,Wt Saw Inhe ,I Os ,Soviet ,Garr Oughtco ,Bnte Hd In Contempt ,Per Biden ,Form ,Gun ,Prosecutor ,Buying Crack ,Huntee ,Peope Holding Parallel ,Kiss ,Example ,Theyt ,Askedm Un ,Slam Dunk Case ,Prosecution ,Enemies D Thisdi ,Sweetheart Deal ,Friends Arexe ,Threats ,Trump Didn Tcy D ,Peoplene ,Democracy ,Unpresident Trump ,Road ,Claimsth ,Congresswoman ,Joe Biden She Direct Collusion ,Reason ,Prosecutors ,Aan Timeline ,Andy Biggs Hase ,Alvin Bragg ,Thisct Program Manyed Times ,Fani Willis ,John Ratcliffe ,Peopn Tlike ,Letitia Jam ,Michael Colangelo All ,Graphic ,Lime ,Trial ,Possibility ,Employment ,Fac ,Turn Theurm ,Department Ofe ,Pomerantz ,Afghanistan ,Foreign Policy ,Mess ,Withdrawal ,Opponents ,I Trump ,Bringrw Accountability ,Polls Sday ,Weto ,Lima ,Contempt Vote ,Institutions ,Che ,Oi ,Wil Hl ,Speech ,Representative ,Think Whacet You ,Nocomments ,Piggy ,Jack Smith ,Fannie Will List ,November Of 2022 ,Ballot ,Thain E ,Thumb ,Dna ,Saw ,You Saw ,Letitia James ,Power Ande ,Election Tion Rnc ,Day Whndo ,The End ,Voting ,Overhaul ,Effort ,Sir ,Rnc ,Trumpwell ,Ground ,Attorneys ,Event ,Talk ,Operations ,Toe ,Harvesting ,Up Visitin ,Lawsuit ,Ti Weng Have ,Accountabilit ,Washington ,Poina Tot ,Shape ,Shady ,Memo Now R ,Votw ,Line ,Mid Sent ,Dae Y ,Protein ,Both ,Vitamins ,Sugar ,Minerals ,Staymore ,Eric Schmitt Ou Great ,Yoghu ,Us Ugh ,Woo Hoo ,30 ,Games ,Cardinals ,Fiber ,Blend ,Prebiotic ,Roof ,Satellite ,Brain ,Pigeons ,Directv ,Orioles ,Blue Jays ,Andean Condor ,Team ,Socks ,Music ,Peace ,Flight Prices ,Paradise ,Twins ,Mother ,Challenges ,Aspects ,Oh My Gosh ,Tom Loved Hockey ,Major ,Army ,Shirt ,Husband ,West Point ,Thomas Kennedy ,U S Army ,Hockey ,Bomb ,Suicide Bomber ,Were ,Incident ,2012 ,Sister ,Breast Cancer ,Raising ,2018 ,Towers ,Kind ,Daily Life ,Mother In Law ,Wrench ,Mortgage ,Care ,Metastatic Breast Cancer ,Bill ,Timing ,Lottery ,Home ,Treatments ,First Responders ,Members ,Children ,Tunnel To Towers ,Family Members ,Organization ,T2t ,Dot Org ,11 ,European Union ,Deputy National Security Advisor ,Policies ,Influx ,Massive ,Socialism ,Migrants ,Easton Antid ,Africa ,Brussels ,Heritage E Foundation ,Victoria Coates ,Europeanac Parliamentartey ,Progressive Policies ,To Be With You ,Environmentalist ,France ,Germany ,Macron ,Snap Election ,Farmers ,Theirly Energy ,Sp In The Future Inhe ,Conservatives ,Doing ,Parliament ,Primtwe Minise ,Uk ,Nod Ont ,Theyel ,Potential ,It B ,Fo Labor Ll ,Thh ,Oeyf Brexit ,Repudiation ,Principles ,Environmental Agenda Trem Maria ,Encouragement ,Boris Johnson ,Thatcherrite ,What Inew ,Rusi Stay ,Frexit ,Nutrition ,Tavictoria Coates ,Boost ,Stuff ,Weight ,Stop Wegovy ,Trouble ,35 ,46 ,Medicine ,Don T Take Wegovy ,Fda ,Medicines ,Adults ,Overweight ,Medullary Thyroid Cancer ,Events ,Heart Disease ,Obesity ,Glp 1 ,Semaglutide ,Side Effects ,Diabetes ,Gallbladder Problems ,Lump ,Stomach Pain ,Blood Sugar ,Neck ,Swelling ,Pancreatitis ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome ,Changes ,Provider ,Vision Problems ,Depression ,Suicide ,Heart Racing ,Diarrhea ,Vomiting ,Dehydration ,Nausea ,Kidney Problems ,Cv Risk ,Coverage ,Health Care Professional ,Sfx ,Water Lapping ,Water ,Ambient ,Victoria Codes ,Fleet ,Nothing ,Visits ,Time ,In ,Missile ,Flotilla ,Putin ,Backyard ,Muscle ,Flotilla Diplomacy ,Ino Ukraine ,Caribbean ,Assessment ,Thenot G7 ,Endings ,Weakness ,Wha ,You Seehat ,10 ,Leader ,Prime Minister , ,Free World ,Fo R ,Th Le ,Sure ,Mornings With Maria Supporting ,Metabolism ,Nextal Thweek ,Try Centrum Silver ,Victoria Coats ,Bond ,Formulations ,Skin ,Moisturizers ,3 ,Companies ,Customer Experience ,Connectivity ,Skins ,5g ,Solutions ,Pga Of America ,5g Business Internet ,Partners ,Employees ,Powers Tractor Supply ,Delta Airlines ,Game Changing Innovation ,100000 ,Vet ,Levi ,Levi S ,I M Sam ,Pet Insurance ,Vet Bills ,X Rays 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