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pete: biden's war on appliances gets push back as a new lawsuit is trying to keep the government's hands off. rachel's dish washer and washing machine. >> plus, would your teenage or drop their smart phone for a flip phone? comedian jerry seinfeld thinks so gifting his youngest son one at graduation. final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪pete: there's no lake next to denver. this is not denver. >> we're horrible on geography. pete: will claims to be geography and so does rick. nerd battles of geography. it's important and we should know more about it. rick: i believe map quest will be back on here. pete: the mclemore boys are here and they'll be with us at the end. rachel: potatoes and sausage and pickles. pete: these are frito lays with my men toe cheese and hot dogs and jalapeño. rick: not going to eat it? pete: you don't like pimento cheese? rachel: no, i love it. it's my favorite. pete: summer is here and they have their cook book gatter and grill. check it out. rick: this is coming from women and i'm 46 years in and haven't figure it had out yet. i thought you were angry. rachel: no, come on, we have to get outside. pete: exactly. exactly. rachel: we had kevin o'leary on just a bit ago and he was talking about why he thinks governor burgum is a good choice. pete: yeah, we're in the middle and trump will pick his vp during the convention or around that time frame, which means we're getting down to the wire and we have a sense of who it might be, and we've had a lot of folks on the program. tim scott and doug burgum and more on the short list in the weeks to come. we'll hear from them but, yes, kevin o'leary believes doug burgum will be a good pick and here's why. >> we don't usually care who either side chooses a z a vice president n. this cycle because of longevity issues, it's never been more important. i'd love to see trump bring him in to the portfolio and trump himself admitted z that in his last tenure, last mandate, he makes a mistake on who he brought into cabinet. burgum is not the mistake and he could be the get it done guy. tram subpoena bombast ick and a vision guy. but he needs execution skills and go fix the border or energy or anything. that's what burgum does. i don't see that skill set proven in any other candidate. governors make great vice presidents because their executional skills. i'm endorsing him because i'd like to see this work in every state i invest in. he would be terrific on this ticket. pete: i like someone more aligned with the tram's america first and jd vance and capable as well and no. 2 that really understands in his dna the america first agenda and he's got a lot of great picks and for the reasons that mr. wonderful said, they're certainly considering him. rachel: i like jd vance and i wish vivek was on that list and donald trump is a wild card and giving us this list and we get a surprise at the convention that's not an impossibility with donald trump. you know, i never thought about marco rubio until now but as i see all the things brewing in latin america, i know he's hawkish and hawkish on latin america specifically and understands what's going on and very concerned about china, iran, and russia really exerting their influence in the western hemisphere and there's a case for that and with with marco rubio as well, the hispanic case, he speaks per spect spanish and could also -- per spect span and i shall that's a demographic that the -- perfect spanish and that's a demographic they didn't think they'd have a opportunity for and they do now. rick: the best analogy is this is like the nfl draft picking in vp. you can't find one person ma checks off every single box and is number one in every single one of the things you evaluate, but you have to make a decision. which one helps your team the most? everybody seems like they have a difference of opinion on this. i think at the end of the day, trump will pick someone that's going to help his team. it's just a matter of in which area will that person help the team the most, and we're ignoring trump's number one qualification every interview you've heard he or one of the surrogates give: who will be able to step in for me in 2028. that seems to be his number one criteria and what's being presented publicly. pete: a big head start to whoever it is in 2028 and doesn't want the conversation to immediately be about 2028 so that could be a factor too. by the way, there's a headline in "the wall street journal," top ceos are flocking to trump in a bid to shape his agenda and they see the writing on the warm and difference between a politician in the white house versus a ceo and businessman and saw what the economy looked like so take -- keep an eye out on that. rick: i like what pete medical examinerred and manufacturing and bank and finance ceos that are in that article but the ones you need to pay attention to the most and are the most eye opening are the tech ceos and the manufacturing and finance guys will go be with wind and who they think will win and put their money there. tech ce os have historically never gone for the guy in red and now they're going toward trump in droves in part because of what's mentioned in that article but also in part because of trump's stance on crypto. he's taken a stance and i'm not going to pretend to understand how crypto works and not going to get into detail here. the fact of the matter is donald trump has said, hey, pay attention to crypto. i'm all for it. i'm going to support it. pete: we had an energy expert and helped us break down a lawsuit that's ongoing against these regulations and how it could affect your lives. listen up. rachel: people want options and if you're a manufacturer and you want -- and you're a customer and want energy efficient dishwasher, which means you want to wash your dishes before you put them in and maybe have to run the dishwasher two times f you're that kind of person and it makes you feel good you're helping the environment, you should have the option to buy that. but i should not be forced to buy that and they want to get rid of the lightbulbs and dishwashers that work and pump enough water through to clean my dishes, this the first time you guys fox news alert, i'm pro choice when it comes to that. pete: i like my leds because i only change them every 20 years. rachel: they've horrible lighting. pete: they've gotten better on some of it. rachel: how old are you? how old are you? pete: i'm 44 years young. rachel: when you're 54, you'll want better lighting. rick: do you do readers yet? pete: no, because uncle sam paid for two'surgeries. under the government gun of my eyes and worked partially the first time and refine it had better the next time. rachel: stay out ovour appliances and stop the war on families, stop the war on appliances and americans think it's a big issue. pei agree. only changing it every 20 years, it's an improvement. they're making stuff that works worse. your dishwasher works worse. will: talking to people from communist countries and the united states. rachel: geopolitical to the grocery store and 20,000 cereals for me to choose from and stop trying to help us choose for government and usually by the way, there's some company that's getting a kick back and they're the ones that are doing the energy efficient stuff and leave us alone, government. pete: leave us alone. and a long time ago we said to the british, leave us alone but still cover them. we move to this. kate middleton joining the royal family on the balcony. rick: it's her first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis. rachel: stephanie joining us from buckingham palace. reporter: good morning. it rained on the king's parade today and didn't rain on the joy everybody had here and crowds and you could hear them as the king and also princess kate road by in their carriages looking well as well. princess kate all smiles of course in that beautiful white dress and white hat of course. people have been setting up since lagouaiej national championship to dacha glimpse of the princess and 400 musicians came together to celebrate the king's birthday and a tradition happening for 260 years and king charles actual birthday, the 14th of november and road on horse back and this time a little rain in the carriage alongside his wife queen camilla and riding alongside the princess royal and duke of eden borough and did come down to the wire weather princess catherine was going to be able to come after missing last week's review, which is kind of a dress rehearsal for the big day today and honesty and openness and talking about a mother saying all the gratitude she's receiving for the messages and ultimately she's making good progress and there are good days and bad days but she says her treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months and she's excited to get back to some public engagement for the summer and she's also been enjoying children's life and little life here and there and and overall her message is the same and privacy and time to heal like a normal human being going through chemo and cancer treatment and to be with her family. guys, back to you. thank you so much. rachel: she just looks stunning. absolutely stunning. pete: we wish her the best. rachel: i was looking at herdesses and outfit. pete: look as lot like what? rachel: my fair lady. it's a tip off to that. pete: a homage. the u.s. destroying two unmanned houthi vessels in the red sea after taking down a radar site in yemen and houthis striking a cargo carrier on wednesday and one sailor missing in the attack. old joe landing in los angeles and preparing to head to a glitzy fundraiser tonight and take the short stairs and working with president obama and george clooney and julia roberts raised $28 million and counting and the largest democrat fundraiser in history. not the largest, just largest democrat fundraiser. and portland, oregon, first responders rescuing more than two dozen people yesterday when an amusement park ride got stuck upside down for nearly half an hour. >> we asked the lady at the bottom of the stairs if this ever happened before and she said no and she's concerned for them. pete: are they upside down? i'm trying to get a better look. one person taken to the hospital and the ride at oaks park is now closed until further notice. a half hour upside down. no thank you. will cain taking on the dallas mavericks and they prevented a sweep in the nba finals. >> swig and a push and alley-oop with a perfect connection. and game five monday night in boston. that's why will cain is not here. he gets a hall pass and the game was in his hometown for the nba finals. he's a sports guy so he'll be here tomorrow morning. todd, thank you for being here. todd: when my yankees go to the world series, will will step in on my show? he's 20 and next time the giants will win in 30, 40 years and sad and tough team and yankees are pretty good. rachel: what else is good. pete: you barely made touchdowne show and wouldn't without help. rachel: i was in wisconsin and was driving home and hit a deer. actually the deer hit me. pete: deer hit you. rachel: deer hit me and i was stranded and it's wisconsin. there were good samaritans that drove me to the airport and casey and teresa and they could not have been kinder and nicer. pete: how far was the drive? rachel: like an hour and a half. pete: not like a 15 minute thing. rachel: no, it would have taken me a bit and then there was a problem with my uber it wouldn't come and they said don't worry, we got you. and they took me all the way. you know what, i needed this. they are the most wonderful people, and we live in a time wondering who we are as a people and seeing corruption in government and bad people running the country and meet good people like casey and teresa and they that's america. thank you for the ride and restoring my hope in humanity. that's really good people. todd: that deer hit you in the daytime? rachel: yeah, ran right into me and air bags deploployed and the car was disabled. they weren't the only ones that stopped and two other people. that's very wisconsin. if i would have gotten stranded in new york or new jersey. pete: get out of the way. rachel: maybe i would have been robbed or worse. pete: meet them and restore your faith. todd: just this month los angeles ended covid vaccine mandate after pushing workers out of their jobs for three years. rachel: talking to a former los angeles fire fighter fired for not complying on battle to get back to his job. fire fighters fired for not getting the covid vaccine are battling to heat girari job back. in march of last year, the city finally ended the covid health emergency but it wasn't till this month the city ended the worker vaccine mandate. our next guest is one of the former fire fighters john knocks and joining me now. you weren't fired till november of 2023. and to add this, that is six months after the white house declared the pandemic. >> good morning. i was given no explanation and plenty of conversations made them over the past two and a half years to get an answer as why the mandate is still in place,&why we were terminated over condition of employment that no one can produce. todd: yeah, to be clear, you did not bargain for this in your collective bargaining agreement. this was not one of the terms of your employment as set forth in the cda, correct? >> absolutely, yes. we have multiple conversations with our union, which is our bargaining union and stated at no time have they ever signed a letter of agreement or signed off on this as a condition of employment. todd: look at numbers, 86 city workers like yourself are experiencing this. looking for your jobs back despite, you know, the covid pandemic being over and that's an issue so what happen when had you responded to the overall mandate with, you know, my body, my choice, the left's favorite slogan. >> that's been the gold standard coming from most individuals, especially here in california and any time i've ever used that slogan and i was told at one point do not use that and that upsets the city council and, you know, being terminated for my job being put off and leave without pay for two years and violating all of my due process, fire fighter bill of rights and list of other things upsets me. todd: yeah, we reached out to los angeles fire department for a statement and did not get back to us. before we let you go, john, these are tough times for everybody. how are you making ends meet not having your job you were great at for so many years? >> you know, it's been a really big adjustment throughout this time and i've relied on god and my family and saving ands been a long haul and i mean, i was terminated in november of last year at thanksgiving and it's been, what, seven months now and i still don't have my final paycheck from the city of los angeles. i mean, they put on a great face in stating they removed this mandate and there's a path way back but at this point, there's nothing they've said or proven that's been true and it's travesty. todd: we need to take a step back and realize what we're talking about, covid vaccine mandates, feels like this segment should have been three years ago and not now. we're so far past this and so upsetting, john, you're still experiencing it and we're praying for you and hope you get back on the team. la needs you. house passed a defense bill to give a major pay boost or junior troops and rolling back dei measures and texas congressman wesley hunt is a member of the house and reacts now and safari glamping experience in new jersey and say it once and i'll say it again. those words have never came out of my mouth in that order, glamping, new jersey, safari, rick is getting up close and personal with what kind ofrt animal? animal? a that's next. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. pete: a 19.5% pay raise for junior troops and amendments to roll back zei in the military. 25 includes eliminating the dei officer and personnel and hiring freeze on such roles and now the bill is headed to the gnat for consideration. and here to discuss is texas congressman and retired army captain friend of the show wesley hunt. wesley, thanks for being here hawaii do you make of this pay increase? you've heard the stories of young troops coming here to that can't afford to feed their families. it's about time. >> a young list of soldier withs snap benefits to make ends meet and going to defend this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic and going to predict it's costing $24 billion over the next four years and democrats are opposing this and in april they were in favor of sending $61 billion more to ukraine. it's absurd and also rolling back dei is something that's critical and that's why our forces are hurting and this is not about diversity and it's about finding people that want to serve our country and dei should stand for destroying enemy insurgents and that's it. brother, you know alaska my family and brother went to west point and my sister went to west point and my father is a retired colonel and we did before dei and we want to serve our country and that's exactly what the country wants and people to raise their hand regardless of race, religion, color and creed and we pay them accordingly with a sense of p patriotism and prie in the family. and recruiting by all backgrounds and never meeting the goals and here's stats in 2023. the short falls in the services on recruiting goals and the army is short 23%, navy down 20% and air force down 11% and mention it had though wesley. the democrats are against the pay raise for the junior enlisted troops? >> i actually can't believe it. you're sitting there talking about recruiting numbers and we need to pay these people more because that's going to help us with recruiting and beside the fact it's more focused on pronouns and gender studies and focused on war fighting and that's why we're seeing this decline in recruiting and paying our soldiers more and recruiting the right people and how do we tell people again that patriotism is good and our country is good and serving our nation is good and getting back to that is, i think, a paramount role we used to play moving forward. pete: such a great case and when i hear people say in uniform, our diversity is our strength and guys like you and i look at them and cross eyed and say no no no. check yourself. it's our unity that's our strength. last word to you. >> it sure is. pete: wesley, thank you so much. >> happy father's day. pete: like wise. if you want to learn more about all of these topics and the war on words is still available and still number one in the country thanks to service members, vets, military families, patriots out there that bought the book. you want the real story of what's happening to our military, i share it and i think you'll learn something and then we get to work about fixing it. things like this, removing dei and crt and stop funding those things are a huge part and then pay the junior guys who do the heavy lifting inside the units to fight for our country so that you bring those recruiting numbers back up and don't rely on gimmicks or lowering of standards and people joining for all the right reasons they talked about and we'll need the next generation to defend this nation. six flags great adventure going to the full safari for the new resort and bring in rick that's getting up and close personal with all the animals and he's joined by the parks veterinarian ken pfeiffer. you let me know, rick. reporter: doctor. he made sure i knew that getting his name as well as you should. pete: correct. reporter: sunset resort and spa opened up yesterday and it's a big thing for 50th anniversary and people come and stay here and have experiences like this and more. >> oarages have first tour of the day and we get to come and see them and have a vip tour to meet the giants like these african elephants. >> tell me about these two. >> lucy on the right and tonya on the left and they're original herd members of the park that opened 50 years ago. they're african elephants and they are about 55 years old. reporter: african elephants are endangered species? >> they are considered endangered species and less than 500,000 in the wild and their numbers are decreasing because of poaching, hunting, habitat encroachment and things like that . here we do a lot of conservation work and we have a program called save the icon, we use that, the proceeds from that save the icon selling these pins and each year we send funds to conserve wildlife and they use the funds directly in the field to con serve them. reporter: these 50 year-olds are looking older. they're big. how long do they live? >> they can live about 60 to 70 years in captivity. reporter: all right. listen, i'm feeding them breakfast and great work and love that you do it and thanks for giving me a chance to be out here. >> no problem. thanks for coming out. reporter: i'm an animal fade pattern tat ick on the show and coming out -- fanatic is great and how do they find you? >> i got you covered, rick. kate middleton making first public appearance in months and making update on her health. we're talking about the royal correspondent, that's next. rachel: kate mined it'll making fir -- kate middleton making first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis and prince louie hilariously and dramatically yawning and kenzie schofield is joining us. always good to have you. what a moment; right? >> absolutely this. is one of our favorite topics and i'm so glad to cachucha with you. cathkatherine the princess of ws and looking stunning and one person in the crowd said she looks like porcelain and so absolutely beautiful and reminded me a bit of audrey hepburn from my fair lady in her outfit. doesn't she look gorgeous. you know, louie, full of personality. we had little charlotte correcting her brothers that's also one of my favorite things whenever we watch the children. charlotte is always like don't do that, stop inappropriate time to wave. i just thought the family looked wonderful, united, which is something we really needed to see recently with everything going on. but i also sympathize with the fact that it does feel like the princess of wales is thrusting herself out there and stopping the malicious rumors we've been seeing online over the last year. rachel: yeah, that's very true and we're probably not going to see much of her and they usually go on vacation after trooping the colors and taking time to heal and be with my family and lowering expectations for public appearances and it's very understandable and marketed -- markedly missing is harry and meghan and she released products ahead of the trooping of colors and what do you make of the absence and of that? i think a little crass marketing move. >> first of all, announcement of the riviera orchard and dealing with cancer and fertilizery that dealt with cancer for the -- fergie dealing with dancer for the last few months and that was brew disipal cruel. i do -- brutal and cruel. this continues to jeopardize harry and meghan's brand not to be on the balcony or associated with the royal family. to america, their value is their proximity to the royal family and further they get away, i think the further you'll see that brand decline, and you're going to see more of the a-listers that have associated with them and distanced themselves and that's going to hurt them in the long run. rachel: yeah, no question. by the way, love seeing the images and she's just a picture of elegance. i love seeing just how beautifully she carried herself in this moment and knew the eyes of the world were on her and she really made a statement. you know, one of the things that we've been talking about on the couch, pete and todd going why does everybody care about this. i try to think about this a little bit. i want to get your thoughts on it. look, england, the commonwealth, they lost a beautiful princess before and i think people were holding their breath and they just lost the queen and i think it would have been a hard hit and looks like she's healing and she's better and the country has been rallying behind her and they love the royal family and love her and she's really the perfect heir to the queen in so many ways and has that same dignity about her. >> absolutely that stoic and grace and feel that's absolutely stunning. but, you know, the gentlemen over there might understand polling numbers better. polling wise, she dominates and is the most popular member of the british royal family and we have known her since she was a teenage girl and we're invested in her future. that's why we're concerned and we love her so much. we've seen her throughout a lot. rachel: she's the most popular and i'll tell you what, the star was prince louie who was dancing and yawning and always entertaining. he just is to cheeky and we love him. it's so great to have you, kenzie and the story is just begintology unfold. >> thank you. rachel: all right, buy, kinsey. todd. todd: if she was born in wisconsin and not wales, she could replace some 82-year-old on the world stage earlier this week. i'm just saying. we will see. great segment. rachel: thanks, todd. todd: starting with a fox weather alert, florideans cleaning up neighborhoods and assessing the damage now that the worst of the extreme flooding risk is over. intense rainfall flooding with more than 20 inches falling with miami dade and broward counties and the rain in the forecast with the state and the major storms have passed. thank goodness for them down there. and tricking an elderly woman with depositing cash into a bitcoin atm and pretended to be from chase bank security telling the woman to send $40,000. she was ready to deposit the cash when police stepped in. listen to this. >> i had the bank on the phone. >> let me talk to who you're talking to on the bank. >> i'm in danger. >> no you're not, stop putting money in there. who is this? i'm with the white sergeant police department. >> may i please speak to the customer. >> no, you're not speaking to the customer anymore. todd: wow, thankfully she's going to get all her money back thanks to the police officers for saving all that money. jerry seinfeld and their wife giving the son a flip phone for graduation and jessica seinfeld explaining they gave him the gift turning in his smart phone and many asked if this was his first phone. i wish. if i knew then what i know now, i would have waited till age 14 to get him a smart phone. 27% of high -- 72% of high school teachers say phones are a major distraction in the classroom and we cane get rid of them soon enough. those are your headlines. hey, tomorrow's father's day and today we're grilling up delicious dishes for dad. our favorite father son duo you know the mclemore boys are here next. >> i call my man old man. happy father's day. i love you. you're still my hero, and this book is dedicated to you. doe boy. >> happy father's day. can i say, dad has written three books and best selling author over here and it's been an honor and pleasure to get to write a cook book with my dad. not too many sons outs there have a father figure and i'm honored to have you as my father and happy father's day to all of us and to you, dad. the book has been a journey. >> it has been. >> there's a lot of great recipes and i texted all of y'all and said we'll start with rachel. what would sean want? he wanted a tomahawk steak and pete will be eating that in a little bit. rachel: eating sean's steak. >> eating sean's steak. rachel: he had gloves on and i said why are you wearing golf gloves and he took them off. >> ultimate spoke breakfast burger that pete ate in daytona and smoked mac and cheese and brings cut that we brought for pete. pete: five, six slices? >> pot rub ribs. pete: nashville never had a rub. >> this is a high five sweet and high five savory we did the rub with. go to the website and get them. >> here is something else in the cook book. every friday there's the summer concert and series is on. cooking on match book grill and go to the website and we're having a fun thing and passing out munchies to everybody that is a vip at. >> everybody in the crowd gets one of these. >> go get you some munchies. for everybody wanting a pickle on a pickle on a pickle sand wish. this is pickle lovers. >> he eats pickles every night. >> for rick, this is for rick. i know you're in new jersey, rick. we miss you and thank you for all you do for us. if you never had a pickle sandwich on a pickle, have a pickle sandwich. pete: thank you for having us and talking to us. rachel: this is nine times. pete: the podcast. >> this is amazing. rachel: we have the mclemore boys on the tippen table podcast and most beautiful interview about family and gathering around the table and about food, and you're going to love it. go to the kitchen table podcast and don't forget, gatter and grill. this thing is selling like hot cakes. >> for mom and dad in literally an hour. ricker i'm going to give love to sean. pete: we would not be who we are without her. rachel: this is the center of this family. pete: more "fox & friends" in a second. ♪ picker gather and grill for father's day. rachel: it's so good. pete: that rub on that r reignsy or tomahawk, as good as it gets. rachel: happy father's day.

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,Governors ,Skill Set ,Skills ,Fix ,Anything ,Candidate ,Vice Presidents ,Border ,Work ,Estate ,Ticket ,Someone ,Jd ,Picks ,Vance ,Tram ,Dna ,America First ,America First Agenda ,Mr ,Vivek ,My Favorite Things ,Marco Rubio ,Latin America ,Donald Trump ,Surprise ,Wild Card ,Impossibility ,Case ,What S Going On ,Influence ,China ,Hispanic ,Russia ,Western Hemisphere ,Iran ,Demographic ,Uper ,Opportunity ,Spanish ,Person ,Team ,Analogy ,Draft Picking ,Box ,Decision ,Nfl ,Everybody ,Most ,Matter ,Difference ,In ,Person Help ,Opinion ,Area ,Interview ,Head Start ,Qualification ,Surrogates ,Criteria ,Publicly ,2028 ,Way ,Ceos ,Headline ,Conversation ,Factor ,Agenda ,Doesn T ,Writing ,Bid ,Wall Street Journal ,Politician ,Eye ,Economy ,Ceo ,Saw ,Businessman ,White House ,Bank ,Ones ,Tech Ceos ,Article ,Guys ,Finance ,Finance Ceos ,Attention ,Manufacturing ,Eye Opening ,Wind ,Money ,Part ,Crypto ,Stance ,Droves ,Red ,Tech Ce Os Have Historically ,Fact ,Works ,Pay Attention ,Detail ,U S ,Break ,Regulations ,Lives ,People ,Manufacturer ,Customer ,Options ,Dishes ,Kind ,Dishwasher ,Option ,Environment ,Energy Efficient Dishwasher ,Two ,Lightbulbs ,Dishwashers ,Water ,Fox News Alert ,Lighting ,Some ,Leds ,44 ,54 ,20 ,Readers ,Two Surgeries ,Uncle Sam ,Families ,Eyes ,War ,Issue ,Ovour ,Time ,Appliances ,Gun ,Americans ,Stuff ,Will ,Improvement ,Pei ,Company ,Countries ,Grocery Store ,Kick ,Cereals ,20000 ,British ,Royal Family ,Balcony ,Kate Middleton ,Cancer Diagnosis ,Appearance ,Reporter ,King ,Princess ,Crowds ,Carriages ,Smiles ,King S Parade Today And Didn T Rain On The Joy Everybody ,Princess Kate Road ,Buckingham Palace ,Course ,Dress ,Hat ,Birthday ,Musicians ,Road ,Glimpse ,Tradition ,Championship ,Horse ,Charles ,14th Of November ,260 ,14 ,400 ,Camilla ,Rain ,Carriage ,Princess Royal ,Weather ,Riding ,Eden Borough ,Openness ,Dress Rehearsal ,Review ,Honesty ,Big Day Today ,Mother ,Treatment ,Progress ,Messages ,Gratitude ,Children ,Life ,Summer ,Engagement ,Family ,Back To You ,Message ,Cancer Treatment ,Human Being ,Chemo ,Privacy ,Best ,Outfit ,My Fair Lady ,Tip ,Homage ,Unmanned Houthi ,In The Red Sea ,Radar Site ,Yemen ,Houthis Striking A Cargo Carrier ,Attack ,Los Angeles ,Sailor ,Old Joe Landing ,Fundraiser ,Stairs ,Counting ,Largest ,Democrat ,President Obama ,Julia Roberts ,George Clooney ,28 Million ,8 Million ,Responders ,Amusement Park Ride ,Portland ,Oregon ,Lady ,Bottom ,Look ,Hospital ,Will Cain ,Bride ,Dallas Mavericks ,Notice ,Oaks Park ,Finals ,Push ,Sweep ,Swig ,Connection ,Nba ,Alley Oop ,Game ,Hometown ,Hall Pass ,Boston ,Five ,Todd ,Sports Guy ,Yankees ,World Series ,Show ,Giants ,Touchdowne ,30 ,40 ,Deer ,Wisconsin ,Samaritans ,Wouldn T ,Help ,Home ,Thing ,Teresa ,Half ,Drive ,Nicer ,Airport ,15 ,Problem ,It ,All The Way ,Don T Worry ,Country ,Corruption ,Humanity ,Casey ,Hope ,Car ,Air Bags Deploployed ,New Jersey ,New York ,Workers ,Jobs ,Vaccine Mandate ,Covid ,Faith ,Three ,Job ,Battle ,Fire Fighter ,Wasn T ,City ,Job Back ,Worker Vaccine Mandate ,Vaccine ,Covid Health Emergency ,March Of Last Year ,Weren T ,Guest ,John ,November Of 2023 ,2023 ,Six ,Conversations ,Pandemic ,Explanation ,Employment ,Condition ,Answer ,Collective Bargaining Agreement ,Place ,Hy ,Bargaining Union ,Set ,Union ,Terms ,Cda ,Numbers ,Agreement ,City Workers ,Letter ,86 ,Slogan ,Left ,Standard ,Body ,Point ,Job Being ,Leave ,City Council ,Individuals ,Pay ,Bill Of Rights ,My Due Process ,Los Angeles Fire Department ,Ends ,Statement ,Times ,Adjustment ,Haul ,Saving ,God ,Face ,Path ,Paycheck ,Seven ,Segment ,Step ,Travesty ,Nothing ,Covid Vaccine Mandates ,Troops ,Junior ,House ,Defense Bill ,Boost ,Rolling Back ,La ,Words ,Member ,Experience ,Measures ,Congressman Wesley Hunt ,Safari Glamping ,Texas ,Animal ,Glamping ,Order ,Ldl C ,Statins ,Changes ,Heart Disease ,Green Juice ,Fan ,Exercise ,Diet ,Bad Cholesterol ,Repatha ,Risk ,Heart ,Heart Attack ,Statin ,Repatha Plus ,63 ,Trouble Breathing ,Spain ,Common Cold Symptoms ,Symptoms ,Signs ,Side Effects ,Flu ,Swallowing ,Swelling ,High Blood Sugar ,Sore Throat ,Redness ,Runny Nose ,Injection Site ,Bruising ,Raise ,Amendments ,19 5 ,Bill ,Officer ,Freeze ,Roles ,Gnat ,25 ,Thanks ,Friend ,Stories ,Consideration ,Congressman ,The Show Wesley Hunt ,Army Captain ,Hawaii ,Enemies ,Soldier Withs Snap Benefits ,24 Billion ,4 Billion ,Something ,Back ,Forces ,Favor ,Ukraine ,1 Billion ,Four ,61 Billion ,Diversity ,Brother ,Sister ,Enemy ,Insurgents ,West Point ,Alaska ,Father ,Colonel ,Hand ,Race ,Religion ,Color ,Creed ,Recruiting ,Backgrounds ,P Patriotism ,Prie ,Stats ,Goals ,Air Force ,Recruiting Goals ,Army ,Services ,23 ,11 ,Recruiting Numbers ,Decline ,Soldiers ,Pronouns ,Gender Studies ,War Fighting ,Patriotism ,Nation ,Role ,Uniform ,Strength ,Unity ,Word ,Father S Day ,Service Members ,Number ,Topics ,Wise ,Story ,Book ,Patriots ,Military ,Stop ,Removing Dei ,Crt ,Don T ,Junior Guys ,Units ,Lifting ,Reasons ,Standards ,Gimmicks ,Six Flags Great Adventure ,Animals ,Resort ,Generation ,Parks Veterinarian Ken Pfeiffer ,Sunset Resort ,Experiences ,Big Thing For 50th Anniversary ,Name ,Spa ,50 ,African Elephants ,More ,Vip Tour ,Tonya ,Oarages Have First Tour ,Lucy ,Herd Members ,Endangered Species ,Species ,55 ,Icon ,Proceeds ,Conservation Work ,Hunting ,Poaching ,Habitat Encroachment ,500000 ,Funds ,Wildlife ,Pins ,To Con ,Love ,Breakfast ,Captivity ,70 ,60 ,Fanatic ,Animal Fade Pattern Tat Ick On The Show ,Sixflags Com ,Health ,Update ,Savannahsunset ,Pete Com ,Correspondent ,Making Fir ,Louie Hilariously ,Kenzie Schofield ,Crowd ,Laws ,Cathkatherine ,Cachucha ,Charlotte ,Personality ,Doesn T She Look Gorgeous ,Porcelain ,Audrey Hepburn ,United ,Everything ,Brothers ,Wave ,Wales ,Rumors ,Colors ,Vacation ,Expectations ,Trooping ,Appearances ,Absence ,Products ,Meghan ,Cancer ,Announcement ,Marketing Move ,Fertilizery ,Riviera Orchard ,Dancer ,Brand ,Brew ,Fergie ,Harry ,A Listers ,Proximity ,Brand Decline ,Value ,World ,Question ,Picture ,Images ,Elegance ,Long Run ,England ,Thoughts ,Couch ,Breath ,Healing ,Hit ,Looks ,Their ,Dignity ,Ways ,Grace ,Gentlemen ,Polling Numbers ,Girl ,Polling Wise ,Prince ,Yawning ,Dancing ,Popular ,The Star ,Kinsey ,Buy ,Worst ,Flooding ,Damage ,Neighborhoods ,Florideans Cleaning Up ,Fox Weather Alert ,82 ,Counties ,Storms ,Rainfall Flooding ,Goodness ,Forecast ,Broward ,Miami Dade ,Woman ,Cash ,Security ,Depositing ,Atm ,Chase Bank ,Bitcoin ,Phone ,Danger ,0000 ,40000 ,White Sergeant Police Department ,Money Back ,Police Officers ,Wife ,Gift ,Jessica Seinfeld ,High School Teachers ,Many ,Thigh ,72 ,27 ,Dad ,Phones ,Headlines ,Classroom ,Son Duo ,Distraction ,Oman ,I Love You ,My Hero ,Books ,Selling ,Author ,Pleasure ,Honor ,Doe Boy ,Cook Book ,Father Figure ,Sons ,Journey ,Pete ,Tomahawk Steak ,Recipes ,Gloves ,Steak ,Eating Sean ,Breakfast Burger ,Golf Gloves ,Cheese ,Cut ,Slices ,Daytona ,Mac ,Rub ,Rub Ribs ,Nashville ,Website ,Series ,Cooking ,Match Book Grill ,Summer Concert ,Munchies ,These ,Vip At ,Pickle Sandwich ,Lovers ,Sand Wish ,Podcast ,Table ,Gathering ,Food ,Tippen Table Podcast ,Mclemore Boys ,Nine ,Kitchen Table Podcast ,Cakes ,Mom ,Center ,Ricker ,Second ,Picker ,Reignsy ,Tomahawk ,

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