>> hello everyone i'm judgerr janine with harold ford junior, jesse watters, you katie and greg gutfeld and this is the 5. it is a trumpet freak out fridaw the former president knows how to make democrats and the liberal press to lose their minds and this time they are freaking out over a report he trashed milwaukee during a meeting withme congressional republicanets multiple lawmakers in the room say trump was taken out of contexcot and trump himself cal it fake and news.>> >> it was ta fake story the cae out milwaukee is a problem with crime as do most democrat run citiesat-r as they also a problm with votes and election integrity. >> a collusion of stupidity the media anand democrats are pounc. on the dnc throwing it billboards in the milwaukee aree to knock trump the biden campaign is selling not a horrible city merchandise andan the good bidend lapdogs literay busted out in drinking beer from milwaukee at 6:00 in the morning. later seen sporting milwaukee t-shirt and he thinks it's horrible looking for the presidency t look back at you buddy and it's unhinged. >> i don't know people in milwaukee with 34 felonies against them4 . crime rate is go -- crime rate is going to go up when he joins usd de. >> nancy pelosi can't believe republican voters like a republican president.he >> they became occuly t to us tg and did that is a tragedy for the grand old party of what they were. >> looking at this room not wanting to be hyperbolic it has a feel something more akin to what you would see out-of-state media from north korea it argue most biden voters are held to a higher standard why do they m accept the word vomiakt or salad coming out of his mouth. >> a talk about them in distinct ways 1 is not the lesser of 2 evils.h yo there is no tape recording republican senator and congresspeoplether said basicaly the president was saying we are having the convention here and of the places not so good for crime the democrats jumping all over are you surprised? >> they are good at it i'mow impressed how good g they are at this so dishonest and maliciously coordinated i wish i knew how to do it with moreer character the way it is theyt. didn't say it nobody else in the room heard it and the reportera writes it and it becomes a hoax and just like the bloodbath hoax or the revenge hoax it's all they have. just like thit ie russia hoax wh the briefing rooms where they would come out and lie about what the intelligence said just like when he visited the war memorial in france they said soldiers were losers. it jusiet never happenedrs but e types of things weren't going to work this time it's not like another race it's aboutam fundamentals of this countryen being shot it's not a typical election where 1 guy wins thisth new cyclere that's not going to. happen voters are persuaded by that they know who those guys are they know trump. the best way to persuade someone 's offer of vision whereei they canr understand how their self-interest is effective as joe bidehon hasn't done that dos he bring down rental prices does he improve the standard of living or quality of life and s him anthd the media all they hae is the bs a garbage that's not b going toec work because trump as policies they don' >> it's interesting they talk about donald trump and thenab media acting like state media north korea it seems to me democrats with what happened in alike in the russian media they can't talk about theut history of that that laptop is not real as things haven't changed. president trum yp give people te benefit of the doubt he sinned his own statement it was clear, and except thacot refer how went down was really bad in milwaukee be curious what he's talking about there the questions the outcome of the election even ifa he elaboratends and clarifies fe from his people in the press ors politicians don't give people spacvee to answer a question thy say something they misspeak a lot of times there are people when president biden misspeakmi since lissp they jump on it i don't do that i can't do it with him what he saying as he questions the election results taken matters word to give people space president trump ism done thap t with visit vice president list you look at thos on the list many of of the 3e th years said terrible things about like katie vance senator scott who said i think differently this and i get people like i try my hardestand people are being honest and genuine about on the reasons i said to democrats if there is a republican president may we havn a differen tt opinion about this issue in a republic andng president says i'm t going to enact to gun reforms and democrats says we can't let himc or her do it because only republicans get the credit for e be the first person to criticize democrats we haven't done that with biden on border securityd made of come-around last minute on it but i think it's a good thing just like senator vance has come-around on president trump as has marco rubio and i take them at their word so ibe i give trump the benefit of the doubt he wasn't talking aboutou milwaukee in that regardt it wk should ask h about that simpleth something else wasat there at te good news is he's probablyered already answered it accountable candidate for president socketth with thee fact that people folw donald trump they run the gamut from occult to a thug and it's a tragedy for the grand old party. >> are going overboard again they misconstrue what's trump says talk taking an opportunity j to taloek about what job will lighten is done from the people milwaukene fe or talk about wayp ahead anold pulling in wisconsin or behind another swing statest the breakout the beers accuse the republicans and trump atr fading milwaukeeum so much so they're bringing a conventionf they're refusing millions intodo the local economy in a place where restaurants were closedfo for yearr s first real conventin they are havin g in a city outside washington dc that benefits the local community wan they don't want talk about crime which is why they distract the foot trump said about this doesh yesterday there iser a 9-year-od y's kill because of a drive-by gang shooting didn't want talk about those things happening arh the policies thaatt have led to that continuing on tim biden's missed an opportunity here and away they wisconsin will win in november said misconstruing whav trump saidem. >> to make a good point joe biden could've cam e back andk said thians is why am winning ty is why i'm losing the truth is all the democrats due is trash the people you support donald trump the device of as part of their playbook. if your support trump you are occult and a thug. >> the key difference is when you say it's occult you'rehe c talking about people and not thd call to leader sero when they sy that their insulting millions of people we try to focus nothing trump does this celebrities political leaders people in the news andk i think he's ever goo after democrats and the complete them which is a pattern. trump says something about what is and what is this case the city is damaged maybe permanently by progressive policies in the media instead on bothering to address the policies destroying the city'sci they focus on the criticism asis if them, criticism is worse thag the things being criticize like crime or poverty milwaukee is second in poverty rate out atop cities with so many of those people living in poverty what is in the mayor address that says spending money on this other thing that's what' is called a luxury belief in milwaukeemilw doesn't have the luxury to focus on trump's words initial focuse on what'pes happening to theee. people in milwaukee the concern over trump pretty obvious the concern about trump and the concern about biden are almost the same in intensity it's like a mirror image. but there is a key difference.rp the concern over trump's what ic in the concern over biden is what is we can see it they can see it the concern over transpe personality luxury belief the p concern over biden's physical mental state or because his future is in his hands whethero, it's foreign-policy economy crime the ego there concern when we didta that montage of the mea that's the voice of damaged ego. and feelings trump upsets them as they have told those peopleme in the media you are no longer you relevant no longer the centf the universe you can sit there and laugh the people vote for trump what they're saying and what voters are saying we'll say trump's mean tweets over getting mugged any day from pointy ats the leftno ruined cities not offensive the fact ruined the left ruined cities that's offensivffene. >> coming up dark brandon isg to bombed if influencers generations he wants nothing tod do witenh brain freeze biden i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. ♪ dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it's on sale for father's day. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited time. >> ♪ ♪ >> who would've thought this the eight-foot wander of the world 81-year-old president donald trump -- joe biden is not popular if influencers they'repo poorly turningrt against them citing the war on hamas the lack of progress on climate change i, a potential tiktok band can joe in the back maybe it's time to deploy the secret weapons. the >> they are in the community led by members of the community i will tell you i love generations he i really do. >> as he bonds with influencersl they areue flocking to donald trumump.p's getting interviewedg logan paulan on his popular podcast. >> and identified phenomenon we don't know what they are. >> the question i get a lot it's n in myresting questio believer no i can't say am they have met with people who are serious people who say some really strange things they see flying around out there. just so bad he is so bad worst president in the history of our country. >> will do something wants your analysis of them basically saying biden isn't left-wing enough and he's pro- terrorism. >> the media is fractured it's n different directions andau trump isnt picked up on this usd to be able to do networks fox news as he is doing podcasts the people would've been what now i, doing logan paul doing candace and he's getting to an audience that doesn't usually pick up onn it ford political reasons we jt mark andsm he goes the ufc fight which is free media then he starts talking about bitcoin tapping into a different demographic anc people say okay me listelin to this guy joe bido is stucke in the nineties where julia roberts that kind of o endorsement. works back then it's not cool only marla a as the only anythig he tried was howard and the rest is cnn and bc and he's in a b media landscapeee and you don't upward mobility so the leftist media has tried to erase the record. >> i still maintai n it's not about mute you for race you're seeing a shift in men realizing the democratic party as the so-called phony empathy they are pushing is led to an increasing crime and that dissolution of the border i think men watch thati th and say this is a week party morally weak lack of objective understanding of incentives and justice right non men in the media the democratic party feeling they are stuck in emotional primal therapy self-flagellation in getting thh hell out of here.u as electiowon season ramped up u would hear moderate saying we are not pleased by either choics whether it's biden. or trump we got that republicans actually did something about it they stress tested trump with decent alternatives but trump ended up winning a 1. the democrats and do that they put all their eggs in 1 awful choice as it failed it failed they could had a mode to keepno away actual challengers and nowh they areis stuck with this guy o if you somehow pull this out was some kind of shenanigans you're going to do if the public thatti doesn't buony the election. k >> how you canat respond to the accusation the democratic partyy is not i the place for been thi man isju biden trying to hard to be cool while trump is in his natural element during the podcasting. >> you think there is merit a lot of things greg said differently but biden is leading amongst voters 65 and older byby 12 points last 50 years popeare hinze taken at sure the american voting public every time except 3 polling suggests lower drugg u cost is the most prominent reason why some of the age group or the majority that age groupou or for favoring biden when you look at that data as well it's not democratic talking points of the voters vote more than younger voters and when youll really pul il it out look at tht states ander commonwealth that matter the most in the election pennsylvania wisconsin and michiganelpenn older voters vote there. then look forward to the debateh between the 2 them as i thinkic this could reall oy shape the dynamic of the race in favor 1 o of thenem think as occasions whl happens at these conventions h k help formesr president trump things about her running mate. i do hope they are asked to verk specific questions as at the end of that segment are theyt tr accountable for their words i went over then to be held accountabl e food prices and grocery prices out of tronic's and stuff. is half the school in america's start soon and lee keep us in nato and support ukraine efforts to beat russian prudent what would yo pu stop that we commitg to keeping abortion legal and saving the country as i respect whatever your answer is they think the country should knowsh what theirou hinging on those a answers aren't sufficient we'lll have our biases obviously we caa all be honest those aren't sufficient think they will be reflected in the polls that could flip the republicans andng youngers could puter the democrs but ast your question presupposs what's right joe biden is doing isn't totally working withet. younger voters. >> the sad par>> kt is it's a sitting president we shouldn't know the answer to all those questions because job i and as the bully pulpit the ability tor tell theic american people now where he stands on these issues is he doing it know he's not capable of speaking he goes out to the g-7 looking at people skydiving or whatever they areve doing and that they have to pull them back and say mr president over here he's on another planet so when charlotte means is we want a politician who talks like real people this isn't about this issue are that issue we've known historically people vote v for someonote they liked someone they connect with the young people if anything are explicitly sensitive t to the frailties of elderfrs they don't want to be gas lit by someonene say biden' ss economics are gret these people can't afford a house they can't afford to buy a car and forget about savings they don't have savings son about this we have to have a discussion about policy i want to guy there when it was fighting for me joe biden is not the person charlemagne is talking abou tt joe biden's beet on tiktookk for what 5 months donald trump went on and 1 day surpassing the number of followers joe biden has joe i biden's nf1 hiring the tiktok influencers because donald trum is a reatrl he someone you can relate to his genuine he's not l fully crap you don't hear the politics intervening when he's answering a question we pointle out a couple other things in 2016uple hillary beat -- she 1 o votes byat 19 points into a 20 biden 1 by 24. right now what is change wiseum donald trump ahead what's changed is they are tired ofan being and gas lit they know they don't have a future survey tying them everything is great doesn't help them they need to force the fact their economic dreams areti not gonna be obtained with this guy bumbling around they can't make it. >> up next not so slick gavinvi newsom getting torn n to shredsg over hiset boast about the bordr i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i'm really, really happy with the results. it's still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and 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the title wave of illegal immigranti coming in.with >> we're down here with the national guard meeting with customs and border patrol talking about partnerships as the republican party has been standing in the way of providing the resources and support for the men women working hardest io only heanlr the board that out around the state of california and this country to address the issues related to the border. >> speaker-01: don't be full by mr french laundry is only gua applying them to legal entry illepoints out the places wherey are really needed wardrobes of illegals across every day fox reporters also called out his boast watch. >> years like pictures as we stand out here just out of san diego watching thousands ofly migrants illegally cross in a week we haven't seen any california national guard out here new the video begs the quen whether he plans on sending thea national guard to illegalos crossing pointsi. >> the national guard appointment was as phony as joe biden's border shutdowasn mimic> differ with yo ju on that as i said at the outset i think and people change their mind at some recent we had a decision at the supreme court yesterday or today forgive me it deals with the decision trump agencies made about bum stocks right and for my understanding it allows for the gun to fire a lot of bullets at 1 time and was a trump administration that stop the sale of that the supreme court decided that was not hisid agency's responsibiliteny and e decided byld b congress the reason that'selev relevant. >> please explain.arol >> when he's looking at what d he's doing at the border on the reason i think is issuing executive ordersha is you might recall these exexecutive orders were challenged in what bidene said is what congres act said it makes the likelihoo of the piece of legislation being more sustainable for that matter being constitutionally protecteerd he tried to do sayig about bum started in work because thsae court said we don' out the authoritt y of the governors try to do here i don'h think it's a gimmick the concern might be sending to the legalts entry points a, s you put law enforcement down there national guard down there you might create a bigger problem a bigger i thank you gotta send resources where they'rehe needed most he's a smart guy sure he's is trying to get through this i think it's unfair to compareco that the president biden if you work out a bar a partisan deal on the border which th e republicans did.n de >> jump didn't have a bipartisan deal in the border reduced illegal entries by a lot greg. >> harold harold . >> talk some since i don't knowe what to sacuy some neck witness anything. >> i take your tim jesome e. >> speaking a timing it is all about the timing with gavin a rightimit before an election hes this democrats treat concerns a basic americans like a college e kids treat their studies until the night before the final they do the work and then it's way too late liquor health and safety is in saying until you put off until it affect your political standing we are not your art history final they put this off until it mattered again as opportunity cost of luxury belieftys we've raised red flagh about the problem for years on the show the dangers of the border in the freight of importing terrorists but but democrats are focused on what social justice ideolog iy trans rights reparations changing names in schools climate changeh identity activism all thosens concerns made thei mr egos feel pretty good while we all got. >> you not to say it. >> screwed. >> t>>o give greasy gavin a liti creditli if you're not from theh than it name at least it looksrd like iers at the border. >> that's the whole point that'h part of the yes lighting why would you put national guard ports of entry when the vastwh number of illegalsen are avoidig the points of entry to go around it we go for the of entry where there's border patrol wai's just hope they don't check. come on were not stupid stop gas lighting us fiercely now he wants to do something he is the winner's been supporting the reversal of the trump era policies trying to close the border and in the end accusingsg the republicans being the ones playing politics when all biden did was reversal the executive orders trumpeted here's a gu ty and i understand 70 billion-dollar deficit infi cicalifornia he promised to give healthcare to all the illegals you're inviting them in the cost of $3 billion a year in california now you want to talk about the republicans now you're wrong you know the stop the h problem yoe u won't do it in yor gas lighting us which means you're lying . >> even if that he was down there because the heat home to go it's not governor greg abbotr telling them a to wield a razor wire and key people out as theyh can thereye just be there for sw anyway is the same democrats you see on this issue all the time they want more money to manage the problem american taxpayerth money rarer than stopping the proble m is when the top reasons why people are fleeing californiae th more than any otr state because they continue tosa say y they want to raise taxes o pay for healthcare for schools and hospitals all the deficit spending largely driven by illegal immigration and even say we need to change her programsd saying whee should allow these people to saying this for the sake of lined everybody and it's not going to change anything. >> you hear whate the nationalsy are doing their cutting the line and everybody hates them you tha hear about that they are pushing whenever buddy lines of the different nationalities the chinese elbow everybody out of the way and be the first to get the asylum claim isn't that crazy?se: >> they are cutting the land that's cutting the line. >> there were no lines. >> i am clear your gray get allows me to do that up next who is that we explain in the fastest. heck is that? will explain in "the fastest." ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the 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reunion i don't feel like going all the way over there is a wanted to crest her dream showing how successfully thethe best thing about the age you aro >> you don't havu e to try too hard doesn't their twenties and thirties are trying to be somebody and what's you are somebody can kind of relax ando you don'trt have to try. you >> what you just gave up rightun said you know what this is whern gonna be harolg d you are what. >> 54. >> goodyear i remember 50. i am going to be 60 in septembe. having a party. d >> we have tono throw you a huge party but i am an amazing 60 let's be honest.? >> judge. >> don't even ask. >> to make my legs longer. >> they have surgery for that. judge is the best thing about the age >> not so much you got where you want to be not saying that i have or haven't minded just mellow out. >> you are mellowe d.agin >> and you imagine her 20 years ago? >> just 2 years agold:o for you don't get excited you know what miss loving my life that's why we agreed that you kids are youri constantly think about ways iof can influence what w they are doing to help make them better peoplee this is really about me mistakes ist don't think about that stuff anything about the best anxietyed, how to curate g into something that's goinoig tn make things better for the people around me. >> as a age people mistakenlyus trust me more.t and also i get up really earlyel because as you get older you realize you don't much time left to get up earlier and earlierd now i up before i go to bed. [laughter] "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. ■ if you're happy and you know it, smile big and bright. ■ thousands of kids just like me, are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you, who support shriners hospitals for children® every month. all you have to do is call the number on your screen or go online to right now with your monthly gift. because of people like you shriners hospitals for children® is able to make an everyday miracle happen for kids like me. ■ if you're happy kids like me who have been you know, with their children. if happy or you know with when your son, you're happy and you know it in your faceto donat will surely show it if you're happy and you know, you're happy and you know, and take the shot. >> and when you call a go online right now to donate $19 a month or more, we'll send fe you this adorable love to the rescue blankets as a thank you and mine give all the smiles you bringing to kids faces every day. >> let's give it a go. your send your love to theng die rescue when you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll changing difference for a child changing difference for a child just likus >> your monthly gift today could change your life forever could change your life forever becaus we are happy and we know thank you. thank you. are thank you. b thanust patienk you. >> please call or go online right now to give if i present busy, please wait patiently. >> a girlfriend or right away when i started mypillow it was just a problem. solution one product company. well, since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about to get the word out. we're having a $25 extravaganza to pack to use my pillows, $25, mypillow sandals, $25. >> and for the first time ever, our six pack towel says, you guessed it, just $25. our brand new four pack just out $25. and i've never done this before. premium my pillows with all new keys of fabric, any size, any loft level, even king size for only 20 $5. >> and there's so much more. so go to my polycom or call the number on your screen. use your promo code for our 25 dollar extravaganza. >> order $75 and over your entire ownerships app slowly free. >> a lot of storms are forecast in the atlantic and nobody is bigger. nobody is better. we are the weather experts. this could be a storm of epic proportions. this one is hurricane hq. >> it's time now for one more thing and i go first. so check out these two campbells who made their great escape from the petting zoo at an amusement park. the duo pranced up and down the walkway. we're parked. ours looks stunned. one almost got kicked. luckily, the parade of the two of them was short lived. they were headed to cairo, but they couldn't get any tickets. and it's yet to be discovered how the two camels broke loose. but i, of course, being a fan of camels, was fascinated by the camels. >> and it's not even hump day. >> greg oh, it's good to see camels going toe to toe. yeah. tonight we've got a great show, pig hag. sad. she's got a number one book. nice scott cooper, great comedian, cat two tires. >> that's tonight at ten. let's do this. gregory's dangerous gang news. >> we got a lot of gang problems in america because they're coming from other countries. >> i'm talking about pink angels. check them out. they're out and they're loose. they're out on the roads. they're causing problems. they're flooded the streets here. they are just strutting their stuff. this is in around the houston zoo. animal said house in 54. >> now the cops are coming. now they're making a break for it. >> they're making a break for getting out of there. they're getting out of there. those little freaks. >> they're beautiful. are they really are. actually flamingos. >> hmm? yeah. okay, jesse. okay. i'd like to wish my dad, steven waters, a very happy father's day. we're getting ahead of things there. there he is in maine with jesse junior reading god knows what that book is. probably something from the 70s. great eagles fan. i love you so much. we love you the best. you taught me everything, especially how to pack jeans when i go on a trip, i'll get it. >> you would pack jeans happy. happy father's day to your dad and to my dad. now, that's a little boy got to meet with police officers who saved his life and presented with medals for their heroism. eight-year-old ethan wasn't breathing for about 5 minutes after choking on hard candy. thankfully, el monte police officers quickly arrived on the scene. >> thanks for those cops. and use an anti choking device called the life act, which pumped which uses pump and suction mechanisms to clear airways. ethan, his mother and the rescuers, met at a city council meeting where they all received lifesaving awards. congratulations to those officers and thank god for that young lady. >> 10 seconds. okay. it is flag day, which started in 1777, commemorates the adoption of the american flag by congress. >> so happy flag day, everyone.t thank you. that's iert fo your us tonight.t >> have a great night. we'll see you on monday. welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonigh

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Escapade Swear V ,Wanted ,Age ,Dream ,Thirties ,Twenties ,Don T Havu E ,Harolg D ,Goodyear ,Rightun ,Whern Gonna ,54 ,Septembe ,60 ,Judge ,Surgery ,Legs ,Mellowe D Agin ,Haven T ,Peoplee ,Iof ,Mistakes Ist Don T ,Trust Me More T ,Anxietyed ,Curate G ,Goinoig Tn ,Bed ,Laughter ,Earlierd ,Hands ,Bike ,Thousands ,Shriners Hospitals For Children ,Face ,Because ,Screen ,Gift ,Miracle ,Loveshriners Org ,Children ,Go ,Shot ,Faceto Donat ,More ,Love ,Rescue ,Child ,Theng Die Rescue , 63 ,0 63 ,Patienk You ,B Thanust ,Girlfriend ,Product Company ,Solution One ,Mypillow Sandals ,Pillows ,Help ,Products ,Employees ,25 ,Time ,Brand ,Towel ,Six ,Four ,King Size ,Fabric ,Keys ,Loft Level ,My Polycom , ,Nobody ,Storms ,Order ,Promo Code ,App ,Ownerships ,Forecast ,Dollar Extravaganza ,Atlantic ,25 Dollar ,Storm ,Hurricane Hq ,Epic Proportions ,Weather Experts ,Walkway ,Great Escape ,Duo ,Campbells ,Up And Down ,Petting Zoo ,Amusement Park ,Luckily ,Camels ,Course ,Tickets ,Fan ,Parade ,Cairo ,Loose ,Greg Oh ,Book ,Toe To ,Tires ,Number One ,Dangerous Gang News ,Gregory ,Sad ,Pig Hag ,Nice ,Gang Problems ,Problems ,Countries ,Streets ,Angels ,Roads ,Break ,There ,Cops ,Freaks ,Animal ,Houston Zoo ,Father ,God ,Reading ,Jesse ,Maine ,Jeans ,Dad ,Best ,Trip ,I Love You ,Eagles Fan ,The 70s ,70 ,Police Officers ,Medals ,Heroism ,Scene ,El Monte ,Wasn T Breathing ,Hard Candy ,Choking Device ,Rescuers ,Ethan ,City Council ,Congratulations ,Officers ,Mechanisms ,Suction ,Airways ,Pump ,Life Act ,Lifesaving Awards ,10 ,Flag Day ,Tonight T Have A Great Night ,Waters ,Everyone T ,Adoption ,American Flag ,Primetime Tonigh ,Iert ,1777 ,

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