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to los angeles, i'm trace gallagher in for bret baier. president biden and pope francis share their catholic faith against the back drop over disagreements of abortion. former president trump gets a big birthday bash as he turns 78 years old. and we look at how research in space is affecting your health here on earth. >> trace: breaking tonight, the supreme court at the center of attention this evening. the conservative wing leads the charge overturning a trump era gun regulation. meantime progressives fire up their base and up their ire at the supremes with attacks on one justice as a, quote, insurrectionist sympathizer. we have team conch tonight. shannon bream tells us what it all means. chad pergram on capitol hill with the details on the democratic attacks. but we begin with david spunt in washington on the specifics of the bump stock ruling. david, good evening. >> david: trace, good evening to you. big ruling as well. while this may be about executive power, ultimately, it had some serious challenges in the middle of an election year >> this is a bump stock, an attachment to a semiautomatic twheap enables to speeds at fully automatic machine gun. six ruled it's not a machine gun and atf overstepped its authority banning the attachments. following the 2017 las vegas massacre where a gunman used weapons fitted with bump ss killing nearly 60 and wounding hundreds. then president donald trump directed the atf to ban the devices. reversing previous republican and democratic administrations. that ban carried over to the biden administration. it's no more with justice clarence thomas writing: we conclude that a semiautomatic rifle, equipped with a bump stock is not a machine gun bases did it does not fire more than one shot by a single function of the trigger. a texas gun store owner and the key plaintiff successfully sued. >> this is about the government, the atf, administrative agency who walked into my home and decided that something that was legal, it now decided that it's illegal and that they are going to turn me into a felony if i don't give that up. >> three liberal justices dissented with sotomayor said the majority's definition ham strings the government's efforts to keep machine guns from gunmen like the las vegas shooter. in a statement following the court's ruling, president biden doubled down, quote: we know thoughts and prayers are not enough. i call on congress to ban bump stocks. pass an assault weapon ban and take additional action to save lives. >> and, trace, in the coming days the supreme court is poised to rule on another gun case with assessment implications challenging a federal law banning those under domestic violence restraining orders from keeping a handgun. we expect that at some point in the next few weeks. trace? >> trace: david spunt live for us in washington. thank you. today's bump stock ruling is the latest fuel for democrats escalating their attacks on the supreme court. the senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has that part of the story tonight. >> democrats escalating attacks on conservative supreme court justices. >> justice alito is an insurrectionist sympathizer. joined by his right wing buddy clarence thomas. >> democrats accuse justices clarence thomas and samuel alito of questionable ethics. thomas for traveling on lavish get aways on the dimes of g.o.p. mega donors. >> he had done it 60 times. he was a vacation-taking feign. my lord. >> alito for controversial flags flying at his homes. >> the legacy of the roberts court will be one of unchecked corruption. >> thomas' lawyer says ethics rules don't require him to report such trips so long as donors don't have business before the court. alito says his wife flew the flags. republicans say the democrats' complaints are camouflage author what really needless left. >> democrats don't like the fact that the justices are make certain decisions. >> one democrat demands chief justice john roberts penalize justices. >> he can say that justice alito no longer writes majority opinions no, longer presides over the circuit. >> republicans rah called by the ultimatums, they want the supreme court to become subservient to the congress. >> republicans say the attacks are just politics. >> this is an election year and they're trying to make much ado about nothing. >> democrats don't seem to disagree when it comes to electoral strategy. >> democrats in election after election after election since the fall of roe v. wade in 2022 are winning. >> so democrats are campaigning this fall against the g.o.p., former president trump and the supreme court. trace? >> trace: chad pergram live for us on capitol hill. chad, thank you. >> chief justice roberts is supposed to be the guardian of the court's reputation. in my judgment and the judgment of so many americans, is he derelict in that responsibility, whether it comes to court packing, in terms of the individual districts and forum shopping, whether it comes to ethics of the members of this the supreme court. >> trace: let's talk more about how the democrats are going after some of the supreme court justices. joining us now fox news chief legal correspondent and anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream. shannon, it's great to see you. i want to pick up with senator schumer left off there, kind of going after the chief justice john roberts as being derelict in his duties. it's interesting the whole narrative here because over the past few weeks we have heard a lot from the democrats about respecting the rule of law. and now it appears that they have taken a few swipes at the supreme court maybe more than a few shannon. >> senator schumer not that long ago stood out there on the steps of the supreme court unleashing a whirl wind. you're not going to let upcoming decisions they hadn't issued yet. he said that wasn't the best use of words. he will didn't want to sound like he was threatening them. a lot of people took it that way. you know, when you look at polling about the court a few years ago when it was majority democrat appointees, the left had no problem with it. in fact, they rated it highly in polling. that has changed over the last few years as it's now a 6-3. when you look at republican appointees vs. democrat appointees. have you seen, we have all seen, we share with our viewers in recent days, there are plenty of 9-0 decisions that these justices work together on where they clearly set aside ideology and try to follow what the law says. that's the rule rather than the exception. those 45-4. 6-3s, much more rare. >> trace: let's go back now to the supreme court invalidating the bump stock ban. this was a trump ban, shannon, right? his press secretary said the following here karoline leavitt quoting the court has spoken, their decision should be respected, president trump has been and always will be a fierce defender of america's second amendment rights he is proud to be endorsed by the nra. so they accepted. it appears they accepted. this democrats, meantime, are livid at this ruling. >> shannon: the interesting thing is that the people who are happy with the court yesterday on the mifepristone 9-0 abortion drug ruling some of them are unhappy with the court today. they like it depend on the decisions they get from it a lot of folks out there. the decision on the bump stock, that bump stock came along during the trump administration after that horrific investigation shooting in 2017. what the justices said is the atf went too far. the statutory language did not fit taking a bump stock and classifying as it a machine gun under the statute. went on to say congress is the place this needs to be fixed. this is not a good or bad policy. we are just saying under statutory language the atf went too far. congress the ball? your court if you want to clarify. >> trace: finally, s shannon thy did not rule on the immunity. >> the next day the court has told us we are going to get opinions and this could change next thursday. right now that's the next case we could get that immunity case. a lot of us think after sitting through the arguments there that they are fog to have a very narrow finding. not to give either side what they want. complete immunity or no immunity at all. think think are work okay a compromise behind the scenes. what that could mean is send it back to the lower court with some instruction on deciding what are private acts vs. official acts of the former president when he was in office. if anything, that's just going to add time on getting that case moving forward before the election. >> trace: shannon, thank you. meantime who is coming to on "fox news sunday" tomorrow? -- sunday. >> we have governor doug burgum with us on sunday. oddmakers in vegas top of the vp list. ranking member on house intel jim himes is with us to talk about foreign policy and threats at the border and beyond. >> trace: they it "fox news sunday" because it's on sunday. shannon bream, great to have you on. thank you. well, the justice department will not prosecute attorney general merrick garland for contempt of congress. house lawmakers approved a resolution this week over garland's refusal to provide audio of president biden's interview with a special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents. the department says garland's actions do not constitute a crime. the president asserted executive privilege last month blocking the release of the audio. garland is the third attorney general to be held in contempt. the departments under bill barr and eric holder sent almost identical letters to congress, declining to charge them as well. ♪ faces ramped up rocket attacks from hezbollah terrorists in lebanon, negotiations are dragging on concerning a proposed cease-fire in gaza. what was the u.s. navy's full attention is the ceaseless barrage of houthi attacks on key shipping lanes. correspondent alex hogan reports tonight from london. election el>> fire along israelr wages new attacks lebanon. the solution may be to the south. >> a cease-fire in gaza would be the best way in our assessment to advance a meaningful resolution in the north. >> peace talks are underway although president biden at the g-7 warns. >> i haven't lost hope. >> until then, the war drags on. today in central gaza, palestinians searched for rubble of this building. one man carried away a child covered in ash. washington is now sanctioning an israeli group of violent extremists for blocking aid into the strip. the state department called on the israeli government to do more, writing: we will not tolerate acts of sabotage and violence targeting this essential humanitarian assistance. and now, the u.s. pier off gaza will be taken apart and brought to israel to wait out bad weather. another maritime challenge is that of u.s. navy, protecting the red sea shipping lanes from the nearly daily attacks by the iranian backed houthis in yemen. >> i can't count how many people we have saved at this point. >> the navy says this is the most intense running sea battle since world war 2-6r7b8g9s while we are super trained and done really really well, we only have to get it wrong once or the houthis just have to get one through that we mess up and it's devastating. >> and an example of that just yesterday, the u.s. says the houthis fired two antiship cruise missiles at a commercial vessel setting it on fire in the gulf of eden. one person was severely injured. trace? >> trace: alex hogan, stocks were mixed and to end the week the dow lost 58. nasdaq gained 21 for a fifth straight record close. for the week the dow was off a half percentage point the s&p 500 gained 1.5. the nasdaq jumping 3.75. up next, president biden meets with pope francis abroad as he faces criticism for his abortion policies at home. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates arranged the country are covering tonight. wsvn in miami as demolition begins of the classroom building where 17 people were killed in a 2018 school shooting. the parkland high school structure had been kept up to serve as evidence in the shooter's 2022 penalty trial. nikolas cruz is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole. fox 17 in nashville as one person is critically injured in a house explosion this morning in galt tandazo, first responders found debris scattered across the area and fire burning, the mayor says the blast may have been cased by a natural gas leak. live look at atlanta from fox ha two shelters to combat overcrowding. the nonprofit organizing the event is hoping to find new homes for 130 dogs. the facilities are also bringing back a free dog friday promotion through the end of august. and that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who, who, who, who ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. we've never spoken. but you've told us many things. that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. our daughter just bought her first house. all by herself. so we went to go see it. she knew exactly how she wanted everything. but then he pointed out the gutters. you think you've raised them right and then— she didn't know. you have to call leaffilter. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. parenthood is such a wild ride. it's a lot easier with leaffilter. join millions of satisfied homeowners. call 833 leaffilter today or visit lakesha: childhood cancer is-- it's a long road. it's hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. 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(♪) >> trace: the house has passed the defense authorization bill worth $895 billion. that is a $9 billion increase from the previous year. it includes the largest ever raise in military pay funding for two new virginia class must be marines and the establishment of a drone force within the army. it also automatically registers men aged 18 to 26 for selective service. senate majority leader chuck schumer is blasting the bill, over inclusion of amendments curbing funding for abortion, transgender medical care, and diversity efforts. now to an incumbent president from fellow catholics over his abortion views meeting with the head of the church. president biden and pope francis talked today amid the persistence of abortion as a major campaign issue in the u.s. the white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is in barry, italy tonight, jacqui, good evening. promote abortion rights causing unexpected friction at the summit focused on ukraine. >> mr. president, how was your meeting with the pope? [inaudible] >> it's goodbye for now for six of the g-7 leaders coming together in switzerland this weekend for ukraine peace summit without president biden. instead, jetting to l.a. for a star studded fundraiser, jimmy kimmel moderating a talk with biden's figures former boss emceed by george clooney and julia roberts. in switzerland the vice president will take biden's place. but china is also skipping. biden yesterday accusing beijing of aiding putin in the war. >> china is is not supplies weapons but the ability to produce those weapons and the technology available to do it is in fact helping russia. >> putin today promised to punish the g-7 countries for today's $50 billion loan produced at the summit generated by interest in frozen assets. >> calls to inflict strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of western politicians. >> that nuclear threat followed a russian cease-fire proposal if ukraine were to drop its nato bid and seize for. hard no for ukraine which the pope said three months ago should negotiate with the courage of the white flag. it's not clear the pontiff today repeated that call. his meeting with g-7 leaders called to ban lethal autonomous weapons or killer bots before privately meeting with biden and hunter's three adult children. biden saw pope francis three years ago in rome. >> talk about the fact that he was happy i was a good catholic and keep [inaudible] >> despite biden's stance on abortion which w. today nearly derailed the g-7 joint statement. biden threatened not to sign if support for abortion rights was stripped out as italy's conservative prime minister wanted. >> the final document omits the word abortion but affirms support for reproductive rights. the biden campaign told "people" magazine abortion will feature heavily in biden's talk with obama at his fundraiser in l.a. which is his next stop. trace? >> trace: jacqui heinrich live for us in what is now early morning in italy. jacqui, thank you. up next former president trump has a birthday bash in florida as president biden prepares to raise campaign cash in california. but, first, beyond our borders tonight, heavy rains and landslides in india and nepal nearly a dozen people. six died in india's himalayanian state of sit couple. another four people have been killed in a bordering district of nuc nepal. the princess of wales says she is making good progress in her cancer treatment and will attend saturday's royal trooping the colours ceremony it will be kate middleton's first public appearance since her diagnosis a live look at london. one of the other big stories there tonight, the euro 20 # 24 soccer tournament begins in germany. england and france are the favorites. the matches can be seen on fox sports, fox sports 1 and 2 and fubotv. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight and we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? 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[cheers] >> a group called club 47 is hosting the ticketed event. the group claims to be the largest trump supporter club in america. [cheers] the biden harris campaign needling the birthday boy official email with a list mocking trump's 78 life accomplishments highlights legal troubles and controversies. if recent surveys hold true, one trump accomplishment that the democrats won't be applauding is his ability to reach young voters on social media. trump's interview with logan paul has 1.8 million views after launching less than 24 hours ago. a 26-year-old at the birthday bash says he is confident trump is the clear choice. >> i think a lot of people are my age are more secretly voting for trump. >> i think they like to put on a persona of saying that they're voting for biden. >> as trump taps into young voters, president biden appears to be gaining with older americans. >> according to the latest fox news poll, biden is taking a 6-point lead amongst registered voters aged 65 or older. this weekend, trump heads to battleground michigan to court black voters. speaking at a turning point u.s.a. event in detroit, a solidly democratic city where president biden won by 94% in 2020. and a six layer cake with a maga hat on top was just rolled out on stage former president donald trump is expected to address this sold out crowd in just 30 minutes, trace? >> trace: danamarie mcnichol live forever us in palm beach. as heinrich mentioned president biden is skipping out global peace summit on the ukraine war. he instead will attend a glitzy hollywood fundraiser where he will mingle with some big stars and is expected to rake in millions of dollars in campaign cash. the national correspondent william la jeunesse has a preview from los angeles. >> you're not looking at george clooney for voting advice. buy george clooney has something others won't. he and julia roberts activate the hollywood money machine. >> that's character in real life and that's gorge clooney. >> 2020 the entertainment industry gave democrats 104 million, almost 10 times more than republicans. >> i know what it is like to struggle. >> biden highlights his blue collar roots while calling out trump. >> donald trump looks at the world differently than you and me how he can help his billionaire friends gain power and control. >> biden has his cadre of billionaires as does trump. >> both candidates raising a lot of money from big tech and wall street. biden's big donors include hedge fund executives and wealthy individuals. >> what wind is trying to do look at the policies i'm doing don't look where i'm raising money. donald trump is trying to say i'm the guy that fights for you even though i am rich. >> donald trump reportedly raised 25 million last week from three fundraisers in california. >> joe biden. >> the jimmy kimmel interviewing biden and former president obama this could be the largest single fundraiser ever with tickets costing up to 125 grand each. not attending, george clooney's wife amal. human rights lawyer who recommended arresting israeli leaders for war crimes. a move biden called outrageous. police are expecting anti-israel protesters with fencing already surrounding the 7,000 seat peacock theater. so the candidates don't come for votes they come for money. that is spent in other states. tickets saturday up to 125 grand apiece. it offers president biden something equally important access to social media accounts by the celebrities who will then offer -- have offered their image and likeness for the campaign to use to access their millions of followers online. >> trace: golden state has a bunch of money giving out to both candidates. william, thank you. up next, bret baier looks at how research done in space is impacting your health here on earth. >> what kinds of things are you learning from space in space that could save lives? >> well, we are learning so much we can experiment and we can do our research on full-time basis. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals ♪ >> trace: we continue our series on space with a look at medical research being done at the international space station. my colleague bret baier explains how the findings could make treatments for effective and more widely used. >> bret: thanks, trace. in tonight's "special report" spotlight, destination space, we look at advancements in science and medicine thanks to research in low earth or bit. nasa administrator bill nelson recently told congress about possible major breakthroughs when it comes to efforts to fight disease. we hear more about those projects from the administrator and how they could save lives for decades to come. >> there is a lot of spiment about this and many other kinds of research. >> bret: from pharmaceutical research to immoved disease divexz. and enhanced medical device technology. >> nasa is helping advance the world of medicine. >> there have to be doctors who have spent their lives trying to find these things here on earth. that are tremendously excited about the prospects. >> it's too bad that it's taken this long. you know, i did this protein crystal growth experiment back in january of 1986, but we didn't have a permanent laboratory in space. and just now we are beginning to see the payoffs of this drug research. >> over the years, pharmaceutical company merck has launched several protein crystallization research projects to the international space station that could benefit cancer treatment here on earth. >> bret: space is allowing kind of new testing of pharmaceuticals? >> absolutely. for example, the drug that was developed down here on earth that has been so phenomenally successful keytruda, we have taken that to space in zero g and they have been able to form those crystals in such larger and more uniform pattern. >> bret: the microgravity exposure has made the drug more effective and easier to administer to patients. and the hope is that there is going to be more and more breakthroughs not only in the cancer drugs but in all kinds of different. >> stem cell research is very promising. full power and liftoff. >> in january, north up there grumond and spacex helped deliver the myoclinic stem cell to the. >> very thinking out of the box. >> dr. is laboratory special theology just at the lab door in florida we thought we could grow this in space if they can grow faster, we can treat more patients with that. >> bret: in space, scientists can grow more stem cells and like protein crystals they are more uniform in their ability to control immune cells is enhanced. >> we can form a 3-d dimensional of what they call an organod which is a piece of tissue. and as a result of that, they can then in space use different drugs on that 3-d dimensional tissue and determine what is the most effective. >> couldn't be any better. >> bret: the results have been worth the interstellar trip. >> there is a lot of excitement around it. do you hear that. >> you can probably tell it in the sound of my voice, yes. >> bret: right now the research is still in its earliest stages. dr. zubair thinks it will take several years before patients can be grown with space grown stem cells. expanding footprint in orbit could expedite that process. >> waiting and going. i think with more funding, and more access, maybe the timeline would be shorter. >> bret: doctor hopes one day soon he too can conduct his research from the international space station. >> i am waiting to do my experiment myself of. so please take me to moon or iss. >> environment in space give scientist a national laboratory to test how certain factors impact humans. >> the effects of microgravity and radiation on the body they mimic aging. we understand a lot about what happens to the body in space and what happens to the body as you age. >> we can do this continuously in this research workplace called the international space station and that's where we're having some dramatic breakthroughs. >> bret: the chinese astronauts are back from space with the samples they took with them, including stem cells, protein crystals and living molecules. study how microgravity impacted those and search for new clues for disease prevention. we will send it back to you. >> trace: bret, thank you. james web telescope. bret looks at the scientific discoveries nsa is celebrating and advancements in simulation and medical devices that come from the technology that telescope. and, up next, the panel. president biden has an audience with the pope and former president trump has a birthday. later, "notable quotables." ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. shame. it's been here as long as i can remember. living in glances of people i loved. and ones i didn't even know. 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(♪) and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe biden is a healthy, wise, 81-year-old. >> it's not about age. weigh know that donald trump is younger than him, but he is full of vigor. you can tell he has a lot of energy and he does have the mental acuity to run this country. >> trace: let's bring in our panel morgan ortagus host on sirius xm. byron york chief political correspondent of "the washington examiner" and "u.s.a. today" white house correspondent francesca chambers. welcome to you all. morgan, to you first. you just heard jill biden said there essentially her husband and donald trump are the same age. the people don't really buy that i want to put up these fox power rankings if i can you see the right hand lane right there. who is more physically and mentally fit? you have the former president up on every stage. they are sometimes up by very big numbers, morgan. >> yeah. when i saw the first lady saying that about her husband, i just thought well, bless her heart. and those of you who are watching from the south know that that was not a compliment when i said that. when i say that, i mean, listen, there is no convincing people. people are able to see things like him freezing up at the ceremony, the pictures that you showed. i'm less worried about these gaffes, i mean, sure, it's weird to see him wandering off during the g-7 meeting and it's weird to see these gaffes. i'm much more concerned about whether he has the strong authority and we need as a president. can i tell you as i look around the world at the national security threats at wars erupting in almost every theater of america losing its ability to influence. >> we can't even get five americans home. 8 months later. they have been held captive by a terrorist organization in gaza. it's been # months and we can't get five americans home. that is endemic to me of what going on around the world and how president biden, listen, he may wander off during these events. he may look frozen, all of that stuff, does it matter? sure. what matters a lot more is that he is not in control of this country or on the world stage. and it's evident to everybody. >> trace: interesting to me, byron york, you look at the media this week and everybody is kind of on the same page. all talking about trump's age. maybe because it's birthday week. but i find it kind of funny where you have biden-harris campaign putting out this picture of the former president wishing him a happy 78th birthday. one, the picture could not be any worse it. couldn't be any worse. and then they go and take a few swipes at him at the same time. what do you think? >> i think they don't really mean it. they are actually close in age. i mean, trump has just turned 78 and biden is 81. both men, by the way, would tell you that the number, their numerical age is not the big deal. and certainly in the campaign, the wordage has been taken by everybody as short hand for whether a candidate has the physical and the mental ability and stamina to handle the job until 2029. i think most voters, if you look at the polls, most voters say trump has a lot more physical and mental stamina than biden does. that's all there is two it something people with key sore family thlves. >> you look at this report francesca for weeks and weeks you see the democrats avoid the whole age thing and not talk about it and suddenly it's all they talk about only they are talking about it from the other candidates' position. >> president biden is actually made a number of jokes about his own age on the campaign trail. but, former president donald trump has said when he is attacked joe biden that it's been competence and that's what he thinks is the problem. because, as byron was just noting. he is 78, and joe biden is 81 years old. and so there is not a large age gap at this point in between the two. and so he is has chosen to focus on other issues. >> trace: we talk a lot about the economy. weouthe border, morgan ortagus, clearly abortion is a top issue in a lot of the aspects. the gallup poll says this and you put this up on the screen here. they only vote for the canada who shares your abortion views and right now you have record numbers of people saying that, okay, 32% will do just that. what do you think? >> listen, the polls speaks for itself. i think you are going to see president biden and the democrats running hard on this issue going into november they have to lean into this issue because they don't have a winning record to talk about. as i just said there is chaos and war in every theater. even if inflation does come down, there is still the residual effect. the price of ban b.a. nannas and price of peanut butter and milk is still incredibly high for a lot of people as is gas prices. you have to run on abortion when you really don't have a record of accomplishment or a feeling from the american people that you are in charge and that you are in control. >> trace: we talked about president biden having an audience with the pope. today byron york. two years ago pope francis took a swipe at joe biden's abortion views pope francis said the president should check his conscience and consult his bishop or his parish week. comes same week when cnn analyst says joe biden is the most christian president in her lifetime. >> abortion turned out to be an issue at the g-7. kind of a collision between american politics and italian politics. there was a final statement from the 2023 g-7 that supported access to abortion. and biden just wanted that the to be repeated in this statement and the new leader of italy did not. and they took the word abortion out. biden had threatened, actually, not sign it if they did that. but they essentially reaffirmed their commitment to last year's statement so they found a diplomatic way out of it but it was really interesting to see how powerful this issue is domestically for joe biden and he takes it to the g-7 as well. >> meantime tomorrow is the big hollywood fundraiser for biden. politico writes the following: next up a star studded june 15th fundraiser in los angeles where late night tv host jimmy kimmel with l. interview joe biden and barack obama and r.r. along with special guest, george clooney, julia roberts, the latest indication that hollywood long a significant part of the democratic coalition is beginning to focus its attention on an election where biden has consistently trailed in the polls. trump also pulled a bunch of money out of california, francesca. >> and president biden had head in fundraising so far in the election. now that donald trump is the presumptive republican nominee and he has been age to work more closely with the republican national committee, he has been able to boost his fund radzing for the general election campaign and so, president biden is now going to california to pick up this money. we will see some other major glitzy fundraisers in the new future as well for him to try and get that cap boost back up again. >> trace: interestingly, indicate kayleigh mcenany was talking about the fundraiser with george clooney and former president in donald trump california the fundraiser with logan paul. watch this. >> the clooneys represent kind of an old hollywood. logan and these podcasters new fame that gen zs appealing to. gen zs tuning in to. that's where trump is is he meeting voters where they are and bringing a monday message and out on tiktok which is a great thing. >> trace: very quickly winner and lose herbs to get to i had to groolg paulo began or logan paul whatever his name is. new demographic for sure. what is important about this is he reaching young people and that's not something biden campaign can do. >> trace: apparently not getting winners. byron give us your thoughts on logan paul and george clooney comparison. >> well, look, democrats have owned hollywood forever and over. when barack obama was inaugurated in 2009, the entire entertainment industry came to washington to celebrate. so, i mean this is absolutely nothing new. what is interesting is that there is a large class of new influencers people who really can reach large audiences mostly of younger people and trump is working on that. sometimes that's a little bit smarter, especially when hollywood doesn't support you to begin with. >> trace: yeah, byron, francesca, morgan, thank you. it is friday it is time for "notable quotables." >> i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. >> thumbing his nose at us. >> hunter biden has been found guilty. >> this case was about the illegal choices defendants made while in the throws of addiction. >> i will not pardon him. >> what they got hunter biden on was lying on a gun form. it would be like getting jeffrey dahmer for littering. >> i do stay on top of the boat and get executed and jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted. >> [inaudible] >> get yours if that's what you want. right? ha ha ha. >> kamala harris is the beth insurance policy for joe biden because she would be the only person worse than he. >> 8 nationals of tajikistan with suspected ties to isis were all arrested. >> it's frightening and headed for another 9/11. >> unhinged, throngs of apologists occupied lafayette square. >> these idiots call my name as fanny. >> i call her fani wade. >> all these cars are abandoned. >> no bueno, right? >> no, no, no. >> price of gas, food, it's just hard. >> we're going to drill, baby, drill. >> cheers to lowering energy costs. >> the senate stands adjourned until 3:00 p.m. on monday, bang gavel. [laughter] >> trace: monday on "special report," our space series examines the james web telescope and how it has contributed to technology advancements here on earth. please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." her guests include north dakota governor and perspective vice presidential nominee doug burgum along with house intel committee ranking member jim himes and, remember, if you cannot catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report," i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. please join me tonight fox news at night 11:00 p.m. in the east. 8:00 on the west. we will take a much closer look at gavin newsom's claim that he is sending national guard troops to the border. meantime, "the ingraham angle" is next. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.

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, Closer , West , Troops , Claim , Gavin Newsom , National Guard , 11 , Weekend , The Ingraham Angle , Laura Ingraham ,

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