the world stage. >> laura: there he goes again. and pro-hamas radicals are on the move. [chanting long live intifada. >> vitriol -- >> well, they are terrorizing people and many of them keep hiding their faces. so, is it time for a national mask ban plus the left's new target, families. so why they are saying being pro-family was hitler's idea new docs showing biden repeatedly watched his german shepherd commander attack secret service. we have details. first, the age of trump. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: as usual, the experts got it spectacularly wrong. >> his support is collapsing. the way we saw nixon's support collapse in a matter of days. >> and trumpers are running off the ship like rats. >> this week was probably finished him as a serious political figure. >> dobbs has electrified the american public. >> this is reerecting the blue wall. >> there is the belief among some that if, you know, within the republican party trump is going to sink of his own weight, the indictments are going to bring him down. >> laura: then came warnings about how trump was alienating all those holdout moderates. >> he is contributing to the divisiveness and division in this country. >> donald trump speaks and is the most divisive cruel person in the history of the presidency. >> they are worried about those nikki haley voters who may not come home, who may vote for joe biden. who may stay home. that is why donald trump is trying to project so much unity in washington, d.c. today. >> he needs that type of validation from establishment republican figure. >> laura: okay. well, at some point, when you are wrong this often, someone should consider taking away your expert card. this is how divided things look on capitol hill today. >> what is happening to our country is of great concern to the group of people standing alongside of me. and i just wanted to say that we have great unity. >> president trump brought an extraordinary amount of energy and excitement and enthusiasm this morning. that is what we are seeing in the party throughout the country. >> we had a good meeting. >> did he -- yeah he did. shook hands. he was entirely positive session. >> we have great common sense. a lot of very smart people in this room and a lot of people that love our country. they want this country to be great again and we're going to make it great again. >> for years, they thought lawfare would kill his appeal. it only enhanced it. now, for the first time in his almost decade, if you can believe it or not in politics, donald trump is the favorite to win. the economists and their analysis give him a 66% chance of winning. the decision desk puts his odds at about 56%. and the betting markets also now show him as the clear favorite. trump's catching fire in states thought to be solidly blue as well. check out these numbers in nevada. the real clear politics average there has him up by 5.3%. and then in minnesota, where we spent a lot of time. he is within striking distance of biden and, perhaps, most shocking, in maine, check out this northeast headline. donald trump pulls off shock lead in state g.o.p. has not won in 36 years. now, who knows what is going to happen between now and november of. we all understand that but, today, donald trump is at his strongest ever if these trends hold he could help lead the g.o.p. to a sweep. the white house and both houses of congress. and now tight titans of the buss world who shunned him after the floyd riots, they are beginning to prepare for a trump second term as well. they are rushing in to signal their support. and after the 2020 election in january 6th. >> remember the never trumpers branded trump radioactive, warning donors not to lend him any support. well, none of that worked. the money trump is now raising is simply astounding. they are lining up to see him wherever he goes. and trump is smartly appearing in liberal strongholds. we have advocated for this for so long. in l.a., in san francisco, the bronx, and soon we hope in chicago. and denver. this weekend, he is heading to detroit, a city biden won in 2020 by 94%. now, europeans and others are also anticipating that trump is coming back. they are on edge because most of them prefer a weak american president. they like to push him around. but they know with trump there's going to be no for free lunches or free riding. notice the pro-war coalition is speeding up the shake down over the g-7 get the money now for ukraine before trump changes course. so, this is a sense of anxiety, it's nervousness. i would say even dread is setting in among the foreign policy elites who are just blindsided in the eu election results. they just don't understand why voters abroad are rejecting what so wonderful about globalism. and they don't understand why making america great again is now even resonating with our minorities and young people. so all democrats can do is respond with the same old oncology convincing lines that they have already tried and already failed with. trump is a dictator. trump is scary. >> it's absolutely extraordinary that we have a major party presidential candidate who is so openly endorsing the use ever violence in our politics. i am deeply worried about violence as we head into this fall's election. >> he is on a losing streak. he doesn't have the votes. so he is choosing violence. that's what this upcoming election is very much going to be about. >> laura: is he right about how violence is on the ballot. yeah, that's right, eric. the violence carried out by their hard core activists and by the way the violence that's caused by democrat policies. [shouting] [chanting free, free palestine] [chanting oink, oink, who do you protect. ] [tires squealing] >> laura: isn't it grand? so it's time for everyone now in the g.o.p. to acknowledge that trump was right. he was right about the economy. weighs right about the courts. et was right about the border. illegal aliens, china, and u.s. trade. and he has delivered tangible results all while being hilarious and entertaining. ♪ and well down we go [laughter] >> laura: remember back in the 1820s you know your history, 1830s andrew jackson ran for president three times. we had figures like john c. calhoun and henry clerics daniel webster. historian schlesinger dubbed these years the age of jackson. and if trump wins, 150 years from now, this will be referred to as the age of trump. he dominates the policy debate in ways that no one has done since reagan. it's not even close. and if he picks a strong v.p. and we have every reason to believe he will. and if this new coalition becomes a governing collision, coalition itcould be in power fs it. could end up changing the world. most importantly for us, our kids, grandkids, saving america. and that's the angle. joining me now is missouri senator josh hawley. senator, i know what people are saying, laura, don't get ahead of yourself. we got a long way to go before the election. but, you met with trump today. tell us about the change in the air in the capitol since all those dire predictions of trump taking down the party, not rejanuviaating it. >> well, talk about a triumphal return, laura. i mean, here he is accounted trump out bashed trump. here they all be giving him a standing ovation. here they were welcoming him as the party's nominee. the reason is he has won overwhelmingly. he returns as the nominee of the party who has come to nateed, dominated the party's primaries. he is now dominating the race for president. and we can see why. his policies worked. joe biden's didn't. and the old republican establishment, laura, there is just not much left of it. voters hate it. trump is beating it. and that is good for america. >> laura: it was good to see mitch mcconnell. we showed that clip earlier. they caught him walking in the hallway. he said we shook hands twice and mitt romney was there can you give us any insights into what happened with romney and trump? did you see any of the body language? any movement? any words? >> you know, i didn't see trump and romney interact but i certainly did see mitch and trump interact. you know, listen, this is a guy -- let's not forget. senator mcconnell has refused to say trump's name, for years. i mean, won't speak it, even. there he was sitting at trump's right hand today. sitting right there on his right at the table. i mean, right at the head the table. and wanting to be there as trump walked into the room. is he just acknowledging reality, which is that the voters of this nation are choosing trump. republican voters have already chosen him. and there is nothing left of the republican establishment, the d.c. establishment, the war forever crowd. voters don't want that. there is no power left there. it's all with trump. >> laura: well, this is an amazing turn of events. not surprising to those of us who pushed the populist coalition for years. but, this was something i love seeing every minute of it. senator, thank you so much. >> leading everyone by in some cases a lot. a lot of states that normally wouldn't be in play are now in play. some cases we are leading them. we are doing very well in virginia. new jersey, new mexico. and minnesota just came out and they have us even with a state that hasn't been won since, i guess, '72. 1972. that's a long time. >> laura: but, wait, how can this be? i thought biden's economy is really taking off. >> americans both those who are well-off and those who are near at the bottom of the income distribution are better off now that wages have risen more than prices. >> laura: ha ha ha. she's funny. do you notice how she doesn't specify the time frame? that's cute. and in michigan where trump is heading this weekend 538 has him tied with biden now with the exception of 2016, that state has gone blue since 1992. things are close in wisconsin with the former president will campaign on tuesday. biden is also going to be there next week a new piece in forbes puts it this way. in the seven crucial swing states that will likely decide the election, arizona, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, georgia, north carolina, and pennsylvania, all of which biden won narrowly in 2020 with the exception of north carolina, polls consistently show trump leads biden. this is stunning. joining me now lara trump co-chair of the republican national committee. lara, that same forbes piece tries to kind of salvage something for biden. noting that biden is up by 1 point in morning consult's weekly survey taken friday to sunday. that's his first lead in the weekly tracking poll in a month. lara, your reaction to that? >> yeah, well, listen, this is obvious. the people of this country are hurting and we have this opportunity, lara, right now. i know people talk about it all the time. it is so epic that we can actually compare two presidents and two presidencies and the american people truly can only be lied to for so long. and i think they have had enough of the democrats. it's why you see the movement with african-american voters. with hispanic voters, donald trump won 8% of the african-american vote in 2020. he is polling at 23% right now. is he polling at 46% versus joe biden 40% with hispanic voters. is he winning the youth vote. across the country, people's lice are so much harder right now and they want the days of donald trump back. they are pretty upset with the mainstream media by the way who sold donald trump to them in a way that they now know was phony. they now was fake. so, yeah, you point out all these states where donald trump is leading. we got a poll out last month that had donald trump one point up on joe biden in washington state. so, nothing is off the table. everything feels in play for us right now. it's because people want their lives back and they know donald trump will bring it to them. >> laura: lara, after we heard all this rhetoric about the most divisive president in history, blah blah blah, i love this moment from former president trump today. watch this. >> are you going to support larry hogan to win that senate seat? >> yeah. i would like to see him win. i think he has a good chance to inwith. i would like to see him win and we got to take the majority. i know other people made some strong statements. i can just say it from my standpoint, i'm about the party and i'm about the country and i would like to see him win. >> so you are endorsing him? >> well, nobody has asked me that but essentially i would be endorsing him, yeah. >> laura: now, hogan for everyone watching, of course, has been a huge critic, vicious critic of trump for years. but this just shows how much trump cares about the future of the country and the party. he is rising above all the pettiness and so will the rnc also do that, lara? because i know, you know, when hogan said to respect the verdict you said he doesn't deserve any respect 6 any republican. the president seems to say let's do it. >> i still think that statement was absurd from him and i didn't like it at all but, look, donald trump is the leader of this party. he changed this party for the better in 2016. and he showed today, going there where you saw so many people coming together and unifying that that's, indeed, what he wants. he wants unity for this party. he wants to lead this party and lead this country. and he has proven himself, even when he is not in office, lara, to be a true leader. when a train derailed in ohio, who was it that went there for the people? it was donald trump not joe biden. when an nypd officer was murdered, who went to the funeral? donald trump, not joe biden. when laken riley, a 22-year-old was murdered by a man who had should had never been in this country had it not been for the policies of biden and the democrats. it was donald trump who comforted the family, not joe biden. he is the leader and we will follow his lead. >> laura: yeah, the democrats just think people are really stupid. i mean, just chuck schumer says the economy is great. everyone is supposed -- okay, thank you, sir, may i have another? lara, this was a great moment on capitol hill today. thank you so much. great to see you as always. all right, did joe biden sit back and watch as commander, his dog feasted upon, well, a limb of one of the secret service agents? i'm having a biden moment. all the breaking details. first, biden is literally lost on the world stage. that's next. ♪ stand with ukraine. would we stand for sovereignty, freedom and against tyranny? yes, we will. we will say it again, yes, again and again and again. we're going to stand with ukraine. >> thank you and thanks to every american heart that does not betray freedom and supports us. >> laura: ukraine shakedown. biden is wasting time, energy and resources on ukraine, we are seeing real threats to our national security right here in our own hemisphere. a fleet of russian warships right now are parked off the coast of cuba. they are getting ready to hold military drills in caribbean. and china is building a mega port in peru. >> this will only further make it easier for the chinese to extract all of these -- all of these resources from the region. so that should be concerning. you think about a port, the scanning of cargo, who is going to have all that information? who is going to have all that data? >> laura: oh, this is just laughable. if it wasn't so scary it would be laughable. joining me now newt gingrich, former speaker of the house. fox news political analyst. newt, the "new york times" published a piece today saying that america has become a humbler super power under biden writing that america no longer presents itself as the confident guarantor of security, trust us we got this super power. the terrain is too fast. china's rise to great a threat. newt? this as the g-7 is underway. is it humility or failure? >> i mean it's i think it's humility based on failure. biden and his team are incompetent. they have no idea what they are doing. they were a disaster in afghanistan. they have been a disaster in iran. they have, i think, been remarkably slow and incompetent in helping ukraine. they have no strategy for latin america. and you know, i think it's very sobering. if you remember the immediate imagery of soviet and now russian warships in havana brings back to mind the 1962 cuba missile crisis and you have to say to yourself, john f. kennedy was at the peak of his ability in dealing with the missile crisis. does anyone believe joe biden could deal with a crisis like that with any cog of cog entrance energy level. toughness, strategic advice. it's scary. this isn't a political issue. it's an issue of survival. of course, the "new york times" which is essentially anti-american is delighted to have a weaker america and refuses to report accurately about our enemies. and these are our enemies. these are not, you know, friends. >> laura: there was a conversation brief about china's role which we talked about on the angle in helping russia during this ukraine war. watch. >> i had full conversation with a leader of china by phone. he said that he wil will not sel any weapon to russia. see. but he said to me if he is a respectable person he will not because he gave me the word. >> by the way, china is not supplying weapons but the ability to produce those weapons and the technology available to do it. so it is,in fact, helping russia. >> laura: of course, also, newt, buying vast amounts of russian oil and russian agriculture which is helping keep the russian economy strong, the sanctions never worked either. but, that was interesting hear zelenskyy say well, if he is a respectable man about xi? this is where we are sending hundreds of billions of dollars? really? >> look, i think that zelenskyy is in a hopeless position. he can't tell the truth. the truth will offend his primary patrons. biden -- it's hard to overstate this. biden and his team are totally out of touch with reality. they don't understand the real world. they don't understand the concept of having real enemies. they don't have any concept of strategy. and they sort of go from press conference to press conference making it up as they go along. they have had no positive impact on gaza. they have had no positive impact on iran. they were a total failure in afghanistan. and, frankly, the ukrainian war could have been solved much, much earlier with an effective aggressive american government. they just drained it out in ways that kill ukrainians and spend a great deal of american money. >> laura: another $50 billion shakedown today oh sorry, it's a loan. newt, great to see you. thank you so much. fanny, fani is back. she is upset or furious. can't miss video is next. ♪ >> laura: wait a second, am i to understand that we have been saying her name wrong this whole time? >> i'm so tired of hearing these idiots call my name as fanny in a way to attempt to humiliate me because, like silly school boys, the name reminds them of a woman's rear. why they over there running their mouth, i'm over here paying them no mind, thriving and wilsoning. >> laura: winning? more like whining. usually involves baseless claims of racism. >> others have found ire with the media for checking those who unfairably attack african-american women. but that same media will jump junch at the morsel of a chance to tear us down. >> laura: can't wait to hear how she explains what happened with former travel companion. was kaitlan collins trying to tear a brother down when she asked a simple question? >> when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start? >> yeah, so, you know, we get into -- there has been this effort to -- to -- to say that -- okay, these -- these exact dates are -- are -- are at issue and these exact dates are -- i'm getting -- i'm getting signals here. >> do you want to go off. >> yes. >> okay. go off. >> keep rolling? >> don't stop now. >> laura: okay. of course collins missed an opportunity to then ask him. he came back on camera. why did you need to consult with your handler? weren't you the one hooking up with ms. willis? it wasn't a trick question after all. these people just ooze sleaze. >> you good? >> yeah,. >> everything okay? >> yeah. >> just to revisit the question, it was to clarify when the romantic relationship started and when it ended. >> sure. so, you know, i believe that the public has through the testimony and other interviews, the public has a clear snapshot that this is clearly just a distraction. >> laura: he has a future in politics with that kind of answer. joining me now ben domenech editor of the spectator. charlie hurt opinion editor with "the washington times." both fox news contributors. i could spend hours on this. charlie, did they actually think someone actually thought that this interview would somehow help willis' office defeat the appeal of the scott mcafee ruling? they thought this was going to help? >> yeah. well, if they did, it blew up in their face. and you make great point about how kaitlin should have asked that very obvious question. but i would love to send her a go fund me check for her when she looked up and she goes is everything okay? very beautifully played moment. no. it's absolutely devastating. and i love the clip from fani willis earlier. it sounds like she is winning by winning we are talking about losing. and the idea that, of course, she is going to hide behind racism is basically the only thing that they have because they obviously don't have any ability whatsoever to argue their case. >> laura: ben, somehow they keep, again, digging themselves into a deeper hole and then wade acts like leaving mid interview is just totally normal. he sits back down, hey, back. the whole thing was bizarre. i mean, i guess you played it fine. but, i mean, is that now a new rule, can you get up in the middle -- why don't one of you guys get up. charlie you can get up now, come back, go get a snack, come back. >> leave, come back, totally fine. >> laura: can i buy a vowel? he should have bought a vowel. ben, go ahead. >> it's absurd, hilarious. auto former general manager of the washington football franchise is infamous for a statement where he said that the team wasn't doing very well but they were winning off the field. and i think that that's what fanny was talking about there. she is winning in ways that we are apparently unfamiliar with. because she is certainly not winning within the court of haw land within the court of public opinion. look, this interview, that's such an easy question. i'm glad you pointed this out. it's not a gotcha question. it's an easy question. should be one he doesn't have to consult with anybody about when he is asked about when that romantic relationship began and when it ended. it's a basic h.r. question as well. one that he needs to be able to answer. and i think that the fact that he had to go and consult, you know, and get signals is a sign that whatever he really needed to say in that moment was not something that was going to be helpful to him at all. and certainly not helpful to ms. willis. so this whole thing has been a disaster from day one. >> laura: oh my gosh. it's best video ever. ben and charlie, great to see you both. all right, radical leftists and criminals, people looting, destroying things, what do they have in common? we'll unmask it. ♪ chanting long live intifada. 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[cheers] >> laura: that is terrifying. joining me now stephen miller former senior adviser to president trump. founder of america first legal. steven, now, imagine if there were any slightly leaning right people who did anything like this under any circumstances in the streets of america what they would be doing. but these people can put on masks, or, you know, some type of head scarf or head gear and conceal their identities, and everyone is like oh, isn't this all wonderful? what's happening here? >> well, joe biden has unleashed a wave of political violence all across this country in our college campuses, and in our blue cities. he has condoned it through inaction. in other words, to deliberate failure by the department of justice to enforce federal law, joe biden has sent the message that he approves of this political violence, this anti-jewish, anti-american, anti-christian intimidation. and by also giving aid and comfort and support to both iran and hamas, he is further sending a message that america supports the behavior and conduct of the terrorists. and this, more than anything else, is why joe biden is responsible for this. and i would also add to your point, if the right engaged in 1/1,000th what we are seeing on city streets today they, their families, relatives, associations would all be in solitary confinement for the next decade, laura. >> laura: radicals were seen waving the hezbollah flag and long live october 7th flag. but they are more worried about what the appeal to heaven flag which has historic significance in the united states? that's the threat? >> yes, ha ha, they had a week's long nationwide, the democrats and the left public meltdown and of course, their friends in the press, over alito's wife flying an appeal to heaven flag this which is a mainstream patriotic symbol. feflown in city halloutside of g back to our founding era. yet, as you pointed out joe biden's supporters and left wing democrats are flying hamas flags all over this country which is a genocidal terrorist organization that rapes and murders and tortures and keepsie both israelis and american citizens. so joe biden, again, he is the one who is responsible for this wave of religious intimidation and political violence. >> laura: they don't terrorize -- i think they embarrass the united states. i mean, most american citizens see this as a complete and utter embarrassment and these people are egg noornted they are hateful. but, stephen, again, you have the right political views. you lean toward biden and can you get away with just about anything. stephen, you have been all over, this thank you so much. it's not just biden who needs a short leash. we have damning new details about commander the dog. yeah. we will chew over those details. plus, starting a family is now fascist. we expose the left's latestwa attacks , next. ♪e the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others. preservision. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? 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a new report has bided and being aware of what commander did with just a few choice secret service agents. kevin corke is here with all the chewy details. >> brilliantly written my friend judicial watch is giving us a window into the harrowing circumstances surrounding mr biden's dog commander and his numerous attacks on secret service agents which apparently tops three dozen according to records. the president himself was apparently present for at least three of the attacks. now the folks over at judicial watch asked for records relating to incidents of aggression and bites involving the family dog commander including but not limited to communications sent to and from secret service officials. more on that in a moment. that the dog has been known to bite lots of folks include -- including those who want to protect the president. maybe folks didn't know about as many but how about this one. as i started to walk toward him, talking about the president to see if you need to help, commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. i pulled my arm away and yelled no. they also yelled to commander. the story went on to add this, i oblige commander and let him pet me but after that the dog jumped and bit my left arm for a second time. the president yelled at him. i have three holes in my suit jacket, one all the way through. no skin was broken. what a mess. there were other conversations as well about getting the dog muzzled. this is from an e-mail from september of 2023. tmz just reported a dog bite at the white house. can we please find a way to get this dog muzzled. somebody else said we must get this dog muzzled another said geez, another set unbelievable. you may recall major the other first dog was also rehomed back in 2021 because it had a biting problem. >> this is a failure of training and they didn't come clean about this. dogs can be trained, they have access to the best dog training in the world through the secret service and this went on and on. >> i grew up with german shepherds. they are brilliant dogs. this is a real problem. >> kevin thank you. the left's nuts -- next target the family. one radical saying that the idea of family has nazi origins. children, kitchen, church, those were the central tenets of women's lives. mothers were discouraged from entering the workforce and were even paid to stay at home with their children. it was about incentivizing white ethnically german women to reproduce and keeping them from gaining too much independence so according to the left, if you love your family, you want to raise a family, you are bordering on being a nazi. if you ask a biden boater their ideas of what's important, only 19 percent say society is better off when marriage and family are prioritized. joining me now is isabella brown ... isabel, what is going on here? they hate marriages and kids i guess. >> they sure do and this is just the latest in a string of rhetoric we've seen over the last decade or so. black lives matter trying to say we should abolish the nuclear family you have feminists arguing to abolish the nuclear family, riding books about this in the uk which has contributed to record low marriage rates in the entire developing world across europe, japan, australia, new zealand and right here at home in the united states. i have a lot of faith in generations the. a recent study conducted on the younger half of them found that 93 percent of our generation still wants to get married and you are labelled a nazi or religious extremist or a fascist for doing so pure i think this is a countercultural backlash and a pendulum swing that you were watching happen in realtime in the united states when everything in culture is demonizing marriage and family, there's nothing more punk rock and radical to embrace. >> this is quite something. they talk about how right-wing authoritarianism has rarely existed without conservative gender roles. they go on and on enabling and perpetuating and submissive homemakers, obedient child bearer, but then there are also celebrating in another piece in the new york times how women are leaving organized religion. they are happy win women don't get married and leave their church. that sounds wonderful doesn't it? >> none of the left-wing cultural ideology has not made women happy. the reason that the left is smearing families is because they fear family. if you were loyal to your family , you are not loyal to the states. this is what marxist regimes have done throughout human history pure to talk about women for -- they been the greatest victims of cultural marxism. fat acceptance, hookup culture. all of these things that the left pushes on young women have ultimately made them deeply unhappy. liberal women are the most mentally ill demographic in america. look it up, i swear to you. it's made women extremely unhappy and ultimately democrats don't care that these people are unhappy and they are pushing the ideology that is so cancerous on them because if the longer they are single and bought into the left-wing ideology, the longer that they remain strident democratic democrat voters. ultimately it's about politics and ultimately humans and what's really best for society... >> you headed isabel. it's a threat to their power structure. family faith first. the government is not so important suddenly and neither is politics. as a you getting married it? you are about to get married yourself? >> i am on june 29th, right around the corner. >> i think there's a revival toward the things that matter most the things that have enduring importance in our lives. congratulations on that, best wishes. we are going to do a lot longer segment later on. that's it for us tonight. make sure to follow me on social media, thank you for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse watters is going to take it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime p. are tonight.

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