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ccarthy and all standing by and ready too go. we are ready just in case. >> president biden is in italy while former president trump's is on capitol hill, for a serie from both the house and the senate in to address some of america's most powerful busines leaders making his case for a more prosperous economy if voters decide to send him back to the white house for a second term. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom" i am dana perino. >> bill: wouldn't it be if he got immunity today. a couple hundred yards away fro where the justice department. >> you couldn't write it any better. good morning at home while we await from president biden in that joint news conference with the ukraine president where he will answer reporters questions the first time since his son hunter's conviction on federal gun charges. former president trump as we mentioned is meeting the top republican lawmakers at the house side and submit site they're going to talk about national policy in try to map out summer plans for the campaign trail. he is leaning into his star wet younger voters >> his brother jake paul tellin jesse watters what he thinks young voters really want. >> to me it doesn't have to do with democrat or republican it' about which president is going to fight for us and who is goin to represent us in the best way possible. that's really what the people i america want, we want solutions. >> bill: on the hill at capitol hill club hanging out there. good morning to you. >> good morning geo. the meeting with gop lawmakers underway. i'm getting some intel from inside this meeting, some text messages coming to me from lawmakers listening in right no and apparently, president trump is complaining about his legal cases, his legal issues koba complaining about president biden say none of these foreign policy issues would've happened under his watch. he also apparently the presiden quote a job in said he didn't know how to get out stage. he also said something like hello, marjorie pointing to marjorie taylor green, the congresswoman from georgia aske are you being nice to him and spoke pointed to speaker johnson , that being a reference to the vacate that sheet filed. it's fascinating to watch what' going on because i can tell you about two years ago i was havin private conversations with hous republicans very very powerful house republicans who told me two years ago they did not want to see president trump come bac to washington. they didn't want him to win, they didn't want him to be the nominee in now some of those same people are inside they capitol hill club inside with him and basically supporting him , supporting their presumptive nominee in as one republican told me this morning everybody at this point wants attention from him right now this is what speaker johnson said this morning about what he is hoping to talk about. >> we are going to do what the american people demand and deserve, that is secure the border, we are going to revive the american economy, we're going to unleash american energ again and combat this weaponization of the government. we have specifically in to do all those things. talking about it and planning for it right now isn't importan part of what we will be doing when we get control back. >> after this, trump will address the ceos of the busines roundtable as he tries to garne support for donors in sell his economic message to corporate america pair than he will meet with senate republicans because he's coming face-to-face for th first time with majority leader excuse me, minority leader mitc mcconnell after four years after january 6, the first time they will see each other. mcconnell of courses supporting the presumptive nominee. watching all of this. they say they've come out with the new at this morning that is hitting battleground states all across the country saying that trump has attacked democracy an they are tying it to the januar. >> a lot to deal do with their bright meanwhile, the supreme court regarding abortion. >> dana: we have been waiting for this one. shannon bream is looking at it, this has to do with the fda and the over-the-counter abortion drug. what did they say? >> remember, methyl pressed on is one of those two drugs used and medicated abortion which th majority of abortions in this country. there were a group of doctors who came and tried to challenge this at the supreme court acces to the drug, there were changes to access during covid there were changes about telemedicine visits, you didn't have to go i person to a doctor. these doctors came and challenged fats and also the length into a pregnancy in whic he could use the pill. what the court said today 9-0, we remind people there are unanimous decisions is that those doctors did not have lega standing they have moral objections to how these drugs are used, but they did not have legal standing. for now that means, the court has allowed access for access t the drug during the hearing and dependency of the case, that means that paul access will continue. there's not going to be a restriction on getting that dru is part of an abortion protocol. here is the twist to this great number of states tried to intervene in this case that wanted to be parties to the case . the court did not allow that to happen. those states have said if this case went the way that many of us thought it would, they don't get past the standing issue and don't get to the merits of the case, those states say they are standing by ready to file there own challenges to the way the fda has regulated the drug this case is over, doctor stefan hav standing, access remains for th drug, but watch for two or thre of the states to say that they are going to now file there own legal challenges and they do have standing to actually get t the merits of how the case has been handled. the drug has been handled by th fda. >> bill: that could be a boomerang case coming back. standby in case there's more coming up momentarily. >> dana: , kellyanne, you have seen, you're no stranger to this , the democrats trying to make abortion the front and center issue of their campaign and their policies. will this supreme court decision , to at least take one part of that off the table? >> no, i think they will look a an opportunity to triple dharma that per the challenge for the democrats is they are for abortion anytime anywhere, read the party platform to verify that part i hope president trum and whoever he picks will be robust at least in exposing that . here is what i would do, i woul have a science conversation at this point with america. i would tell them that the same democrats that knew enough to mask up our five -year-old for the better part of two school years, look at a five -month-ol sonogram in pretend they don't see a baby sucking its thumb an the male organ on display. if babies are being born and th state when harris states of california, she went home, that is the conversation we could have that's a little softer and gentler. i think if we talk about that states rights, it's true, but the constitution gives us life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness. think the democrats will overplay their hand on abortion and i think every time they try to talk to women in don't talk about crime in safety in inflation in the border and the chaos in crisis around the worl in only talk to women from the waist down and not from the waist up then they are missing an opportunity to speak to wome and full. the one thing i would say about this case, 9-0 doesn't surprise me for the one problem people have is they just want to make sure when you're getting a package and the mail, like you get your dog food or laundry detergent that it is safe, that you consulted with a health professional before you take a pill that does terminate a pregnancy birthday want to make sure particularly for young girls that are afraid to tell people that they are pregnant, that this is safe. >> if shannon still with us, i want to bring her back into thi conversation as well. there is still outstanding issues out there that need to b decided. you got a court session that will run for about three weeks total think. the big one seems to be i don't know if that comes today but i mention a moment ago it might b ironic that president trump is back on capitol hill. >> that is the thing about the court, they tell us were gettin opinions, but they never tell u how many and which ones. that was the biggie at this turn . it was added, especial at the calendar so because it was argued till late, we think it may come later in the month but the justices are well aware of the pressing issues and a lot o people think after having sat through those immunity argument with the court may do is say okay, now or giving you a framework for what an official act is now resending this back to the lower court for you to determine down there which of these acts that you're alleging with regard to then president trump artificial expert that would take time before you can even get back to the case. >> it back on track. there are a lot of roadblocks even if we got the immunity decision today, we still have t hold out the possibility that what it does is send a lot of this back down to lower courts, but more opinion still coming today. we will get them tomorrow as well. >> doesn't matter for president trump and biden's debate coming up three weeks from today whether they get that immunity decision before that? >> no, but they likely will given their tightness of the calendar in what remains. at think there are so many lega questions rolling around for both hunter biden and donald trump right it just looks that voters are putting that in the very large cauldron of decision of images in ideas in issues yo can tonight everybody's pulling is that the top issues are not these legal cases. the top issues are inflation importer in everyday affordability in energy in the crisis around the world. i think that's why it's part fo president trump to be talking t house members in senators today bright hope the senate he will particularly say you guys are underperforming and all the swing states. i got blamed in 2022 for the lack of the red wave for you no winning nl over performing you in some cases by double digits if you added altogether. i need you to sharpen up becaus we need to leave it up the firs reconciliation bills. with energy in border in inflation in the like an passag through simple majority like th democrats did with inflation reduction act right at think when he meets the business leaders, you should say, don't wait for the inauguration. >> involved. , your time and your talent now. talk to me about ai, talk to me about what you're doing in china . i am going to be the person tha helps you pass on savings to your consumers by extending the trump tax cuts, by the deregulatory, by unleashing american energy independence again. i hope it will take that opportunity to speak to those ceos as a fellow job creator, not government life like biden and reconnect with them in a wa that they can work together. it's time for the executive branch and the corporate americ to invest in america again. >> bill: , we anticipate one more decision from the u.s. supreme court, just watching th websites right now. if we get another one, we will bring it to you. we have another topic. >> i wanted to ask you, we are talking about it a moment ago the supreme court upholding the access to the over-the-counter abortion pill in shannon said this is the majority of abortions take place this way. yesterday, the second largest u.s. faith group voted against ivf, and this is the southern baptist convention want to go back on the politics of it because we know whenever he talks about reelection, he coul be talking about the cows in montana and the next thing she wants to talk about is abortion on college campuses. on that issue, again, how would president trump try to deal wit that going forward because they know he will get pulled into talking about it all the time. >> president trump weighed and on this a few months ago when the alabama supreme court one o the courts they are denied ivf, they basically denied ivf and then the legislature acted, and signed it into law. i thought it was important that president trump acted with alacrity in conviction and he said he supports ivf because he supports people becoming parent however they want to do that. he was followed by every single republican senator running for election this year also saying through a memo that our firms pulling from january saying the vast majority of where people were very much against ivf. it sounds like the southern baptist conviction is, the poin is that americans support the majorities have suffered and pro-lifers. the independence in democrats, this is one of those issues tha i say try partisan support. the majorities a politically speaking support access to ivf. that's why they know somebody who has used it. they become much more familiar to them culturally. i think president trump will stand his ground combat and sav it he is pro-life so he believe in informing families in many different ways if people need extra help doing so. >> what do you make of it today? i consider it a significant day radio for former presidents, th last time he was on capitol hill , you had january 6, and now he's back today for the first time to meet with house house lawmakers behind closed doors. the get a little bit of information as it comes in. which may, went up one side and down the other on donald trump and now he says he's our guy, and as long as he's our guy, th american people support him, i will support him. >> it's a wonderful day i think for the republican party and fo capitalism in conservatism in free-market principles. ucf collaboration, not the competition in not consternatio among the sending senators, senate candidates. i believe part of president trump's pitch to them must be sharpen or not because i'm over performing in these districts i in the senate races. your nowhere near 50 percent. getting feeding job i among african-americans, so union households, and some groups of women in young people. donald trump doesn't need to wi 50 percent of any of them to become the next american president. i would also say the house and particularly the senate candidates need to understand w all live through 2022. you better get robust ends so should the trump campaign if they don't have it already, robust early voting game. i want to see them vote early for president trump make it an international publicity events, the first week you can vote early in florida, go to the polls because when the lion roars, everyone else will follow . that's number one. number two, the senate in house candidates can't just say i got donald trump's endorsement in fall asleep or they need to do what he does which is campaign, be unafraid too go into constituencies in neighborhoods in communities that haven't welcomed republicans in the past . we are expanding our map and growing our party. name one county in this country where the biden campaign thanks they can put joe biden or kamal harris to expand their map. they are contracting there support. with the growth of a party come growing pains. we need unity. they never dissented any votes. hakeem jeffries got every singl vote. they all voted for the inflatio reduction act. they have got unanimity and the want unity on the republican side, but that starts with supporting our nominee. when the voter speak, we should all listen. i think peter mcconnell today and members of the house didn't want president trump back, that's all water under the bridge because you have to bend to the will of the voters. we had a very robust competitiv primary on the republican side, we had fox news in boxed it business debates yet the voters have spoken and they want trump to be the nominee. they want that median household income back to where it was and 2019. >> bill: third and final decision for today has come down . this involves the court ruling in favor of starbucks in that case involving a worker in memphis, tennessee who apparently the workers sought t join the union. that decision has been handed down. we want to bring in andrew mc carthy right now. and he come out welcome to our coverage. your reaction to what we got from the court today? >> i am not all that surprised by the decision which is obviously the most important on i heard day not mention it before, they decided that unstinting grounds which means they too can get into the nitty-gritty of what the decision was actually about, th fda's weather it adhered to its administrative procedures in making the drug more widely available. they didn't grapple with that, they grappled with the question of weather the group that brought the suit had enough ski and the game to be deemed to have standing in that case and they decided they didn't unanimously, by the way. >> andy, on the issue, it was interesting, i think the abortion ruling is interesting because i believe that have gon the other way, the abortion groups would have gone absolutely nuts today and said that this was all president trump's fault and really tried to drive that home. no doubt they will continue to talk about it but if the court had ruled any other way, it would have been a bigger issue. on the question of the union worker, this is starbucks actually getting a win and the supreme court but unions have been trying to claw their way back with some better public opinion, it seems like they've they are feeling their oats a little bit because the administration is not just in a organizational way a prounion administration, they are prounion in every way in their rhetoric in they're pretty emphatic about it. obviously, the wind blew in the other direction with respect to this case. >> looking at the ruling on methyl crestone, anti-, what brings that back right if they're saying that courts are not the proper pace, what would need to change and would what that happen before november? >> it won't happen before november, but what would have t happen is that you've got a plaintiff who actually suffered an injury from the drug who could come back and say you know , if it hadn't been for the fda making this available without going through all the safety protocols come up my injury would never have happened . here what you had was an advocacy group whose basic clai of injury was that they were very concerned about the fact that the fda had not followed its protocol in had bend rules in order to make this more broadly available and the court basically said they their interest in that was sincere, but was not met for an injury that satisfies the constitution 's requirement that there be a case or controversy which means you actually have t have somebody who was in the litigation who suffers a concrete injury. >> bill: since millions of americans have used it. thank you. about 21 past now massive migrant camp's taking over a small city and the state of washington paid by city officials are struggling to shu down the growing encampment. >> dana: losing a major legal battle, we will be right back. e of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. remember space? 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(♪) ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ >> southern florida under rare flash flood emergency. days of torrential rain absolutely pummeling the area. we have this great tell us what's happening and fort myers right now. it looks bad. >> we're having a situation here . as you can tell, this parking lot is submerged to say the least year. this is after hours of that water receding. this is just a look at one shopping center alone. you'll notice the line of cars still trying to figure out wher to go and what to do. in the background there, and full of cars that the drivers ditched after realizing there was no way they were going to drive through all of these floodwaters when that flash flood emergency was issued wednesday afternoon, it prompte a domino effect of consequences i-95 shut down for hours both miami and fort lauderdale airport seeing delays upwards o seven hours, and dozens of people needing to be rescued from either their homes or thei cars, so that is what we see today, it's why the governor di declare that state of emergency hoping that people are ready fo what could be another round of heavy downpours in other 4-8 inches of rain expected to fall here by friday night, but already record set in places like fort lauderdale close to 1e . this is unfortunately a situation that could go from ba to worse. >> thank you so much. we will keep an eye on it. >> 28 past the hour. the u.s. supreme court making a major ruling upholding access t the abortion drug. so what is next on the docket for the courts? we will find out when we come back. they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. 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>> yes, a few things going on, denver health this saying of course it's doing what you just said, it's training resources a the time it's also causing an enormous budget problem. denver health, which is the major kind of safety net hospital in denver is saying they may have to cut services because they're financial losses , so now what's happening is that denver, which already has a sales tax when you combin everything, state, local and everything of a .8 percent, they're talking about adding another third of a percent fishing is over 9 percent just for denver health to cover thes losses for illegal aliens. >> i also understand because of the way texas has been able to shut down as much as it can without the federal government' help migrants coming and, has that number of migrants going into denver slow down at all? >> it has slowed down massively. it used to be busloads a day, and now it's maybe a few dozen week. the ones who came aren't leaving . i believe you aired a video of someone from mayor johnston's staff speaking in spanish to a room of the illegal alien sayin we will buy you a bus ticket to anywhere you want to go, razor hint if you want to go somewher and no hands went upright even though they are not a lot more of them coming now, still when you are around denver, every corner there is illegal alien either single or family with a sign, the squeegee guys are back , and you know this, i don't begrudge anybody who wants a better life, but what's happene with the lack of enforcement of our border and allowing this to happen in our cities is just complete dereliction of duty. >> we have about 30 seconds left , can you tell me also we are two months away from the school year starting up again, in addition to the healthcare problems, what about the strain on the schools? could get the strain on the schools will be real, but they will be highly concentrated muc worse in denver and aurora, it may be a little bit in jefferso county in other places. not too many of these folks and the suburbs. the main issue is not so much higher quantity of kids, but rather such a huge percentage o them don't speak any english an haven't been to school before and that makes educating them quite expensive. >> ross kaminski, thank you so much. we appreciate you being on the show. >> thanks, dana. >> dana: no double dipping on sports. >> bill: house panel holding a hearing later today about anti- semitism on college campuses fo this was the scene unfolding blocks from the hearing earlier this week. anti- israel protesters gather at the white house, one of them wearing the headband of hamas depicting a bloodied facemask o president brighton. vandalizing memorials in pets felting officers trying to keep the peace in then there was this . we want to play it for you. watch on the new york subway. >> raise your hands if you're a zionist. >> raised her hand if you're a zionist. >> this is your chance to get out. >> no zionist, where good. that is a scene we've seen it years ago, protesters taking over a new york city subway singling out jewish people for being jewish. also painting the red triangle of hamas on the front door of the museum director. finally, this incident, protesters converging on an exhibit in lower manhattan paying tribute to the victims o the music festival up massacre celebrating that terror attack. all of that happening in less than one week in america. carol did a good job talking with you about this. >> the wall street journal editorial page wrote this, anti israel protesters desecrate a memorial to the hamas victims i attack the count, and went on t say on monday, anti- israel protesters wouldn't let attribute to israel is murder a the music festival on october 7th be held in peace. america hasn't anti-semitism problem growing end extremism i these days it's mainly on the political left. don't be surprised if it breaks out into violence. i have to say it feels like we're on knife's edge that's ho i feel about a. think about if i had been in that subway car probably i would've remained silent, i'm not proud of that. so i want to dig into that. >> you would think i'm just wan to get away with these people. that car was packed, it was jammed. >> it was rush hour. >> it was a striking watch brea especially with the words on th screen you can watch it for yourself. will the white house give voice against this? >> i'm sure they will say the president has been very clear. >> you're right. >> i'm very proud of the things we we're able to accomplish under my leadership. we we're able to investigate that case thoroughly. we we're able to successfully seek an indictment that speaks to the facts. >> a clean conscience, former trump special prosecutor having no second thoughts about his relationship with bonnie willis. we are talking about all of thi next. 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>> our mission at the marine corps heritage foundation is to preserve and share that story the history tradition and culture the marine corps with everyone. this museum was created by the generosity of tens of thousands of marines and friends of marines. yesterday we dedicated this respite room in the national museum and marine corps. it's a place where visitors can go to calm down catch a breath from the realism that is the rest of the museum. it's a contested museum. i invite you all to come see it. >> have the treatments for pts improved over the last several years? >> the recognition that posttraumatic stress is real. this is one of the things it dedicated to the respite room shows our commitment to all of our visitors. some do have posttraumatic stress. as you go there drag alireza like i said at their very realistic and purpose. they are terrific and educational and inspiring. they immerse you in the experience. whether it's stepping up the back of a 46 helicopter onto a hilltop in vietnam. sometimes it is galleries in th museum can trigger responses. our commitment to the recognition that some of the ba visitors are working through poster medic strengths to creat a place of wear to recover in the museum is what it's all about. >> general, i know you're not a dr. but do you think we are getting better? we getting better at it? it. >> absolutely. the recognition that posttraumatic stress is something real and that the resources that people can acces through the veterans administration or through or with other organizations, i think we are getting better at recognition and treatment. >> it to me about the type of people that come to visit the museum and who may be on a road trip this summer they might not have thought of stopping by. why should they? >> over 7 million visitors have been to the museum since we opened in 2006. it's the finest military museum in the world. it's off of 95 outside of washington dc. open every day except for christmas and thanksgiving. free admission. free parking. anyone can stop bite come through. we want this to be for all marines. when everyone who comes here to see their service on a a way that makes them proud. more than just marines, we tell the history of america through the eyes of marines. 250 euros of american history from the marine corps perspective. anyone can come in here it's a terrific museum. >> 40 miles south of washington dc. when i get a shot at two ron an grace is a zach. iran died about a year ago he was a veteran flying helicopter in vietnam. it was a lot of their money to help to make it happen. there is a picture of ron and w salute him today as well. >> is the museum experience a good way for people to consider joining up and reciting up with the marines? >> anyone who comes to the national museum for the marine corps will go away with a bette understanding of what is the marine corps is all about. that can't help but improve for recruiting as well. it's an inspirational place it. >> you speak very well. thank you for coming on. i think you for being here is. >> think you for having us a. >> rest of the huge family. thank you sir. shall we end on a high note? >> you have one? >> i hope i do. roll this before i go. where would you be without it? doing rocket johnson got smashe on set for the next may be. he shared his injury with a hands on instagram. check out his pipes. >> any time your film is called the smashing machine, you're going to kind of get smashed up. look at that sucker right there. it looks like i have a cantaloupe above my elbow. as. >> when you said he got smashed onset, i thought he met he had few beers. or 25. it. >> it would probably take a lot to get smashed as. >> --on the elbow. i think you will be okay. you. >> you will power threat. >> have a good afternoon. i will see you in a little bitt harris faulkner will take you t the next hour. she's got all that news you need . you she has. it. >> we begin with breaking those at let's go straight to the house speaker right now house republicans have wrapped up their meetin

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Hormone Blockers , Age , 18 , Crazy , General , Boy , Public , Champ , We Ha A State , Surgery , Washington , Thomas , Eight , Girl , State Champ , Bo , Attack , Rules , Wome Sports , Oregon , Guidelines , Play , League Baseball , Birth Certificate , Museum , Visitors , Ptsd , Suffering , U S Marine Corps , Legacy , Back On , Nice To Have Yo , Military Veterans , Details , Rate , Homeowners , Credit Cards , Interest Rates , Cards , Shock , Balances , Hundreds , 22 , Veterans , Peace Of Mind , Newday Usa , Va Home Loan , Thinking , Brain Health , Brain Health Indicators , Frank , Fred , Mary , Janet , Eddie , No Frasier , Oman , Him At Verizon , Roommate , Deals , Lady , Store Customer , Carriers , Phone , Neuriva Brain Health Challenge , Time It Wasn T Easy , 35 , 15 , Customers , Contract , Storage , Iphone , Employee , Representative , Condition , Lawyer , Battery Upgrade , Vo , Guaranteed , Implants , Clearchoice , Struggle , Applause , Teeth , Smile , Others , Consultation , Medication , Test , Dogs , Dog , Weight , Amount , Needs , Food Pre Portioned , Farmer , Weight Management , Plus , Felon , Raging Jewish , Hate , 700 , Protest , Law Enforcement , Recipe , Disaster , Harris Faulkner , Inspiration Courtesy , Matt Whitaker , Jason Chaffetz , Congressman Brian , Realism , Respite Room O , The National Museum Of Marine Corps , Exhibits , Heritage Foundation , Virginia Outsid , Quantico , The Gates , Ceo , James Lookman , Foundation S , Corps , Mission , Tradition , Culture , Marine Corps Heritage Foundation , Respite Room , Breath , Tens Of Thousands , Where , Generosity , Friends , Rest , Pts , Recognition , Posttraumatic Stress , Commitment , Th Museum , Hilltop , Experience , Inspiring , Helicopter , Galleries , Purpose , Vietnam , 46 , Responses , Poster Medic Strengths , Wear , Resources , Dr , Type , Organizations , Road Trip , Military Museum , Washington Dc , 7 Million , 2006 , Anyone , Admission , Bite , Service , Parking , Perspective , History 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