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okay no zionists, we are good. >> trace: breaking tonight, it looks like new york city subway, it sounds like nazi germany 1938 as an anti-israel mob declares open season on their fellow passengers and fed up california district attorney living in the state capital now suing his city for failing to deal with the disaster is homelessness crisis. meantime big blue states, even some red states, are seeing a mass exodus and a lot of people are fleeing because of politics. if your state doesn't share your political views, would you consider leaving or stay and fight? where want to here your stories in the nightcap but we begin with the left in a move that smacks of desperation. watch. >> for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it's clear to say mr trump's remarks are not coherent in these rallies. >> trace: the mainstream media trying to change the narrative, now arguing that trump is the presidential candidate that is lacking mental capacity. senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more on this interesting pivot. >> reporter: interesting indeed, good evening my friend. to be fair in print it sounded a little worse than what she actually said it, however when pbs anchors said it was clear that former president trump's speeches were not at all coherent when comparing his speeches to those given by president biden, it's fair to say the comments seemed to lack context. in the segment for example pbs compared a prompter list donald trump at a nevada rally to joe biden's prepared remarks in france, is it that measure alone could explain biden's deer in the headlights look at the juneteenth celebration or any number of mumbles, stumbles, fumbles or nodding off. >> for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it's clear to say mr trump's remarks are not coherent in these rallies. >> mr trump's remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. >> reporter: off the cuff at a rally not quite the same is prepared remarks. critics argue that suggesting joe biden's lost a step is to state the obvious and no amount of gas lighting can change that. this has more media figures like rachel maddow and former cnn opinion asked brian stelter outwardly worried that if reelected, president trump might punish, you know, the media and in particular people like them. of course rampant inflation and billions in foreign war funding and a crisis of the southern border and surging crime, as if those things would not have top billing on his presidential to do lists. >> trace: you think they might squeeze in there somewhere. kevin corke live in dc, thank you. >> you bet. [♪♪] >> trace: the "fox news @ night" commonsense department can't believe the left has taken another swing at another nonsensical ridiculous theory, but here we go. the new democratic campaign strategy appears to be a new realization that former president trump is the candidate who is not coherent. the biden campaign now contends that joe biden's memory is clear as a bell, donald trump's muddy as hell. commonsense would remind you these are the same people who defunded police then blamed republicans for defunding police. the same people who opened the border and blame republicans for not closing it. the same people who manufacture collusion and accuse the right of assaulting democracy. commonsense is guessing it's the old can't beat him, join him philosophy but after years of watching president biden stumble on stairs, stumble onwards and tumble off bicycles back to the democrats think the country is suddenly going to believe that it's trump who lost his mind and biden who found his equilibrium? shall we forget that special council said biden's memory is hazy, fuzzy and faulty and just accept that trump's memory is now foggy, soggy and aimless? commonsense smells campaign desperation. you are accusing the former president of being really old when the current president is really older. without let's bring in the host of the tudor dixon podcast, former michigan gop candidate tudor dixon and the host of a home that heals podcast got former tv news anchor dee sarton. welcome to both of you. to you first, tutor, i want to play this media mashup montage. biden is just fine but trump is losing it. watch. >> yeah, he's older, that doesn't mean that he is unfit. in fact if you actually listen to his speeches and you look at his record, he's been a very effective president and there's a lot of ageism there. >> for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it's clear to say mr trump's remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. >> trace: i guess when the media is trying to convince us we've got this whole thing backwards, tudor, it just feels like they are reaching. >> while they do believe that they get to tell you what to think fact that they should be able to control your mind, but i also think that there's a chance that they don't understand good policy and so when they hear donald trump speaking, they are confused by it because they think what would it be like to have a good economy, to have a closed border, how could this possibly be true? it must be nonsensical. >> trace: it really is. dee, here's the view. watch. >> if this was your father, you would take him in for a neurological exam. so people talk about joe biden being old. yes, joe biden is old. so is donald trump and donald trump is senile, incoherent, crazy, offensive, outrageous, disgusting, evil and convicted. >> trace: dee, i'm well aware that the media marching orders is weaker to say that trump is crazy, but as a rule, if you are going to call somebody crazy and that he's senile and so forth, you have to show examples, you have to tell us why, you give us some reasoning. you can't just say i hope everyone believes it. >> well yeah and you would think that they would show it if they could because if that video was out there, you know they would string it together. kind of like fox does with president biden and show us what they are talking about. but then you list those adjectives, so many adjectives, senile. that one i think is gonna show them eventually that the american public is not stupid. we have eyes to see and ears to here and what is right in front of us is pretty evident. >> it really is and it's funny because msnbc, you might have heard this, thinks that trump would put her in a camp and a former see any -- cnn host said this about that. >> i talked to the heads of news organizations, ceos that are thinking through, not in dramatic fashion, not because they are afraid of going to jail, but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in the second term to punish the media. >> trace: to round us all up and put us all in jail. the drama. every night the drama, tudor, it's unbelievable. >> this is a desperate attempt for someone to bring brian stelter back on the air regularly because he desperately wants to show that he can be that guy. once you get kicked off, that's all these people think about, how do i get back on? so i'm going to make trump sound like he's going to put us all in a camp, but there is a part of me that says what if they actually believe this, because this is what they would do? because you only believe something if you think gosh, it's possible, we would do this. and i think that's a scary part because as we have watched what they've done with criminal trials net with trials across the country, donald trump is just one of many republicans that they've gone after. this is their mindset. when they say something, we should listen because just like they are saying joe biden is not having dementia problems and trump is, the reverse is generally true with them. >> trace: like we are saying about the protesters. when somebody tells you something, maybe it's time to believe them. george stephanopoulos says the following, "i think it's journalistic malpractice to do a live interview with president trump on television." yeah, let's censor the former president and possibly the future president, was just censor him. everything he says has to go through a filter. come on. >> i think it's journalistic malpractice, refusing to try to understand why half of america supports donald trump, trying to understand that worldview and in some way call yourself a journalist and do some digging and understand it so that you can report fairly. i just don't get how they call themselves journalists when they are not willing to do that. >> trace: you are exactly right. that would be journalistic malpractice, to just not let him speak and filter everything but you know what that's the way it is. tudor dixon, dee sarton, thank you. now let's get to the politics of these renewed attacks on former president trump with fox news contributor's jason chaffetz and steve hilton. steve hilton kind of sitting here listening to the whole thing. so karl rove wrote the following, "mr trump's base is more enthusiastic about him then democrats are about mr biden whose supporters are motivated more by their dislike of the gop candidate if this persists the election will become a contest between voters lack of passion for mr biden and their hostility towards mr trump." you talk to political analysts and they will say it's better to have enthusiastic voters than those who don't care. >> exactly. it's hard to imagine anyone being even vaguely enthusiastic about biden. given his performance. this idea that it's biden who's actually performing well and it's trump is performing poorly, you used the word desperate, it's actually delusional. if you look at the example they gave, the nevada rally where president trump was complaining about the prompter and then he improvised. and this is what he does, he goes in and out and speaks sometimes for two hours and entertains a crowd, keeps them engaged, makes political arguments and makes jokes and that's what he does and that's why the supporters are enthusiastic. biden can't even do five minutes on a prompter without slurring his words and seeming completely ridiculous. this is why by the way we have to have the transcript, we need the biden tapes because if this is what biden is like in public, imagine what he's like and private. that's what we need to see. >> trace: we will talk about that coming up with pam bondi. meantime i want to put this out, these are trump act candidates, jason chaffetz, you have it here, and they just ran the table. what does that say to you? >> donald trump is the leader of the republican party. donald trump is perhaps the best retail politician we've ever seen. all of these pontoons who go out and try to belittle the president, he's incoherent and everything, they've never bothered to try to figure out what donald trump says -- pundits -- and how he says it, they don't understand the average american, they don't understand blue-collar america, they are these east coast elitists who looked down on the rest of the world, meanwhile donald trump talks to the average americans and it paid off big for these candidates running last night. >> trace: speaking of the east coast, a poll in pennsylvania, keep in mind while we are putting those out, there's 49%, the number on the right, agree with the new york conviction and yet you've got donald trump beating joe biden in pennsylvania. he takes pennsylvania, it's over. >> this is what's been happening every single stage of this completely outrageous and corrupt election interference plot by the democrats. they keep saying when he's indicted his support will fall away. when the trial begins and he's in the court's support will fall away. when he's convicted got to support will fall away. never has it once happened and now i guess they are saying when he's in jail, is support will fall away. you have to believe based on past experience that his support will grow stronger because people can see through the outrageousness of what they are trying to do. interfere in an election. >> trace: and you see the support. look at this, jason chaffetz, block support in pennsylvania, 2020 joe biden had 92% and now it's down to 68%. former president trump from 7% to 23%. that is a significant shift, jason. >> they care about the economy, they care about inflation, they care about being able to get a job, they are concerned about things that everybody else is concerned about. they are no different than any other american but they know that joe biden is not up to the job and it's not good enough to go and say i've got a vice president who fits a certain profile. people aren't buying it. if you are not competent you are not competent and people understand that and that's why donald trump continues to thrive and joe biden and kamala harris can't draw 50 people to a dog show. they just can't do it. >> trace: jason chaffetz, steve hilton, thank you. house republicans are now calling for consequences for the dozens of intelligence officials who signed on to a memo branding hunter biden's laptop as russian disinformation in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. bill melugin is live with the new information on that. >> reporter: good evening trace. now that hunter's laptop has proven to be very real, republicans haven't forgotten about the 51 so-called intelligence officials who claimed it was all russian disinformation right before the 2020 election. >> it bears the hallmarks of russian disinformation. >> to me this is lassoed textbook soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> reporter: gop lawmakers are calling for repercussions against those pro biden intel officials, arguing they should be fired, criminally prosecuted or even thrown in jail. >> i think their clearances need to be revoked. i think there needs to be an investigation into everyone. >> one hundred% absolutely there should be repercussions. that's what the american people are frustrated and tired about, they see all these people doing all of these horrible things, using the deep state to go after trump and russia collusion, all alive. >> reporter: following hunter biden's gun convictions this week, reporting that president biden told a person close to him "if i weren't running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal. ." that of course a reference to the sweetheart plea deal that fell apart last july, trace. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in the cochair of the america first policy institute's center for law and justice, former florida attorney general pam bondi. great to have you on the show as always. quickly the hunter biden trial, the administration has ruled out pardon, so they say, but not a commutation which i'm confused. they respect to the verdict, they said a bunch of times, but they apparently have not committed to respecting the sentence. >> yeah, so a pardon means that the charge, the conviction just disappears got goes away. a commutation is very different. it means that if hunter biden is sentenced to prison or jail time , president biden can come in, snapped his fingers and release him from jail. he never mentioned that, he never mentioned commuting, not commuting his sentence so i firmly believe if hunter biden will never spend a day in jail nor prison based on his dad's statements. >> trace: i want to get your take on this that bill melugin was reporting on because it's kind of past and it will be tough to dredge it up again but it's important. i want to play a media matchup of the laptop lies. watch this. >> i think it's broadly known and widely known that there was a broad range of russian disinformation. >> the origins of this whole smear are from the kremlin. >> classic textbook soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> looks like a classic russian playbook disinformation campaign. >> the u.s. authorities are seeing if those e-mails we just talked about our connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> trace: they lied, they brushed it under the rug and as far as i can see, there will be no consequences. do you see things differently? >> no, of course there will be, especially if joe biden is reelected. here's why it's so important. that laptop contained crucial information that could have affected the last campaign. this time biden has lied multiple times about this. he said he had no interest, nothing to do with his sons foreign business dealings. we know that's not true. all of this information was on the laptop that they said was russian disinformation. russian disinformation. now we know it's all true, everything to tie the biden family into hunter's foreign business dealings. and don't forget that is why they tried to impeach president trump the very first time, because he asked president zielinski one question, look into hunter biden's for his -- foreign business dealings. >> trace: it is crazy. the house voted to hold attorney general mayor garlic in contempt for refusing to release the audiotape of biden's interview with special council. i know it's largely symbolic but is this significant in any way to you? >> it is symbolic and here's the problem. you know who would decide if he's prosecuted? merrick garland, the justice department, so it's not going to happen under his administration but sure, it's very important that they do that because hurr released the transcript so the transcript of joe biden is out there so there's no privilege, nothing to protect that audio recording and i think the biggest fear is that they altered it, that they altered the transcript. so why wouldn't he release it other than it's going to show joe biden stumbling around, pausing his words and i have a feeling the transcript may have been altered a little bit at least. >> trace: we have asked that question a thousand times. why not just release it? there's always a reason. pam bondi, great to have you on as always, thank you. coming up, more anti-semitic comments heard in new york city on the subways, almost sounds like nazi germany circa 1938. and later in the nightcap... >> in 2021, california had seven% of gdp growth, fastest economies on planet earth. the state continues to be the tenth pull of the american economy. i love this state, don't count us out. >> trace: despite gavin newsom's california love got new numbers show that many people, many people are leaving the golden state. also leaving the empire state and even some leaving the sunshine state. if your state does not share your politics, would you consider leaving, or better to stand and fight, and why? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses and there's a bunch of them coming up in the nightcap. we are coming right back. 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[♪♪] >> trace: disturbing new video that sounds like 1938 nazi germany but is actually from a new york city subway car now. carrying anti-israel agitators who are calling out any "zionist on the train" chanting that this is their chance to get out. ashley strohmeyer is live with more. >> reporter: new footage emerging from those pro- palestinian protests in new york monday night. just yesterday we showed you video of a man telling jewish people "i wish hitler was still here, he would have wiped you all out. now there's this. >> raise your hand if you are a zionist! this is your chance to get out. no zionists, we are good. >> reporter: on top of that shocking incident, the directors of the brooklyn museum at some of it's jewish board members reportedly had their homes vandalized with red paint and upside down triangles, a symbol used by hamas to identify israeli military targets according to the new york post. the city's democratic mayor eric adams responded on x writing this is not peaceful protest or free-speech, this is a crime and it's overt, unacceptable anti-semitism. meantime all of this happening while war rages on overseas, even as hamas snubbed the news -- proposed cease-fire. >> hamas could've answered with a single word, yes. instead hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes. it's time for the haggling to stop and a cease-fire to start. it's as simple as that. >> reporter: and hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets into northern israel today. the iranian proxy group vowing to avenge the killing of their most senior military commander. back to you. >> trace: ashley strohmier live in new york, thank you. let's bring a jewish ucla student and influencer eli tsives along with student supporting israel founder and president ilan sinelnikov, things for coming on. i want to play the video again because it is disturbing. this is on the new york subway train. it's a love and seconds but it feels much longer. watch this and i will get your advice -- 11th seconds -- so we don't have the video yet. let me know when we do have the video. i want to move over to eli tsives if i can because i want to play your instagram video that you took. this got like 400,000 views on instagram. i want to play it. this is you talking during a protest. watch this. >> we are here, these people have formed another encampment. they are calling for auntie vada , calling for the genocide of jews and they are not letting any jewish zionist students enter -- antifada -- this income it needs to be taken down. >> trace: it has to feel like it's never going to end. it's been going on for months and once it moves off the campus it's just going to go someplace else. >> it really does feel like that. it's happening all around america right now. we are prepared to fight them, prepared to stand up for what we believe and. >> trace: when you say fight them, i'm wondering what you mean. how do you fight them? i know you had the flag, the israeli flag. what does that mean and what do you mean by fighting? >> of course, excellent question. i like to say we fight them with peace and love. they are the ones that advocate for hate, bigotry. they are simple bullies, that's what they are. at first we tried to be nice and soft with them, we try to reeducate them. but that did not work, they did not listen so now what we do is we give them some hard love, is what we say. we ask ucla to enforce it's code of conduct. members have broken ucla's code of conduct multiple times and yet they have not expelled or done any disciplinary actions for any. >> trace: it's kind of crazy. back to you ilan because we have that video now, this is on the new york subway train and they said this... >> raise your hands if you are a zionist! this is your chance to get out! okay, no zionists, we are good. >> trace: can you imagine being on that train in new york city and what you would have said and you would have felt? >> well first of all i would raise my hand. i'm a zionist, i'm a proud american, i'm a proud zionist. just last week i returned from new york city where i was marching with student supporting israel at the new york day parade. there were tens of thousands of people in new york, many riding the subway. what would happen if we would have been there raising our hands, with a have pushed us out of the train? can you imagine. if there had been any other minority group, that would've been considered a hate crime and those people that they are chanting raise her hand if you are a zionist, they probably would kick out the zionists. the same people protesting ground zero, supporting jihadi groups. we can't just let it happen, we need to make sure that this is the same city where we had the 9/11 attack, the home of the largest jewish community outside of israel, showing our presence and not being pushed back. >> trace: here quickly is a rabbi at ucla who's being hassled. watch. >> oh back to poland you [ bleep ]. >> where are you from? >> florida and la [ bleep ] >> social your face. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] israel. >> trace: but they will never show their face. >> absolutely not. they will not be showing their face because they understand that if they show their face and we find out who they are, they can face serious repercussions. the rabbi is one of the bravest rabbis i've ever seen. he went there by himself just a livestream to the jewish community at ucla what was going on and he was not just harassed but physically assaulted. that man and that video punched his hand at his phone fell out. >> trace: it's unbelievable. i want to get your final thoughts because there does not seem to be any limit. you see the train, you see the rabbi, what are the limitations and there are no consequences, they are not being arrested. >> you know, i met the ucla -- many times in the past and he's an amazing person. the problem we see is that students tend to attack religious leaders. it might be rabbis or other religious leaders, and they don't give those people room to even come to the campus. throwing all those names and accusations, this is a hate crime and it needs to be investigated as a hate crime. those people are not showing their faces, they do not represent us. we are the representation of our campuses and we need to make sure that we are showing our faces, we are defending our religious leaders and we are fighting back in a good way, in a lawful way, because this is who we are. >> trace: it is 2024. eli, ilan, thank you so much. meantime 62 years later echoes of the cuban missile crisis tonight, the u.s. is sending resources to monitor a convoy of russian ships and aircraft in the caribbean sea for military drills with cuba. here's the chief national security correspondent, jennifer griffin. >> the pentagon began monitoring the four russian warships as they cross the atlantic and conducted live fire exercises intended to simulate an attack on enemy ships. early wednesday russian warships were seen entering the port of havana. echoes of the cuban missile crisis in october 1962 when soviet leader nikita krajinovic reached a secret deal with fidel castro to place soviet nuclear missiles 90 miles from key west, florida. >> a series of events all missile sites. >> reporter: president kennedy ordered a naval quarantine, the closest the two countries had ever come to nuclear war. on tuesday, russian warships sailed less than 30 miles off florida's so coast, ships from the u.s. second fleet, u.s. fourth fleet and u.s. coast guard atlantic area shadowed them. u.s. intelligence assesses there are no nuclear weapons on board the ship's but the russian flotilla does include the nuclear powered submarine. it's notable that russia did not send it's only aircraft carrier to cuba. it's currently out of service. also notable that ukraine has sunk nearly half of russia's black sea fleet in the past two years, including a prized submarine. >> trace: jennifer, thank you. coming up, what we are learning about the eight foreign nationals arrested after illegally crossing the southern border and having suspected ties to isis. our border expert bill melugin latest on that. 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[music playing] ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals [♪♪] >> trace: fears of terrorist action inside the u.s. are on the rise tonight following the arrest of eight tajikistan nationals with suspected ties to isis who snuck into the u.s. across the southern border. bill melugin is back live with new information on this. >> reporter: a brand-new dhs inspector general report concludes that dhs isn't adequately vetting citizens -- excuse me, noncitizens and asylum-seekers and says cbp can't access all federal data to ensure proper screening and vetting and the report finds that unless changes are made "dhs will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum-seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the united states." that warning comes as eight nationals of tajikistan with suspected ties to isis were all arrested in several cities around the u.s. in recent days. this is after they had crossed the southern border illegally and had received full dhs vetting which we are told initially flagged no derogatory information upon their release into the u.s., according to our sources. today fox asked democrat lawmakers about the situation. >> today that's just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources burn more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help enforce the law. >> they had the personnel and they let them go. >> they need more. republican stop getting in the way. >> reporter: important to remember democrats at full control of the white house, the senate and the house during president biden's first two years in office and they passed zero legislation whatsoever on the border or immigration. >> trace: zero with a big z. let's bring in arizona sheriff mark lamb, great to have you on. the dh inspector general report says the following "dhs will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum-seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the united states." sheriff, they know that dhs needs to improve it's vetting process, they know that country is on high alert and yet the border is wide open. >> that's right. the inspector told him something we've been telling them is euros for a long time, we've been telling them since they took over that if they don't tighten up the reins and do something about the border and protected instead of these open border policies, that we would put ourselves at risk. the border patrol guys tell me they are only able to vent about 5 percent of the people that come in. many of these countries that these people are coming from, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan, all of these countries, you think they have a very robust system for vetting people even in their home countries? no. so not only do we not get information from there, we have a very poor vetting going on on our side and it's not a surprise that this is what the inspector came up with, but the people who pay the price are going to be the american people. >> trace: and it's amazing to me, maybe i'm wrong on this, but it's amazing to me because we know that the people coming from these countries, the illegal immigrants, including the bad guys, know that the united states has a week security system when it comes to the border and a crabby vetting process and so that's dangerous information they have against us. >> absolutely. whatever information they don't have, the cartels give them. they tell them what they need to say when they come across. when you are interviewing these people and talking to them, they have the same answers, they know exactly what to say so that the government, our government, will give them asylum or give them a court date for 2030 or 2032, five, six, seven years for now before they are able to see a judge. that's a real problem and it puts us at a very high risk. and they are confirming it now with their own inspectors. >> trace: yeah, that's the truth. when you come in all you have to say is i'm afraid to go back and you get to stay. sheriff, great to have you on the show as always, thank you. a fed up district attorney suing the city of sacramento over its home was crisis, vowing to make democrat leaders enforce the law. let's bring in sacramento da @foxnewsnight. it's great to see you. when you say enforce the law, you are talking about homelessness, when you say enforce the law, specifically, sir, what do you mean for the city of sacramento to do? >> so for the last seven years, homelessness has increased in sacramento by 250%, more than anywhere else in the country. what i've discovered is that the city of sacramento was not enforcing the law. any of the homeless. so i gave them a chance and told them to enforce the law. they failed to do so and so i sued the city over there failure to enforce the law. and they are allowing our home was crisis to spiral out of control. >> trace: it's my understanding know when you filed that suit the first time around, the courts have indicated the city is somehow not liable for failing to enforce these laws. is that fare? >> well, you know, i use an old area of the law in a new innovative way and as part of that the judge wanted me to identify certain obligations that the court -- that the city had to follow through on and also what can the judge do to stop the city. so one of the things i have amended the complaint and said the city has failed to keep the streets open for our disabled citizens under the california version of the american disability act, and i'm also asking the court to enjoying the mayor of sacramento from interfering with law enforcement , which i've discovered he's been doing. >> trace: meantime the sacramento bee rights is about you, saying, offers no suggestions of a solution to the problem of homelessness, clearing all the encampments he identifies will not and homelessness, those without housing have to sleep someplace. that's true. i mean they clear encampments and then what happens after that? >> first of all, in the first three months of last year, the sheriff in sacramento offered 600 people shelter and services. do you know how many accepted? seven people. seven people. and so you have to offer services and shelter and if a person does not accept it, you have to enforce the law. that's exactly what i'm asking the city to do. in the seven months since i sued the city, they've done more enforcement and cleaning than they've done in the previous seven years. >> trace: that's good. i have to go but we've talked about this a lot. the state of california, it has no idea where the homeless money is going, zero idea where the money is going and if it's effective or not. ten seconds to wrap us up. >> one of the things i've asked for is an audit. not only do we need to know where the money is going, we need to know how effective the money that is being used and being spent is in regards to getting people off the streets. they did an audit in santa clara and they had no idea how effective it was. i'm calling for an audit of the city of sacramento. >> trace: somebody needs to call for an audit because right now there is none. thien ho, thank you, we appreciate your time. >> thank you trace, appreciate it. just jump on the boss and head down to florida where you belong, okay? get out of town. get out of town. you are not new yorkers. >> we must reverse the trend of people leaving our state in search of lower costs and opportunities elsewhere. we can do this. >> trace: get out. no, come back, we need your. governor cathy hochul proving that once you tell people to leave, they will. is other states cms population exodus and their leaders carry on with the same burdensome policies. do you think residents should stay put if their state does not align with their political beliefs or is it time to find a new place to call home? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses, a bunch of them, coming up in the nightcap. oh, my leaffilter? i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter's technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit t—mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business. with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. [♪♪] >> trace: back with a nightcap crew, kevin corke, ashley stroll meyer, bill melugin, steve hilton, jason chaffetz and dee sarton. tonight's topic, california leaving. many states are seeing a mass population exodus due to the high housing costs, ft tax burdens, most democratic leaders continue to ignore these facts and are carrying on with the very stream policies that make people leave. it makes us wonder here at "fox news @ night" if your state or city did not thank your bullet -- agree with your politics, would you state and fight or go? >> you've got all these californians coming into utah wanting to implement the same policies they were running away from. so with the utah way, the idaho way, way better. that's where it's at and there's a reason why people are flocking here. but don't change us. >> trace: speaking of the idaho way, the woman right next to you, she's in the idaho way. would you stay or fight? >> i would stay and fight because i've seen what can happen in my favorite cities until a few years ago. portland and seattle and my home state of washington. i would stay and fight for my grandbabies. let's keep it the way it is and even better. >> trace: ashley, for your babies, stay and fight? >> i used to be a fighter but now i'm thinking no, i don't want to deal with it. but if my job was not in new york, i would definitely leave. >> trace: kevin corke. >> well by guide be out. if i don't like a politics, i can always find someplace to live. >> trace: bill melugin. >> i thought about this a lot. california born and raised and i've had an internal conversation, threatening to leave so many times because this state, this county, are run so horribly, but at the end of the day, friends and family are out here, you get those sunsets at the beach, it's worth fighting for. there's a lot of good people out here and eventually hopefully sanity will come back and who will do it if you don't stay and fight? >> trace: steve hilton said the same thing. >> totally relate to what jason is talking about. we go to utah and they call them the blue locusts. i'm actually fighting for changing california. we have to do it. i have an organization, golden stay and fight. >> trace: would you stay and fight? letter ask leave 58%, instagram 68% a route. the responses, voter fraud canceling out every vote. lead and never looked back. >> the captain goes down with the ship. if we were younger we would go, now we are the thorn that will fight until we can't. i recently escaped new york where i live my whole life. my patience is running thin with this state though. that's it for us, thank you for joining the nightcap. late news "fox news @ night", i'm trace gallagher, i will see you back here tomorrow. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. how do you find the perfect father's day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad's vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day. again. nancy mace surviving that threat and doing so easily. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]jean >> i'm greg gutfeld with judge jeanine jesse watters, a danatt perinole and richardow

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