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to prison? president biden has said he will not pardon his only living son. today he said nothing publicly about the verdict but issued a statement saying he accepts the outcome. we have fox team conch for you this evening. george washington university law professor jonathan turley breaks down the decision and what it means. gillian turner at the white house with the scheduled press briefing was abruptly canceled today and we begin with correspondent david spunt. is he in wilmington, delaware tonight. hello, david. >> john, hello, after three hours of deliberations, jurors found hunter biden guilty on those three felony counts. is he now a convicted felon and he has more legal troubles down the road hunter biden stared straight ahead showed no emotion as the word guilty sounded three times in the courtroom. the president's son convicted over this purchase of the colt caliber revolver in 2018. the jury found hunter made a false claim about his drug addiction when he filled out a federal firearm registration form, that he lied to a federally licensed gun dealer, and he illegally possessed that weapon for 11 days. afterwards in the courtroom, the president's son hugged his attorneys and offered a weary smile. unnamed juror, 68-year-old male told fox news the case was, quote, heart wrenching but added -- >> -- nobody is above the law you know. no matter who you are that play nod factor in my decision. politics played no part in this whatsoever. >> verdict came quickly. jill biden arrived at the courthouse after hunter was convicted a stoick hunter left the courthouse with wife, mother. david weiss, who faced criticism from republicans and democrats over his handling of the prosecution said -- >> this case was about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throws of addiction. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. he was later seen leaving wilmington hotel. made a comment. i'm more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from alissa, my family, my friends and my community than i am disappointed by the outcome. >> a sentencing date has not yet been set, john. hunter could face up to 25 years behind bars. we expect that to extend past the election. that sentencing, if these appeals come into play, which are expected by his legal team. hunters' legal problems not over yet. is he facing trial for federal tax charges in california there is expected to go to trial unless there is a plea deal october 5th. >> john: that could be a big one. david spunt in wilmington. thank you. a stroke of irony president biden made an appearance today at an event about gun control. the president did not address his son's felony drug conviction. the white house canceled the media briefing. gillian turner is doing white house duty she is at 1600 pennsylvania tonight. good evening, gillian. >> president biden spoke publicly this afternoon a few hours after his son's conviction. while he didn't address the elephant in the room he did add vacate for stricter gun control measures. including the ones his son is now convicted of breaking. >> it is time we establish universal background checks. [cheers and applause] >> and require the safe storage of firearms. >> gillian: president biden released a statement within minutes of the jury's verdict that reads in part as i said last week i am the president but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son and so proud of the man is he today. we will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. the white house canceled after spend the east coast in wilmington. leaving behind criticism of his family woes and, yet, more anti-israel protesters. >> genocide. >> possible breakthrough on the 11--day-old cease-fire may silence critics as hamas says it is ready to deal positively to arrive at a verdict. leaving hope of the five remaining hostages recommendation. >> we are in receipt of this reply that hamas delivered to qatar and to egypt. we are evaluating it right now. >> there is not a lot of hope for the white house on one of their signature issues. three in 10 voters now say they approve of how biden has handled student loan debt while 4 in 10 disapprove. this according to new polling from the university of chicago and associated press. the outlook among student debt holders themselves who biden has tried to help wasn't much brighter. just 36% of them approve of his policies while 34% disapprove ♪ nobody but you. >> adding to voter concerns surrounding the president's mental and physical fitness, biden appeared to freeze up during a juneteenth holiday concert last night while dancing among the crowd of 1700 guests including the vice president and second gentleman. >> well, tonight, president biden is at home in wilmington, delaware tomorrow morning. he will depart for italy where is he going to represent the u.s. at the g-7 leader summit. while hunter biden often accompanies his father on official overseas trips like this one. he will not be with him this time as the first son is not legally allowed to leave the country prior to his sentencing. john? >> john: busy day, busy week ahead for the president maybe not the son but the president. matthew colangelo have agreed to testify publicly before the house judiciary committee next month. >> the session is expected to take place july the 12th. that is one day after the scheduled sentencing hearing for former president trump who was found guilty on all counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. >> there have been two overarching themes emphasized by the prosecution during trial. this defendant's illegal choices, and the rule of law; however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. >> john: all right. let's dig a little deeper into the verdict today and what lies ahead. bring in george washington university law professor jonathan turley and you, of course, a fox news contributor. so that was david weiss who, a year ago, was doing this sneaky plea deal that was going to give hunter biden lifetime immunity now saying we got him. he lied on this. and this -- i mean, what do you make of the change? >> it's uberous. >> john: last year to today? >> it's uberous. the jury is in on hunter. the jury is still out on weiss. we still don't know what is the possible reason you would allow major felony crimes to expire on a statute of limitations that you had the ability to extend. had you an agreement on the table to extend. he hasn't explained that to his own team let alone to the public. so there is a lot of questions that will remain. but his office, i have got hand it to weiss, did an outstanding job in this case. those prosecutors were on their game. this was tight and disciplined. and they demolished the defenses raised by abbe lowell for his client. he made a series of offerings to the jury of things that they would establish and the prosecutors blew them out of the water. >> john: once they made a decision to prosecute, they really brought it. >> they did. >> john: hunter biden after the plea deal fell apart could have pleaded guilty again and a new plea deal he said i want a jury trial. is this a case be careful what you wish for because you might get it? >> it certainly is these defenses were so implausible they were obviously place holders. this was a nullification defense. they were hoping that frankly they wouldn't convict the son of the president in what is biden town. that's what this town is. this is where they live. well, they were wrong. and i think they may have overplayed their hand here. there is a lot of sympathy in that room for hunter biden. and, quite frankly. of us are sympathetic. i'm sympathetic for the president. this is a dad day for his family. no one should take joy out of this. they went forward on this trial. and it may come back to haunt them because they lost a great advantage to avoid jail. the judge may be looking at this as a defendant in an overwhelming case against him who put forward an nullification defense and lost. >> john: wow. in terms of where they go from here, president biden said this earlier today in his statement, quote: as i said last week, i'm the president but i'm also a dad. jill and i love our son and so proud of the man is he today. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. now, as far as i know, hunter's team hasn't announced that they are going to appeal this case. maybe they are. did you see anything that would give them compelling grounds for reversal? unlike the manhattan case she down the middle. ruled for the defense and the prosecutor. fair trial in the federal court. i don't see any reversible errors here. they tried the ultimate hail mary, they ripped a page out of the briefing book of the nra and you have hunter arguing against the law that the president today was calling to be actually strengthened. is he arguing that his a second amendment rights trumped that law. >> john: right. >> that has not worked for him. i don't expect it will work in the future. >> john: real quick. got a few seconds left. put up on the screen the potential penalties involved in this. two of the counts carry 10 years in jail. one of the counts carries five years in jail. you could -- i mean, even if you were given the max you could probably run it concurrently. what do you think is he going to get in terms of the penalty here. >> the odds favor no jail time. there is a big but here. that is this was the judge that watched that sweetheart deal fall apart in her courtroom. she knew they were trying to cut sweetheart deal and watched nullification defense pass in the courtroom. she may not be in a generous mood. >> john: do you think that she thinks they were trying to hoodwink her on that deal? >> it certainly fell apart with spectacular fashion in front of her she may feel a little jail time is. we'll have so see. ♪ >> john: breaking tonight, we have another example of the illegal immigration crisis spreading across the entire country. the "new york post" first reported that several foreign nationals suspected of having ties to the isis terror group have been arrested in three major american cities. correspondent bill melugin has got the details. he is in los angeles tonight. bill, what have you got? >> david: john a federal source with knowledge of this 8 nationals of tajikistan with suspected tees to isis were all arrested by ice and joint terrorism task force in recent days in new york, philadelphia, and right here in los angeles. now, that zeke stan is 7,000 miles away from the southern border. and fox is told that all eight of these nationals crossed illegally into the u.s. and received full vetting by dhs during which time, we're told, no derogatory information on them was flagged. we're told potential ties to terrorism and national security concerns flagged later on, after they were apparently released into the u.s. confirmed to as the fbi and dhs have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the u.s. has been in a heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security, end quote. former acting ice director tom homan explained what he is hearing about this case from his ice contacts. >> my sources say that only one was arrested on the west coast. almost all of them were arrested in new york area, which is very concerning for new york. new york has been a target before. and the came and going to keep digging into their files to find out when they cross the country. >> bill: john, the fbi and dhs and our sources haven't said when and where the tajikistan forces crossed the border. our sources did confirm they did cross legally they were not visa overstays. send it back to you. >> john: something you will keep digging into. stock the dow lost, the nasdaq gained 151. both of those are new record closes. coming up, anti-israel protests break out in new york city and they get violent. and, one of the key figures in the coronavirus pandemic faces harsh questioning about his actions that some say led to thousands of deaths. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 61 in hartford, connecticut as pamela smart accepts full responsibility for the death of her husband for the first time. the former high school media coordinator is serving life in prison for plotting with a student to kill him. the statement is part of her latest attempt to have her sentence reduced. wsvn in miami with the arrest of a suspect in connection with to a shooting and causing a fire at a downtown miami four story apartment building that burned for several hours yesterday. police say 73-year-old juan francisco figaro shot a man early monday morning at the apartment complex. the victim is said to be in critical condition following surgery. and this is a live look at st. louis from fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight absolutely stinks. the missouri botanical garden experiencing the 15 corpse flower bloom. the bloom-this bloom is named millie. this amore foe fall his titannian commonly known as titan corpse flower. it has intense and fowl odor emitted from a tall spike. meant to attract poll lynn natures like flies. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ oh that smell ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ >> john: former new york governor andrew cuomo was questioned by congressional panel about the thousands of nursing home patients who died from covid under his watch. cuomo actions as governor have been harshly criticized and he has never expressed remorse. aishah hasnie is on capitol hill tonight. >> news today. >> during the height of the pandemic, andrew cuomo seemed as omnipresent as the virus itself. after years of laying low, the former new york governor made a rare public appearance. >> new york performed very well given the circumstances. >> as he faced tough questions about his march 2020 order that required nursing homes to accept patients with covid. a decision he reversed six weeks later. >> why did you mandate this? >> cms and cdc did very extensive and instructive guidance. the cdc said new york followed the federal guidance. >> anybody who looks at it sees that the language was different and it was very clear that you could not reject covid positive patients. >> house republicans grilled cuomo about a state attorney general report that found his staff misled the public by underreporting the number of patients killed in nursing homes by almost 50%. and if that was connected to cuomo's $5 million book deal. democrats on the other hand blamed former president trump's administration for a lack of testing. grilled cuomo about preferential testing about family and friends as they say they will keep following the facts. >> you are w walking away with e impression that he did the best that he could. >> that's what i'm walking away with, right now. >> today's interview, a huge win for new yorkers like vivian who lost her 78-year-old mother ona martinez to covid inside a nursing home. >> my mother was incredibly hard-working. all we want right now is not an apology but answers and accountability. >> john, the covid committee does plan to release today's transcript of this interview. also, they don't know exactly when. probably at least after a couple of days. republicans also want cuomo to come back and testify publicly here on the hill. but, again, announcement made about that. just yet. john? >> john: all right. we will look forward to the release of that transcript. aishah hasnie for us on capitol hill. thank you. up next, we look at a big senate primary in a state republicans hope to flip this november. first, beyond our borders tonight, chinese police detained a suspect at a stabbing attack on four instructors from iowa's cornell college. the teachers were working at a school in northeastern china. police say a 55-year-old man stabbed the four along with a chinese person who tried to intervene. their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. russia and its ally belarus launch a second drills use of tactical nuclear weapons. part of the efforts to discourage the west for ramping up support for ukraine. late today we learned the u.s. is sending another patriot missile system to ukraine. and this is a live look at london. one of the big stories there tonight, animal rights activists target the first official portrait of britain's king charles since he became monarch. protesters pasted a large image of the well-known enemy character wallace over his face. they are demonstrating against what they consider cruelty to animals on farms. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back. ♪ 1-z # for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ ♪ >> john: two men connected to a toddler's fatal overdose new york city day care have pleaded guilty to drug charges and causing bodily harm. prosecutors say the men admitted to storing fentanyl in the floor boards of a bronx day care playroom. a 22-month-old child died. three others survived after medics administered the drug narcan. the men face a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison protesters against israel ramping up demonstrations. a major event in new york city streets and subways. correspondent bryan llenas has the latest tonight from the big appear well. [shouting] >> anti-israel protesters clashed with officers monday night in downtown manhattan setting off flares and smoke bombs in what organizers called a day of rage. terrorist sympathizers proudly waived the flags of fares organizations of hezbollah and hamas. called for intifada, largely understood to be a call for violence against jews. [chanting] the protests taking place outside of a building hosting an exhibit thank you the 364 people hamas murdered at the nova music festival october 7th. this man survived the festival and inside the exhibit curing the protest. >> i felt like i'm back on october 7th. i got a panic attack. i was very scared and sad. >> earlier in the evening anti-israel protesters unfurled a banner that read long live october 7th at union square where protesters got in the faces of nypd officers and clarkd with pro-israel supporters. before heading underground into the subway station disturbing commuters while riding alongside nypd officers dressed in riot gear. nova festival survivor allot today is encouraging protesters to visit the exhibit. >> come and observe the terror that happened on october 7th because this exhibit talk about problem of humanity right now. when there is so many terror and we want to stop this terror. >> and just a few hours ago new york city mayor eric adams visited the nova music festival exhibit behind me in defiance of the anti-israel protest held here yesterday, a protest he called despicable and disgusting. john? >> john: all right, certain to hear more about that, bryan llenas for us tonight. thank you. >> john: tonight voters in nevada are deciding on u.s. senate nominees for the november election. the leading contender is thought to be u.s. war veteran sam brown who has former president trump's endorsement. jacky rosen calls brown, quote: ultra maga while some in the g.o.p. say brown is not maga enough. senior correspondent alicia acuna is in las vegas for us tonight. >> senate candidate sam brown leads a crowded republican field in the polls, fundraising and major endorsements, but that very support has created a rift inside the g.o.p. >> swamp is in full blown panic as the america first faithful are banning together. >> jeff gunter posted this video after former president trump threw his support behind brown even though gunter was trump's ambassador to iceland. gunter went on a social media terror slamming trump's choice suggesting he was big check comes in from the swamp mcconnell aligned pack? brown is backed by the national republican senatorial committee nevada's governor and senator mitch mcconnell. when asked for a response, the trump campaign pointed us to senior adviser chris post. point why gunter didn't earn the endorsement of real donald trump. you have a habit of making up crap. today's g.o.p. winner will likely take on jacky rosen. she does have two primary challengers her ink encouple bae make her a favorite. brown, perhaps a safer choice for trump has largely stayed clear for more extreme messaging proved unpopular in the 2022 midterms when a number of trump endorsed candidates from dr. mehmet oz to blake masters lost their senate bids. for those we'rey of his maga credentials brown told fox he has nothing to prove. >> i started out in 2016 as a trump voter so impressed in 2020 i was a volunteer. >> trump's endorsement came on sunday after early voting ended on friday. brown says he hopes it brought people out still today. john? >> john: how does that old saying go politics ain't beanbag? alicia acuna for us in las vegas. thank you. up next, bret baier on the possible medical benefits of cannabis. and, later, the panel on a bad day to be a biden. ♪ >> john: an increasing amount of research is showing cannabis can help aging americans manage pain and other ailments. tonight bret baier shows us why some doctors and health policy experts are backing increased access to marijuana. bret? >> bret: thanks, john. in our last installment, looking at the increase in medical marijuana use, we told you about the proposed reclassification. tonight, we take a closer look at a separate effort to expand treatment through medicare. >> people 65 and over are the fastest growing segment using cannabis. but they are using it for ailments of aging, really. >> bret: commonwealth project founder howard kessler working to integrate medical cannabis. >> relief goes down through your body. >> it is not legal at the federal level. meaning doctors cannot officially prescribe cannabis. >> i have talked to many physicians who say they get asked five times day by their patients i would like to try and the physician says i think you should but i'm of no help. >> bret: most states do require documents for medical marijuana, compassionate use acts allow healthcare providers to write recommendations for the substance instead of traditional prescriptions. >> doctors need to know the benefits that cannabis has on seniors' lives. they need to understand that it should be part of the drug regimen that they make recommendations for. >> bret: even with those with informed doctors seniors face hurdles when trying to access cannabis treatment. >> it's the wild west consumers are left on their own. >> think about what it's like when they want to try it. they go to a dispensary. when you go in the dispensary these aren't doctors or health people. they aren't experts. so you are not getting the guidance. there's no follow-up. there's no health experience whatsoever. >> bret: kessler is proposing a pilot project in massachusetts allows for medical cannabis through a pair system like medical advantage. >> they have your health records. they keep tremendous data. they keep actuarial data. prove the efficacy. create a safer product. you could train the caregivers. >> bret: kessler's group has already conducted smaller studies that they say show promise for cannabis use amongst seniors. >> i have been on morphine for 10 years. i decided i didn't want to take it. okay. what are you currently using for helping your pain? >> the cannabis. i tried it and i was amazed. i'm not taking morphine at all now. >> bret: the study was conducted at senior living facility in florida. more than 80% of participants reported a positive impact. >> it's a medication that can really be used very safely in the geriatric population. >> bret: can you envision 65 and older pair provider system but maybe expanding to veterans at ptsd, all kinds of different applications? >> absolutely. and that's the beauty of it is using the healthcare infrastructure, we will have check in place. and we will learn quickly. >> bret: 74 percent said it was more cost effective than their prescription drugs. and 56% stopped taking their other pharmaceuticals all together. >> and you don't feel so dopey like you do with the xanax. >> proposal would control much more significant way. doing it in the merck system you could scale it up in a massive way and very quickly. >> bret: you are saying it could save the government a lot of money -- i mean, a lot of money. >> oh, yeah. it could exponentially save a whole bunch of money, which could be used to secure the program and could be used for other purposes. >> bret: the national institutes of health states 30% of people over 65 take five or more pharmaceuticals daily. a study from health affairs found doctors prescribed an average of about 1800 fewer doses of pain killers each year to medicare enrollees in states where marijuana was legal. >> i get achy when my son was a teenager and he was smoking marijuana, my husband and i went out of our minds. but now, i have opened my mind. >> bret: if legalized nationwide, health affairs estimate savings of up to $500 million per year. >> for some people, the cost is a deterrent. and so if you really want equitable access, then insurance conch at some point, the way to go. medicare vantage program can reimburse for products and services that are outside of traditional medical care. >> you are working within the system and not asking for a new system to be created. >> bret: doctors involved in those studies say they are real advantages, why not give it a shot if it's possibly going to save billions and billions of dollars if it's regulated and you are looking at the dosing and safety of it? >> i think it's been oversold. i think in a lot of other studies it shows that people have those same outcomes when they're taking placebo. when he they think they are taking. this so i think we really need to look at this very closely. >> bret: kessler hopes his team is able to study it more closely. they believe the massachusetts pilot could change healthcare. >> bret: how fast do you think that all could come together, potentially. >> if cms, the medicaid, medicare folks approved this proposal, i think within, you know, six months to a year we'll start to have solid information because it will be such a large group that's being researched and studied to know what it's doing to folks and their health conditions. so, i think it can happen as quick as people get out of the way. >> bret: in addition to reduction in emergency room visits and prescription drug use, a price waterhouse coopers report estimates annual cost savings for the u.s. nearly $64 billion a year if cannabis is fully integrated into the healthcare system. there is pushback. there are hurdles here as we have shown you. we will continue to follow these efforts. we will send it back to you. >> john: something to think about. thank you, bret. starting tomorrow on "special report," bret heads inside nasa headquarters here in washington. we hear from nsa administrator bill nelson on the inacrossing amount of research being done in space. we will continue our series throughout the week and look at how technology designed for space is helping us here on earth. the president's son now a convicted felon. the panel is here to discuss. and then, a pop culture phenomenon celebrates a big anniversary. ♪ upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel 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was this very background check that his son hunter was just convicted of lying on. >> there is this very unfortunate irony about president biden talking about gun violence prevention today trying to campaign on the work he has done. >> john: all right. that is the aftermath of the guilty verdict for hunter biden today in the delaware court. let's bring in our panel fox news senior political analyst juan williams and ben domenech editor-at-large for the spectator and podcast and fox news radio. julia manchester politics reporter for the hill. biden is at every town today, juan. and one of the main planks of this organization is restricting gun ownership from people who apcdeo. reinforcing what his son had done wrong. the irony is -- >> i'm struggling what you are saying to me because i think it's pretty clear that the president and he has been consistent on this thinks we need to strictly enforce our gun laws in this country to prevent guns from getting into the hands of wrong people. and if you are talking about wrong people, you are not only talking about domestic violence type people but you are also talking about people with mental issues and people who are on drugs. and clearly his son was guilty of that offense, of lying on that form. and so i think that there is no inconsistency in what the president said and did there. i think that, you know, to me, the importance. >> john: i dii didn't say theres inconsistency. ripe irony. >> the son was guilty. after the trump claims of rigged justice system, john, that this verdict has much broader political impact than that. i think the impact is that it undercuts what trump has been say guilty about justice system being weaponized against him. this argument just blows that apart. i mean, this is the son of the president of the united states being prosecuted by the president's justice department and found guilty. i mean, that's america. that's the system, the system worked. if you celebrate this, i don't see how you can't find, you know, say gosh, this system worked in the trump case and we have to being acknowledge it. >> john: critics of the trump say julia say wait a second here, this was a clear cut violation of federal law that hunter biden committed and what happened to president trump was a ginned up couple of misdemeanors boot strapped together to make a felony to toll the statute of limitations and find a way to find him guilty of a crime. >> yeah. one other difference is that this was a federal case that hunter biden was involved in. donald trump's criminal case in new york was state level case and we know that the prosecutor in that case alvin bragg and, you know, also the attorney general of new york alicia james a have campaigned and invoked trump in the campaign and essentially getting trump. in terms of the political implications, it's interesting, i saw that the national republican campaign committee, the house campaign arm of the republican conference, they are already starting to fund raise off of this. i'm curious to see how this impacts things going forward. i mean, i know this is not a top issue for most americans going into the election. it doesn't impact them on a day-to-day basis. in terms of fundraising. i see republicans really pouncing on that. >> in terms of how it might effect things going forward, ben, looking forward to june 27th in that debate where i think president biden really wanted to be able to say to president trump you are a convicted felon. now, if he says that, it's going to come bouncing right back at him. >> i think this is something that is obviously going to come up in the course of the debate. it's going to be something that's raised as an issue, i think it's incumbent, frankly on the moderates in particular to ask the question regarding hunter biden's laptop, which was introduced as a key point of evidence in this case by the government. especially given, you know, the president's former, you know, his argument back in 2020 that this was something that was misinformation, disinformation, et cetera, which is clearly not the case. i do think that there is an issue though to juan's point. you know, i'm not sure that people come away from this with the assumption that this is just an indication that this is a law and order on the up and up kind of situation. you're going to have a sentencing situation here a couple of months from now right before the national election and i think that there are going to be a lot of americans who assume, true or not, that the president, the current president, joe biden, will regardless of the outcome of this case, when it comes to that sentencing, that he will commute or pardon his son. and that's why i think that question has to be asked in the context of the debate, you know, it's been asked before but that was in a hypothetical. >> juan: what you are saying, ben, president biden has said he is not going to pardon him. let me just say. >> john: he also didn't say he wouldn't commute the sentence. you got wonder if he loses the election on the way out the door will he pardon? >> juan: well, i'm just saying look, is he a father. sunday is father's day. i don't know how people for all our politics can't stop for a second and say my son is a drug addict and has had a troubled life as this kid has, how you cannot understand that a father is going to care about him. but he said he is not going to commute. >> john: he didn't say he wasn't going to commute. he said pardon. >> juan: parted. i want to say in response to what you said earlier, you know in this case i think it's like the millions. 20-plus million people lie on that form. and it's like only 3% get prosecuted. you think hunter biden suffers. >> john: i think less than 3%. >> juan: less than 3%. do you think hunter biden suffered because his last name is biden? if you want to say something was political. >> john: well -- >> i don't think there are a lot of people who lie on that form and then write books where they admit to all the -- >> john: go into a federal court with a plea deal going to grant them immunity julia for the rest of their life until the judge says wait a minute, what is this? >> look, this trial overwhelming evidence. obviously the memoir playing a part in it. hallie biden, for example that, testimony about finding the gun in the car and the surveillance camera to back it up. it's just at the end of the day though, i mean, this is a family, this is a very -- it's sad. and naomi biden had to testify at the end of the day, but, look, you know, whether this impacts americans or not, when they go to vote, that's one thing. but, you know, we are going to hear about this in the debate. we are going to hear about it in the convention and fundraising. sentence a couple months away. this seniority path the discourse going forward. >> john: i want to get to this. this was the juneteenth concert last night at the white house. and watch joe biden here. ♪ that's how it's supposed to be >> john: everybody is kind of swaying to the music there and is he just kind of standing still. and then when he addressed the crowd, he said this. >> she know loss -- she nos so long -- nied. our freedom can never be. >> there is concerns among democrats is he not going to last four years and should be swapped out? >> ben: look, this is not going to get better. it's not requesting to get any better between now and election day. it's not going to get any better after election day, i don't think. it has to be on the minds of voters about, at what point in the next term is kamala harris going to become the president of the united states if i cast a vote for joe biden. >> john: do you think is he going to last four more years? >> i hope so. >> john: when you see and ups and down. >> when i saw an older white guy standing there and all these people are dancing and john says to me hey he is frozen. i don't think is he frozen. i see trump on the stump. >> john: is he just white. >> juan: i see trump on the stump this weekend and trump is going off about sharks and electrocutions and then, you know, seems to me the right wing puts this stuff out and before anybody can say what's wrong with this old man standing there? >> john: last night, julia, real quick? 15 seconds. >> compare trump's rally this weekend. this juneteenth, look, it's indicative of the two choices americans have and why they are not too enthusiastic about it. >> john: electrocution and sharks are a big concern. >> juan: is that right? okay. >> john: thank you. i appreciate it. now. this ♪ ♪ >> john: and finally tonight, today's throwback. >> i think the hardest things about this show is that it's called "american idol." as you can see, it's definitely proving to be "american idols" plural. >> john: all right 22 years ago today one of the most iconic reality television shows of all time debuted on fox. it was "american idol," which featured singers from around the country competing to become the next big thing in music. the show followed the format the u.k.'s pop idol program. famous "american idol" winners of course include kelly clarkson and kerry underwood. tomorrow on "special report," the first part of bret's interview with nsa administrator bill nelson. they will speak about nasa's partnership with private companies. remember, if you can't catch us live. set your dvr 6:00 eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for watching "special report." i'm john roberts. "the ingraham angle." ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. my angle, you don't want to miss it in moments. but, first, for years the bidens have been able to escape any legal accountability for their sleazy corrupt conduct. but, today, their luan

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Underwood ,U K ,Partnership ,Companies ,Ingraham Angle ,Dvr ,Laura Ingraham ,Nasa ,6 ,00 ,Bidens ,Angle ,Luan ,

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