have that gun. everyone must be accountable for their actions. >> john: special counsel david weiss speaking last hour after hunter biden's conviction in his federal gun case. now we wait to hear from the president and a gun safety event here in washington, d.c. welcome back to "america reports" as we roll into our number two come a lot ahead in the next 60 minutes. i'm john roberts in washington. >> sandra: i think i said this twice you just can't make this up i'm sandra smith in new york, the judge did not set a sentencing date yet, john, but here's a look at the punishment the president's son could face. the three felony counts carry up to 25 years in prison and fines up to $750,000. although legal experts say present time is not likely because the president's son is a first-time offender. juror number ten from hunter's trial spoke to fox news a short time ago about blocking out the biden name when it came to reaching a verdict in this case. >> you just have to turn away and focus more on what the defense is saying. what the prosecution is saying, you know. that's basically what i started doing. i tried to block it out block the rest it out. and just put why he was on trial. just that he was like anybody else. and i believe they brought that up in court. nobody is above the law. >> john: just like anybody else, mercedes colwin and jonathan turley will join us in a minute but we begin jillian live at the white house with more, we are expected to hear from the president in the moments had come a jillian what are they saying at the white house right now? >> well, president biden as you mentioned is about to speak to address this gun adds risky group called "every town" right across from the white house he will then travel to wilmington, delaware, a trip that was just penciled into his official schedule about 15 minutes ago, john. frankly the remarks he was giving this afternoon did not come at a worse time for the president in terms of optics. he is advocating some of the very same gun control laws his son is now convicted of breaking. as we wait to hear from the president we have a statement put out on his behalf it says as we wait excuse me and says "as i said last week on the president but i'm also a dad. joe and i love our son we are so proud of the man he is today. as i also said last week i will outcome the stomach, except the outcome and continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with love and it is notable, john, the president's official statement says they are at least considering appealing his conviction. this from the white house before the defense even said anything about it. we also know the president has no plans, he has gone public with this, to pardon his son, take a listen. >> as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial. i know you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, but let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their product and no matter what it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> the organization hosting the president, any moment now has this in their mission statement they say people with dangerous histories must be prohibited from having guns. this includes on unlawful drug users meaning they should not be allowed to possess firearms. as of now, john, we have a white house briefing on the books for 2:30 p.m. today but just now the white house rescheduled a john kirby day goal for 2:30 p.m. not sure how things will shake out there, back to you. >> john: keep watching a fluid situation there, julie and think it let's bring judge jeanine jonathan turley. let me go to your first because i have the form 4473 here. and it is says right here in clear black-and-white "are you in on waffle user of or addicted to marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance, yes or no?" hunter biden allegedly as we saw from that evidence entered in answered no to that. abbe lowell try to make the case that hunter biden may not have been using drugs at the time that he bought the gun, but there is significant evidence he was a user of or addicted to a controlled substance at the time. this was a text message the prosecution played out to the jury. q it's q i'm at 7-eleven. eo, it's q hoping my text reach you. already lost cell. this number is a contact number for me, feel free to hit me back. hunter: meet me at 7-eleven at three. that was the day before he saw the gun. if you were a juror, jonathan, what would that save you? >> well, i think it's rather obvious. particularly the day after he bought the gun at there was another text with him trying to score drugs off a guy named mookie. what the defense said you don't know if he was at 7-eleven a buy a doughnut and that is something that was interesting when fox reached that juror, one of the first concrete things he said was about the 7-eleven message. in his book, hunter talks about scoring drugs at 7-eleven in wilmington. that is an example of where a type of jury nullification defense can go too far. you can overplay it. and you can go from empathy to insult if they jury. they obviously rejected these claims and it fell apart pretty quickly for the defense. >> sandra: so, judge we are getting some color from lunch, the lunch hunter biden is now having following his guilty verdict. this with one of our producers right now, hunter biden is probably at a food hall in wilmington from the courthouse he is having lunch with his wife, melissa, and their youngest son. he seems upbeat, smiling, and he is taking pictures with locals who are coming up to say hello to him. he appears extremely relaxed or at least he is showing an extremely low relaxed demeanor and one more update from that lunch his son is sitting on his lap and he is smiling talking to him. so he is off to lunch and we got an update from the white house that the president after this event has changed his plans for the afternoon and will now be heading that way towards his s son. >> first of all i think whenever someone is convicted in the family one of the things they try to do is to try to, you know, create a sense of normalcy. i mean, they are still processing what has happened to them. hunter biden never expected this would happen. the biden family didn't think it would happen. i mean, hunter biden is processing the fact this is the first time in his life and 54 years that justice is being doled out to him based on his behavior. and you know his father coming to him obviously is the right thing to do. i think the white house immediately after the verdict issued that statement. i think it was a smart thing. it would give them the opportunity when he is at this whatever, every town gun control event and say i already spoke to my son's issue and i won't talk about it anymore and i am sure he will be walked away from any questions. it's an attempt to bring normalcy and also an effort to not seem hypocritical which anyone can see is the problem. and this jury did not want to be insulted with the effort on the part of the bidens or defense attorney with a sense that made no sense which is different than the term case because nobody really knew what the crime was. we had to wait till the charge at the end. here, everyone knew what it was about. everyone knew someone virtually eight of the 12 who had an addiction. or drug abuse problem, or people who had guns. this is familiar territory for everyone. it was a simple, straightforward case. >> john: so, jonathan, this is what david weiss said about the case. he says "this is not about addiction it's about the illegal choices made in the throes of addiction, known as above the law." per flashback to a little more than a year ago when david weiss was more than happy to enter this plea deal with hunter biden that would have granted him future immunity from any prosecution over literally anything. and weiss was happy to put into agreement that the case had been resolved. after that of course david weiss a u.s. attorney sought to the special counsel but how do you go from where david weiss was a year ago to the guy that we saw last hour? >> it's pretty hard to watch a victory lap by david weiss when he was forced into the race at gunpoint. he wanted to throw the race. the plea agreement was really something to behold because the judge asked one question and it just disassembled in open court because it was ridiculous. and the prosecutor admitted he had never seen anything like it, but what is really still unanswered for david weiss is that he allowed very serious federal crime to expire into the statute of limitations even though he had an agreement that would extend the statute of limitations. so the jury is still out on david weiss. they have come in on hunter biden. but no hunter biden close to california as a convicted felon. some of us said he shouldn't of pled guilty before this trial, now it's overwhelmingly clear that he needs to plead guilty before the california trial. >> sandra: we know what we are about to hear here, judge, if i cannot be put on the political hat as you keep on the legal head as well but this is going to be a moment where the president is going to tout his policies on guns as he is working. they will talk about drops in certain crime rates thanks to certain fbi data. the campaign season on this as well w what the spokesperson sad in a new memo that was sent out today that while biden signed major gun safety legislation two years ago trump has repeatedly come to the nra instead of protecting kids. he then said fighting gun violence is on the ballot this november and we are campaigning on this issue. i will note as i hand the question off to you, judge, that he is speaking on gun laws in the wake of his son's guilty verdict after breaking gun laws to you. >> it is -- go look, these are treacherous waters because if the press does its job, joe biden will be called out for the hypocrisy of all this with one of the ways they can avoid it is to drag donald trump end of this. so this is the first time we really heard from the lawyer, from hunter, from the family, the name "donald trump" so what we want to do is donald trump caved to the nra which is really laughable given the fact abbe lowell is giving the nra arguments to protect joe biden's son and try to get him in a reverse on appeal. and already the third circuit has dismissed that argument so they will wait till the supreme court decides this but it's a very touchy issue for the president. the way he avoids it is to go after donald trump and not answering regarding his son. >> john: we know this is a serious crime line, and often come on this crime 4473 but it's not often prosecuted. according to the national criminal justice association in the year 2019 fiscal year which is one hunter biden purchased his gun, the prosecutor's car 478 officials for lying on that form and file just 298 cases. this is with millions upon millions of people buying weapons. so prosecution like this is fairly rare. and to bring hunter biden to trial on this, how does that go with the overall prosecution don't you think about 447? >> it is rare, and weiss did not want to bring this case to trial even after the plea agreement fell apart. what weiss said was after the defense said "rip it up" in court, they did that but then they went and said why don't we reach a new agreement? weiss flame to the defense and said they were unwilling to seriously negotiate and the defense kept going to court saying "we think this agreement is still enforceable." many of us said that's crazy. there is no way you are going to get a court to resuscitate this agreement but the defense kept that of and went to trial which it was the mistake because weiss was clearly still willing to accept a plea and i expect there would be no chance of jail time. the small chance of jail time in that case is due entirely to the defense approach. we will have to see what the judge does. >> sandra: judge, one more from you because we will bring in charlie in a minute and i am no we are pretty close to the president but this is a remarkable moment saying this is the first time we got a statement following the guilty verdict but we have not heard him speak since then. >> i think clearly all eyes are going to be on the president. i mean we know, you know, celebrating juneteenth he seemed kind of out of it. that was the latest news we have seen and it will be very interesting to see how he reacts and conducts himself when he is in the midst of a stressful personal situation. isn't going to slip? is it going to say something? everybody is going to be interested in hearing not just that. >> sandra: as you set down here earlier, judge, the biden statements are out, we started getting the hunter biden statement from the president and he said at the top of his initial statement i am the president but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son. we are so proud of the man he is today. so many loved ones have had battling of addiction has seen them come up on the other side with strong and was late recovery as they said last week i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. >> to grow things. in recovery joe biden knows he is an addict when he uses that term and secondly the fact that, you know, we are talking about a gun here. we are not just talking about an addict. we are talking about an addict, a crack addicted individual, who literally lies to get a gun, and possesses a gun for 11 days only because his brother's widow with whom he was having an affair through the gun out. you know? let's not ignore the fact we don't need crack addicts getting guns. this isn't about a form it's about a who lies to get a gun and possesses that gun. >> john: judge thank you very much. stand by us if will again we are awaiting president biden that gun sense university at the washington hilton hotel here this video was taken a few moments ago as he was leaving the white house in the motorcade walking out of the gate there with you for y aviators on in te limousine that looks like the northgate i don't know why they are going out that way maybe it's a block closer. in the meantime let's go to fox stomach washington times opinion editor charlie hurt. charlie, this takes away the arrow that president biden had in his quiver for the upcoming debate where he could refer to donald trump as a "convicted felon" and not expect he would get it right back at him. >> yeah, it certainly does make it sloppier for their best lead efforts to hang that title on president trump, which by the way only seems to be helping him at least in the polls, but this whole thing is kind of amazing to watch this unfold. you know, let's not forget how we got where we are. the only reason hunter biden wound up getting charged with this was because this unbelievable sweetheart deal with prosecutors to fill apart. i was sort of amused when president biden was asked the other day whether he would accept the verdict because i was thinking myself i wouldn't use of this verdict? this verdict comes, this is what happens when you have extraordinary privilege, where you have extreme efforts made by everybody from the irs to the fbi to doj to the intelligence services there trying to bury all the overloaded domestic evidence in this obvious crime by hunter biden and let's not forget he is being represented by abbe lowell paid for by a so-called sugar brother which he never would've had except for his connection to his father and the fact his father was president. and so the idea that this is just plain old regular rough justice, this is not the kind of justice that most americans face. and i think it's kind of amazing the suggestion that joe biden would not accept the verdict are you kidding me? not to mention the fact there are all of these other crimes that have been laid out in the laptop along with the evidence used in this trial that would have been i think probably more serious involving a fairer violation for his lobbying efforts and tax evasion crimes. >> sandra: charlie if i can get one more in here as we are awaiting this event to begin there we will hear from the president for the first time since the sun's guilty verdict, while we are noting he is going to be talking about gun laws, that his son was found guilty of breaking, this is directly from the every town website, these are the top issues for the gun-control group hosting the president this afternoon. people with dangerous histories must be prohibited from having guns. that is in bold on the website. federal law prohibits certain categories of people from having guns. including among convicted felons and others unlawful drug users, charlie. >> this event is called gun sense university suggesting these are the basics and they are the basics. anyone was ever taught their child how to responsibly use guns knows drugs and guns don't mix. >> sandra: amen. >> john: thank you for talking to us. >> sandra: thank you, charlie. we will have more on the guilty verdict for the president's son hunter biden as we await the president's event, he will be addressing folks there in washington before he heads to delaware to see his son this afternoon. we will take a quick break, we will be right back. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... 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but anyway under details. so yes, i would imagine they are pretty mad, doj, but president biden is in a tough position. it's his department of justice, he's about to speak at a gun event advocating for the laws which include the ones which hunter biden violated. so it just goes to show how tricky it is being president, having this department of justice and of course having an adult child who has really gotten into a lot of trouble over there. >> sandra: andy mccarthy joining us as well, thank you so much. and as the political reaction continues to the guilty verdict i will redo this from house g.o.p. conference chair elise stefanik who just reacted by saying " -- await we have the sound. this is on the curve doj who first tried to negotiate as we heard plea deal, listen. >> first let's remember this is joe biden's clumped, corrupt doj that try to have a sweetheart plea deal and it was the judge who stepped in to expose that. today is the first step in delivering accountability for the biden crime family. we must and we will continue as house republicans to investigate the biden crime family through the corrupt influence peddling schemes that generated over $18 million in foreign payments to the biden crime family members. >> sandra: brenda political reaction, and he to you and your legal analysis with juror number ten. >> i think weiss is a joke. a lot of history happened here before that plea deal blew up as it deserved to. weiss had this case, sandra, from october of 2018. any other defendant would have been prosecuted by the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019. weiss got the gig as delaware u.s. attorney during the trump years because his nomination was green lit by the two biden allied delaware senators and he dutifully did nothing on this case for a couple of years which is why she they kept him when joe biden took office and why it was very convenient for them to be able to wave around he was a trouble pointy while he continued to sit around as the statute of limitations a chewed up his case. they did not even want to do a sweetheart deal. they try to get a root of this case was nothing, and it was only because of the whistle-blowers who came forward and to the that brought this matter they had to go to court and try at least to get something passed a federal judge, but it was so absurd it crumbled on the basis of just a few basic questions. >> john: this woman is introducing the president so we expect we will have to go to him momentarily but kerri, two things this gives donald trump very first if donald trump brings up a convicted felon in the june 27th debate it would give donald trump the opportunity to say don't talk about the speck in my eye with the log in your own. although i don't know you put it that way or that he could say by the way the laptop that everyone said was russian disinformation including you in that 2020 debate was real. >> that's right and let's talk about the laptop, mr. president exactly and we don't have to go through the history of all of the censorship and all of the attempts by so many to suppress that at the time. it's quite remarkable when you think about it now but i remember watching when joe biden said that on the debate stage. i was talking to mike working at the department of justice at the time and we cannot get involved in any of that for obvious reasons at least publicly so to be sitting in court like i was last week years later and see that laptop with my own eyes and all of the validation that came with that including what was on it, i think that is just something and we will see if that comes up again. >> john: i mentioned to juror number ten and how we did hear from him, someone who had said he had family members who owned guns. he talked about that was prior to the actual trial, prior to the conviction but since the verdict just a couple of hours ago he sat down with one of our producers and this might be the president walking up. let's head to washington and hear directly from president biden following his son's guilty verdict. ♪ ♪ sean mock >> president biden: hello, hello, thank you. thank you, thank you. [chanting "four more years"] >> president biden: please have a seat. i know from experience it takes extraordinary courage for you to stand up here and retell your son's story. many of you who have lost someone to gun violence. it has been a passion of mine for a long, long time. it's the reason way back a long time ago i offered the violence against women act which no one thought made any sense at the time. i had a lot of trouble getting people to think we can make a difference, but the fact of the matter is i remember well when we first started it it takes extraordinary courage. you know, through your words you help ensure your son and all the victims of gun violence are not forgotten. they did not die in vain. through your love you help prevent the next tragedy that saves lives and through your actions we will never let go of one thing, that we must never, never lose, i know this and i mean it i know it's hard getting calls that you've lost a son, daughter, wife and it's hard but never give up on hope, hope, hope. [cheers and applause] i give you my word, i know that black hole when you receive that phone call. it's like a black hole in your trust in your being sucked into it. just showing up here and all the work you've done takes some courage because it reminds you of the moment you got that phone call. it reminds you no matter how long it goes. it's hard. but you are making such a difference. the main reason i am here and i mean is the bottom of my heart. [audience talks over each other] no, no, no, no, no. [chanting] folks -- folks -- it's okay. look. they care, innocent children have been lost. they make a point. come on, now. >> thank you from all of the gun violence survivors. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: folks, to all of you here today i want to thank you for the dedication to this vital issue you have shown. to all of the survivors veterans, families, in pain and purpose into the loss and you have determined not to focus on your anger but on what you can do. look, folks, you have helped power a movement that is turning this because into a reality. especially young people who demanded our nation do better to protect us all who protested, who organized, who voted, and for those who suggested to march for their lives. [cheers and applause] from my perspective, today is about celebrating you. you are the reason i am so interested in the future of our country and i mean that. in two weeks it's the anniversary of the bipartisan communities act. [applause] the most significant gun legislation and nearly 30 years. we pass it, only because you work like hell to get it done. you made it happen. it was designed to reduce gun violence and save lives and i am so proud with tremendous progress it made sense. the year before i came into the presidency of the murder rate was the highest increase on record. last year we saw the largest decrease of murder in history of the united states. [applause] and those rates are continuing to fall faster than ever. last year we also saw one of the lowest rates of all violent crime in nearly 50 years. murder, rape aggravated assault all dropped sharply along, it matters so much of this progress is because and i'm not just trying to be solicitous, because if you don't understate what you've done. you've changed the minds of your neighbors, your friends, the folks at the restaurant, the folks at the grocery store. through the american rescue plan, i was able to invest $15 billion the largest investment ever to reduce crime and rebuild on that progress with your help. [cheers and applause] through patent the bipartisan saver communities act and here's how. first, to help reduce community violence and domestic violence, it invests $250 million in violence intervention programs all across the country. [cheers and applause] my daughter is a social worker working with violence against women. what people don't realize is these things matter. they change attitudes. you've already funded nearly 80 programs and counting. we also make gun trafficking and those purchases a federal crime for the first time so they can charge traffickers and hold him accountable for the more severe penalties that are available. [cheers and applause] additionally in background checks for anyone under the age of 21 trying to purchase a firearm and it's about time. there is more we have to do there, it's a big deal. since the law was passed, and implemented, the fbi stopped more than 700 shows a firearms for individuals under the age of 21. and about 20,000 unlicensed firearms dealers are now required to become licensed to run background checks. [cheers and applause] which will keep guns out of dangerous hands. second, it helps stop mass shootings with $750 million to stay implement to the crisis interventions like red flag laws and temporary firearms to those in danger of themselves or others. it also gives $1.3 billion to thousands of schools across the country to build a safer learning environments including updating safety plans, installing security equipment, hiring mental health professionals and school resource officers. [cheers and applause] i am married to a full-time teacher, i get it. [cheers and applause] as well as violence intervention team folks, look. third they invest over $1 billion the largest one-time investment ever and use mental health in our schools. [cheers and applause] to help them deal with grief and resulting in gun violence. i have attended too many get mass shooting from schools across america and stood and looked in the faces of those young children and looking at all the families who lost somebody. it's tragic but it needs help. they need help to get through. it includes an additional 14,000 mental professionals mental health professionals to be hired and trained in our schools to work in our schools full time that's 14,000 more. [cheers and applause] over 170,000 americans across the country have been trained to identify when someone is having a mental health crisis and connect them to the help they need. by the way one of the reasons i wrote the latest veterans bill was because more veterans and more active duty personnel are dying of suicide than any combat zone. [applause] it matters. folks, this historic law is already saving lives. but there is still so much more to do to maximize the benefits of the bipartisan saver communities act. that's why last september i established the first ever white house office of gun violence. [cheers and applause] and i mean it. we have first-rate professionals there and overseen by my incredible vice president. [cheers and applause] a pretty fierce prosecutor as well. to drive and coordinate govern a nationwide effort to reduce gun violence in america that's why we did it. to send a clear, clear message of how important this issue is to me, to me to do you come inte entire c country. folks, you're changing the nation, you really are. you are changing the nation. it builds upon the dozens of negative actions my administration has taken to reduce gun violence. more than any of my other predecessors and i expect more than all of them combined. everything from cracking down on ghost guns, gun trafficking, so much more. folks, we are not stopping there. it is time, once again, to do what i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. [cheers and applause] i mean it. ["four more years" chanting] who in god's name needs a magazine that can hold 200 shells? >> nobody! >> president biden: nobody, that's right. i member campaigning as a senator going through delaware to meet all the people the most upset with me the fishermen and the hunters and i came across a guy who was fishing and he said you want to take my gun and i looked at him and i said i don't want to take your gone, you're allowed to have a gun but i want to take away your ability to use an assault weapon. [cheers and applause] this is a how the conversation went. he said what do you mean i need that gun and i said guess what? if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun in a magazine, you're the lousiest shot i've ever heard. [cheers and applause] unserious. i'm serious. looked at me and said you have a good point. think about it. they are weapons of war! and by the way, it's time we establish universal background checks. [cheers and applause] by the way, requiring the safe storage of firearms. [cheers and applause] the hold fable if they don't provide the locks on those guns if, in fact, because three of these major crime scenes i have visited were ones where the mother or father left open or left stuff out on a desk and left it out on a table and the kid came and used it. by the way, this is the most important brave the only industry in america that has immunity are gun dealers. we have to end it. and it now. [cheers and applause] no, i mean it! imagine, if we gave tobacco an exception that could not be prosecuted. still a thousand more people would be dying of cancer because of smoke inhalation. it is time to increase funding for the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives and other law enforcement agencies while. solve crimes faster. look, unfortunately this is the only part in anything i will say. the congressional republicans oppose all of these. everyone of these. instead of trying to stop our ban on ghost gun kits that contain and commit crimes, they are working like hell to stop it. they want to abolish the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives that fight gun crime. you can't be pro-law-enforcement and be pro abolishing the aft. you can't. [cheers and applause] it's outrageous! i disagree with some of my own party and on the other side on a lot of things but at least there is some rational argument they have as part of their argument. what in god's name is the rationale for taking away alcohol, tobacco, and firearms? after school shooting in iowa killed a student any teacher my predecessor was asked about it. you remember what he said. he said have to get over it. hell, no we don't have to get over it, we have to stop at. [cheers and applause] we have to stop and stop it now! more children are killed in america by guns then cancer and car accidents combined. my predecessor told the nra convention recently he is proud that "i did nothing on guns when i was president." and by doing nothing he made the situation considerably worse. that is why every town by this summer by all of you here today are so damn important. we need you. we needed to overcome the unrelenting of sunni politicians when they oppose common sense gun legislation. when i was no longer the vice president i became a professor at the university of pennsylvania. before that i taught a constitutional law class and i taught the second amendment. there's never been a time that says you can own anything you want. there never has. you couldn't own a canon during the civil war. [laughter] i'm serious i want you to think about it. how much do you hear this phrase the blood of liberty give me a break. i mean it seriously. by the way if they want to think to take on government if we get out a line which they are talking again about guess what? they need f-15s they don't need a rifle, this is crazy. what we are talking about because whether it's democrats or republicans we want our families to be safe. we all want to drop them off at a house of worship, a mall, a movie theater, school without worrying it's the last time we are going see them. [applause] we all wanted. we all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in school instead of learning how to duck and cover for god's sake. [cheers and applause] and above all! above all we all agree we are not finished! [cheers and applause] look, no single action can solve the entirety of the gun violence epidemic but together our efforts, your efforts, art saving lives. we can help rally a nation with a sense of urgency, seriousness, and purpose. you are changing the culture. we have proven we can do more than thoughts and prayers. this is more than thoughts and prayers you are changing politics. you are proving that you are powerful and relentless and i mean that. let me close with this. i know many people here have been impacted by gun violence and are tired and frustrated. [cheers and applause] i know. i have been to too many -- and literally spoken at well over a thousand families with these events i have attended of mass shootings. the look in their eyes... you can almost feel that black hole in the center of their chest like they are being sucked in. there is no way out. if they have remaining children you look at the children and wonder mommy, daddy, how about me? and i know you may wonder if we are ever going to make full progress that we need to make. i am here to tell you we have no choice. we cannot give up trying. for all of the lives lost and all those who are still there to save. we are going to get there. i have no allusions of how difficult it may be but i also have no illusions of the people in this room. you are changing the attitude, i really mean it i will go back to why i got here in the first place. that is to say thank you. we can come up, i can come up with all these ideas for the laws we can change to make it easier, but you are changing people's lives. you are convincing your neighbors and people this is necessary. it's beginning to move. look what it has artie done around the community. look at the movement you have built. elected officials standing with you, look at all the mothers organizations across the cou country. >> mr. president you are making a change. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: look... when there is a crisis half the people affected need to know is there anybody listening? do you hear me? do they hear what we are saying? listen to the young people who are speaking out. that is the power of the memory of your loved ones. that is the power of this movement. that is the power of america. we just have to keep going and keep the faith remember who we are. we are the united states of america and there is nothing beyond our capacity but we have to do it together so god bless you all and god protect the truth. thank you, thank you, thank you. ♪ ♪ keep it up. >> sandra: there is presi president biden attempting to leave the stage after multiple protesters interrupted the president early on showing sympathy most of the time to those in the audience as a gun-control group the president advocating for stricter gun control laws and all of this is happening, john, just hours after the president's son was convicted, three charges found guilty of breaking gun laws. >> sandra: and the president saying nothing about that as hen hilton and boards marine one for one for andrews air force base or maybe takes a motorcade down there and heads to wilmington to spend time with his son. and talk about what happened today in court. let's talk about what happened today in court with fox news contributor and "washington times" opinion editor charlie hurt. so the president did not go there today at the very same time that the department of justice put out this press release saying his son had been found guilty on three counts of lying on a federal firearms transaction. >> yes, but you could not help but the undercurrents were pretty obvious, you know it's pretty hard to avoid. out imagine being in that room everyone was probably thinking about that but it was remarkable to listen to them talk about the need for what he calls universal background checks which are obviously this is a canard, 99.999% of all gun purchases are done with universal contracts and it was this very background check that his son, hunter, was convicted of lying on. and revealing the limits of these background checks, and the rest of the speech is his typical sort of partisan anti-gun speech where he wants to make more and more laws so that it's more onerous on law-abiding americans who want to obtain guns legally and no solution for the real problem which is, you know, crime and violence we have largely especially in democrat run cities. >> sandra: it's fair enough point to your point, i guess no matter how your politics everyone is thinking to some degree especially when he talked about safe storage of a gun, charlie? judge and i were sitting here safe storage of a gun, i mean after illegally owning a gun 11 days he was leaving it in his car to the point where his brother's widow then took the gun because she feared his addiction and what could happen with that gun, wrapped it in a bag and threw it in a trash can outside of a market. >> yes, it is truly, truly incredible. of course anybody who has been around guns and treasure is the second amendment knows the amount of effort that goes into gun safety and especially if you are a father talking about children and teaching your children proper gun safety practices. and this is a different world from what most law-abiding gun owners in america live in their daily lives. >> john: you know, politics is intertwined in all of this. i think about what nate silver said on monday. he is the founder of suggesting biden should drop out because of low approval ratings just as we are watching this video here i will read to you he has reached an all-time low 37.4% at 538 yesterday dropping out of the race would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don't know but it is more than fair to ask." is it too late for the democrats to switch horses? >> it's getting pretty close there. you know, they are best hope would be to do something in an organized fashion at the convention, but i don't think the democratic party is particularly organized at this moment. it was kind of a peak moment in the selection. i could not tell, i could not hear exactly what the protest was but i assume that the protest at the beginning of his speech was about a pro-hamas or pro-palestinian protester. >> john: the person was holding up a palestinian kathia swelled assume that. >> that's what i would assume and that underscores how deeply divided the democratic party is which makes it really difficult to pull off the kind of thing where you can replace joe biden with somebody different who is not kamala harris is a real problem. but certainly it was kind of amusing especially at an event like this where you have a gun-control lobbyists who are using their stage as a platform for joe biden to go out and talk about gun control on the day that his son was convicted of violating the very gun-control laws that they say are going to solve all the problems of crime in this country. it's pretty amazing. >> sandra: charlie, to your point of lawful and ethical gun owners, they see the way this was handled, and now the sun convicted for these actions because it was so obvious. lying on the gun form illegally having not gone and you almost think i mean maybe this sounds naive but maybe this was an opportunity to champion that message on the safe gun ownership and legally purchasing a gun, never lying on a federal form as a result his family is going to pay the consequences, as it should. >> you know, i can't help but remember some hundred or so of the felons that barack president obama you know sentences he cleared were for gun charges. we talk about red flag laws, one of the best red flag laws in the world is a felony conviction. if you are convicted of a felony you are not allowed to own a gun. that is a very, very good thing. you want to get guns out of the wrong people's hands question but that's a good way to do it. >> sandra: that's the one thing get that gun-control group is top list but they advocate as a gun-control group that the president just addressed. >> john: charlie, thank you we should point out the white house briefing has been canceled because the president is traveling. 3 minutes left so we have to wrap it up quickly, sandra. >> sandra: judge jeanine, jonathan turley, judge mccarthy, kerri urbahn, he made sure that he didn't mention his son or references son. he got that personal statement out right after the verdict so we can say he answered a. i'm sure karine jean-pierre will not be seeing more than anything -- thing is that part about this is he's talking the safe -- make sure we have the background checks and "keeping guns out of dangerous hands," everyone watching that could say, you know, that's your son and you covered for him. you're department of justice tried to let him get away with it. so i don't know much credibility he had. but he got through it so i guess we'll just admit to that. >> john: carried out what you think about it. >> i'm taking about joe biden going home to deliver tonight to spend time with hunter biden and what the conversation will like because i'm curious to see -- appears to know and, of course, we won't know if there is any discussion about the tax cases -- because that is far more serious and significant than this gun case and it also has the possibility of touching joe biden and revealing all kinds of details that one would not one out right before presidential election. >> sandra: jonathan? >> you know, i'm very sympathetic with the president today. this is a very good smirk terrible day for him and his family. i think his statement was a good one amicus speech by the way repeated some false claims about, for example, not being able -- order was banned by the second amendment. but putting that aside he keeps saying he wants to ban assault weapons as he -- that action was before heller and he would have much greater problem today thing that through. >> john: all right. andy, last doctor you. you have 30 seconds. >> it would be a lot easier to take all of this while he's giving that speech, his apologists were not outside saying it was grossly unfair that his son got prosecuted on this offends. this was not a lie in trackage were you doing at the gun. this was a lie and 60 case where someone held a gun, got it, use it or held it irresponsibly and it was found with cocaine residue on it. matt gaetz gets prosecuted ten times out of ten. >> john: and again it's -- didn't say at this minute are you hi? when he filled out the form. so the jury did their work and now we will see where we go from here and we are going to go from here. thank you very much. 's onto the next program. ask for for joining us. i'm renn roberts. >> sandra: i'm chandler smith. "the story" with martha -- mccarthy no comment from president biden as he spoke moment of you around his son hunter's guilty verdict which is still obviously very fresh new

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