♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ ♪ lower than a lion ♪ >> mckitty is roaring and so are the jobs. john is in a moment. the roaring kitty who single-handedly drove up meme stocks like aim stop breaking his silence after 3 years today. >> you should keep your eye on stuff. reserve the right to change her mind about stuff just like i do. don't follow anyone blindly. nothing on the stream is advice. hopefully you know that. >> not everyone does but more getting to know it now. internet influencer position didn't gamestop hoist to be worth close to a billion dollars until gamestop plunged close to 40% today giving back a lot of the big gains he's been experiencing but exactly who is this guy and how did he become so influential in the first place? a lot of people ask that. i'm neil cavuto. let's get it with kelly grady on all the attention. kelly o'grady on all the attention he's getting because he's back after 3 years. what's going on. >> this is 1 of the more wild i guess we have to call it investor call at this point that i've attended and we had to wait quite a bit. keith gill roaring kitty showed up nearly half hour late but ultimately spoke to over 600,000 listeners and shared he had no game plan for this livestream. even admitted he might be cuckoo at 1 point. that's always been his appeal. he's very counter to the traditional investor. we did glean 3 key things from the stream that i want to share with you. first gill's gamestop position makes up the entirety of his portfolio so what you're looking at on-screen was the value following the markets close last night 500 a $6 million. of course the stock fluctuated wildly today finishing 39% down but it is still higher than when gil bodden. the second take away his roaring kitty really believes in gamestop's future. he reiterated that confidence that the company can revamp its legacy business that all comes down to the team and ceo ryan cohen. here's a bit of what he had to say. >> bet on the team. from what i've seen so far i think i reserve the right to change my mind as you should. i'm a believer right now. 3 years jack letts what happens from here. >> a lot of investors disagree with gil after gamestop released their earnings this morning. a few days early. we saw 29% dip in sales this quarter versus last year. 32 million-dollar loss in the quarter but what did he say? he said he reserves the right to change his mind at it really does seem he's changed his messaging versus last him around with it likely because the regulators are investigating his trading activity tech while legally safer the stock dropped 25% during his stream when he was speaking so not everyone loved what he had to say. >> it's not for the faint of heart the sort of thing, oddly enough over the years he's been seen as sort of this medical robin hood figure in a world where you have these huge hedge funds shorting stocks making big bets that are going to go down. he entered a few years ago to say this 1 this particular 1, i don't think is right can single-handedly he got a lot of attention back at gamestop and all of this, and now some of those same big players are the ones leery of playing into him or playing with him because they think he could be manipulating stuff. but there's no proof of that. >> there is no proof. really the issue would be if he pumps the stockpile the influence he has by posting a social media and he sold it. we haven't seen any evidence that he sold it, the position that he had revealed last night that $586 million was worth a lot less but he still was holding all of the shares as of earlier that week. so we haven't seen that but there's a lot of suspicion may be among some folks that were you doing here, the financials on their and they saw how things turned out asked him around. he was testifying before congress and didn't seem to be the same amount of excitement on the livestream as we have seen in past. >> neil: a lot of people say this is indicative of a market when guys like this become cult stars and enter in normally in the late phase of a market. i don't know how true that is because he was in the 3 years ago but i understand what they are saying. be careful when you see the sort of stuff going on. what to think? >> i think to some extent it's indicative of a frothy market that people are saying i have money to burn and will put it in there. the people on the livestream were making comments. like i just bought $40,000 of gamestop. i'm really hoping a compare my lone so i see this more of people saying i really believe in him. he sticking up for the little guy and i'm going to throw money in. ultimately the short-sellers won last him around in the end. they might win this time. >> you don't know. a lot of people look at this is modern-day program trading and people by lots of shares and get in and out real quickly. it's too early to tell if that's the case. great reporting is always kelly o'grady. meanwhile we have the backdrop of an employment report that looked pretty frothy on the surface. far better than expected 272,000 jobs gained. but the bears had their argument that another survey showed something from her worrisome so present-day looks good. future days something that telegraphs bad. edward lawrence is good at explaining all the stuff at the white house. >> wil trapp. the president looks at this report and likes what he sees. he says it's great report and a statement, the president saying the great american comeback continues but there's more work to be done in the president has been saying that for about 20 half years. the reason the federal reserve needed this report to be half of the 272,000 jobs created a may is because the more people working more those people will spend, the more with same supply means inflation and the report average hourly earnings also hit 4.1% over the past 12 months. the fed chairman siz 4.1% is not consistent with the 2% inflation target. with that inflation experts worry about the consumer. >> i've been looking at what's happening with restaurant activity because the narrative was consumers stop spending on goods and prioritize services consumption, and since january we've seen a dramatic step down in restaurant sales and traffic, restaurant closings have ramped up big time. >> the white house has been trying to unlink joe bidenomics from higher prices such a gas the acting labor secretary about that. >> the president have not said bidenomics since march of this year. is he a ministration moving away from using that term because it is equated to higher prices? >> i said it here. at this point i don't forget matters what you call it. this is an economy that's doing well. we've defied all expectations in terms of the job growth. we haven't yet talked about the an implement rate. again still at or below 4%, for 30 months running now. >> to an employment rate has not been 4% since january of 2022. it's interesting a government sector created the second amount , most mental jobs in this report. government has great 43,000 jobs on average each month for the past 3 months. the rnc saying president biden cannot hide his failures in the american people will blame joe. back to you. >> thank you so much. have a great weekend. edward lawrence following all of that. the reason i wanted to bring your attention to this implement report is it offered something for the bulls and offered something for the bears. it offers something for those praising the president's performance and those warning about the president performance. by that any in the overall job gains we saw 272,000 were much drunker than expected but there's a household survey and edward was touching on and that's are reading these days to calculate the an employment rate itself. and we found out the people who hold jobs in this country fell by about 408,000 during that period ended also show the number of full-time workers fell by about 625,000. so hit you with a lot of numbers but the only reason why a mention to the household survey and what's happening on the private payroll front is to indicate here that there signals that this can be maintained. increasing signals in the past and make make a bigger deal out of nothing but i want to make sure you understood why both sides were finding ammo in this report. gary it's good to settle these differences because he doesn't mess with the politics part. helix at the numbers and has done quite well during that. so i say that with great respect. so you could argue surprise here, federal reserve has very little reason to move to cut rates or you could look at the household surveilled these people disappearing from the labour market saying well maybe not. where are you? >> every time you've asked me about the job market for the last year of use 2 words in shape, and i would go on to say that needs to stay in shape because of how much death there is in the system. i'm a little bit worried right now. some of the numbers you gave but also 8.4 million people now have 2 jobs. these are people that think they are not making ends meet and that goes hand-in-hand with almost 300,000 part-time jobs created in this report, so call me starting to get worried. we have studied the job market going back very long time and typically late stage is what i just quoted for you. i hope i'm wrong, because as i said there's just a lot of debt in the system from the consumer all the way to the governments of seen death and i think that could be trouble if we start to lose the job market more meaningfully. >> nothing we look at are showing now the average hourly earnings year-over-year running about 4.1%. now you know the fed's goal eventually is on inflation of all times down to 2% so double that inflation rate itself is a little under the 4% but nowhere near the position with which we are told federal reserve will start cutting rates. do you subscribe or if they get close to that of the trend is going down that they will go ahead and cut? >> i've always wondered about this phantom number for the fed for them to make moves so i know where they are coming from. for me as i said to you i think the real market the free-market the 10 years down the job. it's down to 404 while the fed is 5 and a quarter touch of 5 and a half. i think the fed has room to catch up to that the closer we get to the election i think they start to look political and may not do anything. i suspect nothing comes this coming week and i'm just glad to see that yell to have come down from 407 recently to where they are because the cost of capital is huge to the economy and so is oil prices. unfortunately oil prices have come down decently over the last few weeks. >> you're referring to 10 year note. the fed can influence about arriving i would like to talk to you about roaring kitty amalek to get your thoughts on that because we see this in every kind of bull market usually the late stages of a bull market not all the time. i want to posit we've got a lot of healthy devoutness going on here. but what you make of this character to influence today and some of these not only meme stocks but other stocks like the daytraders who play such a big role in the last bull market before they didn't, and now they seem to be back in droves. >> i've never liked out of control froth. at gusts of late stage bullish markets. as far as this goes i know the term robin hood has come out. i'm sorry. i think he's of self interest and i've never watched him and i decided to weigh some of my time today and watched him today, and i have to tell you there was so much less than meets the eye and i think the stock price performance showed that. hit the fact people are following him and are going to lose their wealth the they continue. just remember the first go around gamestop dropped 90%. amc dropped 99% because that's where the stock should eventually go and i'm worried the same thing happen again. gamestop just diluted their own shares 25% overnight and that's what destroyed the stock today as well as lowering the numbers. not a good sign for investors. >> neil: if big companies and hedge funds at major brokerage houses complete with investors and tout stocks that they are secretly unloading that we don't know litter that's a case. it's not illegal outright unless you're doing something from a criminal what's the difference? >> anybody in my business that regulated and touts and unloads should be drummed out of the business. i don't think this guy is in the business but the sec is on it. i think a lot of people will lose a ton of money and there will be a ton of complaints when all is said and done if the stock is back to working from. i watched him today. not impressed at all in any way, shape, or form and the sunglasses are not today for. >> neil: ought to try it and it might work. it could help your career. >> i used to have long hair. >> neil: there we go. thank you so much. we are following this froth and will a lot more this weekend as we take a look at some of the things people are trying to connect the dots. we'll connect the dots and the dollars on this tomorrow at 10:00 am eastern time. there's no talk hunter biden himself might be testifying. david is following it closely in delaware. >> emotional day for hunter biden as his daughter took the stand. but as you said hunter may testify. i'll tell you when that could happen next ff. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. >> want to take you tuned wellington delaware. hunter biden's gun trial is wrapping up for the week. it was a fast-moving week and can even faster next week. david spent is there with mark. david spent court adjourned here early today. monday will likely be the last day for a witness and that witness could be hunter biden. is attorney avila hall said he would be the final witness if he's a witness. said he would make that decision this weekend whether not to put hunter on the stand and that's a big decision to make but it was an emotional day for hunter biden who seen dabbing his eyes with a tissue earlier today when his eldest daughter naomi biden took the stand. naomi biden you see leaving with sunglasses and the black outfit on. she is hunter biden's eldest daughter. actually named for his late little sister and infant who died in that car crash in 1972 along with hunter's mother. naomi biden painted a picture of a clear minded hopeful hunter biden when she saw him late summer 2018 just weeks before he allegedly lied on a federal gun form when purchasing a gun. that's why we're here in the first place. naomi biden was in control on the stand and said she was nervous and entered in a soft voice and says she's well aware of her dads drugs and said things got really bad after her uncle died. yesterday joe biden flu in late from dd events in france to wilmington to sit in court only to turn back around to go to france tonight for steak dinner with her husband tomorrow. avila hall heavily focused on a gun form the form that was a centre of the entire case. he says there are different items on this form right here placed at different times. essentially setting up a narrative of sloppy paperwork by store employees. so if hunter biden testifies on monday we expect that to a long time. it is risky he opens himself up to cross-examination. if he does not testify we'll jump into closing arguments. the jury could have this case by monday and we could have a verdict monday when i'm talking to you then. back to you. >> neil: incredible. i complete that. thank you great reporting on all of this. tom dupree is joining us former deputy assistant attorney general. what do you think, the notion of having hunter biden take the stand? >> it strikes me is very unlikely. the conventional wisdom is you never put the defendant on the stand in the criminal case and i think that rule probably applies here. i don't think there would be a particularly credible or sympathetic witness. it would give the prosecutors opportunity to cross-examine him very vigourously and on topics that might not even come into play it. when he put the defendant on the stand your toying with opening pandora's box that would allow the prosecutors to cross-examine the defendant on a whole slew of issues and lead to creating more bad evidence against your client >> neil: if the case, former federal prosecutor constitutional law reporter, if the case looks like it's not going well for hunter biden would you roll the dice and put him on the stand and allow him to make the argument, i was a very sick guy more drugs and a new, i didn't want to face those facts now i have to face them? and i realize it. at work to his advantage and weird way? >> i guess the only justification for hunter taken a stand is to try and go after that intense mens rea of the offence whether he affirmatively knew he was an addict or consider himself an addict? the problem is hunters on text messages essentially foreclose that defence. he calls himself an addict and uses that word in the days after the purchase. the defences tried to poke holes of reasonable doubt into the meaning of the text messages. i am criminal defence attorney so i know very well sometimes you have text messages and you can argue maybe it means something else than what the words plainly say but that's when you are really kind of butting up against nothing. we have to remember hunter chose to plead not guilty. he chose to expose all of this really embarrassing information about his family. it's a very curious situation but from a factual perspective he's put much dead to rights. his best defence was essentially foreclosed by the judge that this was unconstitutional charge. it's a difficult case factually. >> neil: president biden was asked if you would pardon his son and he said no. but again he's a father and you could picture situation say he loses the election and in his final days as president if his son is convicted and i haven't got into the tax case coming up, he would pardon him. >> right. he's a father and things change. i think saying no he would not pardon his son is the only answer he can get politically at this time. could not say he was gone to pardon him and if you give anything short of a firm edmonton i think the whole world will explode and say he's come to pardon god. he had to say he's not going to do it but after this election the world would change. other president biden would be reelected in which case he will figure he connect from position of strength or he loses in which case he says doesn't matter anymore i'm on my way out. yes, he said no but will see what he thinks about in november >> neil: stepping back from this case and what happens ultimately if it is wrapped up are you surprised that it's wrapping up and that works to the prosecution's benefit, the defence? how does that work? >> the case from a factual is very straightforward. was he using drugs and/or addicted to them at the time of the purchase. the prosecution has been well cornered from his own messages and other data from the laptop back unsurprisingly at this point. not surprising. a tastry for prosecution. this is not the most significant concern in terms of jail time. i think the tax case has much more significant jail time on the line for him but he can probably will be pardon by his father because like tom said after the election is over he's nothing to lose 1 way or the other politically. >> i can switch to donald trump khakis obviously still doing very well on the polls had having no difficulty raising a good deal of money. so even the stigma check guilty verdicts are not hurting him. so i'm wondering now as we get closer to this july 11th sentencing whether what he's been saying about the case and everything else and the fact that he still saying it, you know, he's not violating a gag order, per se, but the gag order remains in effect. does he have to watch as ps and qs or what? >> neil is always conventional advices a lawyer that i would give president trump he never would follow it. disregard. conventional advice would be if you're about to be sentence by judge it usually not a good idea to go about attacking the judge criticizing the judge correct and unloading on that judge. that said president trump has not been shy about saying what he thinks about this entire trial and alone expected to change 1 bit. i think with this judge considers sentencing he will consider a whole variety of factors including the fact this is obviously nonviolent offence. trump is a first-time offender. he's potentially the next president of the united states and he will weigh all of that alongside things like whether trump made statements of court that the judge didn't like. a lawyer would say to trump put a muzzle on it as you approach sentencing. don't think that will happen. >> neil: probably not. thank you. have a great weekend guys. thanks for all your help this past week. in the meantime a lot of people cackle a lot of shoppers may be you are just getting that up with all these thieves and sometimes it happens were shoppers revolt and so the stores where they have a problem. steve harrigan with more. steve. >> it turned into a battle. shoppers versus looters at a perfume store in tennessee. that story ahead to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? 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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: shoppers are getting fed up an hour pinning the thieves down. it's not quite that simple but it is bizarre. 1 video proves it. steve harrigan with more from atlanta. >> reporter: the situation unfolded at a perfume mania outside nashville sunday morning. and said the perfume store, 4 teenagers in hoodies and masked who were grabbing boxes of perfume off the shelves. this was tweet to mature some of the shoppers inside that perfume store. they ran to the front door including a mother and father who were there to buy cologne for their son. here's what dad had to say about holding the door shut in an effort to try to pin the looters inside the building. here's dad. >> we just walked out of the store and my son was yelling for someone to come help. i just ask and think again. walked down there and started helping hold the door. i think anybody would do it if they had somebody yelling for help. >> the group held the door fast. some were filming in some calling police. the assumed police would come quickly and make arrests. that's not what happen. they got little help for the next half hour. here's the mother. >> we kept waiting and waiting. it took 30 minutes. >> that half-hour was enough for the looters to smash through drywall in the back of the store. they made their way to a nearby highway where they were seen on foot but without the bags of perfume. back to. >> neil: just wild. thank you very much. steve harrigan on that. los angeles where the sort of thing is not exactly uncommon. william what's the follow-up? >> sales people are told never confront the thief because it's too dangerous. you're about to meet a woman who manages a small store here in santa monica who gonna cannot afford to lose $500. listen to the thieves say it's illegal to look in her bag. >> you on video and you're going to get arrested. give me back my jacket right now. >> you're not allowed to touch. >> give me back my jacket. me the other 1. don't steal for my store. give me the other 1. >> that's all there is. let me look in your back. >> that's a legal. >> eventually this nicely dressed thief leaves problem is in california police told this woman they are powerless if the left is under $950. now the parent company of t.j. maxx marshalls and home goods has a plan to stop it. >> people know they are being recorded again most folks will change the behaviour. not everyone but has a significant effect. >> tjx hopes body cams like the ones worn by cops will help deter stores, that by some 50%. a international retail federation about 10% of the members test of the body cams, 35% are considering buying them. also this week dollar general eliminated self check out, some 12,000 stores to reduce theft at the safeway you needed to scan your receipt to get out of the store for the doors to open so the manager of that shop here in santa monica since his video went viral has got flowers and cards people stopping in, everyone is fed up with how a few criminals and felons are ruining it for everybody else. back to you. >> but i do really like that, alleged thief. you can't look in my back that's a legal. the best defences get offence i guess. awesome stuff. amazing the world we live in. i want to pass along some donald trump court case news coming from judge juan merchan who ruled donald trump's defence attorney can go ahead and attend the former president's presentence investigation to view. he didn't say when it would take place. the sentencing is scheduled for july 11th a few days before the republican convention but he's inviting donald trump to attorney to attend that presentence investigation which will lay the groundwork for whatever the judge decides sentencing wise. we will have more after this and keeping it off? 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(inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ >> neil: presidential primaries actually still going on but they kind of officially wrap up tomorrow. there's some concerning issues for both candidates, the nikki haley voters are they showing up for donald trump tech world a sharper donald trump? scores well in some contests clearly not all but the president of the 9 states might have the more pressing problems as we see other states that have the high percentage of uncommitted voters. alex is following it. how serious is this particularly for the president? >> that's the question is these uncommitted voters actually stay home or vote for another candidate come november? but the democratic primaries we saw in the president lose over half a million people to the sum committed movement which is people angered with the president over his handling of the war in the middle east. recessed it's a minnesota michigan come out in big numbers, almost 20% of people in those states voted uncommitted. all democrats pictures this last week we saw almost 9% in new jersey vote uncommitted. these are states that are typically blue states. the president won in 2020 and needs them in order to get the coalition back together that won him the white house last time. but i talked to some voters on the ground and talk to the movements behind uncommitted they say something has to give or else they are going elsewhere come november. >> neil: a per that about something has to give and a lot of these folks holding back or uncommitted are praying and hoping may be hail mary pass development where the president decides not to run. that doesn't seem likely. it seems we've run out of time for that. it could still happen. i'm not dismissing but it seems like a leap. >> it definitely is a leap. when i was talking to some of these voters in groups in november where the war had just started they were saying we hope some bs comes around even cornell west or third-party candidate that they could vote for biden would back out and have let another democrat win. he's going to be the nominee at this point. that seems like a serious longshot. and the rhetoric from people tech that has come to be clear has changed. some of these groups back in november were saying he can still do something to fix this. we don't want him to be the nominee but he can still fix this but they are saying it's too late. he's back to israel enough and we are not can't vote for them so we have to figure out if we stay home in november or turn to president trump or see if we can vote uncommitted or some deals. >> neil: it's never good when you're nervous about your base. should donald trump be nervous about maybe not winning over nikki haley's supporters even though she has endorsed him way too early to tell. your mind to be of that. does he have the same problems? >> he has the protest for his side with moderates and some other republicans looking for somebody different. we have seen voters come out and vote for nikki haley in key states that the former president needs. and a lot of times in these suburbs that have been tricky for the former president to hold onto republicans there. it showed they wanted somebody like nikki haley. they're willing to vote for her even though she dropped a month ago. he has the same issue with protest votes. we'll see a few drops captive people just don't show up in november on the republican side or the go to president biden. what's interesting also is a lot of those folks protesting him of the more moderates and republican party where is the people protesting biden in the democratic party or the far-left progressives, young people like that. it's interesting the issues they have them both sides. >> neil: thank you very much for the alex. good catching up with you. speaking of protest are people just unhappy period, want to take you to washington dc. fencing going up around the white house. this is ahead of a planned anti-israeli demonstration set for tomorrow and they been getting ready for this. we will be covering 10:00 am eastern time on my we can show. maybe the protesters know it or they don't but joe biden will be there but that's not the point. backdrop of the white house letting the feelings be known as they have done a lot of times of these protests could get antsy. will follow that. michael tobin will be looking at that as well and what local law enforcement officials are worried about particularly in chicago is democrats get ready to gather there for their convention. mike spieth to multiple police agencies getting ready for the big political conventions this summer and getting ready to use technology you might not associate with politics. the details are coming up. my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? 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[laughs] >> neil: but you survived that. that wasn't a big deal to you. and mom, it is back to you. was that, you and your husband applying subtle pressure, a little tv is fine from a little device used as is fine, were you policing that, any of the girls come all of the girls? >> well, with my oldest i know we started a rule that they couldn't have their phone in their room and i was really where it started, trying to keep them as part of the family. i never wanted them back in their bedrooms all by themselves. we tried to keep the family unit. we had tables out in our family room for homework, not let them be back in their bedrooms, so we definitely tried to keep everything visible all the time out where we were all together doing things. that was the biggest thing i remember. i do remember not letting them have their phones back in their bedrooms. and we also, we never emphasized social media. i will say my husband and i are not big social media people, we do not post a lot, and i think the girls picked up on that and have become that way, as well, which i think really helped because they weren't comparing themselves to people all the time. >> neil: very impressive. riley, we don't have much time, but you are off to college, where you going and what are you going to study? >> i'm going to the university of florida and i am studying biomedical engineering. >> neil: incredible at the it i can't even spell medical engineering. riley, congratulations, tracy, you are a great family. without any overt pressure, just letting your kids be free to be their best. that is obviously what happened here. very jealous of both of you. congratulations. it is too late for my kids now, they keep saying they are doing their best, they are not. here is "the five." >> just keep supporting them, that's most important thing. >> neil: all right. [applause] ♪ ♪

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