Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240607

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>> right now and the federal gun trial for hunter biden, the prosecution has rested their case, not now -- hunter's attorney has called one of the employees from the store that sold hunter biden that gun, they are also expected to call the owner of that store along with that daughter naomi, and the brother of james. hello, everyone this is outnumbered i and kayleigh mceany. joining me today, sandra smith, fox business anchor, dagen mcdowell. most of the kennedy save the world podcast, kennedy. and ian prior. yesterday, we heard salacious testimony from harry biden. the widow of the late brother, who began a romantic relationship and she testified that hunter introduced her to crack and cocaine. she also recalled the moment when she found a gun and hunter's truck and how she threw it away outside a local supermarket, you can see the footage there, this is the newly released surveillance video, giving us our first glimpse at the very moment set this case and motion. with that, let's go to lucas, outside the courthouse in wilmington lucas? >> that's right kaylee, as you mentioned the prosecution has rested their case and now it is over to the defense against hunter. in just a few minutes ago we caught a glimpse of two family members who are expected testify this afternoon. naomi biden that is hunter biden's eldest daughter. that is her on the right, on the left, that is james biden of course, at the, both expected to testify this afternoon. let us not skip over at the two witnesses, and did it make if they are forensic found cocaine residue inside the part is that they had the handgun, and we saw the sister-in-law and lover tossed the in that trash can. whether or not he was on drugs at a time he made that approach is that he is the crux of the prosecution's argument. this new testimony indicates according to the prosecution that he was indeed on drugs, the dea witness that they threw the text messages and offered more proof that hunter biden was doing drugs because of all the communication with drug dealers, by the way drug dealers that harry biden, the former husband who died by, both biden, they hd prosecuted routinely here and delaware. they take and practical witnesses both from the gun store where hunter barth the gun the six shooter, the same weapons that they used to the guys from the gun store rent a background check, and the owner of the gunship, the defense plans to poke holes in the two gentlemen's testimony about whether that form is legit, which of course and a 38 caliber it will hold off her right there. whether that form was filled out correctly. earlier this morning, we saw hunter biden, the stepmother, arrived at the courthouse this morning, after the d-day celebrations yesterday in normandy. there is no indication that the first lady plans to take the stand today, she is going back to europe to join the president but it is not clear who is footing the bill for that. one piece of staff here from human research, last year, only 1% of federal criminal defendants were acquitted and that could potentially mean that he might be pardoned but he said he is not going to do that ladies? >> kayleigh: thank you. it is interesting to see the first lady, coming from france and going all the way back and they are wondering if she will take the stand. >> it has been a big part of this trial. we see the first lady and you have to imagine how difficult this is for any of his family members, to sit and watch the evidence that has been presented in court as thomas was just detail and, saw in pictures how they look disheveled. holding these pipes, they watch a video of this cocaine/crack on a scale. and unfortunately, this is evidence of someone who is in the throes of addiction. this is what the prosecution is trying to prove, as i was just saying to you all in couch a moment ago when we were listening to that report, that defense is trying to say that hunter did not think of himself as an addict when he bought that gun. this is a very serious things for so many families who have lived through this or are living through this because often times addicts do not say that they are an addict. and the worst moments of their lives in the of addiction, they are not well enough to say that they are one. so, this is a tough one for both sides. >> kennedy this is a sad story. i am personally uninterested in the pictures of hunter biden and the details of his addiction, i really do hope he is better, for him and his family. 70% of americans have an addiction, so they can relate to this but this is not a story of the addiction but accountability. the laptop, we were told that it was not verified and effectiveness. how will this compare to the former presidents trial? the friendly territory for hunter biden, but not for trump, i believe in jury, so a lot of americans view that is not so much on the addiction but the accountability front. >> kennedy: they do, so many people who have suffered, they need to be removed from the active addiction and have a completely different context, take stock of your life, so people will understand that. but it was the bad choices that he made leading up to it, and also in his memoir he was very open about when and how he used drugs and how he got drugs. it was heartbreaking to hear his dead brother's widow, not talk about using crack cocaine with him, and the amount of manipulation and it took to get her to fall to such depth, with her dead husband's brother, but if that is creepy and disgusting. everyone knows this. anyone who looks at this case from a legal perspective, note that it is pretty cut and dry. the jury, more than likely will convict him and that is why the first lady is there. she just needs one juror to look at her, and be in all or intimidated by the biden mac machine. >> or sympathetic. >> again to that point. , the fact of this case are strong, they go on to say that they are a w a to -- i compare this o "the new york times," only quoted, and no state prosecutor in new york or wyoming or everywhere has ever charged federal election laws against anyone for anything not ever until trump. if, for some reason, hunter biden is acquitted, people are going to make the comparison ahead of trump sentencing where he could start off with jail time. >> ian: they should make that comparison, looking at this prosecution and the story, it is about addiction. someone who has let up depraved life. we have not seen this from the presidential side ever. i am sure in the 1800s before the mass media, they might have been instances of this, but the problem is not just his addiction. he was given access to the highest levels of power, by his own father. knowing that these problems existed. that is number one, number two, we have the laptop issue. we were not just told it was just nonsense, because we were told by all the highest form officials and in the intelligence community, but it was suppressed before an election. so, this story can this trial, and what it needs in the whole hunter biden story, it is a contrast with trump, and also showing that the left or do anything it can interfere with elections. >> kayleigh: yes, the former president -- i do wonder if "outnumbered" if i will pardon hunter biden. >> as we sit here in normandy, your son hunter is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, but let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome? no matter when it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled that a party for your son? >> yes. >> i don't know if he's a lame duck president but -- >> kennedy: is the verdict is guilty, the father will pardon him, the media will give them a pass for everything that. number one, he is lying, it is highly possible, just like the border is closed, and inflation is only 9% when i came into office. all he does not know exactly what he is saying, that is also possible, or maybe the fix is in? but hunter is on trial for illegally obtaining a gun and not paying his taxes, that is two things that his father is actually running, pay your fair share. hunter biden, he failed to do this. until he got busted for it. i have been thinking about this for the last couple of days, a presidential son and in his mid-50s and his name is bigger direct that big boy jr. -- the highest ranking american who stormed the beaches of normandy. he led the first wave assault on utah beach and he was harvard educated and very wealthy from his world war i service and died about a month later of a heart attack. he was awarded the medal of honor. that is the son of a president. that is an american. >> ian: one thing i want to add, he said i will not parted, but we didn't think he would commute his sentence, he could get convicted and leave the conviction in place. >> kayleigh: there is some nuance there. as we speak, naomi biden is testifying, hunter biden's old and my oldest daughter. as we get the details off that we will bring them to you. more "outnumbered" just a mo moment. including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> first there was dictator on day one, and the bloodbath narrative, now there's another disinformation step from the media, trump is out for revenge. after his interview with sean hannity this week, the media ran with these headlines. take a look. "washington post," donald trump says he had every right to seek restitution's of political foes, he said he will try to prosecute his political opponents. but trump did not say that, this is actually what he said. >> focus on those who want people to believe that you want retribution. that you want to use the system of justice so you can go after your political environment. >> has to stop, or otherwise we won't have a country. when this election is over, based on what they have done. i will have every right to go after them, we cannot have the stuff go one. because you know what, what president biden goes out, everyone says bye-bye, and that he gets and got a two days later and everyone goes after him? >> kayleigh: he said it was a terrible thing, after dr. phil's interview with donald trump, the media ran with these headlines. sometimes revenge can be justified. trump issues shelling threats. trump says that sometimes revenge can be justified and so on and so forth. you know how to go astray but once again they left out context. shocking. >> the word revenge is a very strong way. revenge does take time i will say that. and sometimes revenge can be justified. >> what if when you win this election, you said, enough is enough. too much is too much, this is a race to the bottom, and it stops here, it stops now. they have made a half a dozen or more major attempts to take you off the plane board, and you just said it stops now. i will forgive, i will not ever forget but i am not going to play this retribution game. >> i am okay with that i am. >> kayleigh: throwing the facts aside, they do not matter, because democrats want to stoke this fear. >> it is terrifying, frightening, i have a lot of conversations with former colleagues and people who are or were in the intelligence or law enforcement community and they may have worked in the obama administration and other places. people are really trying to assess what is left going to be life if trump wins a second term. on a very personal level, you deserve torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country. so they may avoid being unconstitutionally or illegally detained. >> donald trump wants to put them all in jail. he is unbelievable when he talks about his opponents, donald trump could roll the score on congress and the supreme court and he wants to own every one and all because he is the dictator. >> kayleigh: firing squad? i remember them pulling these mischaracterizations, but they don't have the focal and they do not care about the full quote. >> ian: they don't care about the full quote, and these people look like they are hallucinating, this physical manifestation -- trump brings up an important part, for the longest time, politicians violate the law, when they leave office they did not get prosecuted, you go back to the late 1990s, early 2,000, in 2,000, robert gray had hillary clinton making false statements in the travel gate investigation. they did not prosecute her. but now, we connected a situation where, russia gate, they started using the official leverage of power to start going after trump. once out of office, they found a new tactic and executed it. here's the question, if the next president is -- are they gonna continue the cycle or is he going to say, i am not going to do it. but those things, if you don't do it or look at people who are breaking the law, the process will continue the next time to get intolerant. so, it is a very tough decision, and something that needs to be fought through very thoroughly. we cannot have the weapons ionization of the justice system go after political enemies. >> kayleigh: donald trump did say enough is enough, so what is intime scared of? >> kennedy: the animal noises from the people, the cries of danger from these suppose it weaseled, they tell you that they think trump is can a won, and what they have done is come back to bite him where the sun does not shine. they know that they are screwed and so screwed. because never has a president and a party and the millions in the media has shown greater disregard for the courts, the legal system, and the judicial system. democracy dies in darkness and they are shutting out the light and cut the power to the home that we know that is the united states of america. >> kayleigh: what a great irony. meanwhile, trump is saying enough is enough, but here's the former fbi director suggesting someone may meet a jail sentence. >> i would say it is unlikely any white-collar offense of this sort, but he is begging for a jail term by kicking a flamethrower not to the judge but the entire process and juried. a judge will take that very seriously into consideration and decide whether to deter this person and to send a message more broadly and need to spend some time behind those bars. >> kayleigh: we must not clarify that the defendant he is talking about. >> he hates donald trump. and that nebulous narcissistic draft, he has no place in this conversation -- i don't want to hear word from james ever again. as far as andrew mccabe, i will buy the u-haul and rented for him and amy schumer and packet with snacks. and i will point into canada. go ahead and leave this country because you have created a apparatus that to your point, can be used as political weaponization. it is wrong, it is the structure that they have built in flight then and they are complaining about it? shame on all of them. goodbye. >> it is not a theoretical exercise for andy and his friends, because we had four years of trump, and we saw all these people who looked into trump, gleevec. >> a real reputable sources that they bottom for those hard-hitting interviews. it is not the first time that we have had people that claims that they would flee the country and trump is put in office, we have heard this before. with all of this huffing and puffing, from some in the democratic party, they are talking about the major dangers to those who are currently at the fbi. where is the screaming out loud about whether or not someone might have a terrace in their backyard because of the border crisis or their affordability crisis in america right now. there's so much to be scared of such as russia or china. but this is pretty rich as far as james. >> they were able to book dracula. >> they went out to say he is not scared of retribution because he has resources. >> ian: i wish that he could get up in front of america and say all the things that hillary did but we are not going to prosecute. >> we drew that conclusion before they even interviewed her. >> kayleigh: new outreach, and a small town, this democrat led council refuse to honor this fall at officer by flying the thin blue line flank common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> there is new outreach in this town after the democrat lead counsel refused to fly a thin blue line flag after police officers. an officer was struck and killed during a routine traffic stop last week he was just 34 years old. he left behind a wife, two young boys. he was laid to rest this past wednesday and thousands came out to pay their final respects. but earlier this week one of the town's republican council proposed flying the sin blue line flag in his honor, and it seem like a great idea becaut is a sign of respect for those who keep the community safe. but democrats on the council voted down that proposal calling it divisive. >> i will not support the blue line flag, that is the decision. that flag, was either created or either became very prevalent to the black lives matter protest. it is antagonistic even if you don't see it that way. and i do not think that is a good flag to fly, especially not with further discussion. >> kayleigh: the frog was created in the 1950s, -- they suggested that the flag is racist. >> it is now being used by white supremacist groups and other far right types of groups. and many police departments across the country and a state of the connecticut said we do not authorize or use that flag. >> instead of flying the blue line flag flag, they flew a ranrainbow flag instead. sandra. i don't understand, this is an officer who passed away. flags are controversial and they have historic meaning and people are weaponizing them to be something different in this kind in the face of a fallen officer. >> imagine voting that down. to fly a flag in support of police officers. that is what happened here, when asked about the flag, it is viewed as antennas and it did not antagonistic even if you don't see it that way, and that is not a good flag to fly especy not without further discussion. let's have the discussion. why is that a bad thing. she supported those police because everything she has set on the record, after voting that flag down, to be flown after his death, i don't see any show of support or solidarity with the police. she also said it represented racism. antagonism, too many people. it is not appropriate to raise this above town hall, especially with the flag policy, that prohibits us from doing anything associated with hate. it is incredible. >> kayleigh: the flag represents, the line that keeps us between good and evil, bad and wrong, criminals and safety, it represents the line and the police officer who this people would call on if she was in trouble. >> the toughest job, especially when it officers killed in a line of duty, you must acknowledge and display this and respected. especially if you want to have a civil society. why not be a little bit more respectful towards law enforcement and reach out. you elect these people and they come up with these unique decisions like this. frankly i'm surprised they are not flying the palestinian flag. >> kayleigh: i am too. meanwhile the widow, she is left with two young sons to raise, the husband is gone. here's what she said as she honored her husband. >> to my husband, you were not just my husband, uni home, my heart. my safety. my provider. my best friend. my secret keeper. my favorite gossiper. the light in our smiles will be forever dimmed. and the thought of this world without our life, it seems it seems imaginable. but as it becomes real, i promise to keep you alive in our home. in our hearts. and in our boys memories for forever. i love you. and i miss you. i just miss you. >> dagen: wow, i spoke to frank of tunnel to tell us on the phone this morning. and will be paying off the trooper's widow, their mortgage. they have two young sons, their names are troy and zachary, and they wear the light of the officer's life, as well as his wife, and so that mortgage will be taken care of. and that grief, they can focus on just rebuilding. and keeping him in their heart mma. but in terms of this grotesque display by these council council members, and in wethersfield, this is the town council. and so the people of wethersfield, connecticut, who live in that town they need to do something about it and that's just you need to get rid of them, because it is disrespectful. this is a stain on your town and it will be. >> the facebook page did erupt with harsh criticism, they do not want that to represent them, many of them are speaking up and out about that decision. >> the bigotry on display is the fact they would not sure why the flag, it is the bigotry and intolerance of anyone who does not fit in their left side. it is a rejection by these people of the ethical values. >> ian: what are we doing here? we just had a law enforcement officer who was killed. and we are sitting here catering to local town council members, and there flag disputes. there is a thin blue line and red flag and yellow flat, are those races as well? do i have to run these flags through the pc world police? obviously you can't fly the israel flag because that will be divisive, but other flags are going to be labeled by the left? hateful, intolerant. >> because the flag of the united states of america was carried on january 6th, the act is bigoted and racist. you cannot fly that either according to a piece in the new york time. >> the bald eagle as well you have to get rid of that. >> what do we have left? we have some more "outnumbered," coming up next. that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. 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>> dagen: either not cameras all around the store? they put these body cameras on the employees in case the employees get assaulted by the people who are doing the shoplifting so they have video footage of these individuals. nobody gets prosecuted for prosecuting for the most part. in california, let's organize criminal plunder stores, as long as you steal less than $950 and goods every time they you place. i did not know why they do this other than insurance purposes. >> whenever i get some of those ending reports they do report on theft happening in the stores, some of the stores like target have reported a large amount of their theft is done by store employees, it's a way of checking them as well. but we have to prosecute crime and tell the bad guys you can't do it and put them in jail for breaking the law. until we do that, none of this is going to fix the problem. >> you could argue that anything that is a deterrent for criminals, cnn cited a retail expert who said this deterred 53% of crimes, i don't know how you come up with that number, but employees have been killed trying to do their job. and if it can marginally protect and why not? >> unfortunately their employees loyal to their employer and they try to stand up and keep their place of business safe but those are the people like the two women who were working at lululemon, and they chased those shoplifters out of the store but they were fired and shamed. i way that these body cameras are also being used to internally prosecute the employees, and keep them in line. as much as they are documenting what is going on. because videotaping people only works if they have shame. people who commit this type of theft, they have no shame. >> i mean look at the screen, surveillance video, and they are still doing this. >> ian: in a competent world, this would be enough. but they know, even if i get caught, i am on a body camera, they turn over to alvin bragg, and he does nothing with it. who cares? that's the problem. we do not live in a sane world or a saint community. >> by the way, this reminds me of a headline recently, it was a spike in auto theft, a result of more people leaving their cars unlocked. that is what's happening we are not addressing the problem. >> victim blaming. how much influence what tiktok have on the 2054 race? a lot. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. 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"newsweek" is out that this headline, how tiktok could decide the 2024 election. that is not a hyperbole, last week, trump made his debut on the platform, and within three days, he had more followers than the biden campaign, who has been in it for far longer. the president and ceo of a major communication firm also thinks tiktok could be the deciding factor come november saying "they are both trying to figure out how to use tiktok effectively to pull off just enough of those young voters who will be critical to putting them over the top." not that easy to do because they were both born before even television was common in u.s. homes. sancho, let me start with a flashback. this is to the midterms, from "the washington post" back when chilled and republicans were numeral near tiktok, is what they said days before the midterm. president biden spent more than an arm week at the white house with a tiktok starts with the combined following of more than 67 million in the hopes that the post will turn out votes for democrats in november if midterms in addition to the oval office meeting they have the session with former president barack obama, the two of the supreme court and the capital and met with leaders of the dnc and the dccc, the reason i bring this up is because democrats have been wellington for a long time, this is important. >> am i wrong to say smart? do you have the trump campaign embracing it as well. how to be effective on tiktok, put it in a 52nd sound bite. because that is the attention span of somebody who is scrolling through their social media feed. so you can get a lot of information out in a really sharp. lack of time and you can reach massive audiences. it should not be denied, it is successful and not banned yet, but it is undeniable. >> that is a fact. >> use it or lose it because the 2024 election because donald trump is newly tied with young voters. the young voters get their defectors from tick-tock or social media platforms, so donald trump using this, the first video got 89 million views. >> what you are seeing is a recalibration of the useful and it's a very simple explanation as to why. people who are young, generally are not going to do what their parents path and to do, or teachers want them to do, or what the media tells them to do, they want to carve out their own space. so, to all of those, trump was the antichrist, but the younger voters, it is you know what, that is cool. i want to do something different than when everyone is telling me to do. tiktok is the place where you can reach that market. so should not be a surprise to younger voters are now more focused on this election and are backing donald trump in greater numbers than before, because he has become a rebel candidate that maybe he wasn't even before that i think that is why young voters are attracted to his candidacy. >> 350,000 is the rough ballpark where joe biden was when tiktok came -- but donald trump has about 3 million fewer viewers. >> millions more have been added since then. you have to meet voters where they are. and i hate to say it but donald trump has better sound bites than joe biden. to you point it is a lot easier to clip something from the former president, and to display it and make people laugh want to have a influencer clumsily tell you how great bidenomics is when you know it is not working for you. you cannot show any sound bites biden because he is like [mocking] >> meet voters where they are. because i saw democratic operatives say that the old game of saying here's my ground game, it is not enough. you have to go late night tv, social media, meet voters where they are consuming news. >> absolutely and by the way, joe biden does not have a accident. that was not a southern accent. >> it was a little too wea wealthy. the people, young people on tiktok are not there to be the general -- like carrying water for this lien on cheech and arian. they are not doing that. what they will do is amplify the issues that matter to them in the real world. and top of mind, number one issue according to at least one pole for gen z, home affordability. the idea that they will never be able to buy a home in this environment. 91% of gen z said that that would be the top issue for them. that is what they are going to amplify and here's the solution. donald trump. but who is the problem -- >> we have to be careful that tiktok users are just the youngest group, i've met with the ceo of tick-tock, and i met with him several months ago who showed me a chart of the user base and the age range and there is this sort of drop in the trial bearing and raising your children years like the 30s and 40s that sort of chopped so the teens and 20 something years old they drop and comes back up for the 50 plus an tiktok is not brand-new and has been around for a long time and you have parents on there, the facebook thing is happening, you have a massive audience in general. it is not just one specific group. >> parrots who like instagram reels, they realize who are actually born of tick-tock so when the kids are in school in your 40s and 50s -- >> somebody's gonna come up with another tiktok. okay, coming up, we are happy to have someone at the top of the hour to talk about the jobs report. polls are out and we will talk about -- if you know you know. we will also be talking about the latest hunter gun trial. do not miss it, "america reports" with sandra and john roberts. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive 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road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. ♪ ♪ >> portland's allen no shoes, it is rocktober, and things just haven't been the same cynthia '80s. the honor that. there's a new trend celebrating all things you just didn't say back then, like "just text me" or "just google it." if you are itching for more of those glory days, you're in luck. the '80s quiz show available to stream on fox nation right now, hosted by the legendary game show host chuck woolery, featuring some of your favorite personalities including our very own dagen mcdowell, who has and amazing '80s post on instagram. >> that was my outfit. the '80s live in my closet, kennedy. it was a blast to do. you just have to watch it for shannon bream. shannon bream and janice dean together, i never laughed so hard. >> and will cain, brian brenberg, together again. >> but especially shannon bream. i just kept tearing her behind me going, "sweep the leg, sweep the leg!" if you know, you know. >> what are the prizes? are there prizes? >> a delorean, obviously. >> fox nation, you need to get me on that show. i will beat you. >> we are all very competitive. i am just full of useless information. >> would you pick me to be your teammate? i was born in 1988 and the only thing i know about the '80s is ronald reagan was incredible. >> i don't remember a lot from the '80s. i'm a lot older than you are, that we are '80s -- >> i'm, like, barely 30. [laughter] >> you look like you're in your 20s. >> people who didn't grow up in the '80s know more about the '80s. i just don't remember it. >> bring me on the '90s quiz show, i'd probably be terrible at that, too. thanks, everyone. don't be dumb i could get to dvr the show. have a great weekend, but for now, "america reports." stay tuned. >> as we

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