Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240604

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anthony fauci world on a hill and as always, seems a little off. take a look. >> why was it so important in the waters not have started in the lab? >> it wasn't so important that the wires -- we don't know. soon it was important for somebody in the biden administration so much so the top people at meta, facebook are asking why we getting all this pressure to downplay the lab leak theory? >> sean: guess what, we have a dr rand paul, senator rand paul, the actual smoking gun e-mails, he put it in his book, doctor fauci avoiding accountability for years while gas citing the macon people every step of the way. that might soon be over. it would check in with rand paul, that is coming up. also denied, illegal immigrants according to this new report, the biden administration simply tossed at 350,000 illegal immigration cases granting impunity to a hundreds of thousands a and better to joe biden illegals without even at trial. also tonight, pro basketball start caitlin clark is that bringing fans into the wnba in an droves but many of her fellow wnba stars are not happy about it. some are even violently lashing on the court and by the way, 188 over at espn calling her the b. word, clay travis, tommy lyons, they will weigh in straightahead. but first one week after donald trump was convicted on all 34 bogus finally kills in new york's kangaroo court, the former president is now emerged more resolute than ever before. take a look. >> i say and it sounds beautiful. my revenge will be success and i mean that. it's awfully hard to see what they've done, these people are so evil. and at the same time of the country came together people say, can you bring the country together in the answer is yes, success will bring the country together. >> megan's on both side of the aisle including commentators even on fake news cnn, speaking out against what was a gross abuse of power for alvin bragg, everybody else and bob and this put the witchhunt. now the fundraising numbers are through the roof and made, the trump campaign, wab angle hundred and $41 million, nearly double april's numbers, the campaign says 53 million was collected in the first 24 hours after donald trump's conviction, 25 percent of those donors first-time contributors. while biden only leaves home for tiny barely attended short heavily scripted events, is 2024 opponent donald trump just attended a ufc fight in new jersey. he was warmly greeted, the place was jamming, packed, having fun, whopping, very happy he was there. anyway this is at the center, take a look. >> also with us tonight, 45, ushered in by ufc, donald trump is in the building, getting a standing ovation from the assembled masses here at the 302. [ cheering and applause ] boy, at the round of applause he's getting right now is pretty staggering. he had to imagine that was going to happen. >> sean: by the way, anybody want to see joe biden go to a major sporting event, probably get booted right out of the stadium. few americans even actually like joe biden, they know he's been a complete failure as a president and that's why democrats are resorting for lofty, weapon as doj, that's why they are in a full pledged panic? donald trump is calling on the supreme court to act before his sentencing, otherwise alvin bragg split a coke on job, allow me to slowly work this way, a variety of anuk records filled with partisan judges who hate donald trump. this laufer deserves to be rectified before the election? these questions must be ans answered? did alvin bragg withhold eight exculpatory evidence from the indicting grand jury, was joe biden donor judge marsh on obligated to recuse himself? what about the family conflicts? where donald trump's six amendment rights violated by not telling him the crime that he was even charged with? and if the trial, of even know at this point. did the judge allow prejudicial information during the trial? did new york even have jurisdiction on a federal election law? did the judge violate not one but two supreme court decisions, the latest in 2020, louisiana, it's jury instructions that are very clearly mandated unanimity over the jury on all issues. you cannot have four, four and four as you described. this laufer exactly an abuse of power, and we are monitoring yet another legal case, this one out in delaware. joe biden loves to say nobody's above the law but he might be soon singing a very different tune and that his very own his son is facing the possibility of real prison time. now this morning hunter patterns felony gun trial finally got underway, he is accused of lying on a gun application, why, in order to purchase a firearm despite his ongoing drug abuse. now this very same firearm in question was ultimately recovered in a dumpster near a school kid was put there by his brother's former wife, at his girlfriend at the time, and unlike the laufer in new york, while, there are no cooked up charges or aggressive prosecutors campaigning on we are going to get hundred biden! no, to the contrary. just the opposite of what you sign new york. this trial features actual evidence, numerous credible witnesses and if anything, i would say the deck is stacked in his favor. he is biden in delaware. take a look. >> the witnesses are rooting for underwriting, include in his ex-wife, including the wife of the late bo biden with whom a hundred had a relationship after bows at death, believe another woman that has an edge of hunter biden here. that is tough stuff for hunter here, what we want to go through that? >> out of thin keyword to present it is very damaging. >> sean: despite the evidence for a while hunter biden appeared above the law. this is a trial that was never supposed to happen, according to new york times, the doj's original plan was to charge hunter way that nothing, sweep all of these misdeeds under the rug and for a while, it was all going along according to plan, federal prosecutor david weiss dragged on what appeared to be a fake investigation for years, member he allowed the statute of limitation to run out on several serious tax crimes, could be in the recall them -- you then reportedly seemed content to wrap up the probe without any charges. then a little problem happened, was the blowers out of the irs, they sounded the alarm. the doj, wise had to move to plan b, what was plan b, that was a sweetheart a white steel, masquerading as justice. never before in the history of the country has ideal ever been that sweet! even to the defense being asked by the judge in the courtroom, did you ever see anything, idea like this ever before they have to admit no. no felony tax charges, no jail time, differed meaningless gun charge and nothing else. unfortunate for hunter, the plea deal collapsed after the federal judge starting actually ask real questions. in a statement biden referred to his son as inspiring by the way, i'm glad that he did get off drugs and i hope he stays off them. you don't want that for anybody. but of course you want hunter to get a fair trial and we trust that while, delaware, might lean his way. no american whether you name biden are trump should have to face a partisan witchhunt? nobody in the biden white house has of the decency to call out of the law fare against donald trump quite the contrary, we hear they were celebrating? in biden headquarters. in the white house. and by the way, why did the third highest ranking prisoner joe biden's doj tag why were the ever leading that prestigious position to prosecute a local case against donald trump in new york? clearly deeply involved, incompetent on popular president? the democrats maybe eight needed all the political help they can get in this appears to be the number 1 strategy. here with reaction, fox news contributor, jonathan turley. label a few of the areas identified, that president trump should appeal, because of the circumstances and the severity of the conflict in this case and constitutional issues that are at hand here, should be expedited. i think the american people have a right to know it will be overturned before the election. i would urge trump's attorney to pursue every avenue to get there. but would you advise them? >> while i think they are going to pursue every avenue, must say i do not hold out much hope that of the supreme court will allow them to go directly to the highest court for review. the reason is, the supreme court previously turned down jack smith, wanted to expedite his own prosecution of trump. anything that some of the justices are going to want to stay within that same lane. now that means it goes to the new york krone system and many of us don't have a lot of faith after this trial in that system, i think that initially at least, you may have some tough going. but i have to tell you, a thing of these errors are rather glaring and obvious. i cannot imagine this verdict being sustained and review. i just may take it while, it may occur later, it may not occur until it gets to the supreme court. i think the trump campaign has to assume it will not get a final review before the ele election. >> sean: all right, so we have july 11th sentencing. it is a clause white, class eight fennel knee? we had a up charge, of course,, the legal theory we spoke so often about. you have 70 who has never been convicted before, usually i would think that somebody would be released on his own recognizance pending appeal. i suspect anything is possible with the judge, will he tried to put him in jail, have him miss his own republican convention? is he going to have home confinement as part of this? how far does he go? >> well before i said in that courtroom, i would have said that all of these options were almost fanciful. i was really surprised when i saw in that courtroom, of what the judge was dead wrong on a number of his decisions. he ruled very heavily towards the prosecution, even liberal legal analysts have admitted to thoughts. but first of all, to sentence him to jail ultimately as an elderly first offender and a nonviolent crime would be just as such a huge departure from the norm and manhattan, and other records. that i think even a many liberals would object, they would say that you are adding to this notion of bit special criminal system just for trump. it's bad and now the effectively created a crime for him, is zapping the dead misdemeanor into life and coming up with this rather novel theory. in terms of any sense being imposed before appeal, i would hope that judge merchan would suspend it or allow the appeal to go forward. there are a lot of options here, if he doesn't go with a jail sentence which i think would be absurd, there is community service, it is home confinement. and most of these cases that think he would have a conditional dismissal. just the type of go out and a say no more, you are on probation, or parole, we are under review. i think that is what most judges would review a case of this kind. but nothing that has happened in this case is how things are usually done in the commode justice system in my view. >> sean: yes. ra, jonathan turley we will see, speak soon enough, a few days before the republican nationals. is a be interesting. joining us now, miranda devine, ran it was in the delaware courtroom today. let's get your general impression, we all know what the plan was, plan eight was no charges, sweep it under the rug. then a little inconvenient moment came, the irs was a. >> voice: plan b. was a slap on the wrist, no jail time, it will brush and again under the carpet. now, he gets appointed to be the guy to prosecute this case, what i think that he still is the same guy you're not one to charge him in the first place after he ran at the statute of limitations pass over on his watch? >> well,", year very perceptive there, and i saw an encounter between david weiss and counter biden today in the courtroom, it was very frosty, they came face to face as hunter was walking out the door, he was going to confer with his lawyers about which lawyer dishman jurors they want to try to knock out. and david weiss was going in the other direction with his deputies and the courthouse. and are they almost collided and hunter biden just forged ahead, not even looking at david weiss. david weiss had to veer around him when you can tell from his body language that david weiss is extremely uncomfortable about the position he is in. he is being a delaware insiders since 1986, he's been at the u.s. attorney's office. he knows that the biden's ruled delaware, that joe biden is basically the emperor of it is very small audit state, very wealthy state because of the corporations in america basically pretty much headquarter there. but it is a town of 70,000 people and is one of the jury said today, it is a small town. everybody knows the biden's. and it's unmistakable that joe biden's in town, it's unmistakable when you see dr jill biden, the first lady sitting in the front row today, very conspicuous in a bright purple pantsuit, she turned around, full phase to look out of the jurors when they came in and sat in the back of the courtroom. it's just secret service all around the first family, there were about five over them in the front row along with kevin morris. and secret service vehicles, the chevys outside, a chevy suburban's outside, flashing lights. people were stopping command the street saying what is going on out there it, and as hunter biden's trial they go right. for the cocaine. nobody really knows what it's about. but you know about the biden's, they know the power and they know that hunters a lot of them, the jurors talked about this sweetheart a plea deal that collapsed, they knew about that. >> sean: unlike president trump, you can think of a more favorable venue, miranda scribing right here. for is somebody with a last name biden to be not a courtroom and delaware. >> you know i'm a very much a traditionalist, i want to deeply believe in our legal system. what alternative do we have over the legal system does not work? rub your hands and say there's no justice in america? i want to be like that weight is increasingly clear that just as depends on wudrich you get get and what venue you get, it may not depend on the facts of the case. and in this matter, this case would have been settled and dismissed by a prosecutor who did not want to prosecute it had he not had a judge he said, a trumpet winner judge, was that he can do that. i'm going to hold you accountable. this deal that you're asked me to sign onto i will not sign onto it. can you imagine if it was a clinton avoided -- appointed judge or a writer and appointed judge, that judge would've ratified of the prosecutor's we deal, there would be no trial. that it brings me to the venue. i think all the facts in new york which exonerated donald trump, everywhere in america except the bluest of blue counties, was widely bought at the trial in manhattan, one of the bluest counties in america. same thing we are seeing in georgia, that is one of the bluest counties in america where they are trying to go offer donald trump on local charges. it is shake your faith in the justice system. i will point out to the justice department is prosecuting senator menendez, a democrat and this is hard because it just as needs to be blind. but i just worry so much when it merrick garland who reports to joe biden with a prosecutor who reports to merrick garland, if justice is nonbinding that all peaking at from behind the blindfold to figure out what the right ruling is to reserve their jobs. >> sean: is that at the beginning of the trial, i do not think that he could get a fair trial, and i could tell you, he did not get a fair trial. it was everything that i expected and worse. i have the opposite feeling h here, they are going to bend over backwards to accommodate of the biden's and delaware. just a feeling, you were in the courtroom, i wrong? >> it looked, i think that the judge is playing to a straight-backed. she was the one who overturned the plea deal in the first place by just asking a few questions about this very strange specialized two part deal that fell apart as soon as she did ask questions. but fight, eight oh, the jurors for instance, seven of the 12 there were finally selected today have answered the question that they have family got close family members who had addictions problems, narcotics problems and have been in rehab and so on. some of them had some quite sad tales, one man who did not get chosen but he was very typical, he had a brother and a brother-in-law who were both alcoholics and he said you know, it's a disease, it's tough for them. and the judge also said to jurors, when they were talking about of these issues, i'm very sorry to hear that. so just a lot of sympathy for addiction, you are saying in a courtroom now. and that of course is under his major, is that looked, he's just gone through rehab, he was sober at the time that he bought the gun, you know, be kind to him be he has had assuming tragedies. >> sean: yeah,, certainly the evidence is overwhelming. look i share the sympathy. of known people who have suffered with addiction, is horrible. but i don't see the same treatment in new york and that is a problem for our country. right, spee think miranda. when we come back, lept flop fauci world by jim jordan and house republicans in a very heated exchange on capitol hill today, we will show you the highlights, reaction from senator rand paul who turned that was right to the entire time. that is straightahead. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: earlier today, doctor flip flop fauci testified on the hill before a subcommittee investigating the origins of coronavirus, and while getting grilled by house republicans, fauci tried to rewrite history 18 he was pressed by jim jordan on the lab leak theory, fauci denied suppressing any theories,, she claimed to have had an open mind. really? take a look. >> at why was it so important devise not have started in the lab? >> it wasn't so important that the virus not -- we don't know. >> it was important to 70 in the biden administration so much so the top people at meta, the top he blood facebook are asking why we getting all this pressure to downplay the lab leak theory and we have an e-mail from june over the same year, june 4th 2021 saying the same thing, it was important to somebody we want what does that have to do with me? >> i'm asking you, you are the expert on coronavirus. why was administration so pushy not to have to lab leak theory summing i was viral? >> i've kept an open mind though the entire sunni you've covered open mind? did u.s. tax dollars flow through grant recipients to a lab in china? >> of course it was a sub award to wuhan spoon who prove that award? what agency prove that a report? spoons national institute of allergies and diseases. >> your agency prove that? does that have anything to do with the downplaying of the lab leak theory? >> no. >> nothing? >> no. >> do you agree that if there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory? >> and on my part. >> it really? us to an really! >> wow. >> sean: that is one of senators one of legendary's exchanges with doctor fauci. go down memory lane, you may remember the. >> the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from equal health to wuhan of created stars covid-19. that is what you are getting? >> it we don't know -- >> all the evidence is pointing it came from the lab and there will be responsibility for those in front of the lab including yourself. >> i totally -- this is insane. >> allows witness -- >> i resent the law you're propagating senator. >> sean: here now with reaction, covid-19 cover up that is senator rand paul, in the early months of the pandemic, senator, fauci expressed he was convinced the covid-19 virus was spread as a result of the lab leak. now in the earliest months in january, e-mails that you have written about talked about, that show just the opposite that they were in a panic and number 1 they may have funded it, number to the new gain of function research took place and coronavirus research took place and they may have funded it? >> at one of the very e-mails he gets from the assistant in january 2020, an assistant saying, oh my goodness, this is again a function research we funded. this is from his assistant. this is again a researcher function that we funded, how could that have happened because it never went before the safety committee. so yes, they knew very well guy quickly and they were worried about guilds. they we what about culpability be! they were worried that anybody's hands attach the money, anybody who prove the money going to wuhan would ultimately get blamed. so fauci actual organized a paper called proximal origins, he had five of virologists like the paper, most of them were well rewarded with large grants, christian anderson got $9 million grant about a month after this. meanwhile all these people were privately saying, oh my goodness, it looks like it was manipulated but publicly they were saying, it's a conspiracy theory. they went to thefivefnc these bras died, they told facebook suppress the story of anything coming from the lab, it's all conspiracy theory. so in no way was fauci ever objective, fauci leaned in on this, he pressed heart and you used his 40 years worth of q. weight of to try to suppress any story that this came from the lab. >> sean: and anybody who disagree was labeled a conspiracy theorists. but how soon into the pandemic do you believe dr fauci new that in fact it was gain of function, it happened at the wuhan lab and it happened with american taxpayer dollars? what are the e-mails showing you? >> and january 27th, is e-mails starting at 6:00 going across the ocean to england and back, is a go on until three in the morning. three and the morning anthony fauci sends an e-mail to the head of the safety committee, the head of the safety committee should have seen this research about never did and he sent them an e-mail saying i hate, nothing to see here, here is a paper that in all likelihood of this probably came from animals not allowed. wise's any that to the head of the safety committee? because the safety committee was never allowed to review this. for three years i have been asking the nih for their deliberations, if this is not gain a function, want to see the discussion between the scientists, fauci says oh, the scientists! the i'll say it was on gain of function been! led me see the deliberations per! one is he the arguments for and against, they won't really we'll those, they were tattered lower than the cia on those, and they have insisted really requests from democrats and republicans, the democrat chair of my committee has cosigned this request, it's over a year old and my individual requester three years while gagging have resisted, they have obscured, and according to fauci's assistant, that he threw under the bus today, according to him it was a targeted cover up and they destroyed e-mails and evidence. today the most shocking and disgusting thing was anthony fauci through david annemac to 20 year assistance under the bus and acted he never met him, he was never part of the local, had no discouragement axes to my office. opposite of what david morens says. >> sean: 's is the same assistant that sent that e-mail all my god, this is gain of function? >> different assistant guide what david morens worked for 20 years for anthony fauci, is called the special advisor to the head of the agency which anthony fauci is, but today fauci and on one fast no. the question is is, everywhere to get a prosecutor one day, maybe a new presidential administration that asked david morens under oath and said you were going to go get you a refund different punished for destroying records, you may seek prison time, would you be willing to give us a full story and what fauci nude and when he knew it? thing that is a great deal to be had. i think one of the reasons i don't morens is a fall guy here and they chose him as a fall guy, has been paid for over a year? not to work. he is on paid leave for over a year, maybe two years now. to be let me ask you -- let me ask you this, of the nih recently officially admitted, finally admitted, taxpayer is blended again a function. now we're learning that nih scientists received some hundred and $10 million in royalties from drugmakers of the covid-19 during the covid-19 pandemic, that is just a breaking dissenter, which are they making people know about that? >> i think when you have a drug company that makes a vaccine like moderna, and know one name, $150 million in sharing the proceeds of the vaccine, you have to wonder how anybody could be objective. moderna has a new drug, how can they be objective when i just received $450 million from the company? it really is a situation of, it's a revolving door between big pharma and the government, seventies go to put an end to it. hopefully the next president welts. >> sean: deception, the great covid-19 cover-up, you are way ahead of the curve, i wish more people would have listened to you about this. the origins of covid-19? nih spending. also something called natural immunity, nobody wanted to listen to you but you were right. senator thank you. when we come back, byron bradley now said to issue an executive order on the border, something he said he had no power to do, may happen as early as this week? at the border crisis spiraling even further out of control. you will check in with senator ted cruz and why all the hostility against lb against lb mba story caitlin clark? that is straightahead. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: alright tonight, more bad news for vitamins border crisis and an abettor divided and legal immigrants from venezuela showed two a new york city police officers in queens, new york. this is across the board in jul. who should we blame the most, i were to say joe biden. the same guy that lied to you for three years saying over and over the borders closed, the borders secure. here's a simple fact that biden will probably like you to ignore, first hundred days in office joe biden reversed nearly every single one of donald trump's safety measures when the stroke of a pen, as a result of that stupidity, the predictable chaos ensued and more than 10 million undivided biden illegal immigrants and counting have now poured into our country, money from let's say places like china, tens of thousands of them, and russia, and egypt and afghanistan and iran and syria and yemen and kazakhstan and i can go on. for a while biden just kept lying to you, the american people, telling you that congress could only congress could reverse those terrible border policy that he himself reversed with the stroke of a pen. but now with the election right nearby, 154 days away, time for an election year conversion, now joe is planning later this week a new executive order to finally address the crisis that he himself created. by the way, spoiler alert, it is a little bit more than an absolute failure and a political ploy on his part. in the meantime biden granted a kind of make a shift mass amnesty without is watching to 350,000 illegal immigrants according to data gathered by the new york post. amnesty, something of great value, will be vote for a spin! here now with reaction, texas senator ted cruz is with us. it's even worse and we thought. now we're basically allowing the people who stay in the country. and on top of it, were not even paying attention where it's coming from, here's a sinister part of those, trying to blame republicans, at telling them for three years the borders secure, then single public and sold signed the bill that will allow at least 5000 invited illegals a day under his plan, wendy would not go along with it they say i'm going to go back toward what trumpeted and with the stroke of a pen, i'll fix it, can you explain that? >> i can, it's the latest incarnation of what i call election-year camouflage. the democrats especially joe biden about all the democrats, think the voters are stupid. before the 2022 election, right before the election, giovanna released a bunch of oil from the petroleum reserve and it and of causing gasoline prices to drop? they think voters are stupid and don't notice that races are skyrocketing a navigator drop they think are things grate? though student loan forgiveness where he gives away is as he's giving away a trillion dollars right before the election, trying to convince a bunch of young people look at all this free stuff i'm giving, vote for the democrats, he knew it was struck down by the courts and at on this instance and immigration -- it'd not stop him but it's all about fake messaging before the election, this immigration order coming tomorrow and joe biden is going to stand up and say we are securing the border, and i will predict in the next five months, we're arctic one is he the numbers go down a bit. now don't be deceived by that, is just like the gasoline prices going down a little bit, you're doing this right before the election, doing as of the youthful indians in the corporate media say gosh, joe botton solve the problem, nothing to worry about. it's entirely fake, and we've had 11 million people invaded this country because joe biden and the democrats want 11 million people to invade this country. and that two nypd police officers chart, by venezuelan, in 19 old named bernardo, this is a name at a charles dakin, it is in spanish for he kills? guys middle name is a rival castro, is named after a communist murdering dictator, he came from venezuela and at what a joe biden do? let him go. and let him go, setting a what new york city is a great place for you to go, he shot two police officers. this is what joe biden is doing every day, this executive order you admits he had the power to do this three and a half years ago but he did not do it three and a half years ago. wants twentymillion on he wants 40 million it's because you used every one of these as future democrat voters. >> sean: that is the point, they would say republicans don't want people of color, in the great replacement theory, i don't care where every different anybody comes from, if you come into the country legally we have a chance to vet to you, a couple of things we need to have the, as security background on you, health check in light of what happened with covid-19, and the different beyond that attest to make sure you want to be a financial burden on the american people. then it senator i don't care where you come from. welcome to the country. >> there's a right way to go speeding other giving amnesty on top of it. something of great value, a path to citizenship which would lead to what, i hope you vote for us, we are the ones i gave that to you. meanwhile you pay $10 million to get it to australia. >> a look that is exactly right, listened there is a right way to come. you come legally. as you know i am of the son of a cuban immigrant, you know my dad, he came in 1957 from cuba, he'd been in prison, he's being tortured as a teenager in cuba. when you came to america, he came to texas he was 18 you cannot speak english? teenage immigrant hundred dollars in his underwear, but his job was washing dishes 50 cents an hour. biting a white he came legally, he got a student visa, went to the university of texas came to work, and i'm getting a job, started the business, today he is a pastor. that is away would come, we are a nation of immigrants, we welcome people who come legally but the democrats don't want legal immigrants, the open it up, the open it up and invite every murderer, rapist, gang banger, terrace to flood across the border. what happened in new york this week, that two police officers shot, that is happening every single week, people getting shot and killed by illegal immigrants go biden and the democrats have released c3 has blood on his hands, and when these people from either china or russia or iran or syria or yemen or egypt or afghanistan or kazakhstan, you know, one of those terrorist cells which i'm pretty certain i'm hoping i'm wrong but i don't think i am -- >> at the order. and they are telling us they are here. >> sean: it is a matter of when not if. there will be a lot of dead americans and they will have blood on their hands and you know what its unforgivable. it is a clear and present danger and it's unnecessary. senator ted cruz, thank you. when we come back, deley nba rookie superstar caitlin clark getting a lot of unwelcome treatment from fellow players, we will show you what happened again this weekend. we will have reaction, clay travis and tomi lahren, straightahead. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: outrage continues to grow over the violent horrific treatment of wnba players superstar caitlin clark after she was literally hip check it, it's on hockey by an opposing player during a game with a saturday. you can look at it in there, the incident only the latest and the strength of hard fouls against the star rookie which is drawing criticism from the sports world, for example espn stephen smith saying that it players could be jealous of her popularity he is correct and missing the best opportunity of all time because of she does well and brings a lot of people to watch the wnba, in as stephen a's said, rising time will that make rising tide will lift all boats back meanwhile pat mcafee is facing backlash rightfully so, for using a descriptor to defend caitlin clark and here's what he said. >> would like the media people that continue to say this rookie clause, this rookie class, no,'s call it weight is, this one white [ bleep ]. who is a superstar. >> sean: like the jim cramer of the sports, he apologized for his comments on his show, still a jackass and a buffoon and a horrible host,'s biggest problem well will tell you what it is,'s eagle cannot handle living in the shadows of the far more popular, way more talented stephen a smith. here is with reaction, tomi lahren and outkick founder, clay travis. look, i will give pat mcafee credit, you see the entire rise of the wnba, white be superstar. let's give pat mcafee a lesson 101 on broadcasting, i don't care what the context is, you don't ever, ever, ever, ever call a woman that word. to, end of sentence. then you will have a more successful career if he survives it which i hope you does because in a call for peoples canceling sore firings, tommy? >> at well listen, obvious he has a woman i don't believe you should ever call another woman that name, especially on television. that was definitely a misstep. by the sentiment beyond the words he used was correct, in this antiwhite aid towards caitlin clark is exactly that. it's antiwhite and i'm not saying that because i just came up with that, you go to other folks in the media like sunny hostin on the view, jamal hale, former espn saying that very thing, the reason she is popular is not because she's a star athlete, by because she is white which he has of a privilege. they are the ones making this claim but i can guarantee you this, that if caitlin clark was it taking to me and she would salute blm and all of this might dissipate overnight, but because she has not done that here we are. >> sean: i guess is in a certain initiation that anybody goes through, a transition from college basketball to the pros, okay,, welcome to the club, it's a little bit more rough-and-tumble here. i can live without clay, by the way, caitlin has to live with it. she is paid next to nothing for the first four years of her career except what she might make an endorsement -- endorsements which is probably significant bushes opening the door for every wnba player to get richer. and i'm looking at this looking really, this girl is one of the most phenomenal natural players i have ever seen! >> i think it's a hundred percent right, if you watch that hip check there wasn't cameras running but that is exactly what sean did when i started working for fox news and the greenroom, he took me out! he said welcome to the team! >> sean: if i were to take you out, you would have known it. as been training for 14 years but go ahead. it's a great story. >> you would have choked me out. look at hear is the reality, tommy is right, is not just raise, is also sexuality. caitlin clark is a white to heterosexual woman in a black lesbian legal and they resent and/or are jealous of all of the attention and those who deal that she got and instead of recognizing the truth that which is great athletes that people care about coming into your league really do make everybody more money and, hey, can get your charter airport flights and started flying commercial, remember when tiger woods came into golf? he took golf to an entirely different level. even if you do not when you tournament, every golfer a knot tournament made a lot more money. this does not really exist in men's sports. they need an enforcer honestly, i think, to run around on the court and actually protect caitlin clark because he don't seem to be able to do it. >> sean: why do you say lesbian league? i don't know anything about the sexuality of any of the girls in the wnba? >> is 70 percent lesbian. and i think her having a boyfriend, i think it's a fianée who by the way said there needs to be an enforcer, creates two a different identity politics universes that she does not fit in this league. they don't like her because she is white and they don't like her because she is straight and as a result the league is coming undone around her even though she is bringing in fans b3 they might bring to the wnba, nba version of the former flyers in the broad street bullies would by the way fighting does bring a lot of attention to any sport and i favor of it. more "hannity" straightahead, thank you eyes. 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[applause] >> ♪ ♪

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