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trump from being sandy has raised raised no more than $20 million since donald trump was convicted on those 34 felonies including $100 million reportedly from billionaire donor merrian evenson. but the white house are saying about all of that and will how much the trans- paris campaign by comparison, we might find out soon. -- high everybody, i'm neil cavuto -- that will have you -- maybe some surprises in that building nine. over the uk jackie. >> good afternoon, neil. that biden campaign is not reading content's -- instead they're responding this way and also seeing them had a great stretching and fundraising of their own. >> have no doubt that the relation of an amount of money because his base we know is going to stick with him threw thick and thin whether he's a convicted felon or not. this campaign did in fact -- have one of the best stretches of fundraising in the campaign. >> campaign did not specify how much they've taken him during the period they described as one of their best stretches of fundraising. also do not specify long a stretch was are what it was trump ally say 200 million indonesians in the verdict with 17 million from small dollar donations means they are -- they're pulling into supporters and that can translate to new voters. >> what we are seeing is never campers calling me and saying tim, i'm on the bandwagon now. i've seen daughters will be on the side lines this entire process now jumping in one of the reasons why we saw more than $15 million raised in 24 hours. >> biden will hold his first campaign events and the in connecticut today. there are no cameras inside allowed the fundraising reporter -- reception but reporters will be in winter gage just how far presidents will go hitting trump for being a convicted felon which his campaign wants him to lean into. >> and his president should leaning into this going forward. 's competitor is a convicted felon and you can only imagine if the situation was reversed, they would be going after joe biden with a vengeance. >> but other democrats like congressman dean phillips say that trump benefit from that kind of messaging. he addressing the new governor kathy hochul should pardon the former president so that you cannot train himself as a victim, neil. >> docu heinrich at the white house to thank you as always. want to go to sarah beckford when a political correspondent from ask yours. let me ask you a bit about all the money raised in how the white flowers is dismissing as essentially as, you know, money from front -- trump loyalist, party mem members, some might have gotten off the fence but it's all the same ground. what do you think of that? >> well maybe the total dollar amount doesn't matter that much although we can argue that both ways. at this point, money, neil, is a proxy for enthusiasm and what you are seeing from content donors and potentially trump voters is that they are very enthusiastic. now like in the white house -- argument or campaign argument may be carry a bit more water will be a didn't transcend their own mark -- talk about how great they are and how much they are sort of destroying president trump in the fundraising game. know my big cabinet on this and you and i have talked about this in the past, money is probably not going to be the determining factor in the selection. money is really the determining fashion -- and that was the case to which one will be the democratic senate candidate from the state of maryland, he's not, or jeb bush would be the republican primary candidate in 2016. so yes money matters, if you're a campaign you'd rather have it not having but more than anything it tells us directionally where the energy is in both campaigns. >> neil: let me pursue that a little bit more with you, sarell. eric trump adjacent to a fact that a third of that new door was coming from people who are not given to the campaign for, where there is camping or any other form -- so what are we to read into that? >> i think hans is right, money is a pretty good metric for measuring voter excitement especially when you're looking at the small dollar donations and you're looking at people who maybe have not donated money to the trump campaign before this moment. and so i do think there are these types of indicators that this has gotten new voters activated, you know, there are a lot of polls are sort of showing that when you look at reliable voters that is voters who cast a ballot in 2020, boy in the 2022 midterms, joe biden he -- tends to lead him over those voters but when you look at voters would have to be without kobe be didn't vote in the midterms and maybe that it even more in the last presidential election, haven't been paying close attention, donald trump tentatively pretty significantly among those voters so if you can activate before generally to act with some incitement, with some anger about this verdict, and he put himself in a pretty good position. >> neil: guys maybe even help me with that yellow thing which is not going to jail thing. obviously we are waiting, you know, to july 11 on that senate saying -- sentencing whether biden sends him to jail even briefly or put him under house arrest or have to sort of chillout in one of his several homes. and wondering what the impact of that would be. obviously jail is one thing, you know, cooling your debts is mar-a-lago is another but what do you make of it? >> i have a pretty firm position on you and that is to avoid. i don't know if there particle and procedures for that one way or the other but other countries have a tradition of people being incarcerated or being imprisoned or being unjustly or wrongly imprisoned or not and having political comebacks. we don't necessarily have that in our country, that has not been a tradition, is not to say that it can't happen. and, you know, united cup you won't -- you know me i like to speculate but at this point i think it's safe or not to speculate because we simply at the country don't know what it will be like to have a major -- if it happens, to have a major candidate, a major political party candidate, incarcerated or imprisoned while they're running for the presidents of the united states and we should assume to be very humble about already doing sort of game that out one way or the other. >> neil: i did like your initial fielder, not to be in jail. sarah in the meantime, the precedents is an tiktok, the former president, something he was trying to shut down when he was the last president. just wondering what you make a great. >> you know, i think -- you can take a look at how many more followers that he gains quickly then joe biden who has been on the platform for a while back if you're looking for another small clue as to weather enthusiasm in this race is, you know, thank that tiktok puts a lot of politicians in a conu conundrum, but has it does present at national security risk and it pulls well to sort of be against that risk but yet it's a way of reaching a lot of young voters. by the way donald trump intends to be making a lot of those young voters right now. you my own -- you might want to have to press that -- >> neil: and as a popular purview to a lot of the -- young voters. i'm wondering if -- if you're looking near term outweigh any other controversies, what are your thoughts? >> well, yeah, i think the numbers are very clear in that. and the biting team knows this as well family want to reach out to young voters which is why the right hand campaign is an tiktok as well. that is another tough decision in politics being an tiktok apparently isn't one of them because both campaigns and trump himself is on there in the biden company wants to improve both they're overall numbers with young people and also enthusiasm. and the israeli, you know, one of the key thanks we will be looking at going forward is -- there's a lot of talk about independence and how they will be processing this conviction. but in general when we look at this rate we are looking at work biden is lagging where he was compared to 2020 which is a hispanic voters, black voters and young people. and those -- lighthouse is no -- under no illusions one that you look at what they're doing their try to increase those numbers. >> neil: i think it removes any doubt that i might have had that tiktok is going to be shut down when was the presidents and that last president wants to be the next president are actively using and taking advantage of the site to make a sound like one that is going to be forced to, you know, to quit the time soon. >> you know, there on until they will be. tiktok -- bytedance seems to be making moves to position itself to maybe for a some sort of transfer -- >> neil: wait a minute young lady are you saying they being overtly political? [laughter] >> i'm saying i don't think that a 23-year-old tiktok users will hold these candidates personally was possible for the benefit -- hypocrisy every tiktok users themselves. >> neil: i have a 23-year-old, i'm going to ask you -- hear that very question. guys, thank you both very much, sara bradford, hans nichols and all that. in the meantime it no sooner is one big truck compete in another word monarch -- big one involving the president. [applause] son, hunter biden, is getting started. and quick start of that. they respond with mark. >> jury selection moving quickly they're about to their final pool of 36 jurors that started with 2050 this morning, have to get down to 12 best four alternates. the bottom line we could have opening statements as soon as tomorrow. i have a full rapidly from court, next. >> ♪ ♪ not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! 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[applause] lawyers say they will appeal the conviction from thursday and they say they will win the defendant -- >> mr. trump: everyone tells me this is the easiest case legal smirk know the only problem they have is that so far my opponent -- will numbers have gone up. >> former president trump and -- is ultimately what is trump of winning an appeal. 's lawyer todd blanche has cited a variety of legal issues that he says could ultimately overturn thursday. [applause] verdict. blanche vows to -- stretching of the statute of -- imitations. -- election and,/in that but guess what, trump was never charged with those infractions. blanche was also shot down by judge one sean when he tried to claim in his closings that trump was just relying on his lawyer's advice that of michael cohen but the court did not allow him to do that because it was not part of the defense. and trump defense has started -- cited stormy daniels her salacious testimony that should never have been allowed to say even though something that the defense was at fault for letting her answer all those questions. defense wants to raise judge juan rochon. [applause] 15 million-dollar petition to president biden's 2019 campaign -- clear there was no conflict reportedly did you try and one is warning because it is against the -- for judges to take political decisions. as for an appeal some court observers now have not given much of a chance immediately that in order for an appeal to win, trump's lawyers have to grow it -- show egregious this -- judicial misconduct are a very glaring district -- mistakes by the judge -- and they don't think there is just there but we won't know until the impala court gets this case, it will be submitted until 30 days after july 11th. that is when the former president is right now set to be sentenced your back, neil? >> neil: eric alper thank you very much. not with other charges revving up in delaware, david spun on one turbine and endocrine trials at the st start. sir? >> neil we are moving fairly quickly with jury selection considering this type profile trial -- we are not going to 36 jurors which is considered in -- last four alternates will likely we could see an opening statement begin potentially later today although it is getting late in the day but likely early tomorrow. so for all of the jurors have -- questions far enough or somewhat aware of this case. clearly gave her the name biden being from delaware. hunter biden and his wife melissa coed bite and walking in the federal court house this morning, he's been in --'s cards with lying, three felony counts of lying on the federal gun form in 20-foot -- 2018 were claiming he was not a drug user their mind the judge asked jurors opinions about drug use and gun rights. hunter's attorney expected to argue that hunter was not a person who checks no on that drug form. instead he he may have been someone else discussing the potential chain of custody issue. also in the courtroom the first lady jill biden showing a sign of support. neil, today happens to be her 73rd birthday. her daughter and hunter's sister ashley biden also in the courtroom permanent biden family taking notes counter whispering, they're paying close attention to this jury selection. president biden is about 15 minutes away from where i stand and parkie right no and hit wellington home but -- bloomington home, but he not physically here but is that he released a statement saying, "as the president i will and won't -- confidence in him and respect for his strengths. our family has been through a lot together and joanne i will continue to be there for hunter and our family with love, with our love and support." if convicted, hunter biden could face up to 25 years behind bars but court watchers say that in unlikely. we do expect though this trial to go about two weeks possibly towards the end of next week when jury deliberations begin. neil? >> neil: david carr think you very much. david spent in wilmington, delaware. temper our legally illegal -- legal eagles countdown uniform or -- also rebecca rose woodland new york, trial attorney, thank you for lower hard work and great insights throughout, you know, one trailer after the other and here we are with hunter biden once i appreciate that. john yoo, i did want to first explore with you the trump appeal and where that might go and that it might wait until after sending -- sentencing. what is the procedure for something like that? >> usually he would go up to the state court system after sentencing which means you would go to what's called the appellate division in new york and then you go to the court of appeals which is really the state supreme court. and from there you can go to the u.s. supreme court. that process for most defendants would take years. it usually would just take a year if you were lucky enough to get to the u.s. supreme court but -- which is one -- and actually issuing indecision. but there are some plausible ways that the trump team can try to leapfrog that and get to the u.s. supreme court as soon as possible you do the extraordinary nature of the case involving a former president, involving an ongoing election campaign. the odds of something like that are slow, is almost like a hail mary pass that when the guys are playing or that are playing, the eagles or something like that. but is from here as possible. >> neil: i don't like any of those teams for what it's worth but i digress. rebecca, let me get your take on the risk of cooling off on an appeal until after sentencing back and sentencing commands if an appeal has been started or is that a moot point in this particular case? >> so in this case, john is exactly right. in new york we wait for sentencing, sentencing in the final this -- decision in the case. after sentencing then the appeals start. i totally agree completely with john yoo. i agree with former president who is on fox and friends yesterday morning, that this is the matter of national importance and the supreme court should and could take this up from the trial court level. there is nothing prohibiting the supreme court from actually hearing an appeal now. of course,, trump's legal team would have to request that the court hears such an appeal. it is, of course, nothing we've ever seen before but nothing is restricting it's because the supreme court has absolute jurisdiction over matters of national importance and in this is not a matter of national importance, what is? this is the presumptive republican candidates now moving forward towards a possible sentencing when he is trying to campaign for a november election. >> neil: let's switch to hunter biden in that case. the more i think of what hunter is facing now possibly if he's guilty of these charges, 20 plus years in jail at unlikely grant you. but it does bring you back to that the below is almost signed, sealed and delivered until the judge unattempted well, that won't change the world and it? >> it was an example i think of hunter being too greedy trying to get too much in a plea bargain. i really don't know why they are going to trial. hunter should settle this case and it probably would involve some jail time but this is not like the trump case mactier he is guilty think i'm dead to rights because basically he checked the box say that he was not addicted to or unlawfully using controlled substances the caribbean on the form where he buys a gun. it's an easy yes or no to -- you sign it, they check the box, or not? it is unsound to me that -- if you're going to make a claim or defense that i wasn't illegally using drugs, that's going to open up a whole another set of questions that i would think hunter biden doesn't want it out in public what his that is running for president. so because they tried to get away with a plea bargain when he served no jail time at a all, the judge said that can't be the case and a firearm charge where the facts are so clear and that is what doomed hunter's pdo. >> neil: and we haven't even got in to the next -- but rebecca we are learning right now that the jury has been chosen for the past, 12 jurors for all -- for callers are ready to go there, i guess they couldn't -- they sent a couple of weeks but i am wondering if his son is convicted on these counts, the president would be in this odd position if he sentenced to jail a. that would be a case, bargaining his stand in election-year are what he would even entertain that the risks of that. what do you think? >> i mean i think that the president, joe biden, said he will not consider a pardon for his son but what he said what he does if his son is convicted argument different things. if this is convicted he will be facing jail time. i don't know that the 25 years will be in play. there was that the deal that was thrown out marketing what happened was hunter biden also wanted immunity on some issues regarding china and ukraine and his dealings with those foreign countries and, you know, the judge in this case said that is way too much to ask for a plea deal on a firearm charge where drugs were related drugs were involved and you committed arguably allegedly, he committed, you know, falsifying documents and he had a handgun while he was continuing to be addicted to drugs. i mean, this is -- i agree with john yoo again. this is the case emma there is really nothing here for the defense. the defense is coming up with some arguments that he didn't check the box about the drug use but he signed the form. i don't know that that will fly with any jury or mechanism really make any sense. so what we are looking at here now is at some point during the trial possibly, i mean events might try but i don't know if the judge would even allow to discuss details further with the president pardon him. it would be i think terrible for him in the political landscape as it is no but will see what he does. >> neil: unless he did after the election. nothing to lose if he lost the election but i'm getting ahead of myself. wrecker -- rebecca final word on this, john yoo thank you very much. a lot of developments on capitol hill today. you might have heard that anthony croce -- dealing with the covid-19 mess and what he knew and -- let's just say it got pretty heated. >> the accusation being circulated that i influenced your scientists to change their minds by bribing them with millions of dollars in grant money is absolutely false and simply prepos preposterous. >> ♪ ♪ who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ >> neil: meme mania returns. game stop scoring 21 axios today, mc 11% apparently -- felder goes -- roaring for both and they were on it when e moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? 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>> no. >> dr fauci did you ever conduct official business via e-mail? >> to best of my recollection and knowledge i have never conducted official business via my private e-mail. >> fauci is also pressed on whether personally profited very phishing from his work during the cobra crisis. >> dr fauci, how much have you earn from royalties from pharmaceutical companies in the pandemic began in 2021? >> zero. >> democrats are just dealing nothing new from today's testimony, arguing it was a big waste of time your back neil? >> neil: what happens now? >> basically he left open the possibility that we may not be ready for the next pandemic and so there's a lot of concern about -- a lot of those lawmakers about who we truly -- will be truly be ready and so one would expect the republicans quickly new the investigation this evening and nick moore dox and find out what they're looking for but bottom line there is concern about the future and whether we are truly prepared. >> neil: got it. mike emanuel thank you very much. mike emanuel on capitol hill with all of that in the meantime joe biden promise they will take executive action there's a lot of republicans have been telling him to do for some time. going to meet one republican senator one that says that the border is an issue in his executive action plans -- after this. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. 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>> that is not accurate. we've been enforcing the law from the one despite the political rhetoric. >> neil: what he's been seeing as well senator is republicans wanted to undertake executive actions that that's what we're doing he said. >> while this is the same person who said that the border is secure and then admits they're releasing up to 85% of the people that come across the border. i have zero confidence in alejandro mayorkas. is proven himself to be dishonest with congress and is honest with the american people. i don't think he's certainly change. i don't expect any change other than president biden is going to point to this and say now i've gotten religion on border security he has not and nothing will change except for he hopes his poll numbers. >> neil: you know, senator if i could switch gears. larry hogan seems to be particularly ostracized by laura from corp. -- and apparently it is backwards mobley to his statement perspective verdict in the donald trump has many case but she went on to say that this ridiculous gop senate hopeful larry hogan is definitely -- it's definitely bad for the party. i'm paraphrasing here. and would not support him there mckee is he is a very good chance at his schmuck at his post and right now turning a bluesy red, what are thoughts on that? >> what i think of president trump is elected as i hope he is then governor hogan will maybe that pathway to a senate majority which meant we could actually -- we can set the agenda and we can do similar things -- in the minority. i think it's too soon to be saying we don't need this candidate in the state or that state to win. we need all of them doing so we have a sizable majority so we can govern the country and change the direction of the country which the overwhelming percentage of americans want. >> neil: her beef apparently is -- larry hogan defending that trump trial and that was a no-brainer fortran ten family and for donald trump maybe on the way to him -- not worth it, not worth picking up that seat if he's the guy particular. what you think of their? >> i will distinguish, you know, i spent 13 years myself as a judge in texas on the state that. our distinguished between one governor -- what he said and common on i believe the jury did do their duty and they should be respected from saying there's a big difference between saying that in saying that the judge instructed the jury appropriately which he did not. there's a lot of reasons why this case should be and i believe will be reversed on appeal. unfortunately that won't happen until after the election. >> neil: but the way that she's handling that a scorcher of the public and national committee saying not worth it, he should not be that guy seems to be screaming unclear. and that -- does not concern you if it's a candidate in any of his positions who might appear to be anti- trump and that is enough to say you should not be senator? you should be a representative copy should not be elected? >> nothing i've heard governor hogan say would tell me that he would not be a part of the republican team that would change the direction of the country including one president trump in the white house. there's a lot of things were going to need to do, neil, that we cannot do unless we have the majority of both houses. one is to avoid a 3 trillion-dollar tax increase when the current tax cuts and job act individual provisions expire next year. so i'm not willing to say we don't need this republican state. meet all the republicans were running for the united states senate to win we can get the majority back and we can see the country. >> neil: message for should shun the guy, should shun him. you think republicans should shun him? it sounds like no. >> no i don't. i think it would be a mistake. governor hogan is the only public and who can win in solid blue maryland and i think we need him if you can win, it's going to be a tough race but i'm not discounting or disregarding any of the candidates who we think can help us get the majority and help us turn the country around. >> neil: you were eyeing, you know, replacement mcconnell, you would love to be the senate leader gaheer of a very good shot at that. you would have to balance that c. larry hogan gets in the senate cannot trump wi winds, with those type of issues, how you feel about that? >> neil, the truth is we have a pretty diverse republican congress from senators from maine to senators from texas and all -- everything in between. so this would be a part of what we due in ascendant on a daily basis is trying to build consensus. but i think are appropriate -- variety should be trying to pass that present schmuck president trump's agenda and save the nation from the $3 trillion tax increase in reverse the policies on the disastrous policies of the biden administration on the border. we cannot do that without a majority. >> neil: got an. senator, always good talking to you. senator john cornyn from the beautiful state of texas, let's see what president biden -- in the meantime the latest right now on opec contractors to get to us at the last second, after this. >> ♪ ♪ (♪) this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah... ...and enjoy more not flashes. you could save on veozah. visit to learn more. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: when it comes to gas prices you might say that that she can just hit the f fan. a practice that several times because opec and opec plus countries -- minus of course the united states calling about riding in production which invariably would look -- lead to -- didn't quite pan out that way but again the fear is that there is where we're headed for. -- on other things besides just who gets to the oval office is about treating power -- bob it didn't rattle wall street to much today but the notion that opec would consider this now is curious. what do you make of it? >> it's really the first sniff of more stated production by opec and opec plus that we've heard in coming up on about three years really. is about two, two and a half of the official cuts and we had the voluntary cuts after that and this idea that the extent of these production cuts to have such a bullish forecast on the market for next year when you lie, forecasts for crude oil demand, you always say that opec leans towards more demand versus say the eia or the iea out of there is. there are always more balanced i is more towards green energy. >> neil: but -- your next -- and sequelae under so if you just -- bottom line is supply and demand. if they want cut back the supply without the demand and raise the price and quite work that way they. what we really document. >> the answer to my pullback the voluntary cuts starting in october 2024 so the market took it as a potential for more supply. >> neil: meantime everyone is waiting for the federal reserve to see what it does grandmother a couple more prominent folks who seem to think that way, is just not going to happen this year, people might want to see it, not everyone but it is not realistic. what do you think? >> if the fed was looking for something to hang their hat on it could be this morning's its arm when factoring pm especially the new orders components which fell deeper into contraction territory remember manufacturing uses energy. was part of the reason you see some of the specular really out of there who'd oil lawns and water that was hedge funds -- were trying to get -- so that is another part of the weight that we thought include oil today was this manufacturing numbers which kind of week this morning's piece we really quickly, how do you like the market as we go in june here. -- crypto didn't go away, but -- what dc happening now? >> i'm starting to worry a little bit because when you look at the invasion numbers there rounded moving harder. we have three -- executive months now when a month over month cpi figures meet expectations to the outside. that is not good news for consumers. lec numbers like the gdp lower then the previous quarter and a manufacturing supply manager survey that i just mentioned. that is a slight snip of stagflation which is not just a mark -- markets. markets are spotted with an outside yet but markets are a little bit slow because they have a natural upward bias because of long -- only mutual funds and retirement plan that always by stocks. some little worried about us being a little bit copy here but is simply no time to panic. >> neil: watching closely. bobcat with you we're thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> neil: were mentioning invasion one thing that has gotten out of control this homeowner's insurance and the like and that is coming at the worst time for people to buy a home and even those who were building those homes and doesn't just like know it and see it. just? >> see what that guy is doing up there, neil? that cost a whole lot more days, putting a house together. and that is why your home insurance premiums are rising. the full story and explanation when i come back just a moment. >> ♪ ♪ slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? does big wireless really believe that these things actually work? 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>> is the first week of hurricane season 2024 and the forecast unfortunately is amped up. know here in key west as beautiful as it is, there are major concerns about what potentially could occur in the months to come in a couple main issues, are sealevel rise which has been affecting really all of america's coastlines and around the world for many years. were looking almost a foot of rise per decade. on the home that that water you see behind me, the temperatures at the surface are indicative of what we normally see in august has officials and residents very worried. >> ♪ ♪ >> south florida region word interest tropicals systems world and every year. >> ♪ ♪ storm surge often inundates shorelines and communities and with a changing environment, there is much concern i hire sealevel means war -- more water gets pushed to shore during a storm, which is that this aspect of a hurricane. >> ♪ ♪ >> is not a sealevel rise back is increased hurricanes and increased hurricane intensity is. were starting to talk about, six hurricanes that have never known anyone's radar before. >> we hope that this forecast this year does not come to fruition but right now all signs are pointing to a devastating scenario in the coming months. >> neil: thank you for that. no wonder that a lot of potential homeowners looking at the price of homeowners insurance are trying to skip it altogether if they can. jeff locke has more on that from new jersey. just. >> some skimpy and because they can't afford it, neil,, other people can't get even if -- part of the reason is what robert was reporting in there. take a look at where the claims are, when inhale yes stuff from hurricanes of big driver of higher premiums -- home insurance premiums up 38% since 2020. about a generation homebuilder here, john giuliano, tell me where everyone -- cost more? >> easy the cost of copper, steel, aluminum, even the increased gas prices. everything is brought here by a truck. so it's going to be dropped here in the prices are going to go up. you see the lumber we have here, those prices are so volatile, as demand is going up, those prices are going to continue to rise. >> look at what this guy is doing behind us. maybe you see it. that is called osb, oriented strand board. that's about $10 a sheet at the start of the pandemic. it went up to what, $50? >> about $50 a sheet. to give you an idea, there's 300 sheets in the average house we've built, so that comes to between $12,000 and $13,000. >> added cost. >> it's not quite at that level now, it's more like $18 a sheet, but i do still doubled the price of pre-covid prices. >> so not as a perfect storm, but you got the perfect storm of storms, and everything costs more when it goes to putting everything back together. i guess that is kind of a perfect storm of high insurance premiums. >> and if you think about it, if you're getting a mortgage, your lender will usually require it, and so -- >> you have to get it. you're absolutely right. only the people who have their homes paid off can afford to ditch it, but what if your house burns down? not a good thing. >> it's a big roll of the dice. thank you for that. jeff flock following all those developments the hurricane season expected to be pretty active with about two dozen storms, some of that including the category 3 or higher. the breakdown tends to be that we might have half a dozen of those. but it's anyone's guess, making a living and some of these places with millions of new residents, in the case of florida, 2 million over the last couple years. some of those folks have never ever experienced anything like this. so they are learning, presumably, and it could be the hard way. meanwhile, taking into delaware right now. hunter biden, the jury selection is set, they've got their jurors and alternates. i don't believe he has left the building yet. i do know jill biden did a few minutes ago. she was there in support for him today, but that trial gets going tomorrow. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >>

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