over. >> this is a case it should have been brought. we will be appealing this scam. >> it is irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged, just because they do not like the verdict. shannon: has the verdict playing with voters? >> i think it's a complete failure of our justice system. >> the system of justice works big boxes what is of the person former u.s. imprint president convicted of a crime will ask our illegal p legal pam about ts prospects on appeal and the possibility of jail time get reaction from biting sarah get ro khanna and senator tim scott. what will it mean for down ballot races come november? i see you going to tell your candidates to talk about this? what city to be prepared and they all agree this is been a sham at trial. bill: has exclusive for montana with senators steve daines head of the republican group trying to flow control be set and are r sunday panel on why chief justice declined an invitation to new democrats over the alito flag controversy. then, world leaders prepare to mark 80 years since allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy. >> indeed day i it's argued with him a single important in the last century. not just for the united states but for western civilization. shannon: all this week on vaccination. shannon: hello from foxnews in washington. president trump racing tens of millions of dollars in new donations and planning to appeal his criminal conviction. his legal team and juggles of several other state and federal cases none of them likely to be resolved before the november election for speaking out this weekend an exclusive interview with fox and friend on the fox news channel. >> i did absolutely nothing wrong but i mean absolutely, think of it. i hate what they say bookkeeping, this and that it is not. think of it expense i use the word expense, legal expense. i pay a lawyer, a bookkeeper without ever speaking to me because they did the right thing he was bewho has been with me f. in other words they paid a legal expense is marked down as a legal expense and they said that is a fraud. >> ain a moment house speaker mike johnson joins us with a reaction to the verdict and to news the president is expected to announce executive actions on the border by tuesday. but first, what is next to president trump and his legal team as hunter biden's federal gun trails had to kick off on monday? let's break it down with george washington university law professlawprofessor jonathan tua fox news and assistant district attorney tom depree. fancy meeting you here at. [laughter] we are packed together to talk about what happens still to come. could trump go to prison and deciding the sentence the judge may away the underlying seriousness of the charges due to their ties to the 2016 lection as well as the decision to go to trial or accept responsibility by pleading guilty. jonathan, you and i spent a lot of time at this courthouse watching this whole thing play out with anything surprise you from a judge merchan? >> and noel. after watching him in court the very concept of jail for something like this would be otherworldly and ridiculous. after watching in the courtroom i must say i have some doubts in my mind. it would go against the overwhelming weight of past cases. you've got a nonviolent offense by a first offender, elderly defendant. i will be very surprised. there is a menu of other options from committee service, to home confinement. the dismissals what most judges are thinking of it. basically go out and sin no more type of warning. you are still under supervision. if you commit an offense they get really tough on you. if he does go with something that is like community service or confining him to trump tower trump could get a suspension pending appeal from a higher court. then they away into the calculation for judge merchan. shannon: ' is talk about appeal but that's coming. some of the best bright spots for the trump legal team on that front. stormy daniels testimony of the statute itself, the vagueness of the underlying crime, the fact defense expert witness brad smith or severely limited in what they should say. that presidential immunity we are all waiting o for the supree court. when you think is the best option on appeal? seventeen number of options at their disposal pit may be the best what is challenging the notion the fraud, misdemeanor dissent legal distant legal and. presto they have 34 felonies. the jury was instructed on those long thin difficulty grappling with the instructions. i suspect the trump legal team is going to come out pretty hard on the idea there was an underlying predicate crime that was sufficient to convert this from a misdemeanor to a felon. this argument on the exclusion of the bulk of their expert thet testimony i think the trump legal team the jury needed to understand the ins and outs of election law in order to decide this case that prevented us and put on the testimony we need to hear. shannon: hindsight is 20/20 how the prosecution to come u with e defense did, how trump's team blew it this aghast essay it's an opinion piece but they write this, set up telling a simple story mr. trump's defense of the hap hazard of denials and personal attacks that failed to focus the jury on that weaknesses in the prosecution's case. anyone and everyone against little by doing so. jonathan, your response to that? >> was always monday morning quarterback imprint of talk to some members of the defense team they feel the best that they could. and quite frankly you could have been clarence darrow and loss this case. i was hoping for a hung jury for this is a hung jury or conviction case. once instruction schema is almost guaranteed for conviction for there is not a lot of room there. this is what i tell people he should not blame the jury necessarily paid those obstructions were a poison pill instruction set. they left very little room for the jury they were told over and over again there were violations in this case they were ordered by trump. they objected to that and judge merchan overruled every one of those. but they heard in the courtroom is not too surprising in terms of a conviction rate did create this target rich environment for appeal. that appeal is likely to play out after the election. but for most americans it was obviously divided sbr politically. this is something we are not used to. for many of us is was a political prosecution. and in my view we have not had this type of politicalization of the criminal justice system since jon adams. it has really been an awakening for many people looking at this and saying maybe this is where our rage is taking us? we have to look again at what we are becoming at this will be the new norm. shannon: for republicans to respond in kind to do it they accuses democrats of doing here which is using the legal system for political purpose we will discuss the calls for that and where they go if that's her best strategy. meanwhile i want to make sure we hit on the hunter biden's case. that gun case unless there is a last-minute deal, goes to trial starting tomorrow with jury selection. when one of the filings d.o.j. talks about what they like to include as evidence. the defendant laptop is real. it will be introduced as a trial exhibit and contain significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. moreover the evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources including witnesses bits corroborated by the defendant's own admissions in his book. this is both a legal and political headache for the biden family. >> oh for sure. this throws getting fascinating to watch play out for the justice department sang hunter biden basically light on these forms he filled out when he went to go buy a firearm. what they're going to used to prove their case is his own testimony in his own book or he talks about how you struggling with addiction. they're going to be calling people very close to his friends, his family, who are also going to testify he was addicted to controlled substances of the time he filled out these forms of the time he possessed the firearm. i've seen the defense argument, i do not find them very persuasive for the going to argue that even though he was addicted, maybe he didn't know he was addicted. i don't find that persuasive it is going to be fascinating to the justice department forward with the prosecution next week. cook so much of what we've have heard this week, this year's the campaign would clad in courtrooms and not necessarily on the campaign trail. we will watch this one and pick your brains again very soon. appreciate your time. we turn to the middle east there's news overseas cautious hopes and israeli plan could finally get the hostages still pelt and cause a home for their loved ones or fox news foreign correspondent and trey yingst is on the ground with the very latest on negotiations as the clock is ticking. cooks a good morning. we are closely monitoring developments out of the middle east amid reports of a possible cease fire. present biden laid out a plan for a proposal that if accepted will be implemented in three stages for the first stage would see a six week a pause in the fighting with israeli troops withdrawing from causes major cities. female and wounded israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners for the second stage would lead to full negotiated cease-fire a third stage would involve a major reconstruction effort in gaza the release of dead israelis are being held by hamas. qatar negotiators relate all these details of the plan to have boss i us in a statement ts news that resistance movement the positive the views was included in the speech of u.s. president joe biden for the president urges really hard letters to accept this agreement and bring an end to that war per there is growing anticipation about the fate of this proposal. understanding it is a last ditch effort amid a failed diplomatic efforts. back to you. shannon: trey yingst in israel thank you so much for charlie to speak about this and much more speak of hous house mike johnsod speaker johnson welcome back to "fox news sunday" precooked strait to be with you as always. shannon: a star in the middle east. we try to get something to the floor that deals with the icc. international bodies are condemning the prime minister. their case asking for arrest warrants it. it seems like the white house was interested in doing something that would push back on the icc. now it seems they have changed course. that's not going to be the case. house of foreign affairs mike mccall said we want something that can become a law but we are not interested in a messaging bill. it sells at this bipartisan agreement for the icc. the segment we are getting from the white house not what can you pass you think the president might sign? >> we hope to determine that by this afternoon for these negotiations have been ongoing with her democratic colleagues. we are working very hard as chairman mccaul indicated there. we do not want this to just be a political exercise. we think it is important for republicans and democrats to stand together and send a message of the international community the abuses of the international criminal court, the icc cannot be allowed to go forward. the idea president biden would backtrack on that. he would disagree with us. we should impose sanctions on icc officials when they are threatening to arrest and the defense minister of israel and their war for survival is to us unconscionable. help the white house is a light on this. we have got to do this. we need to do it next week. my intention is to bring that legislation to the floor if we have to do a republicans only we will. i certainly hope the democrats will come along with us on this. shannon: you dig it democrats to come along on the invitation to pry minister netanyahu to come speak and address congress but you dig it chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries to join when it seemed like they may not at one point. not everyone is excited including independent senator bernie sanders. he said it's a very sad day that prime minister benjamin tran was been invited by leaders from both parties to address a joint meeting of the u.s. congress. netanyahu he calls in a war crime is not going to attend. it does in a fuller same to israel's got a right to defend itself but not to kill tens of thousands of civilians, destroyed universities, hospitals, homes. how do you respond to his characterization? >> bernie sanders is parroting the talking points of hamas and the ayatollah and i run. at that as a side he wants to choose, so be it for a democrat colleagues have to make a choice are they going to stand with our most important alley in the middle east at this most desperate time as has been traditionally the case. in washington we had bipartisan agreement we have to stand in solidarity with israel but are they going to take the new side and stand with her boss? and the ayatollah? bernie sanders' choke was chosen a side of her other colleagues will stand up into the right thing we desperately need it. israel desperately needs it. he is deeply concerned we did issue the invitation for the joint address to congress but i'm very grateful it finally went out for it i would note i sent the address of the of the letter back in mid march 2 chuck schumer. took them quite some time to agree. we've finally gotten that done. and i hope that we can get that scheduled here in the coming weeks. shannon: i want to slee use the trauma verdict and talk to that quickly would ask what the news this morning we come from the white house and the president is going to take executive action on the border. you've been pushing him to do that for a long time. we do not know what it is yet but do you give him credit at least for taking that step kuester. >> i don't to produce too little too late. he signed a decibel show the american people somehow he wants her address the issue that he himself created. we documented 64 specific executive actions present biden secretary mayorkas at dhs took over the course the last three and half years beginning on the first day that president biden took office. to open the border, why question of the did it intentionally and has had catastrophic effects upon our country will be living with for decades to come. now he was issued executive order to show oh no he really does care about the issue for the only reason they do that. because the polls say is the biggest issue in america. i receive is a border state. travel to over 29 states and done events and 117 cities as of yesterday by the last six months. there's an energy out there. people are motivated the first question that comes up in almost every public form is what about the open border? why the world would present biden allow it question he did more than allow it he engineered it. everybody knows that. shannon: suit spins out as early as tuesday of this week. clearly it you think it's a travesty as many people do. i think having watched the trout there aren't many grounds, fertile territory for the trump team to use on appeal. that's going to take time. this a number of republicans out there saying you guys seem to turn around and do the same thing. jon, you write in this are problems have to bring charges against democratic officers, even presidents. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrents necessary to enforce a political version of mutual absurd destruction for the other side pegging you and writing about how high the temperature is up and says this appeared we have to ease up. we have to stop enjoying our hate so much but we cannot go on indefinitely like this. are you or rate republicans will be perceived within the very thing you are accusing democrats of, of using that legal system for political purposes? >> here is what i believe it. we are the rule of law party. chaos is not a conservative value and we have to fight back and we will. with everything in our arsenal but we do that within the confines of the rule of law. we believe in our institutions we are conservatives and trying to conserve the greatest country in the history of the world for its institutions are an important part of that. our system of justice is an important part of that. we will do with our tools in congress and the houses we will use our oversight responsibility boo vardy done that. judiciary jim jordan issue request for alvin bragg, the d.a. and manhattan and that lead prosecutor to show up for hearing on june 13 in our select committee on the weaponization of the federal government because that is what they have done for the purpose of the hearing is to investigate what these prosecutors are doing at the state and federal level to use of politics. political retribution go after political opponents and federal officials like donald trump. that is a really important thing for us to delve into and we are going to look at special counsel jack smith who we believe authority as well. of th mechanisms to control for that. it's at jurisdiction i think that can have the deserved effect and show the american people were not going to tolerate this at the end of the day listening faith in the system of justice itself that's a serious threat. shannon: are almost out of time i went i want to quickly ask yot something that may need clarification you set on freight the supreme court should step in the justices on the court i know many of them purs person they ae deeply concerned. now, or the critics out there one who covers the court with me part of the supreme court press corps wrote this he said fascinating to hear the gop speaker and has admitted to having private conversations with multiple justices who expressed concern to him about trump's conviction but i'm sure those justices will recuse them and eventual appeal to avoid sitting on a case they prejudged i did not take your comments mean that specific conversation but i want to give you a chance to clarify. >> no, think of course i've not had conversations with the justices spread know their character, their personality. note that said in the past with a deeply concerned as we are about maintaining system of justice. chiseled on the marble above the front doors equal justice under law. they are concerned about maintaining that idea paid we all are it's a necessary ingredient to keep a constitutional republic that is what i was referring to. i think they are concerned about using court rooms for politics and political retribution but we all are, we all should be, every american. that is what i was referring to in their heart of hearts they are concerned about just like we are. shannon: will see the trump team will take more expedited route get to the justices and see how it plays out. thank you for your time. >> thanks jana, appreciate you. shannon: up next we have congressman ro khanna and center tim scott talking polls, campaigns and shifting positions for both candidates, shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. >> the good news is that i think we have set a record beyond all records for fundraising. shannon: president trump fox and friends this week about how the guilty verdict against him in the new york hush money trial has led to a flood of new contributions into the tens of millions for his presidential election campaign. somebody is campaigning with them joining us and out south carolina senator tim scott. welcome back senator. >> thank you very much, good morning, shannon. shannon: will talk about this the republican spinach is going to motivate your base. angry voters are motivated voters and their anger about this verdict. political ads this sink trump simply cannot beat president joe biden's relying solely on the boats who think his legal trials are political scampi is only path to victory is a coalition that includes many republicans and independents who find him deplorable but think a second biden term would be even more so. so, what is the plan for president trump to reach out to people who may not love him at this point may be at nikki haley voters, independent others who are skeptics, other than the grievances what about campaigning on policy and reaching out to the spokes directly? quick shannon, there is no doubt this verdict has brought unified in our part without any question never trump is calling me and saying to him, i am on the bandwagon now. i have seen the two-tiered justice system working against the president of the united states they can work against me too i've seen donors have been on the sidelines' entire proce process. now i'm jumping in when the reasons why i saw more than $50 million raised in 24 hours. you are at one 100% writes the issues that are going to drive the results of this november 5 election will be can donald trump close a southern border for the answer is he already has a close the southern border. can who bring inflation down under 2%? the answer is it was 1.4% when he left office. can he create jobs for the poorest americans? goodness as he created more than 7 million jobs with the highest percentage going to women, african-americans, hispanics and asians. what we know about four years under donald trump is with low unemployment, low inflation, high enthusiasm along an order and our streets but with had the exact opposite under joe biden. we've had incredibly crushing inflation leading to high interest rates. crime in the poorest communities devastating single mothers like the one who raised me. it had the greatest invasion in american history across our southern border. it's unsafe o for joe biden on y one we start unraveling border security put in place by donald trump. shannon: you were or he might be reinstituting some of this week given the reality of what's happening there. seven campaigning with the present on the ticket. the betting websites have you in the number one slot potentially being vip. you and doug going back-and-forth this week. one of the issues were it seems or may be a split with you and president trump is the issue of abortion. back when you're campaigning in iowa you name checked him and others who you felt would not set a limit's. some type of federal ban for president trump a said there's not going to sign a federal ban is to be left to the states. mike pence said this when that news came out. his retreat on the right to life is a slap in the face of millions of pro-lifer americans voted for him. long to see minimum national security protection for the unborn and federal law. today, too many republican politicians are all too ready to wash their hands of the battle for life. i know you are passionate about this. there are states that you have a limit on abortion up to a due date. are you willing to concede that position? or would you fight to push president trump if you are his vice president to reconsider that federal ban that i know you care so much about. quick shannon you are one 100% right. the republicans are all pro-life, honestly. the democrats in the senate have already voted to allow for abortions up until the date of birth. and it goes beyond that. born or former governor of virginia pediatrician democrat said perhaps even in -- is okay i found that find that a moral t question however the supreme court has already ruled this is a states issue. president trump and speaker johnson both said this will remain a states issue. it is consistent with the supreme court. we must make sure we allow the american people to see the absolute extreme position of insanity on the left. a states rights issue on the right. shannon: knowing you feel that is so extreme, wouldn't you want to at least have a conversation? do you think president trump will respect you would listen to on this issue if you are going to say there states out there that have no limit whatsoever. you are saying democrats have a terrible position. but if they do, wouldn't you want to limit it in some way? >> i can so the voters have spoken for iran for president and the voters had not now. the voters of our party want president trump leading the party. they have been embracing his position on the state position of letting communities decide the issue of abortion rate that is a settled issue for our party. frankly it's one that takes that issue off the table for the democrats who have the most extreme position on abortion. shannon: okay, we'll see if you join the ticket formally. if you have any news come back and let us know pretended i was good to see you. >> yes, ma'am, thank you shannon. shannon: california congressman and democratic ro kha democrat e back to "fox news sunday." >> thank you, shannon. i was good to be on. shannon: let's start here political said this week after new round of polls democrats are in a little blown freak out mode over president biden. a pervasive sense of fear has settled and at the highest levels of the democratic party over his reelection prospects. even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with donald trump. are you one of the democrats freaking out? >> i am not, shannon. the last 20 years that national elections are always very close. there are usually decided by a few% in a few states. this will be a very, very close election that is what democrats recognize it as a hard-fought battle but left th preventive ar economic vision and showing what were going to do on people's lives. shannon: on the economic front when he read you a headline from yesterday to opinion pieces that jumps out the reason biden is down the pulled inflation as they add what is really killing president biden every voter, every day things cost you much. one democratic strategist was worked on presidential campaign said this. the frame of this race is what is for three and half years under biden or fort years under trump we lose that every day of the week and twice on sunday. a lot of candidates i really think president trump is poll after poll shows us economic reality for people at home is swaying them in his direction. >> they do not think the frame is who did a better job in the past. who is going to do a better job in the future. yes, the reality is prices are high prices are high for eggs, milk, for gas. that question is who is going to make a difference on that? president biden has an actual plan to reduce child care costs to reduce housing cost to take on the concentration grocery stores resource to reduce the pf eggs. the question is what is president trump's plan right what is he going to do to lower inflation that should be the argument. >> it was 1.4 under him%. we know it spiked to 9% relatively historic highs over the last few decades. present biden' is fought to get that back down. there is improvement people are looking at the grocery bills, now compared to three and half years ago they are 20% higher. that is a conversation it seems is not getting fully fleshed out. people or the next and they fill up their car or get groceries they are not seeing improvement what they are seeing is three and half years versus the previous four. >> there is no doubt inflation was lower before covid id. but covid happened and inflation started to rise under president trump. and then continued to rise under president biden buried there is a bipartisan spending under both presidents. much of the good that led to the vaccines, that led to america having the record lowest unemployment and the war that led to america have the best recovery from inflation in the western world. the question now is how do we continue to get inflation down? would we do on house and come on child care on taking? clear vision what i would love to see is what is he going to do in the future? how is he going it prices down? shannon: i will say he will want to take credit for the vaccine getting down on his watch on operation at warp speed. let me turn to this he spent the week i thought the big tech folks. some of them but have been quietly some are openly talking about the ring support and money over to president trump it or possible third party. an election cycle ago after silicon valley had to go into witness protection to support trauma. now cohort tech investor says i say at this point bigger disagreements with biden that with trump b trump he, by the wy supposed host a big dollar fundraiser this week for president trump. what is your message to him about whether he has it better deals biden or trump when it comes to tech issues? >> look, silicon valley folks are independent but they would not be entrepreneurs if they were not contrary and an independent. make a case is always for entrepreneurship, for investment things at the chips act to bring semiconductors back paid for investments and advanced manufacturing bird for wealth generation in modern economy across the country. that is what this convening was. for a still [bleep] 78 -- 80% of silicon valley entrepreneurs are for present biden. it's not 95 or one 100%. we still are the party of entrepreneurship. >> has kept you busy this weekend, congressman thank you for making time for us. good to see you. >> good to see you, shannon. shannon: aptness first senate republican campaign shares senators talks strategy at his montana home with our aishah hasnie gop tries to win back control the senate in 2024. then our sunday panel is in on this partisan clash that justice recused them cheap cases he tells sanders thanks but no thanks to a one party invitation switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. shannon: chooses election day and a handful sides with new jersey, south dakota and montana alden presidential and state primaries. republican seat montana some of the best opportunities or try to pick up a senate seat this november flippy balance of power here in washington fox news congressional correspondent transports out the senate gop campaign chair centered steve daines and his montana home to discuss the odds. >> montana sender always has his eye on the target. that passion is what he is in charge of winning back the senate for republicans. the first time ever the chairman exclusively invited us to his home. to talk strategy. >> do you think you'll win this year? >> we will get to 51. as a gop victory could run right through his backyard. montana is one of three toss up states in a highly favorable for republicans west virginia poised to turn red, he only needs to pick up one more state. >> and stone 22 was a bus to percent republicans. what makes 2024 different? rex number one we'v with gratifg candidates that can win general elections have a broader appeal. number two we've got to change from election day two election month. weird putting it very much turn it on election day. >> is daines is talking a former president trump to turn out voters despite the conviction in the new york hush money trial. we talk frequently work very closely together. >> trumps legal trauma spilling down the ballot maryland senate candidate larry hogan told his followers on x to respect the verdict that hit a nerve with the trump campaign's senior ther advisor who shot back you just ended your campaign progress so think larry hogan can flip maryland but he is going to run his campaign he will run his race and president trump will run his race. i thought the try was a complete champagne truck toughest battle may be the dramatic fundraising gap with democrats. >> is building out the grass roots digital fundraising effort that's been very important for us in 24. this year's prize he says is personal. >> so many montanans are very, very worried about the future. i am. the future of this country is going to be decided in 24 per. >> there is already talk about what is next for steve daines if he does when the senate. president trump has encouraged him to replace a gop leader mitch mcconnell daines tells me he does not have aspirations for that. not a flat out no but says he likes to spend as much time as possible here at home. >> r8 aishah hasnie in montana thank you very much time now for sunday grip to break that down the hill national political reporter julia manchester senior political analyst juan williams, resident fellow of the american institute post- call this an fox news contributor marc thiessen. the ronald reagan institute direction director roger zakheim there's a lot to pick apart and that piece let's start talking about larry hogan situation. he tweeted out people should respect the legal process and the verdict immediately got slammed by trump campaign officials in your campaign is over. roger they know if they want to try to pick up that seat, larry hogan is going to have be as independent broadly appealing as he cait can be. >> it might have helped larry hogan and merlin that we came out larry hogan knows how to win and maryland stopped flowing that republican national committee he's got to be independent priest got to draw for democrats and it's very local or state focus campaign. if you look at his commercials out it is all about republicans cannot rely on my vote i am an independent let's work twice and it meant a great opportunity to win a third time republicans don't that's how you get a majority in the senate. shannon: it helped him in the past and by the we've got a piece that was steve daines who is really trying -- it's a goodd for republicans and look at the map. still a heavy lift. >> on the points he makes them in the interview is that if republicans do not take back the senate for sure they will not take it for the next decade. right now republicans have eight pickup opportunities nine if you count larry hogan no one had larry hogan on their dance card as he pointed out. but in the next two cycles there's no one running in pickup opportunities and biden states. so there are no rinses to pick up if they do not take it now whoever takes us out the senats time a hole of her decade. >> and now we look at how the guilty verdict is going to plan for president trump because he has raised tens of millions of dollars. punch bowl said angry voter is a motivated vot voter that's a gop argument they are very angry following the blockbuster verdict. juan, do you worry it turns them out the sem semi semi overturniv wade has turned out democrats? >> no. the trump base is not moving away from donald trump. i must say with regard to the senate races i think a lot of those democratic incumbents in fact are looking at abortion as an issue. are looking at corporate excesses as an issue, china. those democratic senate seat trump as divisiveness as we just discussed and marilyn. it is a problem for hogan. but in terms of the general stuff you think of any ordinary politician a conviction -- 34 felony convictions people would be think maybe we should remove this guy from the ballot going into the republican convention. we are not seeing any of that. that is not even a point of discussion. republicans are standing strong behind donald trump. he is their hero. it's now a civil conviction on business fraud. he lost a defamation case for sexual assault. and now the 34. the reality is for democrats you have a different set of incentives in a different set of incentives for the democrat is the verdict brings them together i do not know how many democrats are to meet this week while, finally, finally. all the lies in the bullying friend he got caught someone from the hell this man accountable they are energized on the other side of the equation up in the air the people have been voting for haley and democratic primaries the kind of swing voters and i think this verdict penetrated anybody's media bubble everyone knows what happen. >> the white house and the biden/harris campaign us and think about how they manage this because hunter biden is going to trial potentially tomorrow without a deal and could end up a convicted felon potentially's got a september trial that could lead to the same result if convicted their wall street journal editorial board has this advice, mr. biden has advised better to say nothing. if he tries to explain conviction as campaign think voters will have more reason to believe mr. trump when he says the prosecution wasn't political from the start. >> look, shannon, we have seen before this verdict came out biden trying to skirt this as much as possible. he was knocked talk about trump's legal issues. think that was probably a smart move. we know that when voters are going to the polls they are not thinking about trump's at trial for the not think about hundred biden's trial for their thinking about inflation and the situation in their pocketbook. even foreign policy to some extent. this is just not on the radar in the same type of way. however, that'll change this week starting with the courthouse, robert de niro, that certainly had maybe some mixed results to put it lightly. shannon: did not hit the right note. i thought it was notable on friday at present biden was asked about he addressed it he's walking out of the room at the white house he is asked again, it turns around, smiles does not say anything. he is a walking and incredibly fine line here. it would behoove the biden campaign and the trump campaign it's a little more difficult for the trump campaign because trump is the center of this but to focus and campaign and talk about the economy. to create the split screen and that it's what they did on friday. >> panel, stick around and got to take a quick break the partisan battle over justice alito demanding he recuse key cases on bias. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. >> what dragon on the credibility of the court. destroying americans people trust in the court by these kinds of flimsy excuses. >> to threating the supreme court for their trying to undermine its independence but not just undermined their trying to end its independence. shannon: democratic sitter blumenthal and holly describe the controversy over flags that flew outside justice alito home declining an invitation with democrats over their concerns but we are back in an now with e panel. julia, where'd we go from here question equip really big cases coming from the supreme court. why does justice alito feel this is political nothing more? so i'm curious to see what justice john roberts does going from here. he is a very, very difficult situation. to keep the branches of government separate. not wanting to become too partisan. it's so hard not to look at the supreme court. and not see unfortunately a partisan institution now. whether it's a liberal or republican this is not supposed to be a political branch of government. but it has turned into that. that is what you are seeing this lack of trust from americans. shannon: the last of the court one >> what justice of the night it is is to have that perception. i want to be a little bit of justice alito's letter talk about the situation of the flags busy i'm confident a reasonable person is not motivated by political or ideological consideration or a desire to affect the outcome of supreme court cases would conclude these events do not meet the standard for recusal and therefore not required i am required to reject your request. president the senate democrats do not like his ruling. >> you have to go to the facts then let's go to the facts. it is a fact the flags flew over his homes. it is a fact the flags suggest there is signal solidarity with people trying to subvert the constitutional process but that is not effective. >> they were trying to block the transfer of government. shannon: san francisco had the appeal to have a flag flying. >> is a separate flag. that was adopted by the insurrectionist later. okay, but the point is 61% picking up on julia's point, 61% of americans and remarkable last week based on politics. recent decisions about abortion rights, and gun rights, i could go on. people now think this is a conservative block appointed by trump. shannon: a big decision stick on the lips that half america. >> so want you would be okay with two centers because of his daughter political activities? this is ridiculous. joe biden said after the trump verdict is reckless, it's is dangerous, it is irresponsible for him to say there was reg because i don't like the verdict now do the supreme court because of the democrats have been going about the supreme court is questioning its objectivity it. >> is keep the supreme court of the senate judiciary committee. america support the supreme court. shannon: panel thank you very much we approach the 80th anniversary of d-day atlantic and orbited the speaker want to take inside the effort to preserve major historic and sacred monuments of her fallen americans around the world. a first look at honoring the heroes who paid the ultimate price this year's annual remembrance at arlington national cemetnational cemeteryl day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. shannon: president biden joined world leaders this week in normandy, france, to mark allied landings that signified the end of world war ii ifing 80 years ago a. the man in charge of overseeing battle monuments all over the world, it's today's sunday special. it's seared in our history books, but to you worry future generations understand the full import of what that day was when it comes to sacrifice? >> k-day and coming -- d-day and coming up on the 80th anniversary is argue my the single most important a day of the last century not just for the united states, but for western civilization. how america and europe turned out could have been very different had d-day turned out to differently. and the success at d-day is, again, testimony to the goodness of america that we fought for the if right reasons. >> today as 40 years ago, our armies are here for only one purpose, to protect and defend democracy. >> we fought for our american values, not to further some furor, not to extend the hands of america. to make sure, instead, that that freedom continues to ring free in this land and in this world. shannon: you're a very humble guy yourself, but you've served in congress. you wear the uniform as well, you serve our country in that way. are you hopeful that by establishing these memorials, these monuments that the next generation will take a look and say i want to step opportunity that a call as well? >> yes, i am. and i'm very optimistic about our nation. there's a lot of division going on here many our country, but i believe in my heart of hearts that a america is a good nation, and we are a good people. and these american cemeteries and these american memorials are more than just remembering our history. all those soldiers buried you should all those crosses and those stars of david, they're not just part of history, they continue to serve to this day representing the finest of america's values. shannon: washington is a place filled with monuments and memorials, but really what a you oversee is all over the world. what is your sense of responsibility in feeling like we need to have these things to remember the people who have sacrificed so much? if. >> you know, abmc, the american battle bonds commission, we are charged with the humble mission of remembering the service and sacrifice of america's armed forces all around the world. we maintain 26 cemeteries in 17 countries around the world. and it is, each of these sites are a testimony to america's goodness and our nation and what our mission's values are all about here, that our country doesn't go abroad to plunder, doesn't go abroad for conquest. shannon: do you think that americans realize how many of these special places are all over the globe? >> i'm humbled that we invest so much and put such effort into making sure these places are pristine, they are beautiful, but i wish more americans would realize and come to see and come to understand what american sacrifice has been and what it has been around the world. if. shannon: and it's very interesting too, the beautiful 360-degree views and all the things you have on the web site allow people to take the trip if they're not physically able to do it as well. >> yes. shannon: so it's a great place for if them to see what you have out there. moms, dads, aunts, uncles, whoever it is takes young children ask and they -- they see these monuments and her moles -- memorials, what do you hope they take away from that the. >> first, that the united states stands for its values. that i also hope young people understand we're very fortunate to live in a nation that is free, but this freedom come at a cost. and if it comes at a cost of people willing to fight for that freedom. shannon: find out much more about the american battle monuments commission by going to that is it for today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream. have a wonderful week. we'll see you next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ right now. ♪ ♪ ♪

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