arthel: former president donald trump greeted with a standing ovation ufc 30 to match in newark, new jersey last night he shook hands with supporters as he made his way to the seats in his first major public appearance since his guilty verdict in his near criminal trial. welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville, hi bill. before going to see you again, happy sunday i am bill melugin in for eric shawn today donald trump's appearance coming two days after his not guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and it new york criminal trial. he is avowing to appeal that conviction with former president sat down fox and friends weekend or an exclusive interview where he weighed in on that verdict and his push for reelection. cook you know, my revenge will be success and i mean that. but it is awfully hard when you see what they have done for the same time the country can come together i am saying this but the country can come together. you know, and during my term prior to cover the most successful country we've ever had. i had it together. we really had it together. it would've stayed i think it would've stayed. everybody was doing better. the country was doing better than it had ever done we are going back to the same policies and then some. arthel: cb cotton is live in new york city with more on this. >> ufc fight scene the former present fresh of a felony conviction he has vowed to fight as you mentioned last night when he stepped into the new jersey arena he was greeted with a standing ovation stopping to shake hands with supporters, watch this. orcs avoid the round of applause is getting it right now is pretty staggering. you had to imagine that was going to happen. >> the former president was flanked but ufc president supporter dana white before taking his spot outside the octagon as he set a case that ufc star sean gave the former present shouted at his victory over apollo costa. >> president trump, you are the man at the travesty with her doing to you. >> the night marked again at one of tom's first appearances since being found guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records on thursday to as the former president previously pleaded not guilty. trump's lawyers are gearing up for the appeals process which is expected to stretch beyond the november or fifth election day. before that, the former president is set to be sentenced on july 11 home confinement, probation or up to four years in prison are all punishments that are on the table. legal experts say it prison time is the least likely of them all fox and friends exclusive trump repeated his claim of political persecution he's the only rep can who can handle these prospects. >> love people that we have no choice but to elect republicans. when that can withstand us. don't forget if it weren't me they be going after someone else i know a lot of the competition, they would not do so well. >> before judge merchan's sentences or trumpets or the former president to sit for a preet sentencing interview trump will be asked questions about his mental, his past history that report is given to judge merchan. arthel: cb cotton life outside trump tower in new york city, thank you. bill: we have got a big week ahead a major legal battle is not looming on president biden side as well. jury selection set to begin tomorrow for hunter biden federal gun trial in delaware is not the only legal fight versus on is amazing these charges alone could hold a maximum sentence of up to 25 years in prison. meddle in his life in d.c. for us this morning with the latest. >> hunter biden's gun trial finally set to begin after as a plea deal fell apart a year ago. he had been hoped to avoid a prosecution in this case. now he faces prison time and fines if he is convicted of the three federal gun charges against him. prosecutors say he illegally bought a gun october 2018 by lying about his drug use on a background check form. to prove guilt special counsel david weiss' team plans in part to use hunter's own words against him. text messages of portions of his book beautiful things in which he admits he was a crack addict. >> during my battle with addiction, my parents were there for me. they o literally saved my life. to me anyways i will never be able to repay. >> the defense meantime spencer call into question the credibility of the workers who helped hunter with his gun transaction. they are suggesting the form at the center of this case was tampered with. several of his attorneys have tried unsuccessfully to toss out this case they say the special counsel bout to political pressure from republicans by pressing charges on presiding judge has rejected this week and the president spending time with his family, including hunter and rehoboth beach, delaware is being tasked with sticking to his words following former president trump's conviction the rule of law it must be respected regardless of what happens to his son. >> they think the president himself will respect the verdict much as it is a painful i am sure to see one of your children on trial. but yes, americans should accept when a jury reaches eight verdict they should accept the results. that is part of our democracy. >> hunter's gun trial is expected to last two maybe three weeks. bill: it's remarkable it started that fleet that fell apart he is now facing potential years in prison. arthel: will that legal battles of former president trump and hunter biden facing have an impact on the presidential race? for that we bring doctor laura wright associate research scholar and a lecturer in politics and public affairs at princeton, university. so lauren, who is really paying close attention to former president trump's conviction? how might it impact their votes? >> probably not swing voters yet those of the single most important group of voters. i have really never seen anything like this. neither campaign is playing hard for those independent voters yet. they're both trying to energize their base with these messages that don't really touch home as far as the polling goes. on the biden side every time they mention trump and his legal troubles it doesn't bring the attention on hunter it is sort of a message that falls flat. this big democracy at risk if you elect trump message is not with voters care about. they care about the economy on the trump side print every time he makes it about himself, every time he makes it about relitigating the 2020 election is also something voters say is not their top priority. both campaigns seem to kick this into high gear and frankly it stopped talking about the legal stuff. arthel: i would like to write now share a reuters poll that closed on friday that's the day after the jury's unanimous decision. it says one in 10 registered gop voters said trumps a felony conviction for falsifying business records would make them less likely to support them for president with 56% of republican voters saying the outcome of the case would have no effect on their vote 35% they were even more likely to support trump. so, with which a voting sector trump most vulnerable you mentioned neither party is playing for independence. and what part of the country but will we see stronger? post conviction for trump? >> if see the argument that among republicans and i saw the same poll that you did, this conviction is very energizing for them. i do not know what that means for election winning is a business of adding people to your cause it's not getting the people who were already going to vote for your really excited but that might help with fundraising and clearly it has. if you ask me how does this conviction translate into more votes for trump, i cannot give you that answer i'm very surprised it does not seem to hurt him at all it is a big zero the summary of those numbers you just cited. that is the conclusion of it. that does not help him bring more people into the fold. maybe later on those messages will become more targeted toward independent voters but right now they are not. arthel: he conviction he received a lot of money overnight in the last 24 hours like 58-point to million or something like that. that is a lot of money. are you thinking that's only coming from his base or would that mean more people are coming to his camp? >> i think it does. it would be impressive if it is a brand-new small dollar donors that is certainly a great message to send a look at all of these people that are now coming into the fold. arthel: that's of they are saying is small dollar donors. >> i do not know how many are first-time donors that is something i would want to know. if they are, that will be very impressive. but to be honest trump is a likely gop nominee he's going to raise a ton of funds. people are furious at biden i'm sure he is going to get a lot of fundraisers. i'm not even convinced he would not be doing so well at fundraising without these charges he might be doing better. no one has definitive evidence of that. he's going to be very, very successful no matter what he does. arthel: so the son of a president biden, hunter biden accused of lying on a federal gonna purchase a form is a trial would be in tomorrow that is when helping in wilmington, delaware do you expect hunter biden's legal woes to impact votes for president biden? >> i don't. that is something i've been saying for very long time. it is a big stretch for voters to make to jump from evaluating the candidate on their own behavior to evaluating their family members and making that change the decision. it's similar to if a surrogate behaves badly do voters change their vote? no, not really. does it make them stay home? does it make them go out? probably not. that is a tough sell for voters. however, it doesn't make it harder for the biden camp to repeatedly make this claim trump is a convicted felon, convicted felon when biden's son very much might end up in the same camp. arthel: isn't there a difference though? it trump was a former president. the higher bar and wants to be president again. certainly not letting hunter biden off the hook but that hes not running for office. >> that is true but family members of presidential candidates have behaved badly and different years in different context but usually what we see is this does not tend to affect the candidate all that much. arthel: let's have a has a june 27 he scheduled biden/trump debate do you think both candidates will show? then i'll ask you it will be in trump's best interest to answer the moderator's questions or uses platforms to try to relitigate his new york case would you already said he should not do it. if trump should not re- litigate the case during the debate what should he be saying? and again will they both show up? >> answer the questions keep it on policy if you can. but really were trump thrives debate personal jabs both inside and with her politics did not look at it made that's what gets the attention, that's what gets played the next day. arthel: one second, excuse me. i do not want to jump in on your point because that is what gets the attention that is what gets our attention we, the media played over and over. that does not mean as a resonating really with people at home. voters. people but rather just ente entertain. some of the process is set up for this out of the presidential debate process looks like. we look at debates back in history, jokes, jabs those of ae the moments that most that's a lot of the time why they tune in. they should both a debate and i hope they do. nobody should skip it. quickset is a good point nobody should skip it, november 5 will this be reduced to a parler game? thirty-four felony convictions. do most americans, do you think most americans understand the gravity and historical nature of the jury's unanimous and unprecedented decision? >> i don't think they think it is as serious as a lot of people are getting a really emotional about this on both sides of the aisle. people are just wondering how does this impact this person's ability to make my family more prosperous, my family more safe. how does this make my life easier on a day-to-day basis and frankly when they look at immigration, and they look at crime, when they look at everything happening in new york city more of a threat than trump in these very controversial business and legal decisions paying hush money to pouring star is not something people can relate too. it's hard to make the jump that's a threat to you and your family in the same way they think biden's policies are currently hurting them. a lot of people feel that way. sarthel: we have to leave it right there, always good to talk too. corafter two separate water main breaks of parts of the city without any water one hospital unable to care for their patients. medicines carpino is live in atlanta with the latest on this. sounds like a big mess. >> 's has been an issue for the entire weekend. atlanta mayor says the water breaks are impacting and again there is a boil water advisory in effect. crews are still working on fixing one of the main water breaks. it's gushing water into the street very busy area in midtown atlanta. last night dick and said the city is working of emergency management getting support from the states. the mayor said the city has delivered fresh water to dozens of senior communities, homeless shelters hospitals and other vulnerable populations. water break is causing multiple businesses to close events being canceled as well. even transferred patients to other facilities because of the issue the water break is causing. >> there was a decay the age of the pipe because decay and corrosion around a fitting it was a slight redesign as they did the repairs. >> this has been going on since last friday night a lot of people without water or very low water pressure will be keeping an eye on things for how they progress to date. >> you got to wonder how other cities have old pipes like that that could be at risk of something similar happening. thank you. text fox news learning by an bin administration is planning executive action of the southern border crisis. will have details on that in its handling of the war on israel but that is coming up next. te, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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(inspirational music) arthel: just a short time ago biden administration border officials confirming to fox news to announce new executive action for the southern border by tuesday. this comes as mr. biden faces growing pressure over the growing crisis there but let's go straight to lucas of tomlinson with the breaking details. what do we know. >> details remain unclear. officials do say before president biden departs for abnormity in his overseas trip on tuesday they will be new executive actions for the southern border. the house speaker mike johnson weighed in. >> too little too late. now is trying to desperately show the american people somehow he wants h address the issue tht he himself were created they did it intentionally that catastrophic effects upon our country will be living with for decades to come. >> switching gears to gaza, president biden unveiled what he called a three phase israeli proposal to end the war. it begins with a six week cease fire and withdraw all israeli forces in populated areas of gaza lisa female the elderly, wounded and release of all five american hostages in exchange for hundreds of palestinian prisoners. some are calling this a biden proposal part here is jon kirby earlier. >> it was an israeli proposal but when they arrived at, after intense diplomacy of their own national security team and over at the state department. this was an israeli proposal every expectation hamas agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and israeli proposal is wri israel would sa. works former u.s. ambassador to israel as something different. he said in part israel made this offer the so-called deal with the hamas a proposal from four months ago. israel leaves gaza, hamas is in control the hostages are released. this is maddening. that top house democrat hakeem jeffries also called this a biden proposal did not say it wasisrael's proposal critics alo say this deal leaves hamas in control of gaza and of course he israeli redline has always been the goal of this operation is to completely destroy hamas. the two sides remain it appears our part. arthel: lucas tomlinson life in the white house thank you. bill: meanwhile and israel tens of thousands took over the streets of tel aviv yesterday. it is the latest of a series of protests demanding the government act to bring the israeli hostages hampered the israeli war cabinet is not meeting soon to discuss a new cease-fire plan present invited outlined on friday. trey yingst is joining us live in tel aviv with more. how is this proposal going over with the public out there? >> good afternoon breeze how the images from the demonstration last night in tel aviv and tonight meeting to discuss the latest proposal possible cease fire between israel and hamas the proposal was announced on friday was a six week pause in the fighting with troops withdrawing from causes major city. for palestinian prisoners. what all remaining released forr cease-fire final stages see the bodies of the still and hamas in captivity for a large reconstruction project. they are reacting to the news today. >> any proposal which leads to our return to our homes and the reconstruction of our houses. and the release of our detained brothers. we are with it, all of us as a people and i as a citizen support this proposal. >> hamas has reacted to sang in a statement to fox news they view the plan laid out by biden as a positive thing. israel president has thrown his support behind the proposal saying this. >> i told prime minister netanyahu over the weekend i will give him and the government my full support will see the release of the hostages. >> right now it seems all parties are on board with the deal puts up to negotiators to try to get the parties to the table and push this proposal forward. bill: will see if it sticks we know you will stay on it. trey yingst live in tel aviv thank you. arthel: he certainly will put super tight security for the annual israel day parade in new york city today. thousands are expected to pat the streets of midtown, manhattan the nypd is on heightened alert anti- israel protesters threaten to disrupt the event. attendees there but cops on bikes, canin k-9 units and counterterrorism officers present. bill: dr. fauci's due on capitol hill to be facing questions about alleged misconduct would lead the institute of allergy and infectious diseases texas congressman ronnie jackson is on the panel that's going to be asking those questions but we are going to ask him all about it coming up after the break. so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life saving research and treatment these kids need. join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates, you know, once a month, they are changing people's lives and that's a big deal. 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>> we have learned a lot but we have all kinds of e-mails we did not have before. we have done lots of hearings and lots of classified stuff we have done ever since this first started. we know a lot more now then the last time dr. fauci was before congress, i think it was the senate. dr. fauci and i, had a lot to lose if this virus was from a lab in china. which it looks like it was. i think things would been a lot better right off the bat if they would have admitted they were funding this research, which they were you had acting nih director since that time admit nih was funding under standard definition gain of function testing on the coronavirus that they would've admitted this upfront is the cover up that is worse but we have a lot of cover going on right now. we want to ask, what were they covering it up and why were they covering it up? like i said they had a lot to lose that would have been damaging to the reputation of people like dr. fauci of the american people would have known right off the bat and coronavirus happened and probably most likely came from a lab in wuhan at nih have been giving money too. that the eco- health alliance we know this to be a factor now that money was going there that research is being done there. so, what we have found since and is a massive cover-up but i'm going to read your real quick a couple of things that this is the e-mail we uncovered to peter and it says there are things i cannot say except tony, tony fauci, is aware and i have learned their ongoing efforts with nih to steer through this with minimal damage to you, peter and colleagues of the nih. i have a reason to believe there are already efforts going on to protect you. protective from what is a question i would ask was right that's another e-mail which dr. fauci's senior adviser and sent to boston university and set i learn from our foia lady how to make e-mails disappear after i'm floyd but before the search starts so i think we are all safe. plus i deleted most of those earlier e-mails after senate than to gmail comment to my private account, say from what? there are countless e-mails there's efforts to covid stuff up from nih after this happened to prevent poison and destroy information. dr. fauci was in a leadership role they're all these people work for him so we want to know what was going on? why were they trying to cover this up? what is happening here? those of the questions i have for dr. fauci. bill: went to hammer down the trying to evade the foyers, freedom of information act. that was on capitol hill last month he got pressed by lawmakers about this he revealed he uses private e-mail to try to get around foia request he was joking about having secret back channels to avoid transparency they even uncovered an e-mail from him where he says quote no worry about foia i can send stuff to tony, dr. fauci, on his private e-mail or hand at his house or work he's too smart to let colleagues send him stuff they can cause trouble." he got called out on this at the hearing last month. here's how he responded. >> it and there is some misunderstanding the secret back channel joking terminology was never about foia's i thought all these things i was doing on my private e-mail, my private gmail or outside the domain of my official job as a private citizen. i've obviously made mistakes i've mixed up e-mails and gmail's that has caused me too do the things you mentioned a discredit on myself and on the government. i do not know what to say i've apologized. >> a congressman does that sound like a mistake to you or a concerted effort to cover the trail? >> at its absolute concerted effort there is no mistake if you look there's hundreds and hundreds of pages of these e-mails we are continuing to get more multiple examples how he was actively trying to keep information from being discovered prevent dr. fauci's chief of staff also admitted he was using characters in place of letters may be like a dollar sign and send s or something to avoid foia and stuff being found the amazing thing after all the evidence we have on how we try to cover the step up and destroy information this man still has a job. that is what drives me crazy as a member of congress there is no accountability whatsoever. if anyone should been fired right up the bat it should in the sky. we are going to figure out what is going on for the need to be a lot of reforms that nih nih is gone out of control. there's a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed in a federal government with respect to nih. bill: seemed p seem previously e has testified on the capitol on the senate site is had explosive confrontations talking with rand paul in particular. do you anticipate fireworks tomorrow? >> i'm sure there will be i'm sure there will be i'm not going in with that in mind i'm going in to figure out what happened i think dr. fauci should've admitted what was going on a long time ago and as i said at the beginning is always the cover up worse than the actual crime. look, covid was a disaster for this country, for the world if it's something to do with it we should've admitted it right up front dr. fauci should've taken responsibility for that it slowed us down there all kinds of things that could've happened early on that were not happening because they're trying to cover up the origin of covid. that's an absolute shame and that is what we want to fix we have to come up and figure out what happened so we can avoid something like this ever happening again. bill: report 20 seconds of the of democrats left your subcommittee doing to submit they will be interested in answers about this potential cover up as well or do you think they'll try to filibuster and protect them? >> and think they're going to try to protect dr. fauci he's become a darling of the left. all of their effort to be to cover up and help with the cover up and protect dr. fauci that's what we going on to be pretty polar as i do believe it is unfortunate but i believe that's what it's going to be. save our god it will be keeping tabs that hearing tomorrow cap congressman ronny jackson thank you so much for your time today. the yep, thank you, arthel. the bible to get back here, bill, as we early reported president biden plan to take executive action this week crisis of the southern border. retired unit sector bo border pr chief chris clement is going to join us to discuss what impact it may have. that is coming up, next. ess. and we designed it to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because our most advanced, infinitely adaptable tempur material eases your pressure points, inch by inch and molecule by molecule. in a way no other mattress can. all night. every night. during the tempur-pedic memorial day sale, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience deep, undisturbed rest. learn more at with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? 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let's try to find some positive here for they are addressing the border to some extent. i do not know to what extent it will be until he read with the executive order is. it's very reckless and dangerous to give out a number to say were going to cap it at a certain number of illegal entries and then we're going to do something. it should not be more than one illegal entry we should be doing something. that sends a very clear signal to the cartels to adjust their business model to who, what, how many can which to make certain areas of the southwest border very vulnerable. as you are reporting the numbers are going to the roof san diego diego's up 65% this year. tucson, where i live is over one 100%. the damage is done. i'm glad they are doing something. but until we see it, it's going to be very interesting. arthel: i get your point of sort of are announcing to the cartel what they are going to be doing. they can adjust their business models. i will ask, if it is too little too late the border crisis is at a crescendo, why would a former president and candidate trump tell republicans to vote against or reject a bipartisan bill that was ready to go up months ago? can the border crisis effectively be put on hold until january 2025 if president trump becomes president again? >> the senate bills what you are referring to the center border security bill paid that was about migrant facilitation. it was about facilitating processing that had nothing to do a shutting down the border between the ports and continuing the wall construction. had nothing to with adding technology did not reinstate policies of shut things down. i think that was one of the biggest concerns. if they finally pass something that codifies. arthel: chris, you are tell me there has been no bill on the records ready to go o that would have addressed these issues you are out letting right now? >> no i'm saying the senate bill hr to addressed the very tenants of securing the board of the senate never took up a jar too big. it talked about continuing the wall construction, minor protection protocol. and reaffirming the policies shut things down for the senate bill was not doing that. it was about addressing immigration peace. those bills are conflating. when you stop conflating immigration and border security and shut the border down and then go there. arthel: let me ask you it just feels like congress has had some opportunities however it which way you want to slice the pie but they have had a chance over the course of the past four years at least to do something and they haven't. you and i both know president trump said no i want to run because i want to be present again the former president i want to run on illegal immigration he feels like his policies are more effective. let's not solve anything will president biden is still in office. is that not happening does that not happen at all? cook so they were serious about border security president biden would go ahead and do the things we were doing before he took office. we need border security. we haven't gaps in our system and we got to be able to do it. that's the biggest piece the senate bill said we are going to finish what we started were going to build a wall where it makes sense i will get behind something like that that is addressing the border security piece that's the biggest concern we need to secure the borders secure america. and we can address the backlog in immigration peace we've got to shore up the border security piece that is where congress or sue playing back and forth and have the trade-offs of the american people end up having to do with it. arthel: back to the top what about the executive order the acts in the presence going to take will this be addressing something making it better? >> reports are a talk about 212f. people cross the border and arrested by border patrol then violated the law. 212 makes no difference. when he can do with that made you is inadmissibility. they're coming in to make an admission they can be turned away and denied that will reduce those numbers of people he can scale that down to those that may be from asylum countries that are asylum seeking countries like those under a war, those being persecuted but not just economic migrants coming in. that is why it is very important to differentiate but this bill possibly with the executive order will possibly do. if they cross illegal they've already violated the law nothing he can do. that other than immediate deportation but they have not been doing that for the last three and half years but with a start now? if they go that route okay. they've already cross the border illegally and violated the laws to 12f addresses in ability he can limit people who can come in here to the right channels. that's the big thing. until we see what they say that order is going to be very difficult to address. arthel: if you give me a short answer because i'm tight on time more than 3500 illegal chinese nationals were encountered at the southern border. that was just last month along hundreds of jordanians trying to enter our country illegally at t month to people from jordan were arrested for attempting to breach marie marine corps base in quantico they had illegally crossed in april had then released into the interior of the country. what is behind the rise in this trying to sneak into our country? >> 's got to be some nefarious activity but someone is trying to do something there are threats all around the world why would he think it's not going to happen here? it makes my point on the previous conversation is that border security is national security paid whether it is public safety, gang members, and drug runners, things like that our national security interest for that is very alarming when you see those demographics that are from areas that are not necessary our allies and have hostilities toward the united states prove got to secure the border first that's the most important piece of white americn people i think are demanding for secure the border than we can address the immigration problem. arthel: absolutely but i have to go but you've got a lot of stuff happening and i like to ask you about i got a little rock 'n' roll thing happening back here, you got a guitar you've got football paraphernalia. you got a lot going on. >> loving life it is about living life enjoying it the best we can pick up my border patrol and got sports stuff i got rock 'n' roll. arthel: i love it, i love it that is the way to do it. you are looking good chris clem thank you very much. we will be right back. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. bill: it is been a rough welcome to the wnba first star ricky caitlin clark. things got really rough yesterday. maybe you've seen it. social media it lit up after she took a cheap shot against the chicago sky. christina coleman has the story. fact sheet chicago sky guard kennedy carter falcons indiana fever guard caitlin clark has been upgraded to a flagrant file after legal review of this incident fans are still frustrated with how clark, this truth wnba number one traffic has been getting roughed up on corporately take spirit drink last night's game between indiana and chicago sky guard kennedy carter ownership clark will s she was just in their carter pushed the rookie guard to the ground the ref did not call a technical or flagrant file during the game card was charged with and away from the ball, and fowl. this is not the only instance of cart getting roughed up on court she apparently got knocked around during several games last month. the teams at general manager apparently had enough last night she urged the wnba to take action. wrote on x there is a difference between tough defense and on necessarily targeting actions. needs to stop read that league need to clean up the crab. that is not who this league is the fever went on to win against chicago 71 -- 70 carter declined to respond to any questions about clark after the game. see for a great christina, thank you. arthel, when you're the best of a target on your back, right? it was obvious he had cheap shot but they're going to be going after you. arthel: yes, and yes, yes and that is too bad. let's just play but let's play ball at 4:00 p.m. if you and i. before let's do it.e [laughter]co ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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