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occupy part of columbia university lawn this week during the annual alumni reunion. they re- pitch tarps and intends to amend the school divest from companies with ties to israel. just one month go columbia ago columbiacalled nypd to cleay grounds after demonstrators refused to leave. also this weekend police say they took 34 protesters into custody after a group tried to occupy a museum and brooklyn. nypd also said it is adding more security for tomorrow's annual israeli day parade in manhattan. meanwhile former president trump going into a battle in a courtroom to the battle in the octagon. he scheduled to attend a ufc fight in new jersey tonight. this, just two days after his new york trial ended with convictions on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. he is due to be sentenced next month he is filing to appeal. hello everyone welcome to fox news like i have arthel neville. look who is here bill melugin in for eric. bill: happy saturday. eric shone out on assignment to date the historic conviction marks a victory for manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. at least for now. the republican-controlled house judiciary committee once bragged to testify on the case and how it played out chairman jim jordan said the trail is an example of partisan prosecution weaponize in the justice system. so far bragg has not said if he will comply. bill: . arthel: cp cotton is live at trump tower with more on the latest. >> former president donald trump a set before the start of the republican national convention in milwaukee. after his sentencing defense team will have 30 days to file a notice of appeal with new york's appellate division. speaking here at trump tower yesterday the former president mentioned the appeals process as he continued to it like in the trial to something out of a totalitarian state. while also attacking the presiding judge. cooks you saw it happen to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man. who looks like an angel but he is really a double. we are going to be appealing this scam. we're going to appealing it on many different things. he would not allow us to have witnesses. he would not allow us to talk. he would not allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant too. >> at trump's lawyers have indicated some bulls try to seek an appeal including their perception of judge merchan buys advised he judged me a $35 donation to democrats in 2020 and his daughter is a democratic political consultants. trump's lawyers may also revisit key rulings during the trial like when merchan denied to mr. out motions from the defense after salacious testimony from stormy daniels. the judge said quote i agree it would have been better if some of these things have been left on said." ultimately he denied both requests and saves part to blame for not objecting enough. challenge the credibility of her one time lawyer michael cohen or the trial publicity and how that may have impacted fairness. another issue trump brought up at trump tower yesterday was lack of testimony former fcc commissioner brad smith. the defense team decided not to call smith to the sand after merchan ruled he would not allow testimony explaining his ruling it would be him to explain the lot to jurors. back to you. >> there in front of trump tower but the m3 buses right behind you would know where you are, see beat cotton thank you very much. by the way it former advisor to house speaker jon weiner, glaspie joins us on how trump's conviction could affect the 2024 race. >> with donald trump's trial now over the trial of president biden's son, hunter, is just about to begin jury selection set for monday and hunter's grunt gun trial in delaware one of two federal cases ac is not r sudden coming months what is this all mean and the race for the white house? with more on that will check in with madeleine rivera joins us live in d.c. today. >> hunter body will spend the next two or three weeks cooped up in a courthouse in wilmington, delaware bay today he is with family seen this one on a bike ride with his father president biden of course in rehoboth beach at the call he might be before's historical trial. the first for the child i'm sitting president begins. i could reveal a highly personal and embarrassing details, photos and video of the first son. the evidence special counsel david weiss a team plan to introduce including hunter's infamous laptop at hunter's team has argued its contents may have been manipulated but federal prosecutors are adamant it is real and holds a proof of hunter skills but some of the witnesses could be called on include hunters a form at romantic partners one of them potentially wife who is the subject of an axial's report today. axial's reporting hunter has been caught up in a years long legal battle involving unpaid alimony. hit remains to see how this trot will affect the present biden politically it will most certainly come with some degree of personal pain for the president. >> the president and the first lady, they love their son. they are proud of how their son has been able to get back on his feet and continue his progress. they will continue to support him. >> at hearing last week hunter's team appeared to hint at a portion of their defense strategy. they are suggesting the owners of a store or hunter about his gun may have changed the form that lies at the heart of this case. hunter is also battling federal charges in cal for the trial for that is set for september. >> at trump last week, hunter next week back to back big time trials thank you. >> thank you of the house the he subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic is getting ready to question dr. anthony fauci sheet next week will be his first public testimony since he retired in december of 2022 as director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. it comes after one of his top aides admitted to that panel last week he hid or deleted key e-mails on the origins of covid-19 pandemic part let's bring it near congresswoman nicole is a member of that subcommittee. first of all dr. fauci testified before it closed doors again and generate what would you like to ask dr. fauci that he did not answer in january? >> i think a lot of our questioning is going to have to do with the e-mails, the communications he had with the top advisors. why they were being done on personal e-mails versus the official government e-mail addresses. why they deleted them seems clear and doctor moran's a number of his e-mail said they were using the private gmail they wanted to evade freedom of information laws. we want to know what exactly were the communications that involved dr. fauci? it also talked about a secret back channel he had to communicate with dr. fauci as it relates to the eagle health alliance which we now nih had funded. and then a lot of that money and it at the wu hanna lab to do work which we believe his gain of function research. there's lot of questions relating to that. we also want to know about his role, dr. fauci, and the actual approval of these grants. he is the person who signed off on these grants but yet on a lot of these questions we asked behind closed doors he claims he was not familiar part he did not recall or is not directly involved. on one hand is using it as a defense to say he was not involved. on the other hand he was a person who signed off on those. we are trying to reconcile that. arthel: your questioning his personal e-mail and cell phone records as he is been investigated for having done something underhanded to deliberately deceive the country? >> it seems clear a lot of the top officials at the nih recent personal e-mail to avoid freedom of information laws they did not want to have that transparency. they did not want to have the accountability particular in this how the subcommittee and other government officials, senators and members of congress have been filing freedom of information lot request significantly shifted the other thing dr. fauci had said to us he no longer believe the lab leak theory was a conspiracy theory. see if it congresswoman i have that part of the testimony want to get to later. right now what i would like to do, we will get to that part yesterday subcommittee released a transcript of dr. fauci's closed-door testimony from january want to go here first. this is the one on social distancing. it says about you, you know i do not recall it sort it just happen. happened. it appeared i do not recall a discussion or whether it should be five or six or what ever. his six-foot question did you see any studies that supported ? fauci is not aware of studies just a decision not based on data or even data that could be accomplished. i do not recall like a discussion of it's going to be it sort of just appeared 6 feet is going to be the distance. now let's take a look on masking children, do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children? fauci, i might have but i do not recall specifically that i did. i might have been so coso congresswomandoes the commo consideration this was a novel coronavirus novel as in newport we had not seen the likes of it not to mention there's not even a vaccine at the time for those who wanted to be protected. so it was a bit of a working trial is that taken into consideration? >> it is taken into consideration. the entire time they're saying those decisions are based on actual science and here you have testimony there arbitrary decisions basically pulled these numbers out of the air 6 feet or how young or even when there is scientific evidence to show otherwise the masks weren't damaging to young children they kept those mandates in place. look, i don't know that is something -- what we do about it iithink we learn from this experience make sure going forward we do not make the same mistakes. a lot of the things they now say are arbitrary decisions and guidelines that a tremendous impact on the economy, people's livelihood, and children's education on people's mental health. we have to be much more cautious going forward as novel as a pandemic was we should they should not have been basing these a mandates that were very restrictive pulling them out of thin air opposed to scientific evidence and guidance as they're saying otherwise this is on the leak theory. you think the possibility or the hypothesis the coronavirus emerge from a laboratory accident is a conspiracy theory? fauci it is a possibility people have conspiracy aspects from i think you have to separate the two when you keep an open mind it could be a elaborate leak or could be a natural occurrence i believe the evidence always in my opinion towards one which is a natural occurrence. i still leave an open mind. i know you said you want to use this as a learning opportunity but are you also looking to hold dr. fauci accountable for the covid pandemic and charged him with negligence or something? >> certainly want to get to the bottom of what happened here. american tax dollars into it and lap they did gain a function research the bottom line is we need to know was it man-made or did it come from natural occurrence? so far our intelligence community whether it's a department of energy or fbi, they have indicated as other officials that have come before us including the former cdc director doctor redfield came before us and set everything they have seen shows it emerge from a lab. dr. fauci did go out of his way to suppress the lab leak theory early on. they were scientists that i got together on a conference call said they thought it was eight a lableak dr. fauci suppress tht theory and the site to pick paper emerged it was a natural occurrence so what happened there within three days everyone change their mind? we want to know what is going on that is the bottom line for the american people deserve to know how the virus is started. we are truly going to print the next pandemic we need to know the origins. >> could this end up in charges against dr. fauci? >> it could. i'm not prejudging anyone i am simply singly to follow the facts to where they lead if ththere's something that was doe that hid from the american people use tax dollars inappropriately then yes, potentially could be criminal charges certainly a perjury we have seen a number of officials say it one thing in closed-door testimony and say another thing that we are at a public hearing and it is not reconciled. there has been perjury that is been committed before this committee that in itself is a crime. deleting government files is a crime. so there's a number of things depending on if the d.o.j. or they investigate impress those charges and enforce the law, certain of the could be criminal charges here among some officials within the nih. >> ask lots of questions. we will have you back after you have had a chance to have this a public testimony. we will review then. new york congressman nicole malliotakis. i'm calling you nicole i could know you personally, i did not mean to do that. [laughter] cooks aren't congresswoman, thank you, take care. bill: arthel, ongoing migrant crisis is making every city in the country a border city it is putting all sorts of pressure on k-12 public schools across america. that is going to be the focus of a hearing on capitol hill next tuesday. the man leading that hearing florida congressman will be talking to me next. stay with us. 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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>> they are still trying to drill down on this end. this was an automated scrub it was called by the computer that is essentially in charge of running the systems on board that rockets that star leinart was sitting on top of the atlas five rockets. in the minutes before launch. right now engineers are pouring over the data to determine exactly what it was that spooked that computer. that caused it to trigger the hold. a big part of the test flight was to dock at starlight of the international space station because the iss is a moving target you have to launch a very specific times to reach the proper trajectory. the next launch opportunity would be tomorrow at 12:03 p.m. eastern time for that is contingent upon engineers being able to resolve the cause of today's scrub. astronauts at busch wilmore and sunny williams both experience astronauts forming aviators are used to scrubs at a previous briefing sunny was philosophical about delays at saint we expect to find things that will help us make the spacecraft better to flight and launch vehicle. these are launch dates are not magical they are an opportunity for us to do our jobs. the astronauts are returning to their crew quarters but they will remain under quarantine until they get word on their next launch attempt. whether it is tomorrow where there are two later opt launch opportunities later this week wednesday and thursday. bill: certainly better to be safe than sorry if it will help for a safe launch tomorrow if it is in the cards, and jonathan thank you. >> the man accused of killing georgia nursing student lakin riley pleads not guilty to murder they can smother cry during yesterday's arraignment more than three months after she was found dead in a wooded area near the university of georgia. the suspect, an illegal immigrant from venezuela, prosecutors say they will not seek the death penalty. madison's artists carpino is live in atlanta. >> hello. devastating day for friends and family 26-year-old josé pleaded not guilty to her murder. her mother and sister were sobbing when he walked into the courtroom. heat remained pretty emotionless throughout the hearing he pled not guilty to a long list of charges. including a malice murder and kidnapping. yesterday's hearing comes three months after the body was found in a wooded area on campus. in the 30s that he entered the u.s. illegally from venezuela and 2022 was arrested the next day. it details from the indictment are graphic, we want to warn you priests accused of attempting to rape a riley and bashing her head with iraq. he's also accused of stopping riley from calling 911. release the death ramped up a national debate on immigration pretty specially since isaac confirmed he was previously arrested in new york and 2023. there is now a bill with bipartisan support. the lake and ran the act would allow dhs to retain any undocumented for crimes. introduce the bill in the house and riley's family wants to stop this from happening to someone else. >> let's get a good piece of legislation. not just for this but other families so they want to go through this. cooksville overwhelmingly passed in the house. lacking support from senate democrats. some democrats believe that bill is not specific enough wit disproportionately target people of color. he is expected to be back in court for a status hearing in august. the judge expects the trial to start in the fall. but as you mentioned, arthel, we are learning the prosecution will not be seeking the death penalty for their seeking life in prison without parole. back to you. arthel: why was even here? madison thank you. cooks a lot of our kids that are getting our migrant students are fleeing venezuela i believe. they have had to interrupt their schooling rep never gone to school. and in kindergarten i'm getting students who never held a pencil, do not know how to write from left to right. really struggling to handle the massive surge and migrant children arriving over the last few years. running out of room resources are being switched to online classes. our next guest is going to be leading a house hearing on tuesday to take a look at the consequences of the border crisis on our k-12 schools. republican florida congressman serves on the workforce conveys kind enough to join us this afternoon but we thank you for coming on. >> it is great to be with you, my friends. you've been to the board so many times. i've watched your stories it is out of control. it is absolutely wreaking havoc, wreaking havoc on k-12 schools across the nation were going to hear about on tuesday. >> is look at the latest numbers this morning they are a jaw dropper presents present by the first took office we are looking upwards of almost half a million unaccompanied children across our southern border illegally. take a look at some the numbers right here. this is a fiscal year 2023 over 140,000 kids came across with the average cost per student of over 16 grand each with 2 billion for the year cost to tax payers congressman that's a tough pill for those taxpayers to swallow. cooks it is a jagged little pill for all the school districts to swallow. those here would never fund our school districts are enough. they are being eaten alive by illegals. your numbers are the same #have. but in reality we really do not know because he bided administration refuses to enforce the border. we do not even know we do not have accurate records because we have known and got away sent unknown g god always we just knw america's school districts are already struggling already. but to keep up with the massive influx of illegal children coming in they have to by law, they have to welcome them into the classroom and eat up resources. it is a big problem wreaking havoc is what i've already said. that is what we're going to find% on tuesday. will have representatives from california, new york, texas going to come before us and tell us firsthand what is happening on the ground. bill: talk about not just the financial impact but the impact inside those specific classrooms for you have class sizes that start to explode you're going to have teachers who could not give as much individual attention to students we do have language barriers. one of the teachers in the schools having to deal with everyday? >> you are about right. how about teaching in the hallway sets of the doing and high schools in texas there is just no room for its her teaching in the hallway. also last year new york has actually closed parts of school. at one time they were closing a school just to house illegal immigrants. kick our american children out so we can house illegals, joe biden what are you doing cosmic you are asleep at the wheel but of course we know he's doing this on purpose they are doing this on purpose keeping that border open and it is a shame we are all paying a price i it sat our schoolchildren are paying a price you just did the story on lake ana riley, my heart still aches but we do not know who is here it certainly jeopardizes the safety of students, faculty it not to mention resources but teaching in the hallway is no way to teach children and america. bill: a lot of americans do not know this but back in 1982 there is a supreme court case which ruled it is unconstitutional to deny children a public education based off their immigration status but conservatives are not happy about that ruling it's been challenged multiple times over the last 40 years it has survived it each time pedro quickly got 30 seconds left, do you believe it's time to revisit that and try to get it before scotus again? >> absolutely. the real problem is to sell the border crisis we need real leadership in the white house. if joe biden would seal the border this would not be a problem at all. so yes, we need to end the magnet of illegal immigration but we need to be combination of immigration to do it legally an illegandillegal process so stayd tuesday, 10:15 a.m. on seas that will hear firsthand has wreaking havoc on k-12 schools across the country. bill: will be keeping an eye on that and congressman aaron bean thank you for being here. cooks a border bill is definitely needed to think of the resources taken from u.s. children struggling in the classroom. after his historic conviction, former president trump expects the voters to speak on election day so how will thursday's and guilty verdicts wait voters? we will dig into that when we come back. the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. were you worried the wedding would be too much? 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[laughter] back to the news. while former president felony conviction throw a wrench in his presidential campaign? the verdict sparked an immediate surge in campaign donations from his support as you just heard from lucas. for a look at the longer-range impact let's bring in a blue stack strategy found it principle mara gillespie she served as advisor house speaker jon weiner. here we go. does the conviction matter? should it matter? >> i do not think will make a huge difference in the polls that have come up thus far have shown as much. i think those who are supporting donald trump are going to double down with their support. i think the question a lot of americans have with you like donald trump or not is being above the law is one thing and no one should be. but are you becoming a target of the law because he ran for president again with this case have been brought up if he was not running? because this case in all this it brought against him is the weakest one or viewed as the week it's because it is convoluted. that may be plays a role for people. the other end of the spectrum i would say for those who are not pleased with either trump or biden they're faced with my vote for someone who i don't like it was a convicted felon? i think that question comes into play. >> i am thinking of this were these of trials brought up because he is running again? because if convicted of not just the ones we saw of something else that perhaps it would not be good for the country to have someone in the white house it was convicted of such charges was that perhaps the thinking behind bringing these charges regarding what you said if he were not running again they would not have been brought up. >> 's right to those later cases a federal once have not come up yet are really the most stark when it comes to putting back into the white house who'd not only try to stop the peaceful transfer of power which is weree of the hallmarks of our democracy if that were happening right now or maybe in august may be played differently because it was a stormy daniels focused people do that going into it. people who work for trump and voted for trump knew this was his character they knew the story about it when they believe it or not they believe this about him. i don't know that this moves that he dealt too, too much is of the cases could have. we have were not trying to relitigate but the point was even those who knew the president and the candidate at the time, that is his character. it was the whole point of the timing of everything. that is with this case was about as you know. perhaps one more thing came out about mr. trump at the time it could have dissuaded voters from choosing him. we do not want to relitigate. let me take a look at reuters poll asking how has a guilty verdict influenced your decision on whether or not to vote for trump? 34% of republicans said more likely with a 55% saying no difference. among independent 16% said more likely not to vote for trump. 58% said no difference. as you know there's been a lot of conversations as you just pointed out the former president was a target of the law how do you say that if a jury reviewed and deliberate facts by prosecution and defense unanimously decided to convicts convincethem all 34 counts? >> client not saying he is a chart is a question americans are going to have going into the ballot box. but also brings us up to is the hypocrisy on both sides you heard from the right, you hear from the left limiting the judicial system trump is saying it is a sham trial, it's out to get him it is a sham, it is a sham on the flipside young democrats question the validity of our supreme court in some respects straight for americans sitting back and watch in this play out in the small sliver of voters were not thrilled with either trump or biden as to the frustration. because of that cherry picking up when it benefits you for both candidates and for both sides and think that's what's going to add to the frustration. could also lead to people not showing up come november for the election. we do not want to see that with that may be the outcome is lower turnout. >> is a lot of confusion out there people conflating a lot of stuff facts and something's not. do you think it was fair or just to charge president trump from taking top-secret documents with him to mar-a-lago and allegedly tried to prevent us from being retrieved was it fair to charge the present with trying to interfere with the 2020 election in georgia? >> i am not a legal scholar. whether i think it's a legal matter i cannot speak too. i'm not going to sit here and defendant donald trump i know it he has done. i understand what he wants to do and running them for president. arthel: what does he wants to do? >> he wants to be present because he enjoys the tide i believe donald trump just wants to have the power he likes to be the person that walks into the room has his loyalists who are cheering his name he is selling of bibles with his name on a selling gold shoes this is part of a persona i don't of that it benefits us as a nation to have them in the white house again truthfully if he does not respect our democracy or the constitution for that matter but i also don't think i can confidently say joe biden or harris is ready to be president either. i am in a position where a lot of americans are as well there really conflicted are either of these choices good enough to be president for 2024 i don't know that the answer is yes. arthel: lots of questions maybe you and i should form a ticket, what about that? we will when. [laughter] let's go let's do it. arthel: this is a serious subject thank you so much for joining us today, take care. will a pop superstar abruptly canceling a tour as reports of family issues continue. who was it? we will find out coming up next too. ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. bill: welcome back. it's really poor so pushing deeper into central rafah in defiance of international pressure prime minister benjamin netanyahu is speaking out about a possible cease-fire deal disclosed yesterday by president biden. in the meantime netanyahu is accepting the invitation to address a joint meeting of congress later this year. for more on this stephanie bennett joining us live in london. >> the israeli prime minister said main conditions for ending the war are and have always been the elimination of hamas the release of all those hostages. although the terms of this new deal were set out by biden, repeatedly described it as is really a proposal made it clear there would be considerable resistance to it from the israeli right. president biden said there would be three bases the first to be a six week cease-fire to let both sides to negotiate a permanent end to the fighting for the second phase would return the remaining hostages. finally the third phase that would entail reconstruction plan for gossipy views of positively the proposal put forward in biden speech. >> it sets the stage for political settlement that provides a better future for israelis and palestinians alike. if issue is offering a new proposal to roadmap to an enduring cease-fire and a release of all hostages. >> as you mentioned netanyahu accepted the invitation to address congress for a fourth time for the office of israel's prime minister also said that under the proposed proposal, israel would continue to insist these conditions are met before a perpermanent cease-fire is pun place. many skeptical of course anything will happen meanwhile a high level source said in an egyptian american israeli meeting is scheduled to be held tomorrow in cairo to discuss the reopening of the rafah crossing. humanitarian aid workers have said it is just too dangerous to travel in the area. now of course the united nations also sang today they are unable to feed most of the civilians right now in rafah there able to reach about 27000 at last check. there is about a million that are in need of that aid. bill: 78 bennett live in london for us today, thank you. arthel: huge let down for jayla fans the megastar said she is scrapping her summer concert tour rumors swirl of a troubled marriage for christina coleman is live in los angeles with more. >> this has been plagued with low sales and some it's another holdings called off announcing the news did not make any mention instead say lopez is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends the singer adding i am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down. please know i would not do this if i did not feel he was absolutely necessary. promise i will make it up to and we will all be together again. i love you so much, until next time jayla is a website it states those who purchase tickets through ticketmaster will automatically be refunded those who bought them from third-party resale sites are encouraged to reach out to their point of purchase for further details for jayla's a big summer u.s. tour was initially scheduled to run from june until august but a few months ago seven shows were canceled this was after promoters had quietly rebranded the concert from being in support of her new album to instead be a greatest hits show which still did not boost ticket sales the tour's cancellation comes amid rumors she and her husband, ben affleck are having issues with people magazine reports that you have been living separately here in los angeles while experiencing a strain on their marriage. the two were together several decades ago broke up and famously rekindled their high-profile relationship about three years ago, then tied the knot in 2020 to be the chill been busy lately lopez has been promoting her new netflix film atlas and ben affleck has been filming the accountant two. arthel: christina coleman, thank you. we will be right back. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? 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>> very active is and at least as leading up to be one for it's day one of the season and typically the first couple of months are fairly slow but these are the average number of the statistical likelihood you're going to see a hurricane or tropical activity parachute notice late august into september is when this really ramps up generally. in general we are expecting an active seas and these are the average numbers and the national weather service issued may be double in some these cases for named storms, hurricanes even major hurricanes we are getting up to nearly double the amount of storms. all because of some really warm ocean water but that's one of the main ingredients. this is the waters across right now you season the red and orange is that's indicating some real heat. the water temperatures are earning where they typically it would be by august and up or ths a ton of warm water out there that could eventually fuel some storms. for now it's quiet we know that will ramp up over the next several months of the vices so it looks like across the country at one big weather future move into the easter's heavy raid on the florida gulf coast over the last several hours. that's been enough to perhaps because of flooding we are expecting more storms you pop up across portions of texas over the next couple of days but flooding with all the rain showers will be one of the issues as we head to the weekend. snore a a and class, thank you r arthel, that's a blessing we need is more hurricanes heading into was going to be a crazy or already. arthel: no, please, let's do it again at 4:00 p.m. eastern. see you then. thank you. , there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts—act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how's your heart? 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(♪) ♪ ♪ paul: welcome to the "journal editorial report."

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Syndrome , Don T , 1 , 14 , Side Effects , Swelling , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Changes , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Kidney Problems , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Benjamin Netanyahu , Pressure , Cease Fire Deal , Defiance , Central Rafah , Conditions , Invitation , Prime Minister , Live In London , Meeting , Stephanie Bennett , Proposal , Hostages , Release , Deal , War , Elimination , Hamas , Phase , Cease Fire , Fighting , Resistance , Settlement , Reconstruction Plan , Views , Stage , Biden Speech , Roadmap , Israelis , Palestinians , Source , Level , Reopening , Egyptian American Israeli Meeting , Rafah Crossing , Cairo , Aid , Workers , Most , Civilians , United Nations , 27000 , Megastar , Need , Jayla , 78 Bennett Live In London , 78 , Marriage , Concert Tour Rumors , Holdings , Sales , Christina Coleman , Los Angeles , Singer , Mention , Tickets , Website , Ticketmaster , I Love You , Sites , Promoters , Big Summer U S Tour , Resale , Purchase , Issues , Greatest Hits , Cancellation , Concert , Rumors , Ticket Sales , Album , Husband , Ben Affleck , People Magazine , Chill , Strain , Relationship , Knot , Lately Lopez , Netflix Film Atlas , Accountant , Thank You , Bills , Yep , Come On , Bike , Riding , Cavity , Bad Boy , Diabetes , Motorcycle Insurer , Things Aren T Related , Ah , Yee , Glucose , Sensor , Glucose Levels , Carbs , Smartphone , World , Fingersticks , Confidence , Cgm , Freestylelibre Us , Clearchoice , Applause , Implants , Smile , Doctors , Teeth , Life , Struggle , Others , 100000 , Consultation , Waters , Record , Business , Hurricane Season , Weather Center , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , Atlantic , Fox , Forecasters , Season , Day One , Hurricane , Couple , Likelihood , Parachute , Hurricanes , Storms , General , Weather Service , Water Temperatures , Orange , Because , Ocean Water , Amount , Ingredients , Red , Ths , Warm Water , Weather Future Move , Ton , Vices , Flooding , Easter , Portions , Raid , The Rain Showers , Florida Gulf Coast , Weekend , Class , Blessing , Snore Aa , Eastern , 4 , Glucerna , Blood Sugar Response , Carbsteady , Everybody , Shades , Sensitivity Protection , Hollywood , 24 7 , Vision , Product , Patients , Eyes , Ga , Macular Degeneration , Eye Injection , Syfovre , Effect , Stand , Lesion , Treatment , Growth , Fda , Infection , Doses , Redness , Vessels , Eye Pressure , Small Specks , Retinal Detachments , Retina , Inflammation , Eye Infection , Increase , Vision Loss , Wet Amd , Eye Inflammation , Doctor , Blood , Retina Specialist , White Of The Eye , Streets , Doctor S Office , Fingers , Car , Pads , Check Engine Light , Heart Doesn T Have A Hey , Check Heart Sign , Ekg Reading , Anywhere , Ekg , Causes , Bradycardia , Atrial Fibrillation , Heart Rhythm , Get Kardiamobile , Tachycardia , Device Costs , Thousand , Kardia Com , Don T Wait , Amazon , A Thousand , 99 , 9 , 79 , Paul , Journal Editorial Report ,

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