on many different things. he would not allow us to have witnesses or talk, would not allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. >> it is dangerous, irresponsible. for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> americans should feel somewhat reassured, our democracy worked. justice was done. [ chanting ] go to jail. >> the democratic party on the left so different desperate to stop that they will risk the destruction of our entire legal system to do it. >> it is the first time that i am seeing him face any sort of consequences. >> he is showing he wants to fight for us no matter what they try to do to him. >> after the verdict the fallout. former president donald trump vowing to appeal conviction on the 34 felonies as president biden says no 1 is above the law and that it would be reckless to criticize the verdict. we are also keeping a very close eye on the financial fallout as the biden and trump campaigns try to fund raise heavily off of all of this. what to make of that. first fox team coverage with brian ennis at trump tower on what the former president is saying and nate foy outside the courthouse on the latest legal maneuvering. welcome. glad to have you neil cavuto. let's get right to it with brian. hey brian. >> reporter: former president trump spoke at trump tower for 35 minutes in what was deemed a news conference though he took 0 questions from the press. instead of lamenting the fact that he was still under gag order expected to continue through his sentencing date on july 11th. mr trump spoke alone today at this news conference. he had no family there or lawyers. he was flanked by a trump organization staff. he said the trial was very unfair and called judge juan merchan a tyrant and pivoted his message to the voters and basically said the real verdict will be on election day november 5th. trump perching himself as a political martyr of sorts. even said quote he was honored to take on what he called the fascist state as he vows to appeal this verdict. >> this is a case where they can do this to me they can do this to anyone. and i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something for this country and i am doing something for our constitution. it's very important. far beyond me. and this can be allowed to happen to other presidents. it's never be allowed to happen in the future. there are hundreds of trump supporters and protesters outside of trump tower today. the big question though is how independent and swing state voters are going to react to this verdict minutes of the verdict the trump campaign began fundraising off of this verdict. the homepage for the trump website saying quote breaking news i am a political prisoner, asking people to donate. the campaign says they received more than 485,000 donations totaling some $35 million, doubling the last record for a single day of donations. this as republicans are coalescing around the former president. 8 republican senators including marco rubio marsha blackburn, jdi vance vowing to no longer cooperate with democrats, signing a letter that said the white house has made a mockery of the rule of law. senator mike lee writing on! strongly worded statements are not enough. those who turned our judicial system into a political fragile must be held accountable. we are no longer cooperating with any democratic legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned senators to join our stand. and it's not just then. you have the house speaker mike johnson saying he thinks this should be appealed to the supreme court and you have the house judiciary committee led by jim jordan saying they are now demanding the testimony of da alvin bragg and prosecutor michael klein angelo. >> neil: thank you very much. brian alanis outside trump tower. no nate foy outside new york state supreme court. nate has been enjoying so much. he's not leaving but tell us the fallout for this because obviously donald trump has to return there but there's the issue of the sentencing. there's a lot going on. >> former president donald trump said today he will appeal his conviction that we saw play out yesterday and he will have 30 days to do that after his sentencing hearing here. command on july 11. given mind that's 4 days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. so take a look at this timeline. here's what we have ahead. comes lawyers and prosecutors can file any posttrial motions until june 13th. those will be issues they would like to bring to judge juan merchan. then after the sentences trump on july 11th trump has until august 10th to appeal his conviction. trump lawyers have signals some of their possible grounds for appeal including their prospectus and of judge by us. the judge donated to president joe biden's 2020 campaign. his daughter also works for democratic political campaign firm. comes lawyers could also revisit key rulings during the trial like the denial of a mistrial motion after salacious testimony from stormy daniels. trump's lawyers argued it was prejudicial testimony. trump also plans to challenge the trial's fairness given publicity and of course his status as a celebrity and former president. the credibility of his one-time lawyer michael cohen's testimony could also be questioned. another key issue that trump brought up today at trump tower was the fact that they did not bring to the witness stand former fec commissioner brad smith. comes lawyers wanted to question him about campaign finance law but judgment sean said it's his responsibility to explain the law to jurors and he didn't want to confuse jurors so trump's lawyers ended up not calling smith to the stand. that's another thing to keep in eye for as possible grounds for appeal. will send it back to you. >> neil: appreciate that. in the meantime want to get our legal eagles to weigh in on what's at stake for donald trump and indeed the nation. the former federal prosecutor johnny back with us former deputy assistant attorney general criminal offense attorney lawyers all. during good ones. i begin with you. your take on this july event it's getting a lot of scrutiny because at that hearing the sentencing will go down. a lot of people have been saying given the bad blood between judge mark schaan in the former president there could be some surprises. could you see among those surprises the judge insisting he spent some time in jail? is that unlikely? >> new york law and the standards in new york demand he not go to jail. that said there's some discretion that is given to a judge in a situation like this. this is a first-time a fence. it wasn't a violent a fence. judge mark schaan could though say the past issues with the gag order violations as well as some of the things that he complained about donald trump doing throughout the course of the trial including potentially even his own defense counsel closing argument where he made a comment about the jury if they found him guilty that that might see him go to prison. all of that could motivate the judge to give some sort of jail sentence, maybe even short, a number of days. keep him away from the republican convention or number of weeks or months catch a of the election. so there's no saying but i will say confidently that in the state of new york the rules and the standards are that he should not see jail time. >> does that have anything to do with the inevitable appeal that if you are an appeal process such a sentence if there was 1 is put off? >> usually in a case like this again as andrew just said nonviolent felony no criminal background i wouldn't expect that a judge would deny mr trump the right to be free during the dependency of the appeal and in that case i think that trump lawyers should press hard to get the appealed on quickly, not even wait for the deadlines. they have a lot of good issues 2 appeal not just really factual issues which appellate courts usually defer to trial judges but legal issues, the most important of which is how is the da here allowed to try to enforce federal election law which is only under the constitution given to the federal government? i think that issue alone would allow president trump to win if you can get to the us supreme court. >> that might be a tall order to your point but mercedes i want to bring up something former president brought up earlier today when he was supposed to be at press conference but ended up being not quite press conference but him going on for better part of half an hour about not only this case but his case to be elected president. having said that he did bring up this issue of not testifying." into respond donald trump earlier today. >> testified i wanted to testify. the theory is you never testify because as soon as you testify anybody if it were george washington don't testify because they'll get you on something that you said slightly wrong and they sue you for perjury. but i didn't care about that. i wanted to. >> i have this image of george washington that courthouse. she i testify or not. what do you make of that? >> certainly that is the key issue in any defense case like this. will you put your client on a stand? president trump is right. this is very difficult when you look at a situation like this. do you want to put your client in the thick of a cross examination that could have brought up anything regarding not just the case but any inconsistent statements. so former president trump not taking a stand, he was completely in his right to do so not to choose to do so, obviously he did it in consulting with his defense team. and frankly the defense team really did give him the right council. don't take the stand. you're going to put yourself in the thick of this cross-examination that could really be very problematic for them. >> andrew stepping back and looking at the enormity of this case unprecedented nature of it. for now donald trump is a convicted felon and convicted felons cannot vote. i don't know on this case if that applies because it will go through pills but what are the rules? >> the consequences of a conviction start at the point of conviction so there's a number of different things that this despise him from. it bars him from not only voting but bars them from owning a firearm and other consequences that happen from state to state. donald trump is going through something many people across america go through when they are convicted of a crime. even if you don't go to jail there's many consequences. in fact, he has to report in to do a preliminary report i believe next week before the sentencing hearing and they're going to ask him questions like do you currently have a job? are you applying for any jobs. so 1 of the things that i've heard joked about today is he will have to check that he's applying for the president of the united states. >> i didn't know that. obviously this is not any normal citizen. this is a guy running for the highest office in the land at and as andrew pointed out. so allowances are taken creek even entertaining the possibility of probation or jail which again i understand highly unlikely. but he has secret service protection. there's a lot involved with this 1 human being. >> that's the problem here i think is that the constitution concentrates all of the executive power included in the power of law enforcement and the president. so here you have a president who's been prosecuted and convicted. this is going to create terrible incentives for future presidents who always had to be worrying now when they make difficult decisions for their country, he my going to be prosecuted by my successor someday? also trump is not just the president. he's also the major opposition candidate for president who happens to be leading in the polls. this is even in my mind more important than the fact that he's a former president and he has secret service protection because it creates the possibility that in the future you're going to have incumbent presidents launching criminal investigations against their main rivals. things that happen banana republic's. actually like banana republic. i shop there but don't want to live in banana republic. >> how likely is that? and others been raised in concerns this could spread and all of that but how likely is that? >> in terms of having a former president trump actually go to jail? there's a possibility. >> future presidents her future, you know, gunning for those and actions that many years in their case prior to when they were president in the first place that this could open up a hornets nest. >> i think anybody there are laws established in this country. anybody is subject to follow the laws, and those who don't there might be a jury of their peers who believe they violated the laws. it's that simple. is always come to be an overriding concern in the future someone hold public office the highest office in the country will be subject to greater scrutiny and heightened sense of they have to complete themselves differently than the ordinary citizens, probably so. there will be a heightened scrutiny especially if you are the president of the united states. but in terms of if you're a law-abiding citizen you presumably don't have to be concerned about how the laws are applied. they'll be applied universally honorably and done so under the constitution. >> thank you all very much. we'll be looking at the political fallout from this as well and the money this is raising for donald trump off the chart numbers. joe biden hopes to get the same with money he hopes to raise but different issues having nothing to do with this propelling the doubt with best performance of the year and all the major ad venues closing of the month of may which can oftentimes be a dicey month. with some very good numbers. the best may we have seen for a couple of these averages and the better part of 2 years. with the dow advancing a little bit more than 2%, s&p 500 almost at 5% and the nasdaq at 6.7%. almost 7% were nolet said, so very good month for technology. will pick it apart tomorrow on our weekend show. and say how these 2 relate because there's a possibility the longer this drags on and some of the legal questions around donald trump it might have an impact. so far very little that we can see this far. in the meantime we'll be taking you to the white house, he might have heard kansas city chiefs are going to meet the president of the united states include in that fella harrison butker who's been very critical of joe biden and said the president is delusional on abortion and doesn't like the hypocrisy on that. the president did not take that against him. said he and the entire team are welcome at the white house. we'll see how that goes. more after this. ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. exclusively at the home depot. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit purple.com or a store near you [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: i want to take into the white house. big event going on. kansas city chiefs super bowl champs 2 years running want to make it a third year running all invited to the white house. usually that's a big shindig when it happens. there's a little bit of controversy this year with 1 certain player who you might know. it's not peter doocy but peter doocy can tell us because he's there. >> this is going to be the last chance for anybody to possibly get a question to president biden about the news of the day like the trump convictions yesterday. it seems like he really does want to take any questions but that given his awkward reaction to these. >> donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that sir do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign? would love to hear your thoughts. >> okay nothing. the super bowl chiefs, super bowl winning chiefs are here right now. taylor swift not spotted boarding the charter by tmz's photographers. she's not expected to take a break from her european tour to be here but harrison butker the kicker is. about 2 weeks after delivering a commencement address that criticize president biden's policies on abortion for being in conflict with his catholic beliefs. >> you said everyone on the team is obviously invited. the chiefs kicker harrison butker welcome after. >> after obviously, what i can say is we invite the entire team and we do that always. i don't have anything beyond that. >> nobody singled out, it if there is any kind of bad blood we should know in the next few minutes. they should start any time now. >> so turned around and looked at the reporter, did he have an answer? just didn't say anything. didn't look like he said anything. >> i'm sure he has an answer and also before he went out there so many told him we would put anything we need in the prepared remarks. but his glance back there is potentially a problem because there are lots of people who paid attention just yesterday when story was coming up and they heard donald trump saying joe biden did this to me intentionally. he is l'affaire to bruise a political opponent. president biden could have when he stopped very clearly her the question said that's crazy or no i didn't do that because that was kind of the idea of his prepared remarks. but he didn't do it, so the chance for a clear rebuttal off the script the kind of thing that people will see on tv right now are on social media over the weekend was missed. >> opportunity gone. peter thank you very much peter doocy at the white house. in the meantime the verdict is in and the fundraising is on. but man when i say all this really odd. after this. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses 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that's exactly what happened. so i think the money will keep going. people that can give last night are up and running and giving today. so that number will grow. >> think about that. in a span of i think less than 6 hours i don't know if this breaks any records, it must. trump campaign raised 34.8 million dollars. that's not a bad haul but that was in response to donald trump getting charged guilty on all 34 counts, and there was a rally around donald trump and now a lot of people are saying will discontinue, with some of the donor excitement how lambert was talking about. he's a big money raiser and big donor. ron desantis back in donald trump. there's a lot more money were that came from. gop fundraiser extraordinaire is 1 of those bundles a, when money comes and she's the 1 who makes sure it comes and big bundles and she's pretty good at it. but does that tell you? i follow this for a number of years and don't think i've ever remember numbers like that in so short a period. >> 1 of the things that i looked at is the fact when you donate online you're actually doing 1 or 2 things, giving what you can afford to give and you're giving out of passion and emotion. you're very upset with what's happened i do want to show support for the president and you are doing that. the other thing and i've talked about this on your show many, many times, that donor that's giving whatever he's giving, by the maccabee $25.000, that's also vote because this is called your momentum donor. these are the ones that get online, he are going to get whatever they can afford to give and they are also going to vote. unlike some of your big donors that will write you a check for $800,000. that's 1 vote. that's a very large check and donald trump needs all the help he can get and that's 1 vote. other people that were donating through the site these are not only contributions but these also translate into votes. >> neil: so a lot of it was coming in small denominations. 20, $2,122. that tells you a lot of people who necessarily are not super wealthy but a lot of people. it's not just a few fatcats coming together and doing that. that's pretty remarkable. >> this is the same thing the phenomenon started with obama. if you will remember social media he was 1 of the first to capitalize on the momentum donor or teachers were giving reoccurring donations of $25, all they could give and they voted. liquid trump has done. he's done the same thing which will kind of allude to you but a potential outcome could be. because these are people that are so passionate about giving anything they can and we are dealing with inflation and a lot of people not being able to even afford different groceries but they are giving their household income in these small levels. the 20-dollar donor is someone you should really pay attention to because not only are they giving money out of their budget that they are going to stand in line for hours. they're going to to vote. and this is telling me that there is a groundswell. there's an undercurrent of something going on. so regardless of what the polls are saying, look of our action being taken on this website to, you know, try to clamber it so much that you can't even get through, and i do agree that today we should see another uptick on all the people that were not able to give yesterday. >> i know it's hard for you to know the other side is up to but what about joe biden of course the argument of i'm running against a convicted felon and am going to raise a lot of money. he's not saying that. that's what the campaign is implying. what you think the money raised total is there? >> i can't speak for the other side but what i can tell you is i don't see the momentum there. people on the opposite side of donald trump the biden camp the liberals feel like they achieved victory on this why do they need to give anything else. they are watching and thank they had a big victory so i don't know if they are going to feel so compelled to give more money. i don't really see the passion or the momentum truly give towards the joe biden campaign. they are going to use it to the best of their ability to hammer home, you know, you don't want of fallon as president so they are going to use that shtick to try to get dollars. but i just don't see a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of the small donors giving so much passion like they did for obama back when he ran. i don't see that same passion for joe biden but i'm seeing it for trump all day long. we are seeing this all day long the momentum and the passion is with trump. >> got it thank you very much. there's a difference between momentum and passion for a particular candidate but does it translate into votes for that same candidate? we will explore that coming up here. in the meantime we are looking at the president's schedule and especially the sentencing that is apparently going to happen on july 11th. wouldn't you know that's about 4 days before the republican convention. - i 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but no ill will on this day of celebrations for the super bowl champs 2 years running and they hope to make it 3 years running. we are monitoring this and see what happens if they both from narrow whatever. that's not likely but it's a nice beautiful day. beautiful moment. in the meantime beautiful moment right now but an awkward 1 for donald trump because he leads in the polls and is raising a whole lot of money but of course he's been dealing with these 34 counts in which she's considered guilty and technically convicted felon. now to make matters a little bit more awkward there's a sentencing hearing scheduled for july 11th case you're keeping tabs on that. that's 4 days before the republican convention. so the fallout from all of this with bob cusack hill editor-in-chief mark penn democratic poster former clinton advisor. what do you think? tough timing issue. >> it all depends with the judge dies in the sentencing and whether the sentencing occurs on that day. so far this judge has wanted to take obviously wants to take donald trump out of the presidency. so for all this talk that of course he's a first-time offender and not eligible, he's convicted of things i could send you to jail for 137 years. i think this judge is going to sentence him to some jail because he's trying to take him out of the presidential race. so giving him community service isn't going to do that. and if he does that i suppose donald trump will have another record fundraising day. >> for that very reason mark and i raise it with you, he would think the judge if he doesn't flip over donald trump obviously there is ill will between the 2 of them, it would only be helping donald trump politically. so i would even want to even entertain doing something like that? >> listen. eticket would be, it would be a huge fundraising day for trump. i agree with mark on that point. and i agree i don't think the judge can do that. obviously he has the ability and the power to do that. but i think that would make trump into a martyr and in some ways i think that would play into trump's hands. but we shall see. obviously there's no precedent here, so but i just can't see trump being sentenced to prison after this verdict. >> i'm just wondering what you make of how donald trump as the nominee of the republican party will be greeted a few days later. people have time by then to digest all of this. significance of this a general consensus building. if all these indictments spreading across 4 cases have not heard him this won't do much either. what do you think? >> the republican convention is filled with republicans. republicans both love donald trump and believe that everything here is being done to take him out of the presidential race. so he's going to get an incredible reception at that convention from like anything he's ever gotten before. there's no question about that. there's no question that yesterday's verdict produce record fundraising today, a record reaction among the base. some democrats cheered, a lot of republicans got angry. voters in the middle remain as perplexed as ever about what to do, he and we'll see how they absorb this in the coming of days but there's no question how the basis reacted. >> that's not too surprising to your point but the question then becomes whether this will make a difference battleground states with the polling is a little tighter between the 2 men. and independents and women and maybe some of the others who have not yet committed 1 way or the other might be less inclined now to go to donald trump. what do you think? >> listen. as mark says trump owns his base. he's owned it for years. but he does not own independence. sometimes they have been with him sometimes they have not been with him. and that's the key question of yes he's been convicted but will it matter. i don't think it's going to help him with independents i do think that democrats are going to hurt themselves if they spike the ball. we saw some of that but not a ton of it but i do think certainly the base loves trump but where the independence go? they are still struggling. they are looking at third parties of looking at everybody but there's a lot of people who are just not satisfied and remains to be seen if this would hurt in the battlegrounds but without a doubt in the battlegrounds trump is winning and in some cases some polls have him winning the battlegrounds pretty significantly. >> there's always a concern you have the party with you that's 1 thing and you mentioned that and then there's the issue of nikki haley, last week said she would be supporting donald trump. that might have moved the needle with some supporters. i don't know all of them that way. this might stop it, these convictions might hold that. >> just to expand a little bit on bob's point. independence, 1 thing about independence. they don't like the government. and when they see the government , the democratic prosecutors from new york coming after somebody i think actually among a lot of others are several kinds of independents. younger dependents too young to join the priority but among older independents those are classic antigovernment voters, so if you kind of look at this as those voters i think are more likely to vote for trump, will the nikki haley vote be turned off by this, that's were nikki haley's leadership and who he makes as vice president will be important i think in getting those voters are not showing a direction that he's moving somewhat to the center and responsibly in taking his vice president. and in terms of the younger independents i don't know what they are going to make out of this. they're unlikely voters for him anyway. >> you are never know. we still have some time. i want to thank you both on that mark penn. in the meantime there is another big trial that's going to get a lot of people's attention for 1 hunter biden. we have more on that. >> jury selection begins in hunter biden's federal gun trial on monday. will have the details including what his defense team plans to bring into court. ♪ lowe's knows when you need a new appliance, you want it at the right price. that's why this memorial day, we have huge savings on premium kitchenaid appliances. get everything you need to make a statement in the kitchen and on the table. shop lowe's now for great memorial day deals. ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, awaiting the gun trial that's the first trial, there's 2 even mind for hunter biden, it all goes down monday in delaware with jury selection. david spent has more. >> hunter biden's life or change on monday when jury selection kicks off in this federal trial. just hours ago responded from boarding air force one on his way from delaware to washington dc. you see him climbing stairs right there. now we know it some of the evidence is that will be presented. special counsel david weiss' team will introduce parts of the hunter biden laptop as evidence which hunter's lawyers fought vigourously to exclude. that we don't know which parts will be brought up from the prosecution. this is the same laptop that 51 former intel officials touted as having all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation. it wasn't in the special counsel's office wrote the defendant's laptop israel and will be introduced as a trial exhibit and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. more of the evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources. hunter was in court last week for a final hearing before jury selection and charged with 3 family counts of lying on a federal gun form in 2018 when claiming he was not a drug user allegedly. hunters attorney abby low preview to theory in court last week that hunter actually did not check no to being a drug user. you see right there. he says it needs to be examined whether other people filled out the form and there may be some sort of chain of custody concern. the special counsel seems confident hunter was the 1 who check no in that box in 2018. judge maryellen noreika ruled the special counsel mac cannot mention hunter's indictment impending tax case in california. that scheduled to go to trial in september. this trial judge's the same 1 who tore up a pdl last summer that would have gotten hunter biden off with that plea deal. it's always possible in 11th hour plea deal could be cut here or the weekend or even monday before jury selection starts but it seems all systems are go. both sides are ready for trial at least according to the filings. this trial may last up to 2 weeks possibly even going into a third week. >> it would be about half the time of donald trump's trial essentially it pans out the way you said. >> exactly a no word yet. want to know if the defendant will take the stand just as we did in trump's trial and abby lowell hunters attorney said in court it is possible hunter may take the stand. >> they said that about donald trump's trial beforehand but he didn't do that. okay david thank you very much on all of that. in the meantime when we come back taking a look at some pressures for average americans. is the economy stupid, is that really to the advantage of the president. i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit leaffilter.com. it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: we have some news today that propelled the dow. stunning 574 points today because a key measure the federal reserve follows, canaan fairly can't tame other was worse than thought keeps us on the steady as she goes progress supposedly making inflation the confront the federal reserve to eventually lower rates. that's the hope and that's probably joe biden so. let's go to the carter gop pollster doug shown democratic poster brilliant both of them. lee that something that republicans say just isn't happening. it's not a great economy and about a poll seem to reflect whatever the at a ministration is saying about how peachy things are. they don't buy it. but this is another piece of data that ensure the administration will cling to to say, yeah, it's happening just be patient. what do you think? >> 1 of the biggest problems is this administration is talking about academic measures of the economy and people are talking about the kitchen table issues that matter most to them. when you talk to the american people and look at the polling it's pretty staggering. about 94% say that the economy specifically has given the mental health challenges. 92% say financial stress has caused them physical side effects. there's a number of people who say this is the worst year for financial stress in the history of their lives. so when you have this kind of feeling and you see people feeling so so bad about the economy, you can just tell them their reality is wrong. people are feeling pain at the pump and inflation. people are feeling pain across the board. and if not going to go away by just telling them thanks are getting better or just be a little bit more patient. and when you look at it most people think donald trump's policies will help them more than joe biden's well. 55% say donald trump help them or with the economy and only 33% think joe biden well. >> as you know republicans are trying to turn this, you know, to their advantage and the white house meanwhile is trying to say all right let's say you have problems with me on inflation, you should see the republicans as they take over warning of inflation bomb if republicans get their way extending the trump tax cuts. that's how they are positioning. what do you think of that strategy? >> i don't think much. if i were them i would be focusing on tangible steps they could take to bring down inflation or at the very least to empathize with people for what the polling was showing that you just put up. his people's real concern. prices at the grocery store and prices at the pump. people want tax cuts. i have seen over and over. and to run against tax cuts in favor of tax increases even if they be on the rich is a losing strategy. i think the white house is tone deaf. woodley is saying unfortunately for my party make sense. >> switching gears a little bit the administration also is making clear that it's time to take full advantage of saying we are running against a convicted felon. they keep pounding that, the top democrats keep saying that. how do you think that resonates? i know among the base the republican base very loyal to donald trump and i don't think it does, but that the convictions have changed that. what do you think of that? >> etiquette julie interesting because if you look at your twitter feed our social media feet it's basically a rorschach test. you see him as a convicted felon and the other hand to see him as a political prisoner so depending where you sit depends how you view donald trump and what we see is republicans view it as 1 way. democrats entirely different way. what i'm most concerned about is how independents view it. at what i have seen from independent so far is many of them view this case is sort of the least important case of all of them. but what's want to be impact overtime of them continue securing he's convicted felon convicted felon. i think it could have some impact but i'm not sure that it's come to be enough when you look at some of the other numbers. only 4% of people who said they supported trump before going to question that where he conducted guilty, were so i think at the end of the day we'll see a softball and donald trump's polls but i don't think it will be this freefall the democrats are counting on. >> it's also how you deal with the controversy. bill clinton of course as you know quite well was a impeached and had to come back after that and then there was monica lewinsky thing and he had had to make thanks right, somehow he pulled it off and left office with a greater popularity then coming into it. it's too soon to tell with the follow will be for donald trump but do you think the way he handled that this morning spending a good deal of time angry at the judge, angry at this whole sham of a trial as he likes to characterize it. he did mention some big issues both of you outlined but i think it was, you know, dominated by the trial itself, may be justifiable to say that but not may be a winnable election pitch >> i couldn't agree more. if i was advising the trump campaign which i most assuredly am not, i would say the former president has made it clear what he thinks of the conviction. he's going to appeal. talk about the issues of people care about because lee is right. by about an 18-20% margin voters prefer trump on the economy and trump's economy over died and on the economy and bidens economy. there's also the southern border. again another issue the place to trump's advantage. trump should say this is politics what's real is our future as a country and my policies will be better. i think if he does that he will minimize even potentially eliminate the importance of this conviction to yesterday. >> neil: thank you. we will see how it folds out. a lot on this tomorrow on my morning show on saturday 10:00 am. see you then. here's the 5. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello i am jess