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>> what's happening here is weaponization on a levehat'sl that nobody's seen before, ever. mother teresa, they could not be dischargemother td as the trump verdict could be any second. i take full responsibility for d my actions. i was disgusted then when i did it. i'm disgusted no >> j >> i'm so sorry. the p. diddy grand jury grand j is her. >> memorial day. i proudly stood with ath a black man. biden fights the black exodus with elmo. i mean, can you fathom that? >> plus, i'm a man, jerry. i'm a man. >> the trial for a crime democrats can't name is now in the handscrats ca of a libert manhattan jury. how does trump think this whole thing'tary. ts going? >> mother teresa, they could not beat these charges. ole thin these charges are rigged. the whole thing is rigged. you have a trial like this where the judge has no conflic t . >> he can't breathe. he's got to do his job . >> and it's tough for me that i can tell you. it's a disgrace. charge >> and i mean that mother teresa could have been those charges.: s half hours. this jury's already deliberated longer than the o.j. jurury. b >> but biden must be happy because that's four and a half hours that trumpcause r an can'n in the bronx. >> the jury resumes deliberations tomorrown the br at 930. and like the rest of us,e rest they're confused. judge >> they asked judge merchan to reread them what the case wao re s tol and judge rashawn finally told the jury what the crimes were. are you ready? there's three a federal campaign violation, the creation of false records and a tax violation. now, we knew about the falsei di records charge, although i didn't know how marking legale expense for paying a lawyer's a crime. >> tax violation. s. anytt time i'd ever heard anything about taxes and theold old campaign finance violation. >> and now we know the specifica charge. i'll read it. it's a violation of new york state electionti ow york law toe to promote the election of any persons by unlawful meanthe eley >> it's a misdemeanor. and by the way, brag has to prove that trump knew he was breaking election law. >> now tne, in 2016, trump was a first time politician. he didn't know election law.encg >> and if silencing eruptions is illegal, you'd have to throw trll clinton's entire campaign g in prison. >> trump was going to call a witness to say thiins wasn't d against the law. judge wouldn't let him. so listen to what him.t the jude told the jury. the jury gets to pick what crime trumps guilty of the 12 jurors. >> don't even have to agree on which three charges he's guilton s he'sy of. it can just be one or any 1 torn 3 charge combination. that and the judge considers that a unanimous verdict. usverdicconvicted. like it's like a crime buffet. go 12 jurors can go to the buffet, each eat different things. e juo >> one juror just gets a salad. the other jurors get meat got and potatoes. other jurors get salad, meat and potatoes. all they have to do is agree on their meal was delicious. even though they didn't even taste everyone else's foodn. fill your plate with misdemeanors. whatever you want, and we'lls th call it a felony. this is the first time we've ever seen a casee firs like thie in the history of the american legal system. galand three non-unanimous misdemeanors make a former president an nonuneanors md con. now, it's not like they found trump with gold bars in his closet like gold bar, bob. >> it's no clot like trump film this crime spree like hunter. if t i don't understand it and our lawyers don't understand it, how do you think the jury feels? the jury must be overwhelmed. >> i mean, to have all of thesat instructions just read to themys without them getting a copy is is going to be overwhelming for them. ming fand also, it's crazy thatr the lawyers were nots able to discuss instructions in their closings yesterdastruc >> they weren't able to do that yesterday, which i find bizarre. yeh i findarre.the judge sent 1n jurors to deliberate preshe fate of the formemanhattr president with a new crime and no guidance. couple new crime of these jurort in there admitting they don't like trump. >> how are like they supposed te fair if the crime isn't clear? >> you can'tear?. that's the point. it's all emotion. this to beit's wsigned confusing to why they made it about and the election and never touched on the actual law. >> it playedhe actual right ino the jury's biases and stereotypes. dismissed jurors were telling us this weeks ago, remember, you feel like the people speakin that you were speaking with in that jury room that you sat with allm, tha day on tuesday, that they couldn't put together a fair and impartial jury because of that sense of duty? do you think that's possibleden i'm not sure about that, reallyw ? why? you know, everybody has biases stou and, you know, you know, stereotypes in their minds. >> the jury has two lawyers on it who work in manhattan, s corporate law firms with dea all over their websites. >> dei a they know the charges are frankenstein. they went to law school. they know betterenstein, . s if what do you think happens if they find trump not guiltyey fi and show up to work next week? corporate law firms in new york city are aboutco as political place as you can work outside of politics. >> these types of firms all work for and donate to democrats. r natetheir reputations and ther careers are in jeopardy. so is everyonecareer else's inse of the courtroom. if bragg fails, his career ifr. e >> maybe he lands at msnbc. mayb e if judge merchan guides the jury to a conviction and he's overturn it on appeal,t democrats don't care. >> he doesn't care. it's after the electiosdon'n or sean will be a hero. liben liberal law circles and his daughter, a democrat consultant, they'll get filthydi rich. >> there's something very fishy about how judge merchan cameovei to preside over this case. there are 24 sitting judges. who are supposed to be random selected from to take this case. judge merchan wasn't even on the list of judges. >> he's an acting judge. >> and he's not just a biden donor. judge merchan donated to thetur progressive turnout project and to an organization called stop trump, and he never recused r himselecf. e merc >> judge merchan was allegedly randomly selecte d for the trump hush money case. the trump organization fraud case fraud. >> and for the steve bannon case, this is almost statistic impossible in an acting judge, not within the pool of sitting judges, thate who happens to bep trump donor is randomly selected to all three of these trump cases within the same year. it's probably another conspiracy theory, just like the resistance left fell in love with fauci, mueller and avenatti. av >> they now have a man crush on merchan. when respected judge merchan. i mean, i am i am like now, you know, i felt like a manm. crush on him. he is such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have thee thatu same impression. i mean, he's just you just keep on thinking if you looked in the dictionar thinkin ly forl temperament that you get thist? temperament. he kicked everybody out of a courtroom so he could yell at a defense witneshe kicke o s, rolledlled his eyes, and then threaten to throw the former president of the united states in jail for talking. >> the judge is throwing a tantrum inside the courthouse and the sitting president sends sitt to throw tantrums outside the courthouse. >> he let a courthou star suggea was sexually assaulted and then told the jury, oops, pretend and you didn't hear that. >> and then let michael cohen sell the jur michay anti-trump t-shirts from the witness stand. >> no one knows what the heckhek is going on. >> the confusion i is nobody knows what the crime is because there's no crime. ime. nobody knows what the crime is. the d.a. didn't name the crimeha commander. they don't know what the crime is. that'st th what the problem is.i it's a disgrace. this thing going to be endedt immediately. ought >> the judge ought to end itto and save his reputation. the defendant has a constitutional right to know the crime. >> he's beintutional right tg c. you can't tell him on the last day and you can't tell the jury the crime on the last day either. t daand if the judge witnessesd and the crowd can't control their emotionsd can'. jury to how can we expect the jury to put their emotions asiden to and use reason to decide this case? fox news legal editor carrie urban is here. carrie, what happened towardsth the end of the day? d ofit was a draining long day.n and then at the very end of it,e we learned that inw yo new york state, the judge, the jurors are not given the jury instructions to readh n for themselves, which means that if they had any questions at ally ques, we all have to sit there. so the judge or the court reporters can reread rt all of it a again. so this comes at the end of a day where we sat this morning for anere weg hour and 40 minu, where judge merchan spoke verydg slowly and very softly. it was hard to even keep yourve eyes open. and i'm thinking to myself, i'm a lawyer. i've been following this for how manymy'm a weeks?s the how in the world is thjue jury retaining all of thisents a information, the crimes, the elements and all of that? so it's to go backnd into a roomal and say, all right, now that weh have that in my head, we can decide whether the former president of united states should go to jail or not. >> you're sayingr the foresident the judge gaveng the jury instructions for an hour and 40 minutes? >> yes. he rea judg jurd them. d them. you know, you know, when you're the husband or wife tells you somethin>> jesyourg to and it's like 30 seconds later and she's like, i need you to get thisd i for me. >> and then you get i need to write this down a to n hour l 40 minutes. it was something like that. it was something up there. ike that.and so you can imaginee all felt. and i don't blame the jurors on this. i don't know how it would be possible for any humat known being to retain all that information just by listening. >> so we get to the very informa end two of the day and we get two notes from a jury. m is they want to hr some of the testimony from previous weekse test from david pecker and michael cohen, which apparently is abouts abou 30 pages, and according to the court reporter, is going accordito take that alone. >> that's going to take 40 minutes to read. oh, they can't take 't take th back.the transcripts. they can't they don't even be read the transcripts yet. eyv >> and they have to, i guess, take notes. yeah, they can take notes, taotes? i can tw what we'ree are doing is we're literally going to do tomorrow morning. exactlliterally what we did this morning, where we will sit through all of the jury instructions, read again, and then 30 pages of testimonymy that we've gotten over the trump campaign . the and he has to sit there the whole time. so even this afternoon, the jurors were allowede an to leave. and the judges, the judge met with the lawyers, and we werd te all allowed to watch this to decide which portions of the transcripthichtion would be rel. and that's that's an important discussion. golfp couldn't even leavimportar that. >> so he can't even play golf and get a phone call. the verdicts a calhe in and just drive right back to new york. >> now, it's a crazy rule? and it is absolutely crazy. carrie urban, thanks as alwayseo . >> thank you. former federal prosecutor, georgetownto joins me now. t so, jay, this judge donates to an organization, stoppublican republicans, donates to biden. do paying hispaign's daughter doesn't recuse and then confuses the bejesusur out of the jury for an hour andv 40 minutes. and they have no idea what the case is or what the crime no thw is other than that. >> how is everything going? well, the merchan world, it's going perfectly well. >> i agree with what carrie said. i don't i don'bahn t you know, i don't blame the jury here. look my fair shares. of jury trials. i would tell you thatman wh andrew weissman, who has a man crush on judge merchan, i've had scores more than andrew weissman and never in all of my trials did a jury come back in 3 hours in and ask the judge, hey, could eve you repeat everything that you just said in the last hour forut an hour and 40 minutes never happened. >> and it is because. wellr happened.ecause, it's nevd in maybe on day three, but not on our three and sort of like, album break suits. there's just a lot of material . and they can't do they can't keep up as there is there, you know, trying to sort of absorb the law, which is the most important part of themost trial in many ways, becaus ie they have to apply it to the last five weeks of of facts weekt th allowed,d two you know, two weeks of evidence to be crammed into five weekwenn is amazing pace that he took in his courtroom as an acting judge. so it it really isn't the jury's fault. i am gla isn't thed, though, thi being diligent, that they're asking questions, that they're takingthatar whatever steps thed to take to be a good, diligent jury. and, jesse, i disagree with the president on this, that the mother theresa may maybe can't get an acquittal. r but i think mother theresa can definitely get a hung jury because these charges are so confusing because there is no crime. an all right. >> and isn't it illegalo to sandbag the defendant with the crime on the last day? and they just invented this theory?t in where you can choost from a list of three, not be unanimous o not. >> and that's how you get a conviction of a former president. when does that ever happen beforet happened it's well intoo your late latter point this is the first trial in prosecution of a former thiss president, united states. and this is it. like america. this this. this is what was brought. these are the charges. and we'rissought, te just learnt the criminal theory is. and on dayy is o 35. and so i think that what what i what i would say about the charges about judge merchan is that his permissive bias has been on displamerchan sy throug. and and he he really needed hime to recuse himself at the beginning. >> and we're seeing why now. ohlft thbeginnin, mother theresd get a hung if she could get a b hung, maybe trump could in manhattan. we'll see how it shakes out. thank you so much,p can jack.t >> thanks, jesse. democrats woke up this morningsk and realized the trials backfired and now they're begging for it to end. >> i'm waiting for it to end. f to bore honest with you, i wantk trump back on the campaign trail. >> i actually think if he's convicted, helps a little bit on the margins. >> tiny, tiny bit. i think if he's found not guilty, i think that's more of a benefii thine oft for him thaf he's found guilty for the other side. >> i just do. i wantor other side.i want it ot i just think i don't think the country cares about it. i think the countrntryy has been inflation. they care about abortion. they care about democracy. they care about thtinflatioe wa. in gaza. i just think we're talking to ourselves a lot w here. i >> i'm not saying it shouldn't have been brought. i want it over. n broughtrump campaign press sey caroline levitz here. >> caroline, why do you think they want it over so quickly? for the last year, they've been trying to get this guyy l tiedw down in court. >> be careful what you wish for, jesse. careful c exampleat. cou of that. i'm not sure when the democrats i'm n th do notalize underestimate donald trump. he will fight throught, h everything he fought through. two hoax impeachments he throws flat through the russia, x. russia, russia hoax. he's fought through endless investigations into his family,s into his business, into his himsels,f as president. now as a candidate. they've confined him to this c courtroom for six weeks and he's stronger than ever. >> i was with the gu r y all dayay today. he's in great spirits. why? because he knows he ultimatelygh has the truth on his sided and he's going to be vindicated. >> and the democrats kno goingw, too. >> they don't have a case. they don't have a crime. they concocteda caseve a this ee trial to put it on in the media capital of the world hereattemp in new york in an attempt to weaken him ahead of the election. and it is not working. >> just look at the polls. the does the trump campaign believe that a convictio trumpaign bn, as ridiculous as it would be, would hurt the campaigd hun in y way? >> we actually put out a new poll today that shows that the majority today of americans wilt be swayed by this trial. they already aren't. more than half of the country views this as a political hit job, which is exactly what it is. and like i said, with every indictment, with every impeachment. donald trump has only grown stronger and this game is not going to be any different. >> he says that success is the best: heuccess revenge. but let's say he does win reelection this novembersa. >> will there be any revenge directed at the people that put this hoax case together? >> well, certainly people need to be held accountablegether ces the crimes that have been committed over the last severa l years that we've seen them lie. we've seen them abuse our justice system. syste we've seen joe biden target innocent americans across thiswv country, such as the protesters on january 6th who've they've thrown who in the gulagington in washington, d.c. president trump said he will pardo, n those protesters on day one of his presidency. yes, justice needs to be servedd for the good hearted americans across this country who want to sehearicanrosse an l application of the law. and this trial proves we don'tw, have that in america right now. >> all right, karoline leavitt, thank you so much. than>> jes u so muck you, jesse. blm, elmo diddy and the swarming ahead. >> the west was a chaotic brew of progress and explosive violence. jesse james black bart and butch cassidy became icons to a nation desperate for heroes. roll up your every attempt to rob this bank. 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campaigns have done in the past reach out to black voters,c young black voters in particular, but using every tool at our disposalh outo blacw to do so. and frankly, despite what trump fr say, this is theha only campaign that is actively >>d aggressively doing act that. >> the only thing biden aggressively pursued, the guy populatehingiden the administration with black faces but punish black america. punis. den nomicdei. >> i'm proud to have the most diverse administrationdenomics t in history taps into the full vicents of our country and starts at the top. or the vice president. a memorial day. i proudly stood with a black man. the highthe highest order, the t black secretary of defense. because you voted, i was able w to keep my commitment to appointas the firstk woma black woman on the united states supreme court. and i appointed more black women to the federal circuitoiny than every other president in american history combined. ievery single president combined, they're trying to erase black history.ite >> we're going to write black history. but black americans care more about inflation, immigration and crime than diversity, equitnflation yn't co and inclusion. >> biden can't comprehend that. so he dusted offmpnd that. off o the first time in months and held a joint campaign eventr at a black philly charter school with black elmo for phillies, elmos claim to fame e dancing in front of a dumpsterf fire fitting today was supposed to be joe's big rally for black america. instead, he failed to fill a kid's gyica.m. >> trump is trying to make the country to get justw dark how dark and unsettling things were when he was president. we'll never forget lying around . and hillary and i seen him lying around black, white, hispanic. >> nobody can figure out what he's talking about except for the view. >> who thinks trump'n fis the oe who has trouble with words. >> the mans trum is competent, t and doing the job and it's not about his age. >> the other one is dr. gray doesn't rememberoddering not r g and can't put a sentence together and has and has like brai likn in the middle of arag. paragraph. >> and now a prominent y black voices are backing away from biden. >> if i were president joee baca biden and you know, i was getting the backlash that i was getting from morehouse hav students, i would have talked with them, not to them. n i want to have a conversation with them and i want to see what they're really frustrated t about. i want to talk to them about the things that i knowo are botherinthemt g them. i think that would go way farther than what he did. and these kidst are brilliant.u know like these kids. you know, they care about actual issue c s. ee >> this has been the left's strategy for decades. leftpander every four years, ble racism and lie. what would happen to black americans who stormed the capitol? d stor i don't think he'dme be talking' about pardont s as the same guy wanted to tear gas. wyou. as you peacefully protestedd george floyd's murder. >> brexit activist madeline brame joins us now act. so you were at the bronx eventro with former president trump? yenx events. ? >> why were you there? >> number one to speak and also to get the crowd motivated. yeah. all righ t. jes yeah. yeah. it was electric. it was magical. itah was some event. >> so when you see joe biden out there saying this, that ands the other thing, does that sink k inin with black voters? >> you know, just sitting here listening to that, i feel likevi vomiting, you know, for the simple fact that, you know, it's so insulting and so racist for every other word to come out of his mouth, black, this black, that black, this black that lik onle the only ren why we made these so called accomplishmentse color is because of the color of our skin has nothing to do with our intellect, has nothing to do with the merits of nothingothin it's only because we're black that these things are happening. >> he is so insulting and he's saying that the reason you're being chosen to fill outl his administration is because ea of the color of your skin. >> exactly. you know, but it's not gonna flot going to y. ay >> it's not it it may flya cert with a certain sigma set of, you know, the african american or poor minoritywe nee community. we need to put that ind to perspective. poor minority means black, white, hispanic, asian, jewish,s italian, all of us. >> that's the way i like to frame it, right? bltinsultike to just pinpoin black people. right. because it's insulting. all right. it is disrespectfuin it's disndl and everything, you know, based on the color of our skin. , you knyou know, i don't thinky it's going to play with people. >> you're saying it's an economic and economic argument that he should be? absolutely. and all he's talking about is patron. it is the colo >> jes talkingr of our skin. >> you know, many of us work, you know, work hard every day. and when trump was in office. l our paycheck will last us at least paycheck to paycheck. >> right.e and we still had a couple of dollars left over to to to save maybe go on a vacation. weaybe certainly didn't have to worry about not having food in our refrigeratod inr. the same salary. the inflation has gone through the roof. i think a gallon of gas costsevn almost $5. i'm scared to even start my m car in the morning because it's going to cost me $5 to start my car. >> right. joe bidelarst myn says you have of money. >> no, that's a lie. that's a lie. that's a lieof >> t. >> and you're spending it. he says you have plenty of money to spend. there's no money to spenf mone there's money to pay rent. there's money to pay cell phone. moste's money pay your billsent there's no money left over, not even for food. you know, most of us are going to the ful gl pantry where w as opposed to we used to be able to go to tho e store,, you know, a bag of food with nothing in the baodg, maybl some toilet paper and paper towel. >> it's almost, you know, shrinkflation you're getting less potato chips in your bag. >> yes. you.hank you >> all right, madeline, thank you so much for joining . se: gladers, primetime for >> unbelievable. glad you didn't vomit on the set. i almostid said there's a reasonly takes joe biden rarely takes questions from the press, because when he doesfrom the, ty he turns out like this. >> president biden, will you be serving your full four year term or handing over power to vice president harrisv all four years for handing over . i can't hear you. could you approach? okay, make everybody ready. pre >> formerswam presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joins me now. someone askeind him and this isa legitimate question. he's the oldest president of all time e. liev many people don't believe he could make it through the first term. a lot of people don't thin ugk. ecte if he's reelected a second term, he's going to finish. term hit looks like we lost viv. well, let me just finishtence. my sense. totally legitimate question. everyone's talking about it.t the democrats are talking about it. the democrats think he's too ole democratood to serve anothe >> a majority of democrats don't even want him to bf eso we the nominee. so when a reporter asked you an questionu , are you going to be able to finish your next four years at what is he, 80 something he should say? yes, i'm a vigorous man. i have a young spirit.he cou and i'm committed to the yountry, notnt what did you do, fall on your head? if anybody fell on his heaurifdn it's. >> i won't go there. breaking news on diddy right back. >> ooh, carnie, you've got to. it's carnie. i saw that. that's what i said. . sara carnie got to me. >> got a juicy carnie as alanisn carnie, i did. >> and you schools, all thatow got in courtble caable del. >> golden corral. hey, grab more delectable. >> you know that likable character, the likable, character, the likable, delectable yes. just her. you must be delicious. delectable, likable treat. deliciously delectable. >> delectable. 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nfl thing. it's a family affair. no felonies rocking this guy. and it may vivek ramaswamy joins me now. so we just heard a reporter asked joe biden if he'd finish his four years if he was reelected or it hand the keys to the white house over to kamalelected, thea. a harr and joe said, what happened? did you fall and hit your headis ? what do you say, vivek? well, the fact of the matter is, jesse, he's not really even the one running the presidency right now. >> so we talk about the next four years. it's nominal. who' s actually in charge?in cha the person we've elected to run as president is nocted it actually running the country as the us president. it is the deep state and the managerialhe underneath him. so you mark my words, it's not ma joe biden, or it's a machine underneath them. and the reason they've put that debate up on june it' 27th is, 27t by the way, to make this his final audition to test io hs he is the best puppet to put up. and so it's like the san antonio spur thes under gregg popovich. it doesn't matter which player they play, it's the machine that'sdoesn'r they actually doig their work. >> and i think that's the thing we got to see. thateef he bombsll in june, then they're going to pull a switcheroo and chicago, who's that next person that's going to bump up kamala or they bring in gavin? y well, the reality is they do have a kamala problem where a couple is wildly unpopulara. e she's completely ineffective as a president. you played that clip of elmo. you know what? elmo played cli elm would makee president. kamala harris probably would, which is maybe why they're trotting maybe elmo outthat's on stage. >> so maybe that's the option for vice president. but fo the optio esidenr president, you got. to do the math. the kamala harris problem is a race and gender fixationthe ka in this country, which eliminates gavin newsom. i think that really pave gendsy fo the way for a michelle obama or similar figure. and i think the timing they're playinmichelma or sig fh you know what? it's late enough in the game that it pervadedhe gam its timer scrutiny. >> you get the honeymoon phase and ultimatelyyou gephas run thi the election. that's a scenario that i believe they're playing foon r. s that's why this is the earliestt presidential debate in u.s. history. this presid is the first ever debatee before the nominating convention of either major partatiny. >> think about it. add up the incentives. that's what this adds up to. and we got to play one step ahead. >> do you think that question was planted? because i have never heardasnted a mainstream media reporter assigned to cover the white house everma report ask a democt president something like that?th >> yeah, of course it was. but the reality is they work hand in glove togetherreality this is just the arm of the state. that's what the mainstream media represents. you might as well call it pravda. >> that's what it is in the modern united states. but americant --s are seeinghy through it. >> and i think that's why we have the opportunity, jesse, thfoe. andslid w the question is, do we step up v and seize it? we got to stay one step ahead of the other sidstep ahee in orr to win this. >> all right, vivek ramaswamy, a lot of people talking about yo.>> jesy, au, vp of trut we'll see how it shakes out. the fakeeam. wil thanks, as alwa >>nk thank you. >> fox news alert. a federal investigators are reportedly preparing to bring diddy's accusers in front of a new york city grand juryt of investigators allegedly obtained video from inside diddy'sdly obta mansionse tracking down additional witnesses identified by the cameras, including a male sex worker who claim a mals to e a victim. diddy has been named h in eight civil lawsuits since november, with seven directly accusing him of assault. both the justice department and homeland security declined to discuss specifics with us, but we'lscuss spl keep you up te as soon as we learn more. >> the star on shakedown caseta against trump in new york's noty going the way they planned. plsmp's up in the poll and many believe a conviction would help him. so democrats are going back to january 6th. the supreme court's weighing if trump has immunity in the case, but democrats won't stop working. the refs. >> they're trying to discredit the court before a decision comes downt beisio. e co >> think of the supreme court. yet for god's sake, talk about things getting worse. yeah. can you imagine if we put any more republicans on the supreme court? >> no, ne suo. we will lose all of our rights. so we're talking about women'sle rights, gay rights. i mean, we will lose our voting ou. ts >> voting rights. yeah, right. author john grisham fantasized about writing a book about justices getting assassinated. abt justici wrote a great book e pelican brief in which two supreme court justices were assassinated. >> yesurt justices wer. and i've thought about doing it again and no, no, no, no. right, right. the writing part two. he's talking about writingion. parts of fiction. it's all fiction. it's all fiction. >> it's all fiction. don't get upset. the supreme court smear started cooking a couple of weeks ago. ed cookithe york times reportede alito had an upside downst american flag flyingice ha outse of his house three years ago. they said an upside down flag jan was also seen on january 6th.gtp washington post had the story in their filesostory for three . why are we hearing about it now? we iw?because the left's using o to try to get alito to recuse himself from trumps january 6 case. but alito responde d. the justice said his wife was the one who put it up after tht ity dispute where she was called the c-word. fl alito said he had no idea about the flag until somebody told him about iy t. tak >> he asked his wife to take its down and she said no. >> overruled. alito said he can't make her takee justic it down. it's her house, too. liberals are always telling us women have all the power in the relationship and now they expect alito to tell his wife to stop puttingip and m flags and make them some eggs. the justicsomee says his wife l flags, puts him up all the time. theml sports flags, holiday fla, american flags, state flags, college flags. she's a flag. lady alito's wif e bought new jer a beach house in new jersey with money she inherited mon and flew a flag with a pine tree. and the words said an appeal to heaven on it. it's a flag commissioned by george washington duringers l the revolutionary war. >> colonial fighters flew it on their shipsuid on . san francisco flew the pine tree flag at cito fly for 60 ye. this weekend they took itht down . they say it not longenor represents their values just because a couple of guys were waving it on january six. now it's a white nationalist symbol. forget the 250 years of history. so if some guy has carhartt pants on there ran into the capitol on jan six, does that mean we all have to throw out ours? doesn't make any sense. dana lash is a nationally syndicated radio host. dana, this joi flag scandal, woe i mean, this is is bigger than watergate, right? >> oh, it's the biggest, jesse. and, you know, you missedy sixt something. everyone on january six also wore shoes. that's the reasoning dictates, jesse, that everyone should wear shoes. that is apparently a sixer. that's it.involved >> i don't i don't want to get involved. hypocrite. fijust took it off. yeah. see? there you go. right there. no, i. first off, i love justice alito's totally base response to the requestt ofi lo for him to recuse himself from this from this case, because becaw that this is a loser,lose too, just like the new york case is a complete and total the loser. so they've now started targeting these individual justices to try to smearstartegs their name and make their case that, oh, we need to pack the court because, you know, his wifee flew a flag. i'm so tired of progressives freaking out o over their own ignorance. >> please, for the love of all things holplease ally, can we jn have a national history class for these dumbhistor, decrepit, people because they clearly don't know american history? belearly out like this over the gadsden flag to where they saw a yellow flag this wie snake on it. >> and they're like, oh my gosh, these people must be crazy. same thing lik theyese pe with that, with the with the pine tree flag. they have no idea what american history is. sode a to dude's had the flag ja on june 6th and they're like, oh, my gosh, you must be a white nationalis t. like, no, you absolute imbeciles. it's -- it's like it's enshrined in american. this flag is super old. it's military authorized. it's liks suped,e it's historic on the east coast. >> stop. open a book, touch grass, take a breath. >> dana, i probably have a lot in common with youi pr a lotr h. >> all husbands have this in common. if their wifhusbands have wantso something in the yard, buy new furniture, you know, maybe put a little ornament around christmas time, maybe you don't love the look of the ornament or the lounge chairsunge cha. a >> you can't say, yeah, wife, take it down right away or else that's not how marriages work. >> you're right, jesse. i'm about to educate people on this open aspect of sexismm ab.s and the and sexism is real,d i and i celebrate it. the men can control the thermostat so long as they take out the trash and they mow the lawn. out e but women get to decorate the house, and we choose what stuff goes in the lawn. jesse we also choose what other likeo of accouterments go on outside the house like flags and such. s so long as we uphold our ends of the bargain, everything's good. e bargaii totally. i totally respect his wife's choice. it's her freedom to do so. go. wome, it's hern. >> go women. all right. what a feminist in alaska. thee >> love it. y thank you. there you go. thanks to thanks to einfelsed, and hunter's baby mama tells all. >> we're here with chris carnahan of our local 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let's bring in fox hostbender julie banderas, who has two emmy twos. t up >> first up, jerry seinfeld has been speaking his mind recently . you just said extreme laughs killing comedy because everyone's too worriedt saideaco about offending each other. and now he says he misses masculinitey as a as a man. >> can i ask you, are you. i well, i mean, i wanted to be i didn't ask for pronouns before. maalways wanted to be a realt as man. i never made it in that erat er, agai an. it was jfk. it was muhammad ali. it was sean connery. howard cosell. you can go all the way down can go ahethert'e. l that's a real man. i'm going to. i want to be like that someday. someday i miss a dominant masculinity. yeah, i get the toxic. but still, i like a real man. >> whatever happened to really amazing? it almost sounded like he was coming out of the closet. but t i think that's what hist point was. and i appreciate it. i know you're grinning, but it'st there is not real masculinity in this world. what are you talking about? rea what about real? >> a man? god's no more real. a real man. now, you're right.>> you but i mean, i appreciate the fact that jerry seinfeld is sayinhe facg all women are ay feeling. so thank you, jerry,l women for. being a one on. >> so you guys. you guys do want real men. you don't want. we d ou realo want real men to cryu o because this society doesn't want who men anymore. >> wwee want babies. we want babies.i wa nt ai don't want i want a real . you want a real man? yes. like clint eastwood? >> yes, exactly. okay, great. great, great. n >> i'll see if i can make that work. julie, thanks. p,london rundreds baby mamas back to haunt them. london roberts, the former exotic dance, formerr at hunters baby daughter navy is releasing a tell all book. >> thi huntes babys august. >> it's the same month as the democratic national conventiont . >> she's the book out of the shadows my life inside the wild world of hunter biden is set, is to expose her time with hunter,r and it's described as this, quote, roller coaster ride of a relationship. touching on the drug cook working in rosemont, seneca strp kitchen strip clubs where hunter might try to pull protel wf protecting him from would be terrorists in new york city. m d-bethe night she grabbed twod and was certain she would have to fatally shoowas cet a cd mma fighter and dozens of otherh storieers that make the laptop debacle seem routine. >> obacle seh, julie.: i ma i think i might have to buy this one. this is amazino bug. so the whole routine. so that meansssuming the stripper pole. yes. okay. thank you for clarifying. so >> j, i mean, i just.w i don't know, because he dated a lot of , and there's a lot of money t of was involved, and now we don't know. >> we don't know. but this is coinciding jesse: the democratic national convention in chicago. >> i thinkdemocrnal conv it's ws >> it seems like she might l be jilted. is she is.t >> she saying hunter wasn't a real man? i think she was going to saytera that hunter was a terrible accident. she waible ex.s badly scorned. but you know what? i mean, do you think that hunter biden was a good boyfriend or a good anything? >> well, i've never really gone on, but i'vem. him never gone on a date with him either. but i can tell you, as a womanr, i don't think that he was probably the best boyfriend. well, it looks like a good book. not as good as get it together s ooks wil ,but it'll be a good. a >> thank you, julie. yeah. than and next. the west was a chaotic brew of progress and explosive violence. jesse james black, bart and butch cassidy became icons to a nation desperate for heroes. your reaction to, robert frank as long as some chose to live outside the law others would always be ready to put their lives on the line to them, to justice. you know, we kill you, too m the humans. once thiucs is outlaws and lawmt on fox nation, whereio you worried the wedding would be too much? be too much? >> now another and wedding. >> why can't 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,Afternoon ,Transcripthichtion ,Allowede ,Rel ,Golfp Couldn T ,Thanks ,Phone Call ,Verdicts ,Prosecutor ,Discussion ,Rule ,Golf ,Calhe ,Alwayseo ,Doesn T Recuse ,Stoppublican Republicans ,Georgetownto ,Paying Hispaign ,Jay ,Bejesusur ,Everything ,Idea ,Thw ,Merchan World ,Wh Andrew Weissman ,Jury Trials ,Man Crush ,I Don T Bahn ,Shares ,Trials ,Forut ,Lot ,Like ,Material ,Album ,Nevd ,Wellr Happened Ecause ,Break Suits ,Becaus Ie ,Ways ,Part ,Weekwenn ,Themost Trial ,Weekt Th ,Facts ,Space ,Evidence ,Five ,Good ,Isn T The Jury ,Diligent Jury ,Takingthatar ,Fault ,Though ,Isn T Thed ,Thi Being Diligent ,Gla ,Optio Esidenr ,Hung Jury ,Mother ,Theresa May ,Acquittal ,Isn T It Illegalo ,Theory ,O ,Beforet ,This Is It ,Prosecution ,Point There Th ,Thiss ,Criminal Theory ,Dayy ,35 ,Ohlft Thbeginnin ,Ab Hung ,Bias ,Theresd ,Displamerchan Sy Throug ,F ,P ,Jack T Thanks ,Bit ,Side ,Side ,Campaign Trail ,Margins ,Him Thaf He ,Benefii Thine Oft ,Country ,Inflation ,Countrntryy ,Democracy ,Shouldn T ,Abortion ,Thtinflatioe Wa ,N Broughtrump Campaign Press Sey Caroline Levitz ,Gaza ,Court ,Tiedw Down ,Cou ,Democrats I M N Th ,C Exampleat ,Do Notalize ,Donald Trump ,Family ,Hoax ,Investigations ,Business ,Underestimate ,H Everything He ,Russia ,Himsels ,Sex ,Candidate ,C Courtroom ,Spirits ,Truth ,Gu Ry All Dayay Today ,Sided ,Kno Goingw ,Six ,Attempt ,Concocteda Caseve A This Ee Trial ,Polls ,Media Capital Of The World Hereattemp ,Half ,Majority ,Poll ,Aren T ,Hit Job ,Convictio ,Campaigd Hun In Y Way ,Trumpaign Bn ,Game ,Best ,Success ,Indictment ,Impeachment ,Win Reelection ,Heuccess Revenge ,Hoax Case ,Revenge ,Novembersa ,Accountablegether Ces ,Protesters ,Innocent Americans ,Justice System ,Syste ,Thiswv Country ,January 6th ,In Washington D C ,Pardo ,Gulagington ,6 ,Justice ,Presidency ,Hearted Americans ,U ,Day One ,Application ,Servedd ,Karoline Leavitt ,Progress ,West ,Brew ,Swarming ,Blm ,Violence ,Others ,Nation ,Heroes ,Icons ,Bank ,Jesse James Black Bart ,Butch Cassidy ,Humans ,Line ,Lives ,Outlaws ,Lawmen ,On Fox Nation ,Mypillow ,Word ,Help ,Extravaganza ,Pillows ,Products ,Product Company ,Employees ,25 ,5 ,Brand ,Towel ,Mypillow Sandals ,More ,Keys ,King Size ,Loft Level ,Fabric ,The T Black Secretary Of Defense ,Identity Theft ,Number ,Screen ,Ships ,Promo Code ,2022 ,75 ,13 Million ,Victim ,Dollar Protection Package ,Clogge Sbris D ,Lifelock ,Behalf ,Threats ,Backed ,Filter ,Debris ,Show ,Icon ,Gutters ,Lee Filter ,Gutters ,Lee Filters Technology ,Clogge Sbris ,Nevero ,Guys ,Quiz ,Cash ,Votes ,Big ,Splash ,Bingo ,Big Falls ,Summer Buff ,On Tuesdays Fox ,Hulu ,Guy ,Floors ,Copa America And Heroes Together For The First Time ,Bobby Make Let ,Stars ,Summer ,Stripes ,Fox ,Soccer Morning Noon And Night ,Fs1 ,Kaylee ,Topics ,Emily Harris ,Perspective ,Theyese Pe ,Pain Won T ,Pro ,Pain Relief ,Solution ,Passions ,Anesthetics ,Absorbine Pro ,Trouble ,Choice ,Media ,Blackthey Americans ,E Biden ,Go To Ship Station ,Sellers ,Slash Try ,Anfu ,Voters ,Campaigns ,Particular ,Presidel ,Media Environment ,Young Voterss ,C Young Black Voters ,Faces ,Administration ,Black America ,Outo Blacw ,Fact ,Tool ,Fr Say ,Disposalh ,Guy Populatehingiden ,Vice President ,Starts ,Vicents ,Administrationdenomics T ,Top ,Den Nomicdei ,Punis ,Women ,United States Supreme Court ,Black Man ,Few ,Circuitoiny ,Commitment ,Firstk Woma Black Woman ,Highthe ,Appointas ,Black History ,Ite ,Immigration ,Diversity ,American History Combined ,Ievery Single ,Equitnflation Yn T Co And Inclusion ,Eventr ,Off O The First Time ,Black Elmo ,Black Philly Charter School ,Offmpnd ,Elmos Claim To Fame E ,Dancing ,Phillies ,Dumpsterf Fire Fitting ,Joe S Big Rally For Black America ,Gyica M Trump ,Kid ,All Of Us ,Words ,Mans Trum ,Thinks Trump N Fis The Oe ,View ,White ,Hispanic ,Age ,Middle ,Sentence ,Paragraph ,Arag ,Brai Likn ,Gray Doesn T Rememberoddering Not Rg ,Students ,Backlash ,Conversation ,Joee Baca Biden ,Backing ,Voices ,Ni ,Morehouse ,Left ,C S Ee 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Responde D The ,Alito ,C Word ,Tht Ity Dispute ,January 6 ,Duringers L The Revolutionary War ,Somebody ,Justice Alito ,Liberals ,Iy ,Takee ,T Tak ,Flags ,Relationship ,State Flags ,College Flags ,Theml Sports Flags ,Justicsomee ,Puttingip ,Eggs ,Holiday Fla ,New Jersey ,Pine Tree ,Wif E ,Heaven ,Jer A Beach House ,Mon ,Pine Tree Flag ,Eye ,Fighters ,Shipsuid On ,Itht Down ,George Washington ,San Francisco ,Cito Fly ,60 ,Pants ,Nationalist ,Symbol ,Values ,250 ,Dana Lash ,Doesn T ,Radio Host ,Scandal ,Woe ,Joi ,Shoes ,Sixer ,Biggest ,Reasoning Dictates ,Missedy Sixt ,Case ,First ,Loser ,Response ,Becaw ,Fijust ,Hypocrite ,Requestt ,Ofi Lo ,Progressives ,Name ,Wifee ,Don T Know American History ,Belearly ,Gadsden Flag ,Decrepit ,Dumbhistor ,Rally ,Ignorance ,Class ,We Jn ,Nationalis ,Oh My Gosh ,Snake ,Imbeciles ,Gosh ,Ja On June 6th ,Sode A To Dude S ,June 6th ,Husbands ,Breath ,Stop ,Military ,East Coast ,Liks Suped ,Youi ,Pr A Lotr H ,Ornament ,Yard ,Look ,Wifhusbands Have Wantso ,Lounge Chairsunge Cha ,Furniture ,Men ,Else ,Sexism ,Sexismm Ab S ,Marriages ,Aspect ,Di ,Thermostat ,Lawn ,Stuff ,Out E ,Likeo ,Accouterments Go On ,Bargain ,Trash ,Ends ,Wome ,Freedom ,Feminist ,Baby Mama ,E Bargaii ,Hern ,Alaska ,Einfelsed ,Leave ,Leave Filtereaffilteology ,Chris Carnahan ,Gutter Protectio ,Nings ,Guttersilter ,Filter Technology ,Openings ,Ladder ,Peace ,Mindr ,Gaps ,Lee Filters Patented Filter Technology ,Mindthen Somr ,People Sigcom ,Sharing Aie Didn T ,Inspectionsomething ,Forhe ,833 ,Hearing Aids ,Brand L ,Leader ,Brand Leader ,Everything Call Miraclhee Earlln ,090 ,Evaluation Todadey ,Come On In ,Hearing Evaluation ,One 800gs ,Isaac ,My Pride And Joy ,Ys ,2347090 ,800 ,Impatience ,Beautiful Stare ,Clock Protection ,Progressive ,Prime ,Auto Bundle ,In San ,The Unitedwer ,Thank Goodness ,Shirt ,Shower ,Water ,On Fox ,Carbon ,Football League ,Environment ,Sushi Say ,Cars ,Bears ,Carpool ,Jokes ,True Self ,Purpose ,Bestsg Excuse ,L Environmeninet ,Purpos ,Excuse Dawg ,Bg ,Section ,Surface ,Work Hustle ,After School ,A Million ,News Headlines ,News Business ,Audio ,Join Today ,America Is Listening ,Sirius Xm ,Political Prosecutio Shell Renewable Race Fuel ,Emissions ,Indycar ,Dawg ,Shell ,Jerry Seinfeld ,Emmy Twos ,Water Cooler ,Laughs ,Comedy ,T Up First ,Fox Hostbender ,Worriedt Saideaco ,Julie Banderas ,Each Other ,Masculinitey ,Realt ,Pronouns ,Maalways ,Agai An ,Erat Er ,Jfk ,Muhammad Ali ,Sean Connery ,Howard Cosell ,Ahethert E ,Masculinity ,Someday ,Toxic ,Ti ,Hist Point ,It St True ,Real ,Ai Don T ,We D ,Society Doesn T Want ,Ay Feeling ,Ou Realo Want Real Men To Cryu O ,Sayinhe Facg ,L Women For ,Wwee ,Babies I Wa Nt ,Julie ,Formerr At Hunters Baby Daughter ,London ,Exotic Dance ,London Roberts ,Clint Eastwood ,Rundreds ,Hunter Biden ,Hunter Wasn T A Real Man ,National Conventiont ,Thi Huntes Babys August ,Seneca ,M D ,Quote ,Terrorists ,Twod ,Roller Coaster Ride ,Drug Cook Working In Rosemont ,Protel Wf ,Strp Kitchen Strip Clubs ,Laptop Debacle ,Mma Fighter ,Cd ,Dozens ,Otherh Storieers ,Shoowas ,Obacle Seh ,Money T ,Routine ,Stripper Pole ,Wi Don T Know ,Amazino Bug ,Lot Of ,Meansssuming ,Ex S ,Thinkdemocrnal Conv It ,Is T ,Ws ,Accident ,Badly ,Democratic National Convention ,Saytera ,She Waible ,Boyfriend ,Womanr ,I Vem ,Reaction ,Robert Frank ,Bart ,Wedding ,Lawmt On Fox Nation ,Thiucs ,Whereio ,Backyard ,Problem Solution ,Towel Sets ,Mypillow Chandelier ,Size ,Geyser Fabric ,Melasma ,Promo ,Ownership ,Make ,Muesli ,Prescription Treatments ,Photos ,Suffering ,600000 ,Life Changing ,Tv Voice ,Factor Beats ,Dot Com Slash Tv Go To Muesli ,You Agai Go To Muesli ,Reaea ,Forcbeets Isl ,Blood Pressure ,Luxury ,Prices ,Beats ,Heart Health Rush ,Sh ,Friends And Family ,Beats Wentz ,Walmart ,Nitric Oxide ,Life ,Summer Essentials ,Materials ,Quints ,Quality ,Purchase ,Quinns ,75 Million ,0 ,Babies ,Locking ,Tube Viewers ,Concept ,Object Permanence ,Summer Bump Stocks ,Copa American Heroes Together For The First Time ,Mistakes ,Welcome ,Soccer ,Morning Noon And Night ,Football ,Tuesdays ,Lots ,Rates ,Refinance Rate ,Student Loans ,Friends ,Credible ,Special ,Loans ,Father S Day ,Delivery ,Decanter Set ,Dad ,Gifts ,Anywhere ,Proud American Dad Collection ,Local ,Life Camp ,Car Guy ,Big Car Show ,Racer ,Businessman ,Honor ,Peter Chesham Memorialbi ,Gul This Sunday ,Moreland Farms ,Sunday June 2nd ,2 ,Summermp ,Children ,Family Outing ,Pete Car Show ,Forse ,Let S De Weo ,Madeleine ,Ularshow ,Texas ,Fort Worth ,Linda ,Nevada ,Las Vegas ,Contr ,Control ,Constanwnt ,Theof Thermostat ,Rules ,Everything Else ,Alon The Tg ,Bby Fr Bobbie ,Louisiana ,Myom ,My ,Boy ,Ton ,Oh ,

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