Sean welcome to hannity, as your mentally vacant president shuffles through the halls of the whitehouse in the maximum stability sneakers, lawyers and bureaucrats in the Democratic Party are hard at work, determine to get donald trump by any means necessary, and are using americas system of justice as a political weapon. Now this is as, well, oliver stone says the new warfare which is called lawfare. In atlanta where the bogus case is in limbo, disgraceful da, fani appeared on msbnc to blast Trump Supporters and congressman jim jordan. I am sure she has no political bias or alterior motives, just justice to be served. Chairman jordan will respond tonight, straight ahead. The biden boj is launching a Warfare Campaign out there against trump, a shocking new revelation. Pay close attention to this. We have unsealed Court Documents that the politicalized attorney general, joe bidens Weaponized Doa says there was use of deadly force at mara lago. Saying they may use deadly force when necessary, against the former president of our country over a document debate. Really . Lets be clear. The left, they are going to rightly claim this is boiler plate language and standard operating procedure. Typically used in federal searches. This was no typical federal search. This was a raid of the private home of a former u. S. President , where he lives fulltime with his son and his wife, the former first lady of the United States. Over a document dispute. While trump was away during the raid, Secret Service were on location, and so were other individuals connected to the former president. So why was merid garland prepping for a possible, what, shoot out. Why did agents roll up, guns at the ready. It was not business as usual. This was a raid at mara lago authorized by joe bidens people, over a document dispute. Keep in mind, the doj charged trump with the same documented related felonies that biden was accused of committing by decades of the doj Inspector General but not charge we had any crime. Like hilary clinton. 33,000 deleted emails, top secret classified information on the servers, more than donald trump. But no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute, we were told. And biden never faced a federal raid. He had top secret classified documents spread out all of the place. Dr. Jill biden never had federal agents rifling through her clothes and underwear. No one showed up at the houses, guns drawn for a surprise search and seizure. This is not equal application of the law. This is not equal justice under the law. This is what we have been warning you about. The weaponization of justice in america. Where is the sense of proportionality. We got lectured when bill clinton was impeached. What about proportionality. A documents dispute, deadly force okay . You dont think that maybe that should have been considered . Especially since they allowed donald trump had already allowed the fbi into mara lago, allowed the fbi into the room where the documents were found. As a matter of fact, they could have taken them with them that day. They chose not to. They called back days later and said, put an extra pad lock on that room. They complied with the request of the fbi. All they had to do is say, can we come over, and they would have been let in. He would come off as a nice but very forgetful old man who was asked, by the way, he was asking if he was still Vice President , was i still Vice President in 2009 . Thats the year he became Vice President. We reached out to merits doj, yet to hear back, what a shock. The authorization for the use of deadly force we are told is a standard policy statement. I told you they would say that. Rightfully so. That is used for all search warrants, even the u. S. President over a document dispute. Thats not overkill . Okay. Remember, no one is above the law, unless you are a democrat. And that brings us to a campaign against donald trump, the one going on in new york city. And today the defence rested in its case, but not before john merchan tried to ham string the arguments. From the beginning of this trial, i said that donald trump will not get a fair trial in new york. And donald trump has not gotten a fair trial. Merchan has been against him since day one. And now he is trying to say that brags absurd case that has fallen apart against trump, and try to get it over the finish line. And the only real crime detailed during the case involved not donald trump, but Michael Cohen, their star witness, Stealing Tens Of Thousands of dollars from the trump organization. They all knew about it, and they never arrested him or charged him. As someone on cnn put it, as trump was committing a nebulous felony, he was more guilty of a class c felony. They chose to employ a novel legal felony to upcharge a misdemeanor passed the statute of limitations into the felony. And judge merchan blocked testimony from a former fec chairman that knows the law. You know, who the defence planned to use to clarify the federal election law. Another bias, disgraceful example of nothing but a biden donor prejudice judge. He also you know, spared with no defence for by the way, literally, got into a fight basically with Robert Costello that has incredible credentials. The judgment stayed one motion after the other for the prosecution. That limited costellos Damming Testimony that he knew was coming because he gave it to congress the week prior against cohen. And after costello reacted with, oh, a sigh, and an eye roll, or saying jeez he exploded and threw everyone out of the courtroom, admonishing costello, dont roll your eyes, are you staring me down. Screaming after nothing, after Stormi Daniels acted out a sex scene from the stand and talked to dead people. Judge merchan is doing everything they can to save brag and get donald trump. Dont forget, the devout democrat donated to biden and his daughter is a democratic operative that raised millions from this very case. But no recusal from judge merchan. He wants to impun donald trump on x. Mark lavine says that merchan will go down as one of the most dishonest and disgraceful judges every. And he was not picked at hand random, he was hand selected. This is not about law and justice, this is about keeping donald trump in a courtroom, smearing him in public, hoping for a conviction based solely on politics. Here is alina, trumps spokesperson. I have never seen anything like this many my life. I have never seen a corrupt judge like this, should have refused himself like this. I have never seen him work overtime, any judge to keep out pertinent information regarding the law, before a court of law, before a jury that is supposed to weigh in on the law. Thats right, shaun. Lets not forget that the prosecutors have obviously had exculpitory evidence. So it starts from the root. And then you have judge merchan that should have recused himself. I want the American People to remember judge merchan. He has randomly selected, had steve banams case, and others. This is what we are dealing with. He randomly gets donald trump. Thats not the way that the system works. You assign a case randomly, thats the way this works. But in the new america, we are seeing a politicization of the justice system. There is no put in putting on a defence when you have a judge sitting there telling the jury, dont listen to them, i am going to scream, i am going to even tell the press they cant sit in there. God knows the press is tough on me, but he had no business in kicking them out. There was bad evidence being brought in by the attorney that worked for the sdny. That has a stelar reputation, as you mentioned but the judge lost his cool on monday and he lost his cool again today. So it is time to wrap the case up. Throw it out if the judge wants credibility back, thats what he should do, there should have been a directed verdict and a mistrial. Sean i know you put in a motion to dismiss. And you want to direct the evidence, but that is never going to happen with the biden donor judge. It is never going to happen. And Jury Instructions are not going to be fair and just and right for any defendant in a court of law. Thats right. We heard a little bit about that today, sean. The judge indicated, we heard, the famous words we hear from the liberal alleged attorneys that are doing what they are ethnically supposed to do. If no one is above the law, how is hunter biden Walking Around right now. Hilary clinton, who did what they accused trump of doing is above the law. How the sock draw case above the law. How is that okay, but if your last name is trump, the rules will be bent and broken. I am hoping that the jury sees this. I have little hope in the state of new york. But thats why they brought it here. This is political. It is to keep him off the campaign. And unfortunately for them, the polls are speaking for themselves. The American People get what is going on here. Sean Law Enforcement officers of the department of justice may use deadly force when necessary. Thats boiler plate, fine. I will take that. This is not boiler plate when it is a former president , his residence, his wife, his kid, and the president didnt deny them access before. Why was that directive given, and why wasnt there proper consideration or perspective given in this case . Yeah, but hunter biden and joe biden who has documents in his garage and was not the president , didnt have president ial immunity, there was no directive there. And it is disgusting. President trump in that case was cooperating as we know, as i know. And he was doing what he needed to do. You want another paddle, you want another lock on the door. Here is another lock on the door. And President Trump has said it a million times this is a biden trump show trial after show trial. And guess what, they are falling apart, from fani to florida, to this. It is falling apart. Sean lets hope so. We will know soon. Thank you, alina. Joining us now is a Fox News ContributorJonathan Turley in the courtroom again. Two days in a row. A plus for attendance. Your reaction to what went on between yesterday and today, and you know, i have to be honest, jonathan, the fact that the former fec chair and the fact that bob costello couldnt give a full testimony and the battle over Jury Instructions is all troubling to me. At all comes down to the judge and this judge hates trump. It is disheartening. Some of what the prosecutors are asking is chilling. The prosecutors are getting this judge to allow the jury to just pick different crimes. That they believe that trump may have been hiding by committing this book keeping error, what they say is a fraudulent Business Record pattern. That means that the jurors could have vastly different ideas of what occurred in this case. But the prosecution is also asking that they dont have to prove the higher standard for a crime for all of the elements. They are suggesting that the willfulness aspect of the offence does not have to be shown consistently on all these elements. That would shorten the football field. That would put the prosecutors in the end zone and say, see if you can score. So it is a very dangerous type of case for what is not just all alleged, which is still confusing to many, but how the prosecutes are still attempt to go make it easy for the jury to convict on a crime, even using noncriminal standards. Sean well, i mean, jonathan, every bit of this sounds so unconventional to me. And again, the fec former chair had a lot to offer this jury. Because i dont think that the jury to this day could even tell you what the charges are, and on top of that, you know, now they are just basically throwing everything up against the wall and seeing if it will stick . Yeah and one of the most valuable contributions of smith, even before the jury, he made a sailiant point. He said, lets assume this was a campaign contribution, and your theory is right. If it was a campaign contribution, when they paid Stormi Daniels, they didnt have to report it until after the election. So how would the misrepresentation of the Stormi Daniels payment affect the jury . Because it would not even be recorded or memorialized until the election was over. Thats an important point. What he is saying is, even if you are right about certain aspects of the theory, it doesnt hold together. You cant achieve that. The jury is not going to hear that type of information. But what really worries me, i am pretty confident that the jury believes there were election violations in this case. The judge has allowed them to hear from Michael Cohen, and the prosecutors. And they will go into that room, erroneously believing that donald trump committed a campaign violation. It is not true. Sean well this is where the Closing Arguments are going to be critical. Joining us now, pam bondy. She was in the courtroom earlier today. Also with us, gregg jared, harvard law professor, allen dirshiwitz. Pam what was it like today, what is your analysis . I wish that every human being was allowed to see what went on in the courtroom today. The judge is supposed to be a neutral arbitor of fact, but this judge was sitting at the the Prosecution Table. Thats what it felt like. Thats what the rulings were like. Every time that the prosecutors objected, before they could get it out, he sustained it. He ruled against bob costello being able to explain his answers, this is going to rise and fall on Jury Instructions. And the Jury Instructions are going against President Trump. They are holding him to a civil standard which is preponderance of evidence, not a criminal standard, beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt, this judge is doing everything in his power to convict donald trump. Sean wow. Thats frightening. What you are all describing. Professor, is that how you see it . Well, i was the only one who was allowed, for some reason to stay in the courtroom when the judge did this to bob costello. There is a video tape of it. They do take videos but they dont allow anyone to see it but the media. I want that video preserved. I want americans to see what the judge looked like when he shouted at costello and said to him if you raise your eyebrows or stare at me, i will strike all your testimony, and not all this defendant, who had nothing to do with costello i will not allow this defendant to put on a defence. I want everyone to see that. And please preserve that video, because some day it will come out. Maybe it will be used on appeal. The basic problem the judge made was that he expanded the prosecutions right to provide irrelevant evidence on the prosecution. Evidence about how the sex allegedly was conducted with Stormi Daniels. Utterly irrelevant. He admitted in the end it was irrelevant. But when it came to relevant testimony, he cut the legs out from under the defence. They should definitely have allowed fully for the expert witnesses to contradict what the prosecution had said about these being Illegal Campaign contributions. They should have allowed costello to completely undercut what his former client had said, but instead what the judge has done is he has said everything goes for the prosecution. We are allowing everything in. All doubts are resolved in favour of the prosecution. But we are not going to let anything in under the defence. The judge forgets about the sixth amendment giving rights to defendants. It does not give rights to the prosecution. You have the right to present the defence which has been curtailed, but the power of the prosecution, to present irrelevant evidence is allowed and expanded in violation of the defendants right only to be tried for the offences, not for material that is extraneous. This is one of the most unfair trials i have seen in 60 years in teaching and writing critical law. This is a scandal. Sean this is deep and profound. I wish i was wrong. I wasnt. My instincts are right. And your instincts are right. I said from the beginning, donald trump cant get a fair trial in new york. He didnt get one in the civil case or here either. But what is the outcome . Well it is difficult to know what the outcome is. But former President Trump has a valid argument when he says this is a crooked judge. He exposed him for lying to the jury, and thats when judge marchen, it is a rigged case. He allowed cohen and Stormi Daniels unfeathered discretion. With sorted details, but suddenly when the defence calls costello, the judge shuts him down faster than a new york minute. Almost nothing in this case sean is remotely fair. This is a show trial with a pr pr preordaned outcome. There is no innocence here. Only the assumption of guilt. And the judge has taken off his robe, stepped off the bench, and he is at the Prosecution Table to engineer a guilty verdict in this case. Notwithstanding no evidence, credible evidence, of guilt. [ ] sean i will tell you what all of you have said tonight should be chilling. I have a motto for the defence. Sean yeah. If it is not legit, you must acquit. This is not legit. And there must be an acquittal. Sean good luck letting the judge allow letting that in. Please strike that testimony. The jury is not to Pay Attention to that. Thank you, both. Thank you all. Coming up, sarah carter asks new yorkers what they think of the trump trial in their home state. Their answers may surprise you. And ted cruise, and katy britt react to lawfare against trump. As we continue. [ ] my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now and get 35 off your first order. Call leaffilter today. And never clean out clogged gutters again. Leaffilters Technology Keeps debris out of your gutters for good. Guaranteed. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. Sean the defence and prosecution rest cases in the trump sham trial in new york. With Closing Arguments expected next week, next tuesday. What do new yorkers think will happen. Sarah carter on the ground in new york where she spoke with people earlier today. What do the people of my old state of new york have to say . Reporter sean, now that Donald Trumps fate is in the hands of the jury, they are divided. Those want him convicted, but they cant explain what he is convicted of, or if he will be convicted to those concerned about the weaponization, of the court system in america. And the politicization of the courts. Take a listen. I think it is so political. It is so obviously political, it is pathetic to even watch it. A weaponization of the courts . Absolutely. Obviously the judge is bias against trump. The District Attorney is bias against trump. The whole thing should have not been brought up in the first place. He needs to pay the price for what he did. I didnt know what he did. I am still trying to figure it out. Arent they prosecuting him for all the conspiracy lies he talked about . No. I believe that President Trump will be acquitted, but i didnt think it would go this far. If you are going to vote for him, you are not going to change your mind on the outcome of this case. I dont think it matters at all. Do you think it is because it is trump that people feel this way. Would people feel this way about other people . I think so. You think so . This is all bs. This is a sad case for america and the legal system that this is going on. Reporter what do you think the best outcome would be for our country . Oh, wow. Thats a question. The best outcome. Thats difficult. Because i mean, this case could have so many implications on the global stage. Reporter right. I dont think i can answer that right now. I dont know. Reporter sean, people cant gage what direction the jury is going to take. But one thing is certain. Everyone in the country is going to be watching the court and so will everyone in the world. Sean back to you. Sean be safe in new york city. Not exactly the safest place on earth. This is a tough duty we are giving you. Ted cruise and sarah britt talked about the safe guard of banning states from receiving Medicaid Funding if they ban it. The latest, texas senator cruise, welcome back both of you. Senator cruz, considering you are professor dirshiwitzs greatest student of all time. Your reaction to what is going on in new york . The trial is an absolute travesty. I would say it is a circus show, but that is putting disrespect to circuses. You have a wildly partisan left wing judge whose only objective is to stop people from voting for him in november, and you have a mess of a trial where they have not demonstrated a violation of the law whatsoever, but yesterday, they finally proved a crime, when Michael Cohen admitted that he stole Tens Of Thousands of dollars from donald trump. So we have a crime. Their star witness is the criminal and he pleaded guilty to felony theft. Thats the only crime that has been proven and it is the most blatant example. This prosecution and the other three are election interference. Sean they knew about the crime and never charged him with the crime. And according to bob costello, they didnt present the evidence to the jury either. Senator britt, lets go to the ivf issue and how important it is to so many families. Speaking of him, he has been a huge champion of ivf. He stood firmly with ivf and families, opportunities, to bring life into this world. So this legislation after what happened in alabama and the court ruling created a lot of confusion. And uncertainty. And there on the ground, i could feel moms and dads who wanted to bring life into this world, people who had children because of the miracle of life that they had got to use through ivf were concerned. So what the piece of legislation does, is it says we are going to protect ivf. And that way none of these families have to worry about that in the future. And we believe that the Republican Party is the party of life. We are the party of families. We are the party of opportunity. And this will ensure we continue to be able to do that. Sean yeah. And President Trump supports you. Senator cruz. This is incredibly important legislation. Ivf is a medical miracle. Right now today in the United States, 2 of births come from ivf. There have been 8 million babies born through the technology of ivf. Katie and i have Friends And Family members who had children only because of the great blessings of ivf. As you know, sean, i do a podcast every week, my cohost, ben ferguson, all three of their kids came through ivf. We did meghan kellys podcast, and her kids came through ivf. It is an incredible technology. And following the Alabama Supreme Court people were concerned, concerned that this medical science that they are relying on to bring children into the world and raise and to love was in jeopardy. And now, there was a lot of partisan disinformation. The democrats are trying to convince people that ivf is in jeopardy. And the Corporate Media is helping with this. Katie and i decided to make clear at the federal law that ivf will be protected. And you have a federal right to access the technology. This is legislation that on the merits should unify everyone. Of 100 senators, i dont know a single senator that opposed ivf. So your right to make this decision is going to be protected. Sean well, i support both of you and the legislation, and like both of you, i have friends that have had children and are trying, today, to have children using this process. It is important. Absolutely. Sean yeah. Thank you both. When we come back, bidens bluneders. Are they getting worse by the day. One speech was so bad that the whitehouse had to make nine separate corrections to the tape. We will react, straight ahead. At oofos, we dont make footwear. We make shock absorbers. Fatigue fighters. Mobility maximizers. This is the science of active recovery. Revolutionary Oofoam Technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. Its the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. This is not a shoe. This is oofos active recovery. Activate your recovery with oofos. Sean we may have a new record. President biden went to detroit on sunday to give another pannedering speech. Why . Because he needs the African American base to get back. And he is losing 28 support. Anyway, so he is at the naacp convention, and surprise, surprise. It didnt go well. He mumbled, and stumbled his way through the speech as per usual. But once the whitehouse transcript came out, we saw the full scope of the damage. Take a look at the screen. See that right there, he made nine serious bluneders throughout the speech. Including calling the naacp the wrong organization. Saying he was claiming families 800,000 a year. Saying he was Vice PresidentDuring Covid19 and obama sent him to detroit to deal with the pandemic. And misquoting an out of context line from donald trump, complete mess. And that was just to kick off the week. Since then biden has made more bluneders, and we have the tape to prove it. Take a look. President joe biden when i was Vice President , things were bad during the pandemic, and what happened was, barak said, go to detroit. I am humbled to receive this organization with the consequences of what we do. He calls the surectionists p patriots. Donald trump is sad to be losing again in november. There will be blood shed. What in gods name are we talking about here . Truly inspiring the naac spirited dors, but worsens the Mortality Rate for black moms that are three times more likely to die from complications than a pregnant woman. Here today, is hirshe, and he is still he is not here with us, but he is still held by hamas. After i signed the pack a lack a lack into law. Sean pack a lack a act . Anyway. Here with reaction, the former house speaker, so you know, i guess we know why they wont release the tape when he was asking the question, was i still president in 2009 . Because if he believes that obama sent him to detroit during the pandemic to solve the problem, we have a big problem, mr. Speaker. You know, i think this is a lot more than politics. When you watch the decay of joe biden. And you realize that he is the commander and chief of the most powerful military in history. And it is clear, week after week, he grows less capable. And i frankly, when you take the whitehouse transcript, you know, with exception of the one where he claimed where he was Vice PresidentDuring Covid19, the rest arent one by one terrible, but there are so many of them. And so consistent. And he is so clearly cant deliver. He cant focus. He cant remember. And i think that you know, if people should be genuinely worried from a standpoint of the country, National Security and patr patriotism, not just partisan bickering, but there is something really wrong when you have a president of the United States that has so many cognitive problems and he is so clearly incapable of functioning at a normal level. Sean if we are going to be honest and i have been reluctant to use the word, it looks like he has dementia. Your reaction . Well, i think it is clear that he has a substantial cognitive decline. It is pretty clear that there are times when he literally doesnt know where he is or what he is supposed to do. It is clear that his memory is selective, but remember, there is a part of joe biden that was always like this. I mean his very first president ial campaign he had to drop out when it turned out that he had borrowed an entire speech from the British Labour party leader, which was a speech about a welsh coal mining village. And biden just appropriated the whole speech and gave it as his personal life. So there is a piece of him that has always been goofy. And increasingly, it is clearly getting worse. And i worry for the country. And i worry for our National Security much more than about politics. I am technically not qualified to say whether or not it is dementia, but it is clearly a very dramatic cognitive decline and a person sean i am not qualified either. But i mr. Speaker, if he thinks that obama sent him to detroit during the pandemic, and if he thinks if he is asking if he was Vice President was i still Vice President in 2009 on top of Everything Else . We have a president that is a cognitive mess. Use whatever term you want to use. But this is bad. I think if the democrats could find a way to put the country first, they would replace him at the convention. It is inconceivable to me, that you could make an argument that he could function for four more years. Sean i dont disagree. In many ways it is staed that people around him dont love him enough to stop it. Mr. Speaker, thank you. When we come back, danny willis is on with a conspiracy theorists. Lasting investigations into alleged misconduct. Getting jordans reaction, next. [ ] with fastsigns, Create Factory Grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make your statementâ„¢. Salonpas lidocaine flex. 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Sean Fani Willis Xeered on msbnc for a soft ball interview, where she railed against the prosecutal oversight panel. Oh, the vapours, suggesting that it is racially motivated. Take a look. They have decided in georgia they would like to come after me. They use false reasons for wanting to come after me. Georgia had never had a prosecutal Oversight Committee, and all of a sudden, 14 minorities were elected to office to serve as District Attorney, and now all of a sudden, they need an Oversight Committee to look after District Attorneys because they want to tell us how to prosecute, and who to prosecute, and where we should put our resources. As opposed to allowing the voters that put us in these seats to make those determinations. Sean now they likely didnt need one before. And thats not all. Willis went on to bash the judiciary chairman of the committee, james jordan into a misuse of federal funds. James jordan has time after time after time attacked my office with no purpose. They know that he only has the purpose to interfere with a criminal investigation. It is disgusting. At the state level they have decided to follow this clowns lead. Sean wow. Here is reaction, the house judiciary chair. Jim jordan. No investigative purpose. Lets see. No legitimate purpose. Care to respond . Smiling jim jordan. There is a template, the left will tell a lie, media will report the lie, and big tech will promote the lie. They call you a clown, a racist, they come after you. But it doesnt take away from the fundamental lie they told in the first place. And President Trump did something wrong. We know that is not the case. But all these cases are now falling apart because sean, they are built on politics. Fani willis started this investigation two and a half years ago, but brought charges after President Trump announced he was running for president. Alvin brags says i wouldnt call President Trump and call Michael Cohen as a witness, but he did that after trump announced he was running for president. And jack smith was appointed as special council until after President Trump announced he was running for president. So the country figured out, this is all politics. She can go and say what she wants, there was a Whistle Blower talking about misspending federal funds. We are going to do our job and highlight the truth and the facts but the country has already figured it out. They know all these cases are built on politics, and thats why they are falling apart. Sean this is the weaponization of justice. You have people with incredible credentials like the former fec chair, and bob costello with an incredible background and career. And the judge realized that case was lost. Here, let me throw a lifeline, everywhere i can to save the case for the prosecution. Your reaction . No you are exactly right. Bob costello testified in front of our Committee Last week. You could tell he was telling the facts and the truth. He was Michael Cohens lawyer. Bob costello felt obligated to tell the truth because he saw what was happening in new york. Bob costello took all these facts, all this information to the Southern District of new york, and they said, there is no way we can there is no case, we cant prosecute. We cant call Michael Cohen as a witness. But brag decided to do just that. Again, after President Trump announced he was running for president. Sean you know, amazing because even cohen corroborated something that bob costello said to the committee and that was, he was telling everyone that, in fact, he did the whole Stormi Daniels deal himself. That would be called reasonable doubt, wouldnt that be reasonable doubt, if he told all these people exactly what they wont let bob costello testify to in the courtroom in new york . Exactly right. Plus bob costello when he was talking with his then client, he said, michael, if you have something on the president , now is the time. You are in trouble, dude. If you have something, give it to me. But it has to be truthful. And what did Michael Cohen say, when he had every reason to be honest and truthful, he said i dont have anything on President Trump. He didnt do anything wrong. But thats the guy they are putting on the stand who we know is lying. He lied to the committee four years ago, six times. He is a convicted perger. The case is falling apart. Sean it is falling apart. But you know what, i said he couldnt get a fair trial in new york. It is not a fair trial in new york. And i will never trust the venue for donald trump. Jim jordan, thank you. A big interview for you tomorrow night. We will show you a sneak peak, and tell you more about it, straight ahead. [ ] dangerous ladders. Gutter muck. Yuck. No wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. Good thing theres leaffilter. Our patented filter Technology Keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. Guaranteed. Call 833 Leaffilter to get started. And get the permanent Gutter Solution that ends clogs for good. They took the time to answer all of our questions. They really put us at ease. End clogged gutters for good. Call 833. Leaf. Filter, or visit leaffilter. Com today. When you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures. gasp you need weathertech. [hot dog splat. ] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat. ] scream Seat Protector to save the seats. [honk ] theyre all yours were here hey, i knew you were comin. So i weatherteched the car can we get ice cream . We can now. Kid proof your vehicle with American Made products at weathertech. Com. Sean tomorrow i will interview the israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu in my Third Special of outlaws and lawmen on episode 3. That so we have left tonight let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face have a good night