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Everyone. Welcome to Sunday Morning Futures. Im maria bartiromo, thanks so much for joining us this morning. Today, debate and drama. President biden says hell debate President Trump on his terms including no thirdparty candidate on stage. Coming up, thirdparty president ial candidate Robert Kennedy jr. On why hes Charging Collusion is and being blocked from the if debates. Then, trump hits another blue state on friday and vows now to take minnesota come november while raising a debate rule of his own, drug testing before the cameras get rolling. This horrible individual finishes the debate, which i think he will, if hes standing, if hes standing [laughter] theyll say, it was a brilliant performance. Well, now he did at the State Of The Union the other day, he was high as a kite. [laughter] so i think we should call for drug test on the debate. Maria the debates, the agenda and why immigration and the economy have become red lines in critical swing statements. Coming up, South Carolina senator tim scott on the policies that a matter to voters. North dakota governor doug burgum on what he learned from attending trumps socalled Hush Money Trial this past week. And Trump National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt on why trump is beating biden despite 91 indictments, a Hush Money Trial and a gag order currently underway. Plus, corruption potentially in plain sight. The House Oversight committee digs in on joe bidens Impeachment Inquiry for with a new subpoena. Florida representatives Byron Donalds and anna paulina if lewin ma on the biden influenceping investigation that will not go away. T all right here, right now on Sunday Morning Futures. Maria and we begin this Sunday Morning with the whereupon coming president ial debates. This week President Biden challenging former President Trump to a debate but only on his terms. On wednesday bidens Campaign Chair sent a letter to the commission on president ial debates which has set president ial debates for the last four decades informing the commission that, no, biden will not be participating in the three general election debates sponsored by the commission. Instead, hes willing to debate President Trump on bidens terms which include no audience, no thirdparty candidate, limited news outlets and the candidates microphones must be muted after their time expires. Despite the ground rules, the 45th president eagerly accepted the invitation on june 27th and september 10th. So the debates are now set. But following the deal trump told republicans on friday night he wants President Biden to take a drug test before the first debate citing bidens demeanor at the state of the cup Union Earlier this year, something that North Carolina congressman greg murphy if told me as well this week on Mornings With Maria with on fox business. Ill just be very plain and simple, i was at the state of the Union Address can, and joe biden must have been jacked up on something that day. I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint and actually have a little bit of good knowledge that that happened. He cant stand it. He cant stand under the lights for that long, and i dont think he can keep a concept in his brain welcome back that long. Maria what do you mean when you say he was jacked up at the State Of The Union . I believe they gave him something to help him sustain the lights and sustain the vision gore that he a had. That was not joe biden. I i was in there. He screamed for two hours. He screamed for two hours. And, you know, maybe we can talk about offline, and ill show you something i think that proves that. Maria youll show me what . I think i can have some evidence that shows that he was given something before then. Maria meanwhile, a new fox news poll shows biden trump leading biden by 3 points with robert f. Kennedy jr. In third place. Biden is refusing to allow kennedy on the Debate Stage Or refusing to give him any secret Service Protection provided to major president ial candidates all of this time kennedy has not been offered such a service. This despite the tragic history of the Kennedy Family that saw the assassination of to both his father, robert f. Kennedy, and his uncle, president john f. Kennedy. Joining me in this Sunday Morning Futures exclusive is president ial candidate robert f. Kennedy jr. With. Mr. Kennedy, thanks very much for joining me this morning. Thanks for having me, maria. Maria so your reaction to you not being offered this position. Have you heard from the campaigns or from cnn or a abc to ask your, your plausibility of being on that debate stage . We are in discussions with cnn. Cnn published a list of four criteria for candidates getting in the debate with, and we have shown cnn that we meet all of those criteria and that President Trump and President Biden cannot meet those criteria. The key, one of the who two sort of key piece of, key criterion is that every candidate has to have, if on the ballots in enough states to get 270 electoral votes by june 20th, and we will be, we will qualify for that. President trump and President Biden cannot qualify for that because they dont have any electoral votes at this time. They are presumptive nominees for their party, but they themselves are not on the ballot. I will be the only one on the ballot. The other criterion is four polls that have me at 15 , National Polls x they listed the Polling Firms that they would take those polls from, and weve given them five National Polls that hoe me, including the cnn, the most recent cnn poll that has me at 15. Harvardharris poll, the monmouth poll, the quinnipiac poll. They all have me at 15 or more. So i qualify for the debates. They have now made they made a public offer. We consider that a contract. And were in discussion with cnn now. Maria so why do you have this assurance that you think youll be eligible for the 2700 electoral votes 2700 electoral votes by june 20th. You think youll get them but by june 20th . Yeah, or well be on the ballot we already have, we have enough signatures today for 200 electoral votes. By the end of the month, well be at a 340. Maria okay. Why do you think theyre keeping you off the debate stage . I think they dont want the talk about the issues neither President Trump nor President Biden are comfortable talking about. These two president s ran up the biggest deficit in history thats now driving the inflation their cycle in this country. President trump in four short years ran up 8 the trillion in debt. Its more debt, more money spent than every president Come Inbinded from George Washington to george w. Bush, and President Biden is rushing to keep up with him. The two of them shut down our country, shut down 3. 3 million businesses with with no due process, no just compensation, no scientific citation. Theyre the ones who are feeding the toxic polarization that is tearing our country apart. Both of these candidates say that they want to end the polarization, but they have no way to do that. They are actually feeding into it. They are the product of that polarization. And if were going to save our country, we need to start looking at each over as americans again. Maria yeah. And stop hating on each other. They are, both of these candidates have fed if this, you know, the forever wars. President trump said that he was going to end up, then, you know, he again supported last week 63 billion more to ukraine. So all of these issues are issues that neither of them want to talk about, and im going to the make them talk about it, and theyre not going to want to do that. Maria lets talk a little about it right now so our viewers understand clearly where you are on these issues. Number one, immigration and the wide open border. Would you move to deport the 10 million illegals in this country under joe bidens watch . I would shut down the border overnight, and ive been to the border. Everybody there is confident ive spoken to border patrol, local Law Enforcement are, people on both sides of the border, local hospitals and local officials, and everybody is confident that we can shut this border overnight which is destroying our country. Maria would you deport the illegals that are already here . If. We would deport a lot of them. I dont know, you know, i dont want to tear apart families. People who are in this country, who have been in this country for a long time and are paying taxes, we need to look at that population. And im not making any policy commitments on that until the border is shut, because i dont Think Americans will put up with it. Maria second issue, inflation rising to 40year highs largely because of 7 trillion in or borrowing and spending by the democrats. How would you rein in inflation . Well, i mean, we need to stop the spending. And in order to do that, we need to wind down the war machine which neither candidate is able to do. We need to end the Chronic Disease Epidemic which these two candidates have presided over which is costing us 4. 3 trillion a year. Thats five time our military budget. Its the single biggest cost in our entire budget. We need and all of these things are things that neither President Trump or President Biden is even talking about doing. Maria okay. President trump promised that he would, that he would balance the budget with, and instead he ran up the biggest deficit in history. And President Bidens doing the same thing. And thats why we have 4 milk and 4 bread and 6 gasoline. And our houses are nowen a can now unaffordable. We have a whole generation of kids that are not going to get into home, and we need to solve that Housing Crisis as well. Maria mr. Kennedy, let me ask you your thoughts on abortion with. Do you believe a woman should have a right to have an abortion even in her ninth month . What ive said is that the government has an interest in regular rating abortion regulating abortion with when the baby reaches viability. Before that a woman has absolute right over bodily autonomyings, and ive been fighting for awe on the autonomy, and ive been fighting for medical freedom probably a harder than anybody in this country over the a past 20 years. But at some point when the baby, in the last couple of months when the baby reaches viability, the government has an interest in protecting that child. Maria mr. Kennedy, i want to get your take on what has taken place in terms of your battle with President Biden in terms of secret and Service Protection. Secret Service Protection. Have you been able to get secret Service Protection . I know youve been asking. Ive been following you on social media. Why is President Biden refusing to allow you to have security . Im the first candidate in, well, you know, candidates became eligible after me fathers assassination in 1968. Im the first president ial date in all of that time who has candidate in all of that time who has requested secret Service Protection and has not gotten it. The Secret Service themselves have made an assessment and have found that i am at elevated risk. Ive had several very worrying incidences since i decleared my finish declared my candidacy including a man showing up demanding to see me in my green room at a rally in los angeles. Which holsters, many guns on him, loaded weapons and fake federal id. I made six applications to the white house to get secret Service Protection. President biden is not allowing me to get it. So i think probably, i cant really look into with his head and speculate as to why hes made this decision. He has maria yeah. He was he has a poster of my dad behind him at the oval office. He knows what happened to my you are father. I think the risks are clear. I think that the they probably feel that they are able to force me the pay for my own security and that theyd rather me spend that money on security than on advertising or organization. Maria wow. Look, this is outrageous, and Everybody Knows that you deserve security, for sure. Its unbelievable that youre not getting it. But let me get your take on this, you heard what greg murphy said at the top to have show. Mr. Kennedy, do you believe that President Biden should take a drug test before the debate . [laughter] you know, i just want, i just think that he should have is are to debate. He should have to debate. I dont think its good for democracy if we dont have president ial debate withs, and i think that the candidates ought to debate. They ought to debate, you know, all the people who are, who meet the criteria maria including yourself, yeah. Yeah. Maria and so you dont want to touch that in terms of a drug test . No, im not going to go there. Maria okay. I just want them on the debate stage. Maria look, your family has been associated in politics, youve grown up in politics. What have you learned from this entire process, sir . Well, i think, maria, one of the reasons i got into the race was because my feel thing that were losing touch with this vision of what americas supposed to look like, that were supposed to be a moral authority around the world and were supposed to be the, E Em Player Democracy exemplary democracy. People in our country ought to be living the American Dream, you know . The central promise of the American Dream when i was a kid was that if you worked hard, if you played by the rules, you could finance a home, you could take a summer vacation, you could put something aside if for your retirement. Theres nobody in this generation of kids who are coming up now who believe that that promise applies to them, and i want to make them feel like they can take advantage of the American Dream as well. Neither of these candidates are explaining how thats going to happen. Maria are you planning on doubling down on the Climate Change agenda in terms of the environmentalism, mr. Kennedy . I want to get your take, because theres a lot of criticism about President Bidens Climate Change agenda particularly for business. Hes inserted lot of new rules about Climate Change and the impact there. What are your plans there, sir . Ive been critical of President Bidens climate first of all, i believe that Climate Change is exist ten or,. Existential. I dont believe, i dont, i dont think its i dont have problems with people who dont believe that. I believe that. I focus on other issues, on issues that are, all the things we needed to do to solve Climate Change we ought to be doing anyway. I think President Bidens approach which is an approach of very, very heavy the topdown controls and of subsidies to industry for Carbon Capture technologies maria right. That that is a bad approach. We ought to be talking about habitat protection, we ought to be talking about reducing toxins in our environment. We ought a to be talking about rebuilding our i soils. Our soils. We ought to be talking about protecting our children from air pollution, water pollution. This is what ive done for 40 years. Ive been a champion of those issues, and if we do those issues right, the climates going to take care of itself. Maria mr. Kennedy, wed hike to keep in touch with you to see where these negotiations go with cnn, whether or not youre going to make it on that a Debate Stage Or the debate has been set. We so appreciate your time this morning, sir, thank you. Thanks for having me, maria. Maria robert f. Kennedy or jr. Well be back with senator tim every day millions of people ask, what is scientology . Heres an idea, what if you just take a look . What if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for . Our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. So what is scientology . Maybe its time to look and decide for yourself. Her uncles unhappy. Im sensing an underlying issue. Its tmobile. It started when we tried to get him under a new plan. But they they unexpectedly unraveled their price lock guarantee. Which has made him, a bit. Unruly. You called yourself the uncarrier. You sing about price lock on those commercials. the price lock, the price lock. so, if you could change the price, change the name its not a lock, i know a lock. So how can we undo the damage . We could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. Their connection is unreal. And we could all unexperience this whole session. Okay, thats uncalled for. Its caused by the federal Government Spending too much money it doesnt have, effectively printing it. It makes every dollar go less far. Its why household after household is show shelling out an additional 1300 every month just to live. Thats another reason we need donald trump as president. Maria that was senator senator mike from utah on with me here last weekend on inflation up 20 , nearly 20 on bidens watch. As a result, biden has been losing support among Key Voting Blocs essential to winning a second term. Joining me now is South Carolina senator tim scott who is one of the candidates President Trump is considering as his running mate. Senator, thanks very much for being here. Good morning, maria. Thanks for having me. Martha maria you just heard me speaking with robert f. Kennedy jr. He wants to be to be on that debate stage. Does he have a point . He absolutely has a point. The criteria thats been set, he seems to have met, but joe biden is so afraid of debating, he thinks he wants oneonone with President Donald Trump [laughter] because the moderators will run interference for joe biden. It is terrible, the rules that joe biden is dictating to have a debate. The good news is President Trump says anywhere, anytime, anyplace because he knows he can expose the lies of joe biden starting with inflation, moving to the border and talking about crime. The issues that underlie the future of this country, joe bidens been on the wrong side of that the entire four years. South carolinians, maria, are paying more than 25,000 for the same things they could buy under President Trump because joe bidens inflation has destroyed, devastated their paychecked. Weve seen paychecks. Weve seen more than go ahead. Maria what about trumps policies in terming of reining in inflation . Whats number one in terms of the most important issue he could do . Number one is cutting taxes. Were looking at the largest tax increase in American History in 2025. President biden says he wants to tax the taxes to go up. President trump says he wants taxes to stay down. The difference between that is more money in the average pocket of an american. President trump promised 4,000, he delivered 4400. Joe biden has taken all those dollars plus another 7,000 on average per year out of the pockets of everyday families. If devastating our economy. And, maria, millennial, the firsttime home buyers, rates for mortgages are over 7 . That thats devastating in a world under President Trump it was around 3 . If the changes are drastic. And measurable. In the lost money in the average paycheck. Maria senator, i know youve been spending a lot of time with President Trump recently. What do you believe is the most important value that you bring to the ticket should he choose you as his vp. I dont think its about the who, its about the what. Its about the issues that the American People face. I gotta say without any question if were going to talk about who, its Kamala Harris. Kamala harris, the border czar, has allowed the greatest invasion in American History. Kamala harris working on the economy with the Pandering Tour of joe biden, seeing the devastation across this nation. Kamala harris working with joe biden on issues of The Middle East literally stand standing in op to decision opposition to our strongest ally, israel. I will say this without any question, as a poor kid of a singleparent household knowing the truth of the American Dream, having a chance to talk about that is important. Starting a business that changed not just my life are, but my mothers economic future, that was only possible because we had the kind of power in our economy driven by conservative values. I want the talk about giving donald trump four more years not for the Vice President , but for the American People. Maria right. This is about 300 Million People who need a better future. Maria well, you may very well be on the Debate Stage Debating Kamala Harris at some point. Are you ready for that, and what about the president ial debate . You heard what greg murphy said at the top of the show. He thinks well, he said, quoteunquote, jacked up, biden was jacked up at the State Of The Union. Do you believe they should take drug tests before the debate . I find it a little humorous, but the truth of the matter is, why not . The truth of the matter is that you saw the State Of The Union, and you watched that performance. It was surreal. There was something going on. Maria wow. And if we could find the truth of what it was, were all a better off. Because if it takes artificial stimulation to make the president of the United States perform, how often can he do that . And i have simply say i will simply say watching donald trump for four years and, frankly, watching donald trump or in new jersey talk to 107,000 people maria yes, i saw that. He doesnt need a teleprompter or notes. He is just strong as can be because hes fighting for the American People. Maria yes. And they know it. They can smell if it and we can see it. Maria senator, its great to see you this morning. We so appreciate your time. Thank you, sir. Thank you, maria. Maria all right. Tim scott joining us this morning. A wild week in President Trumps socalled Hush Money Trial where fridays testimony of exlawyer Michael Cohen exposed cohen to be a liar during crossexamination, persistent questions about his credibility. Throughout the week, several republican allies attended to support the president including north dakota governor doug burgum whos also on President Trumps short list for his vp running mate. Joining me now, the man himself with more if on the trial and President Trumps white house bid if is north dakota governor doug burr if gum. Thanks very much, governor, for being here this morning doug burgum. Good morning, maria. Great to be with you. Maria you heard Bobby Kennedy at the top to have show. He wants to be on the debate stage. Should he . Well, i think President Trump has said if he qualifies, he should be on, but itll be a great opportunity to expose him as, you know, Green New Deal spending, Liberal Democrat that he is and President Trump versus two democrats, i think, would be a or American People would enjoy watching that. Maria do you share the concern about bidens capacity . Do you think they should take drug tests before the debate . Well, i think the nation has concerns about his capacity not just during an hour and a half debate, but every single day, and i thinks what this election is going to be about. President trump is strong, joe biden is weak, and it doesnt matter what the topic is including this week. You know, joe biden made some announcements about china a tariffs this week which were incredibly weak with, and all they were is really just, you know, supporting the union votes that hes trying to get. Where President Trump was the one who really helped wake with up america to the threat that china is to our country. Maria yeah, lets talk about those, those tariffs because we havent really seen joe biden get tough on china at all throughout this threeandahalf year period. I mean, for god sakes, they had a Surveillance Balloon Travel the country, and they didnt take it down until the carolinass. Weve had fentanyl flowing into america and the underlying components come from china. Obviously, covid leaking from a lab, a covid coverup. Weve had no accountability whatsoever. And now we see that President Biden is putting in these tariffs in place. Why are you against these tariff when you know President Trump was even heavier on tariffs and sanctions against china . Well, im not against them, maria, its just interesting that joe biden in this election year, hes the one that complained about the trumps tariffs, hes the one that said if im elected, ill get rid of them, and now hes trying to do kind of a head fake and say, oh, im actually strong on chai dmarks im going to add a few tariffs. Its only 4 of what President Trump did. I mean, were talking, you know, a few billion versus President Trump had tariffs on over 3000 billion of chinese 300 billion of chinese goods. That was a real blow to the chinese economy. Joe biden is protecting industries that are his voting blocs. Hes trying to protect unions in america where theyre in auto or steel. Thats what hes trying to do, and its not going to be effective at all. And its all just political pandering on him. And this administration, when they go to china, all they talk about is climate, and chinas the Worlds Largest polluter and becomes a bigger polluter every two weeks as they open up a coal plant, and theyre the largest importer of oil and gas in the world. We have all kinds of levers. We could walk softly and carry a big stick as Theodore Roosevelt said because weve got food and energy security, and joe biden and his cabinet never even address these, issues with china. President trump will do that as he did before because hes respected. They respect what he is, and hell bring the heat to be able to negotiate with china. Joe bidens not delivering on that. Maria what value do you believe you bring to the ticket if you are, in fact, named the vp candidate . Well, i dont think its about that, i think that this election is about the top of the ticket. And im not supporting a campaign for President Trump for a Cabinet Position or a vp. As a governor of an energyproducing state, i can tell you, america, every american, we cant take four more years of joe biden because were crushing u. S. Energy production, were crushing the u. S. Economy. Energy is whats driving inflation in america. And inflation is killing every american, and joe biden doesnt understand the economy. The guys never created a job. You know, he was elected to the senate before i was able to vote. And so President Trump is the key to this whole thing, and thats what weve got to be focused on between now and november, getting him back in the white house. Maria similar vane, he hasnt done similar vein, he hasnt done anything about the southern border, now were getting leaks he may do an executive order. Would that change anything in themes of your confidence in joe biden . No, a disaster. Im not down there for a photo shoot, im down there because weve had north Dakota National guard helping to support our border patrol, but its a disaster town there. Maria if governor, its good to see you this morning. Well be watching your work. Thank you, sir. North dakota governor doug burg kayak. No way. Why would i use kayak to compare Hundreds Of Travel Sites at once . Kayak. I like to do things myself. I do my own searching. It isnt efficient. Use kayak. I cant trust anything else to do the job right. Aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. Search one and done. vo if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. That Gritty Feeling cant be brushed away. Even a little blurry vision can distort things. And something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. Up to 50 of people with graves could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. See an expert. Find a ted Eye Specialist at isitted. Com weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. Are you sure . 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I dont think you will find very many people that have billion Dollar Net Worth that have as many different can Bank Accounts as this biden family had. Many of these were shell companies, as you and i is discussed, maria, companies that sole purpose was to launder the money that the bidens were receiving from china, from romania, from russia. Finish. Maria and that is the chairman of the Oversight Committee in the house, james comer, with me this week on Mornings With Maria on fox business as the invest into the biden familys Business Dealings continues. Chairman comer telling me exclusion. Ive hi that he issued a subpoena this week to a Financial Institution for more information related to hunter biden, james biden and sarah biden after receiving key documents from oneparttime Business Associate devon archer. Comer is calling the biden Family Business money laundering, bribery and influence peddling. Fox business called the white house for a response, but we did not hear back. Plane while, hunter biden meanwhile when, hunter biden is preparing The Stand Trial next week, if convicted the first son could face up to 42 years in prison. Joining me now with more is congresswoman anna paulina if luna and congressman Byron Donalds, both members of the House Oversight committee. Tanks very much for being here to you both. Got a lot to get to, and i want to start with you, congressman Byron Donalds, and get your take on where this investigation stands. Your committee sent another subpoena to a major Bank According to james comer. What specifically are you looking into . Well, specifically, maria, when were going to try to get to are the Transthe Action flows once again from hunter biden and james bind to potentially joe biden himself. One of our key concerns at the beginning of this is that they were paying for items for joe biden so they didnt have to actually give joe biden money. We want to be able to go through those transactions to see if that is actually the case. Maria well, you know, anna if paulina luna, weve been following this story now for a couple of years, and in the meantime youve got this trial of President Trump is and 91 is indictments. I want to get your take on the judge, juan merchan, and his daughter allegedly having ties to the democrats. How do you see this trial playing out right now in New York City for President Trump . You know, the if the American People were in the courtroom and could see what we saw, i think that they would also realize that this is nothing but a bidentargeted trial and attempt the smear the president before the upcoming election cycle. Maria with, i want to point if out something. You know, in that courtroom they played actually recordings of saying the New York Justice system was corrupt, and you could see merchan moving in his seat. His daughter is raising funds for democrats tar turning around and using House Oversight in order to investigate and change the topic of discussion away from the president and his sons Business Dealings. And so its very interesting to me. But again, maria, i think the president s going to win. Hes in great spirits, and he has an incredible, defense team which is exposing this for what it is. Maria Byron Donalds, you were there as well supporting President Trump at the manhattan trial. What can you tell us . I agree with my colleague 100 . This trial is a joke. Judge merchan, he is, has major conflicts of interest. People forget he donated to joe biden directly. S it is very rare for a judge to make political contributions. This judge has donated to the political rival of donald trump. He should be off the case. But even bigger than that when you look at all the evidence or lack thereof brought by the prosecution, you realize theres no crime here. So judge merchan should do the right thing, he should thousand this case out now. But i believe theres probably going to be at least one, two, maybe three jurors who are looking at this information, theyre also looking at the fact that Michael Cohen cannot be trusted. The man is a liar. Hes been conflicted on the stand, caught in lie on stand. I believe that Donald Trumps going to be victorious, but its a shame what they have done to the judicial system in new york. Maria do you think that the Supreme Court is watching this and taking all of this is in as a it continues to debate whether or not President Trump has president ial immunity . I mean, you know, if your looking at now and youve got a question on whether somebody has president ial immunity, do you want to keep doing this every cycle where one president is trying to take down it political enemy . Do you think that is part of the Supreme Courts thinking here . Enter most certainly well, ill give it the anna m if more sorry. Go ahead, anna. Look finish. Yeah, absolutely. I was going to say that i think what were seeing right now is they realize theyre not able to win on the actual issues, so theyre trying to activate their Courtroom Activists which is what i call them around the country. And also too i think theres an aspect theyre trying to financially target and drain President Trump in an effort to throw him off his ability to focus on the election cycle. I dont think hes going to need that. The American People, i think that they realize it is what it is, which is why youre seeing a massive shift with a lot of these people that typically stay out of the election cycle. When were out there in New York City and then coming back to our own Hearing Rooms to mark up contempt for the a. G. Because the a. A. G. s covering for the president and not wanting to release those hur tapes, i think it shows the doj cant be trusted to do their job. Is were going to be holding them accountable. Maria this is really an important points that you make, and congressman, thats what i want to get from you as well. People are looking at this and thinking who are we going to trust . How can we trust the doj trying the take down the president s opponent . Are you going to actually be able to get accountability . Ive said this many time, people are so tired of the hearings, the letters, the complaining. They want account9. Accountability. Well, look, the ultimate accountability comes this november at the ballot box. People have to remember when donald trump was president , he did not turn the department of justice or the federal agencies into political hitmen against hint or against joe biden or hillary clinton, joe biden or anybody else. He did not do that. He actually followed the law. This is the radical Democrat Party that has abused our institutions, and they are the ones that are leading to the demise of our constitutional republic. So accountability starts there. But on capitol hill, my colleagues on the republican side of the aisle, weve got to get serious about this. If there are agencies that you know are highly political that are doing unconstitutional actions, they need to be defunded. We cant be afraid of that. Weve got to do whats right on capitol hill. Maria well, or you make a great point, and thats really the fighten within the gop right now, right . Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps pushing that she wants a new speaker so that you dont have everything happening way its been done. But let me go back to the debates for a moment because you were both at the state of the uniron address, right . I was actually at home, but i know that my colleague byron was, yes. Maria okay, what did you see . You heard what greg murphy said, the head of the doctors caucus, quote, joe biden was jacked up. Now President Trump saying he wants drug testing. Should there be drug testing before these debates . Maria, ill tell you i absolutely agree with that,. You could tell that when joe biden comes in, hes jacked up, and as the hour goes by, he slowly winds down. So the American People need to understand if theyre giving him some injection, so that he can actually look like coherent and hes with us, because the other parts of the time hes not. This is why we want to get the hur tapes, because obviously during that session with robert hur, things did not go well. The American People need to understand what is the true Mental Capacity of joe biden. Maria i just want to say, hook are, these are obviously very serious charges, that hes jacked up. Were not doctors, we have no if idea. The gop doctors Caucus Chairman did say ive had experience with this, i know this for sure. Of is so youre saying, yes, we should have drug testing. Maria, i think that we need to, you know, were talking about someone who has the ability to launch nukes and, frankly, rep van drew made a good point in the reason were fighting so hard to hear these Audio Recordingsings of the president during his interview interview is we need to insure that this individual is essentially capable of not just leading this country, but he can make those tough decisions. And, frankly, im not trying to be funny here, we dont necessarily trust he can do that right now. Maria real quick, congressman donalds, you are also on the short list of President Trump for vp candidate. What would you say you bring to the table should you be that person . Mafia, honestly, i maria, honestly, i just want to win. To matter who President Trump picks, the focus has to be on uniting our party and beating the democrats. I was in New Hampshire friday, wisconsin saturday. Doesnt matter where we go, whether whos on that list, were going to be focused on victory. Thats what im looking at. You know, lets go win in 24. Maria all right. Tanks very much, representatives anna the paulina luna, Byron Donalds. Thank you so much. We will be right b i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. All these games on directv and no satellite on the roof think about this blue jays, cardinals, orioles. Whats missing . The Andean Condor . No, walnutbrain pigeons theyd rather name a team after socks to be fair, were not very athletic. I couldnt get my hair done. Then psoriatic arthritis. Cosentyx works on both for me. People with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. Serious allergic reactions, severe Skin Reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. 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Joining me now is National Press secretary for the Trump Campaign Karoline Leavitt. Thanks very much for being here. Want to get your reaction the all that weve talked about this morning, but first, are you expecting the Trump Defense team to call Robert Costello to testify in the actual trial . Well, it is possible that our defense team calls mr. Costello to testify this week with. That is up to the judge to approve that. However, what i will say is im not even allowed to comment on what mr. Costello just said in that clip that that you played because of the unconstitutional gag order that the judge has imposed on not only President Trump in this case, but also our entire campaign team. Weve been sitting in that courtroom for four weeks now, and maria, and the prosecution hasnt even come close to committing a to proving a crime because President Trump never committed a crime. Theyve known that all along, this judge knows that. This case is only Going Forward because its being pushed by a democrat judge, a democrat district attorney, and ultimately, joe biden as Election Interference in an attempt to weaken President Trump ahead of the next election. But its not working. If you look at the polls, the American Public see this case for what a it is, its a witch hunt, and they want joe biden focused On The Issues such as inflation and immigration which he cant be trusted on. Maria youve been in that a courtroom most days. Do you believe President Trump will get a fair jury . Well, thats part of the reason this case was brought in downtown manhattan, because the democrats know that its nearly impossible to get a truly fair and impartial jury in a democrat jurisdiction that voted for joe biden 80 to 20 in the last election maria wow, okay. However, the prosecutions case is so weak that its very hard to imagine that anyone can look at this and think that President Trump is truly guilty of a crime, because he is not. Maria okay. Stay right there, weve got more with you coming up. Quick break and then more with Trump Campaign national heres to Getting Better with age. Heres to beating these two every thursday. Help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. The smooth riding, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. And what hero doesnt have a dark side . Introducing the g2 edge. The same number one selling gel ink pen in america. Now with an innovative laseretched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable Tungsten Carbide tip. Whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. What the Biggest Companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. 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And he took a few shots at trump because he wants to be the on the debate stage. They shut down the economy and drove up the debt and i should be on the Campaign Stage because im eligible. What does President Trump feel about that . President trump said he has absolutely no problem with rfk jr. Being on the debate stage even though hes not polling very well but its joe biden with the real issue with rfk jr. Polling and biden knows he polls more votes for him than President Trump. Rfk jr. Is a radical leftist and campaigned for obama and hillary in the past election cycles and supports a 70 income tax on the American People and energy is more on brand with communist shy that than the United States of america. President trump has no problem debates him. Maria will trump do the debate even if joe biden doesnt do you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. At three in the morning. Any time of the day. What people dont know is that not all dirt is the same. 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