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Greg yeah,. Greg that feels so good. Its friday she know what that means lets welcome tonights guests. He is engaged which means soon you will get a second ring, actor writer and comedian jamie lissow. So blond you can light her up in smoke, cohost of the bottom line , dagen mcdowell. Chances are your uncle pete pays for pictures of her feet. New york times besseling offer an Fox News Contributor kat attempts. And he puts 3 buffets out of business. New york times best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion, tyrus before we get to some new stories lets do this. Great leftovers. Greg leftovers where i read the jokes we didnt use this weekend thats my first time reading them so they set suck we will force a joe to have sex with an ostrich. As it protected sex with somehow be better. Today is National Endangered Species day the day we celebrate this poor unfortunate creatures who wont be around much longer. Speaking of biden hes scheduled to give a speech at Morehouse College and they are already preparing for disruptions and delays not from the audience but the Speaker Crapping in his pants and shouting at dead people spending just 67 minutes outdoor refreshes Mental Health explaining bidens new office. There is a rumor Jennifer Lopez and ben affleck are getting a divorce hes already seeking custody of her ass. Liam neeson and sharon stone are calling for kevin spacey to be un canceled saying the Industry Needs him for once kevin spacey was touched. Star me daniels husband says the couple is prepared to leave the usa if they lose of the trial no surprise because stormy is used to men pulling out. She changed her mind though when hearing about a hung jury. Although she worries like his movies he probably takes 3 hours to finish. What are you booing. Oh, you are wooing. Thats a set of Freeze Company i feel. Early this morning pro golfer Scotty Scheffler was arrested trying to get to the course in defense he got his driving tips from tiger. Magician David Copperfield was accused by 16 women of misconduct when he touched his leg they turned it into a motel. At this point i needed that out. Pizza hut offering Cheese Burger Mall when as its served on the cross in buffalo, Pepperoni Lovers and the behar. Eurovision 1 by a Nonbinary Wrapper from switzerland leave it to the swiss not to pick a side. And analysts game was stopped when a raccoon avoided capture for 161 seconds. National Institute Health official admits what everyone knew they funded research in wuhan prompting Chris Christie asking if he can go back to eating bats and Rosie Odonnell reportedly sent a text to Michael Cohen saying breve relax ive got this i love you the same thing she says to her proctologist. I wouldnt want that job or will die. To the news his testimony tanked because he got tanked. As we face and directs sunlight. As they accused Michael Cohen of lying about if phone call so does the direct link between the former president and the Stormy Daniels payoffs let me get this straight. Michael cohen lied. Like finding out jesse shaves his back. So instead trims team said it was a conversation about the crank call. Its confusings let me paint the picture for you in 2016 and got a prank call from a 14yearold kid texting trumps bodyguard about it who told him to call him so cohen did this and they chat for 90 seconds his lawyer says Cohen Light Wind mostly about the annoying brat on the call but cohen said he talked about the porn payout as well. Nobody was buying it. Its bad when msnbc and cnn making sense. Its like a crescendo as the drum of the moment was so clear to everybody in the room. You have doubts it occurred the way they testified under direct examination . For Credit Ability on this and this particular topic. Havent seen star cooperating witness have that happen as quickly. At the District Attorneys Office look sloppy in addition to making Michael Cohen seem like a selfinsured Fabricator Liar or forgetful person. That casts doubt on the veracity on a lot of his testimony. Oh wow. Who would have predicted his entire case against trump would rest on a crank phone call. Maybe the court should call up Prince Albert during the hes in a can though. Theres always mike hunt. So the idea somehow this piece of evidence and 962nd phone call about Teen Prank Collar would devastate the ability of Michael Cohen think about that like an unpaid Parking Ticket devastating the credibility of o. J. Simpson like a fart destroying the sex appeal of somebody like how surprised the media is the case might be full of crap is like going to a Port Authority restroom at 1 00 am surprised there isnt an Attendant Handing you breath mints going into larry cutlers bedroom shocked there is a mirror on the ceiling. And think about this case at its most basic level they brought in a porn star and Convicted Perjurer to convict trump of a crime they have yet to actually define. Share humiliating day for the prosecution but a stain on the entire legal system it would never be brought if it was anybody but trump. The shameful behavior is in from prosecution but the media who cheered it on. They partnered up with the most corrupt entities simply to destroy what they see is a common enemy embraced by half the country as and makes those in palestine seem logical. Should have been there. And nobody trusts them them anymore just why so many are losing money which is why the next chapter in the story of legacy media would be chapter 11. And jamie we know you are so lonely jamie you are grateful and you get a prank call. What do you make of this whole new development you been watching the trial. I tell telemarketers dont hang up. As weve been following the trial since they started the monolog and a lot of stuff. And you know what i take issue with i take issue with what Anderson Cooper that it rinses credibly on this topic which thats not what credibility means if your dishonest on 1 topic your credibility means we cant trust you a ton of other things. Trying to get them leeway as this felt bad. It should be over we should save our money and its something i would just never. I will never have to pay real hush money every single time as every time there right after its like nobody should find out about this. Is the secret is its quite a savings. As i wonder if this crank caller realizes that he just made the most Impactful Crank Call in history no think theres ever been a crank all that had a consequence other than upsetting a Senior Citizen as want to meet this individuals 22 now legal age there i consider myself an authority on arrogant lion. [ bleeps ] boys not the prank caller i mean Michael Cohen to be clear the Big Swinging Dipstick who thought he would get a Cabinet Position was going to demand the Secret Service deal with that 14yearold prank caller and you know the 962nd phone call with the bodyguard was all about the prank caller you need to stop this guy from calling me into asking me who is that. I dont know who is buzzing go. Where is the you know the whole 90 seconds or whatever being circled. And this thing is tyrus mentioned it before yesterday may be it was more just the crank may be he was yanking his crank to the cranky anger. And owe man. Is a bodyguard they are called for everything. As you prank caller and i told him pressing star 57 is said happen. The column up and they might have sent something to somebody that was what boss. 14 call some buddy else thats what that was nobody calls over a prank collar its still early we will find out but what did they say on the phone that got you so upset reset their mom that answered when you called. I hate it when the mom picks up. I want the grandmother. When mom answers the phone its not so much fun as it. Greg kat of the ever been prank called for like youre too young to have a Prank Phone Call because you cant do those anymore people know whos calling. I prank called people when i was a kid but he said near my own a log that a porn star in a perjurer i think putting porn stars and Michael Cohen in the same category is an unnecessary besmirch meant of porn stars right many porn stars im sure if stronger Value Systems then this smarmy lying man. He is a perjurer and they relate weight what he lied. He is a perjurer and also the narrative of him to that point this guy whos this brave man speaking truth against an immense insurmountable power. That also breaks down when you realize he called Secret Service about a 14yearold boy not exactly a David And Goliath situation there. Greg he probably wanted somebody to get the phone number he didnt know where the call was coming from so he probably called them because they have cops and people who can run that kind of thing maybe that was part of it but it is pretty funny though right. He couldnt handle a 14yearold boy prank calling you on your own . Greg its why i keep them in the trunk. Alive . Greg sometimes. Up next insults get searing at a congressional hearing. psst psst ahhh with flonase, allergies dont have to be scary. Spraying Flonase Daily gives you long lasting nondrowsy relief. Flonase all good. Also, try our Allergy Headache and nighttime pills. It may not sound like it, but this. Is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 in all ntt indycar® series races. Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Its coming your way, hey, hey, its a video of the day. Greg a welcome back thank you congressional chicks start throwing bricks video the day comes to you from the halls of congress were during a recent hearing about Merrick Garland things got nasty between some feisty female representatives watch. Id like to know if any democrats on the committee are employing the judges daughter. Tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland you know what we are here for . Youre the 1 talking about that. Your fake eyelashes are messing yourself up. Order. Greg nothing is beneath democrats except maybe white house interns. I wonder if she has a Point Of Order. I do have a Point Of Order dated move to take down her words absolutely unacceptable and how dare you tack the physical appearance of another person. Are your feelings are we girl baby girl. Dont even play. Greg how dare you feel like im watching a video of a waffle house at 2 00 am. It is funny how aoc Lives Calling Americans pro genocidal but hate attacks on looks probably because nearly all the people calling americans pro genocidal are so. [ bleeps ] ugly. How dare you. If only a man were there to get her to agree to destroy her words. Miss green agrees to strike her words. She needs to apologize. Im not apologizing. Then you arent striking your words. Come on guys. Why dont you debate me. Mr chairman. Its pretty selfevident. You dont have enough intelligence. Men are so helpless. But did he just referred to them as guys as if they are guys go settle this a womens bathroom. But i wonder if they are curious and want to better understand the ruling. Better understanding the ruling if somebody on the committee starts talking about somebodys bleach Blonde Bill Busch Body that would not engage in personalities correct . Chairman and i strike this word. As with a motion to strike these words as its big. As they voted to do it. Trying the calm down and this is what you all do. Please call him down. Dont tell me to calm down as you pump noise. Chairman kimi center for break for 5 minutes or something greg girls girls girls. Settle down girls dont make us regret the 19th amendment. Settle down relaxed have some tea or some children. I just love making things worse. Licked the behavior is unbecoming of a house of government my suggestion settle this like us men abilify in their underwear. It worked for Mitch Mcconnell and make mick romney i was watching this and i thought we could do a whole hourlong special on this does this make you reconsider the whole idea of women voting. Its making me consider running for congress. But the New York Times said first its time for fight club no real fighting and im in favor of this i want these women to throw down and you have to take off the false eyelashes because you cant see ive got them on i can see. [ bleeps ] and to 1 i will get sucked there stick together a horrible blind spot and you get socked in the cited the head ucf to keep your earrings output your hair up with the pin and use it as a weapon. And then pull the dressup and if you are smart, yeah, bike shorts on underneath like always taking the Sumo Position taking a dive right down there bring it on. [ bleeps ] so many amazing elements watching the helplessness of these older middleaged men who dont know what to do in this situation and always if you want to make a fate worse tell somebody to calm down. Honestly to be honest i would be remiss if i didnt point out if fake eyelashes impede your ability to read this place would have gone out of business 10 years ago minimum decades minimum. Aoc couldve said Something Like that what does it say about fox news if eyelashes mean you cant read. For her to play the victim over Something Like that i couldnt believe it. Further play a victim like you are attacking my appearance. Either eyelashes are fake that means youre an accessory not your appearance or they arent and its the biggest compliment ever that that were eyelashes are so naturally beautiful as how do you get upset over that as win people say the specs of a can of thats a compliment. That he follows the victim if you support trump if you say they have fake eyebrows that has to be worse as win policies were made and now its pretty much penthouse penthouse at 12 00 free Chicken Sandwiches and the girls will fight over the sandwiches. Differences he dont throw crinkled up dollar bills while they do it there. The embarrassment of this i think shes a little tougher but a hundred 15 shes like what a box 35 probably the other 1 we dont know because we cant way her fake hair and eyelashes and makeups lets just call her and even 200 so they outweigh her but they are going to outclass her because if thats the person to cut you off in traffic you let her go right thats the 1 lady you dont mess with for Everybody Knows not to mess with her. You cant even say term limits think we need Voting Limits in the country who votes for these People Jesus Jamie the sounds of these angry women must have reminded you of your failed marriage. I would like those words taken downgrade. Yeah, leave them alone young man. Greg Point Of Order. Found it funny its like she why the words taken out still got up there doesnt change anything. This was professional wrestling but less organized right. Theres the mean stuff i made after. [ bleeps ] it somebody called her ao seaward. With worse is that i wrote that. We need more order though they think if there like an alien came down and goes whos in charge and youre like oh that 90yearold man with the 2 hearing aids is was like a microcosm of being on a plane as the men just sit there and like women start fighting what we do we cant do anything if we Say Something they would gang up on us like you checks knock it off what did you call us im a nonbinary for sprite. They will tear your earlobe off. Everybody is upset about the behavior more upset about this than 35 trillion in debt thats what i dont understand. If i wanted to see prof rao women destroy each other i would throw donuts at the cast of the view. The philosophy that shows you make that jokes about anybody because they call you racist they call you whites of premises as of thats why all the gloves are off about physicality as it doesnt appear to fro waiting comparing somebody awaits premises to racist. And im confused when im called a white supremacist. Greg up next the beginning begins for epsteins book of sins. You need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. Look at this new organic soil from miraclegro. Everybody should have it. It worked great for us. This is as good as gold in any garden. If people only knew that it really is about the dirt. Youre a dirt nerd. Huge dirt nerd. Im proud of it [ryan laughs] can neuriva support your brain health . Mary, janet, hey thinking eddie, no frasier, frank. Frank . fred how are you . fred. Fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. Join the Neuriva Brain Health challenge. Epsteins black book to auction. A bidding is open on his Little Black Book of contracts. They expect to get 200 grand when bidding ends in mid june. Why arent we going to bid on this. Here me out we would get it by it by it and payperview ally a reading and we make the money. Im down at that spend all the money and i will be there saying yet do it. Is that we were supposed to say what we would bid on. Thats what your first thoughts were on this but what would you bid on . No executive would bid on Dennis Rodmans Wedding Dress when he married himself. Greg you could probably find this. Remember finding out he did this at 7 years old i thought it was so cool and is like that so glum gonna marry myself i did not do it that way though. A married a veteran making me a half a veteran like the shirt says. You can get the shirts on real kat timpf. Com but i make zero dollars off the shirts i give all the money to tunnel to towers. Is tyrus tyrus tyrus. How do you authenticate the book i think if weve not learned from there i say his name paroled owen his adventures there is nothing in the black book. How many people were arrested out of it how much was changed where their lines of evildoers and pedophiles being arrested out of hollywood now nothing get the book with a bunch of names and its whatever its a waste of money. Greg isnt it a historical artifact . No, he killed himself we have no evidence its valid its really hard to suicide yourself. I just feel its a wasted thing nothing came from it through to many people alive on the real list to make sure the stuff never got out. What would you hope to come up for auction auction . First i would bid on that awesome shirt check it out. I would like the original godzilla suit from the first godzilla. I would bet that is somewhere. Thats amazing its probably in jamies basement. Probably i will need a small model for it because all the japanese guys are totally 69 youve gotta be small. I would be up for that what you make of the book and what would you like. A great question. I would actually have a black book you might be surprised to know it was pretty big list of all the girls i swept what slept with. I have course never had black guy had little blue balls. As i thought about this a lot i would like mike tysons gloves he used when he won his first Heavyweight Title Mass think my exwife would like 1 as well. As its half of everything. So blame me on here. Giving her a right. Not what he saying. Okay so comments on the book. Was found in the street in the nineties the only authenticate it as you begin to read on the air bursting into flames. Thats the jenks. As its easy to find a already sworn helmet or fire suit lying to Dale Earnhardt the intimidators 10,000, 20,000 maybe is a lot of things is if you want to guitar from a band they are available i want the last would surviving canoe from deliverance. As why would you do that just reminds me of my favorite vacation. Right attracted down and set the North Georgia store and Outdoor Store hanging on the wall there. Isnt that amazing so if you are in water North Georgia store go in there tell them that feld wants to buy the canoe on the wall and of course they will come home and my wife will throw it out. After the canoe owe that was yours that was my deliverance canoe dont touch it. Will i sodomize isnt that a drycleaning term . Apparently people havent seen deliverance. We get to the news to answer your views or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com. Breathing claritin clear is like. [ ] feeling the breeze instead of feeling congested. [ ] fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. Claritin plus decongestant. Live claritin clear®. The best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. At evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with Behavioral Health data to identify members in need of care. Predicting and treating Behavioral Health issues quickly. 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In todays world who is the scariest person you can think of we jamie . I guess now you cant say your exwife. I cant that wasnt what i was going to say but now i need a minute. Greg what you like me to come back to you. I might need a second. R8 dagen who is the scariest person you can think of for you . Jerry is pretty scary. You is get that weird feeling hes going to just below like a stream of wet feces over you. Just the dandruff on his suit jacket, the wind blows the wrong way hitting you in the face. Kat . Im not going to say joe joe but its anybody whos mad at me. Greg anybody whos mad at you . If you are mad at me im scared of you. Greg thats interesting, i need to talk to you about that after the show. I know now im scared. Greg tyrus . Other then you on live tv im pretty good. I dont know. If they had to take a 2 hour interview with aoc id be pretty terrified. Know you didnt baby boy. I dont pass laws because they make them. What that doesnt. Greg mine grew at times with fudge benin. Oh who are we afraid of it, judge jeanine any time she calls my name i dont have anything to say. Greg because she can turn on a dime its like okay, yeah, thats nice what did you say, what did you mean. I interviewed her for a Christmas Show and shes like committed a crime. No are you sure i can find out. I texted her the other day and she responded with a oneword answer like yes, and i was afraid. Afraid that a meter met i had to go to the studio confront her and its like are you mad at me. Greg you also dont want to get dana mad because thats a different kind of anger. Its like i will destroy you but in 5 years time anger its patient. Its like i will be nice to you for the next 36 months but you just wait. Jamie final words . I couldnt do it its my exwife. Trace gallagher shannon bream. Greg up next happy meals replace the yellow smiley face. Blue jays, cardinals, orioles. Whats missing . The Andean Condor . 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You know, thats Peace Of Mind and then some. So, how do people sign up . To schedule your free inspection. Call 833leaffilter today our agents are standing by. Or visit leaffilter. Com. 5 more words. Greg mcdonalds a very, very sad meal in honor of Mental Health Awareness Week mcdonalds in the uk is serving them in blank red boxes with the words its okay not to feel happy all the time. And why is everybody just trying to destroy their brand. Who is this 4. The adult of course it said you are abiding happy meal you are an adult. It should be a feeling of what my doing. The kids arent like mommy im said lets give give her a sad meal. No its called. [ bleeps ] hug move on. I will answer who its for its for me. Like the person behind the counter she is miserable just asked for this here you go. Dont get yourself with it. And never eat mcdonalds when things are going well. You know is happy i dont like when people go just look on the bright side thats what i should do like thats really i thought it was better to think about the bad stuff you know i thought it better to worry about the future and look at the past. Greg but dont ruin her best march the happy meal can do anything be left alone. If they are going to celebrate depression than the mailbox should be the size of a cooler and it should have 1 of every menu item minute because when youre depressed thats what you. [ bleeps ] order you go and sit in your car alone and you eat this sunday and the milkshake and low large fries and the big mac and the quarter pounder. Greg eating in your car in a parking lot the call that the jamie lissow. And jamie where else can a divorced dad like yourself and needs a sprinkle of joy in their miserable life take their kids for that allotted time is 30 minutes before the Social Worker comes. Its also heart eating it with the Police Watching the right. They said they want to do this because it would start a conversation with your kids. The reason we are at mcdonalds is because we are done having conversations with our kids we want a few minutes of peace and greg all right dont go away we will be right back. Heal acidrelated damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. Voquezna is the first and only fdaapproved treatment of its kind. 93 of adults were healed by two months. Of those healed, 79 stayed healed. And voquezna can provide heartburnfree days and nights. Other serious Stomach Conditions may still exist. Dont take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. Voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. 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