Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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And welcome to hannity. Wow, what a Newsnight Panic is i n air. Bidens poll numbers have never been lower and prices, welneverl sadly, they continue to rise back, breaking inflation up 20 under joe biden and this administration crushing you and your families. Now americas base is bidens base is crumbling. Americans are suffering. And you seas thee that africanamericans, hispanic americans, younger voters, part of thane the democratic coalition. Theyre leaving Joe Biden Leavdoing right to Donalemocrati Trump and desperately needing to make up ground while biden is now officially agreed s to debate donald trump. How convenient and a heavily edited kind of Cringeworthy Co to social media. Biden put on a brave faceac and he did his very best tough guy dirty harry impersonation. E never thought id see it thisrsl bad. Take a lood see itk. Donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The said he hadnt biden shown r debate. Now hes acting like he wants to debate me again. Wont make e me day, pal. It twice ill even do it twice. First pick the day. Nald donald, i hear youre free on wednesdayshear wow, i just e my day. Donald trump has already agred to three debates today and he wants to do more. Well wants te. , not only we can doue make your day, joe. Why Stop It Toe O . Historically, by the way, its always been three debates, president ial debatess 3 deba, we exception 2020. Why . Because of covid. So, joe. Mr. Make my day, tough guy. Whry not the usual three. Or how about four . Or how about one a month until the election . You might have noticed, by the way, there were five separate edits in that 13 second video. Ii dont know. Er did joe need assistance every 2. 6 seconds . One can wonders on 1 wondx one compare the video. This is funny to claymation to a claymation film. Sat the jumpsaid tha cuts could cause a seizure. Wow. And as for ure as f generous offer to participate in two debates, h oh, it came with a ton of conditions. None of them o. S 132n during his 13 second dirty harry guy routine. Lets be clear. Joe biden and the media mob, they dont get to collude and dictatdodee all the terms of the debates, but that wont stop joe and the mob t from trying now first. Well, mr. My day joe is demanding no audience apparently joe gets easily scared and likely gets disoriented from crowd noise to which would be new to him sincei he never gets a large crowd any of his events. Hes short events now to biden. Third Party Candidates and independents banned from the stage, including rfk jr. Well, as of now, order to debate third Party Candidates, they need to be15 polling at 15 . Qualify enough states to get the Electoral College voteds that are needed, but that should be negotiable. Thaouldthree joe wants mikes te muted after the allotted timeg e expires, so no back and forth. I guess its just too confusing for joe to keep track. Now, i would add that moderators mix, they need to be muted. Also after a question. Why . Because its obvious Bel Medieal Media theyd lov to be two on one versus donald trump. No, that cant happeo be 2n. Nor should networks be allowed to put anything on the screen but the names of the candidates because they might try to hurt Donaldscndidates Trump that way and participate that way. No , go. And while were at it, there should be no notes, no teleprompters. Joe. Get ther words, joe, you dont giant sheets, cheat sheets telling you where to stand t and how to say hello and howd to say goodbyeho. Meanwhile, for bidens forth, demande fourth is that hes onls willing to debate on certain only four liberal biden friendly news outlets. Iey his choice, abc, cbs, telemundo and fake news cnn. In response, while trump toln d boxers this im ready to go the dates they proposed are fine anywhere, any time, any placere anyte. Joe lets see if joe can make it to the stand up podium. And trump even agreed to hold the first debate on fake news cnn, a network filled with dishonest leftwing hacks we know who hate. Now, this includes dana bash and fake jake tapper, who are now tasked, they say, with moderating the debate. Let me stop right here. Im sorry, but the media moba jo and joe e biden, they ill say l again, they dont get to colludite and choose radical biden supporting host in the moderators chair. Nice try, though. That means no fake jake tapper. Tapper is a radical leftwing partisan Talk Show Host that masquerade as a journalist now fake jake. Lets look at his career. It started as the Press Secretary for a pennsylvania democrat. Then he workedtarted for a dc pa relations firm and a gun groupnt named handgun control inc. Tapper even had a stint at Theei Radical far left publication salocafar len com before eventuy making his way to fake news cnn where All Of A Sudden now he wants to be called and considered a journalist. Make no mistake, fake jake tapper might be a lot he of things. Hes no journalist. And like everyone in the mediat mob, tapper spent the last several years obsess of lee hating all things donald trump, even retweeting comment fromnotu a notorious trump hater, calling trump, quotelate, 100 insane. Tapper said the tweet is noteworthy, but thats not th. E. U decide as we watch donald watch trump attempt to turn his arrest and indictment into some sort of campaign commercialnd, the folks in the control room, i dont need to see any more of that. This hes tryin heg to turn this and hes trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign. Thats enough of that. Weve seen it already. E here he is right now underve see under my voice. You hear him repeating voice rhetoric. Mmigrant President Trump nowpresid in quarantine, has become bee a symbol of his own failures. He is running the single most negativ e of a sleazy campaign in American History for a major party candidate. N up a copyre to ope of hitlers mein kampf, fin you would find the leader describing the Mixing Of Non Germans with germans as poisoning. Say it theres really no other way to say it. Donald trumps language mirrorsr this directly. He pushes the government of the United States to use itsp power and credibility to justify his lieows. That sound like a journalist or a Talk Show Host with very liberal leanings . To be clear, joe biden will already be debating in friendly territory to with moderators who want him to win. Fake jak wie is disqualified. And by the way, the media mob, the Biden Campaign alone do not get to collude and decide if donald trump is willinldg to go on a liberal network. Then everyone must agree on whon moderates not much more toot choose from there, but they will find somebody. Maybe dana bash will be all right. I dont know. Otherwise, joe will lie with impunit y. And while trump will be forced to debate biden and the liberal talk deb show hosts at cnn, sto. Take that off the air where hes lying. Oh, okay. But thats the person you wantsn to moderate. Erate. Bidens list of demands will also be in effect, and i have no doubt the jacked up joe will probably return to the stage after a heavy dose of all caffeine. Red bulred bull or whatever heo before the state of the union. That was weird. Dont expect A Walk In The Park anyway. By biden, the media mob, excluding from any input,trump is beyond unfair. It is beyondfr any insulting. They know that trump and his team wont just Bop Anw Their Ae and agree to only one sided terms, negotiated likely ne. Ecret beforehand joe, you know, even announced this thing. They probably were all discussingeven it knowing that oh, well if we just agree hell have to do what we say jus its going to be joes way or the highway when hes really trying to do here is ultimately maybe hes really cowering away from cowy from Real Debate Eithe My Chosen liberal Networrak Wite my chosen moderator with all my rules, or im not going to debate secretly hopingru that donald trump Insistmp Inssi on basic fairness so they can duck and dodge and cower and hide and say, see, we tried to debate. Well, lets the american people, they deserve a fair debate. Deser they deserve three fair debates, at least. Isn maybe joe biden just isnt up to a fair debate. Justice. Morning he tripped again as he barely shuffled on to the stage in front of the capital. This after last nights disastrous exiof thet. A speech and earlier this week he seemingly needed directionst to get back to the white house after a short speech Outsidbathe Aftee nancy pelosi. Other Top Democrats are begging biden, dont debat ande trump. E he doesnt have a choice. Look at your screemun latest poll. New york times trump up by 12. Latest poll he didnt win nevaa in 2016 or 2020, up by tena an in georgia, seven michigan, three inzona, pennsylvania. Yeah, if that holds, it is game over for i it biden. And according to prominent democratic strategist james carville, ive debatedactl him i actually like him. Ly i dont agree with the thinginge he says joe bidens in big trouble. Everything theyre throwing at trump aint working. Take a loo hing thek. In trumps more head than hes ever been, its going the wrong way. Its not working. Everything that will in is spaghetti at a wall in of it is sticking me included. So far, none of the chief political employees have worked. Not the identity politics, notth the fear mongering, not the lying about the economentitr the border. The less sloppy Lawfare Campaign is actually making trump more popular. And you can forget about bidens policiesular and improving his poll numbers. They have been an unmitigated disasterer t. So now these debates are almost like a hail mary for the bidens campaign, which is a pretty tough pill to swallow for the Whit Pile House Press Secretary. Karine jeanpierre. Take a look. So she made this sudden offers u from the president to debatedd as a signal that you guys realize you need to changesome the subject after some really bad polling. You know, we went had a back and forth on polling yesterday. I just dont want to ge othat into polling any more details on polling as it relates to the debate. You got to talk to the tt campaign about it. That is a question forit the campaign. And im sure they are eager, eager to answer your questions. Peter. Democrats, biden are desperatei, but this race is far from over 173 days away. Theres nothinayg the left wont do to win an election. Think about it. Theyll even trot out wot joe bn to a debate stage. Before we get to our guests, a Quica Debatek news alert, by. We are monitoring live images from uc irvine. Antiisrael protesters are being arrested. We will small box that andwe wil keep you posted as the situation unfoldous. Anyway, here now with more on our top story, fox news top contributors joe concha and charlie hurt. Okayh, can we all agree bothfakj joe and charliake, that fake jae is not a journalist . He is a liberal leftist Talk Show Host. I can pull more tape night i after night after night to prove it to the country. He has to be the list. Agreed agreed. Joe, well start with yo . U. R agreed. Jake tapper has said publicly, sean, that trump is Eebliclya To Democracy and has a, quote, disdain for democracy. Never says a distai that about joe bidene e for some reason. And as you just showed, tapper has orderean d his own Controlt Room to not show trump speaking liveshng liv. St your this is an activist youre looking at on your screen, not a journalist. And hesyour Scr A Narcissistic performer more than anyone that we can see at that network. Now, as for trump, by calling this bluffalling t, what this sg sean, is that donald trump is absolutely fearless and he has f no fear of Joetsoever Biden whatsoever, especially this version of thisn an 81yearold president. And it shows panic in the biden camp. B use the word before its the accurate word. After seeing more poll s, as you just showed, key swing states,gt but also minnesotaat and, virginia, are now a dead heat. No president republican has won minnesota since 1972. No one in the republican partys won virginia since 2004. Novirginiaince 200w, this firste on cnn, as youve as we just talked about, and thats about trustworthy as gas station sushi. This is the same network you may recallthatsut a who shared quint Debate Questions with Hillarys Clinton in 2016 on two separate occasions. Soepar given the personal animus almost everyone at that network has for trump, i mean, whos i to say this isnt going to happen again. This is also the same network, by the way, that Ousteens D Itsn president last year for the crime of giving trump a town halcr giving l on air. And thats all thanks to a mutiny among its journalists from within, starting with jake tapper. But on another front, sean, we need to watch what topic dairsts are chosen for this debate, because since the moderators are. Tapper and dana bash, ith is assured were going to get a heavy dose of january six. And trumps legal ge6tl trials and abortion with a capital. So ill leave it here, sean. Votemost important issue for voters per gallup right now are the following economy, Immigration Poor Leadership and government, poverty and homelessness and foreign policyt. All of these issues are oness that voters se e trump being able to handle, particularly the border and economy far better than joe biden, who wont have scripted remarks and a teleprompter to guide for 90 minutes regardless of the venue. And weve seen what happens joe when joe biden speaks withoutt a teleprompter. Its clean ups on aisles five, 18 and 24. Okay. I alsot es add charlie hurt that theyve got to theyve got to pull these. Whoever is has the debate. By the way, my flag moved. Whoever has these debates everyt minute should be made available to everybodyould b. This way, every network runs it. Get the biggest possible audience runs that we have armed wellinformed country before ang people start voting and go to the polls on november 5th. No you agree with that . And secondly, what about the goal of the media and the mobeda in the media and joe biden thinking they can dictate the all the terms for only four networks . I decide i make all the rules. We dont even ask Donaldd Tr Trump and the networks go along with that. Sorrumd y thats never happened. That can happen here. And people like fake jake, poi as joe pointed out. No , you dont put partisan and liberal hosts to make ite two on one. Yeah. Well, one of the great things about donald trump is that, you know, for a long time wevef seen this kind of stuff from leftwing hacks in the mediaer like like jake tapper. But the problem for them right now with donald trump and the reason they hatew with donad trump so much is because in a debate between donaln d trump ad jake tapper, donald trump wins. Donald trump has been destroyings media. This is thats been his hiseh favorite thing to go afterin for eight years. And its its what has made such a success in politics is that, you know, hes accustomed to going up against these People Whogainst have absolutely flayed every republican whos ever come alonehave absdg. And Donald Trumps first guy that comes on and, you kno tw, steps up to him and fights back mano a mano. And so, you know, i agreey with everything you say there, but i also have a lot of faithth that donald trump, whoever the moderato ar, donald trump, is going to beat joe biden and then is also going to beat the moderato alsr. T well, and the moderator is going to try to rig this thing. And in every way they can. Y th and weve seen it. In what i think is so interestingke about this, you know, i think joe biden made this announcement this morning. It wasn ent th opening salvo. I think that you guys are exactly right, that what hes hoping is that theyll wind up with fewer debates, even fewer debates. But at the most, hell hells agree to to trump because hes used to walking into dens e of his enemies just as like, okay, sure, ill do whatever. But i think that biden wants to do this early enough so that however catastrophic this thing winds up being for him, it is theyrm theye hoping thate sort of be forgotten by the time the electio fortimen rolls. And thats the other reason why they want to make it virtual. They wan ecauset to make it virtualt because they dont want it to be a dramatic eventt sol that theyre hoping people will forget it sooner. And joe biden has provedut it so that hes willing to run campaigns virtually. Theyre talking about doing ans i learned this idea virtually earlier before any votes gre cast theea befor. It was great. And by the way, i agreeea with that on cnn and abc get a debate box gets their debate. Trump agreed. Joe, are you afrai d of Martha Maccallum and brad baer . They deserve a debate. But. E all right, i got to roll, guys. Charlito chae, thank you, joe, k you. Here with more, rnc cochair lara more is is with us. Id say a couple of things, laura. F thingsjoe if hes making the , we got to add notes. No teleprompter. And if theyre going to mute anybody thats not speaking Speaasketer The Question is asked, that would mead n the muting the moderators and these liberal networks are not allowed to put Anythinrag Writtn on the screen except the name of the person talking. Thats it. Because otherwise they will try to put that Liberatheyrl Commeny there and make it two on one that way. So2 on all of those things havet be worked out. But the fact that your fatherinlao p atw said yes toe liberal networks and fox, i think is fairar. Well, he called their bluff. I meaned their, in lot of ways,e people probably saw that video when she talkeoplesad about witn 13 seconds long, five jump cuts. They Probablds Lon5 jumpy spente day, sean, putting that together with joe putty and with a lot of heav hy obviously to get that. And i think they thought, well s well put this out there and theres no way that donald trump agreesno way to do this. And he said, yeah, ill do it t because i said any time anywhere place. He is unafraid. And so whiles no the are always tipped against him, this is no t the first time. Think back to 2016 when Hillary Clinton in the dnc thind for the steele dossier to actually collude with russia to influence an election. Think about the Formernc Intelligenceing an agents from the cia who, of course signed on to the letter to say the Hunter Biden Laptop Story was fake whenever it was. L th the scales have always been tipped against donald trump, and this year, more than ever, with all the lawfare, with allne weve seen against him in some crazy way, sean, theyve actually Prepareey Havd him fors moment because hes not afraid of anythin g. They throw his way. Hes not a typical politician. Th nott more concernedwith with protecting his image than he is with speakin prog directly to the american people. Trs blunt, hes honest, he is completely transparent. And thats why the peoplanene of this country love him. So try though they might do this thing with sean. They will. He is going to try them outhis i think theyre trying to collude. Oh, the media mod b and jojoe be biden, they dictate all of the conditions, all of the rule s. And donald trump gets no say sorry, thats not how its ever worked. And thats not fair. Americans will seethat right through that. Now, it makes me wonder, does they know that donald trump is going to insist on the simplesio things like no teleprompter . Theyre going to insist you cant have somebodn no telyt wing like a radical leftwing talk shows like fake jakradical they know that if theyre going to mute the mics, that means that would mean the moderators, too. They know that they cant put stuff on the screen. So the idea that donald trump doesnt get any say on any of this. Nev no, thats never work like that. It cant work likeed like that its bad enough hes agreed to go on to liberal networks. Then he said, fox, i think fox will be fair. Well, i think youre correct. But you know you what weve alws also called for . What donald trump has said is that he wants more debate. So he said, yes, ill do thiswil one in june, d ill do the one in september, ill do the one in october d, but lets do one n july. Lets do one in august. Let n julys do one every single mone leading up to this election m thcausp toe. Sean, we need these two men on a stage. We need to be need thee very clear aboutbe the direction we want this country to go. We about need to hear from donao trump about his vision for the future of this countrynald,v how he will give this country back to the people, how hell fi x the mess joe biden has putde us in and joe biden has a lot u of questions answer. So we want to see more of them on a stage not and youre right, its rigged so heavily in joe bidensare righ, but eveg always is. Youve got hollywood against donald trump. A youve got the Music Industry against donald trump. Trumam mediaesia, despitga that and even the judicial system at this point, he is beating biden in every poll outt there. Its amazinghe a to see. So if joe biden shows up on june 27, then doesnt comet up with an excuse like he has to wash his haircomi or somethi, i have full confidence that donald trump will outperformi him and it will be no matter what, even if you them, the socalled moderators mix, theyll stiln i try to inject themselves. That cant happen if were going to have a fair debate. The americant f people deserve a fair debate. , laura, its going to be interesting to watch this unfold tc. Joe, we can double makebl your day. You going out foe maker. How do you like that . Take a look at your screen. Tense situation in Southern Californiasc unfolding live. Police moving in on antiisraela protests. T uc uc irvine. Well bring you updates throughout the hour as we you. Ue b when we come back, horrific Economic Data released today. A biden keeps lying about the economy in numbers. The te ill tell you the truth next. Wo the terrorist of october the terrorist of october seven were the single deadliest for the jewish people since t. Ruelty n extreme seemly, burdened and heavy heart, not only for and heavy heart, not only for the immens of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the Critica People Of Israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. Its an especially critical time right now for the elderly. Many close Family Members were many close Family Members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to helplp them with their basic needs, such the as food. The International Fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. She rush an Emergency Food Box was y Jewish Person who is at risk. Zena she used to take care of me. Th when we heare bud the first roc. So i phoned my daughter and she said, my mama on the bus, everything is okay. Ship del 2 minutes later, the terrorist shot volunteers from the Fellowship Wir The Food Boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a months supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. I can feel the love coming from this box. Thank you. And made the cut of israel. Bros always. Bless you. Lets extend our prayers lets extend our prayers togetherrs our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. They need right now to feel your love and your Healing Touch Foo Onliner their souls. Call the number on your screen. Scan the qr code or go online to ifc. Israel dot org. Now nail fungus is nasty. Up to starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. Its clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results. You can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover. Whats this . Thats for pepper. You keep dog food in your fridge. Its not dog food. Its fresh. But real meat or veggies. Its dog food. He was so right about her. Tomorrow, when your star witness, a rat who lies for witness, a rat who lies for cheese, you know your shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Your hair. First thing i noticed was the energy and recovery that it had to work out. You want to try it right . Arm recon. Pauls not looking good foras joe biden, as weve beenling y telling you tonight. As we mentioned earlier, according to the t as New York Times, Siena College is down nearly in all swinly ag states for big reason. That could be the economy. Look at this y. Brand new fox news poll. 70 of respondents saying the economy is either fair or poor, 89 of respondents saying Grocery Store prices are a problem for their family. Nine out of Ten0 Amer Say Ican families,ic 84 , say the same thing about gas pricesv and about 60 say they disapprove of the way h biden is handling the economy. Unfortunately, everything is stillg the gettings more expensive. Inflation data released today showin g that goods in april cost 3. 4 more than they did in april last year. Oint 5 in march, it was 3. 5 year over year in february, 3. 2 . 2 wit but joe biden has found a new favorite lie. Claim hes now trying to claim falsely that inflation was 9 e. When he took office. Well, actually, it was 1. 4 oint back in january 20, 21. O come took them about 18 months to hit that high. Since then joe bidens beenand r president , a grand totales, 99 inflation. Okay joe needs to stop lying. Things are so bad. According to a new almost one in five credit card userscad are completely out. O that is 20 of our country. Even mcdonalds trying to lure back customers. They have a 5 meal. Thats only possible thanks to a 5 million subsidy from cocacola. And its only going to lastot a month. Thats not going to help long term. Here with reaction p long ter the host of making money on fox business, charles payne, former arkansas governor mike huckabee. Before i get to the economics with charles, governor, this is real pain. People vote for peace and prosperity. This is not prosperity. D pr60 of Americans Livingto paycheck to paycheck. You know what . We are better than that. And the economy was better ec trump. Ald every American Family understands that. Im going to Say Something thats somewhat contrarianthat a lot of views. I love mcdonalds. I think its a great companyt cp and a Great Corporation that for years has made eating out affordable or years for families that couldnt afford to go anywhere else. But mcdonalds is strugglingf because of the cost of beef, the cost of eggs, the cost of bread, the costerything of transportation and everything else. And then in california, they bought their wages up t to 20 bucks an hour. So what does it do . Well, its a gut punch to American Families who would simply like to go get a big mac, some fries and a soft drink. And the fact is, mcdonalds has provided a lot of first time Employment Opportunities for young people. Its taught themme emplo the discipline of work, but theyre struggling now. Watch thisde, joe biden will blame mcdonalds and not his own ridiculous mismatc hh judgment of the economy for everything thats going wrong. He always says, oh, its these greedy corporations. Its not the greedy amrporations. They are trying to help americans. But the reality is, joe has butchered and just completely bungle thed economy into oblivi. Unbelievable sad for people who care about people. Liberals have a monopoly on compassion and not very compassionate to continue with these horrible policies. they talk about a 45 44 Capital Gains tax. Charles nobody will invest invest will dry up. Bs wil that means jobs will dry up, prices will go even higher. It lets get your reaction. All these numbers. And bidens been telling us how the economys great. What arey is great talking abou . Yeah, well, you know, sten, listened. Not only is the economy not great, but it is 100 e joe bidens fault. Now, we had a little bit of Inflation Pressure with thet whole supply chain thing, but everything had settled down whened dow they forced that 1. 9 trillion through ostensibly to help with covid. E fa the fact of the matter is they were trying to political ploy of just dumping a bunch of money into the economy. And itsy real deal that money always gravitates to the top 1 . People get it. They go out and spend it. Theyre supposed to go t an spends where it. Thats why the government sends it to them. And eventually the billionaires get evenhe sends it and. And he can rail all he wants about the billionaires. But President Biden has been the best president in the History Of America for Wealthst Presie Histy folks, thn barons are around right now. They would a statue of them. Now, this Inflation Thing is hideous because a lot of times in the media they talk about inflation coming down. It has not inflatidown come dow the rate of Growth Hasgrow moderated,th but if you compound it, it is a straight rocket ship, straight un p, and it is crushing americans. It is crushing the american drea m. We found out Yesterdayout Deli about delinquencies on the rise big time and hurting Young Americans more than anyone else and certainly home homeownere s i mean, homemakers. Right. Wiy, wele with kids toda got the retail sales number. Unmitigated disaster. Wegated have to spend a lot of y at the gas station. A lot of money on food. Leg left. Thi anything else. We got this cpi report. It waswell still too hot. Ot its still too hot and its nots going away time soon. In the meantime, know that 2. 1 trillion in socalled excess savings from the Stimulus Progra ram, according to the San Francisco fed, is now 72 billion. So all of that money hasg it gones gone to the rich folks ot there. And the only thing that most americans have left, maybe a t i shirt that says i survived, im Still Survivin Ag President Bidens generous 1. 9 trillion. You know, it really is amazing. Just like he lies about the border, all of its am the borders secure the borders closed for three years. Now All Of A Sudden, i well, lets say its Donald Trumps fault. They lie about that. They lies will theli about the e of israel. They stabbed israel in the back and they surrendered it in the war inr on terror. They lie about the economy. They lie about law, order,d safety, security. Governor huckabee, i never safet it could get this bad. I wrote a book. I hadnt written one in ten years. Live free or die america in the world on the brink of beginninea feel were at the on the brink point. I think the good news is theyre going to be some debatesre will. Joe got what he wanted, but hes not going to want what he got. I wasaid hs the bates on the dee with donald trump in 2016. Trum you a little insighwantt. Donald trump doesnt matter what the rules are, doesnt matter who moderates dont matter what networoesntrk. He wins the debate. Hes the tom bradyth of president ial candidates. Hes going to find a way to win. Never count him out. He will wipe the floor and america will get to see the contrast between these red carpet and one governor. The and biden think they can dictate all the terms. Can you believ e . Eve th but it doesnt matter. Trump still winsat. They cant beat him. Theyre going to try. They cant beat him. And like everything else, itll backfire. Thank you both. Coming up, im going to tell you something about the trump trial that youre not goin g to hear anywhere else as we continue. Of all the men who pinned on badges, few understood this frontier better than wild hickok. Wyatt earp here, in a way not satisfied can have more dead men today. I know you know where the robbers are holed up. And youre going to them to me. So youre sure . No trials, just cold blooded injustice. Two legends who helped define. Define wild west. This is outlaws and lawmen On Fox Nation. E 50 t im jonathan larson, hereo to tell you Life Insurance through the colonial pen program. The thyoure age and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budgesurant remember the three piece . What arrice, ane the three p, the three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price. A price you can afford a price that cant increase and a price that fits your budget. Im 54. Whats my price . You can get coverage for 9. 95 a month. Im 65 and take medications. 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But first, trumps sham trial in new york is set to resume tomorrow as the prosecutions final witness. Convicted felon serial Michael Cohen due back on the stand for more crossexamination. But what happens after that . But speculation swirling around how the defense will proceed. A possible witness has emerged in cohens former attorney, who apparently has waived and his name is bob costello, who delivered extra grimly testimony today about his former client, Michael Cohen, contradicting much of what Michael Cohen said on the stand week during a hearing before the house judiciary committee. Select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. This was earlier today. Look, and i said to him, i said, michael, the way this works is if you have truthful information about donald trump, thats clearly what theyre looking for. I can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week. His response. I swear to god, bob, i dont have anything on donald trump. He focused on melania trump. He said i didnt want to embarrass melania trump. He said, thats why i decided to take care of this on my own. I went back to that several. You did this on your own . On my own. Did donald trump have to do with it . No. Is there a Single Branch of government that Michael Cohen hasnt lied to . Jake, think there isnt. It was reaction. Fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, Harvard Law Professor Alan professor. They still have Michael Cohen for crossexamination. That testimony. But bob costello to me was blockbuster totally contradicts everything Michael Cohen said and apparently gave a waiver on Attorney Client privilege. My question to you is, what should they do on cross . Should they Call Costello in light of today . And what other witnesses would you call . How would you handle the rest of this case . If youre Donald Trumps attorney . Well, the most important witness in the case, other than costello hes called, is the one that nobody will hear from. And that is alan weasel berg. He almost certainly contradicts what cohen has said. Thats why the government wont call him. The government can easily call him. They could give him immunity. They can grab him from jail and put them on the Witness Stand. Hes, you know, 15 minutes away. And the key point in the case is going to be the missing whistle witness instruction. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. What does the government have to hide . Why arent putting alan. We felt berg on the witness. And then i would ask cohen, did you have any discussions, the prosecution, about wiesel, or did you tell them that he could either corroborate or contradict your testimony . Did they tell why they arent putting him on the Witness Stand . He is the key. So the two witnesses we havent heard from yet. Costello and weisselberg are, i think costello was on the prosecutions witness list. Does that matter . It doesnt matter that. Hes on the list. It means that if they do call him, they cant be any objection. Obviously, theres been a waiver of the privilege. Weve heard testimony, obviously, that is also privileged from cohen about conversations he had with his client. Trump. So i think that if costello is called and if he contradicts what cohen says, thatll be critical and if and if they can get a missing witness instruction from the judge about allen weisselberg, that will be critical because it will allow the defense to argue in closing argument, what do they have to hide . This is a brady violation. If they think that they have a witness who will contradict cohen and theyre withholding him somehow, that is a violation of the constitution. So i think these are a lot of openings for the defense that they will probably exploit. What should they be doing on crossexamination of cohen . Should the defense Call Costello and will that be allowed . I would think in light of todays testimony before congress, it has to be one of the witnesses should be called, in your view, and how should they handle the rest of this case . Greg . Well, i think its only costello. You know, i learned a long time ago the hard way when youre winning a trial sit down, shut up and dont call any witnesses. Having said that, this is liberal new york. So the calculation is different. Its Taniela Izing to Call Costello to the stand, sean, because, you know, as he told the Congressional Committee today. Cohens line to the jury about trump, cohen told his lawyer, i swear dont have anything on donald trump. I took care of Stormy Daniels all my own, my idea. Trump had nothing to do with it. That is the of what the jury heard from Michael Cohen. And he also told his lawyer that trumps only concern was protecting his wife, not his campaign. Again, the opposite of what the jury is hearing. Cohen and understand, those are the two crucial issues in the case. And costello says his former client is praising lee lying about both of them . You know, of course, prosecutors know cohen is lying. They want him to lie. They are so different. Let me ask this. Convict donald trump. Theyre willing to suborn perjury to do it. My question is, whos going to prosecute the prosecutors . I want to know how much time they spent preparing Michael Cohen. And what did they talk . Should they be expert . And i dont have a lot of time. Should there be Expert Witnesses, somebody that will explain the law and the up charging from a misdemeanor whos whose Statute Of Limitations have run out quickly. Professor but then you invite the prosecutors to do that, their own Expert Witnesses in rebuttal. And that opens a whole can of worms. Id Call Costello maybe weisselberg, but thats it. Nobody else. The call Expert Witnesses because the judge wont let them call the Expert Witnesses because hell say, im the expert on the law, not any Expert Witnesses. And that will raise a good appellate. So i would try to call them with full confidence that the judge would not admit it. Hes the only thing i think hes really an expert at is donating to biden and not recusing himself. Thank you both. When we come back, biden losing support from key demographics in the campaign is in a panic. Straight ahead, dupixent helps people with asthma Breathe Better in. As little as two weeks, you can Breathe Better. Breathe better. What isnt better . This is better. This is better. This is better. Thatshis. And that even this dupixent is an add on treatment for to severe asthma. It works with your Asthma Medicine to help improve lung functionma attac. Thats pretty good. Dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. Breathing problems. Asthma attacks. It can reduce or even eliminatte oral steroids. And doesnt that make things better . Better . Depicts it can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. 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Powering progress. Get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour. The step counter the smart mat and wireless remote all now we know the Biden Campaignde in panic mode after the latest New York Times siena poll hadd biden down among key demographics that helped himen in 2020. Biden is polling at 63 among africanamericans, comparedmpard to 87 that supported him in 2020, while donald trump is at 23 among African Americans, the highest level of African American a republican candidate has had since 1964. And today, political pointed out that the rest ofweek i joe bidens week is jam packed with events aimed at this demographic, starting with interviews with black journalists in Milwaukeeic Demom meeting with plaintiffs from Brown Versus Board Of Education in that case. And in remarks at the acp event. By the way, among hispanics, there now tied trump and biden. Massive turnaround. Roof re here with reaction, congressman wesley hunt, project 21 chair horace cooper. Congressman, lets talkooper. About these demographics. You know, i find It Interestin G that the guy, joe biden that referred to the formere fom robert byrd as his friend and his mentorer, former ku klux poobah, the guy that heto partnered with to stop bussing and the integration of our schools, he said. Joe biden said he didnt wan sat schools to be a racial jungles. How come hes never been heldn to account on that . How come hell meet with these groups and nobody will probablys ask that questio andn . S well, not only that, lets talk about the 94 crime bill that he authore he d. Te lets talk about him saying if you dont vote for me, then you aint black. Lets talk about back in 2019 when kamala harris, his current Vice President , literally called him a racist on stage. And what we are now seeing t in the country is black men, black people, black men specifically are looking back on that. And we didnt forget it. We are remembering it. And alsowe dont lets keep in mind if ive said this once, shawn, ive said it a thousand times. Black issues are american issues. R Aman Issuethis is about the e. And its reflecting in those numbers. And if the democrat Partyrt Cannot get at least 25 , at least 75 of the black male vote, and if donald trump is able to get 25 or more percent of the black male vote. This is not a conversation. And the issue for joe biden, its actually not his campaign. Ths his poor policies for the last four years. We had Ilast Frot Under Pre President Trump. Now its bad and now we want ist good. Excuse me. Now we want it great again. Od. And thats what these numbers reflec greatt. All right. Lets get your reaction. Horace whaor. Well, im not surprised by these numbers. In fac . T, in my latest book called put yall back in heains, how joe policies hurt black americans, i predicted that we were to see a rejection of joe policies. This whole destruction of the economy under the Trump Administration. Black americans saw gains that we had not in generations. But here is what was so exceptional, like during the reagan years. It didnt matte r whether you were black or white. America improveethed. The thing under trump was that black americans grew at a faster rate economically. Black americans per capita bought more homes during the trump period under the biden administration. Guess what . Its time to meet the repo man n to take that new truck that you bought under the Trump Administration thenew truc to fe you from your home. Black americanr hos are wonderig is the fix in . If you work blue collar blue jobs, a lot of americans work blue collar jobs, but more black men do. Per capita b than the rest of america. If you unload and the wall and just allow an number of illegal migrants, you are guaranteeing that those Working Class Americans will not be able to compete. And lets nost even talk to about trying to take your kids to the mcdonalds. This administration has created an inflation that just destroys any household who makes under 50,000. Thats not fair. Thats not justhose wh,000t Andy Black Americans are signaling theyre not going to taky are it anymore. Congressman, last. 20 seconds. This is about the economy. This is about the border and this is about our safety. And like i said black issues a are american issues. And we have woken up to whatsin going on in this country. And we want our countr county. This is a country that i fought for. And i know that come november of 2024, President Trump will restore what america deserves and what we are all about. And thats what blact k america wants. Wanthe media mob needs to hold Joe Accountable for his racial. Djangos comment and partnership with the former klansman. Thank you both. More hannity Nex Forme Thankt of all the men who pinned on badges, few understood this frontier better than wild bill hickok, wyatt earp, or in a way not satisfied, can have more dead men today. I know you know where the robbers are holed up. And youre going to give them to me. So here, here. No trials, just cold blooded injustice. Two legends who help define wild west. This is outlaws and lawmen On Fox Nation. At jones, we know one thing and one thing only backs strange backs from weekend chores. Tip pulled backs, doing your favorite hobbies. We even know quarterbacks dont the experts in Back Pain Relief for more than 100 years available in a store near you when your feet hurt, everything hurts. Living with chronic pain is incredibly challenging. Im diabetic and my feet hurt constantly. If youve ever experienced any kind of foot pain, you know how debilitating can be. Thats why we created doctors choice, the incredibly socks designed to provide the support and relief you need so you can live your best life. 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And here we are with diplomatic efforts to end the war. Unsuccessful airstrikes continue only on fox news channel. All right. A quick programming note, by the way. Thank you for making On Fox Nation my new special, outlaws alary nem. And number one for eight straight days. Anyway , they have now released episode two. It follows the Lif E Of Wilde Li bill hickok and his rough justice and wyatght. Fox nation. Its all the time we have. Time y, but not your heartbeat trouble. Greg will put a smile on your face. Thanks for being wit

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