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Sandra all right and hello to harris as well as short time from now the white house will hold a briefing after President Biden challenged his top 2024 arrival to not one, but two debates and former President Donald Trump has accepted the challenge. Hello and welcome, everyone i am sandra smith as we now know live from washington today great to be with you. Good have you here. A small suggestion but you should put down roots here. I love being here. Except the rain. I could leave the rain. Tomorrow will be nice. The rest of the week. John this is john roberts any time, anywhere, any place, for months now trump has been during biden to debate him and now it appears biden is trying to own that with a long list of conditions. Those debates now scheduled for june 27th and september 10th. With stricter rules in place still questions as to whether the candidates will play nice this time around. Avenue answer that question . The question is for the is shut up, man im not here to call out his lies everyone knows he is a liar. The last senior class in the first senior class. The fact is this man does not know what he is talking about. Dont ever use the word smart with me. Dont use the word smart. You know what question mike theres nothing smart about you. I beat bernie sanders. Not by much. Hard to get anywhere with this clown. Our suburbs would be gone and you would see he wouldnt know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn. I know suburbs. If that doesnt build anticipation i dont know what does. We will get reaction from our panel and robert wolf in moments. Peter doocys live at the white house as we await the briefing coming up in about half an hours time. Is 2024 is anything like 2020 it will be quite a show. Yes but what about rfk jr. . Well, a key advantage for the trump and biden teams if they go around the way candidates have doing for decades on president ial debates is they dont have to have all qualifiers, they can go oneonone. Donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then he hadnt shown up for a debate and now he acts like he wants to debate me again. Make my day, pal. I will even do it twice. Pick the dates, donald. I hear youre free on wedn wednesdays. They picked two dates. Cut out now saying our 20 of 24 sites all locations of Higher Learning are prepared to hosted debates on dates chosen to accommodate early voters. We will continue to be ready to execute this plan and there is more fine print. The biden team wants microphones only turned on when it is a candidates turn to speak. And the two teams on opposite sides of audiences. Trump is saying i would strongly recommend more than two debates and for excitement purposes a very large venue. Although biden is supposedly afraid of crowds, that is only because he does not get them. Just tell me one, i will be there, lets get ready to rumble. The biden team is countering on the crowds with this. We want to do this sooner rather than later we should do it in june after criminal trial is likely to have concluded and after the g7 summit it should be in studio with no audience so the candidates can fairly articulate. Cnn and abc who say they have debates with both candidates who have accepted invitations say there will not be an audience and it does not seem like at least today or for the morning there was a ton of negotiation. Biden may have been trying to call trumps bluff laying out terms that are favorable to the biden team, but trump said yes and yes. Here we are. John . John september 10th, that would make it like the very first with no audience between jfk and Richard Nixon so we will see if it goes ahead like that peter, thank you. Sandra time for our panel. Former cbo director and robert wolf his former Economic Advisor to obama, welcome to both of you. Robert, what was inflation when Biden Took Office . Alm i think around 10 . John [laughs] [laughter] no, no come on. Come on, robert. Its 3 now. Be do i set you up i apologize i put you on the spot there. It was 1. 4 and that is fact. So deacon these are the claims the president was making that the Washington Post is giving forgo pinocchios kind of sounds like what robert just said, listen to stomach. We have dramatically reduce inflation from 9 down to close to 3 . We are in a situation where we are in a better situated than when we took office. It was 9 when i came to office. 9 . But look, people have a right to be concerned. I think inflation has slightly gone up because it was 9 when i came in and now its down to about 3 . Sandra apparently we are having a hard time with roberts it was 1. 4 . I did put him on the spot there. But these are the claims, douglas, that the current president is making that are just patently false. So what happens on a debate stage if he stands by those numbers that just never happened . Well, first lets go to an Alternative Universe where he is allowed to finish a sentence and he allows mr. Trump to finish a sentence. In economics i think for a general audience i think mr. Trump has a big advantage on that. Because he talks business and people think thats the same as economics. I think it gives him an edge. And reality will they finish each others sentences . Yell at each other . Step all over each other . Thats what it was like last time. I dont think we learned very much in those debates. Sandra robert hur the Washington Post factcheck with claims that inflation was 9 the correction was at the month of his inauguration it was 1. 4 . So the Washington Post gave him forgo pinocchios and said bidens false claim that english was 9 when he took office is not correct. Lets deal with what we have seen in this presidency and i will ask you how this plays out in a debate stage with donald trump who can look back at his record on the economy. Under Biden Inflation has gone up 19. 3 . Okay . We have had our green room factcheck this. Under biden up 19 opened her trumpet was up 5. 1 . So is this a clear sign that donald trump can beat joe biden on the debate stage and rest on his record . Sandra, i apologize, i missed the beginning. We had some Connection Problems what douglas said. Im sure they were smart he is a sharp guy. I cant wait for this debate to happen and lets recall President Trump had four years in office not three. If you look at four years of facts, gdp was better, deficits were lower, jobs are higher, unemployment is lower, wages are up, manufacturing is up, infrastructure was passed, we actually are going to put a manufacturing in wisconsin with microsoft, we are going to put a chip factory in arizona no one. No Question Inflation has been hurtful to americans and i think President Biden said that today. That although it is down 60 we have to do more. So i think its a real debate. I would rather be on the side of biden and i am sure douglas would rather be on the side of trumpet that is a debate worth having. Okay let me dig into this further. We can look at the polling and where people feel this economy is for them and their financial situation or their family in this moment. Real clear politics average on bidens job Approval Rating on the economy is at a Disapproval Rate of nearly 60 . Disapproval rate on the inflation is at 64 , douglas. This is tough to hide from. On fox news poll and being better off financially than you were four years ago, those who believe they are worse off, 52 . So how do you think this plays out, douglas . This has to be very troubling for the biden cant because its about this time people make up their mind about what they think of the economic environment. All the data shows about six months out they make up their minds and they dont change. We are in the period where Voters Decide which one they want on the economy and i say the record is to stomach decidedly stacked against the president. Has a bad record on inflation and allowed disapproval on his handling of it periods are published ones that he likes to tout all amounts to Convincing Congress to spend money. Thats not the biggest lift in history. I think he has a tough road ahead on the economic debate. To your point, robert, if they looked at just wages on its own, the president could tout wages are up but if you account for inflation we know that real wage growth is nonexistent and real wages have actually dropped. And inflation he likes to tout that inflation has come down but it came down from the highs under his presidency. That is worth pointing out. It seems this administration has sort of been running from the use of the word speed 19 stomach to Mike Bidenomics lately so how would you instruct that . I want to reply quickly to douglas and the poles you have because when President Trump left office, twothirds of the country thought the economy was in bad shape. 70 with disapproved of his handling as a president. So even worse then where biden is today. So we know polls go all over the place and its based on timing. Listen, i would absolutely talk about why they need to get inflation down and the things they are doing to get that to happen. That is why it is down by twothirds. I would talk about certainly wages and wages have outperformed inflation if i can just finish for 14 straight months. Sandra quick, don. Asked this genuinely and not to pick a fight but like what exactly has the white house, the president , that staff, done to bring down inflation . Sandra thats a good question. Im sorry, say that again . Speed to be asked what the president has done. Timeout, doug. You know what happened in the postcode world with Supply Chains and the cervix sector going up and wages and things like hospitality and leisure of 25 carried you know when the Service Sector and economy like we had versus when we had durable goods inflation during covid. That actually gets passed onto the consumer and you know geopolitically sandra wait i have to leave it there. He was at war in the middle east lets have that debate. Sandra he was simply asking what has the administration done to bring down prices. Great debate. Appreciated, telemann, thank you very much. We will make sure you get that connection better next time. This is the beginning of what will be a huge conversation, john, over how these trico candidates will handle this economic discussion on the debate stage. We know this matters big time to voters. John i thought it was curious that his earpiece went out when he took it on the spot. But it was 1. 4 . It wasnt until December Of 2022 that it went to 9 . Sandra thats right. John i dont know if theres confusion the president s mind or if its under the principle of if you say it enough it becomes true, but the big factcheck in washington. Sandra but most economists say it was the additional spending that took place after it really wasnt needed anymore that ran the prices up under this administration. He might be asked why didnt you tackle this sooner . Why was inflation ignored as long as it was . The one a lot of debate going on on the debate stage and on september the 7th. And antisemitism continues on College Campuses and jewish students are ready to have their voices heard on capitol hill. We will sit down with a student who is testifying in front of house lawmakers today plus this. Michael cohen has no credibility, but no integrity trial is a joke its a farce. Where is the Crime Question works because the American People have already acquitted donald trump. Sandra plus the race to become trump a positivist running mate is heating up as allies rally around the former president during his criminal trial. Who is catching his eye more . We will ask Fox News Contributor color, karl rove for his take just add. Ou who have served your country honorably, whether its two years, four years, or thirtytwo years, like myself. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. Not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and thats what you can get at newday usa. Choose advil liquigels for faster, stronger and longerlasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. So for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. 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So call now for free information, and youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. With absorbine pro, pain wont hold you back from your passions. Its the only solution with two maxstrength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. So, do your thing like a pro, painfree. Absorbine pro. We will free Palestine Exmac within our lifetime exclam a Protest Outside E Graduation Ceremony with Cb Cotton Live Outside Yankee Stadium in New York City for us. Hi, cb. Yes, the Commencement Ceremony is ongoing for Yankee Stadium as you can see behind me a small group of Student Protesters has decided to walk out and demand nyu to vest and sever ties with israel. I want to step out of the way and give you a better view so we can listen to the chants from these protesters. Say the word palestine read are you you hear Student Protesters calling on nyus president to do more and support of his ongoing protests and this comes as many try to bring achievement today but as the Student Protesters a small group of nyu faculty say todays commencement is a distraction and this group took to social media to urge people to tag nyu and say nyus Graduation Ceremonies are a distraction. You cannot ignore palestine activism when so many of been killed this is a tight screening today, no one was allowed in with large bags, flags, banners, or science but Student Protesters have used new tactics over at Columbia University students protested at a Graduation Ceremony on sunday. One student were a Zip Tie Handcuffs as she crossed the stage and then she turned to the audience ripping her diploma into pieces. At the University Of Michigan security was tightened ahead of a saturday a ceremony to strain and remove any banners of flags and somehow students dont make dozens of Student Protesters manage to get flights inside and unfurled them as they marched and chanted through the aisles. Back out here live, sandra, again at Yankee Stadium these nyu students are protesting, demanding nyu listen and comply with their demands as you see some have red paint on their hands. Representing what they say is an ongoing genocide and the palestinian region. Back to you. Very interesting, Cb Cotton Outside of Yankee Stadium for us. Thank you. John . John nationwide jewish students are ready to make their voices heard. Harvard and you penned students will be testifying before house lawmakers in about 40 minutes as they pledge to fight antisemitism. Lets bring an eye Harvard University grad student who will be testifying shortly, we will get you for raburn very quickly i know you been waiting patiently. You are suing Harvard University. You suggest antisemitism is institutional there. This what you write i am suing harvard, antisemitism is out of control, one may suspect Harvard Divinity School which is where you are a Graduate Student with its mission emphasizing diversity, inclusion, and belonging in with religious tolerance one of its core tenets would be a safe place jews for. Harvard has made it clear they are often willing to combat antisemitism that it is a feature not a bug of harvard. Forgive the blasphemy but thats a damning condemnation. And indictment. To get equity, equality or justice they have to go to congress and File Lawsuits because we are not able to get that at our own university. I always tell people if they wanted to change or combat antisemitism they wouldve done it. Nothing is keeping them today for implement and policies that will combat antisemitism and discipline antisemitic students and professors but time and time again theyve shown they are either unable or unwilling to do anything to help their jewish students. Sandra we have had our share of jewish students join us on this program and just recent weeks just telling us how unsafe they feel on their campuses here is some of what we have heard. Some of the vandalism was textbook antisemitism. Things like Stars Of David on the ground saying step here my close friend lonnie was physically assaulted multiple te for holding a sign condemning hamas. Two weeks ago i came on the show and was afraid to walk on campus. Now we dont have to be afraid about walking on campus because we arent even allowed to walk on campus. Sandra based on what you said that you believe these universities can change if they want to like harvard, that would be intentional they are making these students feel this way. I would argue its intentional hearing those stories is heartbreaking. I know many of those students personally and what they have gone through is just unfathomable in the United States in 2024. I would add there was a staff member at harvard who has been there 26 years who threatened me with a machete saying he wanted to fight and bring down the zionist mafia. To this day harvard has not once acknowledged to me or told me his employment status, whether he has access to campus, its can still make inconceivable any other Minority Group would be treated with such disdain and contempt the way harvard and all these ivy league trees there is. John i want to write a quote it says manifests itself in a Double Standard nvidia students jews. And professors that support antiantiantijewish violence. They thought public may start addressing after the resignation in the disaster of capitol hill last fall but you see nothing is changed . I will give you a example we had these homeless shelters the past few weeks were students violated to dull my policy with chanting of genocide and said he would negotiate with them and given what he teed of stomach seat of the table so they could talk by divesting from israel and a palestinian study center at harvard. Eye is a jewish student wanted for months to talk with the president or with my dean Marla Frederick so i guess the only way i can be heard is if i violate School Policy and call for the ethnic genocide against muslims it is so absurd there were warning bad behavior and antisemitism it is so unacceptable let me add one less point quickly harvard purports to train the next generation of americans leaders president s, politicians, without leaders if my classmates are those next Generation Leaders we are in a very, very scary point in our country because its not just antisemitism their antiamerican. Airplanes the American Flag with the follicle palestine. Sandra we know this is your message when you run to capitol hill in a few minutes. John we look forward to hearing what you had to say. Thank you so much. Sandra our best to you. In New York Citys progressive is the d. A. Going easy on migrants caught on camera attacking police . We will tell you what is in the reported plea deals. John plus former President Trumps legal team and his credibility against crossexamination judge Jeanine Pirro joins us and a preview of what to expect tomorrow when court resumes. We know he is a convicted perjurer and this is their star witness. This is law fair at its worst all ongoing after political poets. The smooth riding, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. And what hero doesnt have a dark side . Introducing the g2 edge. The same number one selling gel ink pen in america. Now with an innovative laseretched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable Tungsten Carbide tip. Whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. 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I mean, right now the Defense Attorneys just touched on some of the issues that we are all familiar with. That is that Michael Cohen lies to congress, he lies to the banks, he lies to the irs, and he lies to virtually everybody out of his own selfinterest. He has perjured himself under oath, he has been convicted of tax fraud, but he says it was all to benefit donald trump and he only did it because he was in the trunk called. I think what you will see tomorrow crossexamining this they admitted 20 times liar that you will hear them continue in this crazy claim he did it all because he was in the Cult Of Donald Trump but you will also have questions like who was the architect of this whole scheme . Who ran this thing . Who falsified the Business Records . Who made the decision that the checks were cut based on x, y, or z amount so that you recovered from the money . No one has put a finger on donald trump. And this case requires that the prosecution proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt that everybody unanimously that donald trump was the architect of the scheme, that he falsified the records that he intended for them to be falsified, and we havent even seen from the individual who created the records. So right now a directed verdict would be the most appropriate if i were sitting on this basis i would say you havent proven anything but Michael Cohen is a continuation of the he hates donald trump, he lies for his own self interest, he not only is someone who wants to benefit and has benefited financially from hating donald trump, he has a new show and wants to be the fix the guy who can fix it. He is a lunatic in his hatred for donald trump its beyond. So he wants redemption i mean this is not redemption its like trying to survive. He has no license, he has no job, he has nothing so his only option right now is to sink donald trump but he doesnt have the ability to do it. John to your point about Michael Cohens animus for donald trump, todd blanche type stomach try to highlight that in the crossexamination yesterday and likely will continue to do so tomorrow, the only reason i can see that Michael Cohen has so much animus toward trumps that trump did not back him up when he got pat f pop for tax evasion and didnt offer a federal pardon on other people so is this payback from Cohen To Trump and what will the to remake of that . The anger was long before that. Sandra not really. Pardon or no pardon, the hatred was long before that. The truth is he was furious because he thought he was going to the white house. He thought he was going to be white House Counsel Attorney General and all his friends on the Upper West Side and wherever it is he lives, he is embarrassed because he is the fixer, he is the guy in charge of Donald Trumps life and he doesnt even get invited to the white house. He is furious right then and there so you dont even need to go forward with the other stuff but there is a variety of reasons why he hates donald trump and he has already admitted to most of them. So i think the jury seeing the Michael Cohen for what he is and hearing from any other prosecution witness that Michael Cohen was a bully, he was mean, he screamed at people, he wasnt very nice and at the same time donald trump was a great boss to work for. He was a multitasker. It was a fantastic job. I mean this is how the table is set. If you dont prove the case Beyond A Reasonable Doubt former and future president on trial for expired misdemeanors with no known crime identified in the indictment the bill of particulars or in Opening Statements where this guy is supposedly trying to influence an election but all the actions are after the election, i mean, this is absurd. I think even a new york jury can find at least one person who is going to hang on this one. Sandra well, lanny davis seems to think a little differently. He joined us yesterday. He said this, listen. First of all the jury has to make its own mind up whether someone is capable of owning lies and turning and telling the truth. End of the story of redemption which Elijah Cummings and the committee chaired on live testimony pronounced that at the very end of the hearings in a very moving way. I thought you might want to he wants to redeem himself to turn and tell the truth, what do you know about this individuals background, Michael Cohen that leads you to believe it is capable of telling the truth if it is not in this own interest . Only thing he is capable of is promoting himself and the only way he can go forward and why is if he sinks donald trump to written up with redemption, i will leave that to god at this point. John judge, always good to get your idea on all of this. Cant wait. According to a new report on the New York Post six of the migrants charged in that infamous attack to new York City Police officers are getting offered plea deals. The troubling news as one of the accused attackers was arrested again while out on bail. Live in New York City is covering this with the latest, brian . We all but remember from january of group of migrants pulling, grabbing, and kicking officers in times square after they were asked to move. They resisted and seven migrants were ultimately charged with seconddegree assault. A felony punishable by up to seven years behind bars. Now the New York Post District Attorney alvin bragg has offered three deals plea deals they were all for one year in jail, two others to just serve six months in jail and another offered a deal to serve two years if they all agreed to plead guilty. 24yearold Migrant Johenri Brito was held behind bars on 1500 bill but after an activist priest from brooklyn supposed ty posted his bail according to thr attempting to steal from macys. Despite this they allowed him to walk for yesterday. This all as New York State democrats effectively blocked a bill tuesday that would have forced Law Enforcement to notify ice when they arrest migrants. Bypassing New York Citys sanctuary laws. Jeric jimbo introduced the bill on officers in times square. The vote yesterday showed that democrats are more concerned with protecting the sanctuary state new york then they are in residence. We need the federal government to step up and get these eight dangerous individuals out of our country. Two of the seven migrants are on Ice Detainers and said to be deported out of the u. S. John . John with the latest, brian, thank you. Sandra will keep watching closely. Will be covering this tomorrow. The trial will resume one more day this week because they wont be back and friday. Sandra hard out at 4 00 tomorrow for the trial. But you had a slightly different take it seems. I talked to Michael Cohen when all these Stormy Daniels stuff was going out. Even though it wasnt at the white house it was still very much in trumps camp and very much defending him at that point. He told me he took a heloc and didnt get paid back for it which he also pulled to robert costello. And may get called as a Defense Witness and he could really undermine everything cohen said, but it seems to me there wasnt until the fbi raided cohens place and from cut ties with him. Sandra thats interesting and one those of us ought laying out publicly that seem to be some what we saw as well. John trump had given assurances that dont work on the president of the United States but then trump sort of said you know i have other things i need to focus on. And cohen went to jail and i think he has never forgiven him for that. Sandra more on the trial 9 30 tomorrow eastern time. Now this chicago teachers walking out on the job today. State lawmakers are not showing any signs of giving it to them plus this. They made a decision will take over weapons assistance and show how serious we are i thought that was pay on their part. John first weapons now the by the administration is accused of holding back key intelligence on the whereabouts of hamas leaders. It has critics questioning americas loyalty to israel. Form israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Warren is coming up. Lord, you know whats on our hearts. You know where we struggle. You know where we need to be pushed. Help us give it all to you. The good, the bad. Help us turn to you in everything we do. Amen. 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And this plan has a guaranteed lifetime ratelock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. So call now for free information, and youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. Call leaffilter today. And never clean out clogged gutters again. Leaffilters Technology Keeps debris out of your gutters for good. Guaranteed. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. John the white house now denying its keeping key intelligence on Cloth Leaders from israel as a tactic to avoid a fullscale invasion of rafah. Despite how the bite administration is doing just that. On their questioning whether america is still israels ally. One is the form israeli ambassador to the United States, michael oren who joins us from tel aviv. The administration is denying it is withholding anything from israel. But the Washington Post seemed pretty certain over the times of israel also reflected this that the United States has said if you dont go into raw file we will give you really good intelligence on where hamas secret tunnels are and where people like yaya seen mark may have been hiding out for these months. What do you make of that . John it is always great to be with you. I read this article in the Washington Post and it was sourced by at least four individuals high up in the pentagon and the Defense Establishment in the United States. It seemed like a solid piece of journalism. And i was aghast, i was app appalled. How could the United States withhold information about the lives of thomas which are responsible for the massacre of october 7th and Holding Hostages because you have to assume where the leaders are as these hostages are Human Shields and they know where the hostages are and i cant believe anyone would use this leverage to advance any policy. I understand the administrations problems with the rough operation i understand israels need to continue that operation. But using Human Shields hostages to me is completely indefensible. John heres what the former Acting Director of the Trump Administration had to say. Lets be clear joe biden is using u. S. Intelligence as a weapon to demand to win michigan but he should give every piece of intel we have. This is a real impeachable offense. We must demand avril haines the current d i stop hiding. I mean, is biden trading Israel Security for votes in michigan . You know me, john, i wont get involved in American Politics but the president has already said he will delay because of the operations he is holding this over us again. Remember, they dont arrive, Israeli Soldiers die and frankly israel will be able to conduct a much less surgical operation to deny these munitions and palestinians can die as well with their very extensive Security Precautions israel has to limit those tactics. I cant say i agree with that measure it all. I dont know what is motivating and. End. Maybe its politics, maybe its a genuine concern for israel leave palestinian casualties. The administration has made no attempt to disguise the fact it does not believe israel can achieve the goals that has set for ourselves in raffle but i assure you the vast majority view it is vital for our security. John is it fair to say, mr. Ambassador, if the United States indeed has this intelligence on where hamas secret tunnels are and where people like yaya seymour may be that if they hadnt shared that with israel weeks or months ago this conflict may be over right now . With the nature of the information we dont know which senior officials they are talking about hamas leaders they are talking about and their location. But certainly sharing that information would shorten the operation and would enable forces to reach these hamas leaders, to eliminate them certainly to free the hostages that are using those as Human Shields. And if there is any truth to the story as i have written, it defies logic. It is in fact indefensible. John former ambassador of the United States Michael Warren thank you for joining us. Center . Sandra will the third time be the charm and the days long attempt to see two jurors in the trial of democrat senator bob menendez . We are live outside of the courthouse with an update plus this. Cant swim spongebob . Yes, larry . Question marks because you arent a lifeguard, are you . No, larry. Sandra like Bikini Bottom of the big apple is desperately in need of lifeguards but some people say the plan proposed by New York Citys mayor goes off the deep end. Steven hilton will join us on that just ahead. Instead of feeling congested. 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This portrait takes six years to paint unveiled at Buckingham Palace for the king appeared very pleased with the portrait. Sandra you know im a loyal watcher and he pulled it off and i thought does he like that . But i am sure john i mean it looked like hands floating in tryer. Sandra maybe he likes it. I assume he approved of this before it went public. But i am fresh off of the tree that was seeing the natural Portrait Gallery in london a few days ago and i was spoiled by some of the best royal portraits ever done. Queen elizabeth and beyond. I dont know if i would put this one up there. John i get a sense if you look at it in person it would be a lot different than how it is captured on tv. Sandra fair enough we will give it a chance. John it does sort of look like the king listening to ac dc does it not . Sandra only you would know. Jury is out on that. Planned a jury is finally seated in the Corruption Trial of the new jersey senator bob menendez senior Congressional Correspondent chad pilgrim live outside that new york federal courthouse in manhattan. Tied up there, chad, what do we know . They just seeded a jury about 45 minutes ago. This started monday they had a pool of 150 prospective jurors its been a tedious process to see this jury, Opening Statements will begin around 2 25 p. M. This afternoon and bob menendez said he was just trying to help in such once. Im innocent. And i intend to prove my innocence. Not just for me, but for the president this case will set for you and future members of the senate. The feds save menendez receive gold bars from a businessman in new jersey. The man was trying to curry favor with cover. The senator is also charged with helping Unlock A Batch of military aid for egypt harried prosecutors must demonstrate the menendez explicitly received favors in exchange for official acts. Mendez accused prosecutors of coming for him following his 2017 case. That ended in a hung jury. Members of the senate are not above the law. They are not beneath it either. If for political expediency and indictment and accusations are now to guilt, we have offended our system of justice. Now here is what to watch for if attorneys for menendez try to blame this on his wife, nadine. She faces similar charges and she goes on trial in july. Sander . Sandra okay, chad pilgrim live outside the new york court for a thank you, chad. John all right here is big news of the day it looks like President Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off in a pair of debates. The very First Time Since 2020 but this time it is under bidens term. We will talk to bill mcgurn about that coming up. Sandra here in d. C. 18 is accused of firing over two dozen rounds at a car full of people now judge facing heat for what he decided to do or not do about it. Because of your credit . Heres great news. 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