Look like another rough day on the stand. Are you obsessed with donald trump . Why do you want to see him get convicted . Jesse Michael Cohen under crossexamination. I think we are exposing this for what it is. Those are white house m ms. Can you tell us about your dance troupe . Whats Midnight Magic . Jesse the democratic try to rebrand Kamala Harris again. I really enjoyed it. We are gun runners. Jesse a Rogue War Dog gets it together. Plus. I have nipples, could you milk me . [ ] [ ] jesse day 17 in the case of the crime that democrats still havent named. Donald trump escaping his Cold Manhattan cage moments ago in high spirits. Today we had i think a very good day. You have to report it as i cant talk about it too much but i think it was a very good day. Jesse the former president rolling into court this morning with a posse of dark suits and red ties. Ladies and gentlemen of america, this, this trial is a joke. This thing is a farce, was the crime . There is no crime. The only crime that is happening here is this democrat judge in the Democrat Party prosecuting their political rival right in the middle of a president ial election. One of the most depressing places or been in my life. The prosecutions main strategy appears to be too bored the jurors into submission. The judges own daughter is making millions of dollars doing Online Fundraising for democrats they are using this trial as a hook, its so corrupt and Everybody Knows it. President trump is leading all over the country and the conclusion you could draw from that is the American People have already acquitted donald trump. Jesse when the squad shows up, the trump cage gets cozier and the media hates it. They want the former president freezing cold, alone, in a courtroom where republicans dont dare visit. Fearing the stench of Scandal Wafting onto them. This is the scene the lefts tried to produce. A fact the former president has no family with him, no friends, justs legal team. Hes by himself and when he feels boosted its by his supporters. Jesse now that trumps policy came to town and circled the wagons, the media realizes that are facing a united republican party. Republicans running towards battle. We havent seen that in a while. And the policy should be growing. We should have had the entire house and Senate Republican caucus outside the courthouse speaking on behalf of a president who is unfairly gagged by a judge who donates to biden. These 34 charges turn the Trump Campaign into a movement that stung to the left, leaving them no choice but to market. If you saw him with his hands like this, hes trying to even act and speak like trump. Those people standing out there, they are spineless sycophants, they are going to say and do whatever donald trump wants. Jesse the media is disparaging duly elected republicans and worshiping every single word out of a born star and Convicted Felon. Stormy daniels gets paid to have sex with men on camera and says she can talk to dead people but the media thinks a senator defending a president s honor is the joke . In the medias world, the disbarred lawyer who wears superman tshirts, cowboy hats and roman war helmets is the one we have to take seriously. Fighting for due process rights, thats just pathetic. Why is the star witness in the socalled Trial Of The Century wearing costumes like a theater kid anyway . The entire trial is political theater. They made up a crime and now the media is reenacting it. Watch. He goes how long do you think i will be on the market for . Not long. What did you understand that to mean . He wasnt thinking about milan you, this was all about the campaign. That was good. That was a good rendition. Its important to do this. Jesse is it . Today was the climax. Alvin braggs star witness back on the Stanford Day Two of testimony. Michael, look like another rough day on the stand. Are you obsessed with donald trump . Why do you want to see him get convicted . Do you think you might be a pathological liar . Reporter trumps Defense Attorney finally got to crossexamine cowan and when it got started he threw a haymaker. Ready . Weve never met but you know who i am, dont you . Cohen says yes, you called me a little [ bleep ] on tiktok. Cowan saying that sounds like something id say. The judge saying approach the bench trumps Defense Attorney drew blood early, getting Michael Cohen went to admit that he called trump a Dictator D Bag who blogs in an effing cage like an animal. From there the defense painted a picture of Trump Cashing in. Cowan mentioning trump in every single one of his podcasts, over 200. Cowan testified he raked in over three and a half Million Dollars in his antitrump book deals. Trumps legal team even ask him why are you selling 35 tshirts with trump in an Orange Jumpsuit behind bars . Which cowan used as an opportunity in court to plug his shop, directing the jury to his website to buy merchandise. Cowan even admitted he was addicted to going on msnbc and cnn, even after the da told him multiple times stop going on tv and talking about the case. Cowan disobeyed the das instructions. And even admitted to leaking stories to the media to damage the defendant. He was made to testify that he did not always a trump, he used to love him. He was obsessed with him. Felt like he was a member of the trump family. Out his entire career to donald trump. Made four and a half Million Dollars in one year while trump was president just from new clients because his title was councilor to the president. But soon cohen became a scorned lover. After the feds raided his office and flipped him. How did they do it . They told Michael Cohen he had 48 hours to plead guilty and if he did not they would put him in prison for the rest of his life as well as his wife. Thats evil. Flip on trump or your wife rots in prison. They did that to me i might flip too. I love my wife. When cowan was serving time, Braggs Office came to him and said would you cooperate with us on the stormy case . Cohen says whats in it for me. Whats in it for me. That should be written on cohens tombstone. Cohen could never work in Corporate America again. Hes angry, hes broke. So he went on a revenge tour, antitrump book deals, tshirts, netflix, tiktok, cnn, Trashing Trump for income and doing and saying anything that could put the men who made him behind bars. All because trump would not bring him to washington and make him white house chief of staff. When youre star witness is a rat who lies for cheese, you know your cases fizzling out. You know what time it is, the race card. The view does not think trump will be convicted, not because there isnt a crime and the star witnesses or lying flakes but because the courtroom is too white. I was in the courtroom again yesterday. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you. What i want to do is give a little color to the courtroom. Redo that. No, a little color. I mean that literally and figuratively. Jesse when they play the race card you know thats the only car they have left. That means they know they lost. Inside the courtroom today, did you sit next to her . I sat in front of her yesterday. So she was staring at your very white blonde head. Whats it like inside and what was it like today of all days . One thing thats interesting is im Sitting Among Press who ive known for years, going back to my days working as doj and before that and i know for a fact that a lot of them have been recipients of psychotic phone calls from Michael Cohen when he worked for donald trump. As they are watching him testify , i dont know how they could not remember some of the ranting things he would say to them, the cursing, the craziness other than that, i have to say i thought your monolog was excellent. The thing that really stands out is how obsessed he is with him. Its weird. Jesse its an obsession, hes wearing costumes. He thought he could actually be white house chief of staff. Thats how delusional he is. And hes now on this revenge tour for cash. Did the defense establish that . You know, they are going through this, its been a bit of a plotting walkthroughs testimony, both with prosecution now, finally under cross, it will spill into thursday, but one thing i think that people arent paying enough attention to, and you mentioned it in your monolog, is that he continued to retain the title of attorney donald trump in 2017 in 2018, when trump was in the white house. The reason that matters is because he also testified yesterday that these invoices that he submitted were false, that they were not for services that year, services in the past. But wait a second, if you were trumps attorney and you testified that you made millions of dollars in outside consulting gigs because of the title you otherwise would not have gotten, isnt it reasonable that trump may have thought, you know, if he even knew how this was classified and how exactly he was getting paid, that he was still operating as his personal attorney given that he was his personal attorney still . Jesse yes, he was. So is the jury digesting this . Are they at attention . Are they dialed in . Are they following this . Do they fall asleep . When they hear about sex do they get to the edge of their seats . Well one thing i notice is that when the prosecution the prosecution a couple of times had to say to Michael Cohen, tell the jury this, because he was not looking at them, and thats not good. Jesse not good. When he would look at them they would look back and be engaged, taking notes. But we will see. They have to contend with the fact that for weeks they been listening to every single witness saying bad things about him before he even started testifying, which is remarkable if you think about it. These are the prosecutions witnesses who are all saying bad things about their star witness in direct contrast by the way to the same witnesses who have said pretty good things about trump the whole time. Jesse that is interesting. Now you dont ever make predictions, because you been in there almost every day, so if anybody was going to make a prediction about how this was going to shake out, it would be you. And you are going to do that right now. You are not going to do it . This is what i would say. There are two lawyers all the jury. I dont see how these lawyers can sit there and not ask themselves what is the crime exactly, why are we here . Elements havent been established, dirty does not equal illegal, as much is the prosecution would like to conflate that, the lawyers no better. Im wondering if we end up with a hung jury. We will see. Its new york. Jesse you are putting this on lawyers. Because im a lawyer. Jesse i know and we wont hold that against you. Thank you so much. Robert ray the successor to ken star and joins us now. Big day, crossexamination, they will probably finish him off on cross on thursday. What is next . I think the remainder of the crossexamination, one thing thats been explored which is explored with every cooperating witness is the areas involving pious, and that the witness should not be believed because, as you framed it, hes a pathological liar. But in addition, one of the other tasks that good Defense Lawyers are able to do, and i think you will see more of this on thursday, is through crossexamination you are communicating to the jury that the jury really should hate this case because the prosecution has sponsored this witness before them and hopes that they will believe him in order to convict. And i think that, you know, i still hold out great hope in the jury system here that even in a jury pool that politically obviously is not favorable to donald trump, i do think juries try to be fair and every american no matter whos on trial, a fair trial. And the looks of this testimony is just so awful that i think you are going to see further efforts through thursday by crossexamination to really get the jury to think about whether or not they should start to hate this case. Jesse interesting. So you are getting the jury to say i dont like this prosecution, i dont understand the crime, they are trying to make me believe a Stone Cold Liar and walking us through this, wasting everybodys time. And not only that but i think theres a fair argument to be made that Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to a campaignfinance violation under federal law that probably is not even a crime. And he did so by his own admission and testimony because the prosecution put him in the position of having to plead guilty or they were going to go after his wife, which suggests that he would have pleaded guilty to just about anything. He will try to buck that and an eye that and say that, you know, i pleaded guilty because in fact i am guilty, but i think theres already serious question about that. I think you are going to see some of that explored which gets to your other point which is wear exactly is the crime here . I think a lot more crossexamination through cowan cohen will export those issues, to answer your question about where we go from here. Jesse i know you are a lawyer. I hate lawyers, dont Hate You Dare to say that you are going to plead guilty in 48 hours or your wife is going to rot in jail, that is dirty. Thats as dirty as a gets. I dont think people realize that prosecution is hardball and can be a very ugly business. I think you are going to see more of that through crossexamination again for the purpose of persuading the jury to hate to this case. Jesse all right. Well i already hate it. Thank you so much for joining Jesse Watters primetime. Thank you. Jesse Illegal Aliens, International Arms traffickers and Robert De Niro. Ahead on prime time. [ ] [ ] imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. But instead remade over and over. Into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. To help us get there, americas plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create Innovative Products and new Recycling Technologies for sustainable change. Because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. Hello, im franklin graham. As we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. We see it on our college campuses. We see it across the world. Where did this come from . You see, hate is coming from the human heart. God made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and its come into each and every heart. And the only one who can fix the heart is god. And god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. He died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. Thats right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart . If you havent done it, do it right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry. Forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus name. If you prayed that prayer call that number right now thats on the screen. God bless you shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. [ ] jesse Robert De Niro whos townhouse just got broken into by a Convicted Felon who democrats keep letting out of jail went on the view today and call trump a fascist war criminal. I dont understand why people are not taking him seriously. Because you read about it historically in other countries, that they did not take the people seriously, hitler, mussolini, fools and clowns. I mean who does not think that this guy is going to do exactly what he says hes going to do . Hes done it already. Jesse americans are taking trump seriously, thats why hes beating biden the polls. Americans need to start taking de niro seriously. Nobody thinks trump is mussolini. Most democrats dont know who mussolini is. They think mussolini is an appetizer at an italian joint. I thought when people got older they find peace. When im de niros age, i hope to be basking in a sea of tranquility. Not de niro, hes lost his mind. And they might think that its going to make their lives better or they just want to, excuse my french. Its almost like he wants to do the worst he could possibly do to show this country [ inaudible ] [ cheering ] jesse raging pull. Kind of like the movie better. Joe biden is in denial, you think hunter is an ascent, inflation is down, Kamala Harris is brilliant and hes up in the polls. The dismissiveness of the poor polling is sincere, not public spin. Biden has been telling anyone who will listen that hes gaining ground and is probably up on donald trump in their rematch from 2020. Instead of trying to turn the ship around and fix americas problems, the Biden Campaign decided they have a better idea. Relaunch calm 1130 harris. Again. This time as the candle body in gal pal in the its hard. I grew up with p funk and ive been in touch with bootsy. Bootsy collins of course. We had a dance troupe. We named ourselves Midnight Magic. Im the third one in and we made those outfits. So we got these leotards and then we went to the fabric store and made those skirts. I used to shop in california out womanowned business and by candles. I love gardenia and tasman. Gardenia is my favorite. She made a cent for me and thats what that is. Jesse nothing on inflation, crime, order. I know, what you really wanted to know was how was her mothers day . How did you celebrate your mothers day . It was really lovely. All of the kids called but and my niece and my baby nieces. And my goddaughter. Who was also here came for mothers day and she had my husband cooked dinner for me. It was really nice. So you just were queen for a day . And i really enjoyed it. Jesse why is the white house treating kamala like a dei prop, dangling her in front of audiences . Why would getting to know kamala better make people more likely to vote for biden . The American People are ready no kamala and they dont like her. We dont care what music she likes her what candles she buys, its been years of this and we never cared. And you know who really doesnt care about kamala . Women. Only 36 of american women like her. Why should we take Kamala Harris seriously if all she does is ditsy sit downs with fan girls to talk about date nights . Im not a Fan Of Hillary but at least she was serious. She had a healthcare plan, foreignpolicy plans, kamala just as plans for dinner. Hillary would never go on a talkshow and blabber about candles and dance routines. Americans are actually worried about biden self, whether he can even make it another term. Wouldnt you want to show that kamala can take the reins, may be be . Why doesnt she want that . We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they wont. And then you need to kick the [ bleep ] door down. Jesse hamas protesters and migrants kicking doors down. How about we lock some doors around here. What is she even talking about . We are talking about someone who has broken glass ceilings. Shes incredibly passionate and i will leave it there and i could not be more proud to have her as someone that i look up to as Vice President and i think many people here would say the same. Jesse we are so proud of kamala for shattering. This afternoon she did an interview with a peruvian chef and a 13yearold. Its no wonder at the left has been desperate for years for a different black woman to swoop in and save the day. I think that Michelle Obama would win right now if she were to run. I think Michelle Obama would hands down be the next president of the United States if she were to run against trump. Jesse out,. Com host. Tomi, what sent you like, jazmine . I dont know, im not buying the Kamala Candle but she has had more reinventions, more errors at this point then taylor swift and each one is more cringe worthy than the last but now shes on this little charade, this little joke where shes trying to be a gal pal, trying to be i dont know a girl boss or Something Like that, trying to show that shes funny and can drop f bombs and shes in with the cool kids. Is trying to make fetch happen. But its not just kamala. Lets keep in mind this whole administration is really a freak show and reality show. You have your Secretary Of State in Ukraine Rocking Out to neil young playing the guitar, youve got joe biden who doesnt know where hes at or who he is half the time and then youve got kamala yucky get up about candles. Im not sure what im watching but id sure like to change the channel. Jesse i mean at least blinken has talent. Kamala cant play a tune to save her life. Tomi, what about michelle . Youve heard the name dropped. What happens in august if bidens numbers keep dipping . Is michelle going to take a phone call . I dont think so. Michelle right now is living the good life. Shes on yachts, making a lot of money, doing podcasts, having a great time and her and barack obama are probably running the country as we speak so why would they need to run for office to do that . Id also like to point out theres a lot of conversations about how bad it is to pit black women against one another, the old Naomi Campbell and tyra banks, another leftwing media is trying to do just that . Dei does not like this narrative. Jesse i like to run america from a yacht. That sounds better than the oval. I might have to try that sometime. First id have to get a yacht. We will work on that. Tomi lahren, thank you so much. Biden funding Music Therapy for Illegal Aliens straight ahead. [ ] [ ] ncer . Was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45 . [both] because i said cologuard® hey there where did he come from . 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When you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. And isnt that better . Ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. [ ] jesse when theres a problem in the country, politicians up two answers. Blame the other party or throw money at it. Biden detonated a bomb on the border in his first day in office, claims trump and want your money to fix it. Biden has more resources than any president in history, he can fix the border with executive order, so today we are finding out where the border dollars are going. The Free Press Investigation into the nonprofits who are paid by the government to take care of migrant kids. Billions of dollars go to these nonprofits and the ceos, filthy rich. Runs the nonprofit endeavors and makes 600 thousand. Before that he worked at the dhs, the same agency that now throws him contracts. The free press reports his group had 1. 3 billion in contracts with the government in 2022. And he spent half a million on Music Therapy for migrant kids. Music therapy. They also offer pet therapy and Plant Therapy. We dont really know what that means put 500 grand is a lot of money for pets, plants and music which last time i checked were free. They got back to us and say there ceos is pay is in line with others including travel and other business expensive, they also do work for veterans of homeless. Another nonprofit is flush with your cash, run by a doctor who makes over 1 million. The ngos problems, a worker treacherous sexual abuse and they were investigated for misuse of funds. They still got 800 million in contracts from biden. 800 million. Then theres who made over 500,000 as the ceo of global refuge. How did she get that job . She worked for Michelle Obama. Also john kerry and hillary. Went from a Gallery Seller government salary to making half a million a year and calls trump a dictator on ms. Agenda that they played out most recently in the times article reads like its straight out of the dictators playbook. The Trump Campaign knows theres no Popular Support for the kind of authoritarian crackdown theyve kind of laid out. Jesse now theres gotta be somewhere better to send all this money to. Charles is a feat former author of terrorist on the border and did our country. What is Plant Therapy for migrant kids . Yeah, i have no idea. Look, the president sets National Security strategy for the country which is why he owns this conch crisis in its entirety, because it was caused by his inept policies. We know that. Americans have been paying the price ever since. Theyve been paying the price in the form of in some cases their lives through Fentanyl Poisoning and through Criminal Alien Violent Acts within the country and also financially with their tax dollars. In this case, billions to these nongovernmental organizations who have been assuming a lot of different roles for the government. For the department of Homeland Security for example, ngos are now serving as the official travel and logistics agencies. When it comes to housing and moving Illegal Migrants around the country. When it comes to health and human services, they are now involved in the trafficking of children around the country. And lets remember dna testing is a thing of the past. No longer do we dna test these children to make sure that they are being handed off to somebody that they are related to. The whole thing is a disaster and none of this should come as a surprise to the American People. Jesse so its a rocket. And how easy is it . You just have to know Michelle Obama or note someone at dhs, you can just punch up a nonprofit and say give me . You get 800 million and you take a migrant kid, you say heres a fern, heres sirius xm, hit play and you can play with my poodle front hour . This is just another bad look for an administration that is compromised. They refuse to enforce the law, we know that. Our threat level in the country thanks to these policies is ten times higher than it was pre9 11 we hear this from director ray and others when they testify. But i can tell you right now that the ngos are participating in this illegal trafficking throughout the United States of america and we need to get to the bottom of it. Jesse trump if he gets reelected will have to have an ngo crackdown and it has to be serious. No more Plant Therapy for migrant babies. Enough. Thats right. Jesse thank you. How a miami stoner became an international gunrunner, next. [ ] when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Hi. I use febreze fade defy plug. And i use this. Febreze has a microchip to control Scent Release so it smells firstday fresh for 50 days. 50 days . And its refill reminder light means ill never miss a day of freshness. Im sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. I went from a size 20 to a size 6. Before golo, nothing seemed to work. I was exercising for over an hour every day. It was really discouraging. But golos so easy, the weight just falls off. [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient laughing. [ ] jesse in my bestselling book people from all Walks Of Life have opened up to me, sharing their life stories, their deepest secrets. Just because we finish the book doesnt mean they get it together series is over. Today we are talking to a former arms trafficker. Meet david, the man who inspired the movie war dogs. Expect us to drive them to iraq . You seriously want to drive to baghdad . David, we are gunrunners. Lets go run some [ bleep ] guns. Lets go. Jesse david and his Business Partner went from being described by Rolling Stone as the stoner arms dealers to Convicted Felons who defrauded the u. S. Government. When david joined the arms company he was living the dream back scoring milliondollar contracts to transport weapons all over the world. But then things went south when they secure their largest deal yet, a 300 milliondollar contract with the government. The mission was to supply the afghan army with 100 million rounds of ak47 ammo. Millions of Sniper Rounds and aviation rockets. But the contract stipulated that no chinese ammo could be used. And david and his partner did not listen. Instead repackaged chinese ammo to hide the origins which violated the contract. David pled guilty to one count of to conspiracy to defraud the u. S. , served seven months house arrest while his partner, four years federal prison. But david has gotten it together, creating War Dogs Academy which teaches people how to legally secure government contracts. And he joins us now. David, you were a masseuse and then all of a sudden you got multimillion Dollar Arms Contracts from the bush administration, how . Well, we learned very well how to use the federal Contracting System and bid on federal contracts and win those contracts be want you just went online and started bidding, its that easy . I would not say its easy. Its definitely complicated but anyone can learn how to do this and that is what i teach now with War Dogs Academy. Jesse so you first find out you have this contract. 300 million. Youve never done anything like this before, youve never had a contract by the government, you knew nothing about arms, you were kind of a hippie. Then what happened . Well we had won quite a few contracts before winning the big 300 milliondollar contract but definitely the 300 milliondollar contract was by far our biggest. But once we won that contract, we started delivering on it and the contract was actually for 30 different types of munitions, everything from pistol ammo to tank rounds to antiaircraft rockets. But the stuff that got us in trouble was the ammunition for the ak47s. Turned out to be originally from china which violated the terms of our contract, even though we bought it from albania, we found out later it had originally come from china. Jesse when you bought the ammo from albanian weapons dealers, did you kind of know that it originated in china . We found out when we went over to albania to inspected and discovered that there were many chinese markings on the boxes and that kind of gave it away. Jesse so then you realize this is a legal. What did you do to hide that . Did you just scratch off all the chinese markings . So we originally considered doing that, to sand off the chinese markings off the great but we wanted to get rid of the crates anyway to reduce the shipment wait to save money on shipping and the ammunition was stored in these metal tins inside the crates in the metal tins also had chinese markings and inside the tins there were documents with chinese markings on it too so we had to do a complete repackage. We took out all the ammunition and repackaged it into sealed plastic bags to prevent corrosion and then into thick Cardboard Boxes so that we could transport it in a lightweight configuration to afghanistan. Jesse like when you take the good liquor out of your parents bottles and replace it with the garbage and they will never no. How did you guys get caught . Well i would say that we did not replace it with garbage. The ammunition was very high quality and the u. S. Army was very happy with the quality of the ammunition. What we did was we took off the label and change the label so it would look like it was from somewhere else. Thats what we did. Jesse so how did they smoke you guys out . The way we got caught was my former Business Partner who is played in the movie war dogs by jonah hill, we had changed people to do the Repackaging Job and he did not want to pay the old repackaging guy about 20,000 that he owed him and that guy got really upset with that and told the fbi and the New York Times about it. Jesse just all over 20 grand. Imagine if you could have gone back and done that one over again. So being an International Arms trafficker, you must have great insight into the world of espionage, geopolitics. What did you learn . Well i learned that theres a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that everyone pretends is not happening but that everyone is fine with unless he gets into the media. For example, the u. S. Army it came out later in court that they knew that the ammunition was originally from china the entire time but they did not really care because they were getting a very good deal on the ammunition and it was highquality so they looked the other way but when the New York Times published a frontpage article about it, they could not look the other way anymore and then they pretended like they were shocked and appalled and charged us with fraud. Jesse everyone is pretending to be shocked all the time. Even me sometimes. Now youve got it together, you did your seven months. How did you get it together and how did you turn things around and any advice for anybody else . Yeah, so the first thing i did while i was under house arrest, i had an idea for my first invention which was a product called the beat body, a handsfree drum machine. Im a musician so i created that and launched my company. I also invented a product which losses all your teeth for you in ten seconds. You can check it out. Its very cool. Thats how i have this beautiful smile. Jesse i might need one of those. I highly encourage you to check it out. My most recent venture is War Dogs Academy which people can find out about that War Dogs Academy. Com, where we teach people how to do Government Contracting the legal way. We take people who know nothing about Government Contracting, nothing about business in general and we have a stepbystep course on how to form your company, how to register it with the federal government, how to look at the governments website to see which solicitations you are likely to win, how to give yourself various advantages, what they call setasides with federal contracts and how to deliver on it. Jesse that sounds great. Im going to have johnny bid on a few contracts. In the meantime, sent over some of that floss to fox. Maybe a whole crate. Just be sure it does not have chinese markings on it. Thank you so much, we really appreciate it. Its actually manufactured in mexico so no worries. Jesse even better. Thank you. More ahead on prime time. [ ] i couldnt get my hair done. Then psoriatic arthritis. People with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. That look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. Still workin for me. See me. You know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. At three in the morning. Any time of the day. What people dont know is that not all dirt is the same. You need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. Look at this new organic soil from miraclegro. Everybody should have it. It worked great for us. This is as good as gold in any garden. If people only knew that it really is about the dirt. Youre a dirt nerd. Huge dirt nerd. Im proud of it [ryan laughs] jesse a new serious a debuting tomorrow called the wellness. Im a big self health guy, food and lifestyle on the 3 of my ice plunge situation and i am crushing it at all levels. You can to let me tell you how to live Wellness Wednesdays begins tomorrow. Mike from Virginia Beach is a new show on cnn called whose crime is it. Then from new jersey. Michael cohen looks like the Guy A Zombie Movie who doesnt tell the group he got bit. Jesse helix like dracula to me. And they are obsessed with trump in the way gutfeld is obsessed with jesse. I was talking about my hair in humility. Christine from cape cod. You hate all lawyers im a lawyer and i watch your show every night. You are what we call a good lawyer like the good witch. There are some of them. Kelly from santa barbara. Sunny must be blind as trumps entourage had plenty of color or is he would say diversity. Then last 5 movies didnt draw the crowd that trump did yesterday out of here shy of 100,000. Bob from Salt Lake City Plant Therapy when i was in high school we called it something else. Got to hold it in. Thomas from sarasota. Could you try a new opening without that slash this . Thats not a hand slash i will show you a hand slash. Im waters and this is my world

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