Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240703

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John any moment now the prosecutions star witness Michael Cohen will be back in the stand but this time under crossexamination. With that we kick off our number two im john roberts in washington, sander this afternoon is going to be one for the record books. John highly anticipated moment will be having moments from now im sandra smith in new york and with you, john this is America Reports in the live look just outside the doors of the courtroom second day of testimony for cohen that kicked off earlier today he testified he repeatedly lied about the payment to Stormy Daniels to his former boss. To poke holes in testimony to tear it apart with an allstar team of legal and political voices with us throughout the hour as testimony resumes. Spew to put first nate foy has latest outside the courthouse and pretty big moment is about to happen. We have not seen the former president reenter the court house yet but probably will shortly. How are you . Do you have that for us . Crossexamination is highly anticipated i spent the morning in the Overflow Room and i can tell you that cohens focus, but he did it appear frustrated and shaking his sighing as well we will see if his Demeanor Changes as his crossexamination as we sow a Stormy Daniels earlier that in the trial. At the end of his dredge examination prosecutors got the jury prepared for cohens lying. And special counsel prosecutors in 2018, cohen also admitted his livelihood largely depends on from. Cohen wrote several books and hosted podcasts talking about trump and earlier today he detailed the downfall of their relationship he said when the fbi raided his office and apartment in 2018 trump initially promised his protection as president but the relationship soured when cohen struck a predeal with federal prosecutors, something he agreed to he said in part to protect his wife who also faced potentially legal issues. Eric trump posted a picture of Trump Supporters at court today writing some truly incredible patriots and also today in Appeals Court declined to amend the gag order leaving his allies like House Speaker mike johnson to speak outside the courthouse for him. They are overwriting his constitutional right to defend himself for political spirits from his harshest critics of the most important time. Yeah come one of those critics is Michael Cohen. Who just last week was on tiktok streaming discussing the case while wearing a tshirt showing trump behind bars. So his crossexamination is about to begin. As you mention its highly anticipated we will send it back to you, sandra. Sandra nate foy outside the courthouse thank you. John . John lets bring in republican congressman corey miller is one of several lawmakers in the court today. Congressman mills thank you for being with us we appreciated. What did you make of what you heard from Michael Cohen today . Did he do any damage to the former president . He did no damage to the former president in my opinion but certainly to the prosecutorial side of things he has admitted to not only tax evasion but perjury as well as what i took away from this was a Self Admission he was knowing fully and wrongfully actually invoicing the Trump Organization fraudulently. So i think that in itself hurts his credibility but remember also he actually is the one who said new york courts are weaponized and nothing could be more true than what we are seeing right now. To the earlier Report Statement we talked about Michael Cohen living off the livelihood of maintaining this but the judges daughter or herself is also Fundraising Office for people like adam schiff and the Biden Administration so it promotes a way of trying to move forward for people to make money on the back of President Trump and in my opinion they provided nothing from a legal perspective that would hurt the president. Sandra congressman thank you for joining us. It appears there are some reports emerging right now that Michael Cohen will be the prosecutions last witness. We are trying to confirm that independently here at fox. But what would that mean for this trial if that is the case . Thats a great stride. If you think of how many people they actually had they were going to bring forward you name it, this actually shows they dont feel they are actually getting the effect they were desiring so i think that its a very good note for the president. I think its good for the defense team but again in four weeks of continuing this indictment they have not gotten to a single thing. They cant point to any type of federal election violations. They cant point to any wrong doing and if anything with a pointed out was that both Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen have lost their credibility and this court has been weaponized when you think about what the own judges daughter is doing raising almost 250 million to support democratic races. John these issues could be discussed on appeal whenever an appeal might be if there is a conviction, of course we have not gotten anywhere near that yet. Let me ask you this, congressman, you were there in the courtroom. How did you read the Body Language of the jury when cohen was on the stand . You know it was interesting there were a few of the jurors who were really intently paying attention being said but what i did notice there was a lot of leading the jury in my opinion. When you ask the judge to go dont look at that car, dont look at that car, dont look at that car clearly the jurors are going to go ahead and look at that car. They say please on Listener Unhear what you listened to. In my opinion you are trying to basically lead them and this is why i call this a complete witch hunt for the jurors seem to be completely intently watching the testimony and they seemed very relaxed when it comes to the fact that Michael Cohen was in fact saying i have no credibility i have no moral compass. We have our eyes on those doors because as we know this crossexamination Michael Cohen by the defense is expected to begin the minutes from now at 2 15 p. M. Eastern time. Those are the doors we expect to see the former president walker any moment now to reenter the courtroom. Congressman, give us your expectations as we await this crossexamination and how tough this may be on cohen. I think they will point out more of what weve already seen which is the lack of credibility and integrity of Michael Cohens testimony. I also think theyll be looking at the idea this is being utilized for more than nothing more than election interference end up with the gag order so the president cannot defend himself whenever he gets Ask Questions and again you are talking about the president ial nominee of the Republican Party being unable to answer key questions. So i think they are going to go after the fact that he is credible, he has no integrity, he has perjured himself multiple times, he has shown tax evasion and other fraudulent activities and his testimony should be thrown out much like this case. Congressman we have been talking about potential of appeal with mistakes that were made during this trial. Weve been talking about whether or not Stormy Daniels is allowed to go too far that judge juan mershon waited also so long to walk things factual plenty of grounds for an appeal if there is a conviction. On that front, and i know we are a long way from hearing with the journey has to say, but if there were to be a conviction what do you think the political impact would be on the former president . Everybody thought oh, if he is indicted he is done. He just got more popular. What happens if he is convicted . Again, i think people see this judge and this court system and the prosecution as nothing more than a witch hunt so i dont think theres a lot of credibility thats been given in this. If anything we watched after each indictment he has gone up in the polls perry we see he is up in 5 of 6 swing states. Joe biden is now having to utilize is really weapons in to buy votes in michigan and other areas so this doesnt hurt them in any way and theres more than enough room and an appeal. I dont see any credibility thats been proven to justify adeterminer. I appreciate you joining us in Lower Manhattan, thank you. John thank you, congressman paired we await the return of the former president. He is not expected to say anything on the way into court, he does in the morning and then when he leaves in the afternoon at the lunch break, its kind of a bit of a taboo i think for him to say anything to the camera in the hallway of the court. Either way to lunch break on the way back. Sandra will watch this eight plus hours on the stand Michael Cohen will return and take the stand crossexamination is about to begin by the defense team. As predictions we just got from Congressman Mills it will be a tough line of questioning talking to linsey davis who prepped Michael Cohens previous testimony the goal he said is to try to get cohen to keep his call him and his cool. Lets see if that is the case. As we were discussing with lanie davis, cohen is a guy who was lied to congress, led to the media, lied to the molar Investigative Team led to the fec, lied to the irs, and lied to a bank in order to obtain a Home Equity Line of credit. Sandra here is the former president. John hit areas now. Apparently theres some sort of conversion and he is a truth teller but can the jury look at all of the litany of lies in the past and say i believe everything he says now . Heat entered with a fist bump his son eric trump following closely behind him. They reentered the courtroom and the crossexamination will begin shortly. We will take a quick break. The latest on this trial and the comments from the courtroom we will have the former acting attorney general Matt Whitaker on deck next. S are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. When people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets. Just food made for the health of dogs. Delivered in packs portioned for your dog. Its amazing what real food can do. My Mental Health was better. 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Sleepiness is the most common side effect. Take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. Ingrezza and theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Speed to former President Donald Trump walked back into the courtroom we are told and we saw him pass through the doors a few moments ago and he is back in the courtroom. We have continued coverage of Michael Cohens testimony eight hours work that was the former president with a fist pump and a wave. The defensive is about to get its chance to question the former attorney for former President Trump. Lets bring in former acting u. S. Attorney general Matt Whitaker how many times can i say former . Matt, great to have you today. He is back in the courtroom, what is this going to look and sound like what we hear . So the question is i think two things. What do they want to demonstrate to the jury Out Of The Box . Remember the recency and privacy we will listen carefully to the first couple of questions setting the tone and ultimately does Michael Cohen wear down . Does he get a little testy does he get prickly and change his entire demeanor because they say he has been very slow very slow methodical and demonstrative and the same on crossexamination. John we had lanny davis on and he was talking about his expectations saying he had a conversation with cohen a couple of nights ago hoping he would keep calm and admit his own lying and his own sins and answer the question. And then he said this cut number 35. Speak of the jury has to make its own mind set. Turning and telling the truth and redemption in the community he shared on live testimony pronounced at the very end of the hearings in a very moving way. John lets go over the laundry list again he lied to congress, the media, the molar team, the ftc, the irs, to the bank to get his heloc, lied to me, not a big deal. As a convicted felon who spent time in prison, that is a heck of a redemption for the jury to turn around and believe everything he says. It is and for them to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, john, and after believe 100 of what Michael Cohen is saying. There is no corroborating. John weisselberg not coming in. Exactly so all of these transactions except maybe one or two that were recorded that really move the ball forward have to show the president s intent to falsify these business records. Again, a misdemeanor, and the intent to violate New York State election law in violation of federal election law which, again, as we talked before. John i dont know how to differentiate that. It will include a instruction if you believe Michael Cohen is lied you can have his testimony. And judge anger on who was a Trump Hating Judge and Elijah Cummings both rehabilitated Michael Cohen, it helped their narrative. Judge anger had to rely on the testimony of Michael Cohen and so did Elijah Cummings for what he had to do as well. And so to me i dont think the jury will give him that much benefit of the doubt once they realize he is a convicted liar and cannot be trusted. Sandra okay, just trying to get some updates here because i would assume at this point the crossexamination has begun. We got a note a few minutes ago the judges back on the bench and the jury are being brought back into the courtroom. The crossexamination as of 4 minutes ago was said to begin in two minute so they are 2 minutes into crossexamination perry we are waiting on any word of how this has begun in the courtroom there but you have to wonder what the former president is thinking. As this is the moment his team has been waiting for. If i was doing this crossexamination i would start with some fairly easy lies from his direct because they were comparing to what he previously said what he is now saying and i would start with you testified about this yesterday or today, you previously said this. Were you lying then or are you lying now and i would just walk him through those. Even if he says i am for sure telling the truth now, the real question the jury will be left with is why because they will conclude you are a trump hater up for revenge and your second book was called revenge. John this is the combination of the whole thing for the groundwork has been laid but the defense gets a chance as Mark Eiglarsh put it eviscerate Michael Cohen. We think will be todd blanche that gets the cross here but how tough does he have to be on cohen . John like blood on the floor and entrails . What is the truth . The jury wants to know what the actual facts are. They havent been instruction on the law yet but its human nature. If they have any some of the for Michael Cohen you have to eliminate that some of the first. Then you can go in for the kill figuratively. So i would expect todd will come again, get a rhythm of lying established with Michael Cohen and with the jury everything he has been told will not be relied on behind other documentation and other witnesses. Sandra todd blanche is handling the crossexamination. Blanche asked cohen this is the update from the Courtroom Ask calling him a crying Little S Word i cannot say on tv on tiktok and cohen says it sounds like something i would say. Blanche asked another question about cohen commenting on him and then Prosecution Objects. They are in a sidebar, the judge strikes the questions, matt, thats what we have so far. This is kind of the referee in the whole match, isnt it . The judge is going to determine sort of how much is enough. I think impeaching him on his statements whether its on tiktok or in his books or his previous testimony in front of congress or elsewhere, i think you are going to see this regular drumbeat of inconsistent statements and they will build a fairly compelling vision of Michael Cohen has been all over the place and cannot be trusted. John sandra, it went by me so fast i couldnt even comprehend lets go over it again. Blanche starts off by asking cohen if he called him, blanche, crying Little S Word, and cohen says something i would say. This will be contentious. Straight outofthebox. Again, this crossexamination will last at least as long if not longer than the direct. I feel like the government tried to get in and out of this without having him talk too much because that is Michael Cohens main problem because he talks too much and cant keep his stories straight. But it points to what a circus this is and how inconsistent our american system of justice even bringing these charges in and how much it is an attempt to keep donald trump off the Election Trail and keep his voice out of the american political dialogue. John this will be a achilles against plague rios. Speed to see if we get an update shortly. John we will take a quick break stay right here with us er. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. Want to save money and get cash . For veteran homeowners, its easy as 123. One call newday and apply. Two take out an average of 70,000. 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I think the first thing they are trying to do, john, is establish for the jury that cohen is not the person he has pretended to be the last two days and direct examination where he is nice and spiffed up very polite yes, maam, no, maam, keeps his answers short, keeps his demeanor as cool as he can. When we know last week he was on tiktok in a tshirt with a trump in Orange Jumpsuit behind bars slinging around language he probably does not want repeated about trump and every other participant on trial. And i think this is a way not only to say you are a fraud like you are pretending you to be someone you are not derivatively it also makes the prosecutors look bad because they are the ones who basically have given this cleaned up version of Michael Cohen and with the defense is obviously trying to show the jury is this is a performance he is involved in but left to his own devices this is the different way that he acts. And i think it can be effective especially if the jury starts to think that the District Attorneys Office is trying to pull one over on him. By pretending someone is not a very good person as if he were pure as the driven snow. Sandra so, right now what we are getting as far as what is happening inside the courtroom right now apparently cohen is being asked specifically about a lot of things he has said about President Trump on social media and beyond. Referring to trump as such words i can say right now on television, recalling some pretty awful things that he has said. Cohen was asked if these were correct and if he actually said these things and he said he did. Blanche asked if the d. A. s office had repeatedly asked cohen to stop talking about this case and cohen responded yes. And he come all of this while we are also getting word that cohen will be the last witness for the prosecution, this was just confirmed by the Associated Press moments ago before court resumed for the day this was for the team, the prosecutor told the judge that cohen would be the prosecutions last witness the disclosure during a Sidebar Conversation that was out of earshot of reporters but it was recorded in the official court transcript, and he. Wow. Boy, i would have thought they would want to put somebody somewhat uncontroversial if there is such a witness in this case and more likable than cohen to end with. You know, you always want to start strong, and strong, and the stuff that you know where the other side scores points you want that in the middle. But you dont want the jury, especially if there is no defense case, they will go into the Deliberation Room with Michael Cohen ringing in their ears. That is a risky strategy for prosecutors. Sandra let me go back to the testimony in court i will go little further. On tiktok cohen referred to trump as a Dictator D Bag and said he belongs in a cage like an f fang animal. For todd blanche to be bringing this up shows a huge degree of animosity on cohens part which would say that cohen would testify for the state may be willing to say anything to put trump and drill. Thats right. If there are two things happening, john, the first thing is even if cohen didnt have this deep, deep animus toward trump he would be a problematic witness because of the Perjury Conviction and all over the long record of lying. So usually when you have a witness who has those kinds of problems the last thing you can stand is a bias problem on top of all of that. So, in the end, what blanche is setting up as an argument to be made to the jury at the end where they are going to say you cant convict President Trump unless you find that Michael Cohen come of all people, selling you the truth about the following crucially important things and they know matter what they tell you meaning the d. A. s office the matter what they tell you about cooperation and records and all of that, they are asking you to convict him on the basis of that guys testimony. So you have to basically get in front of the jury all of the bias and all of the perjury is conduct. And i think, again, a big part of this is they have heard for mark two days this guy be the nicest guy in the world, you know . Yes, maam, no, maam, and now with the jurys hearing is this is the way this guy actually talks and acts when the d. A. s office is in there telling him to behave yourself. Sandra that was in the line of questioning. Were getting a little more detail from inside the courtroom right now. Cohen confirming our guest we had joining us at the top of the 1 00 hour, lanny davis, is no longer his attorney. Davis were presented in 2022. The parties witness looked at an email that is not made public. Blanche asked if there was concern about cohen going on tv in february 22nd 2021, blanche asked if cohen was on tv talking about this investigation in february of 2021. Fani willis mike cohen says he goes on to be a lot so it would not surprise him. Blanche asks if cohens attorneys ask him to stop talking about the case, seems like this they repeat come the Prosecution Objects and is sustained, andy, thats the latest from inside the cour courtroom. This goes to the point that jaundice made a second ago. What they want to argue to the jury is that this guy hates trump so much that no matter how many smart people like davis who actually had his best interests at heart played with him to zip it and calm down and stifle, he cant. His hatred of trump is such that he cant contain himself. And that is a good way to set up the argument that this guy would say anything if it would land trump in jail which is exactly the position they want to be in when they sum up periods fee went point where cohen says lanny davis is no longer his attorney when we had her on earlier on the show and heres what he told us about Michael Cohen and his expected crossexamination testimony listen here. I hope today he will be as we discussed two nights ago quiet, direct, own his lyanne, own his sins, and then answer the question. John lanny davis may not be his attorney but that was a very strong suggestion that he was involved with Coaching Cohen on his testimony. Its like a mic and plays baseball you could have too many coaches because you dont know. I say this if he could follow that there will be helpful but we note a few weeks ago a federal judge said that he had either lied in his Guilty Plea Allocution in 2018 or in his recent testimony in the Civil Fraud Trial or both. And the thing he was lying about in connection with the guilty plea was basically saying he wasnt guilty of the things he pled guilty to on the road and the reason for that is he is upset with the prosecutors. He thinks that they you know they didnt go up to bat for him for the judge in the Southern District prosecutor basely washed their hands of him and wouldnt give him a Cooperation Deal because they didnt think they could trust him. So he merely turned on them. I dont think he is capable of being that discipline which is what they are advising. John we will see. Sandra all right. Andy, always appreciate your insights. John thanks, andy. Thank you. Sandra Waiting On Another update. We are watching this for you next up kim strassel is on deck we will have the latest from the Lower Manhattan courthouse next. I like to do things myself. I cant trust anything else to do the job right. Kayak. Aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. Search one and done. vo if you have graves disease. And blurry vision, you need clear answers. People with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor. Find a ted Eye Specialist at isitted. Com. Sandra fox news alert looking live at the u. S. Supreme court Live In New York City Lower Manhattan were Michael Cohen is back on the stand. Moving into nine hours of testimony he is now facing crossexamination by the defense. Kim strassel joining us now for the Wall Street Journal and Fox News Contributor. Kim, your thoughts as you have been listening to everything coming out of that courtroom and where the soul goes next . Hi, sandra. I think the most important thing is to follow up on what Andrew Mccarthy was just saying. People are talking about how this was the prosecutions last witness i would argue it was their only witness. If you look at everyone else they put up there, we had some technical experts dealing with the small details, we had Stormy Daniels, i think the only real purpose of putting her up there was to essentially confirm there was a Nondisclosure Agreement which by the way was not ever really disputed. May be that and an attempt to impugn Donald Trumps character which i think may have backfired. In terms of Donald Trumps ability potential and later to ask for a mistrial, but cohen is essentially the guy that everything they are hanging this on especially this allimportant question of what is the second crime come all right . Is it a Campaign Finance violation . As it attacks violation . What turns this into a felony . The only guy who can testify to that is Michael Cohen. He is only one who has provided any details of what we find from this is that its all a he said, he said argument and from a guy we have been talking about is a convicted felon. He doesnt strike me as very strong. John the fact that cohen looks like he will be the last witness and weisselberg the ceo of the company with whom cohen testified concocted this payback scheme. Wont be testifying. That means that it cohens word and the jury has to hang her decision on everything that has been said to them by a guy who lied, i lost my list, here it is. Lied to congress, lied to the media, lied about team, led to the ftc, lied to the irs, lied to a bank to get his heloc and some say maybe misled the jury when he said why he accorded a Phone Call Trump earlier in the trial. John thats quite the list right there. Im not quite sure who you could add to it in terms of people who one could like to but you make a really good point and dont forget too people are forgetting this because we follow these trials and donald trump has the presumption of innocence here. Right . So you have to ask the jury to not only believe a guy who has that track record that cannot be corroborated by anyone else or at least not anyone else that the prosecution intends to bring, but essentially you have to believe his word alone because there is no one else to say otherwise. Sandra we are getting another update here, kim. It appears there is a lot of questions about communications with the d. A. s office and what they are asking him to stop saying. Cohen says he still cant say if he liked it or someone else leaked it. Okay. Going back to what we were just saying blanche asked again if the d. A. s office was upset that cohen was going on to be at this point he says he didnt recall i believe he said that a couple times now. They discuss and this is shown to the witness and parties next between the attorney and the d. A. s office it does not seem to help cohen recall if the office was upset about him going on tv last march saying i dont even recall having this conversation with lanny davis about not going on television. When he was her presenting them then as his attorney he is not in this particular case. Blanche then presses kim saying but you recall multiple Phone Conversations with President Trump . Cohen says he recalls combos, he continues that he does not recall d. A. s Office Asking him to not go on tv and he was unwittingly helping trump. Obviously the point here is he is specifically recalling a lot of conversations with the former president but doesnt exactly recall these conversations with the d. A. s office, kim. Yeah. I think what we are seeing here is a little glimpse into panic that the prosecutors have been feeling as the trial got closer to it because not only is this guy there main witness, not only does he have that track record that we were just talking about convictions and other incidences where it is clear he has been laying, but this is a guy who clearly was a witness they cannot control. He is out there doing all of these publicity hits, really making himself and issue this has become a larger issue because it is looked again as if there are doublesided standards here and he has been allowed to go on ad nauseam him on the media and do his parade and talked and slammed trump and make all these accusations that donald trump has been slapped with a gag order and not allowed to defend himself against any of these accusations. I understand the prosecution could not drop him as a witness because, again, he is absolutely all they have brought in these main claims but i can imagine theres been a lot of handwringing and that they are up on the crossexamination we are seeing some of his vulnerabilities. John we will see if Michael Cohen retains his Cool Composure during the direct examination or if todd blanche can make him go volcanic we will see. Kim, always great to to catch up with you, thanks. Thanks, guys. John Mark Eiglarsh noted Defense Attorney who said if you are the defense he would eviscerate on the stand. Up next what he thinks the strategy should be in the hours ahead stay with us. Someone needs to customize and save hundreds on Car Insurance with liberty mutual. Lets fly Inaudible Sounds chief doug. Inaudible Sounds ooooo ah. Elevator Doors Opening Inaudible Sounds i thought you were right behind me. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. 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As a prosecution witness in this particular case of this particular issue there should be no animus because this is false or false or kicked on my falsification of document while Michael Cohen was paid back for an expense he incurred he continued to work for the Trump Administration for that year he continued to be the president s personal attorney when it comes to falsification of documents here what personal dog does he have in this fight . That would create so much animus . His ego is not his amigo my friends. This guy feels he has been done wrong by so many people and its all Donald Trumps fault and i smiled when you said that he shouldnt feel any animosity come there a prosecution witness, are you kidding me . I built a career on exposing the bias, motive, and interest that when this is like has in pointing the finger at my client and alleging anything but the truth to get what they want. And that is what the jury can find with cohen. Sandra i dont notice anything you heard the last 25 minutes moving the needle . I mean, we have heard from colorful language that cohen confirms he used to describe the former president , his former boss we have now what appears to be exchanges to show in conversations with the former president but not the d. A. s office during the time of the investigation, but are they getting anywhere in your view . Yeah, you guys think its going to be like perry mason like a huge Knockout Punch when cohen says i hate to disappoint you but it wont happen. It only happens in cheesy log dramas you enjoy. It doesnt happen to play in real life. He wont get up there and say you got me. I admit it. I played the pronoun game. By that i mean he said instead of five falsified records and i did this all has to do is change one pronoun and make it we we did it. Me and trump. Now all of a sudden you are in the game to possibly get the jurors to convict. He is not going to do thats all you have to do is the Defense Lawyer is go through all the instances in the recent past of him lying over and over and over again to get to the point where there is no way a jury could rely upon anything he spews from his lying lips. John the only corroborating evidence we have seen the court sketch their are renderings of checks that donald trump signed that was payment for a Retainer Deal periods a Retainer Deal legal expense, however you want to characterize it, cohen is ill and went out there who is saying i got this money and i didnt do anything. I mean you are on retainer, so you dont really have to do anything. You just have to be available if you get the call. And of the one person who could potentially corroborate everything that cohen is saying is sitting in rikers island, alan riesenberg, and will not testify in this case to the best of our knowledge. So all you got with the prosecution is hanging its case on is cohen saying i got this money illegally those are fraudulent invoices and i didnt do anything to earn the money. Right. And would anyone who is intellectually honest and reasonable ever rely on upon what he is saying . There is no one who is good enough. Some say i could tell and some is telling the truth or not. Know you cant. Not with an admitted perjurer and a someone has committed fraud who is smart and i use air quotes when i call him smart you cant tell. You must have corroboration. Trump probably being involved may be involved, deaf and hundred possibly involved is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. So if the Defense Attorneys handle this appropriately, all they have to do is say there is reasonable doubt. They could not corroborate what he is alleging. Sandra we are getting a new email here. Trying to digest with this one has for us. Highlighted by our producer in the courtroom mark blanche asks if cohen has regularly commented on his podcast about wanted to see trump convicted in this c case. Cohen says he probably hasnt said that and he wants to see accountability. He then confirms he wants to see trump convicted. Mark, final thought . Game, set, match. Thats not an eight neutral unbiased witness he is biased and he wants trump found guilty. John Mark Eiglarsh we will see you on thursday thank you so much we will be right back. Nd t. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. Uniquely designed with carbsteady. Glucerna. Bring on the day. All these games on directv and no satellite on the roof think about this blue jays, cardinals, orioles. Whats missing . The Andean Condor . No, walnutbrain pigeons theyd rather name a team after socks to be fair, were not very athletic. Its time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. A healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. 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John just adjusted to the jury being that being that the skies so much animus toward the former president that he is willing to say anything to try to put him behind bars so the difference once the jury to question everything that comes out of goings mouth. Sandra that other for us. Im in for neil ad court. Martha john thanks for joining us

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