Michael cohen day two for him in the criminal trial of donald trump. The former president will be there. Expect him to make comments on his way in. Well bring it to you live. Big day and especially cross examination. Im bill hemmer. Tuesday. Dana im dana perino. This is americas newsroom. Bill you would love it, really. It is an extraordinary just to see the psychology of everything that goes on around you. This is a twostory drab courtroom. Dana was it freezing in there . Bill it was warm. You can see the 18 jurors. Six alternates and in addition to the 12. You sit there six, seven hours a day. I thought it was captivating and riveting. Cohens best moments was after the break. Spent 11 minutes staring right at the jurors for the first time. Most of the time he is looking at the prosecutor. Prosecutor wants him to talk to the jurors. For 11 minutes he was explaining what jobs were offered to him by way of rinse priebus at the white house after the election early january, preinauguration. The jurors were captivated. All 18 were staring right at him. Then he broke from that character and went back to talking back to the prosecutor. It was rehearsed. Q and a, q and a, page after page. Which means when we get to the cross examination, which may happen at midday today, well see how trumps attorneys do it. One more thing nobody has talked about. Everyone talks about him being a liar and going to jail for it. Yesterday he admitted twice when he was registering for the limited liability corporation, the llc, that he would eventually use to pay Stormy Daniels he admitted he lied twice on the application. You can add that to the list of perhaps what we hear later today. Dana i would love it. Bill i can keep going. Stop now. Where we begin today. Cohen testifying that former President Trump offered him to pay off Stormy Daniels. He said trump told him to quote just do it, end quote. Dana he said they bought daniels silence. Her story would have been catastrophic for the 2016 campaign. Bill Top Republicans and potential vp candidates joining trump in court today. We expect to see one of his former primary opponents ramaswamy will be there. Dana a visit by the House Speaker mike johnson will happen tomorrow or today maybe. Its today, okay. He will get a firsthand look at what the former president says is a sham trial. We have a corrupt judge and we have a judge who is highly conflicted and he is keeping me from campaigning. He is an appointed new york judge. He is appointed. You know who appointed him . Democrat politicians. He is appointed. A corrupt and conflicted judge and he ought to let us go out and campaign and get rid of this scam. The whole world is laughing now at new york weaponized legal system. Dana Kevin Mccarthy and karl rove are with us on set. Lets get to eric shawn at the courthouse. Hi, eric. Good morning, dana and bill. Michael cohen will likely face a Crushing Cross Examination later on today as todd blanch will try to rip his character, his composure and his whole story apart. As you have been saying yesterday, mr. Trumps former loyal fixer and lawyer took the stand and testified against him saying it was President Trump who was behind the whole scheme to falsify those Business Records and hide Stormy Daniels story of having sex with him all to protect his 2016 president ial bid. Trumps lawyer expected to launch that savage assault on cohen tearing into his history of lying under oath, his deception and duplicity to undermine his claims that have bolstered the prosecution case. He said when stormy came forward with her story in the final days of the president ial race trump reacted by saying its a disaster, a total disaster. Women are going to hate me. This will be a disaster for the campaign. Trump told him to arrange the deal with stormy with Trump Organization cfo Allen Weisselberg. He is in jail for committing perjury in the trump civil trial last fall. Trump ordered them to just pay it. No reason to keep this out there. Just do it. Today cohen is expected to bring the jury into his meeting in the oval office with the new president. That happened in February Of 2017 when trump allegedly agreed to reimburse cohen with the trump checks, some of the checks from his own personal checking account. Cohen expected to detail those conversations. He said he had with trump at the historic Resolute Desk not talking about affairs of state but to hide the president s alleged affair with the porn star. He said everything required mr. Trumps signoff. On top of that, i wanted my money back. Here at the bill you were talking about this historic 1930s art deco courthouse. Speaker mike johnson will be here, ramaswamy, doug burgum. It is true today, no matter who you are you will have to sit in the Hardwood En Benchs that you sat on yesterday. We expect the proceeding to kick off momentarily. Bill he is not wrong. You are looking forward to the break. Also Byron Donalds and cory mills will be there today. Good morning gentlemen. Lets start with you. The effect of this trial so far. You dont want to start with the speaker of the house . Please. Bill usually i go this way and dana goes that way. We dont really know. There will be people have already taken most of this and taken it in and into their calculation. If you like trump, this is terrible. If you hate trump, this is wonderful. What we dont know is the effect of the small group of people who want to vote for neither biden nor trump but will end up voting and there was an ick factor last week with the discussion of Stormy Daniels. We wont know until the whole drama is over. If he doesnt get convicted it washes away. If he gets convicted it impacts both ways. Stirring his people to anger and having an effect on the group of people who dont like either one of their choices. Dana what do you hear from republicans running for office. Are they affected by this at all . No. People made a decision on this in the last election. 100,000 people turning out in new jersey. The white house has the same strategy for President Trump and President Biden to keep them both off the campaign trail. And they want biden off and they want trump off. I think its backfiring. I think trump had utilized the press well in this where he goes to the Fire Stations and does the other bodega and others. Biden continues to fail. His press doesnt come ouchlt where they are trying this case is his second best county for President Biden in the entire nation. How can anybody have a fair trial here . It seems like its set up. You can appeal because the judge has gone so far one way. I dont think it is what the democrats had planned the whole time that it would benefit them. There is backfiring here. As karl says we have to wait to see the outcome. I dont see it getting what the democrats planned from the beginning to do to trump. Bill a lot of people talk about the New York Times poll. Ripples from this thing. It is hard to find they have to stretch to write a good word in wisconsin. Biden leads in wisconsin. Pennsylvania trump is up three. Arizona trump is up seven, michigan. Up ten, nevada up 12. Do you believe it . I dont believe any given poll. If you put it in the context of what were seeing the averages of others, the two things pop out. First of all, former president leads in the sun belt states nevada, arizona, georgia. These are well outside the margin of error and he does also in the national averages. But you take this poll the states where he is outside the margin of error, 12 points up in nevada. Ten points in georgia, seven points in michigan and arizona. That gets him if he wins all the states he won last time around which everybody assumes, that gets him to 283 votes in the electoral college. If you toss in pennsylvania where he is not outside the margin of error, up by three on the edge of it. It gets him to 302. Dana the other thing in the poll that was interesting was the choice for senate. Mr. Speaker, kevin. What are we calling you now . One of the things thats interesting incumbents do always have a historic advantage and it looks like this could also be happening. Early in the race even though it feels like it is not. In some of the states the Senate Democrat incumbent seems to be holding their own. You havent had the campaign yet. People arent paying attention. The name i. D. For the incumbent is higher than the challenger. The last time biden was on the Ticket Running for president and won was First Time Since 1994 not one republican incumbent in congress lost. They said we would lose 15 seats. Democrats lost. The map for the republicans in the senate is very good. Primary tonight in west virginia. Thats a pickup. You have larry hogan former governor in maryland. The smartest recruit in the nation puts that into play. There is a better advantage for republicans and easier for them to win seats in the house than the last two cycles. Dana the former governor of maryland. The primary is today. The republican nominee after today. The democrats fighting it out for whoever will win. He is a great candidate. He is a fantastic candidate. He puts that state in play. 68 Approval Rating and out of office for a year now. Dana did it take Chuck Schumer by surprise . Absolutely did. The polls on the senate races. Think about this. Nevada the incumbent democrat is running two points ahead of joe biden. Arizona theyre running three points behind. Pennsylvania running two points ahead. Wisconsin running two points ahead. So its not like the democrats none of them are above 50 and all incumbents. If i were a Republican Senate candidate looking at these numbers i would say im in the hunt because none of them are as wellknown as the incumbents and none of them have the advantage. The other thing you have to remember, when biden won, he only won by 48,918 votes. His Favorability Rating was plus ten. Now its minus 20. Trump has been leading for 14 months in these states. I dont know why this is shocking to people. Whats telling is how much closer were getting. The interesting thing you have to look at where are independents . The whole Democrat Program this is democracy on the ballot. 53 of independents believe democracy is threat if biden gets another four years. Economy, its the number one issue drawing people against. They are losing the youth. If you look at where they are with hispanic and africanamerican voters a big drop to where he was before. If he barely won by 49,000 votes last time and in a weaker position now, now is a unique opportunity for republicans to run on the issues of what they want to govern on and have a really big night come november. Bill interesting conversation. Read one line from the New York Times piece. They were tied among 18 to 29yearold hispanic voters. Even though each group gave biden more than 60 of their vote in 2020. I was talking with a leading republican governor late yesterday, will go nameless off the record. Theyre convinced that joe biden will not be the candidate. He is, anyway. I asked him what do you do about harris . This clip she said yesterday. We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they wont. And then you kick the [bleep] door down. Bill a little bit of language. Thats not the point of this conversation. The point is do you believe that democrats will find a way around this devastating New York Times poll and have an open convention in chicago . I dont. It is not just the New York Times poll. It is everything else. The white house is in denial. If something were to happen to him, she would still be on the ticket because there is no way they can remove her without alienating further older black women and blacks in general. They are stuck. She is think about it. Her numbers are worse than bidens. She is not a nonfactor. She is a negative. She is causing people to say i like what donald trump did. I would like to find a reason to vote against him. If something happens to that really old guy on top of the democratic ticket i dont want her to be the president. Thats going on underneath the surface and cementing into Donald Trumps numbers some people who would like to find an excuse not to vote for him. Everybody thinks he will get off the ticket. The only way ive ever watched an elected official get off the ticket is if they cant win. He is in denial. His whole family. He has run for this office for the last 50 years. He is not giving up. He is not getting off the ticket. There is a higher probability just because his age that that Vice President , if biden was to win will become president sometime in the next four years. Bill gentlemen, thank you, stand by. Were not done with you, karl or kevin. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Dana day two of the federal Corruption Trial of bob menendez. New jersey democrat and his wife are accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of Dollars Worth of bribes including cash, gold bars an a brandnew car as a scheme to benefit the government of egypt and qatar. Congressional reporter chad pergram is live outside the courthouse. Hi, chad. Good morning, dana. Menendez says he was just doing constituent service in this case. His second dance with the law. He had a 2017 trial on unrelated bribery charges. He had support from fellow senators last time. Not now. [shouted questions] none of your senators coming here to support you. The filing deadline is the 4th. Are you going to run . Are you going to file . Bill sorry about that, chad. The former president now in court about to speak to the cameras. Lets drop on in. Speaking very beautifully. They are highly respected and they think it is the greatest scam theyve ever seen. Some democrats are embarrassed by whats going on. I want to start by saying that on the Electric Vehicles that biden is pushing down everybodys throat even though people dont want them, he wants to put a big tariff on china, which is the suggestion that i said where have you been for 3 1 2 years . They should have done it a long time ago. They will also do another vehicles on a lot of other products. China is eating our lunch right now. They are eating our lunch. They have to do it on much more than Electric Vehicles and they have to get going fast. It should have been done 3 1 2 years ago. I did it and started it and then they started playing games and it was very bad for the auto industry. In michigan, jobs are starting to leave. Were losing. The electric vehicle are made in china. And also in mexico. Owned by china. Polls came out. The redfield and has us up six in michigan, seven in north carolina. Georgia plus five, florida plus nine, Arizona Plus Two and up in every other place, too. That just came on. On top of yesterdays New York Times poll. I think today i might just quote somebody that frankly has been extremely respectful to me over the last few months. He is watching this scam taking place. Michael avenatti. Have you heard the name . He said the next time you are accused of something by someone, a coworker, neighbor, friend, stranger, ask yourself would it okay if they were allowed to speak but you were not allowed to respond or defend yourself in any way. If your answer is no, then you, too, should be angry by trump not being allowed to respond to the various people that are making comments. Think of it. You ask me questions and i cant respond. The easiest questions i could possibly be asked. Here is a couple of quotes. Mark levin. Great man, great legal talent. This is not a trial of donald trump, it is a case of the Democrat Party versus america. It also represents the greatest effort to interfere with and steal a federal election in american political history. Biden is seeking to clear the field. He wants to clear the field because he cant do it himself so he is weaponizing the Department Of Justice. They have their people in that room. The d. O. J. Is in that room because they want to try to rip me. My poll numbers have gone up significantly. This is not what they had in mind. Newt gingrich. Without precedent in american history. It has never occurred to president john adams or anybody else that you could jail your competitor, your primary opponent. In this case Vice President thomas jefferson. This has never happened in our country before. Never anything like this. Andy mccarthy came out. New yorkers should be outraged at the Mockery Bragg is making of the states legal system as the entire country looks on. The entire world is looking on. This is a very bad thing thats happening in new york. Businesses are leaving new york because of what happened here and what happened with another crooked judge, engoron. Totally crooked and under investigation now, as he should be. He is under big investigation, i hear, right now. Jonathan turley, experts are struggling not sure what the crime is being alleged. Prosecutors have not explained why a Legal Expense was wrong. So they say its a Bookkeeping Error. I paid a lawyer a certain amount of money. I have a Legal Expense and marked it down as a Legal Expense. I didnt mark it down as construction of a wall, construction of a building. I didnt mark it down as electricity cost. I took a Legal Expense the bookkeeper did it. He did it right. Took a Legal Expense and called it a Legal Expense. This is their whole case. Are you allowed to call a Legal Expense a Legal Expense . I dont know what else you would call it. But he brings it up here as a Legal Expense. Whats the problem . I never thought that as an attorney i could see a system like new york, one of the most sophisticated legal in the world debase itself so badly. This judge should not be allowed on the case and should not have allowed this case to go forward. Merchan should rule in favor of a directed verdict immediately. There is an insufficient amount of evidence. No crime has been shown. No crime has been committed. There has been no crime. Judge pirro talks here. She is very excited here. He is a fool. He is not an experienced judge. I will make that short. I dont want to insult anybody. Gregg jarrett, brilliant guy. Braggs argument is legally flawed. The federal Election Commission determined there was no Campaign Finance violation. The Department Of Justice agreed. Those two entities have exclusive authority over federal elections. The state has absolutely no authority and the city, bragg, has no authority. Bragg never wanted to bring this case. No prosecutor such as alvin bragg should be involved in this case. The judge is totally conflicted and everybody is talking about it. An embarrassment to new york. Legal analyst michael moore, cnn doesnt think the prosecution has proven its case. Senator john kennedy respected gentleman, the trial says more about politics than an alleged crime. If you want to hide something from bragg you put it in the law books. It hasnt proved to be a felony. There was no crime. Everybody is saying there is no crime. But ive been here for almost four weeks in an ice box. I call it the ice box listening to a judge who is totally corrupt and conflicted. Highly respected lawyer, hush money is not a crime. Signing an nda is not a crime. By the way, everybody in congress have ndas. Theyre very common. Theyre not a crime. Cbs morning news. No evidence that this case is about Campaign Election violations. There is no evidence. Again we go back to the federal law. The fec, federal Election Commission, said there is not a problem. No case. And vivek is here now and he can speak for himself saying this is a sham trial. It is politically motivated. An assault on the leading candidate for u. S. President. I would expect he would Say Something so i wont go through the rest. He is here and will talk to you. The speaker of the house is here. We have Byron Donalds, we have a lot of great people here to talk to you and they wont let they want to make it difficult for them to speak. For some reason i can speak here but im the only one thats allowed. The gag order has to come off. When you ask me about the people that we are talking about, im not allowed to answer. There has never been anything like this in the history of our country. It is a scam. Its Election Interference at a level thats never taken place before and now if you dont mind i will go into the ice box and sit for a long time. Thank you very much. [shouted questions] bill extended comments this morning here. At one point he said are you able to call a Legal Expense a Legal Expense if you are paying your attorney . For trumps team thats the heart of the matter as he heads back inside. Doug burgum and others in support of donald trump but physical presence says something as well. The other thing you touched on back with Kevin Mccarthy and karl rove is tariffs on china. Biden will make a move on Electric Vehicles. Biden will do it. Trump wants to take it a step further and cut down the supply chain by way of beijing into mexico. So he would do it 5x in trumps language there. I think what that leads us to, karl, is the significance of the 15 electoral votes in michigan. If you know that trump lost by three points in 2020, came really close in 2016 against hillary clinton, all right, so the attention of this entire campaign on both sides is focused on the wolverine state. The smart part of what he does when he comes out. He started today with an issue that the American People care about, which is china. And he basically said okay, fine, you are putting them on but you are following me. You are a Day Late And A Dollar Short and ive got more. Which is useful. I think the key for him is to lay out a second term agenda and for him saying i will have tougher penalties on chain yo and im worried about them sending things into america via mexico and i will take care of that problem. If i had a criticism to make i would have dialed that up a lot more and dialed down the expert. Let governor and others quote the experts. You focus on being the next president of the United States. Today was far more spent on his personal grievance about not being able to do this stuff and being in court. Being able to lay out an agenda for the second term is what people want to hear from him that are open to voting for him. Dana what i think he should talk about is last week there were these articles. Planted by the biden team, about how they are working very hard to entrench any sort of biden policy that didnt have to go through congress, entrench that into the system. Trump would be saddled with biden policies. If i were the trump team i would have one of these days saying by the way, guess what is happening right now . They are trying to do this. Dont let them happen. Figuring out a way to what karl is saying to focus on what would the next four years look like if biden wins or i win . By the Biden Administration is doing what they can to trump. He has now spoken more on policies than President Biden has. And if you go back, do the contrast. When donald trump was president and he put these tariffs in against china, biden criticized him for it. What is biden doing today . He is flipping because trump wins the policy issue. Everybody sits back and said they love the contrast, the policies when President Trump was in office. But look, we can second guess all we want. Bill and the decision on israel. The vote he watched in michigan during that primary stacked against him again. Now you have the arab American Population and the state were talking about, in addition to those who work in the auto industry. You are 0 for two. Also think of this. If you think 1968 Democratic Convention was crazy, wait until this year. They will Start Talking about maybe we need to go back to do it virtually and they will try to get away from it dana wouldnt that be something. Bill watch what theyre doing. Theyre trying to go to the last campaign where he doesnt have to campaign and talk about the issues. Here is President Trump. No other human can with stand what they have thrown at him and he is taking all this in and he walks out in a gag order. Who else gets a gag order that cant talk about being persecuted for what he is going through . But does take the moment to talk about the policies. It is not a hard decision to think who do you want to be president . Who can sustain it . Today is israels National Independence day. Is President Biden going out there doing anything . He has gone directly against anything weve ever stood. The moment israel became a nation, the first nation to recognize it was america. Now he is backtracking picking a terrorist organization, hamas, over it because he thinks thats good politics because he is watching whats happening on college campuses. Bill stand by, guys, kevin and karl. Dana we interrupted chad pergram. This is a bribery case of bob menendez. Are you still with us, chad . Im still here. Bob menendez arrived for the start of trial just a few minutes ago. They will start court around 9 45. Still going through jury selection. We dont know if theyll get that done today and then opening statements. Menendez says he will not run for reelection as a democrat. The filing deadline is june 4th. But no verdict until july in this case. He could run as an independent. The last case for the senator ended with a hung jury. That was back in 2017. Now menendez is the former chair of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Gave up that gavel following the indictment and why the allegations of the senator getting involved with qatar and egypt are so serious. Judge sidney stein dismissed 38 jurors yesterday. Some jurors tried to get out of serving. One said they were going to see Bruce Springsteen in rome. Another cited surgery for an ingrown toe nail. After dismissing that juror stein said she would be too much trouble to serve as a juror. Menendez faces 200 years behind bars if he is convicted. Dana and bill. Dana chad pergram. Lots going on and more to come. Bill court is in session downtown. There is another highprofile case were watching today. Pretrial hearing in delaware of Hunter Bidens federal gun charges. David spunt is live outside the courthouse in wilmington for that setup today. Good morning. A lot of highprofile court cases. Here in delaware Hunter Bidens trial is scheduled to begin on june 3rd. We see if that actually happens. Perhaps there may be a deal or something. The federal judge that works in this building disagreed with the plea deal. Some critics called it a Sweetheart Plea deal last summer and hunter biden pleaded not guilty to three charges of lying on a federal form related to purchasing a firearm. Now the first son owned a firearm back in 2018 for 11 days. On that form federal prosecutors special counsel david weiss said he lied when he said when he was not addicted to drugs and pleaded not guilty. Unclear if hunter will actually be here today. His attorney is hoping to get this trial pushed back as far as possible. Last week a threejudge Appeals Panel declined to get involved in the case citing the fact that a jury hasnt heard the case yet. Appeals court said too soon to get involved. Lowell disagrees. Hunter is also facing tax charges in california and that is set to go to trial on june 20th. But we expect that to be pushed back so hunter doesnt have two trials in four weeks. It is a possibility we may see a plea deal in delaware or california or both. But hunter biden and his attorneys are taking quite a big risk putting these cases before a jury before his father even takes the stage at the Democratic National convention in july. Bill thank you, david spunt watching that. Hunter biden trial continues. Thank you, sir. Dana we have a great legal analyst coming up right now. Andy mccarthy, Jonathan Turley, jonna spilbor, you have been following the trump case. Jonathan turley, lets get to you. Your name was invoked when President Trump was going through the list of commentators who said what in the world is going on at this courtroom . We have all been anticipating this day probably more than yesterday. While people on other networks have said they were impressed the cohen didnt lose his temper, he was being questioned by the prosecutors that brought him to this party. This is what he prepped for. None of us expected that he would disassembly under friendly questioning. This is going to be different. The one thing about yesterday that was striking is i thought that Michael Cohen may have committed perjury again. In my view, one of his answers just made no sense at all. He said that he taped his client, former President Trump, in order to keep david pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer honest and make sure he paid. First of all, it made no sense at all why he would do that. Pecker had been in communication with trump himself. But it didnt make any sense at all. But cohen seemed to try to find a reason for shattering every professional ethical standard in secretly taping his client. I didnt believe that he was taping that to somehow benefit or affect david pecker. Bill so jonathan, you mentioned the audio recording. The jurors apparently had heard it earlier in the trial but played yesterday in court. Well get it queued up. I should take note the call is cut off suddenly and explained that Michael Cohen had received an incoming call and therefore the recording stopped. We have it. Here it was from yesterday, cohen and trump. Watch. I spoke to allen about it. When it comes time to the financing, which will be what financing . We have to pay . Cash . No, no, no. Bill pay with cash . At the end trump says check. All right. So well find out the significance. Did you have something, professor . It sounds a lot like a client being told by a lawyer what they are going to do. The lawyer is testifying against the client saying you should send him to jail for doing what i told him to do. Bill so the note from inside the courtroom tells us merchan took the bench. He asked if there are any matters needing discussing and they were have a side bar. Yesterday there were no side bars and not many objections. I would consider them minor objections, trump either sustained or overruled and on and on they went. Andy mccarthy. Im told that under cross examination back in october, the fall of last year, when the civil trial was underway, that cohen was on the stand and habba, back in court again with eric trump today sitting in the first row behind trumps lawyers and donald trump, that cohen threw a fit with a lot of objections to the questions and it was described to me as very contentious and i would imagine, as jonathan said, it went by script yesterday. But how will it go when trumps attorneys have their chance . Well, it will be contentious. He has a track record, cohen does, of committing perjury as we discussed yesterday, a federal judge just a few weeks ago in the Southern District of new york concluded that he committed perjury in either or both of his plea allocution when he pled guilty to over 4 million worth of tax and bank fraud, or when he testified in the civil fraud trial, or could have been both. So he is all over the map. He is hard to pin down but i dont think thats problematic for the defense. When he speaks he usually steps in it, as jonathan just pointed out. His testimony about why he taped trump made no logical sense. I think looking at it, it made a lot of sense in that he was trying to come up with an excuse how taping trump somehow would have been to trumps benefit. What he tried to say it was assuage pecker but the reality is he was taping trump so he would have something on trump. He was like the typical guy who is Tape Recording somebody covertly and made a point of mentioning Allen Weisselbergs names and other names to have it on tape if he needed it because he was concerned, evidently, about whether trump would pay him back for that nondisclosure agreement. He was doing it for his own joints, not trumps interest. The only reason i flush this out to jonathans point as well, i think he is already lying and giving nonsensical answers when giving the prepared answers that he has rehearsed a million times with the prosecutor. God knows what well hear on cross. Dana jonna spilbor, Jonathan Turley said he was listening and thought wow, is Michael Cohen about to perjure himself again . He has to be careful so his testimony doesnt lead him to breaking the law again. This guy cant be trusted when his lips are moving he is usually lying and represented by his own attorney now. I would be concerned if i was representing him that he could perjure himself. Even if he does its likely alvin bragg wont do a thing about it because alvin bragg brought this sham of a case using cohen as his star witness. We all sound like broken records because we keep emphasizing over and over again that there has been no evidence of a crime and so far after day one of Michael Cohens testimony, there is still no evidence of a crime. So we sound like broken records because this trial is broken. I dont think day two is going to hurt donald trump any more than any of the prior 16 days of this trial have. Bill the note from inside the courtroom. Side bar lasted a few minutes. Its over. We dont know what is talked about. Cohen is entering the courtroom wearing a dark suit and blue tie. Getting the jury right now. Testimony resumes in a minute or two. Jonathan, one thing that cohen talked about yesterday that i think no other witness has gotten to is this tie between the Stormy Daniels payment and looming election. He gave some quotes. He said push it out as long as you can thinking about trump was telling him. Call for seven. Just get past the election. If i win, it has no relevance. If i lose i dont even care. And then later with regard to melania he says he wasnt thinking about melania, it was all about the campaign. One more, too. Go back to hope hicks from two weeks ago. Hope hicks was on the stand and she said he was worried about how this would be viewed at home. President trump really values mrs. Trumps opinion and she doesnt weigh in all the time but when she does it is really meaningful to him. There is a clash of ideas right there. The one thing i found interesting, jonathan, is that the state has all these exhibits and yesterday they presented dozens throughout the entire afternoon. It is very small fine print and monitors all over this courtroom and the judge has one, witness has one, all the jurors have a monitor in front of them. For the 60 or so members of the public and media you can bring in binoculars. You need them. When the exhibit goes up it is difficult to see with your plain eye. One thing that struck me that all the exhibits that were presented, phone calls and Text Messages and printed documents, one after the other after another, not one item talked about or said the election. Is that important to you . It is important. It is also really par for the course in this trial. The prosecutors are making a great deal about introducing evidence and emphasizing dock also. But the documents are largely uncontested. They dont establish any crime. And whats key about cohen is that the prosecutors know he is not credible. They dont need him to be credible. They need someone, anyone, to check the box on the elements of the crime so they can go to the judge when he looks at the motion for directed verdict and say you might not believe cohen but maybe the jury does. This becomes a credibility question. So this should go to jury. The problem they are having is cohen has testified before and that has created the four walls for his testimony. If he comes up with something new, everyone will pounce on it. The most he can say is that trump didnt want the story out before the election. Thats not a crime. Having an nda is not a crime. He has to say that trump intentionally misrepresented the payment, committed this Bookkeeping Error with the intention of hiding another crime, whatever that crime may be. He didnt come close to that yesterday. Dana jonna, i will get back to you as soon as we take this quick break. To let the viewers know, you have more thoughts how the jury is taking all of this. We want to get to those just as we get back. Court is underway, jury is seated, testimony is starting and well be right back. Thats how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. But that changed when my urologist told me about Axonics Therapy. A longlasting solution that has really changed my life. This is not another drug, and it works. Visit findrealrelief. 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President trump will unlikely take the stand. The prosecutor has to show somehow these conversations are taking place with allen as an agent of trump. We know from the testimony yesterday morning Michael Cohen said that Allen Weisselberg worked very closely with former President Trump. Anything to do with the finances, they worked very closely together. So a conversation that Michael Cohen has with Allen Weisselberg imputes some criminality to trump. This is direct examination. From everyone that saw the examination, he was smooth, articulate, unemotional. He did what he needed to do as a prosecutors key witness. Bill what i hear from turley and mccarthy is the consistent chime of where is the crime . Can you identify it yet . I defer to them. They are the actual legal experts. I have been watching the program, listening to both of those gentlemen and others for days talk about this second crime that we dont even know what it is yet. I think most americans with or without law degrees sit back and say how is that even possible . You have a former president of the United States on trial with his liberty at stake and dozens of Felony Accounts and the jerry rigged crime hasnt been announced yet. That seems wild to most people which is why you can have conflicting legal opinions about how the case is going, how the prosecution is going. I think the two men you mentioned have rightly pointed out how this is an extremely weak case for grounds for appeal all over the place. Most americans to the extent they are paying attention they are shrugging. The New York Times polling that came out yesterday. Trumps margins have increased and the poll was in the field during this trial with near saturation coverage. It is not penetrating through in a way thats hurting him at least yet. Dana almost as if im getting the sense that many democratic operatives wish this would just go away. If you think about the Boston University legal scholar who said he thought it was a mistake but now a historic debacle for the democrats and judicial system. Mercedes, talk about what you think the jury is how the jury is reacting to Michael Cohen, who is a very unreliable witness. He is admitting on the stand several times he has lied before. And with all due respect to guy, there were three very significant admissions that thread the needle regarding the alleged criminality of President Trump. One were the admissions. As you sit as a juror they will listen to what cohen said. He said former President Trump talked about the campaign. That he was concerned about the campaign. Dovetail back to what hope hicks said is that when the release of the Access Hollywood tapes there was chaos and concern and now the jurors are back to that summer of 2016 and they are back in that place where Michael Cohen said this whole controversy regarding Stormy Daniels started to brew. What they were going to do and in conversations, at least he relayed this to the jury in conversation with former President Trump. Former President Trump talked about the campaign. He said that women are going to hate me, men will think its cool but this is going to be disastrous for the campaign. At the end of the day this is a flawed witness. We all know that Michael Cohen is a flawed witness. The prosecution did whatever they possibly could to take the wind out of the sails for the defense. He admitted on the stand he bullied people, that he lies, that all of those things about being a liar, that he is a convicted liar, we all know that. Have to see how with stands cross examination. The prosecution did what they possibly could to make Michael Cohen a strong witness for them. He is the alleged link to the crime against President Trump. Bill cohen is on the stand and whether there was a formal invoice for the payback he was going to receive. They are backing up about services render. No, maam, it was not a service rendered or retainer, it was a repayment. Stand by, back after this. psst psst ahhh with flonase, allergies dont have to be scary. Spraying Flonase Daily gives you long lasting nondrowsy relief. Flonase all good. Also, try our Allergy Headache and nighttime pills. Did you ever worry we wouldnt get to enjoy this . [jeff laughs maniacally] Inner Monologue seriously, im on the green and all i can think about is all the green im spending on 3 kids in college. With empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. So i dont have to worry. Empower. Whats next. Best thing ive ever done. Thats what freddie told me. It was the best thing ive ever done, and really . Yes, without a doubt i dont have any anxiety about money anymore. Great people. 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