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If. O, say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the Peril Ous Fight oer the ramparts we watched were so glal antly gallantly streaming. And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O, say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave if. Pete we may have ended with a father or grandfather with two babies, but today is mothers day. It is sunday, may 12th, year of our lord 2024, and i hope all the mothers out there know how much we love them, because we all have a mother. And happy mothers day to you. Rachel you said times 29 . 35. [laughter] pete by the end of the show. Charlie, great to have you. Wills slacking off charlie yeah, see how bad i screw it up. Pete you with wont,. Charlie not as bad as he does [laughter] pete he yous up screws up monstrously on sundays. Charlie its a wipeout to. Rachel he watches a lot of sports at night. Pete oh, that is true. Charlie he stays up all Saturday Night and then tired on sunday. Pete he did do the rachel a heavy lift. Charlie im a glad to see that knight ifs back to being the city that never sleeps. I mean, they were Up All Night Last night here partying out on the street. Pete in new york . Charlie yeah. Pete you heard em . If. Charlie oh, gosh, all night. Pete so charlie didnt get any sleep. Charlie none, zero. Pete but he also a didnt get a chance to the talk, got about 30 seconds, because during the 7 00 hour of fox news channel, donald trump was giving a speech in wildwood, new jersey. And if you missed it, one of the things bryan llenas did last night, which we dont often do, is they took the camera and turned it around and showed the entirety of the crowd. The estimates of local Law Enforcement is between 80100,000 people showed up in wildwood, new jersey, which would make it the largest political rally in new jerseys history. People were there for hours, and trump went for about 90 minutes. Heres a portion of what he said. As you can see today, were expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey, and were going the win the state of new jersey. [cheers and applause] got a great group of people with us, an Incredible Group of people. Were also looking really great in the state of minnesota which hasnt been won since 1952, and were leading in the polls. The state of virginia and actually many of the states i dont know, could be all of em. This guys so is damn bad, it could be all of em. [laughter] hes so bad, i think were going to win em all. Millions of people in socalled blue states are joining our Movement Based on love, intelligence and a thing called common sense. [cheers and applause] rachel common sense, which is not so common these days. [laughter] but apparently a lot of people are interested in some just common sense, america first, get our energy, American Energy going, get the economy going, make sure we dont go into World War Iii which, by the way, donald trump brought up. He said our countrys in trouble, its in big trouble. Weve never been in this kind of trouble. Were going to end up in World War Iii. These guys are grossly incompetent. And i think thats what hes talking about. You know, he obviously thinks hes a great candidate, but with hes, like, this other guy, joe biden, is so bad, i might win this whole thing [laughter] even though the im in court all day and i can only rally in new jersey because i cant get to georgia because they have me tuck in court over here, meanwhile, joe biden was at a different kind of event, a small, Big Donor Dollar Fundraiser where he says, you know, its the same man that. Threats to democracy. Heres what he had to say. He said were organizing and and were ready. Trump maga republicans are in significant disarray. Didnt look like that from the crowd, did it . Now lets get to the message of the campaign. Our message is straightforward. Theres a lot to talk about, but the threat posed that trump poses to democracy is greater than what he posed in the first term. Its clear that when he lost and when he lost in 20 20, something snapped in him. So theyre going to go, charlie, with the trump has gone crazy mantra. Charlie yeah. And theyve been trying that for eight years now. Its not worked. You know, you know how you know your campaigns falling apart . When you have to stop and say now lets get to the message of the campaign [laughter] introducing for a commercial. If youre talking like that, youre probably not giving out the message of your campaign, probably because you dont have a message. Watching the juxtaposition between joe biden in seattle and donald trump in wildwood, you know, anybody who wonders why democrats are so afraid of donald trump, you look at that sea of people pete yeah. Charlie gathered on that boardwalk, they are terrified of him. That is why there is nothing they wont do in order to stop him, because they dont want to face him in a Fair Election at the ballot box. Pete youre precisely right. So when joe biden the other contrast is 90 minutes, live, mostly unscented in front of or unscripted in front of 100,000 people, and then youve got joe biden in a teeny little room in seat where will we dont even get video, we get readout. Our message is straightforward, and all he does is talk about trump. He doesnt have anything to talk about. The contrast is blatant, and you heard it when donald trump talkses about also. You hit on the right word, charlie, if its fair and organized properly, theres a lot of Fertile Ground for a comeback. Rachel theres no way joe biden could have a rally that looks like that. Its just with impossible. If. Pete the other thing is how many protesters did you see last night . Zero. Joe biden couldnt have a meeting of 50 people without at least 15 of them being protesters. [laughter] charlie this is the enthusiasm you see on the trump side. The only enthusiasm on the other side are these whacko protester [laughter] rachel that a dont like him. Charlie its incredible. Rachel were going to turn now to those propalestinian protesters because if theyre taking over several Graduation Ceremonies across the country. That happened yesterday. Charlie Demonstrators Disrupting Commencement speeches and some going as far as walking out of their graduation altogether. Pete Chanley Painter joins us live. Reporter thats right, so several universities across the country experiencing some sort of disruption during Commencement Ceremonies saturday. At ucberkeley, hundreds of soon to be graduates stood and began chanting, briefly interrupting a students speech, but then the chancellor shared some sympathetic words towards the rowdy students. Watch. They feel passionately about the brutality of the violence in gaza, Tens Of House of palestinians killed and the disruption of educational institutions. Reporter in wisconsin booing could be heard when a handful of graduates staged a Silent Protest by turning their backs to the chancellor of the university of wisconsinmadison. Some of the students were wearing free palestine caps and holding the palestinian flag. And at the university of texasaustin, a student held up a palestinian flag during a Commencement Ceremony and refused to leave the stage before being escorted away besecurity. In virginia the governors speech was interrupted at virginia commonwealths graduation. Dozens of students and Family Members walked out showing support for palestine while some held signs signaling op cig to the governors policies on education. Of course, all of this, guy, these disruptions follow weeks of demonstrations and illegal encampments across campuses which have so far led to nearly 2900 arrests at 57 colleges and universities. Back to you. Pete thank you very much. Charlie can i just say i finally found a protest i like . I love the Silent Protest [laughter] rachel no doubt. Charlie walk away. Its a big country. Just walk ea away. Pete yeah. Charlie its when they dont leave pete this one, madison, wisconsin. Cool, guys, walk away. Rachel i would be up this morning to my friend lucy because ive been getting all these Graduation Photos from all my if friends whose kids are graduating from college. Im of that age group, and she was so happy, beautiful photos of her and her son and her family. And she was, like, were so lucky just, you know with, a couple protesters carrying flags. Thats the moment were in where, like, youre grateful that this moment and, by the way, this is the covid e generation. These are the kids who didnt get to go to prom or have a graduation. They finally get a graduation moment when with their parents, and these schools ruin the moment because they cant just do it outside because theyre that selfish and selfentitled. Pete yeah. If you go to one of these whack a doodle universities, thats what youve got. If you go to the Franciscan University of steubenville rachel in ohio, yes. Pete in ohio, the. Commencement speaker there was Supreme Court Justice Samuel alito. Rachel that tells you everything. [laughter] pete he had a very different message than the chancellor of berkeley appeasing people in realtime. Alito had a different message. Heres a portion of what he said. Well read it for you with. Right now in the world with outside this beautiful campus, troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles. Support for Freedom Of Speech is declining dangerously, especially where where it should find broadest and widest acceptance. In a book called the idea of the university with, st. John henry newman saw the university as a place for reasoned debate. Today very few colleges live are up to that ideal, this place is one of the few that does, and you are very fortunate to have that experience. Religious liberty is also threatened. When you venture out into the with world, you may find yourself in a job, community or social setting where you will be pressured to endorse ideas that you dont believe or to abandon core beliefs. It will be up to you to stand firm and speak out. Rachel amen to that. Pete good advice. Rachel great advice. Charlie and its kind of interesting, he points out its, it doesnt really make sense, but its true that the more you have people who dont believe in free speech, the more suddenly you have people who feel like its perfectly appropriate to speak out about and say horrible things about christians or jews, and its like, im sorry, i thought you were i thought you believed in safe spaces, and you just said what . [laughter] its, like, shocking. And actually, you know, the manners that comes with free speech that has to be attended as free speech kind of solves both of those problems. Rachel you know what . Its so funny, because i used to always make a joke whenever these intolerant leftists by the way, i was on the real world, and people always ask me about it, the one real lesson i learned was the myth of liberal tolerance. Thats the one lesson i took from the real world on mtv. I always laugh about the coexist bumper stickers. [laughter] the other day i heard one of these protesters, and theyre, like, we will no longer coexist, and im like, exactly, this is where theyre at. We will no longer coexist, we have to get rid of all the coexist Butcher Stickers off the subarus pete that was one phase. Let all the garbage in. Now the garbage is take over charlie in their defense, rachel, theyre slow learners. [laughter] rachel fair enough, charlie. Were going to turn to your headlines. Three Atlanta Police officers are being described as, quote, alert and and breathing this morning after they were shot and hurt while on duty last night. The officers were responding to a call in South Atlanta when they were encountered by their suspect who allegedly had a handgun and a knife on him at the time the shots were fired. Police shooting and killing the suspect while the three officers had to be taken to the hospital, two of whom required immediate surgery, but all, thank any, are expected to be thankfully, are expected to be okay. Happening today, Crews Are Demoll Ifishing the largest remaining ruins of the collapse fran access scott key bridge. The simulation shows how it is expected to be demoll ifished. It comes 47 days after a cargo ship drove into the bridge causing it to collapse and killing 6 maintenance workers. Maryland officials expect the rebuild to cost up to 1. 9 billion. I had no idea bridges cost that much, wow. But the bridge could come as early as the fall of 2028 . Pete thats how Government Works these days. Rachel the coliseum was built in 101 years in rome 2,000 10 years, 2,000 years ago. Charlie and itll wind up being twice that much. Pete absolutely. Itll open in 2033. Rachel the Northern Lights lighting up the world across the world overnight. Here you can see some color in maine. Forecasters say the lights will likely return at a full strength this evening and could carry e into monday, possibly tuesday. For more on this, stream fox weather on your connected tv device. Country singer Blake Shelton says he doesnt need to honor his wife gwen stefani if today because her sons already have it covered. [laughter] if. Charlie good luck. Rachel yeah, good luck with that, right . Shelton revealing over the weekend when he reminds if her three boys that mothers day is coming up, they say they already have plans. Shelton went on to the add, quote, i always kind of just take a backseat and watch these boys. They do an incredible job of spoiling her. Well, thats how its done. And those are your headlines. Pete a different breed of boys. [laughter] boys, you better do something. What do you have for mom . Nothing. Better make a card. Rachel get going. Pete all right. So foxnews. Com went out and asked, i dont know who they asked, the sourcing on this is unclear. May have just walked around the newsroom or emailed their friends, we dont know. They got a list of great advice, tips and heartfelt wisdom from mom. These are lines that they purport moms have said, oneliners. Ill read the first two, and then well hand it off. One is you never have two bad days in a row . If that does not sound real. Second one is the best thing you can do in life is be confident and believe in yourself. Rachel . Rachel okay. Stop worrying about what the house looks like. They arent putting she had a clean house on your gravestone. Pete i disagree with that. Rachel me too. You have nine kids. You need a clean house or you will not be able to function. [laughter] Never Trust Anyone especially after someone does you wrong. Okay, that thats not good either. Forgiveness is pete these are angry moms. [laughter] charlie please dont this is a good one. Please dont tell your father, spoken whenever she overdid it during a shopping trip. Pete lie to dad, i get it. [laughter] rachel thats what i say. Its for the kids. [laughter] charlie but its usually, in my house its usually the other way around, dont tell mom. I dont like that girl youre dating. Also not a smart thing to ever say pete she was right every time though, the man said. Okay. Wow, where do we meet these negative rachel who are these people in. Pete help us out charlie two bad days in a row though . Im stuck on that one. Pete you never have two the charlie come spend a week with me. I can hoe you rachel i can show you a bad time. Pete so help us. We need better advice from moms. Out there in america, email us, friends friends fox news. Com. The best advice, the funnier, maybe positive, delightful the better, friends foxnews. Com. And as always, bonus points if you take a picture with us in the background on this show. Rachel oh, yeah. Of us on the screen. Pete that youre watching. Rachel thats good. Heres good advice. I always say expect more, get more. Charlie of the children . Rachel in general, just in general. P. Pete i hike that. Rachel dont lower your standards. Expect more, get more. Charlie it is true of children especially, and thats whats wrong with schools, theyre children. If you just expect way up here, they will meet it and excited. As long as you really expect it. Rachel i agree. Shoot for the stars. Youll hand charlie youll be among rachel shoot for the moon, youll land somewhere in the stars, is that how it goes . [laughter] were going to get rick in here pete im good. Rachel all right. A string of recent polls show biden may face a major with reckoning among hispanic voters this november. Ive been warning about a that. Pete its all about his cozy relationship with the Teachers Unions. Our next guest explains next. Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes lowes knows new projects come with questions. 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Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Nows the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohns with skyrizi. Control is everything to me. Learn how abbvie could help you save. People couldnt see my potential. So i had to show them. Ive run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that im more than what you see on paper. Today im the ceo of my own company. Its the way my mind works. I have a very mechanical brain. Why are we not rethinking this . I am more. Im more than who i am on paper. Rachel a new oped e is warning President Biden that his cozy relationship with the Teachers Unions could cost him bigtime with hispanic voters. Our next guest writing, quote, biden and the Democrat Party have continued to choose the Teachers Unions over my family. He speaks often of supporting minorities and the working class, yet he has opposed public and private School Choice, something that has proven to be a lifeline for many of these families. This as a former President Trump makes significant inroads with hispanic voters. Here to discuss is senior fellow for the American Federation for children, valeria ger. Its so great to have you on today. Its an interesting story is. Lets get to the politics in a story, but you were a democrat, and you actually were in the Teachers Union. What happened . Yeah. I, when i came to the u. S. When i immigrated, i first wanted to change the life of a student. Ing so i joined the system, and i realized the Teachers Union was more in the business of Holding Power than helping. Rachel makes sense. Look at the numbers. This is the decline in hispanic support for the democratic party. Its dropped 9 points just since 2016. It was 71, its now at 60. 60. Its a decline of 9 . And also we know that trump is and biden up against each other are in almost a virtual tie which weve never seen anything like this in terms of numbers for republican candidates, especially a republican candidate whos taken a pretty hard stand on immigration and other matters. You are focused on education. We know the economy is one of them, but explain why School Choice matters so much to hispanics and why at this moment its trending. Yeah, thank you. This is a great point that youre making. I think hispanics, were not a monolithic group. We care about many different issues. But education is key to your American Dream. Rachel yeah. We came to this country because we wanted to give better to our families, and i think thats why education continue to rise up. 11 of his 71 of he is panics, Record Number for School Choice support. His. Panics. We realize we cannot continue doing the same expecting different results, so i think thats why School Choice has become a permanent if issue, 18 states passed School Choice and expanded School Choice programs last year p. And this year alabama joined the revolution of traditional freedom, being the first state to pass universal program. Rachel yeah. How much did covid sort of the revelation that so many participants had when they were watching what parents, when they were watching what the kids were being taught via zoom and also the rise of gender ideology and so much craziness, crt on campus, how much or in elementary and high school schools, how much has that played into it . If that its just so antihispanic values . With well, i think it has a lot to do with, like, lower academic expectations. I think hispanic families in particular have been left behind for decades. But academics shows that parents for the first time were vocal about, hey, we have to change the system. We cannot continue doing the same. It became School Choice has been always a popular issue but exploded during the pandemic. Families start deciding, hey, we have to look for options. Florida, for example, was one that it was at the bottom of the educational ranking in the last 10 years, became first one. For Public Education and for giving educational freedom. So, like, families said, hey, what the Teachers Union had been saying for so long is probably not true. We have to start looking and searching for options that fit the needs of our families. Rachel yeah. Well, as a hispanic mom with kids who are taking advantage of a choice in education, i tell ya, its really nice to go home and have dinner and not have to deprogram your kids from that whats being taught at the public schools. So focus on education, on all the good stuff, leave all the other tough out, and youre right, education is the key e to the American Dream and so many hispanics feel like theyre losing that. So great yeah. And [inaudible conversations] yes, were working is hard to be better, you know, like to leave the next generation better off a than we ever was. Like, i come from a mom that didnt graduate there from high school. She didnt know how to learn or how to read. So i understand this, what my Community Faces every single day. And its beyond me that we have, we look at the nape scores is how we measure education for kids. Our kids in the hispanic communities and minorities are behind as much as two years in math and if reading. And for President Biden to cut funding and not support any initiative for School Choice, for example, there is a federal program which is called educational choice for childrens act that would have bring options for more than 32 million students, and e 2 million students, and he has not spoke about this issue. We often talk about the economy and immigration, but we are here to stay, and we want to provide our kids with what is the best for them. And were not going to open any barriers without education or continue giving access to a better life. Rachel weve never given the schools and unions more money, and so that Equation Count work. Exactly. Rachel valeria, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for the invitation. Rachel a woke california d. A. Now facing a possible recall as a crime continues to surge. Our next guest lost her son in a 20216 shooting. You wont believe the lenient deal that that shooter got under the sr. Processbacked prosecutor if sorosbacked prosecutor. Thats next. Help with these dry spots. Thats lawn disease. But Scotts Healthy Plus will cure it lawn disease . Been going around. So like other people have it and its not. Pick up a bag of the new Scotts Turf Builder healthy plus lawn food today. Feed your lawn. Feed it. On your period, sudden gushes happen. Say goodbye gush fears thanks to always ultra thins. With rapiddry technology. That absorbs two times faster. 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Weve got an indoor gymnasium, weve got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. This is going to have a Rehabilitation Center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. Got an entire childrens Neverland Village you name it. You name it. Weve built it here. Im really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment. Its going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. This village will allow us to share and open up more. You see where every bit of your money goes. I see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of what the American People has backed through tunnel to towers until you see it yourself, you will not how far your eleven Dollar Donation will go. Pete victims of Violent Crime taking a stand against sorosbacked district attorneys nationwide. Spearheading efforts to oust prosecutors like pamela price in oakland. Our next guest lost her son, terence mccarry jr. , to a stray bullet in 2016. The suspect was charged with murder if by a previous d. A. , but once pam that price entered office, she made a new deal and he e pled guilty to a much lesser charge of manslaughter. Joining us now is berkeley resident and mother of terence, florence mccrery. Florence, or thank you for if being here. Youre fighting on this recall of by the way, she refers to, she makes sure this d. A. , people refer to her asthma dam d. A. Price as madame d. A. Price. So she thinks a lot of herself but not a lot of victims of crime of. What was it like when the killer of your sons sentence was reduced and you realized, wow, its a whole different ball game here . I was in total shock. I mean, it was unbelievable to realize that for a fight that took over six years to get to, that it was diminished to nothing. And while sitting there in court, Learning Even9 from the judge, well, this is the best we can do. What is the when, you know the best when, you know, your child goes out one evening and does not come home, does not return and yet you have got to now bury your child, and the sentiment from those in the administration that work to help fight for the people did nothing. They diminished his life to absolutely nothing. So very traumatizing. Pete i have no doubt. By the way, crime continues to expand in oakland, california, which youre much more aware of than i am. Im just looking at the stats. Violent crime is up 11 year to date, in 2024. Most residents, i know youve gathered 75,000 petitions, do most residents realize the dangerous as a pebt of having a t. A. Like this who sides with criminals d. A. Like this . I think they do realize it which is why the voice of the people have spoken, therefore, you know, with that amount of is signatures we are now trying to move to hold a special election to allow for the voice to even go further can and to prove through the Voting System that there is a need to remove her are from office. Pete your son, as you mentioned, your son terence went out innocently went night and was hit by a stray bullet. Do you feel like other mothers live with that same fear in oak. Land, that if Something Like that were to happen, they wont get justice . They not only deal with the fear of it, they all, or many, have been going through a set of similar circumstances in that their cases have been diminished to almost nothing, never getting their chance to have a day in court and, you know, there is this mindset that that weve done the best we can do. Well, what is the best . How are you starting to equate a life down to 21 years of someone serving and allowing them to do it cop currently with other crimes concurrently . If you have known criminals that are expecting that that theyre going to see leniency as a result. Pete yes. Theres a factor, for sure. Pete expecting leniency which only leads to more of the conduct that gets people injured and killed in the process. Florence mccarely, thank you for your time. We wish you the best of luck in this recall effort. The citizens deserve it in your area. Thank you very much. Thank you. Pete we reached out to pamela prices office for comment. Of course, we did not hear back. Shes too busy appeasing criminals. All right, nearly 100,000 supporters flocking to former President Trumps rally in deep blue new jersey. Joe concha was born and raised in the garden state. He shares his insight next. To e aches and pains a thing of the past. 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[cheers and applause] got a great group of people with us, an Incredible Group of people. Were also looking really great in the state of minnesota which hasnt been won since 1952. Were leading in the polls, and the state of virginia and actually if many of the states. I dont know, could be all of them. [laughter] charlie thats donald trump predicting a massive red wave this november as nearly 100 to,000 supporters or turned out for him in new mexico, the largest political rally ever many in new jersey, the largest political rally ever in the blue state. Our next guest was there, new jersey native joe concha joins us now. Joe, so, you know, i just saw it on tv, and it looked like a sea of people, but you were actually there. It was truly stunning given that ive grown up in new jersey, knowing that this is a state that hasnt gone blue for a republican president ial candidate sense 1988. Think about that, 36 years ago. Thats when Joe Biden First Ran for office and had to drop out [laughter] because of plagiarism. Charlie that little foot note. Exactly. Least lisa fagin is now saying more than 100,000 people attended. And you look at the video, its just endless. And when you were there, you couldnt see all the way to the back. So this is a state, again, joe biden won by 16 points in 2020. And the fact that hes able to draw this sort of crowd truly is a testament to the fact that the momentum is behind donald trump, the energy is behind donald trump right now even in states where he wasnt competitive in to 2020. Charlie yeah. And, obviously, people camped out overnight to get into this rally. And i loved one of the points you made earlier which was that how happy people are yeah. Charlie and its something i always see whenever you go to these trump rallies. You can say whatever you want, these people are really happy to be there. Its like a rock concert. And trump was happy to be there. You consider what he has to go through on a daily basis as far as all these trials, right, and overwhelming negative the Media Coverage on other networks. He was a happy warrior yesterday. He spoke off the cuff primarily, a little bit on prompter at one point, but he even said at one point, screw the prompter. Charlie wandering away. Exactly. He spoke for more than 990 minutes, and the a times 990 minutes, and at times the things he said about joe biden being worst than the worst 10 president s in this country combined, it e made the tom brady roast look tame at this point. [laughter] joe biden was in seattle, and he spoke for 16 minutes to the former head of microsoft if at a party at his home, elite donors and then left. So thats your contrast right there. Trump, 100,000 people, speaks for more than 900. S minutes, joe biden speaks for 16 minutes to e elites and not to the people. Charlie it really gives you a sense of why democrats are so terrified of donald trump, because nobody on their side can elicit this type of enthusiasm. The only enthusiasm they have are these stupid protests, and theyre going against joe biden. And the thing here is, charlie, were here in may right now 175 days or something until election day, you tell me whats going to change on the ground. Is inflation suddenly going to reverse itself . Is the border suddenly going to fix itself . Are these protests suddenly going to go away answer end at the Democratic National convention in chicagos which is going to be chaos . And youre hearing from democrats a lot of its going to be pretrained the, almost like 2020 the pretaped, because they dont want too many people there, can and thats going to take over the news cycle. Until all these things happen, until american hostages are return ared, until things change on the ground and most importantly, until the perception of joe biden changes who is aging more like Cottage Cheese than a fine wine, you tell me whats going to change. Not just in places like new jersey, and we talked about minnesota and virginia as well maybe being in may, but hes leading in every swing state in the country, north carolina, georgia, nevada, ads, minnesota, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. You tell me whats going to reverse itself. Right now donald trump is in excellent position. Charlie and theyre out of ammo. Of they have used everything you can imagine and more against this guy. Yeah. If alvin braggs trial comes back with a hung jury or acquittal, then its over. Charlie great stuff. Thank you. Happy mothers day. Charlie yes, indeed. Pete . Pete thank you, charlie. Good stuff. Turning now to your head laurens starting with this, wild video shows the moments a pair of thieves in the denver area used a car to ram into a Marijuana Dispensary over the weekend. You really wanted to get high. Local police say its part of a growing trend as theyve responded to four Marijuana Dispensary burglaries in just the first week and a half of may. Police say the suspects caused thus of dollars worth thousands of dollars worth of damage and are still on the loose. Novak djokovic was not taking any chances after he was hit in the head with a water bottle over the weekend. On his way to practice yesterday, the joker greeted fans sporting bicycle helmet. Djokovic. Posting to twitter saying, quote, i came prepared. [laughter] it comes after friday night the grand slam champion was hit in the head with a water bolt, a metal one, as he was signing autographs. But he as this is assured fans hes doing okay. Apparently, it was an accident. Hope it was. Hope hes okay. And finally, week seven of the uf if l kicking off yesterday on fox. The birmingham stallions outlasting the st. Louis battle hawks in a a back and forth affair. Steps up, that a slant in, down at midfield, kevin austin, everybody for the touchdown. Pete the stallions remain the only Undefeated Team with just three weeks left to go in the season. And those are your headlines. I think, rachel, thats the team we flipped the coin for when it was the usfl. Rachel oh, i remember that. Pete remember that . Rachel yes, youre right. Pete lets check in the with Meteorologist Adam Klotz for our fox weather forecast. Adam hey, good morning, guys. Beautiful weather across the country at least largely as youre looking at 50s and 600s. A couple of spots up to 70 degrees. There are some rape eny spots af the big stories has been the Solar Storm To9 and the Northern Lights pushing down to the south. You can tell over the last couple of days just how high those flares have been. Weve really kind of backed down overnight and now currently a little bit lower, but that sun spot is still out there, we could still be watching this for the next couple of days. For your mothers day forecast, things largely looking comfortable. A couple of rainy spot, the northeast going to be soggy. 54 in new york city, and you do See Rain Across Dallas and running through the plains. The midwest, the west, its all looking good on this mothers day. Those are your weather headlines, back over to you, pete. Pete well, its mothers day, and if you havent are picked up flowers yet, shame on you. [laughter] probably a lot of you. Get to the grocery store. Get there soon. Were here for you anyway. How to put together your own bouquet for mom, coming up next. You didnt live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. Ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. Want stronger bones . Then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. Evenity® is proven to reduce Spine Fracture Risk by 73 . Evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. Do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. Tell your doctor about jaw bone problems, as they have been reported with evenity®. Or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual Thigh Bone Fractures have occurred. Dont let a break put you on a shelf. Talk to your doctor about Building New Bone with evenity® rachel all right. Were celebrating special moms of our staff on this mothers day morning. Here is production if assistant stuart and his mom susan and gram linda. Pete looking good. This is audio technician mike and his mom, kathy. Could be his girlfriend. [laughter] looks young. [laughter] she looks young rachel hes not going to like that. Charlie mom will like it. Pete moms going to like that, come on. And pick pictured here, erin with her mom, maxine. Earps with us this morning. Hi, erin. Charlie and writer tim with his dad tim and sister rachel wishing happy mothers day to mom. Donna. Good morning. Pete happy mothers day, don no. All right, well, its mother s day morning, and if you havent picked out flowers yet, were here to help you out. Charlie were going to learn how to make the best bouquets for mom. Rachel and we are joined by my favorite floor ifist, the owners of michaels greenhouse in bloomfield, new jersey. I had you guys send some flowers out to nicole saphier, and she said they were absolutely gorgeous. You guys do such a great job. Valentines day the biggest day . Valentines the biggest day, mothers day is the biggest weekend. Rachel okay. So whats the key to putting together a great bouquet . Mothers day is, like, kind of in the spring, so theres a lot of different flowers, different colors. Rachel yeah. Also theres plants rachel thats a great idea, to get a plant, absolutely. We owenies are the biggest thing rachel that is my favorite. Pete why . Rachel gerard and marie know that. Nay though they know that. [laughter] thats why we have peonies today. And she also loves high e drain yas. We do what rachel wants. Pete smart man. [laughter] enter so if you were to do a couple of greens rachel grab some more peonies. Heres some sid corpses, guys scissors, guys. Charlie, you dont get out of this. Its your first time here. Charlie oh, wow. Were going to actually make something. Rachel yes, youre going to make cut short. Er. A little shorter, charlie. A little shorter. Pete so is it really whatever visually you like . If. You know, its fun ifny, its just, like, you know, it just comes to you really. Adam it just comes to you. We have the dahlias this time of year they come out brilliant, the hot pink and the orange, very popular now. Charlie how do you make roses . Thats e a good question. Charlie they look government. These rose ares, theres three different colors, theyre split at the bottom of the stem three ways, three different dyes. It absorbs up to the top, and thats a haw yo get. Pete you put them in dyes, and then it comes up. Yeah. They do red, white and blue sometimes too. Rachel, and also for mothers day, some people, they still give their moms corsages. Rachel its a classic. So we made you one. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] [laughter] rachel it matches just fine. Pete wear it the rest of the show. Rachel so if you havent gotten your mom flowers, still time to do it. Definitely check out mikes floor ifist because they do a great job. They did snookis wedding, and they do the cathedral. And we did evitas wedding. [laughter] pete theres the web site. I cant say it all a, kind of long, but you can take a picture of your screen right now. Thank you both for being here, so much. Thank you. Happy mothers day. Pete more fox friends in a a moment. Will cure it lawn disease . Been going around. So like other people have it and its not. Pick up a bag of the new Scotts Turf Builder healthy plus lawn food today. Feed your lawn. Feed it. While i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. Upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have toptier talent and everything from pr to Project Management because this is how we work now. Why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can it keep me warm when im cold . Wait, no, im always hot. Sleep number does that. Now, save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com reporters over here. 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