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Mark Hello America i have marked levin this is life, Liberty Levin saturday welcome we have two great guests eric trump the president hills. College larry arndt. Before we get to our gas, america we have a problem on our hands. I know you know but a really big problem on our hands. President of the United States who is a mobster who embraces the marxist and T Marxists And S who embraces their antisemitism who rejects americanism. He shows it every day and its really horrendous. I really want to focus in o on a couple issues this evening. One is the betrayal of the jewish people in israel. The other is the autocratic attack on president trump. Biden, the Democrat Party, the marxists and the islamists all one, betrayed the jews. Petrenko israel. They ares Writing Blood Levels all of this country and all over the world about how israel is protecting itself. I dont care what joe biden says, is sacred ground at the Holocaust Museum and memorial. He is a liar he is a known liar he is a psychopath. He says one thing and does another. He has renewed these ancient blood levels against jews hes painted the jewish state as genocidal and oppressive state. He has incited a massive spread of jew hatred and antisemitism throughout our universities but in fact throughout the planet. He has emboldened iran, hamas and the terrace worldwide with this public comments. I fear he is signed the Death Warrant for the hostages because hamas now knows they can do whatever they want to the jews, to the hostages in any way they wish and joe biden will ensure their survival. The leaders of hamas, their money and therefore Big Italian Snow is defending them more than joe biden. Hes also signed the Death Warrant of the hostages while pretending he cares about them cares about passages . Does he care about the people he left behind in afghanistan, americans . Is he care about the americans on the Southern Border was happening to them . Not at all. Biden has spent half a century playing the jewish people. And he has done so every step of the way by pretending he is a zionist that he supports israel. While undermining it and undermining the strong prime ministers from bacon, to netanyahu. His policies as president include attempting to remove the elected government of israel. How empowering israels main enemy with billions and billions of dollars so it can arm up. He will not even attack them verbally the way he attacks netanyahu and that government. And of course he is doing more to destroy the state of israel and even israels enemies. It is one think when you have a islamists mass murdering genocidal monsters who were out of the closet saying what they say but it is quite another when you have relied on an ally who uses propaganda, the american press, the world press, who organize the world against you while he goes to the Holocaust Museum speaking out against antisemitism. That is a vile, vile individual with evil intent and that is joe biden today. Bidens arms embargo against israel is almost complete. Not just 2000 bombs but also 50d many joint direct Attack Admissions which converts smaller Unguided Bombs into precision bombs. He is also embargoing small diameter bombs and most devastating there also sending on a huge order the most important munitions of all tank shells and mortar rounds which israel bought years ago the extent of the embargo against the jews in israel by biden is extensive. Just a few weeks ago iran a lobster biggest drone and Ballistic Missile attack in the History Of The World against the state of israel. Has a bullet every day is frank hundreds and hundreds of rockets that were produced in iran and paid for iran against the state of israel. Israel still taking incoming attacks from hamas. Which is also funded by ron, qatar the others israel is under attack from three enemies simultaneously invited embargo is the arms the jews need to defend themselves. When they had the enemy surrounded and he is protecting them. I say he has signed a Death Warrant for those hostages he is responsible for october 7. He and blinken paid for with the monies that have gone to iran and insured iran has got more money than ukraine, taiwan, and israel combined i want you to think about that. So, this embargo i want to remind you that in embargo of this kind for Policy Reasons is an impeachable offense. First of all we have the confession from joe biden himself saying what he is doing. Thereby confessing to an impeachable offense, go. I made it clear if they go into rafah they have not got into rafah yet. If they go into rafah im not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Kristine Lazar to tilt the Citibuild Thecities until the p. Ive made it clear in that war cabinet they are not going to get our support if in fact they got in these population centers. We are not walking way from Israel Security or walking away from their ability to wage war in those areas progress is not of your redline yet . Not yet we have held up the weapons. We have held up the one shipment we have held that up. Is a liar who is holding up more than one shipment. Your hamas, listened this what you thinking . We are safe. We and killed the hostages keep torturing and raping them are not giving up any hostages ever. Joe biden has our back. Joe biden is ensuring that the people who ordered the slaughter, the genocide against the jews will be protected. He has ensured their money will keep flowing because he is in bed with qatar his brother was even doing business with some people from qatar. Qatar has a horrendous Human Rights Record which j was joe bn never talks about. Kills people and torches people, and slaves people. So does Jordan Jordan has a horrendous Human Rights Record it kills people, it tortures people it enslaves people in prisons, political opponents. They king of jordan a pretend king of a pretend country that was created in 1947 and 48. Even put his ste stepbrother in prison. Look at egypt and militate or dictatorship. Look at their Human Rights Records. The killings, the imprisonment, the rounding up of christians and so forth and so on. You never hear squat about any of it. In bidens best friend for whom blinken is a Special Pleat to iran that Human Rights Record is atrocious. Again, bidens finding that regime. No, no, note the elected Israeli Government the people of israel they are the genocidal maniacs this one libel against the jews is an ancient blood libel that biden is spewing that blinken is spewing Thomas Freedman the New York Times are spewing the stalinist Bernie Sanders is spewing, the marxist, islamist, Jew Hater American hater the other thugs in her group are spewing the American Media are spewing. The withholding of funds is called impounding funds it is an impeachable offense. I want to show you a graphic from joe biden october 18, 2019. President trump without congressionally appropriated aid to create unless they granted him a political favor. Thats a definition of quid pro quo this is no joke. Trump continues to put his own personal political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached. Well, joe biden in addition to his longheld antisemitism where hes been for half a century, politics plays a main role in everything power that biden does Everybody Knows it. That is why he cow chills to the jew haters that is why take so long to even address them. And then he do something about them is not told his democrat Billionaire Funders the dark money to stop fighting these groups and organizations, has he . No. He is not told the fbi to shut down the foreign money coming into this country to push this antisemitism, Anti American on our College Campuses from his friends in qatar and his friends in communist china, has he . No. He did not send the u. S. Marshal to a Single College campus boy eisenhower sent the military the way jon kennedy sent the military. To ensure little black kids could go to school with little white kids integrate our School System which by the way joe biden opposed said he opposed he did not state we are allowing we are insisting jewish kids can go on campus free of threats and violence they can go to class free from threats and violence could attend the graduation he did not send the u. S. Marshals there theyre all busy with donald trump of course. This Empowerment Issue is an impeachable offense. He just confessed to what he is doing. I have a gao report generally 16, 2020 that joe biden, nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer relied on. It is right here. December of 2019 the Office Of Management And Budget with help from obligation funds are appropriated to the Department Of Defense for Security Assistance to ukraine for this is when theyre going after trump. In order to withhold the funds, we issued a series of Nine Apportionment schedules with footnotes that made all obligated bounces unavailable for obligation. Faithful execution of the law to submit the president to substitute his own policy priorities. For those that congress has enacted into law, omb withheld funds for policy reason. That is exactly what biden is doing. I do not with them going excuse me youre not only not only a dictator in america youre not dictator in israel. Which is not permitted under the Empowerment Control Act that was passed in 1974. The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore we conclude oh mfp violated the i see also known as violated federal law. This decision is whether there be an authority ill be working from the president to withhold that usa i funds for obligation. That is funds to ukraine. Explain the constitution specifically Vests Congress with the power of the purse providing that quote no money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law Article One Section Nine clause seven. Since sets forth the procedures and presentment. Which the president may accept or veto a bill passed by both houses of congress and congress may subsequently override a president ial veto. Instead he must faithfully execute the law as Congress Enacts it. Article two section iii clause one appropriations act is a law like any other therefore unless congress has enacted a law providing otherwise, the president must take care to ensure the appropriations are prudently obligated during the period of availability. The constitution grants the president no unilateral authority to withhold funds from obligation. The i see does not permit Policy Reasons, omb Justification Withholding Fall school within the scope of impermissible Policy Deferral that is the deferral of usia funds was proper under the act that is under the law here is Article Three Section Iii clause one it is called take care clause if it was talked about this many times with respect to biden if he keeps a violin in the constitution. President shall take care and ththelaws be faithfully execute. As that would joe biden is doing . Donald trump, theyre trying to throw in prison for nothing their cases are falling apart one after the other but still it is the process that is the issue. He put out a statement the other day cricket j crooked joe bidene knows it or not just said he would withhold weapons from israel is a fight to eradicate him also terrorists in gaza. Hamas murdered thousands of innocent civilians including babies and are Holding Americans hostage. At the hostages were still alive. Yet crooked joe has taken the side of these terrorists, just like he sided with the radical mobs taking over our college coe campuses because his donors are funding them. Biden is a weak, corrupt and leading the world straight into world war iii. Remember this war and israel just like the war in ukraine would never have started if i was in the white house. Very soon we will be back in once agaandonce again demandinge through strength. But unfortunately ladies and jumped joe bidens Doing Everything Humanly possible to prevent that too. The case in manhattan must be fully exposed except of course the Democrat Party grifters and they numbered trumpers most subjective human beings. Its a colossal joke. It is a disaster. I dont who the pouring star is in that courtroom whether its storming generals or the judge to be perfectly honest with you. Otherwise its a basis for anything she had to say to be allowed in that court should. He is the judge, he allowed it anandlisten to every word. Do not where we used to call that where i ca right came from . A perversion. I dare not call a judge a pervert too. This case is a perverse. This case is pornography. Whether they get a conviction or not the fact of the matter is they have convicted themselves. It is a disaster but would have been a florida . We have a real judge in florida, judge cannon. This motions filed and whether or not these socalled special counsel jack smith was unconstitutionally appointed. No lesson to former attorneys general, attorney jan Wood Meese Under Reagan and Attorney General under bush and a filed front of the court briefs saying his appointment violated the constitution of the United States the appointment is close you cannot just pick anybody and not run them through congress in the process of having a nominee confirmed to conduct a trial or cases like this thats exactly what is happened there is no Delegation Authority son of former u. S. Attorney or anything like that. Hes picked up from the hague those are serious questions as that Motion Questioning why that this is unequal treatment its important shes going to hear that there is a motion on whether or not they pressured a witness and a witnesses lawyer. Thats going to be reviewed and of course exfoliation of documents. Document case the government mishandled the document so now that is going to be looked into. The case in Georgia Appellate Court said wait a minute theres a lot of issues with respect for Fannie A Willis and her conduct whether or not she should be allowed to conduct that case it. That is now on appeal and of course the Supreme Court is looking at the issue of immunity which it should not have to look too but for the fact the unconstitutionally appointed smith has a push the constitution to its limits going after donald trump for actions he took as a president which in my view were perfectly legal but to criminalize the campaign system, the entire system so nobody actually knows how to run a campaign or challenge the results of elections anymore. As we did in 1876 and beyond. That is now being examined too. Why all these court cases . Well these issues . Because joe biden is behind this too. He is a mobster. Ill do anything for power joe biden will do anything to enrich himself. When he sent to the state of israel and the jewish people is grotesque. While he is enhancing the power of hamas but he gave the israelis weapons israels ready to destroy hamas he withheld the weapons. He has not stopped the funding ironic which is Funding Hamas and Funding Hezbollah and the trent h. He is not stopped funding with respect to trump his kite was in charge of the case involving the businebusinesses trying to bankd trump we know that judge is conflicted that is being investigated now. His boy behind the case in manhattan. We see with that is all about it is a grotesque miscarriage of justice the humiliation to the United States of america another democrat appointed by the Attorney General of the United States. He is all over the place. A slashing, burning, shredding the constitution as fast as he possibly can. Joe biden is a contemptible street hack politician. It was destroying our justice system. Who is destroying our border and our sovereignty. Who is destroying our economic system. He was destroying our voting system. He is trying to destroy our ally and destroy its Leader Netanyahu and the state of israel. This is what is going on in th when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Welcome back america. We hear their friend eric trump the Trump Organization vice president. Eric trump, youve been sitting in his trial In Manhattan Producing was taken place but you yourself have been subjected to scores and scores of subpoenas in one case after another. Congress and so forth and so on. I want to give you an opportunity to speak whats been going on in that court room and generally teach you, your father, and your family picnics 110 subpoenas in the last seven years as the ones i received personally. 110 subpoenas and 70s ive never got so much as a traffic ticket. We are good family never done anything wrong. The maid theyve come after my father since h hes gone down tt escalator is unthinkable. Multiple impeachments going after Supreme Court justices, suing him civilly every single second they could a weaponize inc. Civil cases against him weapon icing d. O. J. Weapon icing the russia hoax, dirty dossiers i could go on and on forever as was a thousand other ways they have attacked us up or they try to bankrupt him. They tried to use every form of legal wealth are possible they tried to take him up the ballot in places like colorado and in maine. Everything they could possibly do. In fact this week it just came out there trying to register voters using Taxpayer Money in the state of michigan they realize they are losing that state for then i get to watch and sit right behind my father in the first pew as they try to slander him for they try to keep them off the campaign trail. They try to waste his time they tried to destroy his reputation and his image with a nonsense case. No one believes the democrats are going after my father for 34 Felony Counts think about this 34 Felony Counts for 130,000 Dollars Retainer to eight lawyer that was billed as a retainer from a lawyer to a lawyer that was booked as late Legal Expense in a city o where You Cannot Go Into Cvs and buy shampoo because it is locked behind plexiglas theres so much theft. Little kids have been shot in the face in times square in the last 12 months. New york city times square kids getting shot in the head. Women being thrown in front of trains. They had the entire d. A. They have the entire right of the d. A. Office im talking the top brass in that office there all in that courtroom. Stormy daniels goes up there they are giddy. They are laughing there smiling at one another. This is their big moment as crime is through the roof, people are fleeing in new york state. Homelessness is everywhere. Illegal immigration is everywhere. The city has gone to hecate. Russians are being shut down but you mean to tell me theyre going after the former president of the knights is a 45th president of the United States very likely the 47th president of the United States a guy whos Beatihisbeating Biden and everye swing states over wonder to 30,000 dollars from eight years ago . I was a personal expense and give me a break the world does not believe it. Theres only so many times they can cry wolf they did with the impeachments and their shams everyone thought was a sham they did with the russia everyone saw was a sham. Every time they could put an arrow in him they would. They would make up nonsense they would subpoena me, dawn, barron, every person in our family because they dont fight fair. They would try to take the guy off the belt as i said before every time every time they could get any little advantage when they werent doing too wellin the primaries guess what biden did, he emptied the Strategic Petroleum reserves to try and reduce the price of gas by 3 cents for his advantage. They wanted more votes in certain places when they wanted to change the census they put 320,000 Illegal Immigrants on airplanes at u. S. Taxpayer dollars and flew them into the United States. They left the board which was being built all the steel was a box they left the border open to flood the census to change the makeup of the political system in this country. Every time they could utilize something to their advantage, they do. And you know what the democrats they end up finding themselves in every one of these trials is turning out to be a sham. The third in charge of the d. O. J. , the third in charge sent by garland to new york to prosecute everything related to trump, how do you think that looks . The American People do not buy it anymore thats why this trial is going nowhere thats what george is failing and the boxes hoax is failing as they tamper with evidence. It is just sad we have to live through this. The American People quite a decision in november to the wood to save the country or not . Joe biden has another four yea years, he is the american arsonist. Parities burning things down here. Its burning things down overseas he does not respect tradition produce not respect the institution. He does not respect the alleys he gives aid and comfort and insight semites and bigots. Gifts eight and comfort to terrorists overseas. Still loath them diabolical man number one target is your father once at Scarlet Letter pasted to his forehead. Forehead pretty nosy as his Democrat Party, islamist, a marxist immediate one 100 behind eve believe it or not baby. You could earn your. Masters. For under 11 thousand masters degree for under 11k in less than a year. Earn your competency based masters at university of phoenix. Mark will come back america we are here with eric trump. It is almost as if joe biden and the radical miscreants and with whom he has surrounded himself to go to the list of Trump Administration successes. Whether its peace in the middle east whether it is securing the border whether its peace in europe and expanding economy after the pandemic, on and on and on. They have decided to destroy every one of the policy points. Every one of those achievements. Trying to revolutionize the country and system into it obama and biden and Hilary Clinton called the fundamental transformation of america. Isnt that exactly was going on today . Yes thats exactly is going on for look every policy my father put in principe the keystone xl pipeline is bidens First Executive order when he got into office ever going to cancel the pipelines. Guess what happened. Starting the second inflation started going absolutely wild. It is a great pipe is built a tremendous motor oil and gas per Energy Independent under my father. Gasoline for cars with lowest diesel we had the lowest heating oil in history. And guess what, he shuts it all down. He changes all the policies you get rapid inflation because energy is estimated by most economists to be 65 70 of inflation. As aluntil the side of russia bs very wealthy because gas prices go up tremendously they become wealthy, iran, venezuela, all the accesses of evil all the countries that dislike us and try it hurt us in so many different ways they all become wealthy while america becomes poor. But does not make any sense whatsoever we talk about the wall before both what was paid for all the steel was built and he comes in that were not going to build any more wall part Bullet Millions and millions of people flow over the Southern Border every single day and not just people we are going to allow fentanyl. We are going to allow drugs, Human Trafficking to come across the border because we are not going to do a thing about it. Trump wanted the wall pretty wine he was building a despite having to bring it to the Supreme Court. Despite having to go crazy were going to reverse the policy. No different with afghanistan my father did not have a Single Service man man or woman passed away, die in afghanistan last 18 months of his presidency but yet biden goes in there and shows total weakness of the entire world and guess what happens. We leave in the most embarrassing fashion ever. As a general milley is literally Renaming Fort Bragg to camp liberty. But is there prior to change the name of the Military Bases in the signage but Sgt White Privileges and nonsense he wants to understand sensitivity and enable Sensitivity Training to our troops. Make no mistake about it. If we had to go Wonder Donald Trump we were going to win the thing. Best out there focused on anymore and i could go down the list for the try to unravel every single one of the policies. We see inflation is crippling the Country Special and lower classes because typically renters who do not have hard assets you see the general economy stumbling right now. We see relations run though i do business All Around The World we have hotels and other things. People overseas art literally laughing at america for the wash and a person who can no longer walk up a flight of stairs. Who could not get off of Marina One Without Stumbling and cannot get there a sente the race sentt making some kind of awful gaffe. America deserves better than this. Its when my father goes out invites as hard as he does every single day as we as a family go out there were losing our country. Losing her flag. The louisiana constitution. We are losing religious liberties they are all under seizure in this country we are losing frankly the First Amendment because every chance they could censor me or they can censor donald trump or mark, they can censor you. Im going to fox news flag for losing our standing in the world. As a china has her eyes on all of us. When we can visit on the oval office as we have taken all back. Space is this is segment and last youve explained why they hate your guts. Which is that your father and your family are patriots who love this country. Joe biden and his family are not patriots who love the country their people who use the country to get power, to get money, and are now using the country for his reelection in horrendous ways including turning the world against the jewish people. And actually turning the world against america. I want to thank you eric trump. Im sorry you and your family have to go through this. Give your dad our best God Bless You my friend. Sleepy . Headaches . Dry skin . Youre probably dehydrated. Try liquid labs rapid hydration. Its packed with all five essential electrolytes. Taste amazing and way less sugar than Sports Drinks . Rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. Grab liquid labs in the Walmart Vitamin Aisle today. Why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can i make my side softer . I like my side firmer. Sleep number does that. Now, save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com i am jon scott now back to life, Liberty Levin. Mark Welcome Back America we are here with the president of Hillsdale College, my favorite college. Also a regular sponsor. Larry arnn a long time friends i think ive known him 30 or 35 years at this point. 35. 35 . One of the great intellects from churchill on the american founding. The declaration of independence. Larry arnn you run a tight ship lots of free speech going on a lot of americanism, philosophy, economics, history. You look at these other College Campuses that are burning with islamists and marxists replacing the American Flag with the palestinian flag, antisemitism, all the rest of it. This is not happening on your campus. What is your analysis of what you see . I am used to these fancy colleges being bad but now they are worse and i am horrified by it. Basic functioning has broken down. They run them the way they run them and they have complete control of them. They have lost entire control of them. First of all, they get the first thing wrong whats a college for . Its not a place to go and change the world is a place to go and understand the world. And so they preach social activism to the students and then they are astonished when the students take over at war with each other in a social activist causes. And goodness, what would it be like to be a jewish student on one of these campuses right now . They are in peril of their lives but they are supposed to be colleagues on these colleges. Ours is a Christian College we have a lots of jewish kids and Everybody Loves them and they love everybody else. They are students together. They artheyre supposed to learn together. Instead what theyre going to change the policy of the nation and destroy another nation at a time when they are between 18 and 21 years old and they are not supposed to be taking over the world they are supposed to be learning about the world. If you give up on that there is no purpose for the college. And that i think this way they are so quick to cancel classes were they doing in there anyway . Might as well be out on the barricades. It is shocking to me. And i thought these places are rich and run by people who are in complete agreement with one another. They will be able to manage this. They are putting on a show, they let it happen but they will stop it when they want too. They cannot stop it. The president of columbia asked the cops to come in they went in and she pulled them out and then she asked them back again. She cannot make up her mind. I am horrified by it. You can seat this is what could happen to our country. This is the way the country is coming to be run for that is to say you take these radical principles which dont buy the e way protect the rights of anyo anyone. They protect the power of some. They convert education into an exercise in power. It hears hills dale heres a simple thing you have to be able to surrender your opinion in order to learn because your opinion is always a provision of the kid comes here and says its not easy to two Hillsdale College but a kid will say i am a conservative, i want to come to hillsdale and i was say whats a conservative . They are 17 or 18 years old they do not know and ill say the first thing to know about the colleges you are going to have to learn the meeting of the words that you use. The fight thats a brok broken e but the history of the middle east. The modern middle east that history in regards to israel started in the late 19th century. Israel comes to be after the calls of the First World War at the end of the First World War when the british made some promises to several countries if you will help us we will give you a state. Israel is one of those in many arab countries to put israel comes from the same set of facts as those arab countries. And so if israel is legitimate those are thats the thing you should just find out its not hard to find tha the chances of a plane crash 1 in 11 million. Youre not going to finish those salted nuts, right . Never waking up from anesthesia 1 in 185,000. Validate your parking or just see how it goes . What . Why stress about the unlikely . Does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery . Sure dont. But your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. You need aura. You, your family all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] aah protect everything your family does online with aura. Mark Welcome Back America. Doctor larry arnn president of Hillsdale College. If you have professors and they become a tenure to hate america or islamists who are marxist, fascist, whatever they are they are unamerican. And they hire each other in the process and they become administrators in the same school. Isnt that really the poison thats taking place here . These institutions are being destroyed from within . Take marxism. What is that idea . The idea is we should use the human will to remake the world that is not an exercise in learning. That means they are teaching these kids for the first thing they teach in is everything in the past is bad. But, we can remake everything i knew. You are not inviting them to think or to study. Sure enough in these elite colleges and by the way there are some great professors. Very smart people tend to be very smart. Its true the great professors are increasingly uncomfortable. This awoken this and the radical doctrines. Remember these doctrines amount to the claim that you can only know if you make. You cannot look up and behold. Judaism does not work in that kind of world because judaism thanks there is this almighty god. There is this history with him. Have a hard duty of being chosen by him. We have carried a message for the world all of our lives. That is not something you can remake. Marx was a jew and he hated judaism. These doctrines all militate against anything eternal. But remember a college kid is in the last stage of growing up. They take four years and get knowledge before they start their work. They need knowledge of things that lasted. Not the cause of the day. And that ruins them. You have to submit yourself every time you learn something mark levin is humble man he takes care an next to read and write. This is acts of aggression shorten active obedience i fight come to hillsdale will you respect my opinion was that we dont care about that very much. Everybody laughed at him in the room and i said we respect the mind and he said yes and i said you dont even know what it is. But the purpose of college is to turn an opinion into knowledge. You can just look at these at demonstrators and the fact these campuses cannot function, they are not about that task anymore. They have abandoned essential thing about college. And then i feel bad of course i feel bad for the jewish students i feel bad for these demonstrators. They are young people and have been radicalized and cannot know very much. Theyre never going to learn their knowledge has been suppressed through doctrines they have been turned into violent people. That is what we are paying for and that is what is invading our society all over the place. Mark we definitely need to have you vectored president of a great Hillsdale College. I want to thank you sir and God Bless You. You too, good to see and talk to welcome back, america. Heres a book it was american friends, third reich supporters in the United States. I think we will have to update this book. Maybe i will write it. Most american friends, supporters in the United States. For all his positioning and drama, joe biden is a hamas supporter. What about the weapons, embracing . I said biden is a hamas supporter. This biden has his way, hamas lives. The leadership of hamas live. Funding for hamas goes on. For main battalions survive. That is not somebody who wants to destroy hamas, somebody betraying the jews and the people of israel. Hamas american friends, their number one friend is ill see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin

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