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Campuses, terrible violence breaking out, buildings being taken over, police clashing with demonstrators. For two weeks ive been asking, where is President Biden . Why isnt he addressing this Huge National crisis on television . I cannot fathom why he is not speaking out. When the white house says, oh, hes denounced all this, not. These are statements coming from a deputy press secretary. The next moshing under pressure from the media morning in an unscheduled event and at the last minute, the president finally found the words. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. Its against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations, there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for antisemitism or threats of violence against jewish students. Howard that took place after donald trump addressed the protests in a fox interview after a full day in court and at a weve rally. To every College President , i say remove the encampments immediately, vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses. Biden should speak out. He should Say Something because nobody knows where he is. Howard bottom line, the Campus Clashes are fueling a sense that these are bastions of lawlessness. Im howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. Howard at columbia, antiisrael protesters seized control of Hamilton Hall and refused to budge until the schools president finally, belatedly and much too late, called in the nypd. Exactly 56 years after students occupied this same building in 1968. At ucla,down demonstrators clashed with promaas protesters, both sides armed with weapons and police eventually broke with Up The El Legal Encampment and made arrests in a predawn raid. There have been arrests everywhere from the university of north carolinachapel hill to dartmouth, to the university of often aided by weak College Leaders and abetted by the lure of television the cameras. And the Cover Coverage and commentary have cut across partisan lines. This is a situation where the Protest Movement has sided with an enemy, has sided with the terrorist organization. They want the destruction of the state of israel. This is people talking about genocide, screaming at them as they try to go to their english class on campus. Remember on january 6th, smashing the window, right in. [laughter] they do it here and its, like, do you want another pizza . This disruption amongst, on american campuses and crime that feeds into the broader narrative of america being Out Of Control. Howard joining us now to be an his the coverage, mollie hemingway, editorinchief of the federalist and a fox news contributor, ask tim hogan, democratic strategist who has worked for amy klobuchar. Mollie, how could joe biden have stayed silent for two weeks except for a terse answer to a producers shouts question as this became, by far, the biggest story in the Television News and elsewhere . Yes, he finally said manager if after weeks of this going on on campuses nationwide. But i think the problem is this is really the natural result of something that has taken root in the Democrat Party. You remember right of after 9 11 when president obamas pastor got in trouble for talking about the chickens coming home to roost . Jeremiah wright was talking about support for palestinians in that moment. You know, four years ago we saw how nancy pelosi led her democrats in congress to kneel for the Social Justice issues that have really taken over the Democrat Party. So its very difficult for President Biden. He knows these things are very unpopular, but he also knows that they are present in his party to the point that you have members of congress that are supporting these protests. Howard well, he has largely taken is some hits, tim, for mostly being on the side of israel in the way hes prosecuted the war. But what was so difficult about saying these words many i mean, can biden criticize antisemitism without immediately following it with islamophobia, discrimination against arabamericans or pal if sin januaryamericans . I mean, those are bad things too. And he has. On april 21st he put out a statement howard put out a statement, okay. Im not buying the put out a Statement Thing and he answers the howard only on, tim. Im sorry, im not buying the put out a statement. If you want to have effect as president of the United States, you get in front of camera as which he has. Owe bidens position on this is not the loud position. S it is that disisnt is a part of democracy, but disorder is not. That peaceful protest is okay but violent protest is not. Its not the loudest voice at this moment, and that is unfortunate. But he is heeding in this moment, and i think it is a contrast to what weve seen from previous commanders in chief. I dont think President Trump is the king of deescalation of protests here who sow chaos howard look, im in favor of free peach and of peaceful protests, but thats not mostly what were seeing. Im a graduate of columbia journalism school, so i know this turf very well. Mollie, how does the schools president allow this minority after an initial round of arrests to set up an even bigger Tent Encampment and refuse threaten suspensions but refuse to call in the nypd until they had taken over that building . Because Columbia University has spent decades building up this ideology within their own institution. And i do want to point out here too when we look a few years ago when President Trump said there were good people who did not believe in tearing down statues, he was destroyed by Corporate Media and other democrats who were so upset that that he said that. And they didnt like even though he said it immediately, within hours of a horrible protest breaking out in virginia, they demanded that he say things a is certain way over and over and over again. And here you have the immediate what just being like, oh, its no big deal that President Biden hasnt said anything here. Again, these institutions have been taken over by this Social Justice ideology. Thats what these children these students, theyre not children are learning. And thats what they have been learning for a long time. And thats why when we we talk about these protests, we do have to talk about the lies that are at the root of these protests whether theyre the lies that were told about during the blm if riots about what america is and what it means to be american or the lies about the nature of the conflict between israel and palestine. Howard well, in fairness i think its some but with certainly not all have pointed out that the president was late to the game here, and there must have been some debate within the white house. But heres the thing, you also have the localization of these national stories. Originally, it was columbia and nyu, and then it spread. That means huge headlines and tv coverage in each state, city, county where this is taking place. Has that created a sense that the countrys Out Of Control especially with the president s long delay in forcefully decan announcing it . To some degree, yes. If you send cameras to a protest, that is going to beget more coverage, and thats a little bit of whats happening. And i also think on the republican side you do see members of congress seasoning some opportunity here. Like the president said, he doesnt want to score political points. Mike johnson would rather play head of Campus Security at columbia so he can avoid being tortured by Marjorie Taylor greene howard wait, wait, wait. Mike johnson went to columbia, was heckled as he knew he would be to side with jewish students whats the problem with that . Its not that, its not that hes wrong for siding with jewish student ises and joe biden has condemned the antisemitism as well. Im saying theres a political calculation for Mike Von Isson to say ive got to get away from all of the problems i have in my own caucus. Maybe if i go to Columbia University and i do think a lot of americans wish they would have taken a stronger stand against the antiamericanism of the riots of four years ago. And they do sense thises the natural proto depression of those blm riots, and they wish theyd e done more. Colin kaepernick got a multimillion Dollar Contract when he kneeled for the national anthem, and theyve seen that things have spiraled Out Of Control and they are taking a stronger stance. Howard mollie e, is there a double standard when it comes to taking quick action to protect jewish students . Were to going to have some examples coming up. Can you imagine this kind of paralysis if black students were being jeopardized, gay students were being jeopardized and all this handwringing about whats the definition of antisemithem . If its really not that complicated. Well, or we have seen in previous years campuses allow much hate against certain students while e dealing with other protected classes. It is also true that what weve seen against some of these jewish students is absolutely horrible. And even just seeing some of these imaging of how view students have had to fight to just be in Public Places on campus, its something that you really thought was more akin to other countries and that we with wouldnt howard what do you mean by protected classes . Well, like in previous years, for instance, during the Blm Riots You saw a lot of racism and hatred toward nonprotected classes against protected classes. Howard okay. Tim, what has this done to the reputation of these elite institutions that, i mabus disagree with this, but once widely respected and now were often seeing them as paragones of cow war dis . Theyre in trouble right now. There needs to be a clear condemnation of antisemitism thats happening on campus. Howard plus action. Plus action. And its clearing encampments, its saying that breaking into a building and holding it is not a form of peaceful protest, its not something thats protected. That students have to feel safe when theyre on campus and able to go to class and ute utilize the facilities and learn. It is a moment for those leaders to step up and make their voices clear. Howard yeah. Except so many of them have gotten tonguetied during this. Well, got to be fair to everybody and, you know, its not really clear and peaceful protests. Im all for peaceful protests. What were not seeing here is a lot of peaceful protests. When you take over a large chunk of the campus whether its Columbia University or not, youre breaking the rules. Youre breaking the law. Whether its peaceful or not, again, the actual underlying issues need to be dealt with as well. A lot of whats happened on these campuses is teaching false if hoods about israel, about america, and we really need to get to the root of it. Thats why i was bringing up nancy pelosi leading people the kneel in the nations capitol. She was immediately responsive to the blm riots at that time. There has been not you cant draw a connection between those two. Of course you can. I dont know how that its a natural result of i will say some rightwingers see an opportunity to leverage a an attack against institutions of higher learning. It is absolutely true that americans have been very upset at how institutions are taught hatred of america. I have found it so interesting that the in these protests you have the progaza side but dont conflate students saying usa. It is very antiamerican, what is going on. There are Peaceful Protesters on these College Campuses who are concerned with the humanitarian problem in palestine howard thats fine. That is whats concerning. Howard im concerned about the humanitarian crisis, but i dont think it is right. I think it is terrible, and i think police need to be called in, and i think the tide has turned on that when these kind of tack techs are used. And, by the way, some Faculty Members joining the protests which tells me where some of students are getting their views. When we come back, how the campus protests humiliated some students while others humiliated themselves, and a couple of columbia students are on deck. I was scared when i was told age related Macular Degeneration could jeopardize my vision. It was hard, but taking preservision was easy. Preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. Im taking control like millions of others. i thought water would help with these dry spots. Thats lawn disease. But Scotts Healthy Plus will cure it lawn disease . Been going around. So like other people have it and its not. Pick up a bag of the new Scotts Turf Builder healthy plus lawn food today. Feed your lawn. Feed it. Mom genes. She passed them down to you. But who passed them to her . Ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. Best of all, its on sale for mothers day. 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And, mollie, this is the why im appalled when i read that the protesters are just chanting or in a New York Times story that some screwamericans have raised concerns Jewish Americans have raised concerns about antisemitism. You dont have to be jewish to worry about the spread of poisonous if violence and antisemitism. Not at all. I dont think people look at this as cop veptionally violent, to restrict students, but this is illicit. This is not okay to tell students who have ever right to all a parts of campus that they cannot if travel in certain places if theyre jewish. It sounds absurd that you have to even say it. And it wasnt just ucla. You saw it at mit and other schools where Security Guards are just not doing much, the police arent doing much. And when you dont do much, of course, that makes the risk of greater violence. Howard yeah. At columbia there was theyve now gone to remote classes until the end of semester. So if youre a student paying 90,000, you dont get inperson learning. Here is the situation when Hamilton Hall had been taken over at columbia and a spokeswoman for those who were the occupiers came out and made a certain plea. At least one reporter pushed back. Reporter so it seems like youre sort of saying we want to be revolutionaries, we want to take over this building, now would you please bring us food and water. Howard so, tim, with we engaged in law he isness, and could you send over some doordash . Yeah. I saw the fact check that the Dining Services were open at columbia howard well, you cant access them if youre occupying a hall. It does Say Something about it, you can take a moment from that press conference, snip it, it gets 40 million engagements, 40348 views, and that becomes a defining moment for what were talking about on how the conversation goes forward. Howard the occupiers literally used a poll, if we can show this, to bring up a pizza box, but it wouldnt fit, so they had to settle for sandwich withs, mollie. Well, it does also speak to some of the coordination thats going on here. Weve seen some of the people who have been arrested arent even students at these universities. We have seen even politico reported some of the Democrat Party s biggest donors gates, soros, pritzker, rock feller are backing the groups that are backing these actions. There are lots of opportunities for interested journalists to look at the coordination behind this civil unrest and and how its being well financed, again, by some of the Democrat Partys biggest donors. It also gives an opportunity for democrats to speak back howard absolutely. And journalists are up blocked from doing their jobs in places like columbia and at ucla, tim, the student patient, daily bruin paper, reported that four of its journalists were followed and attacked, five to six assailants slapped the reporters, gassed them the, recorded them on on their cell phones, and thiess one reporter had to be hospitalized. Yeah. And its the second ucla example that youve brought up, and theyre investigating that. Those people are facing expulsion, suspension. Its a serious problem howard maybe they should be facing jail if theyre literally attacking and beating up on finish. Absolutely. Howard journalists for the local Student Paper which, by the way, ran an editorial, ucla is complicit in inflicting violence. Theyre not even allowed to do they are job. Its not a question of trying to do your job and youre between the police line and the protesters. They were actually targeted for physical violence by the ucla protesters. And it also doesnt help that you had Journalism Professors at northwestern and columbia, and youre absolutely right, these are schools viewed as very good in that a department, who have come out in support of some of the more radical elements of these Protest Movements. Howard do you think, i mean, these are they are paid, ultimately, with money, tuition, endowments and so forth. Do you think they should keep their jobs by doing that . Im not against Academic Freedom for them. Again, the entire institution seems to have been taken over by the Social Justice immunology if k and that is one of the problems. Ideology. Students have the right to protest, but its also important to push back against the lies that are being told the about the jewish students, abouts israel and about a america itself. Howard yeah. This has really shined a spotlight on that, and i think its an an important debate, and i think it has changed a lot of peoples minds about whats going on here. Tim hogan, mollie hemingway, thanks so much. Up next, two columbia students on the climate and the fear on the manhattan campus. Everyday chaos. This mothers day, help mom take it in stride with thoughtful gifts from weathertech. From Playing In The Rain with muddy cleats on the floorliners. To dirty Camping Reminders in the cargo liner. Spunky toddlers testing out the allpurpose mat. Epic food fights contained by the seat protector. Add a cupfone to secure her phone and just like that. Youve made moms life easier. Order these American Made products or a gift card at wt. Com happy mothers day from weathertech. Howard to get a more personal understanding of what a campus life has been like during these violent protests, joining us now are two Columbia University students, jessica and joe. Jessica, i assume this has been a very emotional time for you. Yeah. It has been quite scary. And also to see the sort of deinvolvement of the protests going from more peaceful and calling for a ceasefire into something thats not even propalestinian anymore, its just more antiisrael and to see the impact of that on my jewish friends, on my friends who are from israel, its a very, very scary direction that the movement is taking. Howard yeah, absolutely frightening. Jonas, how do you feel emotionally and particularly are about columbia going to allremote classes for this semester is . Is that a surrender . Right. And i think thats a very important point that you raise. This has affected everyone whether they wanted to be or not. You see, we have students who are just trying to study for finals, and now they cant access the libraries or the dining halls, and a lot of them have moved out early. This encampment has disrupted the entire campus life, so much so that a lot of students dont even feel like they go to an Ivy League University anymore. Howard yeah. Well, that credential, i think, has been tarnished. Jessica, what was it like when the antiaisrael bro test ors seized Hamilton Hall and when the nypd stormed the building and made dozens of arrests . What was it like to live through that . To be right next to the person bashing the windows in of Hamilton Hall where ive had many classes was surreal, truly, to watch that happen, to watch the glass shatter and almost fall on me and all the people who were also witnessing this event was incredible. I just couldnt believe that. Also a public safety, clearly here the commotion that was going on expect danger that was coming from this and the danger that was coming from this, and no one ran to Hamilton Hall until well after the mob if had settled down. Howard so you were right there and actually the glass fell if near where you were. Jonas, should columbias leaders have called in the new york police days earlier so there would be no occupation of the building . Well, i think what we saw was just a lack of leadership from the very beginning. You know, the president of the United States decided that she was going to clear the encampment on april 18th, one day after it started, but she didnt follow through on that decision. She had the nypd pull out so they set up new encampments, and eventually she decided to negotiate with these Student Protesters who were violating the rules. So they escalated once the negotiations inevitably failed, and they occupied Hamilton Hall as a result. So i think everything that happened was a result of not taking Decisive Action from the beginning. Howard so, jessica, do you agree that the president totally mishandled this crisis and some are saying she should step down . I dont know if id say she totally mishandled it. Ing i think she was caught in a very difficult position. However, when you do indulge protesters who are calling for the E Will Elimination of israel and no longer fit into the category of Peaceful Protesters, you have to top indulging in these negotiations and start enforcing Campus Policy because if the priority should be to protect the safety of all students. Not just the right to protest. Howard right. And especially when theyre no longer peaceful. Howard i dont know if either of you is graduating, but are you going to go back to this campus in the fall . Jonas. Well, im a junior, so i have about a year left. I hope that everything is back with to normal in the fall. I would like to resume, you know, studying in the library withs, continue enjoying so well is have to see if the protesters continue their antics and whether the president actually takes a deceives line on this. Howard jessica. Yeah, im definitely going to return. I also think its important for people with this perspective to remain on campus and not be pushed out and not reward the Scare Tactics of the propalestinian demonstrators. Howard well, good for both of you, and i appreciate your coming on. I appreciate you speaking out after having gone through this ordeal. Thanks very much. Thank you. Howard next on mediabuzz, hope hicks testifies at the Hush Money Trial, and Donald Trumps Defense Scores Pones against the lawyer for Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal. You were made to find inner peace. We were made to track Flight Prices to paradise. vo in two seconds, eric will realize theyre gonna need more space. man gotta sell the house. vo oh. Open houses. Or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. man wow. vo when lifes doors open, well handle the house. We all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10 of us get enough each day. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plantbased fiber. With the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. Howard hope hicks, the former Trump Campaign spokeswoman and White House Communications director who was crying at one point, testified at the Hush Money Trial that the Wall Street Journal emailedded her days before the election to ask about Karen Mcdougal represented by lawyer Keith Davidson and her claim of an i affair with donald trump which he denies. Hicks called trump his fixer, that is, Michael Cohen who sort of feigned like he didnt know what i was talking about. She called david pecker, head of the National Enquirers parentcompany who said it was legitimate because mcdougal was being paid for fitness columns. Pecker testified last week the 130,000 was actually to buy her silence. The pundits sharply split over department a. Alvin braggs case and the judge fining trump 9,000 for gag order violations even raising the specker of jail. Specter of jail. Davidson was very clear that the payments to the playboy model were made to influence the election. Hope hicks didnt lay a finger on donald trump. So were in day 11 with the 9th witness, and nobody has touched donald trump. I would like to note that if joe biden were actually the mastermind behind all these tries, then trials, then i think he would have actually not picked this one to be the first one with. Then came this threat, jail may be a necessary punishment. This is their sycophant city. Almost like judge merchan trying to, i dont know, its almost like hes trying out for a future pot on morning joe. Howard joining us now from nike tomi lahren, host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick, and here with me, ron williams, fox news political juan williams. Tomi, hope hicks testified that both donald trump and Michael Cohen helped shape her responses to that a Wall Street Journal inquiry. Trump tweeted that Cairn Mcdougal was making false and extortionate accusations, but, in fact, the enquirer did pay her off nearly 150,000. Is any of this hurting donald trump . No, not at all. And i think that hope hicks testimony actually is going to help the former president president a lot. She comes across very likable, her being emotional on the stand, again, i think is going to lend to her credibility. Obviously, very close to trump for so many years. So i think that her testimony only helped the former president. And the way that the immediate what is covering this, to me, or just shows what a shoddy case this has been from the get go. I mean, a crime were still looking to find here. But even when the liberal pundits and all the other networks have to say, oh, boy, this isnt going so well for the prosecution and donald trump is looking pretty untouched here, well, i think that that lends itself to the entire witch hunt claim that donald trump has made time and time again. Howard okay. When the liberal media cant find a crime. , there might not be a crime. Howard well, let me put up a text that hope hicks sent to Michael Cohen about the Access Hollywood tape. It will get played because the media is the worst. But he, trump, should just ignore and blow past it. And when that tape was talked about at the trial, juan, she put out she said her reaction lets get the tape and deny, deny, deny, which turned out not to be possible. It was not to be true. I mean, so what she said, basically, was that,s yes, you know, she lied to the Wall Street Journal, but thats what she was told to do by donald trump. So, you know, to my mind, we have two theories here, howie. Theaters. You have a theater in the courtroom of not only the jurors, but the American Press corps thats in the courtroom. You remember you cannot Televis Howard right. Were relying on correct. So thats two groups there. And then you have people outside who are relying on that American Media to understand whats going on in the donald trump case. I think a lot of people say is, oh, my god, its like rain on the roof, it just keeps coming and coming every day. But some things do stand out because with its lurid. It involve ises sex and lies and all that. And part of that, i think, that is not so great is the idea that hope hicks got emotional, teary, clearly could not look donald trump straight in the face because she still likes donald trump, apparently howard yeah. Of she didnt want to be there no. And then she says clearly, i had the lie for donald trump. Howard now, the theres a phone call that was played, surreptitiously recorded by michael can cohen who, of course, has been jailed and disbarded, between cohen and trump about this very question about money for Karen Mcdougal. This is to old. We knew what it said, but wed never if heard it. And i spoke to alan about it. When it comes time to the financing whichll be, listen what financing . Well have to [inaudible] no, no, no, i got it. No, no, no. Howard so david there is david perk, then the ceo of the national end quirer, alan is alan aisle weisselberg, the sinceconvicted cf if o of the trump organization. So hearing the two of them talk about this, tomi, i dont know how much it proves, but it certainly sets the stage for the prosecution to argue that trump knew about all this. Yeah. If thats their smoking gun, i hope they have another smoking gun. Once again this has come town to the morality of donald trump and the affairs that he may or may not have had. It still doesnt go to the criminality of what donald trump did or what he knew. So if thats the smoking gun, theyre going to have to come up with more than that. I think the it makes Michael Cohen look far worse. Obviously, a known liar, convicted liar and somebody who desperately wanted to be a part of the trump administration. So i think once again as judge jeanine said the other day on the five, fun none of this has touched donald trump that i think results in a conviction. Well have to the wait and see. But i think Michael Cohen, if thats their star witness, again, this seems to be falling apart before their very eyes. Howard one thing that nobody seemed to like, dealing with Michael Cohen. And after the election, he wasnt hadnt been repaid. He was later, for the 150,000 payment. And he toll Keith Davidson who was the lawyer for both Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal excuse me, he toll davidson, yeah, that can you fing believe im not going to washington after everything ive done for that fing guy . He wanted a job in the white house. Does any of this matter . And on crossexamination, by the way, don juan, excuse me, so excited about this. Trumps lawyer asked davidson about Digging Up Celebrity Dirt on hulk hogan, on lindsay lohan, on charlie sheen, essentially portrayed him as a sleaze bag. Does that work . Well, the whole thing is rather tawdry. Howard yeah. People involved in this slimy business, it really reveals what you see when youre walking through the supermarket and see these tabloids. You know, the credibility is just not good. But what was telling was hater on, you know, Keith Davidson extends a note to to dylan howard after the election, oh, my god, can you believe what weve done . Being the editor of the national enfirer inquirer. One of these guys are what you would call highly credible. But the attacks, you can imagine if, are going to be coming Fast And Furious when it comes to Michael Cohen. Howard yeah. And they already have started. And theyre going to continue. The question is, okay, hes already a convicted lie grar liar, but is it the case that if youre on that Journey Finish Jury you would say, you know what . He paid in this money himself without any instructions from. Donald trump given what youve now heard on tape e as you just played it, should this be paid in cash or not . Howard when the Wall Street Journal reported in 20218 trumps already president about what happened happened with Stormy Daniels and so forth with her lawyers help, he denied it. She said my involvement with donald trump was limited to the few public appearances. Rumors that i received hush money from donald trump are completely false. That was obviously a lie. She also said on jimmy kimmel s show that she needed a signaturd her signature wasnt her signature. So doesnt that pretty seriously ding her credibility, tomi . Theres a lot of individuals in this where their credibility has to be yesterday. I mean, were talking about playmates and were talking about adult film stars. Not to december credit the work that discredit their professional endeavors, whatever those may be [laughter] but there is a lot of questions here to the credibility whos trying to get famous, whos trying to ride the coattails of donald trump to get famous, whos December Gruntinged . Again, a lot of this going back the an n da, which a lot of people have signed ndas, settlements. Going back to where is the crime here . You want to talk about donald trump maybe being not the best guy, we can have that discussion. But is he a criminal for it . No, i dont think so. Howard remember, the alleged crime is having to do with falsifying expense records for Michael Cohen. And just let me throw this in, there have been, of course, the gag order. Judge juan merchan fining trump 9,000. Hes not going to send him to jail, thats ridiculous. But my favorite part of this whole story, this post from donald trump. If contrary to the fake news media, i dont fall a asleep during the cooked d. A. s witch hunt, i simply close my beautiful blue eyes and listen intently. He got his point across on that. After the break with, why the media are rooting for the democrats to save Speaker Johnson from Marjorie Taylor greene. Mush. Away. I hear that. This bad boy can fix anything. Yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. When im riding, im not even thinking about my painful cavity. Well, you shouldnt ignore that. And every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. Oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. You dont have to worry about anything when youre protected by americas numberone motorcycle insurer. Well, you definitely do. Those things arent related, so. Ah, yee oh, that is a vibrating pain. Did you know you can get 40 off a single pair of glasses at americas best . These savings wont last forever. Unlike your eternal elation. Ok, settle down. You know, for someone who doesnt wear glasses you sure are excited. 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Now we have Hakeem Jeffries and the democrats coming out, embracing mike johnson with a warm hug and a big, wet, sloppy kiss, and they are ready they have endorsed him, they are ready to support him as speaker. Howard i cant unsee that image. But it turns out the other party may save job softens gavel. Finish johnsons gavel. Is it an honor for democrats to back you . Look, i havent asked anyone to do that, theres no exchange of anything here. Theyre doing that spontaneously. Howard tomi, are journalists back to kicking Marjorie Taylor around because they think that mike johnson showed courage in getting through the aid to ukraine and israel bill which they also favor . Listen, i dont like what Speaker Johnson did with that ukraine aid package with no Border Security. That infuriated me as a key republican. But conservative republican. But i will say congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene, what are you doing . You cant do this without a replacement. Weve seen this song and dance before, this dog and pony show before. Right now the left is selfdestructing in front of our very eyes, and there are some republicans sitting back and saying, hey, guess what, hold my beer. Lets do what we can do on our side. No, no, not. I understand the frustrations here, but now is not the time for the firing squad against fellow republicans. Let the left eat it own tail, not start going after after one of our own again. If you got discrepancies, do it behind closed doors, voice your grievances and frustrations. But to do this again when the left is imploding, now the right wants to implode on itself, what are you doing . Howard juan, journal with es used to treat mtg as kind of a space cadet, and then they wrote these new respect stories when she became an ally of Kevin Mccarthy before he was ousted, and now shes a Fringe Character . She is a fringe if character. But the story here, to me, is something tomi was just picking up on. You watch the Media Coverage of this, were here on mediabuzz, and what you see is that people are either playing up this story or not playing up this story based on which side of the political spectrum theyre on. Because if youre on the right, you say, wait a minute, lets talk about the student protests. Lets argue that theyre not about whats going on in gaza, but antisemitism, all that. Lets look at all this chaos on the streets and attach that to the democrats. Now, the worry as articulated by tom mi was on the right, wait a second, we dont want more stories about dysfunction in Congress Given that congress is so unpopular anyway, but republicans failing to get anything done. Instead of attacking each other, lets just keep the peace there. But theres lots of angst going back to the failure of the Border Security bill that had been backed by republicans and defeated because trump didnt want it passed during an election year, til now saying, oh, after Kevin Mccarthy, theyre going to get rid of johnson, and it only takes one vote . If it looks like she man gas. Shenanigans. Howard even some republicans oppose this coup attempt precisely because the Minority Leader has made clear the democrats are going to try to save the speaker. So the media are portraying what the congresswoman is doing as kind of a kamikaze mission. Yeah. And, again, we dont need to be doing this to ourselves. This is not the time, fellow republicans. This is not the time to be doing this. My frustration with a few of these republicans that i might agree with on certain points is they seem to want more media limelight, more social media influence, and they actually want to influence the country in a positive direction, and it drives me crazy. If you want to be an influencer, go on instagram, go on tiktok. But if you claim to be advocating for the American People and the conservatives around this country, what are you doing thats any better than what Speaker Johnson did . Is because youre taking our time and attention from real issues to get media spotlight finish. And let me just say from the democrats point of view, the democrats have an opportunity now to portray themselves as the adults in the room in a disfunctional room filled with people who are fingerpointing and trying to be social media influencers. Howard met me ask you this, juan, why would Congresswoman Greene Go through this if shes going to lose anyway . Tomi kind of teed up my question, is because shes back to building her brand through social media and doesnt particularly care what the press thinks . I think she doesnt care even what fellow republicans think. Again howard most republicans are not with her. I was about to make that point. Most republicans are not with her. This is not representative of the Republican Party in the congress of the United States. This is representative of people on the fringe. I think Marjorie Taylor greene has three other republicans who support this. She is not going to win. But she will get lots of press attention, and it will damage the republican brand, in my opinion. Howard yeah. Except that, you know, its possible the democrats cant pull it off. Theyre going to try to table this motion. Maybe they will, maybe they wont. I must say if theres any if precedent in my adult lifetime for one party saving the rob of the other partys speaker, not on a piece of legislation or something, saving the job of speaker, i cant think of it. Maybe it happened [inaudible] or something. Tom maine heroin, juan williams, great to see you both. Still to come, some msnbc stars worried about getting the boot, and the Trump Campaign boot, and the Trump Campaign finds some oppo on rfk jr. Om home. 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With golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. With absorbine pro, pain wont hold you back from your passions. Its the only solution with two maxstrength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. So, do your thing like a pro, painfree. Absorbine pro. Howard Msnbc Hosni Coal Wallace delivered a warning to viewers about the danger to democracy if donald trump wins another term. Depending on what happens in november [laughter] seven months from right now, this time next year, i might not be sitting here. There might be a white house Correspondents Dinner or a free press. Howard now, in fair ifup, and i asked the former president about this, trump once said n if bc along with cnn should be taken off the air. So nicoles fans save him . Her, excuse me. Shes not the only one. Heres Donny Deutsche on morning joe. What hes going to do, to your point, joe, is have the fcc report to him so he will be able to control shows like this. Howard except the fcc has zero authority over ca Cable Networks like msnbc. Kristi noems book has come back to bite her sorry. The south dakota governor has spent a week trying to explain why she fatally shot her dog and goat as well. Why would any politician choose to reveal that to the world . She now says she was trying to protect her children. The dakota scout has revealed a new problem, she never met with kim jong un as she had claimed. The publisher will address conflated World Leaders names. It was a Huge National Media Controversy when arizonas highest court resurrected a law from 1864 back when the state was just a territory that bans abortion except if the mothers life is in danger. Even donald trump said e this had to be fixed, but republican lawmakers incested they wouldnt with budge. Well insisted they wouldnt with budge. Well, a few republican dissenters have now joined with democrats to kill the Civil War Era a law. Does rfk jr. s independent candidacy draw more votes from joe biden or donald trump . Unclear. But the Trump Campaign now if seems more worried at the moment and just dug up this twodecadeold video from bobby. Red state people are more likely to burden you, to impregnate your teenage daughte [laughter] to commit if a Violent Crime against you, to commit a nonViolent Crime against you, to watch Desperate Housewives on t [laughter] if to buy pornography, to buy, you know, degenerate video games like grand theft auto. Howard . Watch Desperate Housewives, is that a major or Character Flaw . Thats it for this edition. Im howard kurtz. Subscribe to my if daily podcast, daily buzz meter. I tell you, covering all these stories, the trial and all that a takes a lot of work, but were happy to do it for you. Well see you next sunday, 11 eastern, right here. Spring into savings this moving season with pods. Save up to 25 now on moving and storage. 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