Valiantly defends the American Flag from a prohamas mob and one of its patriotic brothers is here to share the story. But, first hitting the panic button, thats the focus of tonights angle now, its a good rule of thumb that whenever the white house staff rushes Joe Biden Tout address the nation, it can only mean one thing. He is in big political trouble. We have all seen images and they have put to the test two fundamental american principles, excuse me, neither are we a lawless country. [clearing throat] we are a civil society. Laura well, things havent looked very civil for the weeks on campus that we have been witnessing. Now, after a night of violent clashes on its main campus and after weeks of liberal dithering, ucla finally gave the would for Law Enforcement to come in and dismantle the encampment. All the creatures hiding under their umbrellas and wearing their masks, imagine how dirty those masks are, were all arrested. Regular americans are watching this and they are asking why did things get so out of hand . Well, tonight im going to tell you why. Because the people screaming long live the intifada, find support in almost every nook and cranny of these schools. And i think ucla was just afraid of offending one of its core constituencies. Now, democrats have also been struggling between two competing interests here. For biden, coming out too strongly against these creatures it could hurt him against his activist base. But, if he stayed silent too long, he would lose even more voters, what i like to call normal america. Now, listen carefully to how biden tried to thread the needle. Theres no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether its antisemitism, islamophobia or discrimination against Arab Americans or palestinian americans. Its simply wrong. Theres no place for racism in america. Its all wrong. Its unamerican. Laura its pathetic. Jewish students have been harassed. Other students have lost their schooling, graduation, et cetera, police have been injured, and those responsible are the america hating leftists. Rednecks from mississippi, its not maga people, its the leftists, period. Nice try, joe. But the sad truth is biden just doesnt care if jewish students are living in fear and doesnt care about the strain on Law Enforcement. We will get into that in a little bit. If he cared about any of those things, he would have spoken out unequivocally, far earlier than he did, and with real passion with real conviction. After all, we know what joe sounds like when he considers a crowd dangerous. In the United States of america, people coming out of fields at night carrying torches. Their veins bulging, preaching the same hate, white supremacy. Chanting the same nazi praises, not figuratively, literally. That were being chanted in the 30s in europe, torches lit again. Laura of course, he was talking there about charlottesville. Notice biden today didnt mention the hateful posters, placards, Despicable Chants from the antiisrael crowd. Nothing. The only reason biden surfaced at all this morning was because of the political fallout that was growing. A warning was issued from the island of misfit never trumpers. Please, im trying to help you, i dont want donald trump to get elected. All right . Trying to help you. If you are too stupid to figure that out, this is not helping the people of gaza and this is not helping those of us who want to fight fascism in america. We got to ring some alarm bells. The election is seven months out. If the polls are to be believed, donald trump may very well be president in seven months. What people are seeing when they turn on the media they see violence and protests on College Campuses. They see young people calling joe biden genocide joe and it scares people. Laura now, this obviously got the attention of the white house Chief Of Staff and also i think the biden campaign. The threat to bidens reelection is so real that they decided to risk winding him up and sending him out to read prompter. And to really show you how seriously they take this situation . The white house held a meeting. They held a meeting on wednesday of its Antisemitism Task force. Then, it gave the story to axios, its house media organ. And i love how axios calls this a scoop. Meetings like wednesdays are an attempt to define concrete ways how the Biden Administration can address immediate challenges and long term problem of antisemitism. Nice press release, guys. Look, this makes sense that bidens handled it this way because his team has always considered every issue. Every problem, whether its inflation, or the border, or now these protests, a comms problem. They never consider changing their stance on an issue or heaven forbid ever changing their policies. They never think, gee, maybe we have gone too far left. Does the president believe that, perhaps, some of these universities that Higher Education has gone off the rails, that, you know, something more fundamental has gone wrong on these College Campuses . I wouldnt go that far. We believe its a small number of students who are causing this disruption. Laura its always small when its their people. I dont know, the lib words like hers is, that going to reassure anyone . The Jewish Americans it doesnt feel like a small number of people. They are terrified. And will joe bidens hostage taped speech today give voters a sense that things are going to calm down any time soon . Will this weak message ourself out of any problem work. Certainly this late in the administration when the nation is facing serious challenges . Well, it doesnt look like it. Things are looking very grim tonight for joe biden. The website 538 compiled a historical list of president ial approval ratings. And at 38. 9 he is lower than both h. W. Bush and jimmy carter at the same exact point in their presidencies and, remember, both of those men lost reelection. I think by now americans know that biden is just a barely functioning figure head of a president. His words certainly dont mean action. Has there been any followup not followup. Has there been any outreach to the white house to any of the campuses, administrators, leaders on these campuses . I dont have anything to read out at this time. Laura well, after Vilifying Americans Who SupportPresident Trump as nazis and extremists, biden tries to pretend that he values dissent. We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. Dissent is essential to democracy. Theres the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. Laura factcheck. False. To his party, the right to dissent exists for one side and one side only, their side. Everyone else needs to be surveilled, constrained, geo fenced, tracked, because they probably support the man they are trying to put in jail before the election he is actually for silencing all The Americans who fill ripped off and disrespected by biden and his party if think are doing everything in their power to silence donald trump which they are now how is that disrespecting dissent and thats the angle. Joining me now anna paulina luna. She confronted antiisrael protesters yesterday. Congresswoman, for me, one of the most infuriating things from that campus that i know very well how the protesters felt completely at ease with defacing the father of our country, george washington, our first president , even wrapping a head scarf around the statues head. Where the administrators and what did you see when you were there . Most certainly, so, actually myself and members of oversight had actually gone to talk to some of these administrators and do you know what, laura, when we were there, we had actually asked the administrators whether or not the white house had reached out, mind you, this campus is only minutes away. And not only had they not reached out, but this school was actually denied help by metropolitan police, by mayor bowser and washington, d. C. And whats even more horrifying, laura, this is a private university. Theres trespassing happening but also, too, they made it a point to say that there was outside organizations that were bringing in people not students to the campus. In order to incite a lot of what you are seeing on the screen right now. To go each a step further, there were people in the crowd, laura, that the administrator was reporting that were Holding Signs that said final solution. So, as you know that is absolute racism what we are finding is these people are going into these universities. A lot of them are not students and theyre being funded by left wing organizations. Laura well, Congresswoman Jayapal gave an answer when asked about antisemitism. Watch. What your woo your message be to a jewish student who doesnt feel welcome or even safe on their own exhaust right now. My message is the same to a jewish student, to a palestinian student, to everybody, that it is really important to educate yourself about what is antisemitic, about what is islamophobic. Laura congresswoman, a lesson in islamophobia is whats in order now . Essentially thats what President Biden did this morning as well. Is he kind of echoing what she said. They are definitely tiptoeing around this situation, laura. I actually came on your show earlier this past year when joe biden failed to condemn the same group of quote, unquote, Peaceful Protesters that took over the dnc, Assaulted Officers and lit things on fire while i was barricaded in the Longworth Office building with my then infant son. So when i say that they know that the dnc has been infected with antisemitism and has an issue, the reason why they are addressing it this way, laura, they are losing the National Argument on both sides. As im sure you know recently, actually at the university of alabama, College Students united for their displeasure for this president. But it is gross to see and as a sitting member of congress to see other members of Congress Fail to condemn this. Knowing that these are absolutely becoming violent protests and that they are a part of pushing this messaging. Its just disgraceful. Laura well, congresswoman, do you believe that real terrorists elements are woven into or at least terrorist sympathizing elements are woven into the etiology behind this movement that its not just about one issue, palestine, its a much broader issue when you look at their list of demands. Absolutely, in fact, what were find something a lot of the Talking Points that were seeing that are being spread with these political protests and organizers are actually tied to hamas rhetoric. And also other entities that have been deemed by the State Department as terrorist organizations. And thats exactly why i think that House Oversight members we need follow the money trail because its not just what they are saying in this particular topic, but they are pushing left wing ideologies and things that are ultimately. Laura its antiamericanism. Because antiisraeli. Its antiamericanism. Many of these people are for the overthrow of the u. S. Government dismantling every institution. I want to play for you a part of what the University Of Chicago chapter of this madness is actually demanding. Watch this. We demand that you repair the harm that it has caused in palestine, chicago, and beyond. As well as implementing a communally accountable program of reparations. Disbanding uspv and redirecting funds to south Side Community based projects, expanding employer assisted housing. Organizing the endowment and reducing emissions by 50 by 2030. Laura congresswoman, this is about climate change, and this is kind of The Wish List of what the Biden Administration has been pushing, right . Maybe not the defund the police so explicitly. But a lot of these other issues, they dabble in this stuff. They have even dabble in this idea of repairive justice for aggrieved minorities. Absolutely, in fact, these are a lot of the antifa Talking Points that we also saw during blm and isnt it interesting with the timing coming up on the election season that they are now using this as a vessel to push this marxist agenda. Im right there with you, laura. I think that there are people behind this movement that do not want us to unite as a country. This is why we went to the university ourselves to see what was happening. Laura congresswoman, good job. Great to see you as always. Thank you. A fraternity faced off with an angry mob, wanted to tear down the American Flag. One of the brothers from the viral moment is here to share his story. [chanting u. S. A. ] when dry eye symptoms keep. Coming. Back. Inflammation might be to blame. Overthecounter eye drops can provide temporary relief. Xiidra can provide lasting relief. It targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. Xiidra . Nooo xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. 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You know theyre going to get handsy because theyre going to want to protect themselves and these, you know, idiots, too. But the problem is, these kids are so dumb, they have no idea what theyre saying, which in my opinion makes them dangerous. Well, when youre there and you see it up close, as i remember seeing it during the floyd riots, when i kind of did the same thing undercover and i went in the memorial day, actually 2020, i felt like, is this america . Like, i couldnt believe it was this was happening in a feet from the white house, you know, little, little fires going off, people screaming the worst. I mean, just Horrible Police being spit at, yelled at, you know, federal marshals, you know, being called the n word who were black. That was that was great. So i felt like this is how is this a country that we grew up in . And i know dissent is dissent and we love the First Amendment. Everyone has First Amendment rights. But this is not that, yeah. Aaron, this morning the Police Arrested the ucla protesters and they took off their masks. Watch this. Its interesting that they are doing that right in front of the media. They are putting them in the zip ties and taking their masks off as they face the cameras. Many of those protesters, if not the vast majority of them, are very proud of what they believe they have achieved. Aaron, i think they didnt like having those masks taken off. They wouldnt be wearing them in the first place. I agree with you. And i think that, well, one of them was catching the camera. I think theres a little pr happiness going on in there, but, no, that that that masking is a big part of their i think that culture that theyve built in there, which is going to allow them to be able to do what they think is going to change the world, as the congresswoman spoke to it, those masks coming off was sort of stripping away what little identity this misguided youth has right here. But laura, i just want to talk to the bigger picture. The flags that im seeing here on the counterterrorism side. These pockets of crowds, even outside the protesters and in my mind, its that lone wolf islamist who can get within reach. And, you know, one of these kids gets killed, gets hurt, one of these cops gets killed, gets hurt. Something happens, its going to spark off. And they got to smash these things. Now they got to smash them and put them out. The leadership needs to stand up. Ill tell you, lasd is more than happy to get let off the leash to go put these protesters down. I got the same vibe from a captain in friend of mine who was talking to me about nypd at Hamilton Hall at, and its got to get put down immediately. Its only going to get worse. Now. We have a country to preserve, a constitution to preserve. These people are not about preserving the constitution, i can tell you that. Theyre about ripping it to shreds, just like what they tried to do to the washington statue. Aaron, thank you so much. All right. By now, you may have seen the viral moment from unc, where a group of Fraternity Brothers faced off with a mob to protect the American Flag. Yes. Joining us now, one of those Fraternity Brothers, unc student is isaac malla. Isaac what motivated you to defend the flag . Yeah. Well, first of all, thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it. And ill say when we talk about motivation for the flag, the primary reason i was on that quad right before this ever even began to become an american issue. I was on there because im jewish and im orthodox, and a lot of members that were holding up that flag were. And so we were there really just kind of holding up our israeli flags and trying to stop hate. And theres been a lot of antisemitism around the country. So we were there first. And foremost for our country of israel. When this becomes an american issue, that hits kind of double hard and that really hits us both in our, you know, religious country and our home, one that we really feel is deeply important to us. Ive seen a lot about us being heroes or unbelievable people. Its none of that. We see a country that we love and we believe in, and we stand for its values being desecrated. And we didnt want to sit by and just let it happen. So were you trying to protect the israeli flag or the American Flag or both. So initially there was no protection of the israeli flag. We just wanted the jewish students on campus to have their voice heard, very much like im here today to have my voice heard. We wanted that to be on campus as well. When the American Flag became, i guess, endangers the word you can use. When we saw that, it started to be lowered and it began to be ripped off, especially on a day where four officers were shot and killed less than two hours away from campus. Right. We have a flag thats hanging at half mast, because those that commit their lives to serve our country and to serve our states are being shot down and killed. Thats the flag youre going to rip down. Absolutely not. Not on that day. And so im honestly very proud of our administration because they shut it down immediately. And im very thankful for that. So isaac, i want to show viewers what everything looked like from your angle. This is a video from one of your buddies. Watch fascist, fascist fascist. Mashing mashing. Fascist. Wait a second. Did they understand how stupid that sounds . So wait. As as a jewish student, youre a fascist, okay . I mean, these are just dumb people. Im sorry. Theyre not bright people. And i know youre graduating as a junior, which is impressive, but these. These people havent read a book. It sounds like. Or they dont know basic history. Laura, i was called the today, so, you know, i dont really understand how that makes any sense to be completely honest, none of this makes sense to me. This is a country that has given people the ability to protest and to have their voice heard. And i wholeheartedly respect that. Regardless of your political affiliation, regardless of whether or not you believe what i believe, thats not what matters. And yet, when we do that, and when we try to protect the flag, we love. My friend stands next to me, has a Water Bottle Hit in his face, still has a black eye and is bleeding. I dont i really dont get it. I zach, thank you for joining us and telling this story tonight. And thank you for doing what you did. We really appreciate it. All right. Why cant President Trump talk about his trial. But Michael Cohen joe biden they can. The latest from the courtroom next. 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Choosing, instead, to focus on the really important stuff i apologize for update ahead of time. Todd blanche trumps attorney specifically reading a post that Michael Cohen made on twitter answer 22nd in which he refers to donald trump as von submits his pants. And i know you want to weigh in on v shits in pants. Where does he go to get his voice over back. Mike davis Article Iii Project and Sol Wisenberg fox news contributor. Mike, lets start with you. In justifying this gag order, merchan said in one of thinks orders this pattern of attacking Family Members of presiding justs and assigned to the case serves no legitimate purpose. So, justifying the gag order. Doesnt go both ways though, right . For people attacking trump. Lets get this straight. We have this key witness, Michael Cohen, who is a convicted perjurer and disbarred attorney making money trashing trump. We have the top prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo deployed from the number three office in the Biden Justice department. You have the judges adult daughter, Lauren Merchan making millions, raising millions off of this criminal trial requirings the judges recusal under statue. Voted 87 for joe biden. But, if President Trump or his Campaign Points out any of these facts, judge juan merchan, this democrat judge who donated to biden is threatening to put trump in prison. I mean fairly Tense Exchange earlier today between one of trumps attorneys and the judge apparently when he was asked to clarify the gag order, judge merchan said he understands there is a political campaign. But there is also a criminal trial and that there is no ambiguity in the gag order telling the defense if there is doubt, just steer clear. When the defense then tried to bring up another Point Merchan Cut her off and said im not going to go arguing with you. Does this sound like a normal back and forth in the courtroom today . There is nothing normal about this case in any way and this judge is remarkably thinskinned. And as we have spoken about before, i dont think there is any question that this order, this gag order is overbroad and the parts that are overbroad violate the First Amendment. And i also think that the judges comments about not being ambiguous were clearly wrong. When you read that order, its very it can be interpreted very broadly regarding what trump can and cant say about, as mike pointed out, the very relevant fact that the judge should have recused himself because his daughter is basically somebody who runs democratic ads for adam schiff and other people and makes millions of dollars and there is a very solid argument that he should recuse himself. And the idea that trump cant even talk about the judges daughter as part of the recusal issue is just shocking to me. Well, when this order came out, mike, the judge also said that the normal david vs. Goliath analysis that you apply to gag orders really indicating your impetus shouldnt be for the gag order because the defendant is, you know, david. In this case the analysis, he said, didnt apply because of trump to power and reach and ability to effect the way people feel and are is that the way you apply that traditional gag order analysis . Not at all. Gag orders protect criminal defendants going through the process, not the government. This is clearly unconstitutional. It is a sort of dam close over a criminal defendants head. If he speaks out against the judge, the prosecutor the staff, the witnesses, their biases or the process. This judge has threatened to throw him in jail. This sounds more like a criminal conspiracy under 18 u. S. C 241 to violate the Constitutional Rights of President Trump. Laura sol, any documentary or other evidence directly linking President Trump to any violation of the law that would indicate this Felony Statute should have ever been charged . So far at least . I dont think so. With respect to this statute, i reread the Opening Statement of the prosecution this morning. Remember, the charge is falsification of business records, which is a misdemeanor, unless you are trying to cover up another crime. The crime allegedly that trump and company were trying to cover up was Election Fraud or election interference. And its just not there. You are talking about you are talking about conduct that is a basic part of the american political tradition. Under this test, every candidate for every party for president in the last 100 years would be guilty. You cant try to cover up an embarrassing story . What about the Clinton Campaign . Remember they had a benbow Eruption Squad . Job was to crush the bimbos. Laura carville . Yeah. Remember when he said. Laura that whole ken starr. Ken starr is one mistake away from having his kneecaps busted. That was what jim carville said. Laura mike and sol we got to roll. Excellent as always. Not just antiisrael they are antipolice. Antipolice. Im going to explain it, next. Theres news, and theres good news. Like thousands of patients receiving free life changing surgeries, from volunteer doctors and nurses on hospital ships. All made possible by donations. We love good news. My name is ruth, ive done 10 rounds of prolon. Growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. My weight would yoyo. I started researching fasting. So, i wanted something that was sciencebased, and this is sciencebased. Thats how i found prolon. The 5day box has all the food you need, and very good instructions. I think the biggest thing prolon has done for me, is reset my relationship to food. I mean, i feel better than i ever have in my whole life. And i believe prolon has made that possible. silence carley we tried to warn democrats that they were playing with fire. But in the summer of 2020, they not only didnt condemn antipolice rhetoric, they embraced it. Defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police. Yes, i support the defund movement. Talking about the reduction of our nypd budget and defunding the 6 billion nypd budget. Many cities in america, over 1 3 of their city budget goes to police. So, we have to have this conversation. What are we doing . Laura we have to have a conversation. Oh my what are we doing . Says a woman protected by her own Security Detail 24 7. And four years later, we see how young people took the democrats queues. [flash bangs] stop, you are under arrest. Stolen. [shouting] hey, hey. Stop. [pigs go home] chanting pigs go home] and lo and behold on the list of the demands of these entitled brats, at the university of arizona, they even want to defund campus police. Do they realize they are carrying flashlights for the most part . Joining me now is paul mauro, former nypd Inspector General and fox news contributor. Paul, tell us about the line that one could draw from the floyd riot to this chaos. Do you know what, laura, i would go back even further. Having been out there for not only the floyd riots but the Occupy Wall Street riots, they look very, very similar. I actually see some of the same characters involved in all three events. This goes to a phenomenon that i have told a cicada protester. There is a professional class of Career Path Agitators in this country. People dont realize it. Its a viable career choice. Its wellfunded. They get money from all the usual suspects, the soros foundation, the rockefellers, you have jeff bezos exmoney to left wing causes, hands over the money and goes to all of these characters. Ultimately what you end up is a confluence of a couple of vectors. You have the pull back from policing and you have this professional class of agitators who never go away. They seem to be getting dumber. Now you see what we have here. Had to end to way. Journeys end. Coming to the dnc. Israelis going to go into rafah. Its going to get very rough. This time around, laura, i would suggest its a little different because we have the overlay of hamas. As somebody who did 15 years of counterterrorism work i can tell you the possibilities of serious radicalization on a domestic front here have never been higher. A reason even chris wray is willing to admit that. Laura these tents, i think someone counted there were approximately 3,000 of these tents, they are not cheap. They are not 5 tents. They cost something. Not every kid has a tent in college. So there is money coming into these groups, tracing this is difficult. Soros prosecutors let these people out. And many of these cities. But, police departments, paul, are already facing huge short falls. Nypd lowest since 1990. Chicago is down 1700 since 2019. The lapd has one in five positions now vacant. So with all these scenes that we are seeing on campus, is this going to help recruitment . Oh, god, no. The truth of the matter is that nobody goes into policing for the money. You know that going in. You go in because you want to be the good guy. You want to wear the white hat. And when you go into policing and you operate inside of a system that is at every turn adversarial to your efforts, here in new york city, they are still passing antipolice bills at the city council level. Designed totally to throw sand in the gears of the bureaucracy of nypd operations. Things like having to fill out forms for every encounter, paperwork for every car stop. Counting for every dollar spent. And its just done to slow them up and to make sure that they cant do their jobs. Thats really all it is. And as a result, you are seeing what we have now. And add to it the fact that they have to go in and clean up the mess of these colleges who dither as their campuses get occupied. Ucla, i dont know who was making the calls there its not the cops. The Political Class is hiding under their desk. Where has gavin newsom been, three hours of riots the other night and nobody stepped up to say we have got stop. This as a result you had an encampment. Laura well, gavins hair does take quite a bit of time i think even more than mine. Paul, thank you. We just discovered bidens new Secret Weapon for november. Were going to explain it, next. I will bless those who bless you its almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union but were fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews refridgerator is empty. Who are alone and in need of basic food. Shes embarrassed to ask for help. And thousands of others. Ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. You can save a life, just like ramzia. 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Yes, they are moving the white house to request that reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug so its not grouped in with lsd and heroin but instead in the same group as tylenol and codeine. Whats worrying is not the hyatt levels of thc, psychosis and schizophrenia that is caused in a disturbing amount of young people that do marijuana, there where they not getting enough praise for their pro pot initiatives. Joining me now, doctor marc siegel, fox news medical contributor and former donald trump assistant secretary general. How much further do they really want to go on this issue being that they are losing young people, they can buy them with i dont know, wheat . Head weed soo when theres a couple things going on, definitely political, paused greater across the board including most dramatically with young people. They are in the business now of trying to Reorder Society Including Go with the Student Loan Debacle and now with this marijuana reclassification to try to buy votes and get young people back. I think there is actually something even bigger going on here which you alluded to, which is at territory turns throughout history have understood that at sedated and drug addicted population is more easily controlled population. We have seen this throughout history and now under the Biden Administration and they say they are trying to sedate and ultimately control as well as buy votes through fentanyl, other drugs and certainly marijuanas before doctor siegel, this recent study at columbia, they do still research at columbia, found casual teenage use of marijuana increase the risks for depression and suicidal behavior as well as poor grades and casual users were up to two and a half times more likely than nonusers to have behavioral and Mental Health problems, yet the democrats doctor siegel, they are going all in on the pro weed agenda regardless of what it is doing to kids. I completely agree, when we were going to Ivy League Schools we can smell marijuana in the air but the amount of thc in there was 1. 5 percent, now its 30 high for 90 percent so totally different drug and its inducing psychosis and its causing schizophrenia, its bringing out all kinds of Mental Health disorders and its filling Emergency Rooms with cannabis use disorders. Its just an attempt to try to buy votes and make people dumb and dumber as you said. Want to point out one specific medical thing here that is outstanding, they are talking about schedules three, schedule three says you dont have much use much chance of abuse. Schedule two which has adderall aided by the way, you have a high risk of abuse Brandon Carlo guess what marijuana is . A high risk of abuse . All three of us just said why . Because it can cause psychosis. Regional one and three kids, teens would smoke pot regularly have hallucinations or paranoid episodes . Thats not abuse . Thats not high potential for abuse . This is an extremely dangerous drug now, marijuana, i call it something else, thc, cannabis. Its dangerous and is a disgrace its purely political as usual by this administration. Laura monica i know you and i both know our parents who have dealt with the most horrific news they can get of their kids who started on weed who went to much more dangerous drugs. Not everybody that smokes there . Goes on today heroin but you dont start with heroin most of the time. Horrible stories out there, its just horrific. We are out of time monica doctor siegel, thank you both for joining us tonight. That is it breast tonight, makes you follow me on social media, x. And facebook, jesse is next, stay tuned. [ ] jesse welcome to Jesse Watters primetime, tonight