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[ chanting ] jesse the mostly peaceful arab spring break is spreading. Leading by a lot in every swing state, leading in the general election. The poll numbers are the highest theyve ever been. Been. Jesse the judge threatens to throw trump in jail. As his poll numbers pop. Firstdegree attempted murder, ive read the whole bible when i was in the cell. Jesse they get it together series continues with a soldier from the latin kings. This is my life, my story, so i have to tell it. Jesse plus. [ ] [ ] [ ] jesse fox news alert, the arab spring break has officially turned violent. Columbia university over the last 24 hours has gone from a terrorist tent city to a frenzied invasion and occupation. After the Ivy League School failed to enforce its 2 00 pm deadline yesterday, the caliphate spread into Hamilton Hall. [ chanting ] palestine is almost free dragging people away. You are shoving me. [ chanting ] Jesse Joe Biden silent after a black box anarchists generous sixth themselves into University Buildings screaming. Overnight janitors were held hostage by the mob and jewish students feel the tremors of germany in the thirties. Some students feel like its just another tuesday. How do you feel about them taking over the building right now . I think that their cause is a just cause. Do you feel it was right to hold three of the janitors hostage inside the building . I think thats a false narrative. Thats what the janitors are saying, that they werent allowed to leave. I think thats a really false narrative. How do you feel about some of the jewish students saying they dont feel safe on campus . I think this is a really false narrative thats being promoted. Do you think october 7th on the attack happened is a false narrative . Do you believe that some of the women were raped . Just one moment, and you get out of my face please . Jesse columbia students are living in another world but thats about to change because the nypd held a Press Conference just hours ago stating that outside agitators known to police for their criminal activity unaffiliated with columbia are directing the violent escalation of the school. Police detailed their tactics. We see individuals scaling buildings, breaking into windows, barricades being made out of furniture or being dragged from the lawn into Hamilton Hall. Cameras that have been destroyed , and theres only one reason to destroy a camera, it is certainly not something anyone is taught to do in school jesse the nypd releasing images from last nights siege. The police have to be invited on campus to make arrests. Because columbia is private property. The Press Conference was designed to force the hand of the University President. All they need is a phone call. Police warning that the Terrorists Takeovers will spread this is an escalation that, while it began last night at columbia, we do expect it to continue beyond one building on one campus, but to other protests, to other universities, potentially to other cities. Jesse the columbia caliphate says its not going anywhere. The only problem is, they are hungry. So the geniuses build a little pulley system. They wanted italian but they could not really figure out how to hoist a pizza box to the second floor so they just packed sandwiches in the crate instead. [ ] [ ] [ ] this one still looks good. Jesse so its officially a standoff. Columbia is threatening to expel , but they are demanding humanitarian aid. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you . If the answer is no, you should allow basic i mean its crazy to say because we are on an Ivy League Campus but this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for. Could people have a glass of water. Jesse just like hamas they attack you than demand you feed them. They are literally asking to be catered to while they threaten to burn down the school. And the belly shirt on the palestinian guy in the background, fierce, not going to lie. The woman you just heard from wrote her dissertation on fantasies of Limitless Energy in the transatlantic romantic imagination, specifically karl marxs metabolic rift, exploring the imagination in poetry as interpreted through a marxian lens. Columbia i did not think you could make brown look normal but you did. Who would have thought that scrapping the sats, injecting dei, affirmativeaction and thousands of Foreign Exchange students would have created americas first sharia law school. Well done. Just like black lives matter, it spreading across the country, because liberal leaders wont enforce their own laws. Libraries are being stormed in virginia and innocent jewish bystanders at ucla are being chased down by Women Wielding tasers. Hey stop stop stop stop oh my god taser jesse at George Washington university, arab spring breakers desecrated a statue of George Washington. Spray painting genocidal warmonger university. College campuses look like Terror Teepees mark the quads and if you are a jewish student they check your papers and ban your entry. You guys want to prevent jewish students from entering . Of course im zionist. We are going this way. You guys have closed the entrance, we are students, i have my id right here. Im being blocked off not by security but by you two, you three. Im going this way, excuse me. This is what they do. Look at this. Im a uclas ucla student. We pay tuition, this is our school and they are not letting me walk in. Jesse in the 1930s, not these barge jews from stepping foot inside the university of vienna. In 2024, jews cant walk freely at universities in california. Protesters reportedly chanting go back to the gas chamber. Now if this bothers the squad. Aoc says the police are the problem. What we are seeing here is just a history. We have a history in this country of Student Activism and protest. To see a University Call Police Enforcement in on the very students whose safety they are in charge of i think is extremely alarming. Jesse morning joe terrified this is joe bidens january 6th. Weve all been sitting and watching this going what the hell is going on, what are these universities doing, why are they doing something, and i will echo the horror that this does look like january 6th. What a terrible example for our students. Jesse biden who cant stop talking about january 6th is hiding under his desk. Michael more says if biden does not get it together, trump is president. I like to speak to one particular individual. His chance of not being reelected i think at this point is so great. We are going to lose the election, we are going to lose michigan if we dont turn this around. If President Biden does not turn this around, that is going to do more to put trump back in the white house and i refuse to have donald trump back in the white house. Jesse before his show trial this morning, trump put the chaos squarely on joseph shoulders. The biden protests that are going on our horrible. He cant put two sentences together. Hes going to get out and make a statement because the colleges are being overrun in this country, the antisemitism, all of the problems going on, they are being overrun and ive never seen anything like it. If the people that know charlottesville, when you extend the statement, its a big hoax, and they understand that and charlottesville is peanuts compared to what we are looking at now. Jesse 20yearold College Students have shown more backbone and the commanderinchief. Over the last couple of weeks , we have witnessed protesters setting up encampments all over the country while they cower behind their masks and hide who they are. We stand tall and proudly and voice our message to the world, israel is not going anywhere the jewish people are not going anywhere jesse adam is the former taliban negotiator and joins me now. It looks like the nypd is has deployed a special unit up to columbia. They are staging outside. Looks like the quad a little bit probably waiting for the phone call from the University President to make a move here. How would you handle the situation . I think you have to let The Boys In Blue do their job. They do when they are called. I think the situation we are in in the first place, you mentioned in your monolog, we are here because of a policy of appeasement. University kids would not be in this situation if we werent afraid to act just like we are in foreign policy. Jesse 2 00 they were suppo. No consequences they put rush the building and now are holding it hostage. Weve all raised children and University Kids are doing what University Kids do. They do stupid things. Our job as university officials, our job as adults is to be the adults in the room and set boundaries. When you dont do that the kids take things over. Jesse when you were negotiating with the taliban, do you see similarities . One hundred . You called it a caliphate in columbia. This is how caliphate happen. When we negotiated with the taliban, we always knew that we had strength and action behind us. When you have no action, you have what happened in afghanistan, things fall apart. Things get taken over like this. You have to back things up with words. With action. When its all words and all appeasement, this is what you get. When its all words at all appeasement, you end up with an Empowered Hamas and this is whats happening right now in columbia. Jesse it looks like probably several dozen nypd officers in tactical gear, helmets, riot masks, look like they may be even entering the official campus right now. This would have been a lot easier if this was cleaned up in the quad. They had tense, you could come at them from any direction. This is going to be a lot trickier now because they are going to have to go into a building. What is that going to look like and what kind of challenges will that present . You are highlighting the exact difference. Look at what happened in texas. They avoided this situation. It can get messy now and now they have no choice to call in nypd in a situation where they are under leveraged, where its lose lose because you will see people against american students. Students. They should have stepped forward in the first place just like they did in florida, just like they did in texas. You have to avoid it before it gets to this point. Making the analogy to foreign policy, you to avoid a situation in russia before putin attacks. Youve got to act with action and thats how they could have avoided the situation, because it might get dicey. Jesse it will get more than dicey. There will be thousands of cameras, iphones all pointed at every interaction that you will see and its going to be exploited. If you have Men In Blue Go in and to the door is barricaded, you are not going through the window, theres probably two doors and you have professional criminal agitators as you heard the nypd person say, these are people known to Law Enforcement, theyve studied and trained in how to conduct a antiarrest targets. How gnarly could it get . I think the pictures look gnarly but i also trust our police forces. I trust to the nypd. They are welltrained and their job will be to subdue folks, people that remain threats, into it with the appropriate amount of force to make arrests. I do trust our Police Officers and i believe they will do their job. Jesse we are now hearing from cbs a report that the Biden White House wants to bring in thousands of refugees from gaza. Thousands of refugees from gaza, palestinians, and if you look at the polling, it proves they hate america, that they support 9 11 end, the october 7th attacks, and joe biden wants them here. What will that look like . The president should spend more of his effort getting our hostages home and ending the situation in the first place. There are americans now and now we are going to import people . Theres a reason why egypt, which is right next to an arab country does not accept Palestinian Refugees right now. We need to end the situation and the way you do that is you end the Hostage Standoff and you do that through strength. Its not talking about posting refugees, its ending this through strength and that is what the administration should be doing and thats what our administration would do. Jesse thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Jesse lets bring in former fbi special agent jonathan gilliam. You been looking at these pictures. What should we expect . This looks like its building into something. This is a Strategic Response. Its their riot police you could call them within nypd. They have to be careful here because your previous guest is excellent in describing the similarities here and you, yourself, with the caliphate. One thing that you have to remember, hamas is in iran Propaganda Machine and proxy Warrior Group and that is what these people are kind of going off of and what they do is they will use the propaganda of the pictures of these Police Coming in and making this look worse than it is, when they just try to push them out. They are going to use this propaganda and this is where the nypd has to be very careful right now because they can make this not just worse there, but All Over The World. These are happening in france, these same leftists, all the universities around the country, this is where the gang gets dicey. Jesse could you have used Campus Police to clear out the tent city on the quad before you even had to get to this level . They could have used Campus Police to shut the university down before they got there. Thats the problem. Nypd and all of the Law Enforcement agencies around the country need to realize what they are dealing with. I think its very interesting that you brought up that joe biden wants to bring these people here and put them in the vicinity of this type of our protest, because what that ends up being, even if 10 percent of those people end up joining these groups, thats a Force Multiplier and people need to realize that you can look at the tents at all of these different protests around the country, its the same tents. These people dont own tense, they had those bought for them. There are professionals that are bonding these types of protests and these professionals are in league with hamas, which is iran. This is what we need to realize, any Force Multiplier that they get is going to be a problem. Jesse we are just hearing that a considerable amount of students at columbia, undergrad and postgrad, are foreignborn students, these are Foreign Exchange students were these are people that have come from other countries to go to school at columbia, thousands of them. Do you believe that they are playing a factor in this uprising . Well i mean if the professors are playing a role in it, so our the different students themselves from different locations. You have to understand, and you know this, and most of the people watching this realize, that these universities are basically grooming and Training Centers for people. They are students are groomed to believe the nonsense that these professional Indoctrination Experts put out. And so whether its professors or students coming here from other locations, what you are seeing are trained individuals using what is called the useful idiots, and in this case those who are mediocre at best, in their Critical Thinking back or joining in on this process along with people who jump in on every type of social protest, whether it be abortion, whether it be animalrights liberation, the full spectrum of these people are here. Jesse well they are not that smart because they cant bring a pizza box to the second floor. Jonathan gilliam, thank you for joining me. We will continue to follow columbia. Plus, a former latin king. [ ] [ ] jesse we are watching a live nypd standoff with pro hamas protesters at columbia. Lets go to Alexis Mcadams. [ chanting ] reporter im going to walk you closer here to the scene so you can see what we are seeing outside of Columbia University. This is the Police Presence right in front of columbia. They have it blocked off for several blocks and theyve been moving more and more police in. They are in riot gear. This is what theyve done pretty much every time theyve increase their presence outside of columbia. We also saw a few busses pass by, nypd busses, which is how they brought the students last time when they were suspended. Right into police headquarters. So you can kind of see that area here. Weve also heard announcements coming over the speaker. I checked in with nypd sources who tell me they are just gathering here and have the ongoing Police Presence but they havent been given the call according to sources to move into Columbia University. We know theres been growing calls for the president of columbia to step down. People think shes not handling this crisis very well because look around, this is even on the campus. The nypd has to move into really try to take care of things. And we havent seen anybody arrested just yet but this comes after that night of chaos just last night, those students taking over Hamilton Hall. They are still inside, they ordered some pizza, some food today so they seem like they are comfortable, as are the protesters who continue to gather every night outside columbia. Weve been trying to check with protesters. We will try again. Is there anything you would want to tell the university in terms of trying to do you think the students should be suspended, kicked off campus great. Absolutely not. I mean theres so much history that weve seen in our United States revolution. These people, these kids, whether young, old or whatever the case may be, they deserve to be here. Without a protest, none of us would be here. What about with the way the campus was damage last night. They smash the windows at Hamilton Hall, they took over. Thats breaking Notches Campus Policy but violating the law. No, thats totally fine. I mean what israels doing, what the United States is doing is so much more than just worth row can glass. We will always be able to repair that glass but the fact that theres 30, 40,000 lives that will never be taken back. Yeah. So what will you guys do when the police come right in here and, you know, and that maybe handcuffing people and arresting them . We will do what weve always done. We will get arrested just like the criminals in the subway. They are always right back out 24 hours. Reporter 24 hours in New York City, thats about correct. That is some of the sentiment we are hearing on campus but weve seen the police move in, weve seen an increased presence but according to sources, no call just yet. I will keep you posted. Jesse thank you so much. Reporter oh jesse jesse trump trial in the case where they wont tell us what the crime is in the judge is threatening to throw the republican nominee in jail for exercising his freedom of speech. We are going to go back now to alexis. Alexis, whats happening now . Reporter im going to show you here, these officers just pulled up. This is a look here. They have their riot gear and they are walking in. We are talking dozens of police. This shows you the nypd is not messing around at this point. They are second tired of these students taking over the university and if the university is going to allow it, it doesnt mean the Police Department has to because things have been getting a little bit out of hand and a little bit out of control. Time to step in, even though their faces are covered here and they dont want to talk to the media, but the cops will go in and do what they do best, tried to get everything under control. We talked to the chief of patrol several times who said that they are not going to do this in New York City. They will send in the nypd, the citys best guys, and tried to get this under control. They will block things off as best they can because they dont want things to get out of hand. You saw what happened with the breaking of the glass inside and them taking over at that specific part of campus. They dont wanted to get out of hand on the streets or have more students say they dont feel safe. Talked to kids earlier who said they called 911 last night, asking them to come in and helped but they could not really do much because the university did not give them the call yet. So with all this increased Police Presence, it might have been the call that they got right now. I think this is whats need what needs to happen. That is not what needs to happen. Reporter what will you do when they start arresting students . [ inaudible ] jesse it looks like we lost the protester. Alexis, stay safe, great job. Lets bring in former nypd officer, bill. It looks like they are about to do something, you just saw them cordon off the street. I believe we saw some men in riot gear, police horses. What do you think the right move is, just to wait for the call from the columbia president . Well what we are seeing is a lot of political pressure both local and national. Politics within the Police Department and with the prosecutors office. What the right move should be in my opinion is to get them out of that building, place them under arrest for trespassing and nullify the situation because as you said, making a comparison to a petulant child, they will keep pushing and taking until they are stopped. And they dont see anything stopping in the near future. As that interview in the street, you heard that gentlemen say, we are going to get out in 24 hours anyway. We are reaping what we are sowing in law and order right now and its a sad State Of Affairs in my opinion. Jesse you say it has now been politicized, saying politicians could be calling the columbia president , possible democrats, we know morning joe thinks this is absolutely terrible for the biden campaign. Do you think shes under pressure from politicians to call the nypd in tonight . Absolutely. I think the president of of the college wants to take the onus offer and make the boys and women in blue, the bad guys, and then when they get arrested we will see tomorrow dollars to donuts we will see them marching out, waving their flags with no criminal record. That will only perpetuate more bad behavior. Jesse so the end deep nypd announced there are known agitators, the criminal element that have nothing to do with Columbia University, directing the students into how to take the buildings and how to resist arrest. Is that the nypd kind of force line forcing the columbia president s and to say listen this is directed from the outside, we know who these people are, you either do the right thing or this is going to get ugly fast . Absolutely. Things are being pushed to this ultimate conclusion. The potential violence, the buildup you are seeing is being used as a Propaganda Tool across the country to be reemployed in colleges across the country. They are planting a mind virus in these College Students. They are very malleable and this has happened between the professors and outside agitators that are coordinating this, in my opinion. Jesse the nypd officer, a female, said this would not stop here. She said it in no uncertain terms. She predicted this is going to spread in New York City, its going to spread to other colleges in New York City and its going to spread across the country. Doesnt she have access to intelligence that tells her this is only just Getting Started . Well there are various my guess is that joint terrorist task force, the nypd intel division, they are looking into this and they are not revealing everything they know but this is not happening organically. In my opinion there is communications all over the country, this is a coordinated effort and its again to rolling a snowball down the hill. Once you get into a certain philosophy it takes a life of its own and thats what we are seeing. Jesse thats right, thats why they should have cleaned it up on the quad. Thank you so much. Lets talk to katie, a former federal prosecutor. What do you think is happening right now between the president of the university, the chief of police and possibly the feds . Well at this point i think its ridiculous theyve even had to have this much discussion. Law enforcement should have been in there along time ago and started arresting these people but of course because of the pushback from universities its at this place where some sort of negotiation is yet again having to be reached. Jesse do you believe that there is an actual Terrorist Angle, and overseas Terrorist Angle through iran, through hamas, at some of the other guests were speculating . I think theres going to be a wide range of individuals involved in this but theres no doubt theres a conspiracy even at the local levels that these people could be charged with, even with trespassing and property disruption. Thats just local Law Enforcement even. Jesse so you have the local Law Enforcement. If you follow the money, see where the tense, they look like 300 tense, all the same green, i guess thats the color of hamas. And they are all purchased and do you think that would be able to put a case together, the money . Will theres absolutely cornet it in effort. People pointing out that tents that popped up are all orchestrated so theres going to be a significant push here today through the cases in the individuals involved but i would not be surprised if this is orchestrated at high levels at this point. Jesse federal prosecution if it ever goes to that level, or even local prosecution, how big of a role does politics play . We know that joe biden has to be gentle when it comes to the muslim factor. Its a very important factor in michigan, very important youth factor. Does that play a role in the prosecutorial mindset with these types of individuals . Well this is going to largely come down to some sort of First Amendment interpretation which is highly ironic given Donald Trumps situation. But these people are claiming they have the First Amendment right to protest. Whether theyve crossed that line if you hate speech and into unlawful acts is where these cases are all going to turn. Jesse hate speech would probably be more of a campus freespeech code violation. But you are looking at destruction of property. There was a hostage allegation, they would not let a Janitor Leave for hours. What other local beefs are we talking about . False imprisonment, property destruction, trespassing. All of these things are locally enforceable certainly. Even if theres people who are just following along, they are going to defend it and say the university certainly appease them for quite some time and theres going to be significant challenges on constitutional grounds because they say they have the right to do this but that will be up to the prosecutors ultimately. Jesse it looks like more of the riot police are now coming back into the area, which we have the camera, and walling the whole area off. Dozens and dozens and dozens of riot police out there, a special unit is now coming in. I think we have alexis back. Alexis mcadams on the ground. What has changed in the last few minutes . Reporter weve seen hundreds of nypd officers moving in. We saw nypd busses rather in the top brass from the department is on scene. I checked in with Police Sources who say they will end up moving to the campus and may be 30 minutes or less. They did not tell me if they got the call but you can kind of fill in the blanks there. To walk you closer, to show you what we are seeing, this is the area that the police are entering. They move the barricades and they let the officers go through. So its blocked off for quite a ways from campus. We are at one 14th right now. They have to go up a little bit. Last time they went in with there, you know, their crews, they went into the encampment. This time its a little different, its not just about the tents set up, even though they were given that deadline, you can kind of see whats going on. But its also about Hamilton Hall. The Police Officers will have to have a different plan but i want to zoom in a bit. You can see they have the zip ties. Thats what they used to take the protesters into custody because last time they ended up arresting dozens of them so they will have another busy night on the Upper West Side and we will walk you this way a little bit toward the area with the crowds and their crews here just to try and check in with some of these protesters as well as we get a little bit closer. See if we can talk to some people here. What are you boys guys point to do if the cops make arrests . So no plan . Probably not a good idea. Coming over here we will see if anyone wants to talk. What you think about the cops moving in . They might move into camp. This is supposed to be a democracy. Im visiting from europe and this is supposed to be the land of the free. This is not freedom. This is not democracy. Reporter what you think about whats going on a campus . Shame whats happening here is happening in atlanta, militarizing the police. We all need to be concerned. But this needs to be protected, students should be able to demonstrate and practice their rights. Reporter what about students that are paying thousands of dollars to go to class, should they be able to go to the library . I mean i think people are wondering, why cant their kids get into class, they cant get into their classrooms. They have the right to demonstrate but you cant get to the library i guess. We will move you this way a bit and show you whats going on. Its been a busy night out here. The cops are used to it at this point as i guess we are too because you see it ebb and flow. We saw a lot of nyu students moving in just a short time ago. They wanted to join the causal Solidarity Encampment too. What else to do i guess at around 8 40 in the night. We will show you this way a little bit and you can kind of see the officers there in riot gear as well. Our other camera too had some more shots of the cops coming in so we will walk back this way. But the nypd, when i checked in with them, they said they are kind of getting some of their main guys out here now, they are prepared and ready to go in but its private property so we will have to see what happens. Jesse alexis, or most of these people you are talking to actual columbia students or are they just outsiders . Reporter the ones we just checked in with were not columbia students. We will show you the police here. They are outsiders. Like that one guy said hes visiting from europe but why not come to see the show. Not a lot our students and thats a lot of the concerns the nypd has. Than the cops have to deal with this too, we heard from the mayor the other week, he said the cops come in, they are being called into help, get things under control and then they get called horrible names, told they are members of the kkk and yelling shame at the Police Officers like this is their fault down here. Jesse alexis, if you could put a percentage on it, if you could say, you know, what percentage of the undergraduate class at columbia supports this type of uprising and then what percentage just kind of wants to go to school, get graduation, take their finals and get on with their summer . Reporter i think it depends on who you talked to. We talked with a lot of jewish students today out there that said their parents are very happy, dishing out 100 grand to go to nyu or coming to columbia saying they thought they were going to come for a good education and then they cant even get to the library or to class. Some people think this is what they want to do when they are on campus, they dont want to get into the library or study for finals, they want to set up the gaza Solidarity Encampment so it depends on who you check in with out here to see whats going on. But its not a lot. Like out here its not a lot of students because you have to show your id to get in but when we were in campus for the past several days, you know, a lot of the people just want the president to step down. Jesse alexis, thank you so much. Lets bring in former fbi agent nicole parker. It looks like they are cordoning off the outside, so the outside agitators cannot join and they will just probably, if the call has been made, move through, Takedown The Tent City first and then go into Hamilton Hall . That would be my guess. You know, this is very unfortunate that we have even gotten to this point. This is a direct result of failed leadership at Columbia University. Those that had such a need to side with a woke Progressive Movement and have refused to take a stand. I would like to read, is a former fbi special agent, we continue to talk about what are the feds doing and its important to discuss because i hope that the fbi is as interested in this as they were in the january 6th investigations because in my opinion, what you are seeing on your screen is not a right to protest. This is a strong demonstration of those that have experienced terroristic threats. Jewish students cannot even attend their school in peace. I will restrain from dojs website. Title six of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and you tell me if you think it fits. No person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color or National Origin be excluded from, participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Okay i know columbia is receiving federal financial assistance. You tell me, does that fit the definition we are these individuals being discriminated against, against the grounds of religion . If they are, the feds better be involved right now. Jesse so these are civil Rights Violations, title ix violations and the federal government has to immediately step in, as they would if black students were being targeted like this or gay students or female students or any religious minority, any ethnic minority, for some reason they are very handsoff with this. Chris ray just gave an interview last week and said we dont monitor Protest Movements. Do you actually believe that he has no idea whats going on here . No, i think he knows exactly whats going on here and i understand that many times the federal fbi agents, Christopher Wright is not publicly speaking about what the fbi is doing Behind Closed Doors but i can tell you theyve been extremely vocal and in The Public Eye discussing generous sixth. I can tell you that if they dont get control of this right now it will continue to spiral and this is not what our country needs. You take note. What happened in texas. Im a native texan. The university of texas, they went in and said enough is enough, we will not tolerate this. University of pleura florida i believe had nine arrests. Its tolerated in new york and you even heard one of the protesters or witnesses say you know what, i have no problem with this. I will get arrested and be out tomorrow, within 24 hours. That is what is wrong with our country right now. These soft on crime policies do not work and now youve crossed the line and these are terroristic threats. You have leadership praising what the protesters are doing. This has got to stop. People have their First Amendment rights. This crosses the line of First Amendment rights a long time ago and it cannot be tolerated. Jesse it sure did. University of flowrate florida saying this is not a daycare center. Do goal, thank you so much. Lets bring in tomi laren. Whats happening at the white house . Reporter joe is probably already is a sleep but he should be up and he should be at least addressing the rest of not addressing the nation on this because this is a very real issue thats impacting cities and states all across the country. And then youve got his Press Secretary looking in her binder for a response and all she can muster the intelligence to say is that shes going to let the university handle it. While the universities are not handling it as we are seeing here. This is also a lose lose situation for nypd because we all know nypd is going to move in there, they are going to attempt to do their job, they will be demon lies demonized and painted the villain and then these pro hamas pro palestinian protests will also turn into deep on the police, blm protests. And we know that while these perpetrators will get out and 24 hours, they will probably get settlements like they did in 2020 due to Police Brutality so this is what its like, america, if you choose to live in a blue city, in a Blue State Run by democrats, this is the glorious picture you have to live with. Jesse thank you. It looks like we have some of the top brass now moving in with more show of force. Lets go back to Alexis Mcadams whos on the ground. We continue to see more and more reinforcements at the streets. Reporter thats right, you can watch them move in right now, they will move right through here, jesse, right and through these cars and we will stop here and let these officers move through. But they are coming in in riot gear, they have their batons out and they are ready to take action. This has been going on for several days and they have been waiting here for the call from the university. I checked in with some top Police Sources who are here on the ground who tell me they will head into that campus momentarily. Thats what theyve got those zip ties, those flex cops cuffs. Bringing an extra crews who are used to dealing with this. New york city deals with protests all the time so they know the drill. Unfortunately for the protesters, a lot will end up getting arrested. I think when you hear from somebody how many times over the several days that they dont, you know, if you get out of here, it suspended or expelled, if that doesnt work what will . I dont think they really care if they get arrested. You get hit with a Disorderly Conduct charge and we saw the other day they get out pretty quickly. We will have to see how things play out. Jesse thank you so much alexis. Lets bring in former u. S. Army special forces jim hansen. The nypd put out some images earlier this afternoon at a Press Conference, showed what looked like antifor anarchists, all black, diving through windows and they said they are known criminals throughout the department antifa what does that tell you . This has had outside agitation all over it from the start. We already know there is a ton of foreign funding behind this. There are groups coming in from all across the United States, the usual suspects are all in effect, and i think its time to get serious about this. The issue that should come into play, a lot of the groups organizing this have chapters in multiple states and are doing this on multiple campuses. That makes them open to a potential ricoh prosecution and i think its time for somebody to bring one. We just heard that the massive civil Rights Violations already in play, just based off you cannot religiously discriminate against people in this country or target people just based off of their ethnicity or their religious affiliation, thats clearly already happened for about a week at the university of columbia and this is just months after the president of columbia told congress at a hearing under oath that if you yell anything like Kill The Jews or i dont know Kill Israelis and that violates the Harassment Policy and they would crackdown immediately. But they did not crackdown. They had no intention of cracking down because they support these people. Thats part of the problem. Another area, because as you pointed out, they are being intimidated, jewish and israeli origin students are being intimidated and physically stopped in some cases from public participation, even in places where they paid tuition to be. That brings into play another crazy old law that might be applicable, the anticlan act, which prohibits doing exactly that. So i think its time for both the cops to get in and do the right thing and physically remove these agitators and these terrorist sympathizers, and then for the Justice Department of some good state to go ahead and bring the kind of charges that will stop this thing in the future. Jesse thought looks like its going to happen tonight because the university of columbia just issued a shelter in place order for that whole wing of the campus. That tells me the call has been made, they are positioning nypd forces to prevent outsiders from gaining access to the campus, and they are just going to methodically go in, dismantle the tents and then remove the people that are been occupying illegally this building. What kind of tactics would Law Enforcement use in a situation like this . They have a ton of nonviolent ways to deal with protesters like this and they will use all of them up until the protesters go ahead and push them over the line. They will use shields, they will use locked arms, they will push them out as much as they can, they will try to separate the worst elements from them, but in the end their job is to get them out of their. Whats likely to happen, unfortunately, is nypd will be smeared for doing the right thing, doing what the taxpayers deserve and the regular normal students are columbia deserve in the same way that these protesters have smeared israel for genocide thats not happening in gaza. Its a horrible propaganda ploy and people need to see through it to what it is. Its support for terrorism against our best democratic ally in the region and i think the students there need to go ahead and be held accountable along with the outside activists. Jesse because this isnt like the vietnam era. They were protesting to stop a war, they were saying make love not war. This is a different situation. This is a situation where the Protest Movement has sided with an enemy, has cited with a Terrorist Organization, which has been designated a Terrorist Organization by the United States, and are saying we dont want jewish people in our movement, on campus, they want the destruction of the state of israel. That is completely different than a traditional antiwar protest. Lets go back to Alexis Mcadams was now on the ground following another slew of nypd officers come in. Reporter hey jude a c. You can see all of those officers walking in. This is going to be an imminent issue. They are going to enter the campus any minute im told by nypd officials on the ground. You can kind of take a look and see whats going on. They are moving in. [ bleep ] fascist. Im making a lot of friends. You can see protesters mixed in with the police but they are moving in quickly and this is the Strategic Response group that is moving in. Theyve got the zip ties, they are ready for action on the ground. I just talked to an nypd source trying to figure out if they are going to move into Hamilton Hall were they took over the students that are ordering in pizzas and getting all comfortable supposedly until graduation or are they going to move into the protocols a Solidarity Encampment that president Minouche Shafik said had to be gone by 2 00. They did get the call from the president at Columbia University telling them they wanted nypds help at this point. It took a little bit. They came here the other day, arrested dozens of student protesters, they got booked on Disorderly Conduct charges and trespassing, and now theyve been called and yet again. So the school tried to handle it and it did not work. Jesse they could have handled it yesterday at the deadline because thats what deadlines are four. Alexis, how many officers do you see there, if you could give us your best guess . Well there are several hundred according to nypd top brass that they are moving in. In this specific area, these are some of the members of the Strategic Response team and then pushed further in right near the meeting main campus gates are several hundred more. So how money will go into that campus exactly, we are not sure just yet, we are working to get more information. But this is crazy in front of the gates, theres so much action out here because people started seeing the busses roll up and they know what those mean. Thats how they booked them and brought them downtown last time. We will check in with people out here as well. What do you think about nypd moving in . I think they are doing their jobs and i fault Minouche Shafik if she for calling them in. They are workingclass people doing their jobs. I think this will go down in history as a shame on columbia and shame on her. Other universities are not handling it this way. I hold her responsible for this. Reporter what about having those kids go to Hamilton Hall, Breaking And Entering . They will get it expelled and hit with possible criminal charges. What you think about that behavior . There was an oped in the New York Times last week whos title was the protests dont have to be perfect to be right, they mentioned some slogans from vietnam protests that we look back and say i dont know about that right now, but thats not what we think of. Room we look back at those protests we think back up the Great National shame of what we did in vietnam and i think this one will go down similarly. Reporter should Minouche Shafik step down . Absolutely. Absolutely. She should have stepped down a long time ago. They should have fired her. A lot of the other things we are hearing on the ground have been people saying that they are not so happy with President Joe Biden, chanting genocide joe has to go, oling a New York Citys mayor. We will keep walking this wait and see what else we can check in with year on the ground, who wants to talk to us, surprisingly people are talking a little bit. What do you think about the nypd moving in . Wrong way to handle it . What do you guys think about the nypd moving in . Shame on them. Reporter lets see if anyone wants to talk. Do you think the president needs to do more, a president of the university . Do you think President Joe Biden should help . Should help . Okay. [ chanting ] reporter lets try another one. Do you think the president okay, nobody wants to talk over here. But a lot of people not so happy with things have been handled so we will see what happens when nypd moves into the campus. Jesse i would not take it personally, i think you are doing a fantastic job. Please stay safe and keep us posted. Lets now bring in former fbi special agent stuart kaplan. We are hearing this is about to unfold within a matter of minutes. What are you expecting to see . First of all im very concerned for the safety of the men and women of the New York City Police Department. This is an incident that should have been dealt with several weeks ago. The New York City Police Department would have had an opportunity to set up controlled areas, controlled zones, use some barricades to be able to control those movements. That could put the nypd at a tactical advantage. Coming into tonight puts them at a tremendous disadvantage. Im very concerned for the safety of the men and women in blue. They really dont know what they are walking into and unfortunately, the reality is, theres a percentage of people trying to exercise their First Amendment right to protest and then you have those educator agitators on protesters that are hellbent on creating chaos and unfortunately for the men and women in blue, they want to go home at the end of their shifts and they are not going to have time to sort through whos a good person and a bad person. Unfortunately i think we will see the worst play out tonight. Thats a very unfortunate situation on both sides. Jesse its unfortunate and it could have been prevented if this had been taken a lot earlier. Everybody knew that this was a pot that was simmering on the stove that was eventually going to boil over. The fact quite frankly that i dont see the president herself there in solidarity, the president of the university, in solidarity with the nypd, using a full horn and tell the people look at this is for real and there are real consequences unfolding and we ask you to disperse. She doesnt have the character or backbone and quite frankly i guarantee you that there are people in the Police Department they would rather turn their back on the university and just leave it like that until its over because she is solely responsible for allowing this to become a disaster for the university. And not just a disaster for the university its a disaster for the country. This is going to be exploited All Over The World and the muslim world and its going to play exactly to what hamas and iran wanted to they are going to make the nde nypd look like brutes and there will be people on the left in this Country Piling on the nypd put in a impossible situation. We mentioned they are going in at a tactical disadvantage. Its nighttime Crowd Control was just set up. We dont know who is inside their and there hasnt been the intelligence work in gathering conducted earlier in the day this is all being done on the fly and now tempers are boiling and we dont even know if this Crowd Control system they have in place will hold. They could go in and people on the streets could pour past the barricades and god knows whats going to happen so god blessed the men in blue it didnt have to be like this we just enforced the deadlines of 2 00 pm yesterday we wouldve been just fine. Sean hannity it continues our coverage, right now. Sean welcome to hannity we begin with a fox

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