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Id love to see a movie thats on my mind, but i dont restrict it because i havent yet seen the real story about Donald Trumps gag order. Hush up, boy. His real zionism cliche. One time alec baldwin snaps again. D to got me to sit in there thd watch them clean up her blood off those tables and ground. And he had watched had t them to her out with blood dripping down her feeng down t. And i will never forget trans hit list and a bloodyhat f beat down. What if that was t your daughtewar . . What if that was your daughter . Plusf that, the trial of the ce, day six, the crime. The democrats still havent h named. They call it hush money. We call it a c star shakedown. H nothing in the law calls either illegal. Trumps free Speecing Callo ht on trial today. Democrat prosecutors want the former president fined foryt talking 1,000 a pop. Something tells me that wont make it stop, brags begging the judge to gag the republican nominee for president. From talking, the prosecuto. R are complaining. He did it right here in the hallway outside. Oh, no e. Right in the hallway outside. You have one president who acts like hes gagged, never talks, and you have another ert, president who, lets face it, a little gagging sometimes wouldnt hurt hi littl m, but its unconstitutional. Democrat judges and prosecut e cant make upon charges just to muzzle republicans in election season. They have a gag order, which to me is totally a constitutional. Im not allowed to talk, but people are allowed to talk f about me. Im not allowed to defend myself. And yet othed myr people are gog to say whatever they want about me. This trial trial i is like, you, this is all fine. Just in case anybody has any. Estion and theyre keeping me in a courtroom and its freezining b by the way, in a courtroom d all day long. Mpaignin well, hes out campaigning. Thats probably an advantagenobo because he cant say nobody. Nobody knows what hes doing. He cant producehes doiant ex again, they could put Rachel Maddow on the jury. L wouldntstil be allowed to talk about it. They could bring bigfoot in as w a witness and trump would be fined for saying bigfoots realeg bi. The tria the trials. First witness, the man who ran men , Tional Enquirer W david pecker. He testified that hes helped catch and kill negativetr stories about trump for years, which isnt illegal. The Lasumyearist Time We Che and since its been going on before trump was a candidat e ,it proves the arrangement was personal, not a campaignblow u violation. That should blow up the prosecutions case right therp thprosecht theree. Pecker testified, quote, i was the person who thoughtg wo that a lot of women would come out to try to sell t their stories because mr. Trump was well known as the most eligible bachelor and datee mostd the most beautil women. After trump heard this, He Leaneter Trumd Over and whisd something to his attorney, and the attorney smiled. Its attor a guy thing. Packer testified that one time i a doorman tried to sell a storym about trump fathering a child with his housekeeperp d. Wyer a trumps lawyer at the time, c Michael Cohen, said trump would take a dnaha test to prove it wasnt true and said itd be impossible for an irish german to father a hispanic child. Anyway. These are the kind of things celebrities and billionaires like trump deal with trumps dei Financial Success is largely based on his brand. And if his brand take s a hit, true or false, his financials take a hit. People will say anything forp a paycheck and people will pay money to protect their brandeoa and whats the fuss . Catch and kill is how democrats win elections. Tara reid leveled Sexual Assault allegations against biden last campaign. The press suppressed it for months. The media caught and killed the laptop. The medi for a caught and killed. Ashley bidens diary. The media caught and killed the epsteight ann story to protl the clintons Immediate Court and killed the Obamaed Farrakhan Photo protect the messiah the media catches and killsd countless negative stories about democrats every day. Our news cycl storiese. The na the National Enquirer does it for a republican and the republicanpublicans go to jail. Now, after pecker, theyre going to call the next witness, Michael Cohen, the star witnesswitnes the who a under oath hes a serial liar, n have been convicted on five counts of tax evasion. He stood before multiple congressional committees before today. And raise your right hand. Its word of mouth, to be honest. And you lied to those congressional committees, is that correct . Previously correct . Yes, sir. Es, a reporter for the magazine vanity fair has reported that she interviewed you the very next day on february 14, 2018, about the payment and reimbursement. And she wrote, quote, last february 14th, i interviewed cohen in his offic Sbruarye Aboe statement he gave the fec in which she said trump didnt know about the stormuttatementyt or reimburse him for it. Do you recall this meeting with the reporter . I do. Going so mike cohen was going to write a book. It wasa book going to be a pro book because he needed the money. And then his legal billsd he started piling up and he pitched an antitrump book that would pay him more money instead. And now cohens making money off this booe k as the start on witness plugging it on his podcast. Yep, thats right. The star witnessst. Wit of the trial of the century has a podcast. Why not . But he says he isnt a star h witness. Hes juse is just a narrator. Hes sticking his thumb h in the judgese is face. He doesnt care. And in fact, i dont thinkar. Hes going to stop. I think hes going to actually presk s judge merchan to do something more, then hit him with the 1,000 fine, because that thousand dollar fine istho, you rightly stated. Does it mean to him, i dont want to be a witness in the case. I dont call myself the key witness. I say im the narrator of this story, the star witness of the trial essentially is allowed to narrate the case, but the actual stae caserdant, the defendant cant. Trump can live tweet a ththe trial of the century, but every reporter and witness can. This is a but political a trial that trumps not even allowed to describe. In trumps gagp theres no cameras, and voters have to trust what reporters in the room saye. Happened. W the same reporters who pushed the russia laptop and Lahob Leak Hoaxes and just started pushing new ones like blood bath animals and dictatori on day one. And any time trump opensme his mouth, reporters call him a liar, he said. Bil biden. Se is al there is zero precisely zero evidence that president ging biden had anything to do with bringing, orchestrating, Running Thisestratinhis case ca so he says that pretty much every time its completely out of thin ai premuimr. Now, we asked cnn for c comment about this because b joe bidens number three guy at the Department Of Justice Bitenthe Biden Administratioft to resuscitate this dead case and delivered yesterdays opening argument. Cnn refuses to connectargume the dotsnt the dot. They say this. Cnns daniel dales addressed this numerous times. Have yous this a fact checks ann air and online bidens fingerprints are all over this. And cnn says there is no evidence because they wont dust for prints. Poli ti politiccss is personnel. If one of Donald Trumps lawyers left the campaignfe to work in the santa fe d. A. s office and All Of A Sudden the d. A. s office Out Of Nowhere brought Homicide Charges against alec baldwin for the rushed shooting death. You might say theres was beh some evidence that donald trump was behind the baldwin chargees. Ings tish james is taking meetings at the white house. Fannyes partying at carmelas lover boys meeting with the whit housee House Counsel. Met jack smiths guys mete with the white house, too, and this is just breaking. Special counsel jack smiths been Tryinsel Jackg to hide the white house fingerprints, which are all over the documents unrec case. Were getting unredacted documents that saycument the Bin White House was guiding the Criminal Case against crimump. T after trump leftice, office, the Biden White House counsel immediately Steppethe Housd in to the National Archives investigation. Deputy white House Counsel Jonathan Shoe told the National Archives lawyer , could we discuss the process before anything is provide d to trump . E the National Archives lawyer called this atypicalnation. Ng the fact that they were consulting with the white adm house. Then the Biden Administration instructed the National Archives to revokte President Trumps executive privilege, and then the white house directed. He the National Archives to refer the matter to the Department Of Justicetter tment of spearhei investigation, codenamed plasma echo. Besiind of a stupid codename. Besides a few classifiedy documents that trump claimed t privilege over, the fbi also fountrumcket mans love letter. The letter obama left trump in the drawer of the resolute desk. And oh my goodness, even the poster board of thedorian hurricane dorian, you know, the one that trump marked up with a Sharpie Trump headed for alabama. Most of the boxes were printednd out articles of memorabilia. But biden say as he had nothing to do with it. I dont want to get myselfot in the middle of whether or not the Justice Department should ca move or not move on certaininey actions that i can take. Couldi agreed i would not tello what to do and not in fact engage in telling them how to prosecute or not. A Serial Plagiarist would never lie, would be someone that said his family never took Chinna Moneya Money would never . Would they . And as the Biden White House waas houses Revoking Trums Privilege and directing the archives to meet with prosecutors, President Biden was scrambling to cover up Classifiedpresiden N documents that hed been stashing all over town. Biden was trying to nail trump to the wall while dispatching staff to multiple locations in different states to figure out what classified documents do and when. Where and if trump goes to trialp s on the classified documents case, he wont be allowedbe to say any of this because hell probably be gaggedcausil. And thats the point. Joining us now, former u. S. Fore attorney jay towne and former fbi special agens. T stuart kaplan. All right, jay town, this gag order. I is this legit . Its a constitutionalt and legal absurd d, jesse. You know, so the the Legale Lega Standard for a gag order is that a judge or a court cance restrain speech if there is anin imminent and significant threat to the fair and just administration of justic je. O now, if you can get towhere a point where you believe that calling Michael Cohen a perjurer somehow is a threatyo to the administration of justice by pointing out that historical and legal fact, if you can even get to that point to say, oka cany, gag order might be initiated here, you still have to balance itamen against the First Amendment. And the First Amendment is universally understoofirst d, especially with political speech, which thats what this case is about, political speech. And trump has a right to defendn himself. These witnesses are going on podcasts and television, and theyrg onts and td theye t on trumps guilt. And trump, according to judge merchanguilt. The, i saidsaid it its universally understood, except for perhaps in his ex. Ayinuniversa but judge motion is saying, trump, you cant defend yourselyou caourself f fe attacks. Youre just going to sit there and takel have it. Th this is again, this is it really goes to the permissive bias of judge mershon, and itn n really is an unconstitutional ab absurdity. Se so t so the star witness can call trump a liar, but trump cant call him a liar, even though trumps own lawyersling are going to be calling Michael Cohen a liar in court. T that and its already proven that hes a liar and theyve already done it. They how is this . By bypassing the proceedings . Its not. T all right, stewart, we got this new information, these documents that have been inon tts jack smith was forced to redact. Youve been looking through them. What ddacted. Looking througo th to this coordination between the Biden Whitite house house, the librarian, and the Justice Departmentd th . Rtment jesse, when the governments Redactiothe N Ends are removed and the curtain comes down,er its very telling and its very telling how ugly it really was at the time that President Donald Trump was leaving the oval office. Jus after he left. There is no question because of the revelation and that are telling within these documents that there was an Orchestratedthere Wart effort bn the white house and the national archivetional as to in on trump and basically Orchestratd Bae A Story To Suggt that donald trump and his team were noncompliant or not willing to cooperate. Cooperatthe irony and the hypocy of that is that gary stern, whos almost a 25 year vet fordn the National Archives, drafted an email and explained that its generally a very chaotic time when you have a one term transition. And it hadnt even they hadnt even completed the electronictrm transfer of the Trump Administrationp emails and etc. And so he was trying to calm down everybody and to suggest that he doesnt understand the hysteria. Hysteria however, it also was telling h that it was being orchestratedht by the white house behind the scenes to the white house is then saying, you know, librarians, why dont you guys refer this to the departmentrre of justice and were going to revoke the former president s executive privilegen. And then All Of A Suddenth the fbi shows up in mar a lagoe. The fbi was inserted. Jesse, theres a Memo May 5thy T from gary stern to the headi ha of the National Archives, the fbi, who had already been inserted Prioren To May of 2021. Thats less than five months tha after joe biden is sworn into office. S i mean, the fbied being inserted and being utilized at the veryeing infancy stages of orchestrating, gathering these records. Its just its itsnd unprecedented. And it certainly shows the collusio is the con betweene the administration sitting in the white house now and trying house n to railroad d trump in this case thats pending in florida. All right, stuart jay,so m excellent analysis. Thanks so mucuch. My pleasure. The reform, the Amish Stripper and alec baldwin snaps ahead on primetime. Thing imagine a future where plastic imagine a future where plastic is not wastes , remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our Planet Cleaner to help us get theree innova. Americas plastic makers are investing billions are investing billions of dollars to create Innovative Products and new recycling gs can h change. Because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. Hello, im former arkansas governor mike huckabee. Lot of times you cant control the amount of sleep that youre getting. You cant fall asleep or youre tossing and turning all night. You cant get the sleep. 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Grow your business easily with freelancers. Fiber. Nobodys safe from the prohamas protesters. Not even alec baldwin. Alec, can you please be pounced on one time . Why did you kill that lady . A you kill that lady. You got no jail time. Ja jail time, alec. L no jail time, alec. You put innocent people in jail. Alec baldwin. Sorrt innocenty. W free palestine. Ill just one time and ill leave you alonl leav e. I live alone, i swear. Just take free palestine. One time. One time. One time, please. C. One time, alec. U know hes a criminal. Yeah, hes a criminal. Comea crimincome o on. I just said free palestine one time. One time. Just one time, please. And ill leave you alone. Free palestine, israel. Zionism please say one time after alec swipe the phone from her, the two spilled onto afte the sidewalk, and then baldwin stormed ofr thef. The Protester Goesac by crackhead barney. Shes a character. Shh. Wead johnny was. We wont show it to you again,. But we get why baldwins upset. Hes a movie star. He should be ablhoule to handle. Himself a wee bit better. Baldwins always getting ints oe trouble. He got into it with a prohamas pootester just a few month got s back. Police had to escort him out. Sometimes its hard to blame baldwili had t. Harn, guys. Kind of a hothead. Fighting with paparazzi. We get it. Youre the one that almost hit my wife in the back of the face. Oh, you didnt. Yeah, i honestly. Yeah. You want to apologize to my y mama . A ques i asked you a question. You want to apologize . A question. Ou and when somebody tries to get under my skin, i always think to myself, what would Johnny Carson do alway . Probably smile, wink and walk away. Now, these protesters are everywhere. They found New York City mayor eric adams on a plane. Adams. Yeah. You support the death and parts of Homeless People over here. Youre with perry . Ways yeah. I actually cartying. E about new. Why are you in miami . You other people being arrested ,people who love the new york people cannot afford food. You keep cutting your budget. Are you kidding me . Thats all you care about. Poli to keep everythingce here. The mayor didnt go. Baldwin on the grill. A guy for got that. Thk god. While Donald Trumps been bee trapped in a freezing courtroom. Traphes had a Front Row Seat to the Protester Takeover Happening on College Campuse srk joe across new york. Joe biden said there were fine people on both side saires. You condemn the antisemitic protests on collegd the campuse. I condemn the Summary Protest that was set up a program to dot that. I also condemned thosehat. Hats who dont understand whats going on with the palestinians. The sides. Only sbothgo i only see one. Eei i do not see Jews Chantingdon death to america, Lighting Fires and assaulting cops. Toe. Ump called it a disgrac whats going on at the College Level . Colle c, columbia, nyu, others is a disgrace. Ally and its a its really not a vibrant it is the wrong signal its got the tone. Its got the wrong word is one is back and its a mess. Democrats across the country showed how weak they were w in 2020 when they let their cities and states burn at the handshe let of blm. Now, bidens in the drivers seat and these Radicals Knowt Th that no ones going to hold them accountable. Even fetterman thinks thieats is bidens charlottesville. He says, add some tiki torches and its charlottesvill. They se. E billr the jewish students. Jihadi Coeds Floodings Call The Streets with flares calling for an intifada. This is happening while hamas still hase ha americans hostagmae. Fetterman not as polite as i am ,its completely reasonable to want a ceasefir ie or to have a different view on that. Absolutely. Thats a democracydifferenew o. But it is not appropriate or illegal or its helpful to advance your argument if you show up in this garb. I mean, a starbucks with a bullhorneopl and start yelling at people and that doesnt make you noble. It just makent make you nobs y last night around 150. Wannabe jihadis were arrested at nyu after the nype arred was brought in to break up the Terror Encampments growing on campus. But the hotties and facultys yeah theres faculty thereis didnt peacefully but the arab spring break west. California students took overe a building and beastudent on poe. This protest more from democrat charlottesville j to their very own january 6th in just a matter of days. The movements out for blood and theyre gaining steam they somethingiced interesting about the makeup of these protests. A lot of wome on. We find it surprising. Hamas women, kills babies. Not not exactly the friendliest group of people to get behinexal so why are women fallinovg in love with hamas . Dr. Chloe carmichael is a clinical psychologist and a columbia grad. She joins me now. So dr. Why do we see such s a Strong Ratiouc of women to men in these prohamas protests . I dont know, jesse. That baffles me just as much as for palestin muce. But as a clinical psychologist, i can say that Women Apsycholo r on nurturance, agreeableness and trust. And so i can only speculate that, you know, women also dosol spend more time on social media. And so they are easily mso theyb more influenced by social media, which we know lean left. And if somehow theyve gotyve t the idea through all this social media and kind of an agreeable nature of believing whats being said there, neat hamas is in some insane the victim, maybe they feel they need to nurture or protect hamas. Also, women are more likely figr to want to please authority figures. And as you mentioned, the Facultand Asy are even showg up, which is completely despicable at these university is. Estsp on some level, you know, women are Graduating Colleges at ver y high rates. Its a good thing in some ways that they like to please the professors. But you can see that it canf really go off the rails, that the professors are going in theth wrong direction. I wonder if theyre Getting Better grades, but showing up to the protest. That would be so radical. Some events are exactlyt what we know that extra credit is given for showing up and doinr g, quote, activism. You know, and again, these are the same women that freak out about toxic masculinity if a man spreads his legs too widet when he sits down on the subway. And yet, you know, theyre theyre out th a t thereo has chanting about about hamas. I think what also has happened is that women have sort of clicked into this Oppressor Oppressed mentality and theysome somehow see themselves as edgyh ,sent to whatever group. You know, theyre being fed opp as there oppressed group. W and thats why, again, its baffles me. Men have that are going to call the police if somebody mse. Gender is them. A and yet theyll also show up at a hamas rallya. You say its baffling. Yeah. You say women want to nurtur e. S . What about us . Men like to ben nurtureliked. I exactly. Well, but the thing is, is that women no longer allowed to go and nurture just, you know, good Old Fashioned american men ,because those are labeled as toxically masculine. Becauseright. And then were spending all this time on social media, which we know does media we kn. Yeah, well, what can we say . Not the Jesse Watters primetime instagram account, which you should check out. I highly recommend it. Well a h yock out, all right. Dr. Chloes give one to dr. Chloe. Headed u ap. Thanks so much. Biden bailed out this violinist who didnt pay student loans. What is going on on american campuses . What do our enemies want to influence . They want to influence the thought processes of our kids. If you say someones pronoun in the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. The jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid. 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He spent nine years studyingmus music in college, undergrad and a masters degree. But when he got out, pay he realized playing the fiddle doesnt pay the bills. According to businesss inside insider. R joel racked up some Seriousac Student Debtkee Seriou and reald he had a difficult choice to make. He quote, Grew To Realizesignif that the only way he could make a significant dent in his studenict loans was by switching careers. He didnt want to do that becauset lo Loved Workingce in music. So he decided to keep his larger studenters. His loan in forbearance. So he kept on jamming while his debt racked up tons of interest. Well, that was until this past februar that was pasty when i got an email from the white house letting him know that the quarter Million Dollar bill hed racked up went poof. Who paid for it . You did. For it . Youre welcome, joel. Quarter mil is life changing. Money. The ne but joel told Businessws Insider that they didnt really make them jump for makm joy. Ad hes just glad he can start investing in his long term goals. Liken vesting taking an indianon Meditation Sabbatical to study with his teacherstud. N thou so even though youre tightening your belt, you can rest easy knowing you paid off joels 250,000 student loan while hes doingdon downward dog in calcutta. E. And there are plenty more jobs out there. E istheres 82yearold karen,mo whose dreams of professional photography saddled her with 175,000 worth of debt until october. Or 70yearold patricia, an aspiring artist who had just 88, ha00d 88,000 forgiven. Al all thanks to jol the biden. Ff you know, paying off someones loans is a pretty nice gif ia t. Wonder how theyll repay him r in november. Nationally syndicated radio host and author dana lash. Dana, a quarter Million Dollars went to joel. Joel, who needs to get a job . Joel needs to get it. Joel needs to get off his and get a job. Jesse, im being honest here. 49 years old and youre still trying to make it as a sto make up and manob up and get a real job soca that you can support somebody else besides your mountain dew. Live wire. Chiedozie and fiddle playing. Have ig habitst. I mean, you have to grow up at some point. Its not everybody elses responsibility, jesse, to assume these these people are older than me. Am why am i paying their debt . I came from nothing thg. I came from nothing. And i did accrue all oruft de that debbtt because i workedschs my off. I got scholarships. And if i couldnt afford i andf. I didnt go into debt for it. And if people are mad at me mad saying that, jesse andcrats wh they need to blame democrats who put all this under their contro l, joe makes me so joel d mad. Joel doesnt want to. He doesnt want to switcoesnth careers. He likes playing music. Oh, you know what . I didnt want to actually get up to go to work this morning. I wanted stay home and playt dark tide all day on my xbox. But guesy ons what . I have a gorgeous woman, jesse. I have bills to pay. Htod toi had to get up and i h. To work, and i had to do work. Thats what we do. Thats what i dont do. Ns thats what responsible citizens who understand duty do. And if theyre not following througfh, i think that theyizenp have to question their failed citizenship. Honestly, your schooling over your neighbor, the fellow taxpayer. Jesse, we just had a National Government that dar. D natiy last week. Well, we just. How is everybody happy with that . Wey ha just hope he has a nice time in his Meditation Sabbatical in india. We hear the weathers beautiful and hopefully you can send some pictures to us. Sol and he we can put them up at show everybody how transcendente he is. Thank you. And we feel like were living through the movie with jeremy piven. Were going to have like in a very poor guy, joel, on the show. Youre studying meditation. T youre studying or 2000 year double language, sanskrit, really. I mean, fod getsomething. R you g nine years in college for music, you can just practice at home. What did you think was there for the checks . He wasnt there studyin gwhen music. He was there. And at some point, its weird when youre in college y in co r nine years, you become the weird dude. Weirdude you become the weirdr whos like horndog. And on all the younger college students, i mean, with a hat like that, hes probably beatin hotg women. Hes probably got away with his violin. I just took me joe yankovic of who he is. I want to talk about jerry for an entire hour. All right, i got to go. Were going to have everybodyev text the show about joel and joel if youre out there. Wks thew aboue do want you t. We want to hear your side of the story. Dana, than hear yk you, as always. I heard joel side of the story. I need a drink. That what were getting from the investment. How much of joel do i own . Too much to wait. Too much . No one wants a piece of joel. 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The Landmark Discrimination Law which opened the doors forme women in Sports Education and the workplacports,e just gos transitioned on friday after the Biden Administration i expanded title nine to include transgender. Th the change would potentially undo Bathroom Billallys and ten states forcing schools to let trans students use whatever Lockerrcinschool Room or bathrom they want. The government is putting the interests of deranged surgeons above the rights and safety of young women. Ghts safet a 12 year old litte girl got her skull bashed in byl another student at an Elementary School outside of philly. And parents saylide of philli the attackers, a boy a who identifies as a girl. And the school is covering it thi up. This was a teenage bos was y who beat on a little girl. I call it what it is. I dont care. Dont look at me like that, mr. Fusco. Youre a father. What i f that was your daughter . What if that was your daughter . Washow come none of the articl said that it was a boy attacking a girl a . E how come half the people here kept switching between he and she . This kid was protected simply because. E they were trans and nt because of any other reason. Thats not cool. They have a violent past. Security tapes which the schoolw is hiding . Sure. The attackers sneak up on the girl and beat her repeatedly the he in the headtedl with one of those big metal stanley cups. Screaming, crying t, Everywhe Blood everywhere he went down in the middle of the lunchroom and the entire went do student t is traumatized. Parents say the school was tipped off about the attack. They a group of girls found outnt the trans student had a hit to hs to bludgeon. So they did the right thing and told adults multiplethin that day who ignored it. I went to the guidanceor and counselor and told her since t i was second on the hit list, knowing that there was kn somg going to happen and i was told, watch your back, she she is going to come for you. I was terrified and i told ms. Thr tory that that was happeninatg g. Not go and she said, dont worry about it. Its not going to happen. Hed laying in bed lasti wa nigh, i just kept repeating it in my head and we shouldnt have hadl to sit there and watch her repeatedly yelling that im going to murder you and justin hitting her with the stanley and i dont get how like that you could have stopped that. It was 5 hours from when i told you it was going to happefiven wn. And this mother reported a separate threat the student made to he threar daughter justs before it was taken seriouer jue by multiple complaints. That little girl would have been in school today. Umatiz and my daughter ised traumatize. So the transgender suspect was arraigned this morning where he youre not going to believe this Hit A Sheriff S Deputy with a water jugd and could face new charges forfa that assaultce. Primetime reached out to the school for comment. Commed. Nothing to ad in my book, get it together, people from all walks of life opened up to me. They shared their deepest Life Storiesd T life and some or most insane secrets. But just because we finishedr the book doesnt mean they get it together. Series is over. Toda the over. Day we ay, talkind Amish Stripper. Meet naomi schwarz and trueba, a woman who grew up in one of the largest and most conservative amish communities. Naomid mo , like many of thed amish, was sheltered her entire upbringingre upbri. The amish dont use modern technology. Teomi was raised without television, internet, cell phones, noternet, t even electr. She moved around in a horse and buggy or on foot. Her house was heated by fire and lit by candlelight. And she traded one extreme lifestyle for another. Naomi became a stripper and she joins us now. Naomi, pleaseplxplain explain what its like growing up amish. Whats it like growing up m amish . As a childish. , i loved it becausew. Thats all i knew. I had lots of work to do, starting at a pretty young age. A lot of farm work. Obviously, you didnt know who i was because you didnt have accesy yos to cable, whichs is really unfortunate. How did you survive r that . There was lots of farm work, gardening, cookingot o, cleanins making clothes, and there how wasnt a lot of time for play. But thats just how it was. S. And i survived. How did you move from being amish to being a stripper . As a teenager, i rebelledstrr. And then at 17, i ran away. My girlfriend took me to a strip club on a friday night. And before i knew it, i was on stage istag and it was very overwhelming. But fun at the same time. And i ended up Dancing Forrs 20 years. 20 years . You how do you go to a Strip Strp Club C and wind up on stage . I didnt mean to. So my girlfriend that took me, she was. She didnt tell me that we were going to a strip club. She just told me we were going out. And then wt that we were at a strip club. Three girls came and Starteda Bbed M Making Conversation with me, and then they grabbed me and drove me to the dressingh room with my girlfriend behind gigglinggirlfr and they strippea my clothes off and all agreed on a Hot Pink Bikini and theyh e put it on me and pushed me through the door onto the stagte and i was like, oh my goodness. It was crazy. Razyug htand i thought about my amishma family and i was like, im definitelymiy an going to r this. Everyone was cheering and clapping and allited excite, and i had 55 when i walked off stage and i was like, wow, that wasn wowt that bad. Eve so youre amish. You became a stripper even though y you knew you were Goingthe Mone To Go to. But the money way was gos good. Was there anything besides stripping . Did it leaind to drugs . Ul when i would go on stage, it was i felt very empowered. And for the first time in my life, i owned my sexuality and it was pretty amazing. Th the and eventually i started hanging out with the wrong crowd. When i startedwd whei going to college and i started doing coke and then crack, and once i got into drugs, i stopped going to college, i stopped going to work. And it was just the beginning we of the end. And thats when i realized that i needed to get away from the people that i was hangingth out with. If i ever wanted to have my life back together agaid ton i really feel like growing upve amish gave me a strong m on an foundation and a strength to move on in a way fromat that. Any advice for other oth people that are going down a darkerle tha path . Stripping. Drug abuse . Definitely. Like seek. Get suppor deft if you can ant never give up. Like there is hope. I if i can get through it, anyone can. And it was it was very ver challenging and very hard at times. But i never gave up and just advice. N just dont give up. You can do it. That ifget away you choose to never give up. Great advice from a reformed Amish Stripper. Naomi, than k you so much. Youre welcome. More prime time ahead. Okay. Are we done . Man orders coming in. Gardening business is never easy, but starting at eight months pregnant. Peowing upnd rightthats a. I couldnt slow down. Wh from the ground up. People were showing up left and people were showing up left and right anening bigd. So did our business needs. Unlimi when you go for Something Big like this. Your kids beat it. And they believe they can do the same. Earn a limit. 1. 5 cash back on every purchase. But the chase Ink Business Unlimited Card from chase for business. Make more of whats yours. A once ignored educational epidemic has a nationwide issue for Public Schools and become cockpits of a culture. 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Maybe there ands a discount, ms there isnt. System text messagens. James from rhode island. E tm cohens the narrator of the trump story. Can we please upgrade hip stm fr Morgan Freeman . Mark from new windsor,w wind new york. Trump should walk into that courtroom Wearingso Neworkk coat like joe namath, and it is cold here. Its like 45 degrees. Mike from rocky mount, north carolina. Jesse very good legal research. Ever considelinar a lawyer . I did. D i opened up the checkbook, got the logic section, and then i almost hadan a heart attack. Ck close the book. Doing much better. R who pretends to be one on tv. Newt from tucson is the ayatollah giving the commencement address this year at columbia. I think years back there was the iranian leader. I think he gave a commencementst address at columbia. I attended it. I just dont even remember his name. Mahmou it. D. Something i forget. Bill from chesapeake, virginiate. First time id seen a alec baldwin do something i liked. Golec bat to admit. Kind of like the two camenort from north carolina. Dont compare joel with weird al. Al has a job out. Yeah. God, i love joel. D, i i love the wrap. My jason from kush, alabama. How was joel . Not in. Hor. Retogethe big missed opportunity there. Always. Remember . Im waters, and this is m

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