Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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Laura hi im everyone imht laur. A and him and this is the Ingraham Angle from washington tonight. To a always, thank you for being with us. Apology to a killer pier that is the focus of tonights angle. S now, once in a while biden lets his old self slip out and he says something he would say when his party used to be a little bit sensible. Laken riley, an innocentom young woman who waans killed bye illegal. That is right. About how many of thousands of people have been killed by illegals . Speak up at the upset and his party and the press was immediate. It wasnt about the poor young woman murdered by people in the country, but it was about the kaletra that he used. He probably should have usede ta different word. I dont think that is the language but i believe he believes in his heart about immigrant people who find their way to this countriny to make a better life with themselves. Using the word illegal, that shows a Generational Differencem between joe biden, his age, and a lot of people in the room. N he should have used the word undocumented. I dont believe the president s. Heart is with the word illegal. Laura bidens Minor Deviation from orthodoxy demands a clear all they need is the. Form. You used the word illegal talking about the maakenn who km laken riley. Undocumented person. An im not going to treat any ofwo rdthese people with disrespect. So you regret using that word. Yes. Laura now, to most folksfo this came across as our President Apologizing for offending the sensibility of a murder. Well, the majority of americans are offended by the open border that bring s death across the border every day, thank you ver. Much. And where is our apology, mr. President . Of course, realizing they stepped in it again, theid white house is denying he everno apologized. Speak with the president in did absolutely did not apologize. There was no apology anywhere in that conversation. Apologize. He used a different word. Laura he used a differentdnt word . . Hat when i thought they couldnt be more idiotic, they seem to outdo themselves. Even if cognitively impairedterm biden, he knows the term illegal was accurate. Many of them are not eligible for asylum, overwhelmingly theyn are not eligible for asylum but here for economic reasons. Top talk on legal immigration, it used to be the norm for democrats. I think the American People a appreciate and believe in immigration but they cant have a situation where half a Million People pouring over thr the bori without any kind of mechanism ts control it. All Americans Areal Rightly disturbed by o the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country but. He it is wrong and ultimately selfdefeating for a nation ofte immigrants to produce Immigration Laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. Ou what t are we going to do abt the flow of illegals into the country of the United States of america . Laura now, 1995, that was biden at the end, by the way. As recently as 2009 when democrats cared about workingclass americans. T democrats cared about theiher jobs, working class jobs, and the safety of all of us, but not now. For democrats, americans killed or otherwise brutalized by illegal aliens are just now o Collateral Damage. With americans lose their jobsis or have wages lowered because of illegal aliens were foreign workers, too bad. The left and immediate protectorate want as many illegals waved into america as possible. The term illegal is accurate, but they dont like clear language because it mucks upde their plans. Mo lately, republicans have done a very good job of outing democrats on this Issuae Ifmo Crillegal is charged with ano violenw,t crime, democrats haveb decided they dont think that i. C. E. Should detained them. For democrats, illegal immigration means unlimited political power. First they believe illegals are future democrat voters and inevitably some will try to votr this november or encouraged to vote. And second, illegals are counted in the senses, many for although ikstates like california, illinois, new york, that have been losing population, illegaln could stabilize or even add to the representation in thoseat states and congress. So when Senate Republicans on friday tried to stop noncitizens from being counted in themo electoral college, not a singlel Senate Democrats joined them. More illegals, more house seats for democrats. Id that is they are thinking. As biden was doing mea culpa that wasnt really an apology for using the word illegal,hi donald trump smartly met with laken rileys family for the speech in georgia. I say he was an illegal t alien, he was an illegal n immigrant, and illegal migrants, and he shouldnt have been in our country and he would have never been under the trump policy. [cheers and applause] and biden should be apologizing for apologizing to this killer. Laura bidens Campaign Staff and forcing him to apologize made a mistake here. The far left in the open borders radicals may be offended by the term illegal but overall Voter Sentiment on this crisis issue is with donald trump. Eight in ten voters feel the situation is either an emergency t themajor problem a border. Only two in ten say it is a minor issue. Seven and ten voters say the white house has mostly failed on border security. Now, more americans will be killed because of the bidens open border. More of them will die from Drug Overdoses as well. More illegal alien children will be traffic. More sexual abuse and by women shuttling across the border. And this new party doesnt give a rip. This is a raw power grab and dont think it is anything different. It is a raw deal for hardworking americans. As it stands now, his old line, im just a guy from scranton has never seen more phony and that is the angle. Joining a victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover r institution. Victor, Listening Tohoov Those S that are as recent with 2009 asi obama and a post rain 95 with clinton and 2006 with biden himself, they really understandy understood what was at stake and much more of a workingclass Democrat Party so what went wro . What i think what went wrong they flipped california and will never have a governor likeia. Reagan or pete wilson from georgia or even arnold schwarzenegger. Cthey flipped nevada, theya flipped colorado through demographic changes. They found a lot of political opportunism there. That is where they change. This policy is not because ofngt naive but deliberate. The only thing that will change is the next election, the vote 51 trump pure they will close the border in a nanosecond. Laura right now the Biden Administration sees that this ih hurting them in the polls. There is no doubt about it. You cant deny every poll that i have seen shows this is a nightmare for democratg dos. The is it big donors and the plutocrats giving them so much money also having a big effect on this policy . I think it does pier that was the idea of the first threemone years. I thought all the Money Comingul from the left and Media Attention would shield them from the consequences of their crazy ideology. But now because such a pressingr issue inal the election is comig up, it is part of a general turnabout. You see it with crime, you see it with energy, little bit of foreign policy. They understand their agendaswat not what people want and shift before november. I hope people have a long memory. Laura when you look at this, again, the individuals who have been brutalized, like this new york city nurse who spoke out. You get the sense, victor, a lot of these people arent political. This is a common sense responsea she says she was attacked by an illegal alien and blames theof softoncrime policies for it, watch. I think the softoncrime laws are being implemented arent helping us liket citizee of new york arent helping Health Care Staff in dealing with these types of criminals. A serious percentage definitelyo should be on the border crisis. It was disheartening to find out he was illegally here in the country. Laura again, these are just a handful of the stories,es victor, you and i have been talking about. We have been talking about this for manywo years, but it is much worse now because of the sheer volumeer of criminals coming across the border with fewer police. That is a terrible mixture. It is. It is historically a characteristic, lore, the left loves humanity and abstract, but they dont care about humans and concrete pier they are seen as Collateral Damage ands sacrifice to this noble agenda. A all of these increasing cases w really worried them because usually they say, well, we have to make a left wing omelettes and we will have to break some eggs. There are so many any d so tragc and the people are angry aboutrd it, they dont know quitere what to do pure they are ideology says keep the border open and the reality says we have to maky up excuses pure they are kind of schizophrenic and joe bidethn s one thing one day and one thing the next. Ys tideology says dont use the wi alien and that is what theyin are, illegal aliens. They are mixed up on it. I think it will hurt them in november. Laura you are right, it has to be such an overwhelming lossnate for them and senate hoe presidency, otherwise fanatics and over border zealots. I have to play this. This is bidens own fbi director, victor, on. Capitol hill who smuggling at the border and what entity might be benefiting. Watch. There is a particular network that has some of the overseas facilitators of the Smuggling Network have isis ties that we are very concerned about. Ta thertoe is a network concerned about the as facilitatorsrr involved tied to isis. Correct appearance whenused victor, that they used to say we have to fight them over there. Tm so we dont have to fight them over here and we will have fun in a few minutes tiktok, and other National Security issue, but what happened to that, victor . We spent trillions in iraq and afghanistan. They dont believe in deterrence. So they think the most maximumhe entity, or they dont press the cartels, they will be rewarded by some cooperation and they dont see the cartels, the smugglers, the Mexican Government looks at all of this as a weakness to be exploited and not to be reciprocated with friendship. Wethat is true of their whole worldview as we saw Fromak Afghanistan Toin the chinese balloon to moss. People are taking Advantage Ofe th and ridiculed. D theywa have more respect when ty close the border and in a weird way they like us better because they feel wemeth are equals butw almost children and they willin keep doing it and doing it. E go a lot of people will die. Ar that is what is so tragic. They pose as humanitarians but they are very vicious people and indifferent to individual tragedy. Lauraomeb victor, someone sd to me the other daiey this is te Willie Horton of this campaign. What was done to that poor nursp lincoln riley. They are claiming they didnt apologize when they did. It is regret, not an apology. I think they are digging themselves in a big hole. Do you agree or am i overstating this . Absolutely, no, absolutely. L when he said laken riley, he identified the u. S. Football coach. He didnt even take an extra minute or two. N he had a button to remind her what her name was and couldnty even follow the script. They didnt have any empathy at all for that tragic murder. It happens every day. I live ground zero with immigration and i see it everyday hitandrun accidents, murders, no one seems to care as long as they are protected andue shielded from the zip codes or influence of money. Laura victor, we appreciate you, thank you. Coming up adam schiff has a new plan to sabotage donald trump plus a new warning from the fbi about tiktok for kids in our elections. The key point is the Parent Company is for all intents and purposes but will open to the ccp. Laura senator marco rubio reacts to that and new developments. Stay there. Business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. Its all day and into the night. Its all the things that keep this world turning. The gotos that keep us going. The places we cheer. And check in. They all choose the advanced Network Solutions and round the Clock Partnership from comcast business. See why Comcast Business Powers more Small Businesses than anyone else. Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Laura all right, when anyone tells you, oh, china in doesnt Control Tiktok Comei want you to look at them straight in the face and start laughing. Tiktoks parent Compantty Biteer dances chinese run. K this matters because tiktok is not just fashion trends or coolt workout tips. That is the catnip to draw you in. Chinese want tiktok to be american number one site for newsal, opinion, and yes culturo change. They said we want you to put out videos that make americansoe fight with each other, Conspiracy Theories and get each other at each throat. Fi bytedance cant go to Chinese Court and fight the Chinese Party but they will have to dond it. That is my understanding and i would at that kind of influence operation or the different kinds of Influence Operations you are Describingh Isare extraordinarily difficulto detect, which is part of what makes the National Securityik concernsto represented by tiktok so significant. Laura senator, good to see you tonight. Influence operations, data collection, even geolocation efforts, algorithms that suppress certain views and played others. How can any american and in a position of power not move immediately to force this 100 sale of the Company Tiktok from the communist chinese . To how is anyone against this . Because tiktok is popular and the reason they like it, what makes tiktok so good they have Artificial Intelligence thatre i knows you better than you know youre so. It is written in your mind and the more you use it the moret yt knows about you. The problem is not tiktok but the bytedance and their engineers in china are the ones that own neck that artificiali intelligence. No matter where you put my data or anybody i dont use tiktok but no matter where you store that data, you can store it in a safe in the United States. Have the engineers in china have to have access to the date appear theytrol controlled the brain oi tiktok, the Artificial Intelligence. The point i made today and the fbi director agreed is if theo Chinese Communist party goes to them and says, we want you to defeat donald trump and put out messages antitrump and pro biden, bytedance has to do it. It doesnt matter, by chinese law they have to do it. If they want o the data of all e users that live iny florida, thy have to give it to them. They dont have a choice but tot do it. W. That is chinese law. As long as bytedance owns the h avArtificial Intelligence that owns tiktok, we have a trojan horse living inside of ourrand country. Laura senator, your colleague ray ryan rand paul wrote that if Congress Bans tiktok, they will be acting just like the Chinese Communists who have also banned tiktok. Why not just defend the First Amendment . That is an easy one. Your l response . There is no First Amendment issue here. Laura thank you. We are not going after tiktok because of what the video saysrt but the companys conduct. The conduct of their Parent Company. The Parent Company is under complete control period that is es hostile to the United States. O the day they decide to weaponize that against us to convincegoin soldiers not to fight or convince families its not worth to fight in to get involved in t our election or spread things and make us fight against each other and further divide this country or to convince american teenagers to kill themselves because the world is about to end, they have to do it. If the chinese told them to do it, it is the conduct and nots the content here the website where people can con give their opinions but the control by thee communist party. R. It is that conduct we are goig after. Laura it is our adversary,rr our most powerful adversary. On we are just giving them all this information because they have some lobbyist on capitol hill. Tr and i know there are reports thi that President Trump recentlyer met with his Hedge Fund Manager jeff, a major league investor io tiktok and trump has reportedly shocked reversed his position on banninang the app. His former advisor and friend oi the Program Kelly and is also apparently working to lobby people on capitol hill for tiktok. Beit pains me to talk about this because my main my like them both very much. What is going on here . I i havent talked to the president about it. What i s read his he said it isl valid facebook will become more powerful than all these other but thate is a separate problec and we should confront that g problem too. Th i dont like the fact facebook and google have all the power. We should confront that problem also so pure they answer is to have a chinese with control in the marketplace. I those are two separate problems and we need to deal with both of them. Like i said, this is not for meh listen, if tiktok decides we will no longer associate with bytedance and we will find another company by the Chinese Company the algorithm and provide us the ai from now on, e problem solved. The poem is they wont do that or they dont want to do that because bytedance is a company and they are in china. An why would they give upthey 100 million americans whose phones they are in. L fiaway with a voluntarily givele that up . Laura rand paulsm First Amendment argument is laughably bad and he is a smart noguy. Senator, san trump is the presumptive nominee, he willecee soon be receiving the sensitive intelligence briefing, which evere usy nominee of a party receives. But the usual suspects are veryn unhappy about this. Watch. I have to hope knowing the Intelligence Community as i do, that they will dump down thenece briefing for donald trump and give him no more information and we can trust he will do the right thing with that information. I think it will be Analysis Void of the Methods Of Sensitive N things we are most concerned about p. R. They will not get into any type of detail. Laura senator, your reaction to this. These people are justny yapping. He needs the same intelligence and the other candidate wouldf l have and in this case a former president , some of the stuff wet know and have a background in. Nothing short of that Ispe Opelection interference in my vw and one more where people are drainage and hate of donald trump that they basically want to treat themats differeny than any other candidate thes. Nominee of 1 of two major parties. U laura senator, your name has come up recently in V Conversations with peoplice who know more than i do about the vice presidency. Would that be something you would consider . Your option is to serve Thety Country at capacity and youbeli dont belittle or walk away from it. It is surely not anything ive talked aboutto a because i have job heretr and trying toy jo concentrate on my job. Go donald trump will make it a gooe decision and picked a good person. Tohe has a lot of good people to pick from and my good friend tim scott and j. D. Vance. Laura you are toowe gracious, you are so gracious. Ee we are so fortunate and we have a lot of talented people in the republican party. You look at the democrats, the Kamala Harris is our wan vice president. Who with a replace with if they wanted to . Who were they replaced biden with if they wanten ned to . Laura nice pivot there,wa senator bennet an interesting idea. Great to see you as always. Coming up, the Rage Culture Isct Out Of Control. When teenager is in Critical Condition after a brutal beaont down caught on camera. The disturbing video ahead. Stay there. Laura weve seen so many viral videos that have circulated the last three or four years that show adults going from 0 to 60 in their emotions. You see them brawling and parking lots, his kids sporting events so it should not surprise us when kids mimic this behavior. So, why does it seem so many young people are raging Out Of Control . Maybe they have bad examples everywhere, like this video over the week and from st. Louis, missouri, where a group of girls get into a vicious fight. Someone video did it, and i have to warn you, the footage you are about to see is disturbing. [screaming] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] laura just a moment later the girl on top smash the victims head into the ground for at least three times pure the girl is in Critical Condition after suffering a severe head injury. And a 15yearold was arrested and charged with assault. Assault a lot more than aggravated battery. 20 meet Cynthia Garrett, founder of the Cynthia Garrett ministries. I know you have canceled so many families and young people over the years, what is going on with what seems to be a developing culture of rage . Laura, that video, and it is nice to be with you, but i tell you, that video is so hard to watch. It is shocking. What is going on is hopelessness. Hopelessness always leads to anger. Anger always leads to rage. What is rage . Uncontrollable violence. What we are looking at is fed by our media. It is not just like us the Mic Legacy Media but social media and everything on the show that you said about tiktok and band tiktok is so correct. I could not agree with you more because its not about the content. It is about the agenda that tiktok has to get in the minds of our young people and destroy our culture. It may sounds cheesy and overthetop to most people, but the reality that is what is going on. But is very sad and we need to get these kids on a timeout. They need to stop having transgenderrism and sexuality shoved down their throats in school. We need to get prayer back in school. We need to teach them about god and living for something bigger than themselves. For pete sakes, whatever religion you are, there is no god on the planet that says this kind of behavior is okay. So, we have basically created a generation of young people who have no value at all for themselves. They dont value the truth. They dont even know the truth. We are not teaching them the truth. Laura cynthia, what they do value is getting something posted online and getting like after like after like. That is the dopamine hit that i think gives them purpose. Very quickly, wrap it up. It gives them purpose because culture has made fame in getting noticed at something that that does not. That needs to stop. We really need to unplug these kids for lack of a better way of saying its pure they are plugged into the matrix and the matrix is killing them. It is killing all of us, you know . We need to put down role models. Laura put down the phone or dont give them a phone, how is that . Im a popular mother. Good to see you. School bashing to believe it or not toe sucking, an update on a story we brought you last week here with Oklahoma State Superintendents Office is now investigating two School Districts after more videos emerge of the shocking fundraising events that were shot between 20152020. Now the footage, no pun intended, is equally disgusting. This video was taken from the Youtube Channels edmond north memorial and public posted footage of students licking chocolate, Peanut Butter and condiments off the feet and armpits during the weeklong philanthropy events. Laura okay, im going to throw up. Ryan walters, Superintendent State of the schools. Ryan, what is going on . Kids cant write a paragraph thats not rife with grammatical usage errors, but they can learn this apparent talent, i guess in oklahoma high schools . Laura, this is not in line with oklahoma values. We will get to the bottom of this. But what we have seen is your viewers have heard it. The lips as parents nothing to worry about they target parents and fought against liberty, the lives of tiktok, why . The lives up to tiktok moms for liberty and parents across the country say we have to have more transparency to see whats going on at the schools they fought for parents rights. My office has been inundated with angry parents that didnt know this was going on, wasnt contacted by the school and guess what, laura, the left thinks phd in education means you should dictate for parents and our kids. We have a lot of phd and education right now that are out defending this behavior, they are out defendant being inclusive and including transgender ideology and schools. Frankly, i think we need a little less phds and education and a little bit more parental involvement in our schools. We have to fix this poem by bringing transparency and accountability. Laura it is fine to have a phd if you actually know something. You go from this to rage videos posted online. Kids dont have a sense of purpose and you wonder why . By the way, we reached out to edmon Public Schools for a statement in here is what we got. We are proud of our schools for the tireless work in immense effort they put into each of our philanthropy weeks through their efforts, metro area, his School Students learned life lessons how to make a positive difference in their community. Ryan, Licking Armpits is how we teach philanthropy . Really . Parents the myth that is the superintendent of your school, what is your response going to be . I heard in a dacian from parents across the state going, what is going on . How does somebody defend this type of behavior . We will get to the bottom and we will hold those administrators accountable. Again, this is a great example of joe bidens america. No accountability and no transparency in the schools. They call conservatives crazy for asking questions, but this is what is happening behind closed door. Im thankful for the transparency being brought across the country. Laura at this predated joe biden but it has only gotten worse. Ryan, thank you. Cashing in on indoctrinating your kids. The insane number of dei staffers and one of the top Liberal Arts Universities at america just got exposed. Chris rufo reacts next. Everything i do thats for my health is an accomplishment. Concerns of getting screened faded away to my astonishment. My doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay. I screened with cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofakind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball. Or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. Existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year not only will you save hundreds but youll also be joining millions who have connected to americas most reliable 5g network. Sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. Get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. Visit xfinitymobile. Com today to learn more. Laura okay, Blockbuster Rig New report refills, drumroll please, the Biden Administration handed out huge amounts of cash used on stuff that had nothing to do with covid. It was supposed to be covide covered cashmere to Fox Kevin Corke is here with all the details, kevin. You wild adl love this and at Ththat Old Average applies injo washington, follow the money. The America Rescue Plan joe biden said would bringd19 direct relief to families during the brunt of the covid19 crisis. Yes, that American Rescue planon spent 600 million and send iton over to the National Science foundation, which on its facebu probably doesnt sound like ae bad thing. Ag but there is more. The agency pledged to use the funding to Support Groups of individuals and institutions, most strongly affected b y the pandemic. A lot of that money is going to things that are not covid related appear to how much you ask . Check this out from the prebeacon. 246,000 to Numerous College to deepen our understanding of how floodplains responded to climatic changes. How about another 7 million to ut Austin Holcomb with a Wel Learning Environment that is welcoming to my nora ties researchers. I never heard of that expression and 181,000 to cal poly to c investigate the Structural Organization and changes they are in of a school. 219,000 to Radford University to study oyster reef erosion. A lot ofa covid over there inas those oyster reefs. Ed in total, the agency has awarden 23 million from the Americane Rescue Plan and grants since january 2023 alone to things that have nothing to do with r covid. According to the prebeacons research, the revelation undermined Congressional Democrats spending package, laura, which economists they help to drive inflation to a 40t year high. T i have got to check out those oyster reefs. That covid is dangerous down there. Laura i mean, school of fish. This is a drop in the bucketwe a truth be told, kevin. Exactly. Bi laura we are talking hundreds and hundreds to millions to billions of dollarsi wasted under the ppp, kevin, that was unbelievable. Great to see you. s speaking of blowing money, 20 million, that is how much the University Of Virginia reportedly spends every year on diversity, equity, and occlusiop personnel. This is a new analysis from open the books, at least 235 employees from uva collected alon 50 million in salaries and 5 million in benefits last yeao alone. Some of that money allows students to take workshops such asn an come i felt that, microaggression and its impact, or, that is the way of the world, introduction to dei. Then, the crucial free your mind, introduction to implicit bias. Yesiv, george floyd and othes rocking our nation and world,o there was a tremendous amount of activism. If we were going to be bold and audacious, right, thinking about her future, it had to be attached to actions that match that rhetoric and that action steeped in a level of understanding of resources. Every school at the university, it has diversity, equity and inclusion. Laura joining me chris rufo sr. Fellow at the manhattan institute. Ly a chris, despite what we are seeing reportedly where we are starting tuityo see that divers, equity and inclusion at some colleges as being pulled back, are we not . Yeah, that is exactly right. Of course my role as a trustee of new college of florida, we abolished our dei. Al all public Florida Universitiese got rid of thesepa departments because weacad realize the simpe fact, these are not about Epic Domestic Academics or performance but maintaining leftwing orthodox over the university system. And then in general, over society as a whole. The question is this, in the state of virginia, which Hasffic Republicans and one how several legislature and the governors office, why are taxpayers being forced to fund leftwingmi Csactivist Programs and becausef academics . Governor youngkin needs to get his act together. He needs to cut funding whatever levers he has because conservatives are sick and tired of spending their hardearned tax dollars to fund their enemys ideological programming. It is outrageous and not just happening in blue states. Laura eda told t the angle the report and question is inaccurate and overstates the number of employees in eea who perform dei roles as as well as paid. Uva had 55 dedicated positions and institution of more than ann 40,000 students, faculty and staff with total annual budget of 5. 8 million. Chris, that is what they maintain. They say people do dual roles and might be a dean of somethinl but also have a dei roll. I guess they are doubling up and not making any more money . In wealth, but they are Reallyat Doing is plaguing hide the ball we have seen this university after university. They play paper word games, Euphemism Games to obscure the truth about what is happening on campus. But the simple fact is this tha proper number of Dei Commissars on the College Campus is zero. Anything more than zero is a huge mistake, especially in a red state. Th legislatures, governors, citizens need to demand that these programs get shut down Ane Universities Focus back on, wait for it. The truth as the fundamental pursuit of our universities. Thomas jefferson, of course can establish the University Of Virginia would be laid out the mission, which is to create w an institution dedicated towards truth. That is not what we have today. And i hope that changes in due time. Lauraaw chris, as a proud Uva Law School alone, i hope bid this all turns around. Thank you so much. Nc bidens handlers hatching a milliondollar plan to convince voters, hes pretty young and vibrant. Chris bedford responds next. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Laura it is funny, isnt it . No, its not. What iss happening to the countrys company. I know a lot o i kf people in tr 80s, by the way, we have a. Sharp mind. But he does not. And no expensive produced could convince anyone of that. Tony me now Chris Bedford from the senior federalists. The age of bidens ideas. Okay, from the border to spending, how have his ideas aged, chris . Orte transgender seems to be central as five or six years old as far as the public understanding of it in the massive explosion we have had to deal with. But the open borders as a good idea is so new that he was kind of selected by Democratic Party buboes because he was only person on the stage in the primary who wasnt saying he was for that in terms of the staff. I think they are responding to donors here. Because previously, some of their basic strategy has been,nh hes not old, hes not confused, nothing wrong. He is fine. He is strong as hes ever been. I guess they are trying to pretend they are and on the jok they are in and the state of thg union, the Ronald Reagan strategy of saying i wont take advantage of opponents youthful experience. It inds a old tactic but theg white house is basically lyinge about it ever since and telling thnce American People they dont even know what they are seeing a or hearing. Laura one thing, chris, d they dont have their minds wrapped around, it is not really the way he talks about his age. But is not even that he is stumbling, although that is kind of funny to people. The results of his premises making him so unpopular. If the country was going really well was and he stumbled ont occasion, nobody would care. Ed it is what is happening to the country that are driving people to trump. Is that the case or a Messaging Problem . I think it is totally trueo and the white house addressed everything as a problem and not addressing the policy. Joe biden has been in politics a long time. You see the state of the unit,ic smart, political kicked in wher he talked about illegal aliens committing murder. G , he and kind of response where the public is at. Then you see the pulse of thend white house kick in afterwardsep with a fake apology, nonapology, i shouldnt say that and i didnt actually apologize and regret it. Ts that is what hes running up u against all the time because political instinct would tell you these policies are not working and it needs to be a course correction. A lot of the policies are basically religion for white house staffers that are running the show, and theyrs cat back away from them. Me laura they have become fanatics whether on open borders. It doesnt matter how Many Americans have to die, thesy hat to get the borders open. That is why that Bill On Capitol Hill was a total fig leaf. A it was a complete joke from the beginning. They knew ang. D understand republicans and they knew republicans could not agree to it. But it gave him a gift. Chris come i want to circle back to something i brought up earlie money flying around capitol hill on behalf of tiktok or cowith e lobbyists who are paying millions and millions of dollars. I think most lucrative contracts you can get out there is to be p tiktok lobbyist. What is happening . Well, jeffrey s, a big libertarian toner, someone putting millions anddono Milliof Dawn Mike dollars behind nonprofits, Senders Andpo politicians anywhere he can because he iywhes a major holden invite dance. Tiktok itikts a dangerous place right now because one point they are saying we are not controlled by the Chinese Communist party. And the Chinese Communist party will not let us davis and american interest. Not only a i spying problem and Pirate Problem from tiktok butac basically controls one of the most influential cultural weapons we have seen. The ability to influence youth. That is something that is completely illegal in the u. S. Laura they should buy every media outlet. It is a free market. O se what could it matter . Chris, great to see you. Set your dvr so you stay carley lawmakers receive classified briefing on dangers of

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